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raise LIBC libc.so libxml2.so __cxa_finalize __cxa_atexit __register_atfork __aeabi_memclr LIBC_N __stack_chk_fail dladdr libdl.so __stack_chk_guard dl_iterate_phdr __vsnprintf_chk __xmlSimpleError strchr xmlAddDocEntity xmlAddDtdEntity xmlBufferAdd xmlBufferCCat xmlBufferWriteCHAR xmlBufferWriteChar xmlBufferWriteQuotedString xmlCopyEntitiesTable xmlCreateEntitiesTable xmlDictLookup xmlDictOwns xmlDumpEntitiesTable xmlDumpEntityDecl xmlEncodeAttributeEntities xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant xmlEncodeSpecialChars xmlFree xmlFreeEntitiesTable xmlFreeNodeList xmlGetDocEntity xmlGetDtdEntity xmlGetParameterEntity xmlGetPredefinedEntity xmlHashAddEntry xmlHashCopy xmlHashCreate xmlHashCreateDict xmlHashFree xmlHashLookup xmlHashScan xmlMalloc xmlNewEntity xmlRealloc xmlStrEqual xmlStrchr xmlStrdup xmlStrlen xmlStrndup xmlStrstr UTF8Toisolat1 __aeabi_memcpy __aeabi_memmove __xmlRaiseError isolat1ToUTF8 strcmp toupper xmlAddEncodingAlias xmlBufAddHead xmlBufAddLen xmlBufAvail xmlBufContent 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xmlUCSIsTamil xmlUCSIsTelugu xmlUCSIsThaana xmlUCSIsThai xmlUCSIsTibetan xmlUCSIsUgaritic xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement xmlUCSIsYiRadicals xmlUCSIsYiSyllables xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols xmlDictQLookup xmlFreeTextReader xmlNewTextReader xmlNewTextReaderFilename xmlNodeDump xmlPatternMatch xmlReaderForDoc xmlReaderForFd xmlReaderForFile xmlReaderForIO xmlReaderForMemory xmlReaderNewDoc xmlReaderNewFd xmlReaderNewFile xmlReaderNewIO xmlReaderNewMemory xmlReaderNewWalker xmlReaderWalker xmlRelaxNGSetValidStructuredErrors xmlRelaxNGValidateFullElement xmlRelaxNGValidatePopElement xmlRelaxNGValidatePushCData xmlRelaxNGValidatePushElement xmlTextReaderAttributeCount xmlTextReaderBaseUri xmlTextReaderByteConsumed xmlTextReaderClose xmlTextReaderConstBaseUri xmlTextReaderConstEncoding xmlTextReaderConstLocalName xmlTextReaderConstName xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri xmlTextReaderConstPrefix xmlTextReaderConstString xmlTextReaderConstValue xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang xmlTextReaderConstXmlVersion xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc xmlTextReaderCurrentNode xmlTextReaderDepth xmlTextReaderExpand xmlTextReaderGetAttribute xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs xmlTextReaderGetErrorHandler xmlTextReaderGetParserColumnNumber xmlTextReaderGetParserLineNumber xmlTextReaderGetParserProp xmlTextReaderGetRemainder xmlTextReaderHasAttributes xmlTextReaderHasValue xmlTextReaderIsDefault xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement xmlTextReaderIsNamespaceDecl xmlTextReaderIsValid xmlTextReaderLocalName xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs xmlTextReaderMoveToElement xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute xmlTextReaderName xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri xmlTextReaderNext xmlTextReaderNextSibling xmlTextReaderNodeType xmlTextReaderNormalization xmlTextReaderPrefix xmlTextReaderPreserve xmlTextReaderPreservePattern xmlTextReaderQuoteChar xmlTextReaderRead xmlTextReaderReadAttributeValue xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml xmlTextReaderReadState xmlTextReaderReadString xmlTextReaderRelaxNGSetSchema xmlTextReaderRelaxNGValidate xmlTextReaderRelaxNGValidateCtxt xmlTextReaderSchemaValidate xmlTextReaderSchemaValidateCtxt xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler xmlTextReaderSetParserProp xmlTextReaderSetSchema xmlTextReaderSetStructuredErrorHandler xmlTextReaderSetup xmlTextReaderStandalone xmlTextReaderValue xmlTextReaderXmlLang xmlRelaxNGDump xmlRelaxNGDumpTree xmlRelaxNGGetParserErrors xmlRelaxNGGetValidErrors xmlRelaxNGInitTypes xmlRelaxNGNewDocParserCtxt xmlRelaxNGNewMemParserCtxt xmlRelaxNGSetParserStructuredErrors xmlRelaxParserSetFlag xmlDictCreateSub xmlDictGetUsage xmlDictSize docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit xmlSAX2EndElementNs xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler xmlSAX2StartElementNs xmlSAXDefaultVersion xmlBufAttrSerializeTxtContent xmlFreeTextWriter xmlNewTextWriter xmlNewTextWriterDoc xmlNewTextWriterFilename xmlNewTextWriterMemory xmlNewTextWriterPushParser xmlNewTextWriterTree xmlTextWriterEndAttribute xmlTextWriterEndCDATA xmlTextWriterEndComment xmlTextWriterEndDTD xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity xmlTextWriterEndDocument xmlTextWriterEndElement xmlTextWriterEndPI xmlTextWriterFlush xmlTextWriterFullEndElement xmlTextWriterSetIndent xmlTextWriterSetIndentString xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar xmlTextWriterStartAttribute xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS xmlTextWriterStartCDATA xmlTextWriterStartComment xmlTextWriterStartDTD xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity xmlTextWriterStartDocument xmlTextWriterStartElement xmlTextWriterStartElementNS xmlTextWriterStartPI xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS xmlTextWriterWriteBase64 xmlTextWriterWriteBinHex xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA xmlTextWriterWriteComment xmlTextWriterWriteDTD xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation xmlTextWriterWriteElement xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttributeNS xmlTextWriterWriteFormatCDATA xmlTextWriterWriteFormatComment xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTD xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDAttlist xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDElement xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElementNS xmlTextWriterWriteFormatPI xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString xmlTextWriterWritePI xmlTextWriterWriteRaw xmlTextWriterWriteRawLen xmlTextWriterWriteString xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttribute xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatAttributeNS xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatCDATA xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatComment xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTD xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDAttlist xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDElement xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElement xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatElementNS xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatPI xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatRaw xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatString xmlIsBaseChar xmlIsBlank xmlIsChar xmlIsCharGroup xmlIsCombining xmlIsDigit xmlIsExtender xmlIsIdeographic xmlIsIdeographicGroup xmlIsPubidChar __aeabi_idiv xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent xmlBufDumpAttributeDecl xmlBufDumpElementDecl xmlBufDumpEntityDecl xmlBufDumpNotationTable xmlBufNodeDump xmlDocDumpFormatMemory xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc xmlDocDumpMemory xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc xmlDocFormatDump xmlIsXHTML xmlNodeDumpOutput xmlNsListDumpOutput xmlSaveClose xmlSaveDoc xmlSaveFileEnc xmlSaveFileTo xmlSaveFlush xmlSaveFormatFile xmlSaveFormatFileEnc xmlSaveSetAttrEscape xmlSaveSetEscape xmlSaveToBuffer xmlSaveToFd xmlSaveToFilename xmlSaveToIO xmlSaveTree xmlModuleClose xmlModuleFree xmlModuleOpen xmlModuleSymbol xmlSchematronFree xmlSchematronFreeParserCtxt xmlSchematronFreeValidCtxt xmlSchematronNewDocParserCtxt xmlSchematronNewMemParserCtxt xmlSchematronNewParserCtxt xmlSchematronNewValidCtxt xmlSchematronParse xmlSchematronSetValidStructuredErrors xmlSchematronValidateDoc __udivsi3 __aeabi_uidiv __aeabi_idiv0 __divsi3 __aeabi_ldiv0 _end _edata __bss_start libc++.so 
lt gt amp apos quot < > & ' " xmlEncodeEntities: malloc failed UTF-8 UTF-16 ISO-10646-UCS-2 UCS-2 UCS2 ISO-10646-UCS-4 UCS-4 UCS4 ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-2 ISO-8859-3 ISO-8859-4 ISO-8859-5 ISO-8859-6 ISO-8859-7 ISO-8859-8 ISO-8859-9 ISO-2022-JP SHIFT_JIS EUC-JP EBCDIC Shift-JIS xmlRegisterCharEncodingHandler: Too many handler registered, see %s 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X input conversion failed due to input error, bytes %s xmlCharEncOutFunc: no output function ! &#%d; output conversion failed due to conv error, bytes %s %s:%d: Entity: line %d: parser namespace validity HTML parser memory output I/O XInclude XPath regexp module warning : error : out of memory error %s:%d: Entity: line %d: Char 0x%X out of allowed range Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! %s couldn't allocate a new input stream xmlNewEntityInputStream entity = NULL Internal entity %s without content ! Excessive depth in document: %d use XML_PARSE_HUGE option %s(%d): PEReference: %%%s; not found String decoding Entity Reference: %.30s predefined entity has no content not validating will not read content for PE entity %s Comment too big found colons are forbidden from PI names '%s' PI declaration doesn't start and stop in the same entity Space required after '' not allowed in content SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing PUBLIC, the Public Identifier is missing Comment must not contain '--' (double-hyphen) xmlParsePI : no target name Invalid PI name NOTATION: Name expected here '>' required to close NOTATION declaration Entity value required Fragment not allowed '(' required to start ATTLIST enumeration NmToken expected in ATTLIST enumeration ')' required to finish ATTLIST enumeration MixedContentDecl : '|' or ')*' expected MixedContentDecl : '#PCDATA' expected ContentDecl : Name or '(' expected ContentDecl : ',' '|' or ')' expected PEReference: forbidden within markup decl in internal subset expected '>' XML conditional section '[' expected Content error in the external subset conditional section INCLUDE or IGNORE keyword expected XML conditional section not closed Text declaration '' expected external parsed entities cannot be standalone EntityRef: expecting ';' DOCTYPE improperly terminated EndTag: 'prev : forward link wrong nbktext Text node has wrong name '%s' Comment node has wrong name '%s' CData section has non NULL name '%s' Reference to default namespace not in scope Reference to namespace '%s' not in scope DOCUMENT == NULL ! Misplaced ELEMENT node Misplaced ATTRIBUTE node Misplaced TEXT node Misplaced CDATA node Misplaced ENTITYREF node Misplaced ENTITY node Unknown node type %d Entity is NULL %s : orig "%s" content "%s" node is NULL ELEMENT Error, ATTRIBUTE found here TEXT no enc TEXT compact interned CDATA_SECTION ENTITY_REF(%s) ENTITY PI %s COMMENT Error, DOCUMENT found here DOCUMENT_TYPE DOCUMENT_FRAG NOTATION PBM: doc == NULL !!! content= Node is not an element declaration ELEMDECL( Element declaration has no name , UNDEFINED , EMPTY , ANY , MIXED Node is not an attribute declaration ATTRDECL(%s) Node attribute declaration has no name for %s Node attribute declaration has no element name CDATA IDREF IDREFS ENTITY ENTITIES NMTOKEN NMTOKENS ENUMERATION NOTATION (%s ...) REQUIRED IMPLIED FIXED , internal , external parsed , unparsed , parameter ExternalID=%s SystemID=%s URI=%s content= Incomplete default namespace href=NULL INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY EXTERNAL_GENERAL_UNPARSED_ENTITY INTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY ENTITY_%d ! ExternalID=%s SystemID=%s URI=%s Relax-NG schema %s failed to compile %s validates %s fails to validate %s validation generated an internal error failed to parse content Error: unable to register NS with prefix="%s" and href="%s" Object is empty (NULL) Object is uninitialized Object is a Node Set : Object is an XSLT value tree : Object is a Boolean : Object is a number : Infinity Object is a number : -Infinity Object is a number : NaN Object is a number : 0 Object is a number : %0g Object is a string : Object is a point : index %d in node Object is a collapsed range : external/libxml2/xpath.c creating nodeset growing nodeset growing nodeset hit limit merging nodeset merging nodeset hit limit xml creating string object true false Unimplemented block at %s:%d fake node libxslt node text comment processing-instruction Internal error at %s:%d NULL context pointer boolean ceiling count concat contains floor last local-name name namespace-uri normalize-space position Ok Number encoding Unfinished literal Start of literal Expected $ for variable reference Undefined variable Invalid predicate Invalid expression Missing closing curly brace Unregistered function Invalid operand Invalid type Invalid number of arguments Invalid context size Invalid context position Memory allocation error Syntax error Resource error Sub resource error Undefined namespace prefix Encoding error Char out of XML range Invalid or incomplete context Stack usage error Forbidden variable ?? Unknown error ?? NodeSet is NULL ! Set contains %d nodes: Value Tree is NULL ! Node is NULL ! Step is NULL EQUAL = EQUAL != CMP < CMP > PLUS - PLUS + PLUS unary - PLUS unary - - MULT * MULT div MULT mod UNION ROOT NODE RESET SORT 'ancestors' 'ancestors-or-self' 'attributes' 'child' 'descendant' 'descendant-or-self' 'following' 'following-siblings' 'namespace' 'preceding' 'none' 'type' 'PI' 'all' 'namespace' 'name' 'node' 'comment' 'text' UNKNOWN %d xmlPointerListCreate: allocating item comparing nodesets range-to creating evaluation context xmlXPathCompOpEval: variable %s bound to undefined prefix %s xmlXPathCompOpEval: parameter error XPath: unknown precompiled operation %d allocating locationset xmlXPtrEval: evaluation failed to return a node set xmlXPtrEval: object(s) left on the eval stack external/libxml2/xpointer.c Memory allocation failed : %s detected a recursion in %s http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude fallback href parse invalid value %s for 'parse' failed build URL invalid value URI %s Invalid fragment identifier in URI %s use the xpointer attribute could not load %s, and no fallback was found could not create XPointer context XPointer evaluation failed: #%s XPointer selects unexpected nodes: #%s trying to build relative URI from %s trying to rebuild base from %s cannot allocate parser context fragment identifier forbidden for text: %s text serialization of document not available encoding %s not supported %s contains invalid char XInclude error: would result in multiple root nodes failed to build node docbParseChunk() deprecated function reached Resolve URI %s XML_DEBUG_CATALOG catalog SYSTEM PUBLIC DELEGATE ENTITY DOCTYPE LINKTYPE NOTATION SGMLDECL DOCUMENT CATALOG BASE urn:publicid: Public URN ID %s expanded to NULL Public URN ID expanded to %s System URN ID %s expanded to NULL System URN ID expanded to %s Failed to parse catalog %s urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog prefer system public Invalid value for prefer: '%s' group publicId systemId rewriteSystem systemIdStartString rewritePrefix delegatePublic publicIdStartString delegateSystem rewriteURI uriStartString delegateURI nextCatalog Detected recursion in catalog %s Using rewriting rule %s http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/release/1.0/catalog.dtd 20902-GITv2.9.2-48-g4b31d61 executing c14n xmlC14NExecute: output buffer encoder != NULL but C14N requires UTF8 output xmlC14NExecute: unable to create C14N context creating context xmlC14NNewCtx: xmlC14NVisibleNsStackCreate failed creating namespaces stack processing node list processing node normalizing text node checking for relative namespaces processing namespaces axis processing attributes axis processing childrens list parsing namespace uri saving namespaces stack processing namespaces axis (c14n) creating namespaces list (c14n) processing namespaces axis (exc c14n) creating namespaces list (exc c14n) shifting namespaces stack creating attributes list processing xml:base attribute processing xml:base attribute - can't get attr value processing xml:base attribute - can't modify uri processing xml:base attribute - can't construct uri processing xml:base attribute - can't construct attribute restoring namespaces stack Unknown node type %d found : %s buffer error: text too long %d counters: %d: min %d max %d epsilon transition left at runtime epsilon charval ranges subexpr string anychar anyspace notspace initname notinitname namechar notnamechar decimal notdecimal realchar notrealchar LETTER LETTER_UPPERCASE LETTER_LOWERCASE LETTER_TITLECASE LETTER_MODIFIER LETTER_OTHERS MARK MARK_NONSPACING MARK_SPACECOMBINING MARK_ENCLOSING NUMBER NUMBER_DECIMAL NUMBER_LETTER NUMBER_OTHERS PUNCT PUNCT_CONNECTOR PUNCT_DASH PUNCT_OPEN PUNCT_CLOSE PUNCT_INITQUOTE PUNCT_FINQUOTE PUNCT_OTHERS SEPAR_SPACE SEPAR_LINE state: START FINAL %d, %d transitions: trans: removed last not determinist, not determinist, counted %d, all transition, count based %d, epsilon to %d char %c atom %d, to %d allocating range allocating counter external/libxml2/xmlschemas.c xmlSchemaCheckFacet a type user derived type has no base type Internal error: xmlSchemaCheckFacet, failed to validate the value '%s' of the facet '%s' against the base type The value '%s' of the facet does not validate against the base type '%s' value was not computed The value '%s' of the facet 'pattern' is not a valid regular expression validating facet value nonNegativeInteger positiveInteger The document has no document element Internal error: xmlSchemaComponentListFree, unexpected component type '%s' complex type definition simple type definition element declaration attribute use attribute declaration model group definition attribute group definition notation declaration model group (sequence) model group (choice) model group (all) unique identity-constraint key identity-constraint Not a schema component Type: NULL [unknown] [empty] [element] [mixed] base type: '%s' ns '%s' attributes: [prohibition] [reference] [use] '%s' atomic type 'xs: list type 'xs: union type 'xs: simple type 'xs: local atomic type list type union type simple type facet ' Element ' , attribute ' http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema skip lax strict The schema document '%s' cannot be imported, since it was already included or redefined The schema document '%s' cannot be included or redefined, since it was already imported Skipping import of schema located at '%s' for the namespace '%s', since this namespace was already imported with the schema located at '%s' trying to load a schema doc, but a doc is already assigned to the schema bucket xmlSchemaGetDoc, allocating a parser context Failed to parse the XML resource '%s' No information for parsing was provided with the given schema parser context. The document '%s' has no document element The XML document '%s' is not a schema document targetNamespace xmlSchemaBucketCreate no main schema on constructor allocating schema bucket first bucket but it's an include or redefine main bucket but it's not the first one failed to add the schema bucket to the hash allocating new item list growing item list (qualified | unqualified) (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution)) The value '%s' of simple type 'xs:ID' is not a valid 'xs:NCName' validation using the given type is not supported while parsing a schema qualified unqualified '%s' is not a valid value of the local the extension restriction list union redefine annotation complexType simpleType element attribute attributeGroup notation ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*) Internal error: xmlSchemaPValAttr, the given type '%s' is not a built-in type. namespace schemaLocation (annotation?) The value of the attribute 'namespace' must not match the target namespace '%s' of the importing schema The attribute 'namespace' must be existent if the importing schema has no target namespace Failed to locate a schema at location '%s'. Skipping the import no constructor Failed to load the document '%s' for inclusion Failed to load the document '%s' for redefinition The target namespace of the included/redefined schema '%s' has to be absent, since the including/redefining schema has no target namespace The target namespace '%s' of the included/redefined schema '%s' differs from '%s' of the including/redefining schema (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))* could not build an URI from the schemaLocation abstract final (#all | List of (extension | restriction)) block choice sequence anyAttribute (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))) This is a redefinition, thus the  must have a  or  grand-child Internal error: xmlSchemaAddAnnotation, The item is not a annotated schema component This is a redefinition, but the QName value '%s' of the 'base' attribute does not match the type's designation '%s' The attribute 'base' and the  child are mutually exclusive Either the attribute 'base' or a  child must be present minInclusive minExclusive maxInclusive maxExclusive totalDigits fractionDigits pattern enumeration whiteSpace length maxLength minLength annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)) The value '%s' of simple type 'xs:QName' has no corresponding namespace declaration in scope fixed (annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))) (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) xs:nonNegativeInteger (xs:nonNegativeInteger | unbounded) maxOccurs minOccurs Invalid value for maxOccurs (must be 0 or 1) (annotation?, (annotation?, element*) The redefining model group definition '%s' must not contain more than one reference to the redefined definition The redefining model group definition '%s' must not contain a reference to the redefined definition with a maxOccurs/minOccurs other than 1 processContents ##other ((##any | ##other) | List of (xs:anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local))) creating wildcard namespace constraint References from this schema to components in no namespace are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statement References from this schema to components in the namespace '%s' are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statement type form The value of the attribute 'use' must be 'optional' if the attribute 'default' is present The target namespace must not match '%s' The value of the attribute must not match 'xmlns' Skipping attribute use prohibition, since it is pointless inside an  Skipping attribute use prohibition, since it is pointless when extending a type The attribute 'type' and the  child are mutually exclusive (annotation?, simpleType?) http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance allocating attribute allocating attribute use prohibition The redefining attribute group definition '%s' must not contain more than one reference to the redefined definition (annotation?, (restriction | list | union)) This is a redefinition, thus the  must have a  child itemType The attribute 'itemType' and the  child are mutually exclusive Either the attribute 'itemType' or the  child must be present memberTypes xmlSchemaParseUnion, allocating a type link Either the attribute 'memberTypes' or at least one  child must be present Only the attributes 'minOccurs', 'maxOccurs' and 'id' are allowed in addition to 'ref' substitutionGroup The attribute 'type' and the  child are mutually exclusive (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*)) refer allocating a 'selector' of an identity-constraint definition Internal error: xmlSchemaParseIDCSelectorAndField, validating the XPath expression of a IDC selector. Notation has no name add annotation The %s '%s' to be redefined could not be found in the redefined schema The referenced %s was already redefined. Multiple redefinition of the same component is not supported %s, attribute '%s': The QName value '%s' does not resolve to a(n) %s. The particle's {max occurs} must be 1, since the reference resolves to an 'all' model group allocating a type link A model group definition is referenced, but it contains an 'all' model group, which cannot be contained by model groups The cardinality of the keyref differs from the cardinality of the referenced key/unique '%s' Circular reference to the model group definition '%s' defined Circular reference to the attribute group '%s' defined Skipping pointless attribute use prohibition '%s', since a corresponding attribute use exists already in the type definition type has no base-type assigned xmlSchemaFixupSimpleTypeStageTwo missing baseType No base type existent The base type '%s' is not a simple type A type, derived by list or union, must have the simple ur-type definition as base type, not '%s' The variety is absent The 'final' of its base type '%s' must not contain 'restriction' The base type '%s' is not an atomic simple type failed to evaluate the item type The item type '%s' does not have a variety of atomic or union The item type is a union type, but the member type '%s' of this item type is not atomic The final of its item type '%s' must not contain 'list' The base type '%s' must be a list type The 'final' of the base type '%s' must not contain 'restriction' failed to eval the item type of a base type The item type '%s' is not validly derived from the item type '%s' of the base type '%s' The member type '%s' is neither an atomic, nor a list type The 'final' of member type '%s' contains 'union' The base type '%s' is not a union type different number of member types in base The member type %s is not validly derived from its corresponding member type %s of the base type %s %s: The facet '%s' is not allowed on types derived from the type %s. Internal error: xmlSchemaCreateVCtxtOnPCtxt, failed to create a temp. validation context. It is an error for both 'length' and either of 'minLength' or 'maxLength' to be specified on the same type definition It is an error for both '%s' and '%s' to be specified on the same type definition The base type's facet is 'fixed', thus the value must not differ The 'whitespace' value has to be equal to or stronger than the 'whitespace' value of the base type deriving facets, creating a facet link xmlSchemaDeriveAndValidateFacets an error occured Value constraints are not allowed if the type definition is or is derived from xs:ID calling xmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleType() The value of the value constraint is not valid The attribute declaration has a 'fixed' value constraint , thus the attribute use must also have a 'fixed' value constraint xmlSchemaCheckAttrUsePropsCorrect The 'fixed' value constraint of the attribute use must match the attribute declaration's value constraint '%s' Duplicate %s There must not exist more than one attribute declaration of type 'xs:ID' (or derived from 'xs:ID'). The %s violates this constraint The 'optional' attribute use is inconsistent with the corresponding 'required' attribute use of the %s %s The attribute declaration's %s is not validly derived from the corresponding %s of the attribute declaration in the %s %s The effective value constraint of the attribute use is inconsistent with its correspondent in the %s %s Neither a matching attribute use, nor a matching wildcard exists in the %s %s A matching attribute use for the 'required' %s of the %s %s is missing The %s has an attribute wildcard, but the %s %s '%s' does not have one The attribute wildcard is not a valid subset of the wildcard in the %s %s '%s' The {process contents} of the attribute wildcard is weaker than the one in the %s %s '%s' xmlSchemaFixupComplexType Internal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s': the  is missing a  child, but was not catched by xmlSchemaCheckSRCCT() Internal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s': the ed base type is a complex type with no simple content type Internal error: xmlSchemaTypeFixup, complex type '%s' with : unhandled derivation case The type has an 'all' model group in its {content type} and thus cannot be derived from a non-empty type, since this would produce a 'sequence' model group containing the 'all' model group; 'all' model groups are not allowed to appear inside other model groups A type cannot be derived by extension from a type which has an 'all' model group in its {content type}, since this would produce a 'sequence' model group containing the 'all' model group; 'all' model groups are not allowed to appear inside other model groups If using , the base type is expected to be a complex type. The base type '%s' is a simple type If using  and , the base type must be a complex type. The base type '%s' is a simple type Internal error: xmlSchemaCheckSRCCT, '%s', base type has no content type A  is expected among the children of , if  is used and the base type '%s' is a complex type If  and  is used, the base type must be a simple type or a complex type with mixed content and particle emptiable. The base type '%s' is none of those If  and  is used, the base type must be a simple type. The base type '%s' is a complex type If the base type is a simple type, the derivation method must be 'extension' The 'final' of the base type definition contains 'extension' The content type must specify a particle The content type of both, the type and its base type, must either 'mixed' or 'element-only' The content type must be the simple base type The base type must be a complex type The 'final' of the base type definition contains 'restriction' The {content type} %s is not validly derived from the base type's {content type} %s The content type of the base type must be either a simple type or 'mixed' and an emptiable particle The content type of the base type must be either empty or 'mixed' (or 'elements-only') and an emptiable particle If the content type is 'mixed', then the content type of the base type must also be 'mixed' The type is not a valid restriction of its base type Only global element declarations can have a substitution group affiliation The element declaration '%s' defines a circular substitution group to element declaration '%s' The type definition '%s' was either rejected by the substitution group affiliation '%s', or not validly derived from its type definition '%s' The type definition (or type definition's content type) is or is derived from ID; value constraints are not allowed in conjunction with such a type definition Internal error: xmlSchemaCheckElemPropsCorrect, type is missing... skipping validation of the value constraint failed to validate the value constraint of an element declaration For a string to be a valid default, the type definition must be a simple type or a complex type with mixed content and a particle emptiable allocating a substitution group container Cannot create automata for complex type %s Failed to compile the content model The content model is not determinist Internal error: xmlSchemaBuildContentModelForSubstGroup, declaration is marked having a subst. group but none available. Internal Error could not get the built-in type validating against a built-in type validating facets of atomic simple type union simple type has no member types validating members of union simple type validating facets of union simple type xmlSchemaValidateQName The QName value '%s' has no corresponding namespace declaration in scope validating against an enumeration facet this differs from the allowed length of '%s'. this exceeds the allowed maximum length of '%s'. this underruns the allowed minimum length of '%s'. The value '%s' is not an element of the set {%s}. The value '%s' is not accepted by the pattern '%s'. The value '%s' is less than the minimum value allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' is greater than the maximum value allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' must be greater than '%s'. The value '%s' must be less than '%s'. The value '%s' has more fractional digits than are allowed ('%s'). The value '%s' is not facet-valid. The value is not facet-valid. xmlSchemaFormatFacetEnumSet compute the canonical lexical representation calling xmlSchemaValidatorPushAttribute() calling xmlSchemaValidateElem() calling xmlSchemaVPushText() there is at least one entity reference in the node-tree currently being validated. Processing of entities with this XML Schema processor is not supported (yet). Please substitute entities before validation. calling xmlSchemaValidatorPopElem() xmlSchemaValidatorPushElem calling xmlSchemaGetFreshElemInfo() inconsistent depth encountered allocating the element info array calling xmlSchemaGetFreshAttrInfo() allocating attribute info list calling xmlSchemaStreamValidateChildElement() the child element was valid but neither the declaration nor the type was set No matching global declaration available for the validation root calling xmlSchemaValidateElemWildcard() calling xmlSchemaValidateElemDecl() The type definition is absent The type definition is abstract calling xmlSchemaXPathEvaluate() calling attributes validation The value must consist of tuples: the target namespace name and the document's URI xmlSchemaAssembleByXSI no parser context available xmlSchemaValidateChildElem Neither character nor element content is allowed, because the element was 'nilled' calling xmlSchemaProcessXSIType() to process the attribute 'xsi:nil' Element content is not allowed, because the content type is empty type has elem content but no content model validating elem, but elem content is already invalid failed to create a regex context calling xmlRegExecPushString2() This element is not expected Element content is not allowed, because the content type is a simple type definition Element content is not allowed, because the type definition is simple calling xmlSchemaQNameExpand() to validate the attribute 'xsi:type' The QName value '%s' of the xsi:type attribute does not resolve to a type definition The type definition '%s', specified by xsi:type, is blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of the element declaration xmlSchemaValidateElemWildcard bad arguments No matching global element declaration available, but demanded by the strict wildcard No matching declaration available The element declaration is abstract xmlSchemaValidateElemDecl calling xmlSchemaVCheckCVCSimpleType() to validate the attribute 'xsi:nil' The element is not 'nillable' The element cannot be 'nilled' because there is a fixed value constraint defined for it calling xmlSchemaProcessXSIType() to process the attribute 'xsi:type' xmlSchemaIDCRegisterMatchers The chain of IDC matchers is expected to be empty Could not find an augmented IDC item for an IDC definition allocating an IDC matcher xmlSchemaVAttributesComplex default/fixed value on an attribute use was not precomputed calling xmlSchemaCopyValue() calling xmlNewProp() could not compute a ns prefix for a default/fixed attribute calling xmlSchemaStreamValidateSimpleTypeValue() The attribute '%s' is required but missing The value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s' No matching global attribute declaration available, but demanded by the strict wildcard xmlSchemaXPathProcessHistory calling xmlStreamPop() field resolves to a CT with simple content but the CT is missing the ST definition The XPath '%s' of a field of %s does evaluate to a node of non-simple type Warning: No precomputed value available, the value was either invalid or something strange happend allocating an array of key-sequences reallocating an array of key-sequences The XPath '%s' of a field of %s evaluates to a node-set with more than one member allocating an IDC key-sequence allocating an IDC node-table item Not all fields of %s evaluate to a node The state object to be removed is not the first in the list allocating the IDC key storage list re-allocating the IDC key storage list Neither character nor element content is allowed because the element is 'nilled' Character content is not allowed, because the content type is empty Character content other than whitespace is not allowed because the content type is 'element-only' calling xmlNewText() The content must not containt element nodes since there is a fixed value constraint The initial value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s' The actual value '%s' does not match the fixed value constraint '%s' For a string to be a valid default, the type definition must be a simple type or a complex type with simple content or mixed content and a particle emptiable allocating an array of IDC node-table items re-allocating an array of IDC node-table items More than one match found for key-sequence %s of keyref '%s' No match found for key-sequence %s of keyref '%s' allocating IDC list of node-table items re-allocating IDC list of node-table items allocating namespace bindings for SAX validation xmlSchemaSAXHandleCDataSection allocating model group component allocating wildcard component could not create an attribute wildcard on anyType anySimpleType string decimal date dateTime time gYear gYearMonth gMonth gMonthDay gDay duration float double anyURI hexBinary base64Binary QName integer nonPositiveInteger negativeInteger long unsignedLong %lu%lu%lu %lu%lu -%lu%lu%lu -%lu%lu -%lu P%luY%luM%luDT%luH%luM%.14gS -P%luY%luM%luDT%luH%luM%.14gS %04ld --%02u --%02u-%02u -%04ld-%02u %02u:%02u:%02.14g external/libxml2/xmlschemastypes.c AegeanNumbers AlphabeticPresentationForms Arabic ArabicPresentationForms-A ArabicPresentationForms-B Armenian Arrows BasicLatin Bengali BlockElements Bopomofo BopomofoExtended BoxDrawing BraillePatterns Buhid ByzantineMusicalSymbols CJKCompatibility CJKCompatibilityForms CJKCompatibilityIdeographs CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement CJKRadicalsSupplement CJKSymbolsandPunctuation CJKUnifiedIdeographs CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB Cherokee CombiningDiacriticalMarks CombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols CombiningHalfMarks CombiningMarksforSymbols ControlPictures CurrencySymbols CypriotSyllabary Cyrillic CyrillicSupplement Deseret Devanagari Dingbats EnclosedAlphanumerics EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths Ethiopic GeneralPunctuation GeometricShapes Georgian Gothic Greek GreekExtended GreekandCoptic Gujarati Gurmukhi HalfwidthandFullwidthForms HangulCompatibilityJamo HangulJamo HangulSyllables Hanunoo Hebrew HighPrivateUseSurrogates HighSurrogates Hiragana IPAExtensions IdeographicDescriptionCharacters Kanbun KangxiRadicals Kannada Katakana KatakanaPhoneticExtensions Khmer KhmerSymbols Lao Latin-1Supplement LatinExtended-A LatinExtended-B LatinExtendedAdditional LetterlikeSymbols Limbu LinearBIdeograms LinearBSyllabary LowSurrogates Malayalam MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols MathematicalOperators MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-A MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-B MiscellaneousSymbols MiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows MiscellaneousTechnical Mongolian MusicalSymbols Myanmar NumberForms Ogham OldItalic OpticalCharacterRecognition Oriya Osmanya PhoneticExtensions PrivateUse PrivateUseArea Runic Shavian Sinhala SmallFormVariants SpacingModifierLetters Specials SuperscriptsandSubscripts SupplementalArrows-A SupplementalArrows-B SupplementalMathematicalOperators SupplementaryPrivateUseArea-A SupplementaryPrivateUseArea-B Syriac Tagalog Tagbanwa Tags TaiLe TaiXuanJingSymbols Tamil Telugu Thaana Thai Tibetan Ugaritic UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics VariationSelectors VariationSelectorsSupplement YiRadicals YiSyllables YijingHexagramSymbols C Cc Cf Co Cs L Ll Lm Lo Lt Lu M Mc Me Mn N Nd Nl No P Pc Pd Pe Pf Pi Po Ps S Sc Sk Sm So Z Zl Zp Zs external/libxml2/xmlreader.c xmlNewTextReader : malloc failed http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ #text #cdata-section #comment #document #document-fragment xmlTextReaderSetup : malloc failed xmlMalloc failed ! xmlRealloc failed ! http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes building parser xmlRelaxNGParse: %s is empty RelaxNG empty or failed to compile no document RelaxNG has no top grammar http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0 token validating Memory allocation failed value param element %s doesn't allow foreign elements externalRef xmlRelaxNGParse: externalRef has no href attribute Incorrect URI for externalRef %s Fragment forbidden in URI for externalRef %s Failed to compute URL for externalRef %s Failed to load externalRef %s include xmlRelaxNGParse: include has no href attribute Failed to compute URL for include %s Failed to load include %s Failed to create a name %s element nsName xmlRelaxNGParse: no namespace for prefix %s Found nsName/except//nsName forbidden construct except anyName Found anyName/except//anyName forbidden construct Found nsName/except//anyName forbidden construct ref parentRef define data combine start datatypeLibrary Attribute %s contains invalid URI %s Unknown attribute %s on %s Detected an externalRef recursion for %s xmlRelaxNG: could not load %s xmlRelaxNG: allocate memory for doc %s Detected an Include recursion for %s allocating include xmlRelaxNG: included document is empty %s grammar xmlRelaxNG: included document %s root is not a grammar xmlRelaxNG: include %s has a start but not the included grammar xmlRelaxNG: include %s has define without name xmlRelaxNG: include %s has a define %s but not the included grammar grammar has no children start has no children grammar has unexpected child %s define has no name xmlRelaxNGParseElement: element has no children RNG Internal error, start found in element RNG Internal error, except found in element Attribute with namespace '%s' is not allowed Attribute with QName 'xmlns' is not allowed Element choice is empty expecting name, anyName, nsName or choice : got %s except has no content empty empty: had a child node zeroOrMore Element %s is empty oneOrMore optional ref has no name ref name '%s' is not an NCName ref is not empty Could not create references hash Error refs definitions '%s' Error refs definitions interleave notAllowed xmlRelaxNGParse: notAllowed element is not empty Use of parentRef without a parent grammar parentRef has no name parentRef name '%s' is not an NCName parentRef is not empty Internal error parentRef definitions '%s' mixed Mixed is empty Unexpected node %s is not a pattern xmlRelaxNGParseattribute: attribute has no children data has no type data type '%s' is not an NCName Use of unregistered type library '%s' Internal error with type library '%s': no 'have' Error type '%s' is not exported by type library '%s' IDREF IDREFS Type library '%s' does not allow type parameters param has no name Element data has unexpected content %s value type '%s' is not an NCName Expecting a single text value for content Element  has no content Value '%s' is not acceptable for type '%s' interleave%d Failed to add %s to hash table Include node has no data Include document is empty Include document root is not a grammar Internal error: start element not found Some  element miss the combine attribute Failed to create interleaves hash table Some defines for %s needs the combine attribute Internal error: no grammar in CheckReference %s Found forbidden pattern data/except//ref Internal found no define for parent refs Internal found no define for ref %s null Found forbidden pattern data/except//element(ref) Found forbidden pattern list//element(ref) Found forbidden pattern attribute//element(ref) Element %s attributes have a content type error Element %s has a content type error Found forbidden pattern attribute//attribute Found forbidden pattern list//attribute Found forbidden pattern oneOrMore//group//attribute Found forbidden pattern oneOrMore//interleave//attribute Found forbidden pattern data/except//attribute Found forbidden pattern start//attribute Found anyName attribute without oneOrMore ancestor Found nsName attribute without oneOrMore ancestor Found forbidden pattern data/except//oneOrMore Found forbidden pattern start//oneOrMore Found forbidden pattern list//list Found forbidden pattern data/except//list Found forbidden pattern start//list Found forbidden pattern data/except//group Found forbidden pattern start//group Found forbidden pattern list//interleave Found forbidden pattern data/except//interleave Found forbidden pattern start//interleave Found forbidden pattern start//data Found forbidden pattern start//value Found forbidden pattern data/except//text Found forbidden pattern start//text external/libxml2/relaxng.c out of memory failed to validate type %s Type %s doesn't allow value '%s' ID %s redefined failed to compare type %s Internal error: no state Internal error: no define Internal error: %s Extra data in list: %s Internal: interleave block has no data Invalid sequence in interleave Extra element %s in interleave Expecting element %s, got %s Expecting a namespace for element %s Element %s has wrong namespace: expecting %s Did not expect element %s there Did not expect text in element %s content Expecting no namespace for element %s Expecting element %s to be empty Expecting an element %s, got nothing Expecting an element got text Element %s failed to validate attributes Element %s failed to validate content Element %s has extra content: %s Invalid attribute %s for element %s Datatype element %s contains no data Datatype element %s has child elements Value element %s has child elements List element %s has child elements Unknown error ! Unknown error code %d #any datatype def         %s             callback on %s missing context callback on %s missing define callback on %s define is not element allocating states adding states Entity(%s) document marked standalone but requires external subset Entity(%s) already defined in the internal subset Entity(%s) already defined in the external subset xml:id Validation failed: no DTD found ! xmlSAX2StartElement xmlSAX2Characters xmlns: %s not a valid URI xmlns:%s: %s not a valid URI xmlns:%s: URI %s is not absolute Namespace prefix %s of attribute %s is not defined Attribute %s in %s redefined xml:id : attribute value %s is not an NCName xmlNewTextWriterPushParser : invalid context! xmlNewTextWriterDoc : error at xmlCreatePushParserCtxt! xmlNewTextWriterDoc : error at xmlNewTextWriterPushParser! xmlTextWriterStartDocument : invalid writer! standalone= xmlTextWriterStartElement : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartPI : target name [Xx][Mm][Ll] is reserved for xml standardization! xmlTextWriterStartDTD : out of memory! xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement : out of memory! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: xmlTextWriterPtr invalid! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: you must call xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity before the call to this function! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: notation not allowed with parameter entities! xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents: system identifier needed! PUBLIC SYSTEM http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd invalid character value unknown encoding %s null module pointer allocating schema parser context allocating schema parser XPath context The schema has no document element. The XML document '%s' is not a XML schematron document ns element has no prefix Expecting a pattern element instead of %s The schematron document '%s' has no pattern external/libxml2/schematron.c http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron allocating schema allocating parser namespaces rule Expecting a rule element instead of %s Pattern has no rule element allocating schema pattern context rule has no context attribute rule has an empty context attribute assert test assert has no test attribute assert has an empty test attribute report Expecting an assert or a report element instead of %s rule has no assert nor report element Failed to compile context expression %s allocating schema rule A = Z ` ^ d y } { B > [ a _ e z ~ | T 9 C G P X n p b U : D H Q Y o q c & $ 0 ^ 4 { ' % 1 _ 5 | l \ ! m ] 8 V ( ; ` " f } W ) < a # g J ~ K . * E L 6 r h j / + F M 7 s i k ! 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