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      1 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
      3 /*
      4  *******************************************************************************
      5  * Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
      6  * others. All Rights Reserved.
      7  *******************************************************************************
      8  */
      9 package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.util;
     11 import org.junit.Test;
     12 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
     13 import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
     15 import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
     16 import com.ibm.icu.text.MessageFormat;
     17 import com.ibm.icu.text.SimpleFormatter;
     18 import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
     20 @RunWith(JUnit4.class)
     21 public class SimpleFormatterTest extends TestFmwk {
     23     /**
     24      * Constructor
     25      */
     26      public SimpleFormatterTest()
     27      {
     28      }
     30      // public methods -----------------------------------------------
     32      @Test
     33      public void TestWithNoArguments() {
     34          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile("This doesn''t have templates '{0}");
     35          assertEquals(
     36                  "getArgumentLimit",
     37                  0,
     38                  fmt.getArgumentLimit());
     39          assertEquals(
     40                  "format",
     41                  "This doesn't have templates {0}",
     42                  fmt.format("unused"));
     43          assertEquals(
     44                  "format with values=null",
     45                  "This doesn't have templates {0}",
     46                  fmt.format((CharSequence[])null));
     47          assertEquals(
     48                  "toString",
     49                  "This doesn't have templates {0}",
     50                  fmt.toString());
     51          int[] offsets = new int[1];
     52          assertEquals(
     53                  "formatAndAppend",
     54                  "This doesn't have templates {0}",
     55                  fmt.formatAndAppend(new StringBuilder(), offsets).toString());
     56          assertEquals(
     57                  "offsets[0]",
     58                  -1,
     59                  offsets[0]);
     60          assertEquals(
     61                  "formatAndAppend with values=null",
     62                  "This doesn't have templates {0}",
     63                  fmt.formatAndAppend(new StringBuilder(), null, (CharSequence[])null).toString());
     64          assertEquals(
     65                  "formatAndReplace with values=null",
     66                  "This doesn't have templates {0}",
     67                  fmt.formatAndReplace(new StringBuilder(), null, (CharSequence[])null).toString());
     68      }
     70      @Test
     71      public void TestSyntaxErrors() {
     72          try {
     73              SimpleFormatter.compile("{}");
     74              fail("Syntax error did not yield an exception.");
     75          } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
     76          }
     77          try {
     78              SimpleFormatter.compile("{12d");
     79              fail("Syntax error did not yield an exception.");
     80          } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
     81          }
     82      }
     84      @Test
     85      public void TestOneArgument() {
     86         assertEquals("TestOneArgument",
     87                 "1 meter",
     88                 SimpleFormatter.compile("{0} meter").format("1"));
     89      }
     91      @Test
     92      public void TestBigArgument() {
     93          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile("a{20}c");
     94          assertEquals("{20} count", 21, fmt.getArgumentLimit());
     95          CharSequence[] values = new CharSequence[21];
     96          values[20] = "b";
     97          assertEquals("{20}=b", "abc", fmt.format(values));
     98       }
    100      @Test
    101      public void TestGetTextWithNoArguments() {
    102          assertEquals(
    103                  "",
    104                  "Templates  and  are here.",
    105                  SimpleFormatter.compile(
    106                          "Templates {1}{2} and {3} are here.").getTextWithNoArguments());
    107      }
    109      @Test
    110      public void TestTooFewArgumentValues() {
    111          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile(
    112                  "Templates {2}{1} and {4} are out of order.");
    113          try {
    114              fmt.format("freddy", "tommy", "frog", "leg");
    115              fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
    116          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    117              // Expected
    118          }
    119          try {
    120              fmt.formatAndAppend(
    121                      new StringBuilder(), null, "freddy", "tommy", "frog", "leg");
    122              fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
    123          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    124              // Expected
    125          }
    126          try {
    127              fmt.formatAndReplace(
    128                      new StringBuilder(), null, "freddy", "tommy", "frog", "leg");
    129              fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException");
    130          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    131              // Expected
    132          }
    133      }
    135      @Test
    136      public void TestWithArguments() {
    137          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile(
    138                  "Templates {2}{1} and {4} are out of order.");
    139          assertEquals(
    140                  "getArgumentLimit",
    141                  5,
    142                  fmt.getArgumentLimit());
    143          assertEquals(
    144                  "toString",
    145                  "Templates {2}{1} and {4} are out of order.",
    146                  fmt.toString());
    147         int[] offsets = new int[6];
    148         assertEquals(
    149                  "format",
    150                  "123456: Templates frogtommy and {0} are out of order.",
    151                  fmt.formatAndAppend(
    152                          new StringBuilder("123456: "),
    153                          offsets,
    154                          "freddy", "tommy", "frog", "leg", "{0}").toString());
    156          int[] expectedOffsets = {-1, 22, 18, -1, 32, -1};
    157          verifyOffsets(expectedOffsets, offsets);
    158      }
    160      @Test
    161      public void TestFormatUseAppendToAsArgument() {
    162          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile(
    163                  "Arguments {0} and {1}");
    164          StringBuilder appendTo = new StringBuilder("previous:");
    165          try {
    166              fmt.formatAndAppend(appendTo, null, appendTo, "frog");
    167              fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");
    168          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    169              // expected.
    170          }
    171      }
    173      @Test
    174      public void TestFormatReplaceNoOptimization() {
    175          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile("{2}, {0}, {1} and {3}");
    176          int[] offsets = new int[4];
    177          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("original");
    178         assertEquals(
    179                  "format",
    180                  "frog, original, freddy and by",
    181                  fmt.formatAndReplace(
    182                          result,
    183                          offsets,
    184                          result, "freddy", "frog", "by").toString());
    186          int[] expectedOffsets = {6, 16, 0, 27};
    187          verifyOffsets(expectedOffsets, offsets);
    188      }
    191      @Test
    192      public void TestFormatReplaceNoOptimizationLeadingText() {
    193          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile("boo {2}, {0}, {1} and {3}");
    194          int[] offsets = new int[4];
    195          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("original");
    196         assertEquals(
    197                  "format",
    198                  "boo original, freddy, frog and by",
    199                  fmt.formatAndReplace(
    200                          result,
    201                          offsets,
    202                          "freddy", "frog", result, "by").toString());
    204          int[] expectedOffsets = {14, 22, 4, 31};
    205          verifyOffsets(expectedOffsets, offsets);
    206      }
    208      @Test
    209      public void TestFormatReplaceOptimization() {
    210          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile("{2}, {0}, {1} and {3}");
    211          int[] offsets = new int[4];
    212          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("original");
    213         assertEquals(
    214                  "format",
    215                  "original, freddy, frog and by",
    216                  fmt.formatAndReplace(
    217                          result,
    218                          offsets,
    219                          "freddy", "frog", result, "by").toString());
    221          int[] expectedOffsets = {10, 18, 0, 27};
    222          verifyOffsets(expectedOffsets, offsets);
    223      }
    225      @Test
    226      public void TestFormatReplaceOptimizationNoOffsets() {
    227          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile("{2}, {0}, {1} and {3}");
    228          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("original");
    229         assertEquals(
    230                  "format",
    231                  "original, freddy, frog and by",
    232                  fmt.formatAndReplace(
    233                          result,
    234                          null,
    235                          "freddy", "frog", result, "by").toString());
    237      }
    239      @Test
    240      public void TestFormatReplaceNoOptimizationNoOffsets() {
    241          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile(
    242                  "Arguments {0} and {1}");
    243          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("previous:");
    244          assertEquals(
    245                  "",
    246                  "Arguments previous: and frog",
    247                  fmt.formatAndReplace(result, null, result, "frog").toString());
    248      }
    250      @Test
    251      public void TestFormatReplaceNoOptimizationLeadingArgumentUsedTwice() {
    252          SimpleFormatter fmt = SimpleFormatter.compile(
    253                  "{2}, {0}, {1} and {3} {2}");
    254          StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("original");
    255          int[] offsets = new int[4];
    256          assertEquals(
    257                  "",
    258                  "original, freddy, frog and by original",
    259                  fmt.formatAndReplace(
    260                          result,
    261                          offsets,
    262                          "freddy", "frog", result, "by").toString());
    263          int[] expectedOffsets = {10, 18, 30, 27};
    264          verifyOffsets(expectedOffsets, offsets);
    265      }
    267      @Test
    268      public void TestQuotingLikeMessageFormat() {
    269          String pattern = "{0} don't can''t '{5}''}{a' again '}'{1} to the '{end";
    270          SimpleFormatter spf = SimpleFormatter.compile(pattern);
    271          MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(pattern, ULocale.ROOT);
    272          String expected = "X don't can't {5}'}{a again }Y to the {end";
    273          assertEquals("MessageFormat", expected, mf.format(new Object[] { "X", "Y" }));
    274          assertEquals("SimpleFormatter", expected, spf.format("X", "Y"));
    275      }
    277      private void verifyOffsets(int[] expected, int[] actual) {
    278          for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
    279              if (expected[i] != actual[i]) {
    280                  errln("Expected "+expected[i]+", got " + actual[i]);
    281              }
    282          }
    283      }
    285 }