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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <stdlib.h>
     18 #include <unistd.h>
     20 #include <fstream>
     21 #include <iostream>
     22 #include <sstream>
     23 #include <string>
     24 #include <unordered_map>
     26 #include <android-base/file.h>
     27 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
     28 #include <android-base/strings.h>
     30 #include <vintf/AssembleVintf.h>
     31 #include <vintf/KernelConfigParser.h>
     32 #include <vintf/parse_string.h>
     33 #include <vintf/parse_xml.h>
     34 #include "utils.h"
     36 #define BUFFER_SIZE sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)
     38 namespace android {
     39 namespace vintf {
     41 static const std::string gConfigPrefix = "android-base-";
     42 static const std::string gConfigSuffix = ".cfg";
     43 static const std::string gBaseConfig = "android-base.cfg";
     45 // An input stream with a name.
     46 // The input stream may be an actual file, or a stringstream for testing.
     47 // It takes ownership on the istream.
     48 class NamedIstream {
     49    public:
     50     NamedIstream(const std::string& name, std::unique_ptr<std::istream>&& stream)
     51         : mName(name), mStream(std::move(stream)) {}
     52     const std::string& name() const { return mName; }
     53     std::istream& stream() { return *mStream; }
     55    private:
     56     std::string mName;
     57     std::unique_ptr<std::istream> mStream;
     58 };
     60 /**
     61  * Slurps the device manifest file and add build time flag to it.
     62  */
     63 class AssembleVintfImpl : public AssembleVintf {
     64     using Condition = std::unique_ptr<KernelConfig>;
     65     using ConditionedConfig = std::pair<Condition, std::vector<KernelConfig> /* configs */>;
     67    public:
     68     void setFakeEnv(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { mFakeEnv[key] = value; }
     70     std::string getEnv(const std::string& key) const {
     71         auto it = mFakeEnv.find(key);
     72         if (it != mFakeEnv.end()) {
     73             return it->second;
     74         }
     75         const char* envValue = getenv(key.c_str());
     76         return envValue != nullptr ? std::string(envValue) : std::string();
     77     }
     79     // Get environment variable and split with space.
     80     std::vector<std::string> getEnvList(const std::string& key) const {
     81         std::vector<std::string> ret;
     82         for (auto&& v : base::Split(getEnv(key), " ")) {
     83             v = base::Trim(v);
     84             if (!v.empty()) {
     85                 ret.push_back(v);
     86             }
     87         }
     88         return ret;
     89     }
     91     template <typename T>
     92     bool getFlag(const std::string& key, T* value) const {
     93         std::string envValue = getEnv(key);
     94         if (envValue.empty()) {
     95             std::cerr << "Warning: " << key << " is missing, defaulted to " << (*value) << "."
     96                       << std::endl;
     97             return true;
     98         }
    100         if (!parse(envValue, value)) {
    101             std::cerr << "Cannot parse " << envValue << "." << std::endl;
    102             return false;
    103         }
    104         return true;
    105     }
    107     /**
    108      * Set *out to environment variable only if *out is a dummy value (i.e. default constructed).
    109      * Return true if *out is set to environment variable, otherwise false.
    110      */
    111     template <typename T>
    112     bool getFlagIfUnset(const std::string& envKey, T* out, bool log = true) const {
    113         bool hasExistingValue = !(*out == T{});
    115         bool hasEnvValue = false;
    116         T envValue;
    117         std::string envStrValue = getEnv(envKey);
    118         if (!envStrValue.empty()) {
    119             if (!parse(envStrValue, &envValue)) {
    120                 if (log) {
    121                     std::cerr << "Cannot parse " << envValue << "." << std::endl;
    122                 }
    123                 return false;
    124             }
    125             hasEnvValue = true;
    126         }
    128         if (hasExistingValue) {
    129             if (hasEnvValue && log) {
    130                 std::cerr << "Warning: cannot override existing value " << *out << " with "
    131                           << envKey << " (which is " << envValue << ")." << std::endl;
    132             }
    133             return false;
    134         }
    135         if (!hasEnvValue) {
    136             if (log) {
    137                 std::cerr << "Warning: " << envKey << " is not specified. Default to " << T{} << "."
    138                           << std::endl;
    139             }
    140             return false;
    141         }
    142         *out = envValue;
    143         return true;
    144     }
    146     bool getBooleanFlag(const std::string& key) const { return getEnv(key) == std::string("true"); }
    148     size_t getIntegerFlag(const std::string& key, size_t defaultValue = 0) const {
    149         std::string envValue = getEnv(key);
    150         if (envValue.empty()) {
    151             return defaultValue;
    152         }
    153         size_t value;
    154         if (!base::ParseUint(envValue, &value)) {
    155             std::cerr << "Error: " << key << " must be a number." << std::endl;
    156             return defaultValue;
    157         }
    158         return value;
    159     }
    161     static std::string read(std::basic_istream<char>& is) {
    162         std::stringstream ss;
    163         ss << is.rdbuf();
    164         return ss.str();
    165     }
    167     static bool isCommonConfig(const std::string& path) {
    168         return ::android::base::Basename(path) == gBaseConfig;
    169     }
    171     // nullptr on any error, otherwise the condition.
    172     static Condition generateCondition(const std::string& path) {
    173         std::string fname = ::android::base::Basename(path);
    174         if (fname.size() <= gConfigPrefix.size() + gConfigSuffix.size() ||
    175             !std::equal(gConfigPrefix.begin(), gConfigPrefix.end(), fname.begin()) ||
    176             !std::equal(gConfigSuffix.rbegin(), gConfigSuffix.rend(), fname.rbegin())) {
    177             return nullptr;
    178         }
    180         std::string sub = fname.substr(gConfigPrefix.size(),
    181                                        fname.size() - gConfigPrefix.size() - gConfigSuffix.size());
    182         if (sub.empty()) {
    183             return nullptr;  // should not happen
    184         }
    185         for (size_t i = 0; i < sub.size(); ++i) {
    186             if (sub[i] == '-') {
    187                 sub[i] = '_';
    188                 continue;
    189             }
    190             if (isalnum(sub[i])) {
    191                 sub[i] = toupper(sub[i]);
    192                 continue;
    193             }
    194             std::cerr << "'" << fname << "' (in " << path
    195                       << ") is not a valid kernel config file name. Must match regex: "
    196                       << "android-base(-[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)?\\.cfg" << std::endl;
    197             return nullptr;
    198         }
    199         sub.insert(0, "CONFIG_");
    200         return std::make_unique<KernelConfig>(std::move(sub), Tristate::YES);
    201     }
    203     static bool parseFileForKernelConfigs(std::basic_istream<char>& stream,
    204                                           std::vector<KernelConfig>* out) {
    205         KernelConfigParser parser(true /* processComments */, true /* relaxedFormat */);
    206         std::string content = read(stream);
    207         status_t err = parser.process(content.c_str(), content.size());
    208         if (err != OK) {
    209             std::cerr << parser.error();
    210             return false;
    211         }
    212         err = parser.finish();
    213         if (err != OK) {
    214             std::cerr << parser.error();
    215             return false;
    216         }
    218         for (auto& configPair : parser.configs()) {
    219             out->push_back({});
    220             KernelConfig& config = out->back();
    221             config.first = std::move(configPair.first);
    222             if (!parseKernelConfigTypedValue(configPair.second, &config.second)) {
    223                 std::cerr << "Unknown value type for key = '" << config.first << "', value = '"
    224                           << configPair.second << "'\n";
    225                 return false;
    226             }
    227         }
    228         return true;
    229     }
    231     static bool parseFilesForKernelConfigs(std::vector<NamedIstream>* streams,
    232                                            std::vector<ConditionedConfig>* out) {
    233         out->clear();
    234         ConditionedConfig commonConfig;
    235         bool foundCommonConfig = false;
    236         bool ret = true;
    238         for (auto& namedStream : *streams) {
    239             if (isCommonConfig(namedStream.name())) {
    240                 ret &= parseFileForKernelConfigs(namedStream.stream(), &commonConfig.second);
    241                 foundCommonConfig = true;
    242             } else {
    243                 Condition condition = generateCondition(namedStream.name());
    244                 ret &= (condition != nullptr);
    246                 std::vector<KernelConfig> kernelConfigs;
    247                 if ((ret &= parseFileForKernelConfigs(namedStream.stream(), &kernelConfigs)))
    248                     out->emplace_back(std::move(condition), std::move(kernelConfigs));
    249             }
    250         }
    252         if (!foundCommonConfig) {
    253             std::cerr << "No android-base.cfg is found in these paths:" << std::endl;
    254             for (auto& namedStream : *streams) {
    255                 std::cerr << "    " << namedStream.name() << std::endl;
    256             }
    257         }
    258         ret &= foundCommonConfig;
    259         // first element is always common configs (no conditions).
    260         out->insert(out->begin(), std::move(commonConfig));
    261         return ret;
    262     }
    264     std::basic_ostream<char>& out() const { return mOutRef == nullptr ? std::cout : *mOutRef; }
    266     // If -c is provided, check it.
    267     bool checkDualFile(const HalManifest& manifest, const CompatibilityMatrix& matrix) {
    268         if (getBooleanFlag("PRODUCT_ENFORCE_VINTF_MANIFEST")) {
    269             std::string error;
    270             if (!manifest.checkCompatibility(matrix, &error)) {
    271                 std::cerr << "Not compatible: " << error << std::endl;
    272                 return false;
    273             }
    274         }
    276         // Check HALs in device manifest that are not in framework matrix.
    277         if (getBooleanFlag("VINTF_ENFORCE_NO_UNUSED_HALS")) {
    278             auto unused = manifest.checkUnusedHals(matrix);
    279             if (!unused.empty()) {
    280                 std::cerr << "Error: The following instances are in the device manifest but "
    281                           << "not specified in framework compatibility matrix: " << std::endl
    282                           << "    " << android::base::Join(unused, "\n    ") << std::endl
    283                           << "Suggested fix:" << std::endl
    284                           << "1. Check for any typos in device manifest or framework compatibility "
    285                           << "matrices with FCM version >= " << matrix.level() << "." << std::endl
    286                           << "2. Add them to any framework compatibility matrix with FCM "
    287                           << "version >= " << matrix.level() << " where applicable." << std::endl
    288                           << "3. Add them to DEVICE_FRAMEWORK_COMPATIBILITY_MATRIX_FILE."
    289                           << std::endl;
    291                 return false;
    292             }
    293         }
    294         return true;
    295     }
    297     template <typename S>
    298     using Schemas = std::vector<Named<S>>;
    299     using HalManifests = Schemas<HalManifest>;
    300     using CompatibilityMatrices = Schemas<CompatibilityMatrix>;
    302     bool assembleHalManifest(HalManifests* halManifests) {
    303         std::string error;
    304         HalManifest* halManifest = &halManifests->front().object;
    305         for (auto it = halManifests->begin() + 1; it != halManifests->end(); ++it) {
    306             const std::string& path = it->name;
    307             HalManifest& halToAdd = it->object;
    309             if (halToAdd.level() != Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
    310                 if (halManifest->level() == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
    311                     halManifest->mLevel = halToAdd.level();
    312                 } else if (halManifest->level() != halToAdd.level()) {
    313                     std::cerr << "Inconsistent FCM Version in HAL manifests:" << std::endl
    314                               << "    File '" << halManifests->front().name << "' has level "
    315                               << halManifest->level() << std::endl
    316                               << "    File '" << path << "' has level " << halToAdd.level()
    317                               << std::endl;
    318                     return false;
    319                 }
    320             }
    322             if (!halManifest->addAllHals(&halToAdd, &error)) {
    323                 std::cerr << "File \"" << path << "\" cannot be added: conflict on HAL \"" << error
    324                           << "\" with an existing HAL. See <hal> with the same name "
    325                           << "in previously parsed files or previously declared in this file."
    326                           << std::endl;
    327                 return false;
    328             }
    329         }
    331         if (halManifest->mType == SchemaType::DEVICE) {
    332             if (!getFlag("BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS", &halManifest->device.mSepolicyVersion)) {
    333                 return false;
    334             }
    335             if (!setDeviceFcmVersion(halManifest)) {
    336                 return false;
    337             }
    338         }
    340         if (halManifest->mType == SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
    341             for (auto&& v : getEnvList("PROVIDED_VNDK_VERSIONS")) {
    342                 halManifest->framework.mVendorNdks.emplace_back(std::move(v));
    343             }
    345             for (auto&& v : getEnvList("PLATFORM_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS")) {
    346                 halManifest->framework.mSystemSdk.mVersions.emplace(std::move(v));
    347             }
    348         }
    350         if (mOutputMatrix) {
    351             CompatibilityMatrix generatedMatrix = halManifest->generateCompatibleMatrix();
    352             if (!halManifest->checkCompatibility(generatedMatrix, &error)) {
    353                 std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: cannot generate a compatible matrix: " << error
    354                           << std::endl;
    355             }
    356             out() << "<!-- \n"
    357                      "    Autogenerated skeleton compatibility matrix. \n"
    358                      "    Use with caution. Modify it to suit your needs.\n"
    359                      "    All HALs are set to optional.\n"
    360                      "    Many entries other than HALs are zero-filled and\n"
    361                      "    require human attention. \n"
    362                      "-->\n"
    363                   << gCompatibilityMatrixConverter(generatedMatrix, mSerializeFlags);
    364         } else {
    365             out() << gHalManifestConverter(*halManifest, mSerializeFlags);
    366         }
    367         out().flush();
    369         if (mCheckFile != nullptr) {
    370             CompatibilityMatrix checkMatrix;
    371             if (!gCompatibilityMatrixConverter(&checkMatrix, read(*mCheckFile), &error)) {
    372                 std::cerr << "Cannot parse check file as a compatibility matrix: " << error
    373                           << std::endl;
    374                 return false;
    375             }
    376             if (!checkDualFile(*halManifest, checkMatrix)) {
    377                 return false;
    378             }
    379         }
    381         return true;
    382     }
    384     bool assembleFrameworkCompatibilityMatrixKernels(CompatibilityMatrix* matrix) {
    385         for (auto& pair : mKernels) {
    386             std::vector<ConditionedConfig> conditionedConfigs;
    387             if (!parseFilesForKernelConfigs(&pair.second, &conditionedConfigs)) {
    388                 return false;
    389             }
    390             for (ConditionedConfig& conditionedConfig : conditionedConfigs) {
    391                 MatrixKernel kernel(KernelVersion{pair.first}, std::move(conditionedConfig.second));
    392                 if (conditionedConfig.first != nullptr)
    393                     kernel.mConditions.push_back(std::move(*conditionedConfig.first));
    394                 matrix->framework.mKernels.push_back(std::move(kernel));
    395             }
    396         }
    397         return true;
    398     }
    400     bool setDeviceFcmVersion(HalManifest* manifest) {
    401         // Not needed for generating empty manifest for DEVICE_FRAMEWORK_COMPATIBILITY_MATRIX_FILE.
    402         if (getBooleanFlag("VINTF_IGNORE_TARGET_FCM_VERSION")) {
    403             return true;
    404         }
    406         size_t shippingApiLevel = getIntegerFlag("PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL");
    408         if (manifest->level() != Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
    409             return true;
    410         }
    411         if (!getBooleanFlag("PRODUCT_ENFORCE_VINTF_MANIFEST")) {
    412             manifest->mLevel = Level::LEGACY;
    413             return true;
    414         }
    415         // TODO(b/70628538): Do not infer from Shipping API level.
    416         if (shippingApiLevel) {
    417             std::cerr << "Warning: Shipping FCM Version is inferred from Shipping API level. "
    418                       << "Declare Shipping FCM Version in device manifest directly." << std::endl;
    419             manifest->mLevel = details::convertFromApiLevel(shippingApiLevel);
    420             if (manifest->mLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
    421                 std::cerr << "Error: Shipping FCM Version cannot be inferred from Shipping API "
    422                           << "level " << shippingApiLevel << "."
    423                           << "Declare Shipping FCM Version in device manifest directly."
    424                           << std::endl;
    425                 return false;
    426             }
    427             return true;
    428         }
    429         // TODO(b/69638851): should be an error if Shipping API level is not defined.
    430         // For now, just leave it empty; when framework compatibility matrix is built,
    431         // lowest FCM Version is assumed.
    432         std::cerr << "Warning: Shipping FCM Version cannot be inferred, because:" << std::endl
    433                   << "    (1) It is not explicitly declared in device manifest;" << std::endl
    434                   << "    (2) PRODUCT_ENFORCE_VINTF_MANIFEST is set to true;" << std::endl
    435                   << "    (3) PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL is undefined." << std::endl
    436                   << "Assuming 'unspecified' Shipping FCM Version. " << std::endl
    437                   << "To remove this warning, define 'level' attribute in device manifest."
    438                   << std::endl;
    439         return true;
    440     }
    442     Level getLowestFcmVersion(const CompatibilityMatrices& matrices) {
    443         Level ret = Level::UNSPECIFIED;
    444         for (const auto& e : matrices) {
    445             if (ret == Level::UNSPECIFIED || ret > e.object.level()) {
    446                 ret = e.object.level();
    447             }
    448         }
    449         return ret;
    450     }
    452     bool assembleCompatibilityMatrix(CompatibilityMatrices* matrices) {
    453         std::string error;
    454         CompatibilityMatrix* matrix = nullptr;
    455         std::unique_ptr<HalManifest> checkManifest;
    456         if (matrices->front().object.mType == SchemaType::DEVICE) {
    457             matrix = &matrices->front().object;
    459             auto vndkVersion = base::Trim(getEnv("REQUIRED_VNDK_VERSION"));
    460             if (!vndkVersion.empty()) {
    461                 auto& valueInMatrix = matrix->device.mVendorNdk;
    462                 if (!valueInMatrix.version().empty() && valueInMatrix.version() != vndkVersion) {
    463                     std::cerr << "Hard-coded <vendor-ndk> version in device compatibility matrix ("
    464                               << matrices->front().name << "), '" << valueInMatrix.version()
    465                               << "', does not match value inferred "
    466                               << "from BOARD_VNDK_VERSION '" << vndkVersion << "'" << std::endl;
    467                     return false;
    468                 }
    469                 valueInMatrix = VendorNdk{std::move(vndkVersion)};
    470             }
    472             for (auto&& v : getEnvList("BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS")) {
    473                 matrix->device.mSystemSdk.mVersions.emplace(std::move(v));
    474             }
    475         }
    477         if (matrices->front().object.mType == SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
    478             Level deviceLevel = Level::UNSPECIFIED;
    479             if (mCheckFile != nullptr) {
    480                 checkManifest = std::make_unique<HalManifest>();
    481                 if (!gHalManifestConverter(checkManifest.get(), read(*mCheckFile), &error)) {
    482                     std::cerr << "Cannot parse check file as a HAL manifest: " << error
    483                               << std::endl;
    484                     return false;
    485                 }
    486                 deviceLevel = checkManifest->level();
    487             }
    489             if (deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
    490                 // For GSI build, legacy devices that do not have a HAL manifest,
    491                 // and devices in development, merge all compatibility matrices.
    492                 deviceLevel = getLowestFcmVersion(*matrices);
    493             }
    495             matrix = CompatibilityMatrix::combine(deviceLevel, matrices, &error);
    496             if (matrix == nullptr) {
    497                 std::cerr << error << std::endl;
    498                 return false;
    499             }
    501             if (!assembleFrameworkCompatibilityMatrixKernels(matrix)) {
    502                 return false;
    503             }
    505             // Add PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_* to sepolicy.sepolicy-version. Remove dupes.
    506             std::set<Version> sepolicyVersions;
    507             auto sepolicyVersionStrings = getEnvList("PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS");
    508             auto currentSepolicyVersionString = getEnv("PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION");
    509             if (!currentSepolicyVersionString.empty()) {
    510                 sepolicyVersionStrings.push_back(currentSepolicyVersionString);
    511             }
    512             for (auto&& s : sepolicyVersionStrings) {
    513                 Version v;
    514                 if (!parse(s, &v)) {
    515                     std::cerr << "Error: unknown sepolicy version '" << s << "' specified by "
    516                               << (s == currentSepolicyVersionString
    517                                       ? "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_VERSION"
    518                                       : "PLATFORM_SEPOLICY_COMPAT_VERSIONS")
    519                               << ".";
    520                     return false;
    521                 }
    522                 sepolicyVersions.insert(v);
    523             }
    524             for (auto&& v : sepolicyVersions) {
    525                 matrix->framework.mSepolicy.mSepolicyVersionRanges.emplace_back(v.majorVer,
    526                                                                                 v.minorVer);
    527             }
    529             getFlagIfUnset("POLICYVERS", &matrix->framework.mSepolicy.mKernelSepolicyVersion,
    530                            deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED /* log */);
    531             getFlagIfUnset("FRAMEWORK_VBMETA_VERSION", &matrix->framework.mAvbMetaVersion,
    532                            deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED /* log */);
    534             out() << "<!--" << std::endl;
    535             out() << "    Input:" << std::endl;
    536             for (const auto& e : *matrices) {
    537                 if (!e.name.empty()) {
    538                     out() << "        " << base::Basename(e.name) << std::endl;
    539                 }
    540             }
    541             out() << "-->" << std::endl;
    542         }
    543         out() << gCompatibilityMatrixConverter(*matrix, mSerializeFlags);
    544         out().flush();
    546         if (checkManifest != nullptr && !checkDualFile(*checkManifest, *matrix)) {
    547             return false;
    548         }
    550         return true;
    551     }
    553     enum AssembleStatus { SUCCESS, FAIL_AND_EXIT, TRY_NEXT };
    554     template <typename Schema, typename AssembleFunc>
    555     AssembleStatus tryAssemble(const XmlConverter<Schema>& converter, const std::string& schemaName,
    556                                AssembleFunc assemble, std::string* error) {
    557         Schemas<Schema> schemas;
    558         Schema schema;
    559         if (!converter(&schema, read(mInFiles.front().stream()), error)) {
    560             return TRY_NEXT;
    561         }
    562         auto firstType = schema.type();
    563         schemas.emplace_back(mInFiles.front().name(), std::move(schema));
    565         for (auto it = mInFiles.begin() + 1; it != mInFiles.end(); ++it) {
    566             Schema additionalSchema;
    567             const std::string& fileName = it->name();
    568             if (!converter(&additionalSchema, read(it->stream()), error)) {
    569                 std::cerr << "File \"" << fileName << "\" is not a valid " << firstType << " "
    570                           << schemaName << " (but the first file is a valid " << firstType << " "
    571                           << schemaName << "). Error: " << *error << std::endl;
    572                 return FAIL_AND_EXIT;
    573             }
    574             if (additionalSchema.type() != firstType) {
    575                 std::cerr << "File \"" << fileName << "\" is a " << additionalSchema.type() << " "
    576                           << schemaName << " (but a " << firstType << " " << schemaName
    577                           << " is expected)." << std::endl;
    578                 return FAIL_AND_EXIT;
    579             }
    581             schemas.emplace_back(fileName, std::move(additionalSchema));
    582         }
    583         return assemble(&schemas) ? SUCCESS : FAIL_AND_EXIT;
    584     }
    586     bool assemble() override {
    587         using std::placeholders::_1;
    588         if (mInFiles.empty()) {
    589             std::cerr << "Missing input file." << std::endl;
    590             return false;
    591         }
    593         std::string manifestError;
    594         auto status = tryAssemble(gHalManifestConverter, "manifest",
    595                                   std::bind(&AssembleVintfImpl::assembleHalManifest, this, _1),
    596                                   &manifestError);
    597         if (status == SUCCESS) return true;
    598         if (status == FAIL_AND_EXIT) return false;
    600         resetInFiles();
    602         std::string matrixError;
    603         status = tryAssemble(gCompatibilityMatrixConverter, "compatibility matrix",
    604                              std::bind(&AssembleVintfImpl::assembleCompatibilityMatrix, this, _1),
    605                              &matrixError);
    606         if (status == SUCCESS) return true;
    607         if (status == FAIL_AND_EXIT) return false;
    609         std::cerr << "Input file has unknown format." << std::endl
    610                   << "Error when attempting to convert to manifest: " << manifestError << std::endl
    611                   << "Error when attempting to convert to compatibility matrix: " << matrixError
    612                   << std::endl;
    613         return false;
    614     }
    616     std::ostream& setOutputStream(Ostream&& out) override {
    617         mOutRef = std::move(out);
    618         return *mOutRef;
    619     }
    621     std::istream& addInputStream(const std::string& name, Istream&& in) override {
    622         auto it = mInFiles.emplace(mInFiles.end(), name, std::move(in));
    623         return it->stream();
    624     }
    626     std::istream& setCheckInputStream(Istream&& in) override {
    627         mCheckFile = std::move(in);
    628         return *mCheckFile;
    629     }
    631     bool hasKernelVersion(const KernelVersion& kernelVer) const override {
    632         return mKernels.find(kernelVer) != mKernels.end();
    633     }
    635     std::istream& addKernelConfigInputStream(const KernelVersion& kernelVer,
    636                                              const std::string& name, Istream&& in) override {
    637         auto&& kernel = mKernels[kernelVer];
    638         auto it = kernel.emplace(kernel.end(), name, std::move(in));
    639         return it->stream();
    640     }
    642     void resetInFiles() {
    643         for (auto& inFile : mInFiles) {
    644             inFile.stream().clear();
    645             inFile.stream().seekg(0);
    646         }
    647     }
    649     void setOutputMatrix() override { mOutputMatrix = true; }
    651     bool setHalsOnly() override {
    652         if (mSerializeFlags) return false;
    653         mSerializeFlags |= SerializeFlag::HALS_ONLY;
    654         return true;
    655     }
    657     bool setNoHals() override {
    658         if (mSerializeFlags) return false;
    659         mSerializeFlags |= SerializeFlag::NO_HALS;
    660         return true;
    661     }
    663    private:
    664     std::vector<NamedIstream> mInFiles;
    665     Ostream mOutRef;
    666     Istream mCheckFile;
    667     bool mOutputMatrix = false;
    668     SerializeFlags mSerializeFlags = SerializeFlag::EVERYTHING;
    669     std::map<KernelVersion, std::vector<NamedIstream>> mKernels;
    670     std::map<std::string, std::string> mFakeEnv;
    671 };
    673 bool AssembleVintf::openOutFile(const std::string& path) {
    674     return static_cast<std::ofstream&>(setOutputStream(std::make_unique<std::ofstream>(path)))
    675         .is_open();
    676 }
    678 bool AssembleVintf::openInFile(const std::string& path) {
    679     return static_cast<std::ifstream&>(addInputStream(path, std::make_unique<std::ifstream>(path)))
    680         .is_open();
    681 }
    683 bool AssembleVintf::openCheckFile(const std::string& path) {
    684     return static_cast<std::ifstream&>(setCheckInputStream(std::make_unique<std::ifstream>(path)))
    685         .is_open();
    686 }
    688 bool AssembleVintf::addKernel(const std::string& kernelArg) {
    689     auto tokens = base::Split(kernelArg, ":");
    690     if (tokens.size() <= 1) {
    691         std::cerr << "Unrecognized --kernel option '" << kernelArg << "'" << std::endl;
    692         return false;
    693     }
    694     KernelVersion kernelVer;
    695     if (!parse(tokens.front(), &kernelVer)) {
    696         std::cerr << "Unrecognized kernel version '" << tokens.front() << "'" << std::endl;
    697         return false;
    698     }
    699     if (hasKernelVersion(kernelVer)) {
    700         std::cerr << "Multiple --kernel for " << kernelVer << " is specified." << std::endl;
    701         return false;
    702     }
    703     for (auto it = tokens.begin() + 1; it != tokens.end(); ++it) {
    704         bool opened =
    705             static_cast<std::ifstream&>(
    706                 addKernelConfigInputStream(kernelVer, *it, std::make_unique<std::ifstream>(*it)))
    707                 .is_open();
    708         if (!opened) {
    709             std::cerr << "Cannot open file '" << *it << "'." << std::endl;
    710             return false;
    711         }
    712     }
    713     return true;
    714 }
    716 std::unique_ptr<AssembleVintf> AssembleVintf::newInstance() {
    717     return std::make_unique<AssembleVintfImpl>();
    718 }
    720 }  // namespace vintf
    721 }  // namespace android