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      1 #
      2 # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     15 #
     17 import copy
     18 import logging
     19 import itertools
     20 import operator
     21 import os
     23 from vts.runners.host import const
     24 from vts.utils.python.common import cmd_utils
     25 from vts.utils.python.os import path_utils
     27 from vts.testcases.kernel.ltp.shell_environment import shell_environment
     28 from vts.testcases.kernel.ltp import ltp_enums
     29 from vts.testcases.kernel.ltp import ltp_configs
     30 from vts.testcases.kernel.ltp import requirements
     33 class EnvironmentRequirementChecker(object):
     34     """LTP testcase environment checker.
     36     This class contains a dictionary for some known environment
     37     requirements for a set of test cases and several environment
     38     check functions to be mapped with. All check functions' results
     39     are cached in a dictionary for multiple use.
     41     Attributes:
     42         _REQUIREMENT_DEFINITIONS: dictionary {string, obj}, a map between
     43             requirement name and the actual definition class object
     44         _result_cache: dictionary {requirement_check_method_name:
     45             (bool, string)}, a map between check method name and cached result
     46             tuples (boolean, note)
     47         _executable_available: dict {string, bool}, a map between executable
     48                                 path and its existance on target
     49         _shell_env: ShellEnvironment object, which checks and sets
     50             shell environments given a shell mirror
     51         shell: shell mirror object, can be used to execute shell
     52             commands on target side through runner
     53         ltp_bin_host_path: string, host path of ltp binary
     54     """
     56     def __init__(self, shell):
     57         self.shell = shell
     58         self._result_cache = {}
     59         self._executable_available = {}
     60         self._shell_env = shell_environment.ShellEnvironment(self.shell)
     61         self._REQUIREMENT_DEFINITIONS = requirements.GetRequrementDefinitions()
     63     @property
     64     def shell(self):
     65         """Get the runner's shell mirror object to execute commands"""
     66         return self._shell
     68     @shell.setter
     69     def shell(self, shell):
     70         """Set the runner's shell mirror object to execute commands"""
     71         self._shell = shell
     73     def Cleanup(self):
     74         """Run all cleanup jobs at the end of tests"""
     75         self._shell_env.Cleanup()
     77     def GetRequirements(self, test_case):
     78         """Get a list of requirements for a fiven test case
     80         Args:
     81             test_case: TestCase object, the test case to query
     82         """
     83         result = copy.copy(ltp_configs.REQUIREMENT_FOR_ALL)
     85         result.extend(rule
     86                       for rule, tests in
     87                       ltp_configs.REQUIREMENTS_TO_TESTCASE.iteritems()
     88                       if test_case.fullname in tests)
     90         result.extend(rule
     91                       for rule, tests in
     92                       ltp_configs.REQUIREMENT_TO_TESTSUITE.iteritems()
     93                       if test_case.testsuite in tests)
     95         return list(set(result))
     97     def Check(self, test_case):
     98         """Check whether a given test case's requirement has been satisfied.
     99         Skip the test if not.
    101         If check failed, this method returns False and the reason is set
    102         to test_case.note.
    104         Args:
    105             test_case: TestCase object, a given test case to check
    107         Returns:
    108             True if check pass; False otherwise
    109         """
    110         if (test_case.requirement_state ==
    111                 ltp_enums.RequirementState.UNSATISFIED or
    112                 not self.TestBinaryExists(test_case)):
    113             return False
    115         for requirement in self.GetRequirements(test_case):
    116             if requirement not in self._result_cache:
    117                 definitions = self._REQUIREMENT_DEFINITIONS[requirement]
    118                 self._result_cache[
    119                     requirement] = self._shell_env.ExecuteDefinitions(
    120                         definitions)
    122             result, note = self._result_cache[requirement]
    123             logging.info("Result for %s's requirement %s is %s", test_case,
    124                          requirement, result)
    125             if result is False:
    126                 test_case.requirement_state = ltp_enums.RequirementState.UNSATISFIED
    127                 test_case.note = note
    128                 return False
    130         test_case.requirement_state = ltp_enums.RequirementState.SATISFIED
    131         return True
    133     def CheckAllTestCaseExecutables(self, test_cases):
    134         """Run a batch job to check executable exists and set permissions.
    136         The result will be stored in self._executable_available for use in
    137         TestBinaryExists method.
    139         Args:
    140             test_case: list of TestCase objects.
    141         """
    142         executables_generators = (
    143             test_case.GetRequiredExecutablePaths(self.ltp_bin_host_path)
    144             for test_case in test_cases)
    145         executables = list(
    146             set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(executables_generators)))
    148         # Set all executables executable permission using chmod.
    149         logging.info("Setting permissions on device")
    150         permission_command = "chmod 775 %s" % path_utils.JoinTargetPath(
    151             ltp_configs.LTPBINPATH, '*')
    152         permission_result = self.shell.Execute(permission_command)
    153         if permission_result[const.EXIT_CODE][0]:
    154             logging.error("Permission command '%s' failed.",
    155                           permission_command)
    157         # Check existence of all executables used in test definition.
    158         # Some executables needed by test cases but not listed in test
    159         # definition will not be checked here
    160         logging.info("Checking binary existence on host")
    162         executable_exists_results = map(os.path.exists, executables)
    164         self._executable_available = dict(
    165             zip(executables, executable_exists_results))
    167         not_exists = [
    168             exe for exe, exists in self._executable_available.iteritems()
    169             if not exists
    170         ]
    171         if not_exists:
    172             logging.info("The following binaries does not exist: %s",
    173                          not_exists)
    175         logging.info("Finished checking binary existence on host.")
    177         # Check whether all the internal binaries in path needed exist
    178         bin_path_exist_commands = [
    179             "which %s" % bin for bin in ltp_configs.INTERNAL_BINS
    180         ]
    181         bin_path_results = map(
    182             operator.not_,
    183             self.shell.Execute(bin_path_exist_commands)[const.EXIT_CODE])
    185         bin_path_results = map(
    186             operator.not_,
    187             self.shell.Execute(bin_path_exist_commands)[const.EXIT_CODE])
    189         self._executable_available.update(
    190             dict(zip(ltp_configs.INTERNAL_BINS, bin_path_results)))
    192     def TestBinaryExists(self, test_case):
    193         """Check whether the given test case's binary exists.
    195         Args:
    196             test_case: TestCase, the object representing the test case
    198         Return:
    199             True if exists, False otherwise
    200         """
    201         if test_case.requirement_state == ltp_enums.RequirementState.UNSATISFIED:
    202             logging.warn("[Checker] Attempting to run test case that has "
    203                          "already been checked and requirement not satisfied."
    204                          "%s" % test_case)
    205             return False
    207         executables = test_case.GetRequiredExecutablePaths(
    208             self.ltp_bin_host_path)
    209         results = [
    210             self._executable_available[executable]
    211             for executable in executables
    212         ]
    214         if not all(results):
    215             test_case.requirement_state = ltp_enums.RequirementState.UNSATISFIED
    216             test_case.note = "Some executables not exist: {}".format(
    217                 zip(executables, results))
    218             logging.error("[Checker] Binary existance check failed for {}. "
    219                           "Reason: {}".format(test_case, test_case.note))
    220             return False
    221         else:
    222             return True