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      1 import copy
      2 import gc
      3 import pickle
      4 import sys
      5 import unittest
      6 import warnings
      7 import weakref
      8 import inspect
     10 from test import support
     12 try:
     13     import _testcapi
     14 except ImportError:
     15     _testcapi = None
     18 # This tests to make sure that if a SIGINT arrives just before we send into a
     19 # yield from chain, the KeyboardInterrupt is raised in the innermost
     20 # generator (see bpo-30039).
     21 @unittest.skipUnless(_testcapi is not None and
     22                      hasattr(_testcapi, "raise_SIGINT_then_send_None"),
     23                      "needs _testcapi.raise_SIGINT_then_send_None")
     24 class SignalAndYieldFromTest(unittest.TestCase):
     26     def generator1(self):
     27         return (yield from self.generator2())
     29     def generator2(self):
     30         try:
     31             yield
     32         except KeyboardInterrupt:
     33             return "PASSED"
     34         else:
     35             return "FAILED"
     37     def test_raise_and_yield_from(self):
     38         gen = self.generator1()
     39         gen.send(None)
     40         try:
     41             _testcapi.raise_SIGINT_then_send_None(gen)
     42         except BaseException as _exc:
     43             exc = _exc
     44         self.assertIs(type(exc), StopIteration)
     45         self.assertEqual(exc.value, "PASSED")
     48 class FinalizationTest(unittest.TestCase):
     50     def test_frame_resurrect(self):
     51         # A generator frame can be resurrected by a generator's finalization.
     52         def gen():
     53             nonlocal frame
     54             try:
     55                 yield
     56             finally:
     57                 frame = sys._getframe()
     59         g = gen()
     60         wr = weakref.ref(g)
     61         next(g)
     62         del g
     63         support.gc_collect()
     64         self.assertIs(wr(), None)
     65         self.assertTrue(frame)
     66         del frame
     67         support.gc_collect()
     69     def test_refcycle(self):
     70         # A generator caught in a refcycle gets finalized anyway.
     71         old_garbage = gc.garbage[:]
     72         finalized = False
     73         def gen():
     74             nonlocal finalized
     75             try:
     76                 g = yield
     77                 yield 1
     78             finally:
     79                 finalized = True
     81         g = gen()
     82         next(g)
     83         g.send(g)
     84         self.assertGreater(sys.getrefcount(g), 2)
     85         self.assertFalse(finalized)
     86         del g
     87         support.gc_collect()
     88         self.assertTrue(finalized)
     89         self.assertEqual(gc.garbage, old_garbage)
     91     def test_lambda_generator(self):
     92         # Issue #23192: Test that a lambda returning a generator behaves
     93         # like the equivalent function
     94         f = lambda: (yield 1)
     95         def g(): return (yield 1)
     97         # test 'yield from'
     98         f2 = lambda: (yield from g())
     99         def g2(): return (yield from g())
    101         f3 = lambda: (yield from f())
    102         def g3(): return (yield from f())
    104         for gen_fun in (f, g, f2, g2, f3, g3):
    105             gen = gen_fun()
    106             self.assertEqual(next(gen), 1)
    107             with self.assertRaises(StopIteration) as cm:
    108                 gen.send(2)
    109             self.assertEqual(cm.exception.value, 2)
    112 class GeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    114     def test_name(self):
    115         def func():
    116             yield 1
    118         # check generator names
    119         gen = func()
    120         self.assertEqual(gen.__name__, "func")
    121         self.assertEqual(gen.__qualname__,
    122                          "GeneratorTest.test_name.<locals>.func")
    124         # modify generator names
    125         gen.__name__ = "name"
    126         gen.__qualname__ = "qualname"
    127         self.assertEqual(gen.__name__, "name")
    128         self.assertEqual(gen.__qualname__, "qualname")
    130         # generator names must be a string and cannot be deleted
    131         self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, gen, '__name__', 123)
    132         self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, gen, '__qualname__', 123)
    133         self.assertRaises(TypeError, delattr, gen, '__name__')
    134         self.assertRaises(TypeError, delattr, gen, '__qualname__')
    136         # modify names of the function creating the generator
    137         func.__qualname__ = "func_qualname"
    138         func.__name__ = "func_name"
    139         gen = func()
    140         self.assertEqual(gen.__name__, "func_name")
    141         self.assertEqual(gen.__qualname__, "func_qualname")
    143         # unnamed generator
    144         gen = (x for x in range(10))
    145         self.assertEqual(gen.__name__,
    146                          "<genexpr>")
    147         self.assertEqual(gen.__qualname__,
    148                          "GeneratorTest.test_name.<locals>.<genexpr>")
    150     def test_copy(self):
    151         def f():
    152             yield 1
    153         g = f()
    154         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
    155             copy.copy(g)
    157     def test_pickle(self):
    158         def f():
    159             yield 1
    160         g = f()
    161         for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
    162             with self.assertRaises((TypeError, pickle.PicklingError)):
    163                 pickle.dumps(g, proto)
    166 class ExceptionTest(unittest.TestCase):
    167     # Tests for the issue #23353: check that the currently handled exception
    168     # is correctly saved/restored in PyEval_EvalFrameEx().
    170     def test_except_throw(self):
    171         def store_raise_exc_generator():
    172             try:
    173                 self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], None)
    174                 yield
    175             except Exception as exc:
    176                 # exception raised by gen.throw(exc)
    177                 self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], ValueError)
    178                 self.assertIsNone(exc.__context__)
    179                 yield
    181                 # ensure that the exception is not lost
    182                 self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], ValueError)
    183                 yield
    185                 # we should be able to raise back the ValueError
    186                 raise
    188         make = store_raise_exc_generator()
    189         next(make)
    191         try:
    192             raise ValueError()
    193         except Exception as exc:
    194             try:
    195                 make.throw(exc)
    196             except Exception:
    197                 pass
    199         next(make)
    200         with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
    201             next(make)
    202         self.assertIsNone(cm.exception.__context__)
    204         self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info(), (None, None, None))
    206     def test_except_next(self):
    207         def gen():
    208             self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], ValueError)
    209             yield "done"
    211         g = gen()
    212         try:
    213             raise ValueError
    214         except Exception:
    215             self.assertEqual(next(g), "done")
    216         self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info(), (None, None, None))
    218     def test_except_gen_except(self):
    219         def gen():
    220             try:
    221                 self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], None)
    222                 yield
    223                 # we are called from "except ValueError:", TypeError must
    224                 # inherit ValueError in its context
    225                 raise TypeError()
    226             except TypeError as exc:
    227                 self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], TypeError)
    228                 self.assertEqual(type(exc.__context__), ValueError)
    229             # here we are still called from the "except ValueError:"
    230             self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], ValueError)
    231             yield
    232             self.assertIsNone(sys.exc_info()[0])
    233             yield "done"
    235         g = gen()
    236         next(g)
    237         try:
    238             raise ValueError
    239         except Exception:
    240             next(g)
    242         self.assertEqual(next(g), "done")
    243         self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info(), (None, None, None))
    245     def test_except_throw_exception_context(self):
    246         def gen():
    247             try:
    248                 try:
    249                     self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], None)
    250                     yield
    251                 except ValueError:
    252                     # we are called from "except ValueError:"
    253                     self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], ValueError)
    254                     raise TypeError()
    255             except Exception as exc:
    256                 self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], TypeError)
    257                 self.assertEqual(type(exc.__context__), ValueError)
    258             # we are still called from "except ValueError:"
    259             self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info()[0], ValueError)
    260             yield
    261             self.assertIsNone(sys.exc_info()[0])
    262             yield "done"
    264         g = gen()
    265         next(g)
    266         try:
    267             raise ValueError
    268         except Exception as exc:
    269             g.throw(exc)
    271         self.assertEqual(next(g), "done")
    272         self.assertEqual(sys.exc_info(), (None, None, None))
    274     def test_stopiteration_error(self):
    275         # See also PEP 479.
    277         def gen():
    278             raise StopIteration
    279             yield
    281         with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'raised StopIteration'):
    282             next(gen())
    284     def test_tutorial_stopiteration(self):
    285         # Raise StopIteration" stops the generator too:
    287         def f():
    288             yield 1
    289             raise StopIteration
    290             yield 2 # never reached
    292         g = f()
    293         self.assertEqual(next(g), 1)
    295         with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'raised StopIteration'):
    296             next(g)
    298     def test_return_tuple(self):
    299         def g():
    300             return (yield 1)
    302         gen = g()
    303         self.assertEqual(next(gen), 1)
    304         with self.assertRaises(StopIteration) as cm:
    305             gen.send((2,))
    306         self.assertEqual(cm.exception.value, (2,))
    308     def test_return_stopiteration(self):
    309         def g():
    310             return (yield 1)
    312         gen = g()
    313         self.assertEqual(next(gen), 1)
    314         with self.assertRaises(StopIteration) as cm:
    315             gen.send(StopIteration(2))
    316         self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.value, StopIteration)
    317         self.assertEqual(cm.exception.value.value, 2)
    320 class YieldFromTests(unittest.TestCase):
    321     def test_generator_gi_yieldfrom(self):
    322         def a():
    323             self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorstate(gen_b), inspect.GEN_RUNNING)
    324             self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    325             yield
    326             self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorstate(gen_b), inspect.GEN_RUNNING)
    327             self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    329         def b():
    330             self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    331             yield from a()
    332             self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    333             yield
    334             self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    336         gen_b = b()
    337         self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorstate(gen_b), inspect.GEN_CREATED)
    338         self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    340         gen_b.send(None)
    341         self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorstate(gen_b), inspect.GEN_SUSPENDED)
    342         self.assertEqual(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom.gi_code.co_name, 'a')
    344         gen_b.send(None)
    345         self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorstate(gen_b), inspect.GEN_SUSPENDED)
    346         self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    348         [] = gen_b  # Exhaust generator
    349         self.assertEqual(inspect.getgeneratorstate(gen_b), inspect.GEN_CLOSED)
    350         self.assertIsNone(gen_b.gi_yieldfrom)
    353 tutorial_tests = """
    354 Let's try a simple generator:
    356     >>> def f():
    357     ...    yield 1
    358     ...    yield 2
    360     >>> for i in f():
    361     ...     print(i)
    362     1
    363     2
    364     >>> g = f()
    365     >>> next(g)
    366     1
    367     >>> next(g)
    368     2
    370 "Falling off the end" stops the generator:
    372     >>> next(g)
    373     Traceback (most recent call last):
    374       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    375       File "<stdin>", line 2, in g
    376     StopIteration
    378 "return" also stops the generator:
    380     >>> def f():
    381     ...     yield 1
    382     ...     return
    383     ...     yield 2 # never reached
    384     ...
    385     >>> g = f()
    386     >>> next(g)
    387     1
    388     >>> next(g)
    389     Traceback (most recent call last):
    390       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    391       File "<stdin>", line 3, in f
    392     StopIteration
    393     >>> next(g) # once stopped, can't be resumed
    394     Traceback (most recent call last):
    395       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    396     StopIteration
    398 However, "return" and StopIteration are not exactly equivalent:
    400     >>> def g1():
    401     ...     try:
    402     ...         return
    403     ...     except:
    404     ...         yield 1
    405     ...
    406     >>> list(g1())
    407     []
    409     >>> def g2():
    410     ...     try:
    411     ...         raise StopIteration
    412     ...     except:
    413     ...         yield 42
    414     >>> print(list(g2()))
    415     [42]
    417 This may be surprising at first:
    419     >>> def g3():
    420     ...     try:
    421     ...         return
    422     ...     finally:
    423     ...         yield 1
    424     ...
    425     >>> list(g3())
    426     [1]
    428 Let's create an alternate range() function implemented as a generator:
    430     >>> def yrange(n):
    431     ...     for i in range(n):
    432     ...         yield i
    433     ...
    434     >>> list(yrange(5))
    435     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    437 Generators always return to the most recent caller:
    439     >>> def creator():
    440     ...     r = yrange(5)
    441     ...     print("creator", next(r))
    442     ...     return r
    443     ...
    444     >>> def caller():
    445     ...     r = creator()
    446     ...     for i in r:
    447     ...             print("caller", i)
    448     ...
    449     >>> caller()
    450     creator 0
    451     caller 1
    452     caller 2
    453     caller 3
    454     caller 4
    456 Generators can call other generators:
    458     >>> def zrange(n):
    459     ...     for i in yrange(n):
    460     ...         yield i
    461     ...
    462     >>> list(zrange(5))
    463     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    465 """
    467 # The examples from PEP 255.
    469 pep_tests = """
    471 Specification:  Yield
    473     Restriction:  A generator cannot be resumed while it is actively
    474     running:
    476     >>> def g():
    477     ...     i = next(me)
    478     ...     yield i
    479     >>> me = g()
    480     >>> next(me)
    481     Traceback (most recent call last):
    482      ...
    483       File "<string>", line 2, in g
    484     ValueError: generator already executing
    486 Specification: Return
    488     Note that return isn't always equivalent to raising StopIteration:  the
    489     difference lies in how enclosing try/except constructs are treated.
    490     For example,
    492         >>> def f1():
    493         ...     try:
    494         ...         return
    495         ...     except:
    496         ...        yield 1
    497         >>> print(list(f1()))
    498         []
    500     because, as in any function, return simply exits, but
    502         >>> def f2():
    503         ...     try:
    504         ...         raise StopIteration
    505         ...     except:
    506         ...         yield 42
    507         >>> print(list(f2()))
    508         [42]
    510     because StopIteration is captured by a bare "except", as is any
    511     exception.
    513 Specification: Generators and Exception Propagation
    515     >>> def f():
    516     ...     return 1//0
    517     >>> def g():
    518     ...     yield f()  # the zero division exception propagates
    519     ...     yield 42   # and we'll never get here
    520     >>> k = g()
    521     >>> next(k)
    522     Traceback (most recent call last):
    523       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    524       File "<stdin>", line 2, in g
    525       File "<stdin>", line 2, in f
    526     ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
    527     >>> next(k)  # and the generator cannot be resumed
    528     Traceback (most recent call last):
    529       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    530     StopIteration
    531     >>>
    533 Specification: Try/Except/Finally
    535     >>> def f():
    536     ...     try:
    537     ...         yield 1
    538     ...         try:
    539     ...             yield 2
    540     ...             1//0
    541     ...             yield 3  # never get here
    542     ...         except ZeroDivisionError:
    543     ...             yield 4
    544     ...             yield 5
    545     ...             raise
    546     ...         except:
    547     ...             yield 6
    548     ...         yield 7     # the "raise" above stops this
    549     ...     except:
    550     ...         yield 8
    551     ...     yield 9
    552     ...     try:
    553     ...         x = 12
    554     ...     finally:
    555     ...         yield 10
    556     ...     yield 11
    557     >>> print(list(f()))
    558     [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    559     >>>
    561 Guido's binary tree example.
    563     >>> # A binary tree class.
    564     >>> class Tree:
    565     ...
    566     ...     def __init__(self, label, left=None, right=None):
    567     ...         self.label = label
    568     ...         self.left = left
    569     ...         self.right = right
    570     ...
    571     ...     def __repr__(self, level=0, indent="    "):
    572     ...         s = level*indent + repr(self.label)
    573     ...         if self.left:
    574     ...             s = s + "\\n" + self.left.__repr__(level+1, indent)
    575     ...         if self.right:
    576     ...             s = s + "\\n" + self.right.__repr__(level+1, indent)
    577     ...         return s
    578     ...
    579     ...     def __iter__(self):
    580     ...         return inorder(self)
    582     >>> # Create a Tree from a list.
    583     >>> def tree(list):
    584     ...     n = len(list)
    585     ...     if n == 0:
    586     ...         return []
    587     ...     i = n // 2
    588     ...     return Tree(list[i], tree(list[:i]), tree(list[i+1:]))
    590     >>> # Show it off: create a tree.
    591     >>> t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
    593     >>> # A recursive generator that generates Tree labels in in-order.
    594     >>> def inorder(t):
    595     ...     if t:
    596     ...         for x in inorder(t.left):
    597     ...             yield x
    598     ...         yield t.label
    599     ...         for x in inorder(t.right):
    600     ...             yield x
    602     >>> # Show it off: create a tree.
    603     >>> t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
    604     >>> # Print the nodes of the tree in in-order.
    605     >>> for x in t:
    606     ...     print(' '+x, end='')
    607      A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    609     >>> # A non-recursive generator.
    610     >>> def inorder(node):
    611     ...     stack = []
    612     ...     while node:
    613     ...         while node.left:
    614     ...             stack.append(node)
    615     ...             node = node.left
    616     ...         yield node.label
    617     ...         while not node.right:
    618     ...             try:
    619     ...                 node = stack.pop()
    620     ...             except IndexError:
    621     ...                 return
    622     ...             yield node.label
    623     ...         node = node.right
    625     >>> # Exercise the non-recursive generator.
    626     >>> for x in t:
    627     ...     print(' '+x, end='')
    628      A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    630 """
    632 # Examples from Iterator-List and Python-Dev and c.l.py.
    634 email_tests = """
    636 The difference between yielding None and returning it.
    638 >>> def g():
    639 ...     for i in range(3):
    640 ...         yield None
    641 ...     yield None
    642 ...     return
    643 >>> list(g())
    644 [None, None, None, None]
    646 Ensure that explicitly raising StopIteration acts like any other exception
    647 in try/except, not like a return.
    649 >>> def g():
    650 ...     yield 1
    651 ...     try:
    652 ...         raise StopIteration
    653 ...     except:
    654 ...         yield 2
    655 ...     yield 3
    656 >>> list(g())
    657 [1, 2, 3]
    659 Next one was posted to c.l.py.
    661 >>> def gcomb(x, k):
    662 ...     "Generate all combinations of k elements from list x."
    663 ...
    664 ...     if k > len(x):
    665 ...         return
    666 ...     if k == 0:
    667 ...         yield []
    668 ...     else:
    669 ...         first, rest = x[0], x[1:]
    670 ...         # A combination does or doesn't contain first.
    671 ...         # If it does, the remainder is a k-1 comb of rest.
    672 ...         for c in gcomb(rest, k-1):
    673 ...             c.insert(0, first)
    674 ...             yield c
    675 ...         # If it doesn't contain first, it's a k comb of rest.
    676 ...         for c in gcomb(rest, k):
    677 ...             yield c
    679 >>> seq = list(range(1, 5))
    680 >>> for k in range(len(seq) + 2):
    681 ...     print("%d-combs of %s:" % (k, seq))
    682 ...     for c in gcomb(seq, k):
    683 ...         print("   ", c)
    684 0-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]:
    685     []
    686 1-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]:
    687     [1]
    688     [2]
    689     [3]
    690     [4]
    691 2-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]:
    692     [1, 2]
    693     [1, 3]
    694     [1, 4]
    695     [2, 3]
    696     [2, 4]
    697     [3, 4]
    698 3-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]:
    699     [1, 2, 3]
    700     [1, 2, 4]
    701     [1, 3, 4]
    702     [2, 3, 4]
    703 4-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]:
    704     [1, 2, 3, 4]
    705 5-combs of [1, 2, 3, 4]:
    707 From the Iterators list, about the types of these things.
    709 >>> def g():
    710 ...     yield 1
    711 ...
    712 >>> type(g)
    713 <class 'function'>
    714 >>> i = g()
    715 >>> type(i)
    716 <class 'generator'>
    717 >>> [s for s in dir(i) if not s.startswith('_')]
    718 ['close', 'gi_code', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'gi_yieldfrom', 'send', 'throw']
    719 >>> from test.support import HAVE_DOCSTRINGS
    720 >>> print(i.__next__.__doc__ if HAVE_DOCSTRINGS else 'Implement next(self).')
    721 Implement next(self).
    722 >>> iter(i) is i
    723 True
    724 >>> import types
    725 >>> isinstance(i, types.GeneratorType)
    726 True
    728 And more, added later.
    730 >>> i.gi_running
    731 0
    732 >>> type(i.gi_frame)
    733 <class 'frame'>
    734 >>> i.gi_running = 42
    735 Traceback (most recent call last):
    736   ...
    737 AttributeError: readonly attribute
    738 >>> def g():
    739 ...     yield me.gi_running
    740 >>> me = g()
    741 >>> me.gi_running
    742 0
    743 >>> next(me)
    744 1
    745 >>> me.gi_running
    746 0
    748 A clever union-find implementation from c.l.py, due to David Eppstein.
    749 Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 12:16 PM
    750 To: python-list (at] python.org
    751 Subject: Re: PEP 255: Simple Generators
    753 >>> class disjointSet:
    754 ...     def __init__(self, name):
    755 ...         self.name = name
    756 ...         self.parent = None
    757 ...         self.generator = self.generate()
    758 ...
    759 ...     def generate(self):
    760 ...         while not self.parent:
    761 ...             yield self
    762 ...         for x in self.parent.generator:
    763 ...             yield x
    764 ...
    765 ...     def find(self):
    766 ...         return next(self.generator)
    767 ...
    768 ...     def union(self, parent):
    769 ...         if self.parent:
    770 ...             raise ValueError("Sorry, I'm not a root!")
    771 ...         self.parent = parent
    772 ...
    773 ...     def __str__(self):
    774 ...         return self.name
    776 >>> names = "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"
    777 >>> sets = [disjointSet(name) for name in names]
    778 >>> roots = sets[:]
    780 >>> import random
    781 >>> gen = random.Random(42)
    782 >>> while 1:
    783 ...     for s in sets:
    784 ...         print(" %s->%s" % (s, s.find()), end='')
    785 ...     print()
    786 ...     if len(roots) > 1:
    787 ...         s1 = gen.choice(roots)
    788 ...         roots.remove(s1)
    789 ...         s2 = gen.choice(roots)
    790 ...         s1.union(s2)
    791 ...         print("merged", s1, "into", s2)
    792 ...     else:
    793 ...         break
    794  A->A B->B C->C D->D E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->K L->L M->M
    795 merged K into B
    796  A->A B->B C->C D->D E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->B L->L M->M
    797 merged A into F
    798  A->F B->B C->C D->D E->E F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->B L->L M->M
    799 merged E into F
    800  A->F B->B C->C D->D E->F F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->B L->L M->M
    801 merged D into C
    802  A->F B->B C->C D->C E->F F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->B L->L M->M
    803 merged M into C
    804  A->F B->B C->C D->C E->F F->F G->G H->H I->I J->J K->B L->L M->C
    805 merged J into B
    806  A->F B->B C->C D->C E->F F->F G->G H->H I->I J->B K->B L->L M->C
    807 merged B into C
    808  A->F B->C C->C D->C E->F F->F G->G H->H I->I J->C K->C L->L M->C
    809 merged F into G
    810  A->G B->C C->C D->C E->G F->G G->G H->H I->I J->C K->C L->L M->C
    811 merged L into C
    812  A->G B->C C->C D->C E->G F->G G->G H->H I->I J->C K->C L->C M->C
    813 merged G into I
    814  A->I B->C C->C D->C E->I F->I G->I H->H I->I J->C K->C L->C M->C
    815 merged I into H
    816  A->H B->C C->C D->C E->H F->H G->H H->H I->H J->C K->C L->C M->C
    817 merged C into H
    818  A->H B->H C->H D->H E->H F->H G->H H->H I->H J->H K->H L->H M->H
    820 """
    821 # Emacs turd '
    823 # Fun tests (for sufficiently warped notions of "fun").
    825 fun_tests = """
    827 Build up to a recursive Sieve of Eratosthenes generator.
    829 >>> def firstn(g, n):
    830 ...     return [next(g) for i in range(n)]
    832 >>> def intsfrom(i):
    833 ...     while 1:
    834 ...         yield i
    835 ...         i += 1
    837 >>> firstn(intsfrom(5), 7)
    838 [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    840 >>> def exclude_multiples(n, ints):
    841 ...     for i in ints:
    842 ...         if i % n:
    843 ...             yield i
    845 >>> firstn(exclude_multiples(3, intsfrom(1)), 6)
    846 [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8]
    848 >>> def sieve(ints):
    849 ...     prime = next(ints)
    850 ...     yield prime
    851 ...     not_divisible_by_prime = exclude_multiples(prime, ints)
    852 ...     for p in sieve(not_divisible_by_prime):
    853 ...         yield p
    855 >>> primes = sieve(intsfrom(2))
    856 >>> firstn(primes, 20)
    857 [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
    860 Another famous problem:  generate all integers of the form
    861     2**i * 3**j  * 5**k
    862 in increasing order, where i,j,k >= 0.  Trickier than it may look at first!
    863 Try writing it without generators, and correctly, and without generating
    864 3 internal results for each result output.
    866 >>> def times(n, g):
    867 ...     for i in g:
    868 ...         yield n * i
    869 >>> firstn(times(10, intsfrom(1)), 10)
    870 [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
    872 >>> def merge(g, h):
    873 ...     ng = next(g)
    874 ...     nh = next(h)
    875 ...     while 1:
    876 ...         if ng < nh:
    877 ...             yield ng
    878 ...             ng = next(g)
    879 ...         elif ng > nh:
    880 ...             yield nh
    881 ...             nh = next(h)
    882 ...         else:
    883 ...             yield ng
    884 ...             ng = next(g)
    885 ...             nh = next(h)
    887 The following works, but is doing a whale of a lot of redundant work --
    888 it's not clear how to get the internal uses of m235 to share a single
    889 generator.  Note that me_times2 (etc) each need to see every element in the
    890 result sequence.  So this is an example where lazy lists are more natural
    891 (you can look at the head of a lazy list any number of times).
    893 >>> def m235():
    894 ...     yield 1
    895 ...     me_times2 = times(2, m235())
    896 ...     me_times3 = times(3, m235())
    897 ...     me_times5 = times(5, m235())
    898 ...     for i in merge(merge(me_times2,
    899 ...                          me_times3),
    900 ...                    me_times5):
    901 ...         yield i
    903 Don't print "too many" of these -- the implementation above is extremely
    904 inefficient:  each call of m235() leads to 3 recursive calls, and in
    905 turn each of those 3 more, and so on, and so on, until we've descended
    906 enough levels to satisfy the print stmts.  Very odd:  when I printed 5
    907 lines of results below, this managed to screw up Win98's malloc in "the
    908 usual" way, i.e. the heap grew over 4Mb so Win98 started fragmenting
    909 address space, and it *looked* like a very slow leak.
    911 >>> result = m235()
    912 >>> for i in range(3):
    913 ...     print(firstn(result, 15))
    914 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24]
    915 [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80]
    916 [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192]
    918 Heh.  Here's one way to get a shared list, complete with an excruciating
    919 namespace renaming trick.  The *pretty* part is that the times() and merge()
    920 functions can be reused as-is, because they only assume their stream
    921 arguments are iterable -- a LazyList is the same as a generator to times().
    923 >>> class LazyList:
    924 ...     def __init__(self, g):
    925 ...         self.sofar = []
    926 ...         self.fetch = g.__next__
    927 ...
    928 ...     def __getitem__(self, i):
    929 ...         sofar, fetch = self.sofar, self.fetch
    930 ...         while i >= len(sofar):
    931 ...             sofar.append(fetch())
    932 ...         return sofar[i]
    934 >>> def m235():
    935 ...     yield 1
    936 ...     # Gack:  m235 below actually refers to a LazyList.
    937 ...     me_times2 = times(2, m235)
    938 ...     me_times3 = times(3, m235)
    939 ...     me_times5 = times(5, m235)
    940 ...     for i in merge(merge(me_times2,
    941 ...                          me_times3),
    942 ...                    me_times5):
    943 ...         yield i
    945 Print as many of these as you like -- *this* implementation is memory-
    946 efficient.
    948 >>> m235 = LazyList(m235())
    949 >>> for i in range(5):
    950 ...     print([m235[j] for j in range(15*i, 15*(i+1))])
    951 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24]
    952 [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80]
    953 [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192]
    954 [200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384]
    955 [400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675]
    957 Ye olde Fibonacci generator, LazyList style.
    959 >>> def fibgen(a, b):
    960 ...
    961 ...     def sum(g, h):
    962 ...         while 1:
    963 ...             yield next(g) + next(h)
    964 ...
    965 ...     def tail(g):
    966 ...         next(g)    # throw first away
    967 ...         for x in g:
    968 ...             yield x
    969 ...
    970 ...     yield a
    971 ...     yield b
    972 ...     for s in sum(iter(fib),
    973 ...                  tail(iter(fib))):
    974 ...         yield s
    976 >>> fib = LazyList(fibgen(1, 2))
    977 >>> firstn(iter(fib), 17)
    978 [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584]
    981 Running after your tail with itertools.tee (new in version 2.4)
    983 The algorithms "m235" (Hamming) and Fibonacci presented above are both
    984 examples of a whole family of FP (functional programming) algorithms
    985 where a function produces and returns a list while the production algorithm
    986 suppose the list as already produced by recursively calling itself.
    987 For these algorithms to work, they must:
    989 - produce at least a first element without presupposing the existence of
    990   the rest of the list
    991 - produce their elements in a lazy manner
    993 To work efficiently, the beginning of the list must not be recomputed over
    994 and over again. This is ensured in most FP languages as a built-in feature.
    995 In python, we have to explicitly maintain a list of already computed results
    996 and abandon genuine recursivity.
    998 This is what had been attempted above with the LazyList class. One problem
    999 with that class is that it keeps a list of all of the generated results and
   1000 therefore continually grows. This partially defeats the goal of the generator
   1001 concept, viz. produce the results only as needed instead of producing them
   1002 all and thereby wasting memory.
   1004 Thanks to itertools.tee, it is now clear "how to get the internal uses of
   1005 m235 to share a single generator".
   1007 >>> from itertools import tee
   1008 >>> def m235():
   1009 ...     def _m235():
   1010 ...         yield 1
   1011 ...         for n in merge(times(2, m2),
   1012 ...                        merge(times(3, m3),
   1013 ...                              times(5, m5))):
   1014 ...             yield n
   1015 ...     m1 = _m235()
   1016 ...     m2, m3, m5, mRes = tee(m1, 4)
   1017 ...     return mRes
   1019 >>> it = m235()
   1020 >>> for i in range(5):
   1021 ...     print(firstn(it, 15))
   1022 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24]
   1023 [25, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80]
   1024 [81, 90, 96, 100, 108, 120, 125, 128, 135, 144, 150, 160, 162, 180, 192]
   1025 [200, 216, 225, 240, 243, 250, 256, 270, 288, 300, 320, 324, 360, 375, 384]
   1026 [400, 405, 432, 450, 480, 486, 500, 512, 540, 576, 600, 625, 640, 648, 675]
   1028 The "tee" function does just what we want. It internally keeps a generated
   1029 result for as long as it has not been "consumed" from all of the duplicated
   1030 iterators, whereupon it is deleted. You can therefore print the hamming
   1031 sequence during hours without increasing memory usage, or very little.
   1033 The beauty of it is that recursive running-after-their-tail FP algorithms
   1034 are quite straightforwardly expressed with this Python idiom.
   1036 Ye olde Fibonacci generator, tee style.
   1038 >>> def fib():
   1039 ...
   1040 ...     def _isum(g, h):
   1041 ...         while 1:
   1042 ...             yield next(g) + next(h)
   1043 ...
   1044 ...     def _fib():
   1045 ...         yield 1
   1046 ...         yield 2
   1047 ...         next(fibTail) # throw first away
   1048 ...         for res in _isum(fibHead, fibTail):
   1049 ...             yield res
   1050 ...
   1051 ...     realfib = _fib()
   1052 ...     fibHead, fibTail, fibRes = tee(realfib, 3)
   1053 ...     return fibRes
   1055 >>> firstn(fib(), 17)
   1056 [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584]
   1058 """
   1060 # syntax_tests mostly provokes SyntaxErrors.  Also fiddling with #if 0
   1061 # hackery.
   1063 syntax_tests = """
   1065 These are fine:
   1067 >>> def f():
   1068 ...     yield 1
   1069 ...     return
   1071 >>> def f():
   1072 ...     try:
   1073 ...         yield 1
   1074 ...     finally:
   1075 ...         pass
   1077 >>> def f():
   1078 ...     try:
   1079 ...         try:
   1080 ...             1//0
   1081 ...         except ZeroDivisionError:
   1082 ...             yield 666
   1083 ...         except:
   1084 ...             pass
   1085 ...     finally:
   1086 ...         pass
   1088 >>> def f():
   1089 ...     try:
   1090 ...         try:
   1091 ...             yield 12
   1092 ...             1//0
   1093 ...         except ZeroDivisionError:
   1094 ...             yield 666
   1095 ...         except:
   1096 ...             try:
   1097 ...                 x = 12
   1098 ...             finally:
   1099 ...                 yield 12
   1100 ...     except:
   1101 ...         return
   1102 >>> list(f())
   1103 [12, 666]
   1105 >>> def f():
   1106 ...    yield
   1107 >>> type(f())
   1108 <class 'generator'>
   1111 >>> def f():
   1112 ...    if 0:
   1113 ...        yield
   1114 >>> type(f())
   1115 <class 'generator'>
   1118 >>> def f():
   1119 ...     if 0:
   1120 ...         yield 1
   1121 >>> type(f())
   1122 <class 'generator'>
   1124 >>> def f():
   1125 ...    if "":
   1126 ...        yield None
   1127 >>> type(f())
   1128 <class 'generator'>
   1130 >>> def f():
   1131 ...     return
   1132 ...     try:
   1133 ...         if x==4:
   1134 ...             pass
   1135 ...         elif 0:
   1136 ...             try:
   1137 ...                 1//0
   1138 ...             except SyntaxError:
   1139 ...                 pass
   1140 ...             else:
   1141 ...                 if 0:
   1142 ...                     while 12:
   1143 ...                         x += 1
   1144 ...                         yield 2 # don't blink
   1145 ...                         f(a, b, c, d, e)
   1146 ...         else:
   1147 ...             pass
   1148 ...     except:
   1149 ...         x = 1
   1150 ...     return
   1151 >>> type(f())
   1152 <class 'generator'>
   1154 >>> def f():
   1155 ...     if 0:
   1156 ...         def g():
   1157 ...             yield 1
   1158 ...
   1159 >>> type(f())
   1160 <class 'NoneType'>
   1162 >>> def f():
   1163 ...     if 0:
   1164 ...         class C:
   1165 ...             def __init__(self):
   1166 ...                 yield 1
   1167 ...             def f(self):
   1168 ...                 yield 2
   1169 >>> type(f())
   1170 <class 'NoneType'>
   1172 >>> def f():
   1173 ...     if 0:
   1174 ...         return
   1175 ...     if 0:
   1176 ...         yield 2
   1177 >>> type(f())
   1178 <class 'generator'>
   1180 This one caused a crash (see SF bug 567538):
   1182 >>> def f():
   1183 ...     for i in range(3):
   1184 ...         try:
   1185 ...             continue
   1186 ...         finally:
   1187 ...             yield i
   1188 ...
   1189 >>> g = f()
   1190 >>> print(next(g))
   1191 0
   1192 >>> print(next(g))
   1193 1
   1194 >>> print(next(g))
   1195 2
   1196 >>> print(next(g))
   1197 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1198 StopIteration
   1201 Test the gi_code attribute
   1203 >>> def f():
   1204 ...     yield 5
   1205 ...
   1206 >>> g = f()
   1207 >>> g.gi_code is f.__code__
   1208 True
   1209 >>> next(g)
   1210 5
   1211 >>> next(g)
   1212 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1213 StopIteration
   1214 >>> g.gi_code is f.__code__
   1215 True
   1218 Test the __name__ attribute and the repr()
   1220 >>> def f():
   1221 ...    yield 5
   1222 ...
   1223 >>> g = f()
   1224 >>> g.__name__
   1225 'f'
   1226 >>> repr(g)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   1227 '<generator object f at ...>'
   1229 Lambdas shouldn't have their usual return behavior.
   1231 >>> x = lambda: (yield 1)
   1232 >>> list(x())
   1233 [1]
   1235 >>> x = lambda: ((yield 1), (yield 2))
   1236 >>> list(x())
   1237 [1, 2]
   1238 """
   1240 # conjoin is a simple backtracking generator, named in honor of Icon's
   1241 # "conjunction" control structure.  Pass a list of no-argument functions
   1242 # that return iterable objects.  Easiest to explain by example:  assume the
   1243 # function list [x, y, z] is passed.  Then conjoin acts like:
   1244 #
   1245 # def g():
   1246 #     values = [None] * 3
   1247 #     for values[0] in x():
   1248 #         for values[1] in y():
   1249 #             for values[2] in z():
   1250 #                 yield values
   1251 #
   1252 # So some 3-lists of values *may* be generated, each time we successfully
   1253 # get into the innermost loop.  If an iterator fails (is exhausted) before
   1254 # then, it "backtracks" to get the next value from the nearest enclosing
   1255 # iterator (the one "to the left"), and starts all over again at the next
   1256 # slot (pumps a fresh iterator).  Of course this is most useful when the
   1257 # iterators have side-effects, so that which values *can* be generated at
   1258 # each slot depend on the values iterated at previous slots.
   1260 def simple_conjoin(gs):
   1262     values = [None] * len(gs)
   1264     def gen(i):
   1265         if i >= len(gs):
   1266             yield values
   1267         else:
   1268             for values[i] in gs[i]():
   1269                 for x in gen(i+1):
   1270                     yield x
   1272     for x in gen(0):
   1273         yield x
   1275 # That works fine, but recursing a level and checking i against len(gs) for
   1276 # each item produced is inefficient.  By doing manual loop unrolling across
   1277 # generator boundaries, it's possible to eliminate most of that overhead.
   1278 # This isn't worth the bother *in general* for generators, but conjoin() is
   1279 # a core building block for some CPU-intensive generator applications.
   1281 def conjoin(gs):
   1283     n = len(gs)
   1284     values = [None] * n
   1286     # Do one loop nest at time recursively, until the # of loop nests
   1287     # remaining is divisible by 3.
   1289     def gen(i):
   1290         if i >= n:
   1291             yield values
   1293         elif (n-i) % 3:
   1294             ip1 = i+1
   1295             for values[i] in gs[i]():
   1296                 for x in gen(ip1):
   1297                     yield x
   1299         else:
   1300             for x in _gen3(i):
   1301                 yield x
   1303     # Do three loop nests at a time, recursing only if at least three more
   1304     # remain.  Don't call directly:  this is an internal optimization for
   1305     # gen's use.
   1307     def _gen3(i):
   1308         assert i < n and (n-i) % 3 == 0
   1309         ip1, ip2, ip3 = i+1, i+2, i+3
   1310         g, g1, g2 = gs[i : ip3]
   1312         if ip3 >= n:
   1313             # These are the last three, so we can yield values directly.
   1314             for values[i] in g():
   1315                 for values[ip1] in g1():
   1316                     for values[ip2] in g2():
   1317                         yield values
   1319         else:
   1320             # At least 6 loop nests remain; peel off 3 and recurse for the
   1321             # rest.
   1322             for values[i] in g():
   1323                 for values[ip1] in g1():
   1324                     for values[ip2] in g2():
   1325                         for x in _gen3(ip3):
   1326                             yield x
   1328     for x in gen(0):
   1329         yield x
   1331 # And one more approach:  For backtracking apps like the Knight's Tour
   1332 # solver below, the number of backtracking levels can be enormous (one
   1333 # level per square, for the Knight's Tour, so that e.g. a 100x100 board
   1334 # needs 10,000 levels).  In such cases Python is likely to run out of
   1335 # stack space due to recursion.  So here's a recursion-free version of
   1336 # conjoin too.
   1337 # NOTE WELL:  This allows large problems to be solved with only trivial
   1338 # demands on stack space.  Without explicitly resumable generators, this is
   1339 # much harder to achieve.  OTOH, this is much slower (up to a factor of 2)
   1340 # than the fancy unrolled recursive conjoin.
   1342 def flat_conjoin(gs):  # rename to conjoin to run tests with this instead
   1343     n = len(gs)
   1344     values = [None] * n
   1345     iters  = [None] * n
   1346     _StopIteration = StopIteration  # make local because caught a *lot*
   1347     i = 0
   1348     while 1:
   1349         # Descend.
   1350         try:
   1351             while i < n:
   1352                 it = iters[i] = gs[i]().__next__
   1353                 values[i] = it()
   1354                 i += 1
   1355         except _StopIteration:
   1356             pass
   1357         else:
   1358             assert i == n
   1359             yield values
   1361         # Backtrack until an older iterator can be resumed.
   1362         i -= 1
   1363         while i >= 0:
   1364             try:
   1365                 values[i] = iters[i]()
   1366                 # Success!  Start fresh at next level.
   1367                 i += 1
   1368                 break
   1369             except _StopIteration:
   1370                 # Continue backtracking.
   1371                 i -= 1
   1372         else:
   1373             assert i < 0
   1374             break
   1376 # A conjoin-based N-Queens solver.
   1378 class Queens:
   1379     def __init__(self, n):
   1380         self.n = n
   1381         rangen = range(n)
   1383         # Assign a unique int to each column and diagonal.
   1384         # columns:  n of those, range(n).
   1385         # NW-SE diagonals: 2n-1 of these, i-j unique and invariant along
   1386         # each, smallest i-j is 0-(n-1) = 1-n, so add n-1 to shift to 0-
   1387         # based.
   1388         # NE-SW diagonals: 2n-1 of these, i+j unique and invariant along
   1389         # each, smallest i+j is 0, largest is 2n-2.
   1391         # For each square, compute a bit vector of the columns and
   1392         # diagonals it covers, and for each row compute a function that
   1393         # generates the possibilities for the columns in that row.
   1394         self.rowgenerators = []
   1395         for i in rangen:
   1396             rowuses = [(1 << j) |                  # column ordinal
   1397                        (1 << (n + i-j + n-1)) |    # NW-SE ordinal
   1398                        (1 << (n + 2*n-1 + i+j))    # NE-SW ordinal
   1399                             for j in rangen]
   1401             def rowgen(rowuses=rowuses):
   1402                 for j in rangen:
   1403                     uses = rowuses[j]
   1404                     if uses & self.used == 0:
   1405                         self.used |= uses
   1406                         yield j
   1407                         self.used &= ~uses
   1409             self.rowgenerators.append(rowgen)
   1411     # Generate solutions.
   1412     def solve(self):
   1413         self.used = 0
   1414         for row2col in conjoin(self.rowgenerators):
   1415             yield row2col
   1417     def printsolution(self, row2col):
   1418         n = self.n
   1419         assert n == len(row2col)
   1420         sep = "+" + "-+" * n
   1421         print(sep)
   1422         for i in range(n):
   1423             squares = [" " for j in range(n)]
   1424             squares[row2col[i]] = "Q"
   1425             print("|" + "|".join(squares) + "|")
   1426             print(sep)
   1428 # A conjoin-based Knight's Tour solver.  This is pretty sophisticated
   1429 # (e.g., when used with flat_conjoin above, and passing hard=1 to the
   1430 # constructor, a 200x200 Knight's Tour was found quickly -- note that we're
   1431 # creating 10s of thousands of generators then!), and is lengthy.
   1433 class Knights:
   1434     def __init__(self, m, n, hard=0):
   1435         self.m, self.n = m, n
   1437         # solve() will set up succs[i] to be a list of square #i's
   1438         # successors.
   1439         succs = self.succs = []
   1441         # Remove i0 from each of its successor's successor lists, i.e.
   1442         # successors can't go back to i0 again.  Return 0 if we can
   1443         # detect this makes a solution impossible, else return 1.
   1445         def remove_from_successors(i0, len=len):
   1446             # If we remove all exits from a free square, we're dead:
   1447             # even if we move to it next, we can't leave it again.
   1448             # If we create a square with one exit, we must visit it next;
   1449             # else somebody else will have to visit it, and since there's
   1450             # only one adjacent, there won't be a way to leave it again.
   1451             # Finally, if we create more than one free square with a
   1452             # single exit, we can only move to one of them next, leaving
   1453             # the other one a dead end.
   1454             ne0 = ne1 = 0
   1455             for i in succs[i0]:
   1456                 s = succs[i]
   1457                 s.remove(i0)
   1458                 e = len(s)
   1459                 if e == 0:
   1460                     ne0 += 1
   1461                 elif e == 1:
   1462                     ne1 += 1
   1463             return ne0 == 0 and ne1 < 2
   1465         # Put i0 back in each of its successor's successor lists.
   1467         def add_to_successors(i0):
   1468             for i in succs[i0]:
   1469                 succs[i].append(i0)
   1471         # Generate the first move.
   1472         def first():
   1473             if m < 1 or n < 1:
   1474                 return
   1476             # Since we're looking for a cycle, it doesn't matter where we
   1477             # start.  Starting in a corner makes the 2nd move easy.
   1478             corner = self.coords2index(0, 0)
   1479             remove_from_successors(corner)
   1480             self.lastij = corner
   1481             yield corner
   1482             add_to_successors(corner)
   1484         # Generate the second moves.
   1485         def second():
   1486             corner = self.coords2index(0, 0)
   1487             assert self.lastij == corner  # i.e., we started in the corner
   1488             if m < 3 or n < 3:
   1489                 return
   1490             assert len(succs[corner]) == 2
   1491             assert self.coords2index(1, 2) in succs[corner]
   1492             assert self.coords2index(2, 1) in succs[corner]
   1493             # Only two choices.  Whichever we pick, the other must be the
   1494             # square picked on move m*n, as it's the only way to get back
   1495             # to (0, 0).  Save its index in self.final so that moves before
   1496             # the last know it must be kept free.
   1497             for i, j in (1, 2), (2, 1):
   1498                 this  = self.coords2index(i, j)
   1499                 final = self.coords2index(3-i, 3-j)
   1500                 self.final = final
   1502                 remove_from_successors(this)
   1503                 succs[final].append(corner)
   1504                 self.lastij = this
   1505                 yield this
   1506                 succs[final].remove(corner)
   1507                 add_to_successors(this)
   1509         # Generate moves 3 through m*n-1.
   1510         def advance(len=len):
   1511             # If some successor has only one exit, must take it.
   1512             # Else favor successors with fewer exits.
   1513             candidates = []
   1514             for i in succs[self.lastij]:
   1515                 e = len(succs[i])
   1516                 assert e > 0, "else remove_from_successors() pruning flawed"
   1517                 if e == 1:
   1518                     candidates = [(e, i)]
   1519                     break
   1520                 candidates.append((e, i))
   1521             else:
   1522                 candidates.sort()
   1524             for e, i in candidates:
   1525                 if i != self.final:
   1526                     if remove_from_successors(i):
   1527                         self.lastij = i
   1528                         yield i
   1529                     add_to_successors(i)
   1531         # Generate moves 3 through m*n-1.  Alternative version using a
   1532         # stronger (but more expensive) heuristic to order successors.
   1533         # Since the # of backtracking levels is m*n, a poor move early on
   1534         # can take eons to undo.  Smallest square board for which this
   1535         # matters a lot is 52x52.
   1536         def advance_hard(vmid=(m-1)/2.0, hmid=(n-1)/2.0, len=len):
   1537             # If some successor has only one exit, must take it.
   1538             # Else favor successors with fewer exits.
   1539             # Break ties via max distance from board centerpoint (favor
   1540             # corners and edges whenever possible).
   1541             candidates = []
   1542             for i in succs[self.lastij]:
   1543                 e = len(succs[i])
   1544                 assert e > 0, "else remove_from_successors() pruning flawed"
   1545                 if e == 1:
   1546                     candidates = [(e, 0, i)]
   1547                     break
   1548                 i1, j1 = self.index2coords(i)
   1549                 d = (i1 - vmid)**2 + (j1 - hmid)**2
   1550                 candidates.append((e, -d, i))
   1551             else:
   1552                 candidates.sort()
   1554             for e, d, i in candidates:
   1555                 if i != self.final:
   1556                     if remove_from_successors(i):
   1557                         self.lastij = i
   1558                         yield i
   1559                     add_to_successors(i)
   1561         # Generate the last move.
   1562         def last():
   1563             assert self.final in succs[self.lastij]
   1564             yield self.final
   1566         if m*n < 4:
   1567             self.squaregenerators = [first]
   1568         else:
   1569             self.squaregenerators = [first, second] + \
   1570                 [hard and advance_hard or advance] * (m*n - 3) + \
   1571                 [last]
   1573     def coords2index(self, i, j):
   1574         assert 0 <= i < self.m
   1575         assert 0 <= j < self.n
   1576         return i * self.n + j
   1578     def index2coords(self, index):
   1579         assert 0 <= index < self.m * self.n
   1580         return divmod(index, self.n)
   1582     def _init_board(self):
   1583         succs = self.succs
   1584         del succs[:]
   1585         m, n = self.m, self.n
   1586         c2i = self.coords2index
   1588         offsets = [( 1,  2), ( 2,  1), ( 2, -1), ( 1, -2),
   1589                    (-1, -2), (-2, -1), (-2,  1), (-1,  2)]
   1590         rangen = range(n)
   1591         for i in range(m):
   1592             for j in rangen:
   1593                 s = [c2i(i+io, j+jo) for io, jo in offsets
   1594                                      if 0 <= i+io < m and
   1595                                         0 <= j+jo < n]
   1596                 succs.append(s)
   1598     # Generate solutions.
   1599     def solve(self):
   1600         self._init_board()
   1601         for x in conjoin(self.squaregenerators):
   1602             yield x
   1604     def printsolution(self, x):
   1605         m, n = self.m, self.n
   1606         assert len(x) == m*n
   1607         w = len(str(m*n))
   1608         format = "%" + str(w) + "d"
   1610         squares = [[None] * n for i in range(m)]
   1611         k = 1
   1612         for i in x:
   1613             i1, j1 = self.index2coords(i)
   1614             squares[i1][j1] = format % k
   1615             k += 1
   1617         sep = "+" + ("-" * w + "+") * n
   1618         print(sep)
   1619         for i in range(m):
   1620             row = squares[i]
   1621             print("|" + "|".join(row) + "|")
   1622             print(sep)
   1624 conjoin_tests = """
   1626 Generate the 3-bit binary numbers in order.  This illustrates dumbest-
   1627 possible use of conjoin, just to generate the full cross-product.
   1629 >>> for c in conjoin([lambda: iter((0, 1))] * 3):
   1630 ...     print(c)
   1631 [0, 0, 0]
   1632 [0, 0, 1]
   1633 [0, 1, 0]
   1634 [0, 1, 1]
   1635 [1, 0, 0]
   1636 [1, 0, 1]
   1637 [1, 1, 0]
   1638 [1, 1, 1]
   1640 For efficiency in typical backtracking apps, conjoin() yields the same list
   1641 object each time.  So if you want to save away a full account of its
   1642 generated sequence, you need to copy its results.
   1644 >>> def gencopy(iterator):
   1645 ...     for x in iterator:
   1646 ...         yield x[:]
   1648 >>> for n in range(10):
   1649 ...     all = list(gencopy(conjoin([lambda: iter((0, 1))] * n)))
   1650 ...     print(n, len(all), all[0] == [0] * n, all[-1] == [1] * n)
   1651 0 1 True True
   1652 1 2 True True
   1653 2 4 True True
   1654 3 8 True True
   1655 4 16 True True
   1656 5 32 True True
   1657 6 64 True True
   1658 7 128 True True
   1659 8 256 True True
   1660 9 512 True True
   1662 And run an 8-queens solver.
   1664 >>> q = Queens(8)
   1665 >>> LIMIT = 2
   1666 >>> count = 0
   1667 >>> for row2col in q.solve():
   1668 ...     count += 1
   1669 ...     if count <= LIMIT:
   1670 ...         print("Solution", count)
   1671 ...         q.printsolution(row2col)
   1672 Solution 1
   1673 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1674 |Q| | | | | | | |
   1675 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1676 | | | | |Q| | | |
   1677 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1678 | | | | | | | |Q|
   1679 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1680 | | | | | |Q| | |
   1681 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1682 | | |Q| | | | | |
   1683 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1684 | | | | | | |Q| |
   1685 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1686 | |Q| | | | | | |
   1687 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1688 | | | |Q| | | | |
   1689 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1690 Solution 2
   1691 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1692 |Q| | | | | | | |
   1693 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1694 | | | | | |Q| | |
   1695 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1696 | | | | | | | |Q|
   1697 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1698 | | |Q| | | | | |
   1699 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1700 | | | | | | |Q| |
   1701 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1702 | | | |Q| | | | |
   1703 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1704 | |Q| | | | | | |
   1705 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1706 | | | | |Q| | | |
   1707 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   1709 >>> print(count, "solutions in all.")
   1710 92 solutions in all.
   1712 And run a Knight's Tour on a 10x10 board.  Note that there are about
   1713 20,000 solutions even on a 6x6 board, so don't dare run this to exhaustion.
   1715 >>> k = Knights(10, 10)
   1716 >>> LIMIT = 2
   1717 >>> count = 0
   1718 >>> for x in k.solve():
   1719 ...     count += 1
   1720 ...     if count <= LIMIT:
   1721 ...         print("Solution", count)
   1722 ...         k.printsolution(x)
   1723 ...     else:
   1724 ...         break
   1725 Solution 1
   1726 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1727 |  1| 58| 27| 34|  3| 40| 29| 10|  5|  8|
   1728 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1729 | 26| 35|  2| 57| 28| 33|  4|  7| 30| 11|
   1730 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1731 | 59|100| 73| 36| 41| 56| 39| 32|  9|  6|
   1732 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1733 | 74| 25| 60| 55| 72| 37| 42| 49| 12| 31|
   1734 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1735 | 61| 86| 99| 76| 63| 52| 47| 38| 43| 50|
   1736 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1737 | 24| 75| 62| 85| 54| 71| 64| 51| 48| 13|
   1738 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1739 | 87| 98| 91| 80| 77| 84| 53| 46| 65| 44|
   1740 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1741 | 90| 23| 88| 95| 70| 79| 68| 83| 14| 17|
   1742 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1743 | 97| 92| 21| 78| 81| 94| 19| 16| 45| 66|
   1744 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1745 | 22| 89| 96| 93| 20| 69| 82| 67| 18| 15|
   1746 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1747 Solution 2
   1748 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1749 |  1| 58| 27| 34|  3| 40| 29| 10|  5|  8|
   1750 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1751 | 26| 35|  2| 57| 28| 33|  4|  7| 30| 11|
   1752 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1753 | 59|100| 73| 36| 41| 56| 39| 32|  9|  6|
   1754 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1755 | 74| 25| 60| 55| 72| 37| 42| 49| 12| 31|
   1756 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1757 | 61| 86| 99| 76| 63| 52| 47| 38| 43| 50|
   1758 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1759 | 24| 75| 62| 85| 54| 71| 64| 51| 48| 13|
   1760 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1761 | 87| 98| 89| 80| 77| 84| 53| 46| 65| 44|
   1762 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1763 | 90| 23| 92| 95| 70| 79| 68| 83| 14| 17|
   1764 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1765 | 97| 88| 21| 78| 81| 94| 19| 16| 45| 66|
   1766 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1767 | 22| 91| 96| 93| 20| 69| 82| 67| 18| 15|
   1768 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   1769 """
   1771 weakref_tests = """\
   1772 Generators are weakly referencable:
   1774 >>> import weakref
   1775 >>> def gen():
   1776 ...     yield 'foo!'
   1777 ...
   1778 >>> wr = weakref.ref(gen)
   1779 >>> wr() is gen
   1780 True
   1781 >>> p = weakref.proxy(gen)
   1783 Generator-iterators are weakly referencable as well:
   1785 >>> gi = gen()
   1786 >>> wr = weakref.ref(gi)
   1787 >>> wr() is gi
   1788 True
   1789 >>> p = weakref.proxy(gi)
   1790 >>> list(p)
   1791 ['foo!']
   1793 """
   1795 coroutine_tests = """\
   1796 Sending a value into a started generator:
   1798 >>> def f():
   1799 ...     print((yield 1))
   1800 ...     yield 2
   1801 >>> g = f()
   1802 >>> next(g)
   1803 1
   1804 >>> g.send(42)
   1805 42
   1806 2
   1808 Sending a value into a new generator produces a TypeError:
   1810 >>> f().send("foo")
   1811 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1812 ...
   1813 TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator
   1816 Yield by itself yields None:
   1818 >>> def f(): yield
   1819 >>> list(f())
   1820 [None]
   1823 Yield is allowed only in the outermost iterable in generator expression:
   1825 >>> def f(): list(i for i in [(yield 26)])
   1826 >>> type(f())
   1827 <class 'generator'>
   1830 A yield expression with augmented assignment.
   1832 >>> def coroutine(seq):
   1833 ...     count = 0
   1834 ...     while count < 200:
   1835 ...         count += yield
   1836 ...         seq.append(count)
   1837 >>> seq = []
   1838 >>> c = coroutine(seq)
   1839 >>> next(c)
   1840 >>> print(seq)
   1841 []
   1842 >>> c.send(10)
   1843 >>> print(seq)
   1844 [10]
   1845 >>> c.send(10)
   1846 >>> print(seq)
   1847 [10, 20]
   1848 >>> c.send(10)
   1849 >>> print(seq)
   1850 [10, 20, 30]
   1853 Check some syntax errors for yield expressions:
   1855 >>> f=lambda: (yield 1),(yield 2)
   1856 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1857   ...
   1858 SyntaxError: 'yield' outside function
   1860 >>> def f(): x = yield = y
   1861 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1862   ...
   1863 SyntaxError: assignment to yield expression not possible
   1865 >>> def f(): (yield bar) = y
   1866 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1867   ...
   1868 SyntaxError: can't assign to yield expression
   1870 >>> def f(): (yield bar) += y
   1871 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1872   ...
   1873 SyntaxError: can't assign to yield expression
   1876 Now check some throw() conditions:
   1878 >>> def f():
   1879 ...     while True:
   1880 ...         try:
   1881 ...             print((yield))
   1882 ...         except ValueError as v:
   1883 ...             print("caught ValueError (%s)" % (v))
   1884 >>> import sys
   1885 >>> g = f()
   1886 >>> next(g)
   1888 >>> g.throw(ValueError) # type only
   1889 caught ValueError ()
   1891 >>> g.throw(ValueError("xyz"))  # value only
   1892 caught ValueError (xyz)
   1894 >>> g.throw(ValueError, ValueError(1))   # value+matching type
   1895 caught ValueError (1)
   1897 >>> g.throw(ValueError, TypeError(1))  # mismatched type, rewrapped
   1898 caught ValueError (1)
   1900 >>> g.throw(ValueError, ValueError(1), None)   # explicit None traceback
   1901 caught ValueError (1)
   1903 >>> g.throw(ValueError(1), "foo")       # bad args
   1904 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1905   ...
   1906 TypeError: instance exception may not have a separate value
   1908 >>> g.throw(ValueError, "foo", 23)      # bad args
   1909 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1910   ...
   1911 TypeError: throw() third argument must be a traceback object
   1913 >>> g.throw("abc")
   1914 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1915   ...
   1916 TypeError: exceptions must be classes or instances deriving from BaseException, not str
   1918 >>> g.throw(0)
   1919 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1920   ...
   1921 TypeError: exceptions must be classes or instances deriving from BaseException, not int
   1923 >>> g.throw(list)
   1924 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1925   ...
   1926 TypeError: exceptions must be classes or instances deriving from BaseException, not type
   1928 >>> def throw(g,exc):
   1929 ...     try:
   1930 ...         raise exc
   1931 ...     except:
   1932 ...         g.throw(*sys.exc_info())
   1933 >>> throw(g,ValueError) # do it with traceback included
   1934 caught ValueError ()
   1936 >>> g.send(1)
   1937 1
   1939 >>> throw(g,TypeError)  # terminate the generator
   1940 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1941   ...
   1942 TypeError
   1944 >>> print(g.gi_frame)
   1945 None
   1947 >>> g.send(2)
   1948 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1949   ...
   1950 StopIteration
   1952 >>> g.throw(ValueError,6)       # throw on closed generator
   1953 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1954   ...
   1955 ValueError: 6
   1957 >>> f().throw(ValueError,7)     # throw on just-opened generator
   1958 Traceback (most recent call last):
   1959   ...
   1960 ValueError: 7
   1962 Plain "raise" inside a generator should preserve the traceback (#13188).
   1963 The traceback should have 3 levels:
   1964 - g.throw()
   1965 - f()
   1966 - 1/0
   1968 >>> def f():
   1969 ...     try:
   1970 ...         yield
   1971 ...     except:
   1972 ...         raise
   1973 >>> g = f()
   1974 >>> try:
   1975 ...     1/0
   1976 ... except ZeroDivisionError as v:
   1977 ...     try:
   1978 ...         g.throw(v)
   1979 ...     except Exception as w:
   1980 ...         tb = w.__traceback__
   1981 >>> levels = 0
   1982 >>> while tb:
   1983 ...     levels += 1
   1984 ...     tb = tb.tb_next
   1985 >>> levels
   1986 3
   1988 Now let's try closing a generator:
   1990 >>> def f():
   1991 ...     try: yield
   1992 ...     except GeneratorExit:
   1993 ...         print("exiting")
   1995 >>> g = f()
   1996 >>> next(g)
   1997 >>> g.close()
   1998 exiting
   1999 >>> g.close()  # should be no-op now
   2001 >>> f().close()  # close on just-opened generator should be fine
   2003 >>> def f(): yield      # an even simpler generator
   2004 >>> f().close()         # close before opening
   2005 >>> g = f()
   2006 >>> next(g)
   2007 >>> g.close()           # close normally
   2009 And finalization:
   2011 >>> def f():
   2012 ...     try: yield
   2013 ...     finally:
   2014 ...         print("exiting")
   2016 >>> g = f()
   2017 >>> next(g)
   2018 >>> del g
   2019 exiting
   2022 GeneratorExit is not caught by except Exception:
   2024 >>> def f():
   2025 ...     try: yield
   2026 ...     except Exception:
   2027 ...         print('except')
   2028 ...     finally:
   2029 ...         print('finally')
   2031 >>> g = f()
   2032 >>> next(g)
   2033 >>> del g
   2034 finally
   2037 Now let's try some ill-behaved generators:
   2039 >>> def f():
   2040 ...     try: yield
   2041 ...     except GeneratorExit:
   2042 ...         yield "foo!"
   2043 >>> g = f()
   2044 >>> next(g)
   2045 >>> g.close()
   2046 Traceback (most recent call last):
   2047   ...
   2048 RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit
   2049 >>> g.close()
   2052 Our ill-behaved code should be invoked during GC:
   2054 >>> import sys, io
   2055 >>> old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, io.StringIO()
   2056 >>> g = f()
   2057 >>> next(g)
   2058 >>> del g
   2059 >>> "RuntimeError: generator ignored GeneratorExit" in sys.stderr.getvalue()
   2060 True
   2061 >>> sys.stderr = old
   2064 And errors thrown during closing should propagate:
   2066 >>> def f():
   2067 ...     try: yield
   2068 ...     except GeneratorExit:
   2069 ...         raise TypeError("fie!")
   2070 >>> g = f()
   2071 >>> next(g)
   2072 >>> g.close()
   2073 Traceback (most recent call last):
   2074   ...
   2075 TypeError: fie!
   2078 Ensure that various yield expression constructs make their
   2079 enclosing function a generator:
   2081 >>> def f(): x += yield
   2082 >>> type(f())
   2083 <class 'generator'>
   2085 >>> def f(): x = yield
   2086 >>> type(f())
   2087 <class 'generator'>
   2089 >>> def f(): lambda x=(yield): 1
   2090 >>> type(f())
   2091 <class 'generator'>
   2093 >>> def f(d): d[(yield "a")] = d[(yield "b")] = 27
   2094 >>> data = [1,2]
   2095 >>> g = f(data)
   2096 >>> type(g)
   2097 <class 'generator'>
   2098 >>> g.send(None)
   2099 'a'
   2100 >>> data
   2101 [1, 2]
   2102 >>> g.send(0)
   2103 'b'
   2104 >>> data
   2105 [27, 2]
   2106 >>> try: g.send(1)
   2107 ... except StopIteration: pass
   2108 >>> data
   2109 [27, 27]
   2111 """
   2113 refleaks_tests = """
   2114 Prior to adding cycle-GC support to itertools.tee, this code would leak
   2115 references. We add it to the standard suite so the routine refleak-tests
   2116 would trigger if it starts being uncleanable again.
   2118 >>> import itertools
   2119 >>> def leak():
   2120 ...     class gen:
   2121 ...         def __iter__(self):
   2122 ...             return self
   2123 ...         def __next__(self):
   2124 ...             return self.item
   2125 ...     g = gen()
   2126 ...     head, tail = itertools.tee(g)
   2127 ...     g.item = head
   2128 ...     return head
   2129 >>> it = leak()
   2131 Make sure to also test the involvement of the tee-internal teedataobject,
   2132 which stores returned items.
   2134 >>> item = next(it)
   2138 This test leaked at one point due to generator finalization/destruction.
   2139 It was copied from Lib/test/leakers/test_generator_cycle.py before the file
   2140 was removed.
   2142 >>> def leak():
   2143 ...    def gen():
   2144 ...        while True:
   2145 ...            yield g
   2146 ...    g = gen()
   2148 >>> leak()
   2152 This test isn't really generator related, but rather exception-in-cleanup
   2153 related. The coroutine tests (above) just happen to cause an exception in
   2154 the generator's __del__ (tp_del) method. We can also test for this
   2155 explicitly, without generators. We do have to redirect stderr to avoid
   2156 printing warnings and to doublecheck that we actually tested what we wanted
   2157 to test.
   2159 >>> import sys, io
   2160 >>> old = sys.stderr
   2161 >>> try:
   2162 ...     sys.stderr = io.StringIO()
   2163 ...     class Leaker:
   2164 ...         def __del__(self):
   2165 ...             def invoke(message):
   2166 ...                 raise RuntimeError(message)
   2167 ...             invoke("test")
   2168 ...
   2169 ...     l = Leaker()
   2170 ...     del l
   2171 ...     err = sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()
   2172 ...     "Exception ignored in" in err
   2173 ...     "RuntimeError: test" in err
   2174 ...     "Traceback" in err
   2175 ...     "in invoke" in err
   2176 ... finally:
   2177 ...     sys.stderr = old
   2178 True
   2179 True
   2180 True
   2181 True
   2184 These refleak tests should perhaps be in a testfile of their own,
   2185 test_generators just happened to be the test that drew these out.
   2187 """
   2189 __test__ = {"tut":      tutorial_tests,
   2190             "pep":      pep_tests,
   2191             "email":    email_tests,
   2192             "fun":      fun_tests,
   2193             "syntax":   syntax_tests,
   2194             "conjoin":  conjoin_tests,
   2195             "weakref":  weakref_tests,
   2196             "coroutine":  coroutine_tests,
   2197             "refleaks": refleaks_tests,
   2198             }
   2200 # Magic test name that regrtest.py invokes *after* importing this module.
   2201 # This worms around a bootstrap problem.
   2202 # Note that doctest and regrtest both look in sys.argv for a "-v" argument,
   2203 # so this works as expected in both ways of running regrtest.
   2204 def test_main(verbose=None):
   2205     from test import support, test_generators
   2206     support.run_unittest(__name__)
   2207     support.run_doctest(test_generators, verbose)
   2209 # This part isn't needed for regrtest, but for running the test directly.
   2210 if __name__ == "__main__":
   2211     test_main(1)