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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "RouteController.h"
     19 #include <arpa/inet.h>
     20 #include <errno.h>
     21 #include <fcntl.h>
     22 #include <linux/fib_rules.h>
     23 #include <net/if.h>
     24 #include <sys/stat.h>
     26 #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
     28 #include <map>
     30 #include "DummyNetwork.h"
     31 #include "Fwmark.h"
     32 #include "NetdConstants.h"
     33 #include "NetlinkCommands.h"
     34 #include "UidRanges.h"
     36 #include "android-base/file.h"
     37 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
     38 #define LOG_TAG "Netd"
     39 #include "log/log.h"
     40 #include "logwrap/logwrap.h"
     41 #include "netutils/ifc.h"
     42 #include "resolv_netid.h"
     44 using android::base::StringPrintf;
     45 using android::base::WriteStringToFile;
     46 using android::net::UidRange;
     48 namespace android {
     49 namespace net {
     51 auto RouteController::iptablesRestoreCommandFunction = execIptablesRestoreCommand;
     53 // BEGIN CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     55 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_VPN_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM = 10000;
     56 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_VPN_OVERRIDE_OIF    = 10500;
     57 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_VPN_OUTPUT_TO_LOCAL = 11000;
     58 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_SECURE_VPN          = 12000;
     59 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_PROHIBIT_NON_VPN    = 12500;
     60 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_EXPLICIT_NETWORK    = 13000;
     61 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_OUTPUT_INTERFACE    = 14000;
     62 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_LEGACY_SYSTEM       = 15000;
     63 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_LEGACY_NETWORK      = 16000;
     64 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_LOCAL_NETWORK       = 17000;
     65 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_TETHERING           = 18000;
     66 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_IMPLICIT_NETWORK    = 19000;
     67 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_BYPASSABLE_VPN      = 20000;
     68 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_VPN_FALLTHROUGH     = 21000;
     69 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_NETWORK     = 22000;
     70 const uint32_t RULE_PRIORITY_UNREACHABLE         = 32000;
     72 const uint32_t ROUTE_TABLE_LOCAL_NETWORK  = 97;
     73 const uint32_t ROUTE_TABLE_LEGACY_NETWORK = 98;
     74 const uint32_t ROUTE_TABLE_LEGACY_SYSTEM  = 99;
     76 const char* const ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_LOCAL_NETWORK  = "local_network";
     77 const char* const ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_LEGACY_NETWORK = "legacy_network";
     78 const char* const ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_LEGACY_SYSTEM  = "legacy_system";
     80 const char* const ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_LOCAL = "local";
     81 const char* const ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_MAIN  = "main";
     83 // None of our regular routes specify priority, which causes them to have the default priority.
     84 // For default throw routes, we use a fixed priority of 100000.
     85 uint32_t PRIO_THROW = 100000;
     87 const char* const RouteController::LOCAL_MANGLE_INPUT = "routectrl_mangle_INPUT";
     89 const uint8_t AF_FAMILIES[] = {AF_INET, AF_INET6};
     91 const uid_t UID_ROOT = 0;
     92 const uint32_t FWMARK_NONE = 0;
     93 const uint32_t MASK_NONE = 0;
     94 const char* const IIF_LOOPBACK = "lo";
     95 const char* const IIF_NONE = NULL;
     96 const char* const OIF_NONE = NULL;
     97 const bool ACTION_ADD = true;
     98 const bool ACTION_DEL = false;
     99 const bool MODIFY_NON_UID_BASED_RULES = true;
    101 const char* const RT_TABLES_PATH = "/data/misc/net/rt_tables";
    102 const mode_t RT_TABLES_MODE = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;  // mode 0644, rw-r--r--
    104 // Avoids "non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'"
    105 // warnings when using RTA_LENGTH(x) inside static initializers (even when x is already uint16_t).
    106 constexpr uint16_t U16_RTA_LENGTH(uint16_t x) {
    107     return RTA_LENGTH(x);
    108 }
    110 // These are practically const, but can't be declared so, because they are used to initialize
    111 // non-const pointers ("void* iov_base") in iovec arrays.
    112 rtattr FRATTR_PRIORITY  = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           FRA_PRIORITY };
    113 rtattr FRATTR_TABLE     = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           FRA_TABLE };
    114 rtattr FRATTR_FWMARK    = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           FRA_FWMARK };
    115 rtattr FRATTR_FWMASK    = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           FRA_FWMASK };
    116 rtattr FRATTR_UID_RANGE = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(fib_rule_uid_range)), FRA_UID_RANGE };
    118 rtattr RTATTR_TABLE     = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           RTA_TABLE };
    119 rtattr RTATTR_OIF       = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           RTA_OIF };
    120 rtattr RTATTR_PRIO      = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(uint32_t)),           RTA_PRIORITY };
    122 uint8_t PADDING_BUFFER[RTA_ALIGNTO] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    124 // END CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    126 const char *actionName(uint16_t action) {
    127     static const char *ops[4] = {"adding", "deleting", "getting", "???"};
    128     return ops[action % 4];
    129 }
    131 const char *familyName(uint8_t family) {
    132     switch (family) {
    133         case AF_INET: return "IPv4";
    134         case AF_INET6: return "IPv6";
    135         default: return "???";
    136     }
    137 }
    139 // Caller must hold sInterfaceToTableLock.
    140 uint32_t RouteController::getRouteTableForInterfaceLocked(const char* interface) {
    141     uint32_t index = if_nametoindex(interface);
    142     if (index) {
    143         index += RouteController::ROUTE_TABLE_OFFSET_FROM_INDEX;
    144         sInterfaceToTable[interface] = index;
    145         return index;
    146     }
    147     // If the interface goes away if_nametoindex() will return 0 but we still need to know
    148     // the index so we can remove the rules and routes.
    149     auto iter = sInterfaceToTable.find(interface);
    150     if (iter == sInterfaceToTable.end()) {
    151         ALOGE("cannot find interface %s", interface);
    152         return RT_TABLE_UNSPEC;
    153     }
    154     return iter->second;
    155 }
    157 uint32_t RouteController::getIfIndex(const char* interface) {
    158     android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(sInterfaceToTableLock);
    160     auto iter = sInterfaceToTable.find(interface);
    161     if (iter == sInterfaceToTable.end()) {
    162         ALOGE("getIfIndex: cannot find interface %s", interface);
    163         return 0;
    164     }
    166     return iter->second - ROUTE_TABLE_OFFSET_FROM_INDEX;
    167 }
    169 uint32_t RouteController::getRouteTableForInterface(const char* interface) {
    170     android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(sInterfaceToTableLock);
    171     return getRouteTableForInterfaceLocked(interface);
    172 }
    174 void addTableName(uint32_t table, const std::string& name, std::string* contents) {
    175     char tableString[UINT32_STRLEN];
    176     snprintf(tableString, sizeof(tableString), "%u", table);
    177     *contents += tableString;
    178     *contents += " ";
    179     *contents += name;
    180     *contents += "\n";
    181 }
    183 // Doesn't return success/failure as the file is optional; it's okay if we fail to update it.
    184 void RouteController::updateTableNamesFile() {
    185     std::string contents;
    187     addTableName(RT_TABLE_LOCAL, ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_LOCAL, &contents);
    188     addTableName(RT_TABLE_MAIN,  ROUTE_TABLE_NAME_MAIN,  &contents);
    194     android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(sInterfaceToTableLock);
    195     for (const auto& entry : sInterfaceToTable) {
    196         addTableName(entry.second, entry.first, &contents);
    197     }
    199     if (!WriteStringToFile(contents, RT_TABLES_PATH, RT_TABLES_MODE, AID_SYSTEM, AID_WIFI)) {
    200         ALOGE("failed to write to %s (%s)", RT_TABLES_PATH, strerror(errno));
    201         return;
    202     }
    203 }
    205 // Returns 0 on success or negative errno on failure.
    206 int padInterfaceName(const char* input, char* name, size_t* length, uint16_t* padding) {
    207     if (!input) {
    208         *length = 0;
    209         *padding = 0;
    210         return 0;
    211     }
    212     *length = strlcpy(name, input, IFNAMSIZ) + 1;
    213     if (*length > IFNAMSIZ) {
    214         ALOGE("interface name too long (%zu > %u)", *length, IFNAMSIZ);
    215         return -ENAMETOOLONG;
    216     }
    217     *padding = RTA_SPACE(*length) - RTA_LENGTH(*length);
    218     return 0;
    219 }
    221 // Adds or removes a routing rule for IPv4 and IPv6.
    222 //
    223 // + If |table| is non-zero, the rule points at the specified routing table. Otherwise, the table is
    224 //   unspecified. An unspecified table is not allowed when creating an FR_ACT_TO_TBL rule.
    225 // + If |mask| is non-zero, the rule matches the specified fwmark and mask. Otherwise, |fwmark| is
    226 //   ignored.
    227 // + If |iif| is non-NULL, the rule matches the specified incoming interface.
    228 // + If |oif| is non-NULL, the rule matches the specified outgoing interface.
    229 // + If |uidStart| and |uidEnd| are not INVALID_UID, the rule matches packets from UIDs in that
    230 //   range (inclusive). Otherwise, the rule matches packets from all UIDs.
    231 //
    232 // Returns 0 on success or negative errno on failure.
    233 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyIpRule(uint16_t action, uint32_t priority, uint8_t ruleType,
    234                                     uint32_t table, uint32_t fwmark, uint32_t mask, const char* iif,
    235                                     const char* oif, uid_t uidStart, uid_t uidEnd) {
    236     // Ensure that if you set a bit in the fwmark, it's not being ignored by the mask.
    237     if (fwmark & ~mask) {
    238         ALOGE("mask 0x%x does not select all the bits set in fwmark 0x%x", mask, fwmark);
    239         return -ERANGE;
    240     }
    242     // Interface names must include exactly one terminating NULL and be properly padded, or older
    243     // kernels will refuse to delete rules.
    244     char iifName[IFNAMSIZ], oifName[IFNAMSIZ];
    245     size_t iifLength, oifLength;
    246     uint16_t iifPadding, oifPadding;
    247     if (int ret = padInterfaceName(iif, iifName, &iifLength, &iifPadding)) {
    248         return ret;
    249     }
    250     if (int ret = padInterfaceName(oif, oifName, &oifLength, &oifPadding)) {
    251         return ret;
    252     }
    254     // Either both start and end UID must be specified, or neither.
    255     if ((uidStart == INVALID_UID) != (uidEnd == INVALID_UID)) {
    256         ALOGE("incompatible start and end UIDs (%u vs %u)", uidStart, uidEnd);
    257         return -EUSERS;
    258     }
    260     bool isUidRule = (uidStart != INVALID_UID);
    262     // Assemble a rule request and put it in an array of iovec structures.
    263     fib_rule_hdr rule = {
    264         .action = ruleType,
    265         // Note that here we're implicitly setting rule.table to 0. When we want to specify a
    266         // non-zero table, we do this via the FRATTR_TABLE attribute.
    267     };
    269     // Don't ever create a rule that looks up table 0, because table 0 is the local table.
    270     // It's OK to specify a table ID of 0 when deleting a rule, because that doesn't actually select
    271     // table 0, it's a wildcard that matches anything.
    272     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC && rule.action == FR_ACT_TO_TBL && action != RTM_DELRULE) {
    273         ALOGE("RT_TABLE_UNSPEC only allowed when deleting rules");
    274         return -ENOTUNIQ;
    275     }
    277     rtattr fraIifName = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(iifLength), FRA_IIFNAME };
    278     rtattr fraOifName = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(oifLength), FRA_OIFNAME };
    279     struct fib_rule_uid_range uidRange = { uidStart, uidEnd };
    281     iovec iov[] = {
    282         { NULL,              0 },
    283         { &rule,             sizeof(rule) },
    284         { &FRATTR_PRIORITY,  sizeof(FRATTR_PRIORITY) },
    285         { &priority,         sizeof(priority) },
    286         { &FRATTR_TABLE,     table != RT_TABLE_UNSPEC ? sizeof(FRATTR_TABLE) : 0 },
    287         { &table,            table != RT_TABLE_UNSPEC ? sizeof(table) : 0 },
    288         { &FRATTR_FWMARK,    mask ? sizeof(FRATTR_FWMARK) : 0 },
    289         { &fwmark,           mask ? sizeof(fwmark) : 0 },
    290         { &FRATTR_FWMASK,    mask ? sizeof(FRATTR_FWMASK) : 0 },
    291         { &mask,             mask ? sizeof(mask) : 0 },
    292         { &FRATTR_UID_RANGE, isUidRule ? sizeof(FRATTR_UID_RANGE) : 0 },
    293         { &uidRange,         isUidRule ? sizeof(uidRange) : 0 },
    294         { &fraIifName,       iif != IIF_NONE ? sizeof(fraIifName) : 0 },
    295         { iifName,           iifLength },
    296         { PADDING_BUFFER,    iifPadding },
    297         { &fraOifName,       oif != OIF_NONE ? sizeof(fraOifName) : 0 },
    298         { oifName,           oifLength },
    299         { PADDING_BUFFER,    oifPadding },
    300     };
    302     uint16_t flags = (action == RTM_NEWRULE) ? NETLINK_RULE_CREATE_FLAGS : NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS;
    303     for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(AF_FAMILIES); ++i) {
    304         rule.family = AF_FAMILIES[i];
    305         if (int ret = sendNetlinkRequest(action, flags, iov, ARRAY_SIZE(iov), nullptr)) {
    306             if (!(action == RTM_DELRULE && ret == -ENOENT && priority == RULE_PRIORITY_TETHERING)) {
    307                 // Don't log when deleting a tethering rule that's not there. This matches the
    308                 // behaviour of clearTetheringRules, which ignores ENOENT in this case.
    309                 ALOGE("Error %s %s rule: %s", actionName(action), familyName(rule.family),
    310                       strerror(-ret));
    311             }
    312             return ret;
    313         }
    314     }
    316     return 0;
    317 }
    319 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyIpRule(uint16_t action, uint32_t priority, uint32_t table,
    320                                     uint32_t fwmark, uint32_t mask, const char* iif,
    321                                     const char* oif, uid_t uidStart, uid_t uidEnd) {
    322     return modifyIpRule(action, priority, FR_ACT_TO_TBL, table, fwmark, mask, iif, oif, uidStart,
    323                         uidEnd);
    324 }
    326 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyIpRule(uint16_t action, uint32_t priority, uint32_t table,
    327                                     uint32_t fwmark, uint32_t mask) {
    328     return modifyIpRule(action, priority, table, fwmark, mask, IIF_NONE, OIF_NONE, INVALID_UID,
    329                         INVALID_UID);
    330 }
    332 // Adds or deletes an IPv4 or IPv6 route.
    333 // Returns 0 on success or negative errno on failure.
    334 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyIpRoute(uint16_t action, uint32_t table, const char* interface,
    335                                      const char* destination, const char* nexthop) {
    336     // At least the destination must be non-null.
    337     if (!destination) {
    338         ALOGE("null destination");
    339         return -EFAULT;
    340     }
    342     // Parse the prefix.
    343     uint8_t rawAddress[sizeof(in6_addr)];
    344     uint8_t family;
    345     uint8_t prefixLength;
    346     int rawLength = parsePrefix(destination, &family, rawAddress, sizeof(rawAddress),
    347                                 &prefixLength);
    348     if (rawLength < 0) {
    349         ALOGE("parsePrefix failed for destination %s (%s)", destination, strerror(-rawLength));
    350         return rawLength;
    351     }
    353     if (static_cast<size_t>(rawLength) > sizeof(rawAddress)) {
    354         ALOGE("impossible! address too long (%d vs %zu)", rawLength, sizeof(rawAddress));
    355         return -ENOBUFS;  // Cannot happen; parsePrefix only supports IPv4 and IPv6.
    356     }
    358     uint8_t type = RTN_UNICAST;
    359     uint32_t ifindex;
    360     uint8_t rawNexthop[sizeof(in6_addr)];
    362     if (nexthop && !strcmp(nexthop, "unreachable")) {
    363         type = RTN_UNREACHABLE;
    364         // 'interface' is likely non-NULL, as the caller (modifyRoute()) likely used it to lookup
    365         // the table number. But it's an error to specify an interface ("dev ...") or a nexthop for
    366         // unreachable routes, so nuke them. (IPv6 allows them to be specified; IPv4 doesn't.)
    367         interface = OIF_NONE;
    368         nexthop = NULL;
    369     } else if (nexthop && !strcmp(nexthop, "throw")) {
    370         type = RTN_THROW;
    371         interface = OIF_NONE;
    372         nexthop = NULL;
    373     } else {
    374         // If an interface was specified, find the ifindex.
    375         if (interface != OIF_NONE) {
    376             ifindex = if_nametoindex(interface);
    377             if (!ifindex) {
    378                 ALOGE("cannot find interface %s", interface);
    379                 return -ENODEV;
    380             }
    381         }
    383         // If a nexthop was specified, parse it as the same family as the prefix.
    384         if (nexthop && inet_pton(family, nexthop, rawNexthop) <= 0) {
    385             ALOGE("inet_pton failed for nexthop %s", nexthop);
    386             return -EINVAL;
    387         }
    388     }
    390     bool isDefaultThrowRoute = (type == RTN_THROW && prefixLength == 0);
    392     // Assemble a rtmsg and put it in an array of iovec structures.
    393     rtmsg route = {
    394         .rtm_protocol = RTPROT_STATIC,
    395         .rtm_type = type,
    396         .rtm_family = family,
    397         .rtm_dst_len = prefixLength,
    398         .rtm_scope = static_cast<uint8_t>(nexthop ? RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE : RT_SCOPE_LINK),
    399     };
    401     rtattr rtaDst     = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(rawLength), RTA_DST };
    402     rtattr rtaGateway = { U16_RTA_LENGTH(rawLength), RTA_GATEWAY };
    404     iovec iov[] = {
    405         { NULL,          0 },
    406         { &route,        sizeof(route) },
    407         { &RTATTR_TABLE, sizeof(RTATTR_TABLE) },
    408         { &table,        sizeof(table) },
    409         { &rtaDst,       sizeof(rtaDst) },
    410         { rawAddress,    static_cast<size_t>(rawLength) },
    411         { &RTATTR_OIF,   interface != OIF_NONE ? sizeof(RTATTR_OIF) : 0 },
    412         { &ifindex,      interface != OIF_NONE ? sizeof(ifindex) : 0 },
    413         { &rtaGateway,   nexthop ? sizeof(rtaGateway) : 0 },
    414         { rawNexthop,    nexthop ? static_cast<size_t>(rawLength) : 0 },
    415         { &RTATTR_PRIO,  isDefaultThrowRoute ? sizeof(RTATTR_PRIO) : 0 },
    416         { &PRIO_THROW,   isDefaultThrowRoute ? sizeof(PRIO_THROW) : 0 },
    417     };
    419     uint16_t flags = (action == RTM_NEWROUTE) ? NETLINK_ROUTE_CREATE_FLAGS : NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS;
    420     int ret = sendNetlinkRequest(action, flags, iov, ARRAY_SIZE(iov), nullptr);
    421     if (ret) {
    422         ALOGE("Error %s route %s -> %s %s to table %u: %s",
    423               actionName(action), destination, nexthop, interface, table, strerror(-ret));
    424     }
    425     return ret;
    426 }
    428 // An iptables rule to mark incoming packets on a network with the netId of the network.
    429 //
    430 // This is so that the kernel can:
    431 // + Use the right fwmark for (and thus correctly route) replies (e.g.: TCP RST, ICMP errors, ping
    432 //   replies, SYN-ACKs, etc).
    433 // + Mark sockets that accept connections from this interface so that the connection stays on the
    434 //   same interface.
    435 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyIncomingPacketMark(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
    436                                                 Permission permission, bool add) {
    437     Fwmark fwmark;
    439     fwmark.netId = netId;
    440     fwmark.explicitlySelected = true;
    441     fwmark.protectedFromVpn = true;
    442     fwmark.permission = permission;
    444     const uint32_t mask = ~Fwmark::getUidBillingMask();
    446     std::string cmd = StringPrintf(
    447         "%s %s -i %s -j MARK --set-mark 0x%x/0x%x", add ? "-A" : "-D",
    448         RouteController::LOCAL_MANGLE_INPUT, interface, fwmark.intValue, mask);
    449     if (RouteController::iptablesRestoreCommandFunction(V4V6, "mangle", cmd, nullptr) != 0) {
    450         ALOGE("failed to change iptables rule that sets incoming packet mark");
    451         return -EREMOTEIO;
    452     }
    454     return 0;
    455 }
    457 // A rule to route responses to the local network forwarded via the VPN.
    458 //
    459 // When a VPN is in effect, packets from the local network to upstream networks are forwarded into
    460 // the VPN's tunnel interface. When the VPN forwards the responses, they emerge out of the tunnel.
    461 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyVpnOutputToLocalRule(const char* vpnInterface, bool add) {
    463                         ROUTE_TABLE_LOCAL_NETWORK, MARK_UNSET, MARK_UNSET, vpnInterface, OIF_NONE,
    464                         INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID);
    465 }
    467 // A rule to route all traffic from a given set of UIDs to go over the VPN.
    468 //
    469 // Notice that this rule doesn't use the netId. I.e., no matter what netId the user's socket may
    470 // have, if they are subject to this VPN, their traffic has to go through it. Allows the traffic to
    471 // bypass the VPN if the protectedFromVpn bit is set.
    472 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyVpnUidRangeRule(uint32_t table, uid_t uidStart, uid_t uidEnd,
    473                                              bool secure, bool add) {
    474     Fwmark fwmark;
    475     Fwmark mask;
    477     fwmark.protectedFromVpn = false;
    478     mask.protectedFromVpn = true;
    480     uint32_t priority;
    482     if (secure) {
    483         priority = RULE_PRIORITY_SECURE_VPN;
    484     } else {
    485         priority = RULE_PRIORITY_BYPASSABLE_VPN;
    487         fwmark.explicitlySelected = false;
    488         mask.explicitlySelected = true;
    489     }
    491     return modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE, priority, table, fwmark.intValue,
    492                         mask.intValue, IIF_LOOPBACK, OIF_NONE, uidStart, uidEnd);
    493 }
    495 // A rule to allow system apps to send traffic over this VPN even if they are not part of the target
    496 // set of UIDs.
    497 //
    498 // This is needed for DnsProxyListener to correctly resolve a request for a user who is in the
    499 // target set, but where the DnsProxyListener itself is not.
    500 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyVpnSystemPermissionRule(unsigned netId, uint32_t table, bool secure,
    501                                                      bool add) {
    502     Fwmark fwmark;
    503     Fwmark mask;
    505     fwmark.netId = netId;
    506     mask.netId = FWMARK_NET_ID_MASK;
    508     fwmark.permission = PERMISSION_SYSTEM;
    509     mask.permission = PERMISSION_SYSTEM;
    511     uint32_t priority = secure ? RULE_PRIORITY_SECURE_VPN : RULE_PRIORITY_BYPASSABLE_VPN;
    513     return modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE, priority, table, fwmark.intValue,
    514                         mask.intValue);
    515 }
    517 // A rule to route traffic based on an explicitly chosen network.
    518 //
    519 // Supports apps that use the multinetwork APIs to restrict their traffic to a network.
    520 //
    521 // Even though we check permissions at the time we set a netId into the fwmark of a socket, we need
    522 // to check it again in the rules here, because a network's permissions may have been updated via
    523 // modifyNetworkPermission().
    524 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyExplicitNetworkRule(unsigned netId, uint32_t table,
    525                                                  Permission permission, uid_t uidStart,
    526                                                  uid_t uidEnd, bool add) {
    527     Fwmark fwmark;
    528     Fwmark mask;
    530     fwmark.netId = netId;
    531     mask.netId = FWMARK_NET_ID_MASK;
    533     fwmark.explicitlySelected = true;
    534     mask.explicitlySelected = true;
    536     fwmark.permission = permission;
    537     mask.permission = permission;
    539     return modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE, RULE_PRIORITY_EXPLICIT_NETWORK, table,
    540                         fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue, IIF_LOOPBACK, OIF_NONE, uidStart, uidEnd);
    541 }
    543 // A rule to route traffic based on a chosen outgoing interface.
    544 //
    545 // Supports apps that use SO_BINDTODEVICE or IP_PKTINFO options and the kernel that already knows
    546 // the outgoing interface (typically for link-local communications).
    547 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyOutputInterfaceRules(const char* interface, uint32_t table,
    548                                                   Permission permission, uid_t uidStart,
    549                                                   uid_t uidEnd, bool add) {
    550     Fwmark fwmark;
    551     Fwmark mask;
    553     fwmark.permission = permission;
    554     mask.permission = permission;
    556     // If this rule does not specify a UID range, then also add a corresponding high-priority rule
    557     // for root. This covers kernel-originated packets, TEEd packets and any local daemons that open
    558     // sockets as root.
    559     if (uidStart == INVALID_UID && uidEnd == INVALID_UID) {
    560         if (int ret = modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE, RULE_PRIORITY_VPN_OVERRIDE_OIF,
    561                                    table, FWMARK_NONE, MASK_NONE, IIF_LOOPBACK, interface,
    562                                    UID_ROOT, UID_ROOT)) {
    563             return ret;
    564         }
    565     }
    567     return modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE, RULE_PRIORITY_OUTPUT_INTERFACE, table,
    568                         fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue, IIF_LOOPBACK, interface, uidStart, uidEnd);
    569 }
    571 // A rule to route traffic based on the chosen network.
    572 //
    573 // This is for sockets that have not explicitly requested a particular network, but have been
    574 // bound to one when they called connect(). This ensures that sockets connected on a particular
    575 // network stay on that network even if the default network changes.
    576 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyImplicitNetworkRule(unsigned netId, uint32_t table, bool add) {
    577     Fwmark fwmark;
    578     Fwmark mask;
    580     fwmark.netId = netId;
    581     mask.netId = FWMARK_NET_ID_MASK;
    583     fwmark.explicitlySelected = false;
    584     mask.explicitlySelected = true;
    586     fwmark.permission = PERMISSION_NONE;
    587     mask.permission = PERMISSION_NONE;
    589     return modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE, RULE_PRIORITY_IMPLICIT_NETWORK, table,
    590                         fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue, IIF_LOOPBACK, OIF_NONE, INVALID_UID,
    591                         INVALID_UID);
    592 }
    594 // A rule to enable split tunnel VPNs.
    595 //
    596 // If a packet with a VPN's netId doesn't find a route in the VPN's routing table, it's allowed to
    597 // go over the default network, provided it wasn't explicitly restricted to the VPN and has the
    598 // permissions required by the default network.
    599 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::modifyVpnFallthroughRule(uint16_t action, unsigned vpnNetId,
    600                                                                  const char* physicalInterface,
    601                                                                  Permission permission) {
    602     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterface(physicalInterface);
    603     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    604         return -ESRCH;
    605     }
    607     Fwmark fwmark;
    608     Fwmark mask;
    610     fwmark.netId = vpnNetId;
    611     mask.netId = FWMARK_NET_ID_MASK;
    613     fwmark.explicitlySelected = false;
    614     mask.explicitlySelected = true;
    616     fwmark.permission = permission;
    617     mask.permission = permission;
    619     return modifyIpRule(action, RULE_PRIORITY_VPN_FALLTHROUGH, table, fwmark.intValue,
    620                         mask.intValue);
    621 }
    623 // Add rules to allow legacy routes added through the requestRouteToHost() API.
    624 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int addLegacyRouteRules() {
    625     Fwmark fwmark;
    626     Fwmark mask;
    628     fwmark.explicitlySelected = false;
    629     mask.explicitlySelected = true;
    631     // Rules to allow legacy routes to override the default network.
    633                                fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue)) {
    634         return ret;
    635     }
    636     if (int ret = modifyIpRule(RTM_NEWRULE, RULE_PRIORITY_LEGACY_NETWORK,
    637                                ROUTE_TABLE_LEGACY_NETWORK, fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue)) {
    638         return ret;
    639     }
    641     fwmark.permission = PERMISSION_SYSTEM;
    642     mask.permission = PERMISSION_SYSTEM;
    644     // A rule to allow legacy routes from system apps to override VPNs.
    646                         fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue);
    647 }
    649 // Add rules to lookup the local network when specified explicitly or otherwise.
    650 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int addLocalNetworkRules(unsigned localNetId) {
    651     if (int ret = modifyExplicitNetworkRule(localNetId, ROUTE_TABLE_LOCAL_NETWORK, PERMISSION_NONE,
    652                                             INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID, ACTION_ADD)) {
    653         return ret;
    654     }
    656     Fwmark fwmark;
    657     Fwmark mask;
    659     fwmark.explicitlySelected = false;
    660     mask.explicitlySelected = true;
    663                         fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue);
    664 }
    666 /* static */
    667 int RouteController::configureDummyNetwork() {
    668     const char *interface = DummyNetwork::INTERFACE_NAME;
    669     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterface(interface);
    670     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    671         // getRouteTableForInterface has already looged an error.
    672         return -ESRCH;
    673     }
    675     ifc_init();
    676     int ret = ifc_up(interface);
    677     ifc_close();
    678     if (ret) {
    679         ALOGE("Can't bring up %s: %s", interface, strerror(errno));
    680         return -errno;
    681     }
    683     if ((ret = modifyOutputInterfaceRules(interface, table, PERMISSION_NONE,
    684                                           INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID, ACTION_ADD))) {
    685         ALOGE("Can't create oif rules for %s: %s", interface, strerror(-ret));
    686         return ret;
    687     }
    689     if ((ret = modifyIpRoute(RTM_NEWROUTE, table, interface, "", NULL))) {
    690         return ret;
    691     }
    693     if ((ret = modifyIpRoute(RTM_NEWROUTE, table, interface, "::/0", NULL))) {
    694         return ret;
    695     }
    697     return 0;
    698 }
    700 // Add an explicit unreachable rule close to the end of the prioriy list to make it clear that
    701 // relying on the kernel-default "from all lookup main" rule at priority 32766 is not intended
    702 // behaviour. We do flush the kernel-default rules at startup, but having an explicit unreachable
    703 // rule will hopefully make things even clearer.
    704 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int addUnreachableRule() {
    707 }
    709 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyLocalNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface, bool add) {
    710     if (int ret = modifyIncomingPacketMark(netId, interface, PERMISSION_NONE, add)) {
    711         return ret;
    712     }
    713     return modifyOutputInterfaceRules(interface, ROUTE_TABLE_LOCAL_NETWORK, PERMISSION_NONE,
    714                                       INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID, add);
    715 }
    717 /* static */
    718 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::modifyPhysicalNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
    719                                                               Permission permission, bool add) {
    720     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterface(interface);
    721     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    722         return -ESRCH;
    723     }
    725     if (int ret = modifyIncomingPacketMark(netId, interface, permission, add)) {
    726         return ret;
    727     }
    728     if (int ret = modifyExplicitNetworkRule(netId, table, permission, INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID,
    729                                             add)) {
    730         return ret;
    731     }
    732     if (int ret = modifyOutputInterfaceRules(interface, table, permission, INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID,
    733                                             add)) {
    734         return ret;
    735     }
    737     // Only set implicit rules for networks that don't require permissions.
    738     //
    739     // This is so that if the default network ceases to be the default network and then switches
    740     // from requiring no permissions to requiring permissions, we ensure that apps only use the
    741     // network if they explicitly select it. This is consistent with destroySocketsLackingPermission
    742     // - it closes all sockets on the network except sockets that are explicitly selected.
    743     //
    744     // The lack of this rule only affects the special case above, because:
    745     // - The only cases where we implicitly bind a socket to a network are the default network and
    746     //   the bypassable VPN that applies to the app, if any.
    747     // - This rule doesn't affect VPNs because they don't support permissions at all.
    748     // - The default network doesn't require permissions. While we support doing this, the framework
    749     //   never does it (partly because we'd end up in the situation where we tell apps that there is
    750     //   a default network, but they can't use it).
    751     // - If the network is still the default network, the presence or absence of this rule does not
    752     //   matter.
    753     //
    754     // Therefore, for the lack of this rule to affect a socket, the socket has to have been
    755     // implicitly bound to a network because at the time of connect() it was the default, and that
    756     // network must no longer be the default, and must now require permissions.
    757     if (permission == PERMISSION_NONE) {
    758         return modifyImplicitNetworkRule(netId, table, add);
    759     }
    760     return 0;
    761 }
    763 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int modifyRejectNonSecureNetworkRule(const UidRanges& uidRanges, bool add) {
    764     Fwmark fwmark;
    765     Fwmark mask;
    766     fwmark.protectedFromVpn = false;
    767     mask.protectedFromVpn = true;
    769     for (const UidRange& range : uidRanges.getRanges()) {
    770         if (int ret = modifyIpRule(add ? RTM_NEWRULE : RTM_DELRULE,
    771                                    RULE_PRIORITY_PROHIBIT_NON_VPN, FR_ACT_PROHIBIT, RT_TABLE_UNSPEC,
    772                                    fwmark.intValue, mask.intValue, IIF_LOOPBACK, OIF_NONE,
    773                                    range.getStart(), range.getStop())) {
    774             return ret;
    775         }
    776     }
    778     return 0;
    779 }
    781 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::modifyVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
    782                                                              const UidRanges& uidRanges,
    783                                                              bool secure, bool add,
    784                                                              bool modifyNonUidBasedRules) {
    785     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterface(interface);
    786     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    787         return -ESRCH;
    788     }
    790     for (const UidRange& range : uidRanges.getRanges()) {
    791         if (int ret = modifyVpnUidRangeRule(table, range.getStart(), range.getStop(), secure, add))
    792                 {
    793             return ret;
    794         }
    795         if (int ret = modifyExplicitNetworkRule(netId, table, PERMISSION_NONE, range.getStart(),
    796                                                 range.getStop(), add)) {
    797             return ret;
    798         }
    799         if (int ret = modifyOutputInterfaceRules(interface, table, PERMISSION_NONE,
    800                                                  range.getStart(), range.getStop(), add)) {
    801             return ret;
    802         }
    803     }
    805     if (modifyNonUidBasedRules) {
    806         if (int ret = modifyIncomingPacketMark(netId, interface, PERMISSION_NONE, add)) {
    807             return ret;
    808         }
    809         if (int ret = modifyVpnOutputToLocalRule(interface, add)) {
    810             return ret;
    811         }
    812         if (int ret = modifyVpnSystemPermissionRule(netId, table, secure, add)) {
    813             return ret;
    814         }
    815         return modifyExplicitNetworkRule(netId, table, PERMISSION_NONE, UID_ROOT, UID_ROOT, add);
    816     }
    818     return 0;
    819 }
    821 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::modifyDefaultNetwork(uint16_t action, const char* interface,
    822                                                              Permission permission) {
    823     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterface(interface);
    824     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    825         return -ESRCH;
    826     }
    828     Fwmark fwmark;
    829     Fwmark mask;
    831     fwmark.netId = NETID_UNSET;
    832     mask.netId = FWMARK_NET_ID_MASK;
    834     fwmark.permission = permission;
    835     mask.permission = permission;
    837     return modifyIpRule(action, RULE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_NETWORK, table, fwmark.intValue,
    838                         mask.intValue, IIF_LOOPBACK, OIF_NONE, INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID);
    839 }
    841 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::modifyTetheredNetwork(uint16_t action,
    842                                                               const char* inputInterface,
    843                                                               const char* outputInterface) {
    844     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterface(outputInterface);
    845     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    846         return -ESRCH;
    847     }
    849     return modifyIpRule(action, RULE_PRIORITY_TETHERING, table, MARK_UNSET, MARK_UNSET,
    850                         inputInterface, OIF_NONE, INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID);
    851 }
    853 // Adds or removes an IPv4 or IPv6 route to the specified table.
    854 // Returns 0 on success or negative errno on failure.
    855 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::modifyRoute(uint16_t action, const char* interface,
    856                                                     const char* destination, const char* nexthop,
    857                                                     TableType tableType) {
    858     uint32_t table;
    859     switch (tableType) {
    860         case RouteController::INTERFACE: {
    861             table = getRouteTableForInterface(interface);
    862             if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    863                 return -ESRCH;
    864             }
    865             break;
    866         }
    867         case RouteController::LOCAL_NETWORK: {
    868             table = ROUTE_TABLE_LOCAL_NETWORK;
    869             break;
    870         }
    871         case RouteController::LEGACY_NETWORK: {
    872             table = ROUTE_TABLE_LEGACY_NETWORK;
    873             break;
    874         }
    875         case RouteController::LEGACY_SYSTEM: {
    876             table = ROUTE_TABLE_LEGACY_SYSTEM;
    877             break;
    878         }
    879     }
    881     int ret = modifyIpRoute(action, table, interface, destination, nexthop);
    882     // Trying to add a route that already exists shouldn't cause an error.
    883     if (ret && !(action == RTM_NEWROUTE && ret == -EEXIST)) {
    884         return ret;
    885     }
    887     return 0;
    888 }
    890 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int clearTetheringRules(const char* inputInterface) {
    891     int ret = 0;
    892     while (ret == 0) {
    894                            inputInterface, OIF_NONE, INVALID_UID, INVALID_UID);
    895     }
    897     if (ret == -ENOENT) {
    898         return 0;
    899     } else {
    900         return ret;
    901     }
    902 }
    904 uint32_t getRulePriority(const nlmsghdr *nlh) {
    905     return getRtmU32Attribute(nlh, FRA_PRIORITY);
    906 }
    908 uint32_t getRouteTable(const nlmsghdr *nlh) {
    909     return getRtmU32Attribute(nlh, RTA_TABLE);
    910 }
    912 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int flushRules() {
    913     NetlinkDumpFilter shouldDelete = [] (nlmsghdr *nlh) {
    914         // Don't touch rules at priority 0 because by default they are used for local input.
    915         return getRulePriority(nlh) != 0;
    916     };
    917     return rtNetlinkFlush(RTM_GETRULE, RTM_DELRULE, "rules", shouldDelete);
    918 }
    920 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::flushRoutes(uint32_t table) {
    921     NetlinkDumpFilter shouldDelete = [table] (nlmsghdr *nlh) {
    922         return getRouteTable(nlh) == table;
    923     };
    925     return rtNetlinkFlush(RTM_GETROUTE, RTM_DELROUTE, "routes", shouldDelete);
    926 }
    928 // Returns 0 on success or negative errno on failure.
    929 WARN_UNUSED_RESULT int RouteController::flushRoutes(const char* interface) {
    930     android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(sInterfaceToTableLock);
    932     uint32_t table = getRouteTableForInterfaceLocked(interface);
    933     if (table == RT_TABLE_UNSPEC) {
    934         return -ESRCH;
    935     }
    937     int ret = flushRoutes(table);
    939     // If we failed to flush routes, the caller may elect to keep this interface around, so keep
    940     // track of its name.
    941     if (ret == 0) {
    942         sInterfaceToTable.erase(interface);
    943     }
    945     return ret;
    946 }
    948 int RouteController::Init(unsigned localNetId) {
    949     if (int ret = flushRules()) {
    950         return ret;
    951     }
    952     if (int ret = addLegacyRouteRules()) {
    953         return ret;
    954     }
    955     if (int ret = addLocalNetworkRules(localNetId)) {
    956         return ret;
    957     }
    958     if (int ret = addUnreachableRule()) {
    959         return ret;
    960     }
    961     // Don't complain if we can't add the dummy network, since not all devices support it.
    962     configureDummyNetwork();
    964     updateTableNamesFile();
    965     return 0;
    966 }
    968 int RouteController::addInterfaceToLocalNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface) {
    969     return modifyLocalNetwork(netId, interface, ACTION_ADD);
    970 }
    972 int RouteController::removeInterfaceFromLocalNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface) {
    973     return modifyLocalNetwork(netId, interface, ACTION_DEL);
    974 }
    976 int RouteController::addInterfaceToPhysicalNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
    977                                                    Permission permission) {
    978     if (int ret = modifyPhysicalNetwork(netId, interface, permission, ACTION_ADD)) {
    979         return ret;
    980     }
    981     updateTableNamesFile();
    982     return 0;
    983 }
    985 int RouteController::removeInterfaceFromPhysicalNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
    986                                                         Permission permission) {
    987     if (int ret = modifyPhysicalNetwork(netId, interface, permission, ACTION_DEL)) {
    988         return ret;
    989     }
    990     if (int ret = flushRoutes(interface)) {
    991         return ret;
    992     }
    993     if (int ret = clearTetheringRules(interface)) {
    994         return ret;
    995     }
    996     updateTableNamesFile();
    997     return 0;
    998 }
   1000 int RouteController::addInterfaceToVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
   1001                                                   bool secure, const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
   1002     if (int ret = modifyVirtualNetwork(netId, interface, uidRanges, secure, ACTION_ADD,
   1003                                        MODIFY_NON_UID_BASED_RULES)) {
   1004         return ret;
   1005     }
   1006     updateTableNamesFile();
   1007     return 0;
   1008 }
   1010 int RouteController::removeInterfaceFromVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
   1011                                                        bool secure, const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
   1012     if (int ret = modifyVirtualNetwork(netId, interface, uidRanges, secure, ACTION_DEL,
   1013                                        MODIFY_NON_UID_BASED_RULES)) {
   1014         return ret;
   1015     }
   1016     if (int ret = flushRoutes(interface)) {
   1017         return ret;
   1018     }
   1019     updateTableNamesFile();
   1020     return 0;
   1021 }
   1023 int RouteController::modifyPhysicalNetworkPermission(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
   1024                                                      Permission oldPermission,
   1025                                                      Permission newPermission) {
   1026     // Add the new rules before deleting the old ones, to avoid race conditions.
   1027     if (int ret = modifyPhysicalNetwork(netId, interface, newPermission, ACTION_ADD)) {
   1028         return ret;
   1029     }
   1030     return modifyPhysicalNetwork(netId, interface, oldPermission, ACTION_DEL);
   1031 }
   1033 int RouteController::addUsersToRejectNonSecureNetworkRule(const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
   1034     return modifyRejectNonSecureNetworkRule(uidRanges, true);
   1035 }
   1037 int RouteController::removeUsersFromRejectNonSecureNetworkRule(const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
   1038     return modifyRejectNonSecureNetworkRule(uidRanges, false);
   1039 }
   1041 int RouteController::addUsersToVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface, bool secure,
   1042                                               const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
   1043     return modifyVirtualNetwork(netId, interface, uidRanges, secure, ACTION_ADD,
   1044                                 !MODIFY_NON_UID_BASED_RULES);
   1045 }
   1047 int RouteController::removeUsersFromVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface,
   1048                                                    bool secure, const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
   1049     return modifyVirtualNetwork(netId, interface, uidRanges, secure, ACTION_DEL,
   1050                                 !MODIFY_NON_UID_BASED_RULES);
   1051 }
   1053 int RouteController::addInterfaceToDefaultNetwork(const char* interface, Permission permission) {
   1054     return modifyDefaultNetwork(RTM_NEWRULE, interface, permission);
   1055 }
   1057 int RouteController::removeInterfaceFromDefaultNetwork(const char* interface,
   1058                                                        Permission permission) {
   1059     return modifyDefaultNetwork(RTM_DELRULE, interface, permission);
   1060 }
   1062 int RouteController::addRoute(const char* interface, const char* destination, const char* nexthop,
   1063                               TableType tableType) {
   1064     return modifyRoute(RTM_NEWROUTE, interface, destination, nexthop, tableType);
   1065 }
   1067 int RouteController::removeRoute(const char* interface, const char* destination,
   1068                                  const char* nexthop, TableType tableType) {
   1069     return modifyRoute(RTM_DELROUTE, interface, destination, nexthop, tableType);
   1070 }
   1072 int RouteController::enableTethering(const char* inputInterface, const char* outputInterface) {
   1073     return modifyTetheredNetwork(RTM_NEWRULE, inputInterface, outputInterface);
   1074 }
   1076 int RouteController::disableTethering(const char* inputInterface, const char* outputInterface) {
   1077     return modifyTetheredNetwork(RTM_DELRULE, inputInterface, outputInterface);
   1078 }
   1080 int RouteController::addVirtualNetworkFallthrough(unsigned vpnNetId, const char* physicalInterface,
   1081                                                   Permission permission) {
   1082     return modifyVpnFallthroughRule(RTM_NEWRULE, vpnNetId, physicalInterface, permission);
   1083 }
   1085 int RouteController::removeVirtualNetworkFallthrough(unsigned vpnNetId,
   1086                                                      const char* physicalInterface,
   1087                                                      Permission permission) {
   1088     return modifyVpnFallthroughRule(RTM_DELRULE, vpnNetId, physicalInterface, permission);
   1089 }
   1091 // Protects sInterfaceToTable.
   1092 android::RWLock RouteController::sInterfaceToTableLock;
   1094 std::map<std::string, uint32_t> RouteController::sInterfaceToTable;
   1096 }  // namespace net
   1097 }  // namespace android