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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  *  Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      4  *
      5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  *  limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  ******************************************************************************/
     18 #include <stdarg.h>
     20 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
     21 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     23 #include "bt_trace.h"
     24 #include "hcidefs.h"
     25 #include "stack/include/smp_api.h"
     26 #include "stack/smp/p_256_ecc_pp.h"
     27 #include "stack/smp/smp_int.h"
     29 /*
     30  * This test verifies various key distribution methods in SMP works using the
     31  * following parameter set:
     32  *
     33  * When testing target as Master (Initiator is local, Responder is remote)
     34  *
     35  * Initiator's Pairing Request: 0x070710000001(01)
     36  * Responder's Pairing Response: 0x050008000003(02)
     37  * Initiator's Bluetooth Address: 0xA1A2A3A4A5A6
     38  * Initiator's Bluetooth Address Type: 0x01
     39  * Responder's Bluetooth Address: 0xB1B2B3B4B5B6
     40  * Responder's Bluetooth Address Type: 0x00
     41  * Initiator's Random Number: 0x5783D52156AD6F0E6388274EC6702EE0
     42  * TK Encryption Key: 0x0
     43  *
     44  * Correct values:
     45  *
     46  * p1: 0x05000800000302070710000001010001
     47  * p1 XOR r: 0x5283dd2156ae6d096498274ec7712ee1
     48  * p1 prime: 0x02c7aa2a9857ac866ff91232df0e3c95
     49  * p2: 0x00000000a1a2a3a4a5a6b1b2b3b4b5b6
     50  * MConfirm (c1): 0x1e1e3fef878988ead2a74dc5bef13b86
     51  *
     52  * NOTE: All these values are presented in mathematical reasonable canonical
     53  * form that has MSB on the left and LSB on the right. In Bluetooth packets,
     54  * they are mostly reversed to be Little Endian which have LSB on the left and
     55  * MSB on the right.
     56  */
     58 // Set remote bda to 0xB1B2B3B4B5B6
     59 bool BTM_ReadRemoteConnectionAddr(const RawAddress& pseudo_addr,
     60                                   RawAddress& conn_addr,
     61                                   tBLE_ADDR_TYPE* p_addr_type) {
     62   conn_addr = RawAddress({0xB1, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0xB4, 0xB5, 0xB6});
     63   *p_addr_type = 0x00;
     64   return true;
     65 }
     67 // Set local_bda to 0xA1A2A3A4A5A6
     68 void BTM_ReadConnectionAddr(const RawAddress& remote_bda,
     69                             RawAddress& local_conn_addr,
     70                             tBLE_ADDR_TYPE* p_addr_type) {
     71   local_conn_addr = RawAddress({0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA5, 0xA6});
     72   *p_addr_type = 0x01;
     73 }
     75 // Require bte_logmsg.cc to run, here is just to fake it as we don't care about
     76 // trace in unit test
     77 void LogMsg(uint32_t trace_set_mask, const char* fmt_str, ...) {
     78   va_list args;
     79   va_start(args, fmt_str);
     80   vprintf(fmt_str, args);
     81   va_end(args);
     82 }
     84 extern void smp_gen_p1_4_confirm(tSMP_CB* p_cb,
     85                                  tBLE_ADDR_TYPE remote_bd_addr_type,
     86                                  BT_OCTET16 p1);
     88 extern void smp_gen_p2_4_confirm(tSMP_CB* p_cb, const RawAddress& remote_bda,
     89                                  BT_OCTET16 p2);
     91 extern tSMP_STATUS smp_calculate_comfirm(tSMP_CB* p_cb, BT_OCTET16 rand,
     92                                          tSMP_ENC* output);
     94 namespace testing {
     96 void dump_uint128(BT_OCTET16 a, char* buffer) {
     97   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(BT_OCTET16); ++i) {
     98     snprintf(buffer, 3, "%02x", a[i]);
     99     buffer += 2;
    100   }
    101   *buffer = '\0';
    102 }
    104 void dump_uint128_reverse(BT_OCTET16 a, char* buffer) {
    105   for (int i = (int)(sizeof(BT_OCTET16) - 1); i >= 0; --i) {
    106     snprintf(buffer, 3, "%02x", a[i]);
    107     buffer += 2;
    108   }
    109   *buffer = '\0';
    110 }
    112 void print_uint128(BT_OCTET16 a) {
    113   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(BT_OCTET16); ++i) {
    114     printf("%02x", a[i]);
    115   }
    116   printf("\n");
    117 }
    119 void parse_uint128(const char* input, BT_OCTET16 output) {
    120   memset(output, 0, sizeof(BT_OCTET16));
    121   for (unsigned int count = 0; count < sizeof(BT_OCTET16); count++) {
    122     sscanf(input, "%2hhx", &output[count]);
    123     input += 2;
    124   }
    125 }
    127 void reverse_array_inplace(BT_OCTET16 a) {
    128   uint8_t tmp;
    129   uint8_t* a_end = a + sizeof(BT_OCTET16) - 1;
    130   while (a_end > a) {
    131     tmp = *a_end;
    132     *a_end = *a;
    133     *a = tmp;
    134     ++a;
    135     --a_end;
    136   }
    137 }
    139 class SmpCalculateConfirmTest : public Test {
    140  protected:
    141   tSMP_CB p_cb_;
    142   // Set random to 0x5783D52156AD6F0E6388274EC6702EE0
    143   BT_OCTET16 rand_ = {0x57, 0x83, 0xD5, 0x21, 0x56, 0xAD, 0x6F, 0x0E,
    144                       0x63, 0x88, 0x27, 0x4E, 0xC6, 0x70, 0x2E, 0xE0};
    146   void SetUp() {
    147     memset(p_cb_.tk, 0, sizeof(p_cb_.tk));
    148     // Set pairing request packet to 0x070710000001(01)
    149     p_cb_.local_io_capability = 0x01;
    150     p_cb_.loc_oob_flag = 0x00;
    151     p_cb_.loc_auth_req = 0x00;
    152     p_cb_.loc_enc_size = 0x10;
    153     p_cb_.local_i_key = 0x07;
    154     p_cb_.local_r_key = 0x07;
    155     // Set pairing response packet to 0x050008000003(02)
    156     p_cb_.peer_io_caps = 0x03;
    157     p_cb_.peer_oob_flag = 0x00;
    158     p_cb_.peer_auth_req = 0x00;
    159     p_cb_.peer_enc_size = 0x08;
    160     p_cb_.peer_i_key = 0x00;
    161     p_cb_.peer_r_key = 0x05;
    162     // Set role to master
    163     p_cb_.role = HCI_ROLE_MASTER;
    164     reverse_array_inplace(rand_);
    165   }
    166   void TearDown() {}
    168  public:
    169 };
    171 // Test smp_gen_p2_4_confirm function implementation
    172 TEST_F(SmpCalculateConfirmTest, test_smp_gen_p2_4_confirm_as_master) {
    173   BT_OCTET16 p2;
    174   RawAddress remote_bda;
    175   tBLE_ADDR_TYPE remote_bd_addr_type = 0;
    176   BTM_ReadRemoteConnectionAddr(p_cb_.pairing_bda, remote_bda,
    177                                &remote_bd_addr_type);
    178   BTM_ReadConnectionAddr(p_cb_.pairing_bda, p_cb_.local_bda, &p_cb_.addr_type);
    179   smp_gen_p2_4_confirm(&p_cb_, remote_bda, p2);
    180   // Correct p2 is 0x00000000a1a2a3a4a5a6b1b2b3b4b5b6
    181   const char expected_p2_str[] = "00000000a1a2a3a4a5a6b1b2b3b4b5b6";
    182   char p2_str[2 * sizeof(BT_OCTET16) + 1];
    183   dump_uint128_reverse(p2, p2_str);
    184   ASSERT_THAT(p2_str, StrEq(expected_p2_str));
    185 }
    187 // Test smp_gen_p1_4_confirm and SMP_Encrypt function implementation
    188 TEST_F(SmpCalculateConfirmTest, test_SMP_Encrypt_as_master) {
    189   BT_OCTET16 p1;
    190   RawAddress remote_bda;
    191   tBLE_ADDR_TYPE remote_bd_addr_type = 0;
    192   BTM_ReadRemoteConnectionAddr(p_cb_.pairing_bda, remote_bda,
    193                                &remote_bd_addr_type);
    194   BTM_ReadConnectionAddr(p_cb_.pairing_bda, p_cb_.local_bda, &p_cb_.addr_type);
    195   smp_gen_p1_4_confirm(&p_cb_, remote_bd_addr_type, p1);
    196   // Correct p1 is 0x05000800000302070710000001010001
    197   const char expected_p1_str[] = "05000800000302070710000001010001";
    198   char p1_str[2 * sizeof(BT_OCTET16) + 1];
    199   dump_uint128_reverse(p1, p1_str);
    200   ASSERT_THAT(p1_str, StrEq(expected_p1_str));
    201   smp_xor_128(p1, rand_);
    202   // Correct p1 xor r is 0x5283dd2156ae6d096498274ec7712ee1
    203   const char expected_p1_xor_r_str[] = "5283dd2156ae6d096498274ec7712ee1";
    204   char p1_xor_r_str[2 * sizeof(BT_OCTET16) + 1];
    205   dump_uint128_reverse(p1, p1_xor_r_str);
    206   ASSERT_THAT(p1_xor_r_str, StrEq(expected_p1_xor_r_str));
    207   tSMP_ENC output;
    208   memset(&output, 0, sizeof(tSMP_ENC));
    209   ASSERT_TRUE(
    210       SMP_Encrypt(p_cb_.tk, BT_OCTET16_LEN, p1, BT_OCTET16_LEN, &output));
    211   const char expected_p1_prime_str[] = "02c7aa2a9857ac866ff91232df0e3c95";
    212   char p1_prime_str[2 * sizeof(BT_OCTET16) + 1];
    213   dump_uint128_reverse(output.param_buf, p1_prime_str);
    214   ASSERT_THAT(p1_prime_str, StrEq(expected_p1_prime_str));
    215 }
    217 // Test smp_calculate_comfirm function implementation
    218 TEST_F(SmpCalculateConfirmTest, test_smp_calculate_comfirm_as_master) {
    219   tSMP_ENC output;
    220   tSMP_STATUS status = smp_calculate_comfirm(&p_cb_, rand_, &output);
    221   EXPECT_EQ(status, SMP_SUCCESS);
    222   // Correct MConfirm is 0x1e1e3fef878988ead2a74dc5bef13b86
    223   const char expected_confirm_str[] = "1e1e3fef878988ead2a74dc5bef13b86";
    224   char confirm_str[2 * sizeof(BT_OCTET16) + 1];
    225   dump_uint128_reverse(output.param_buf, confirm_str);
    226   ASSERT_THAT(confirm_str, StrEq(expected_confirm_str));
    227 }
    229 // Test ECC point validation
    230 TEST(SmpEccValidationTest, test_valid_points) {
    231   Point p;
    233   // Test data from Bluetooth Core Specification
    234   // Version 5.0 | Vol 2, Part G | 7.1.2
    236   // Sample 1
    237   p.x[7] = 0x20b003d2;
    238   p.x[6] = 0xf297be2c;
    239   p.x[5] = 0x5e2c83a7;
    240   p.x[4] = 0xe9f9a5b9;
    241   p.x[3] = 0xeff49111;
    242   p.x[2] = 0xacf4fddb;
    243   p.x[1] = 0xcc030148;
    244   p.x[0] = 0x0e359de6;
    246   p.y[7] = 0xdc809c49;
    247   p.y[6] = 0x652aeb6d;
    248   p.y[5] = 0x63329abf;
    249   p.y[4] = 0x5a52155c;
    250   p.y[3] = 0x766345c2;
    251   p.y[2] = 0x8fed3024;
    252   p.y[1] = 0x741c8ed0;
    253   p.y[0] = 0x1589d28b;
    255   EXPECT_TRUE(ECC_ValidatePoint(p));
    257   // Sample 2
    258   p.x[7] = 0x2c31a47b;
    259   p.x[6] = 0x5779809e;
    260   p.x[5] = 0xf44cb5ea;
    261   p.x[4] = 0xaf5c3e43;
    262   p.x[3] = 0xd5f8faad;
    263   p.x[2] = 0x4a8794cb;
    264   p.x[1] = 0x987e9b03;
    265   p.x[0] = 0x745c78dd;
    267   p.y[7] = 0x91951218;
    268   p.y[6] = 0x3898dfbe;
    269   p.y[5] = 0xcd52e240;
    270   p.y[4] = 0x8e43871f;
    271   p.y[3] = 0xd0211091;
    272   p.y[2] = 0x17bd3ed4;
    273   p.y[1] = 0xeaf84377;
    274   p.y[0] = 0x43715d4f;
    276   EXPECT_TRUE(ECC_ValidatePoint(p));
    277 }
    279 TEST(SmpEccValidationTest, test_invalid_points) {
    280   Point p;
    281   multiprecision_init(p.x, 8);
    282   multiprecision_init(p.y, 8);
    284   EXPECT_FALSE(ECC_ValidatePoint(p));
    286   // Sample 1
    287   p.x[7] = 0x20b003d2;
    288   p.x[6] = 0xf297be2c;
    289   p.x[5] = 0x5e2c83a7;
    290   p.x[4] = 0xe9f9a5b9;
    291   p.x[3] = 0xeff49111;
    292   p.x[2] = 0xacf4fddb;
    293   p.x[1] = 0xcc030148;
    294   p.x[0] = 0x0e359de6;
    296   EXPECT_FALSE(ECC_ValidatePoint(p));
    298   p.y[7] = 0xdc809c49;
    299   p.y[6] = 0x652aeb6d;
    300   p.y[5] = 0x63329abf;
    301   p.y[4] = 0x5a52155c;
    302   p.y[3] = 0x766345c2;
    303   p.y[2] = 0x8fed3024;
    304   p.y[1] = 0x741c8ed0;
    305   p.y[0] = 0x1589d28b;
    307   p.y[0]--;
    309   EXPECT_FALSE(ECC_ValidatePoint(p));
    310 }
    311 }  // namespace testing