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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 """Unittests for module_info."""
     19 import os
     20 import unittest
     21 import mock
     23 import constants
     24 import module_info
     25 import unittest_constants as uc
     27 JSON_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(uc.TEST_DATA_DIR, uc.JSON_FILE)
     28 EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET = 'tradefed'
     29 EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET_PATH = ['tf/core']
     30 UNEXPECTED_MOD_TARGET = 'this_should_not_be_in_module-info.json'
     31 MOD_NO_PATH = 'module-no-path'
     32 PATH_TO_MULT_MODULES = 'shared/path/to/be/used'
     33 MULT_MOODULES_WITH_SHARED_PATH = ['module2', 'module1']
     35 #pylint: disable=protected-access
     36 class ModuleInfoUnittests(unittest.TestCase):
     37     """Unit tests for module_info.py"""
     39     @mock.patch('json.load', return_value={})
     40     @mock.patch('__builtin__.open', new_callable=mock.mock_open)
     41     @mock.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True)
     42     def test_load_mode_info_file_out_dir_handling(self, _isfile, _open, _json):
     43         """Test _load_module_info_file out dir handling."""
     44         # Test out default out dir is used.
     45         build_top = '/path/to/top'
     46         default_out_dir = os.path.join(build_top, 'out/dir/here')
     47         os_environ_mock = {constants.ANDROID_OUT: default_out_dir,
     48                            'ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT': default_out_dir,
     49                            constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP: build_top}
     50         default_out_dir_mod_targ = 'out/dir/here/module-info.json'
     51         # Make sure module_info_target is what we think it is.
     52         with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', os_environ_mock, clear=True):
     53             mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo()
     54             self.assertEqual(default_out_dir_mod_targ,
     55                              mod_info.module_info_target)
     57         # Test out custom out dir is used (OUT_DIR=dir2).
     58         custom_out_dir = os.path.join(build_top, 'out2/dir/here')
     59         os_environ_mock = {constants.ANDROID_OUT: custom_out_dir,
     60                            'OUT_DIR': 'out2',
     61                            'ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT': custom_out_dir,
     62                            constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP: build_top}
     63         custom_out_dir_mod_targ = 'out2/dir/here/module-info.json'
     64         # Make sure module_info_target is what we think it is.
     65         with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', os_environ_mock, clear=True):
     66             mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo()
     67             self.assertEqual(custom_out_dir_mod_targ,
     68                              mod_info.module_info_target)
     70         # Test out custom abs out dir is used (OUT_DIR=/tmp/out/dir2).
     71         abs_custom_out_dir = '/tmp/out/dir'
     72         os_environ_mock = {constants.ANDROID_OUT: abs_custom_out_dir,
     73                            'OUT_DIR': abs_custom_out_dir,
     74                            'ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT': abs_custom_out_dir,
     75                            constants.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP: build_top}
     76         custom_abs_out_dir_mod_targ = '/tmp/out/dir/module-info.json'
     77         # Make sure module_info_target is what we think it is.
     78         with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', os_environ_mock, clear=True):
     79             mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo()
     80             self.assertEqual(custom_abs_out_dir_mod_targ,
     81                              mod_info.module_info_target)
     83     @mock.patch.object(module_info.ModuleInfo, '_load_module_info_file',)
     84     def test_get_path_to_module_info(self, mock_load_module):
     85         """Test that we correctly create the path to module info dict."""
     86         mod_one = 'mod1'
     87         mod_two = 'mod2'
     88         mod_path_one = '/path/to/mod1'
     89         mod_path_two = '/path/to/mod2'
     90         mod_info_dict = {mod_one: {constants.MODULE_PATH: [mod_path_one]},
     91                          mod_two: {constants.MODULE_PATH: [mod_path_two]}}
     92         mock_load_module.return_value = ('mod_target', mod_info_dict)
     93         path_to_mod_info = {mod_path_one: [{constants.MODULE_NAME: mod_one,
     94                                             constants.MODULE_PATH: [mod_path_one]}],
     95                             mod_path_two: [{constants.MODULE_NAME: mod_two,
     96                                             constants.MODULE_PATH: [mod_path_two]}]}
     97         mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo()
     98         self.assertDictEqual(path_to_mod_info,
     99                              mod_info._get_path_to_module_info(mod_info_dict))
    101     def test_is_module(self):
    102         """Test that we get the module when it's properly loaded."""
    103         # Load up the test json file and check that module is in it
    104         mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo(module_file=JSON_FILE_PATH)
    105         self.assertTrue(mod_info.is_module(EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET))
    106         self.assertFalse(mod_info.is_module(UNEXPECTED_MOD_TARGET))
    108     def test_get_path(self):
    109         """Test that we get the module path when it's properly loaded."""
    110         # Load up the test json file and check that module is in it
    111         mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo(module_file=JSON_FILE_PATH)
    112         self.assertEqual(mod_info.get_paths(EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET),
    113                          EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET_PATH)
    114         self.assertEqual(mod_info.get_paths(MOD_NO_PATH), [])
    116     def test_get_module_names(self):
    117         """test that we get the module name properly."""
    118         mod_info = module_info.ModuleInfo(module_file=JSON_FILE_PATH)
    119         self.assertEqual(mod_info.get_module_names(EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET_PATH[0]),
    120                          [EXPECTED_MOD_TARGET])
    121         self.assertEqual(mod_info.get_module_names(PATH_TO_MULT_MODULES),
    122                          MULT_MOODULES_WITH_SHARED_PATH)
    126 if __name__ == '__main__':
    127     unittest.main()