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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 syntax = "proto2";
     18 option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
     20 import "perfetto/common/observable_events.proto";
     21 import "perfetto/common/trace_stats.proto";
     22 import "perfetto/config/trace_config.proto";
     24 package perfetto.protos;
     26 // IPC interface definition for the consumer port of the tracing service.
     27 service ConsumerPort {
     28   // Creates the ring buffers that will be used for the tracing session.
     29   // TODO(primiano): not implemented yet. EnableTracing will implicitly create
     30   // the required buffer. This is to allow Enabling/Disabling tracing with
     31   // different configs without losing the contents of the buffers for the
     32   // previous tracing session.
     33   // rpc CreateBuffers(CreateBuffersRequest) returns (CreateBuffersResponse) {}
     35   // Enables tracing for one or more data sources. At least one buffer must have
     36   // been previously created. The EnableTracingResponse is sent when tracing is
     37   // disabled (either explicitly or because of the |duration_ms| expired).
     38   // If |deferred_start| == true in the passed TraceConfig, all the tracing
     39   // harness is brought up (creating buffers and data sources) without actually
     40   // starting the data sources. Data sources will be started upon an explicit
     41   // StartTracing() call.
     42   // Note that |deferred_start| and StartTracing() have been introduced only
     43   // in Android Q and are not supported in Android P.
     44   rpc EnableTracing(EnableTracingRequest) returns (EnableTracingResponse) {}
     46   // Disables tracing for one or more data sources.
     47   rpc DisableTracing(DisableTracingRequest) returns (DisableTracingResponse) {}
     49   // Streams back the contents of one or more buffers. One call is enough to
     50   // drain all the buffers. The response consists in a sequence of
     51   // ReadBufferResponse messages (hence the "stream" in the return type), each
     52   // carrying one or more TracePacket(s). An EOF flag is attached to the last
     53   // ReadBufferResponse through the |has_more| == false field.
     54   rpc ReadBuffers(ReadBuffersRequest) returns (stream ReadBuffersResponse) {}
     56   // Destroys the buffers previously created. Note: all buffers are destroyed
     57   // implicitly if the Consumer disconnects.
     58   rpc FreeBuffers(FreeBuffersRequest) returns (FreeBuffersResponse) {}
     60   // Asks the service to request to all data sources involved in the tracing
     61   // session to commit their data into the trace buffer. The FlushResponse is
     62   // sent only:
     63   // - After the data has been committed (in which case FlushResponse succeeds)
     64   // or
     65   // - After FlushRequest.timeout_ms milliseconds (in which case the
     66   //   FlushResponse is rejected and fails).
     67   rpc Flush(FlushRequest) returns (FlushResponse) {}
     69   // ----------------------------------------------------
     70   // All methods below have been introduced in Android Q.
     71   // ----------------------------------------------------
     73   // Starts tracing. Only valid if EnableTracing() was called setting
     74   // deferred_start = true in the TraceConfig passed to EnableTracing().
     75   rpc StartTracing(StartTracingRequest) returns (StartTracingResponse) {}
     77   // Changes the configuration for a running tracing session; only possible
     78   // for a subset of configuration options.
     79   rpc ChangeTraceConfig(ChangeTraceConfigRequest)
     80       returns (ChangeTraceConfigResponse) {}
     82   // Allows the consumer to detach from the session. The session will keep
     83   // running even if the consumer disconnects and the consumer will not receive
     84   // any further IPC until reattached.
     85   rpc Detach(DetachRequest) returns (DetachResponse) {}
     87   // Allows the consumer to re-attach to a previously detached session. The
     88   // consumer will start receiving IPC notification for that session.
     89   // The session will be terminated if the consumer closes the IPC channel, as
     90   // in the standard non-detached case.
     91   rpc Attach(AttachRequest) returns (AttachResponse) {}
     93   // Allows the consumer to obtain statistics about the current tracing session,
     94   // such as buffer usage stats. Intended for debugging or UI use.
     95   rpc GetTraceStats(GetTraceStatsRequest) returns (GetTraceStatsResponse) {}
     97   // Allows the consumer to observe certain state changes, such as data source
     98   // instances starting to record.
     99   rpc ObserveEvents(ObserveEventsRequest)
    100       returns (stream ObserveEventsResponse) {}
    102   // TODO rpc ListDataSources(), for the UI.
    103 }
    105 // Arguments for rpc EnableTracing().
    106 message EnableTracingRequest {
    107   optional protos.TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
    109   // Introduced in Android Q. This is used for re-attaching to the end-of-trace
    110   // EnableTracingResponse notification after a Detach+Attach request.
    111   // When this flag is set the |trace_config| is ignored and no method is called
    112   // on the tracing service.
    113   optional bool attach_notification_only = 2;
    114 }
    116 message EnableTracingResponse {
    117   oneof state { bool disabled = 1; }
    118 }
    120 // Arguments for rpc StartTracing().
    121 message StartTracingRequest {}
    123 message StartTracingResponse {}
    125 // Arguments for rpc ChangeTraceConfig().
    126 message ChangeTraceConfigRequest {
    127   optional protos.TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
    128 }
    130 message ChangeTraceConfigResponse {}
    132 // Arguments for rpc DisableTracing().
    133 message DisableTracingRequest {
    134   // TODO: not supported yet, selectively disable only some data sources.
    135   // repeated string data_source_name;
    136 }
    138 message DisableTracingResponse {}
    140 // Arguments for rpc ReadBuffers().
    141 message ReadBuffersRequest {
    142   // The |id|s of the buffer, as passed to CreateBuffers().
    143   // TODO: repeated uint32 buffer_ids = 1;
    144 }
    146 message ReadBuffersResponse {
    147   // TODO: uint32 buffer_id = 1;
    149   // Each streaming reply returns one or more slices for one or more trace
    150   // packets, or even just a portion of it (if it's too big to fit within one
    151   // IPC). The returned slices are ordered and contiguous: packets' slices are
    152   // not interleaved and slices are sent only once all slices for a packet are
    153   // available (i.e. the consumer will never see any gap).
    154   message Slice {
    155     optional bytes data = 1;
    157     // When true, this is the last slice for the packet. A ReadBufferResponse
    158     // might have no slices marked as |last_slice_for_packet|==true, in the case
    159     // of a very large packet that gets chunked into several IPCs (in which case
    160     // only the last IPC for the packet will have this flag set).
    161     optional bool last_slice_for_packet = 2;
    162   }
    163   repeated Slice slices = 2;
    164 }
    166 // Arguments for rpc FreeBuffers().
    167 message FreeBuffersRequest {
    168   // The |id|s of the buffer, as passed to CreateBuffers().
    169   repeated uint32 buffer_ids = 1;
    170 }
    172 message FreeBuffersResponse {}
    174 // Arguments for rpc Flush().
    175 message FlushRequest {
    176   optional uint32 timeout_ms = 1;
    177 }
    179 message FlushResponse {}
    181 // Arguments for rpc Detach
    182 message DetachRequest {
    183   optional string key = 1;
    184 }
    186 message DetachResponse {}
    188 // Arguments for rpc Attach.
    189 message AttachRequest {
    190   optional string key = 1;
    191 }
    193 message AttachResponse {
    194   optional protos.TraceConfig trace_config = 1;
    195 }
    197 // Arguments for rpc GetTraceStats.
    199 message GetTraceStatsRequest {}
    201 message GetTraceStatsResponse {
    202   optional TraceStats trace_stats = 1;
    203 }
    205 // Arguments for rpc ObserveEvents.
    207 // To stop observing events of a certain type, send a request with the remaining
    208 // types. To stop observing completely, send an empty request.
    209 message ObserveEventsRequest {
    210   repeated ObservableEvents.Type events_to_observe = 1;
    211 }
    213 message ObserveEventsResponse {
    214   optional ObservableEvents events = 1;
    215 }