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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     16 # Builds the current version of catapult, uploads it to GCS and updates the
     17 # pinned SHA1 in install-build-deps.
     19 set -e
     21 PROJECT_ROOT="$(cd -P ${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/..; pwd)"
     23 if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
     24   echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/catapult/repo"
     25   exit 1
     26 fi
     28 CATAPULT="$1"
     29 if [ ! -d "$CATAPULT/.git" ]; then
     30   echo "$CATAPULT must point to a valid catapult repo"
     31   exit 1
     32 fi
     34 REVISION=$(git -C "$CATAPULT" rev-parse --short HEAD)
     35 OUTDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
     36 echo "Building vulcanized Trace Viewer @ $REVISION into $OUTDIR"
     37 git -C "$CATAPULT" log -1 | cat
     38 echo
     39 set -x
     40 "$CATAPULT/tracing/bin/generate_about_tracing_contents" --outdir "$OUTDIR"
     41 ARCHIVE="$OUTDIR/catapult_trace_viewer.tar.gz"
     43 (
     44   cd "$OUTDIR"
     45   mv about_tracing.html catapult_trace_viewer.html
     46   mv about_tracing.js catapult_trace_viewer.js
     47   sed -i '' -e \
     48       's|src="tracing.js"|src="/assets/catapult_trace_viewer.js"|g' \
     49       catapult_trace_viewer.html
     50   tar -zcf "$ARCHIVE" catapult_trace_viewer.{js,html}
     51 )
     53 SHA1CMD='import hashlib; import sys; sha1=hashlib.sha1(); sha1.update(sys.stdin.read()); print(sha1.hexdigest())'
     54 SHA1=$(python -c "$SHA1CMD" < "$ARCHIVE")
     55 GCS_TARGET="gs://perfetto/catapult_trace_viewer-$SHA1.tar.gz"
     56 gsutil cp -n -a public-read "$ARCHIVE" "$GCS_TARGET"
     57 rm -rf "$OUTDIR"
     59 # Update the reference to the new prebuilt in tools/install-build-deps.
     60 sed -i '' -e \
     61     "s/^CATAPULT_SHA1 =.*/CATAPULT_SHA1 = '"$SHA1"'/g" \
     62      "$PROJECT_ROOT/tools/install-build-deps"
     64 "$PROJECT_ROOT/tools/install-build-deps" --ui --no-android