1 dnl A function to check if the system's zlib library should be used. The 2 dnl builtin zlib dnl is used by default unless the user configured with 3 dnl --with-system-zlib. 4 5 AC_DEFUN([AM_ZLIB], 6 [ 7 # Use the system's zlib library. 8 zlibdir="-L\$(top_builddir)/../zlib" 9 zlibinc="-I\$(top_srcdir)/../zlib" 10 AC_ARG_WITH(system-zlib, 11 [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-zlib], [use installed libz])], 12 if test x$with_system_zlib = xyes ; then 13 zlibdir= 14 zlibinc= 15 fi 16 ) 17 AC_SUBST(zlibdir) 18 AC_SUBST(zlibinc) 19 ]) 20