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      1 #
      2 # Script to start a set of apps, switch to recents and fling it back and forth.
      3 # For each iteration, Total frames and janky frames are reported.
      4 #
      5 # Options are described below.
      6 #
      7 # Works for volantis, shamu, and hammerhead. Can be pushed and executed on
      8 # the device.
      9 #
     10 iterations=10
     11 startapps=1
     12 capturesystrace=0
     14 function processLocalOption {
     15 	ret=0
     16 	case "$1" in
     17 	(-N) startapps=0;;
     18 	(-A) unset appList;;
     19 	(-L) appList=$2; shift; ret=1;;
     20 	(-T) capturesystrace=1;;
     21 	(-B) echo $$ > /dev/cpuset/background/tasks;;
     22 	(*)
     23 		echo "$0: unrecognized option: $1"
     24 		echo; echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
     25 		echo "-A : use all known applications"
     26 		echo "-B : run in background cpuset"
     27 		echo "-L applist : list of applications"
     28 		echo "   default: $appList"
     29 		echo "-N : no app startups, just fling"
     30 		echo "-g : generate activity strings"
     31 		echo "-i iterations"
     32 		echo "-T : capture systrace on each iteration"
     33 		exit 1;;
     34 	esac
     35 	return $ret
     36 }
     38 CMDDIR=$(dirname $0 2>/dev/null)
     39 CMDDIR=${CMDDIR:=.}
     40 . $CMDDIR/defs.sh
     42 case $DEVICE in
     43 (shamu|hammerhead)
     44 	flingtime=300
     45 	downCount=2
     46 	upCount=6
     47 	UP="70 400 70 100 $flingtime"
     48 	DOWN="70 100 70 400 $flingtime";;
     49 (angler|ariel|mtp8996)
     50 	flingtime=150
     51 	downCount=4
     52 	upCount=3
     53 	UP="500 1200 500 550 $flingtime"
     54 	DOWN="500 550 500 1200 $flingtime";;
     55 (bullhead)
     56 	flingtime=200
     57 	downCount=5
     58 	upCount=5
     59 	UP="500 1200 500 550 $flingtime"
     60 	DOWN="500 550 500 1200 $flingtime";;
     61 (volantis)
     62 	flingtime=400
     63 	downCount=5
     64 	upCount=6
     65 	UP="70 400 70 70 $flingtime"
     66 	DOWN="70 70 70 400 $flingtime";;
     67 (*)
     68 	echo "Error: No display information available for $DEVICE"
     69 	exit 1;;
     70 esac
     72 doKeyevent HOME
     73 if [ $startapps -gt 0 ]; then
     75 	# start a bunch of apps
     76 	for app in $appList
     77 	do
     78 		echo Starting $app ...
     79 		t=$(startActivity $app)
     80 	done
     81 fi
     83 function swipe {
     84 	count=0
     85 	while [ $count -lt $2 ]
     86 	do
     87 		doSwipe $1
     88 		((count=count+1))
     89 	done
     90 }
     92 cur=1
     93 frameSum=0
     94 jankSum=0
     95 latency90Sum=0
     96 latency95Sum=0
     97 latency99Sum=0
     99 echo Fling recents...
    100 doKeyevent HOME
    101 sleep 0.5
    102 resetJankyFrames
    104 while [ $cur -le $iterations ]
    105 do
    106 	if [ $capturesystrace -gt 0 ]; then
    107 		${ADB}atrace --async_start -z -c -b 16000 freq gfx view idle sched
    108 	fi
    109 	doKeyevent APP_SWITCH
    110 	sleep 0.5
    111 	swipe "$DOWN" $downCount
    112 	sleep 1
    113 	swipe "$UP" $upCount
    114 	sleep 1
    115 	swipe "$DOWN" $downCount
    116 	sleep 1
    117 	swipe "$UP" $upCount
    118 	sleep 1
    119 	if [ $capturesystrace -gt 0 ]; then
    120 		${ADB}atrace --async_dump -z -c -b 16000 freq gfx view idle sched > trace.${cur}.out
    121 	fi
    122 	doKeyevent HOME
    123 	sleep 0.5
    125 	set -- $(getJankyFrames)
    126 	totalDiff=$1
    127 	jankyDiff=$2
    128 	latency90=$3
    129 	latency95=$4
    130 	latency99=$5
    131 	if [ ${totalDiff:=0} -eq 0 ]; then
    132 		echo Error: could not read frame info with \"dumpsys gfxinfo\"
    133 	fi
    135 	((frameSum=frameSum+totalDiff))
    136 	((jankSum=jankSum+jankyDiff))
    137 	((latency90Sum=latency90Sum+latency90))
    138 	((latency95Sum=latency95Sum+latency95))
    139 	((latency99Sum=latency99Sum+latency99))
    140 	if [ "$totalDiff" -eq 0 ]; then
    141 		echo Error: no frames detected. Is the display off?
    142 	fi
    143 	((jankPct=jankyDiff*100/totalDiff))
    144 	resetJankyFrames
    146 	echo Frames: $totalDiff latency: $latency90/$latency95/$latency99 Janks: $jankyDiff\(${jankPct}%\)
    147 	((cur=cur+1))
    148 done
    149 doKeyevent HOME
    150 ((aveJankPct=jankSum*100/frameSum))
    151 ((aveJanks=jankSum/iterations))
    152 ((aveFrames=frameSum/iterations))
    153 ((aveLatency90=latency90Sum/iterations))
    154 ((aveLatency95=latency95Sum/iterations))
    155 ((aveLatency99=latency99Sum/iterations))
    156 echo AVE: Frames: $aveFrames latency: $aveLatency90/$aveLatency95/$aveLatency99 Janks: $aveJanks\(${aveJankPct}%\)