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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     16 #
     18 import argparse
     19 import json
     20 import logging
     21 import socket
     22 import time
     23 import threading
     24 import sys
     26 from host_controller import console
     27 from host_controller import tfc_host_controller
     28 from host_controller.build import build_provider_pab
     29 from host_controller.tfc import tfc_client
     30 from host_controller.vti_interface import vti_endpoint_client
     31 from host_controller.tradefed import remote_client
     32 from vts.utils.python.os import env_utils
     35 _SECONDS_PER_UNIT = {
     36     "m": 60,
     37     "h": 60 * 60,
     38     "d": 60 * 60 * 24
     39 }
     42 def _ParseInterval(interval_str):
     43     """Parses string to time interval.
     45     Args:
     46         interval_str: string, a floating-point number followed by time unit.
     48     Returns:
     49         float, the interval in seconds.
     51     Raises:
     52         ValueError if the argument format is wrong.
     53     """
     54     if not interval_str:
     55         raise ValueError("Argument is empty.")
     57     unit = interval_str[-1]
     58     if unit not in _SECONDS_PER_UNIT:
     59         raise ValueError("Unknown unit: %s" % unit)
     61     interval = float(interval_str[:-1])
     62     if interval < 0:
     63         raise ValueError("Invalid time interval: %s" % interval)
     65     return interval * _SECONDS_PER_UNIT[unit]
     68 def _ScriptLoop(hc_console, script_path, loop_interval):
     69     """Runs a console script repeatedly.
     71     Args:
     72         hc_console: the host controller console.
     73         script_path: string, the path to the script.
     74         loop_interval: float or integer, the interval in seconds.
     75     """
     76     next_start_time = time.time()
     77     while hc_console.ProcessScript(script_path):
     78         if loop_interval == 0:
     79             continue
     80         current_time = time.time()
     81         skip_cnt = (current_time - next_start_time) // loop_interval
     82         if skip_cnt >= 1:
     83             logging.warning("Script execution time is longer than loop "
     84                             "interval. Skip %d iteration(s).", skip_cnt)
     85         next_start_time += (skip_cnt + 1) * loop_interval
     86         if next_start_time - current_time >= 0:
     87             time.sleep(next_start_time - current_time)
     88         else:
     89             logging.error("Unexpected timestamps: current=%f, next=%f",
     90                           current_time, next_start_time)
     93 def main():
     94     """Parses arguments and starts console."""
     95     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     96     parser.add_argument("--config-file",
     97                         default=None,
     98                         type=argparse.FileType('r'),
     99                         help="The configuration file in JSON format")
    100     parser.add_argument("--poll", action="store_true",
    101                         help="Disable console and start host controller "
    102                              "threads polling TFC.")
    103     parser.add_argument("--use-tfc", action="store_true",
    104                         help="Enable TFC (TradeFed Cluster).")
    105     parser.add_argument("--vti",
    106                         default=None,
    107                         help="The base address of VTI endpoint APIs")
    108     parser.add_argument("--script",
    109                         default=None,
    110                         help="The path to a script file in .py format")
    111     parser.add_argument("--serial",
    112                         default=None,
    113                         help="The default serial numbers for flashing and "
    114                              "testing in the console. Multiple serial numbers "
    115                              "are separated by comma.")
    116     parser.add_argument("--loop",
    117                         default=None,
    118                         metavar="INTERVAL",
    119                         type=_ParseInterval,
    120                         help="The interval of repeating the script. "
    121                              "The format is a float followed by unit which is "
    122                              "one of 'm' (minute), 'h' (hour), and 'd' (day). "
    123                              "If this option is unspecified, the script will "
    124                              "be processed once.")
    125     parser.add_argument("--console", action="store_true",
    126                         help="Whether to start a console after processing "
    127                              "a script.")
    128     args = parser.parse_args()
    129     if args.config_file:
    130         config_json = json.load(args.config_file)
    131     else:
    132         config_json = {}
    133         config_json["log_level"] = "DEBUG"
    134         config_json["hosts"] = []
    135         host_config = {}
    136         host_config["cluster_ids"] = ["local-cluster-1",
    137                                       "local-cluster-2"]
    138         host_config["lease_interval_sec"] = 30
    139         config_json["hosts"].append(host_config)
    141     env_vars = env_utils.SaveAndClearEnvVars([_ANDROID_BUILD_TOP])
    143     root_logger = logging.getLogger()
    144     root_logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, config_json["log_level"]))
    146     if args.vti:
    147         vti_endpoint = vti_endpoint_client.VtiEndpointClient(args.vti)
    148     else:
    149         vti_endpoint = None
    151     tfc = None
    152     if args.use_tfc:
    153         if args.config_file:
    154             tfc = tfc_client.CreateTfcClient(
    155                     config_json["tfc_api_root"],
    156                     config_json["service_key_json_path"],
    157                     api_name=config_json["tfc_api_name"],
    158                     api_version=config_json["tfc_api_version"],
    159                     scopes=config_json["tfc_scopes"])
    160         else:
    161             print("WARN: If --use_tfc is set, --config_file argument value "
    162                   "must be provided. Starting without TFC.")
    164     pab = build_provider_pab.BuildProviderPAB()
    166     hosts = []
    167     for host_config in config_json["hosts"]:
    168         cluster_ids = host_config["cluster_ids"]
    169         # If host name is not specified, use local host.
    170         hostname = host_config.get("hostname", socket.gethostname())
    171         port = host_config.get("port", remote_client.DEFAULT_PORT)
    172         cluster_ids = host_config["cluster_ids"]
    173         remote = remote_client.RemoteClient(hostname, port)
    174         host = tfc_host_controller.HostController(remote, tfc, hostname,
    175                                                   cluster_ids)
    176         hosts.append(host)
    177         if args.poll:
    178             lease_interval_sec = host_config["lease_interval_sec"]
    179             host_thread = threading.Thread(target=host.Run,
    180                                            args=(lease_interval_sec,))
    181             host_thread.daemon = True
    182             host_thread.start()
    184     if args.poll:
    185         while True:
    186             sys.stdin.readline()
    187     else:
    188         main_console = console.Console(vti_endpoint, tfc, pab, hosts,
    189                                        vti_address=args.vti)
    190         main_console.StartJobThreadAndProcessPool()
    191         try:
    192             if args.serial:
    193                 main_console.SetSerials(args.serial.split(","))
    194             if args.script:
    195                 if args.loop is None:
    196                     main_console.ProcessScript(args.script)
    197                 else:
    198                     _ScriptLoop(main_console, args.script, args.loop)
    200                 if args.console:
    201                     main_console.cmdloop()
    202             else:  # if not script, the default is console mode.
    203                 main_console.cmdloop()
    204         finally:
    205             main_console.TearDown()
    207     env_utils.RestoreEnvVars(env_vars)
    210 if __name__ == "__main__":
    211     main()