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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "Sample.h"
     10 #include "GrQuad.h"
     11 #include "ops/GrQuadPerEdgeAA.h"
     13 #include "SkCanvas.h"
     14 #include "SkDashPathEffect.h"
     15 #include "SkPaint.h"
     16 #include "SkPathOps.h"
     18 // Draw a line through the two points, outset by a fixed length in screen space
     19 static void draw_extended_line(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPaint paint,
     20                               const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1) {
     21     SkVector v = p1 - p0;
     22     v.setLength(v.length() + 3.f);
     23     canvas->drawLine(p1 - v, p0 + v, paint);
     25     // Draw normal vector too
     26     SkPaint normalPaint = paint;
     27     normalPaint.setPathEffect(nullptr);
     28     normalPaint.setStrokeWidth(paint.getStrokeWidth() / 4.f);
     30     SkVector n = {v.fY, -v.fX};
     31     n.setLength(.25f);
     32     SkPoint m = (p0 + p1) * 0.5f;
     33     canvas->drawLine(m, m + n, normalPaint);
     34 }
     36 static void make_aa_line(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1, bool aaOn,
     37                          bool outset, SkPoint line[2]) {
     38     SkVector n = {0.f, 0.f};
     39     if (aaOn) {
     40         SkVector v = p1 - p0;
     41         n = outset ? SkVector::Make(v.fY, -v.fX) : SkVector::Make(-v.fY, v.fX);
     42         n.setLength(0.5f);
     43     }
     45     line[0] = p0 + n;
     46     line[1] = p1 + n;
     47 }
     49 // To the line through l0-l1, not capped at the end points of the segment
     50 static SkScalar signed_distance(const SkPoint& p, const SkPoint& l0, const SkPoint& l1) {
     51     SkVector v = l1 - l0;
     52     v.normalize();
     53     SkVector n = {v.fY, -v.fX};
     54     SkScalar c = -n.dot(l0);
     55     return n.dot(p) + c;
     56 }
     58 static SkScalar get_area_coverage(const bool edgeAA[4], const SkPoint corners[4],
     59                                   const SkPoint& point) {
     60     SkPath shape;
     61     shape.addPoly(corners, 4, true);
     62     SkPath pixel;
     63     pixel.addRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(point.fX - 0.5f, point.fY - 0.5f, 1.f, 1.f));
     65     SkPath intersection;
     66     if (!Op(shape, pixel, kIntersect_SkPathOp, &intersection) || intersection.isEmpty()) {
     67         return 0.f;
     68     }
     70     // Calculate area of the convex polygon
     71     SkScalar area = 0.f;
     72     for (int i = 0; i < intersection.countPoints(); ++i) {
     73         SkPoint p0 = intersection.getPoint(i);
     74         SkPoint p1 = intersection.getPoint((i + 1) % intersection.countPoints());
     75         SkScalar det = p0.fX * p1.fY - p1.fX * p0.fY;
     76         area += det;
     77     }
     79     // Scale by 1/2, then take abs value (this area formula is signed based on point winding, but
     80     // since it's convex, just make it positive).
     81     area = SkScalarAbs(0.5f * area);
     83     // Now account for the edge AA. If the pixel center is outside of a non-AA edge, turn of its
     84     // coverage. If the pixel only intersects non-AA edges, then set coverage to 1.
     85     bool needsNonAA = false;
     86     SkScalar edgeD[4];
     87     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
     88         SkPoint e0 = corners[i];
     89         SkPoint e1 = corners[(i + 1) % 4];
     90         edgeD[i] = -signed_distance(point, e0, e1);
     91         if (!edgeAA[i]) {
     92             if (edgeD[i] < -1e-4f) {
     93                 return 0.f; // Outside of non-AA line
     94             }
     95             needsNonAA = true;
     96         }
     97     }
     98     // Otherwise inside the shape, so check if any AA edge exerts influence over nonAA
     99     if (needsNonAA) {
    100         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    101             if (edgeAA[i] && edgeD[i] < 0.5f) {
    102                 needsNonAA = false;
    103                 break;
    104             }
    105         }
    106     }
    107     return needsNonAA ? 1.f : area;
    108 }
    110 // FIXME take into account max coverage properly,
    111 static SkScalar get_edge_dist_coverage(const bool edgeAA[4], const SkPoint corners[4],
    112                                        const SkPoint outsetLines[8], const SkPoint insetLines[8],
    113                                        const SkPoint& point) {
    114     bool flip = false;
    115     // If the quad has been inverted, the original corners will not all be on the negative side of
    116     // every outset line. When that happens, calculate coverage using the "inset" lines and flip
    117     // the signed distance
    118     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    119         for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
    120             SkScalar d = signed_distance(corners[i], outsetLines[j * 2], outsetLines[j * 2 + 1]);
    121             if (d >= 0.f) {
    122                 flip = true;
    123                 break;
    124             }
    125         }
    126         if (flip) {
    127             break;
    128         }
    129     }
    131     const SkPoint* lines = flip ? insetLines : outsetLines;
    133     SkScalar minCoverage = 1.f;
    134     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    135         // Multiply by negative 1 so that outside points have negative distances
    136         SkScalar d = (flip ? 1 : -1) * signed_distance(point, lines[i * 2], lines[i * 2 + 1]);
    137         if (!edgeAA[i] && d >= -1e-4f) {
    138             d = 1.f;
    139         }
    140         if (d < minCoverage) {
    141             minCoverage = d;
    142             if (minCoverage < 0.f) {
    143                 break; // Outside the shape
    144             }
    145         }
    146     }
    147     return minCoverage < 0.f ? 0.f : minCoverage;
    148 }
    150 static bool inside_triangle(const SkPoint& point, const SkPoint& t0, const SkPoint& t1,
    151                             const SkPoint& t2, SkScalar bary[3]) {
    152     // Check sign of t0 to (t1,t2). If it is positive, that means the normals point into the
    153     // triangle otherwise the normals point outside the triangle so update edge distances as
    154     // necessary
    155     bool flip = signed_distance(t0, t1, t2) < 0.f;
    157     SkScalar d0 = (flip ? -1 : 1) * signed_distance(point, t0, t1);
    158     SkScalar d1 = (flip ? -1 : 1) * signed_distance(point, t1, t2);
    159     SkScalar d2 = (flip ? -1 : 1) * signed_distance(point, t2, t0);
    160     // Be a little forgiving
    161     if (d0 < -1e-4f || d1 < -1e-4f || d2 < -1e-4f) {
    162         return false;
    163     }
    165     // Inside, so calculate barycentric coords from the sideline distances
    166     SkScalar d01 = (t0 - t1).length();
    167     SkScalar d12 = (t1 - t2).length();
    168     SkScalar d20 = (t2 - t0).length();
    170     if (SkScalarNearlyZero(d12) || SkScalarNearlyZero(d20) || SkScalarNearlyZero(d01)) {
    171         // Empty degenerate triangle
    172         return false;
    173     }
    175     // Coordinates for a vertex use distances to the opposite edge
    176     bary[0] = d1 * d12;
    177     bary[1] = d2 * d20;
    178     bary[2] = d0 * d01;
    179     // And normalize
    180     SkScalar sum = bary[0] + bary[1] + bary[2];
    181     bary[0] /= sum;
    182     bary[1] /= sum;
    183     bary[2] /= sum;
    185     return true;
    186 }
    188 static SkScalar get_framed_coverage(const SkPoint outer[4], const SkScalar outerCoverages[4],
    189                                     const SkPoint inner[4], const SkScalar innerCoverages[4],
    190                                     const SkPoint& point) {
    191     // Triangles are ordered clock wise. Indices >= 4 refer to inner[i - 4]. Otherwise its outer[i].
    192     static const int kFrameTris[] = {
    193         0, 1, 4,   4, 1, 5,
    194         1, 2, 5,   5, 2, 6,
    195         2, 3, 6,   6, 3, 7,
    196         3, 0, 7,   7, 0, 4,
    197         4, 5, 7,   7, 5, 6
    198     };
    199     static const int kNumTris = 10;
    201     SkScalar bary[3];
    202     for (int i = 0; i < kNumTris; ++i) {
    203         int i0 = kFrameTris[i * 3];
    204         int i1 = kFrameTris[i * 3 + 1];
    205         int i2 = kFrameTris[i * 3 + 2];
    207         SkPoint t0 = i0 >= 4 ? inner[i0 - 4] : outer[i0];
    208         SkPoint t1 = i1 >= 4 ? inner[i1 - 4] : outer[i1];
    209         SkPoint t2 = i2 >= 4 ? inner[i2 - 4] : outer[i2];
    210         if (inside_triangle(point, t0, t1, t2, bary)) {
    211             // Calculate coverage by barycentric interpolation of coverages
    212             SkScalar c0 = i0 >= 4 ? innerCoverages[i0 - 4] : outerCoverages[i0];
    213             SkScalar c1 = i1 >= 4 ? innerCoverages[i1 - 4] : outerCoverages[i1];
    214             SkScalar c2 = i2 >= 4 ? innerCoverages[i2 - 4] : outerCoverages[i2];
    216             return bary[0] * c0 + bary[1] * c1 + bary[2] * c2;
    217         }
    218     }
    219     // Not inside any triangle
    220     return 0.f;
    221 }
    223 static constexpr SkScalar kViewScale = 100.f;
    224 static constexpr SkScalar kViewOffset = 200.f;
    226 class DegenerateQuadSample : public Sample {
    227 public:
    228     DegenerateQuadSample(const SkRect& rect)
    229             : fOuterRect(rect)
    230             , fCoverageMode(CoverageMode::kArea) {
    231         fOuterRect.toQuad(fCorners);
    232         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    233             fEdgeAA[i] = true;
    234         }
    235     }
    237     void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
    238         static const SkScalar kDotParams[2] = {1.f / kViewScale, 12.f / kViewScale};
    239         sk_sp<SkPathEffect> dots = SkDashPathEffect::Make(kDotParams, 2, 0.f);
    240         static const SkScalar kDashParams[2] = {8.f / kViewScale, 12.f / kViewScale};
    241         sk_sp<SkPathEffect> dashes = SkDashPathEffect::Make(kDashParams, 2, 0.f);
    243         SkPaint circlePaint;
    244         circlePaint.setAntiAlias(true);
    246         SkPaint linePaint;
    247         linePaint.setAntiAlias(true);
    248         linePaint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
    249         linePaint.setStrokeWidth(4.f / kViewScale);
    250         linePaint.setStrokeJoin(SkPaint::kRound_Join);
    251         linePaint.setStrokeCap(SkPaint::kRound_Cap);
    253         canvas->translate(kViewOffset, kViewOffset);
    254         canvas->scale(kViewScale, kViewScale);
    256         // Draw the outer rectangle as a dotted line
    257         linePaint.setPathEffect(dots);
    258         canvas->drawRect(fOuterRect, linePaint);
    260         bool valid = this->isValid();
    262         if (valid) {
    263             SkPoint outsets[8];
    264             SkPoint insets[8];
    265             // Calculate inset and outset lines for edge-distance visualization
    266             for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    267                 make_aa_line(fCorners[i], fCorners[(i + 1) % 4], fEdgeAA[i], true, outsets + i * 2);
    268                 make_aa_line(fCorners[i], fCorners[(i + 1) % 4], fEdgeAA[i], false, insets + i * 2);
    269             }
    271             // Calculate inner and outer meshes for GPU visualization
    272             SkPoint gpuOutset[4];
    273             SkScalar gpuOutsetCoverage[4];
    274             SkPoint gpuInset[4];
    275             SkScalar gpuInsetCoverage[4];
    276             this->getTessellatedPoints(gpuInset, gpuInsetCoverage, gpuOutset, gpuOutsetCoverage);
    278             // Visualize the coverage values across the clamping rectangle, but test pixels outside
    279             // of the "outer" rect since some quad edges can be outset extra far.
    280             SkPaint pixelPaint;
    281             pixelPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
    282             SkRect covRect = fOuterRect.makeOutset(2.f, 2.f);
    283             for (SkScalar py = covRect.fTop; py < covRect.fBottom; py += 1.f) {
    284                 for (SkScalar px = covRect.fLeft; px < covRect.fRight; px += 1.f) {
    285                     // px and py are the top-left corner of the current pixel, so get center's
    286                     // coordinate
    287                     SkPoint pixelCenter = {px + 0.5f, py + 0.5f};
    288                     SkScalar coverage;
    289                     if (fCoverageMode == CoverageMode::kArea) {
    290                         coverage = get_area_coverage(fEdgeAA, fCorners, pixelCenter);
    291                     } else if (fCoverageMode == CoverageMode::kEdgeDistance) {
    292                         coverage = get_edge_dist_coverage(fEdgeAA, fCorners, outsets, insets,
    293                                                           pixelCenter);
    294                     } else {
    295                         SkASSERT(fCoverageMode == CoverageMode::kGPUMesh);
    296                         coverage = get_framed_coverage(gpuOutset, gpuOutsetCoverage,
    297                                                        gpuInset, gpuInsetCoverage, pixelCenter);
    298                     }
    300                     SkRect pixelRect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(px, py, 1.f, 1.f);
    301                     pixelRect.inset(0.1f, 0.1f);
    303                     SkScalar a = 1.f - 0.5f * coverage;
    304                     pixelPaint.setColor4f({a, a, a, 1.f}, nullptr);
    305                     canvas->drawRect(pixelRect, pixelPaint);
    307                     pixelPaint.setColor(coverage > 0.f ? SK_ColorGREEN : SK_ColorRED);
    308                     pixelRect.inset(0.38f, 0.38f);
    309                     canvas->drawRect(pixelRect, pixelPaint);
    310                 }
    311             }
    313             linePaint.setPathEffect(dashes);
    314             // Draw the inset/outset "infinite" lines
    315             if (fCoverageMode == CoverageMode::kEdgeDistance) {
    316                 for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    317                     if (fEdgeAA[i]) {
    318                         linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
    319                         draw_extended_line(canvas, linePaint, outsets[i * 2], outsets[i * 2 + 1]);
    320                         linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN);
    321                         draw_extended_line(canvas, linePaint, insets[i * 2], insets[i * 2 + 1]);
    322                     } else {
    323                         // Both outset and inset are the same line, so only draw one in cyan
    324                         linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorCYAN);
    325                         draw_extended_line(canvas, linePaint, outsets[i * 2], outsets[i * 2 + 1]);
    326                     }
    327                 }
    328             }
    330             linePaint.setPathEffect(nullptr);
    331             // What is tessellated using GrQuadPerEdgeAA
    332             if (fCoverageMode == CoverageMode::kGPUMesh) {
    333                 SkPath outsetPath;
    334                 outsetPath.addPoly(gpuOutset, 4, true);
    335                 linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
    336                 canvas->drawPath(outsetPath, linePaint);
    338                 SkPath insetPath;
    339                 insetPath.addPoly(gpuInset, 4, true);
    340                 linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN);
    341                 canvas->drawPath(insetPath, linePaint);
    342             }
    344             // Draw the edges of the true quad as a solid line
    345             SkPath path;
    346             path.addPoly(fCorners, 4, true);
    347             linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK);
    348             canvas->drawPath(path, linePaint);
    349         } else {
    350             // Draw the edges of the true quad as a solid *red* line
    351             SkPath path;
    352             path.addPoly(fCorners, 4, true);
    353             linePaint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
    354             linePaint.setPathEffect(nullptr);
    355             canvas->drawPath(path, linePaint);
    356         }
    358         // Draw the four clickable corners as circles
    359         circlePaint.setColor(valid ? SK_ColorBLACK : SK_ColorRED);
    360         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    361             canvas->drawCircle(fCorners[i], 5.f / kViewScale, circlePaint);
    362         }
    363     }
    365     Sample::Click* onFindClickHandler(SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
    366                                       unsigned) override;
    367     bool onClick(Sample::Click*) override;
    368     bool onQuery(Sample::Event* evt) override;
    370 private:
    371     class Click;
    373     enum class CoverageMode {
    374         kArea, kEdgeDistance, kGPUMesh
    375     };
    377     const SkRect fOuterRect;
    378     SkPoint fCorners[4]; // TL, TR, BR, BL
    379     bool fEdgeAA[4]; // T, R, B, L
    380     CoverageMode fCoverageMode;
    382     bool isValid() const {
    383         SkPath path;
    384         path.addPoly(fCorners, 4, true);
    385         return path.isConvex();
    386     }
    388     void getTessellatedPoints(SkPoint inset[4], SkScalar insetCoverage[4], SkPoint outset[4],
    389                               SkScalar outsetCoverage[4]) const {
    390         // Fixed vertex spec for extracting the picture frame geometry
    391         static const GrQuadPerEdgeAA::VertexSpec kSpec =
    392             {GrQuadType::kStandard, GrQuadPerEdgeAA::ColorType::kNone,
    393              GrQuadType::kRect, false, GrQuadPerEdgeAA::Domain::kNo,
    394              GrAAType::kCoverage, false};
    395         static const GrPerspQuad kIgnored(SkRect::MakeEmpty());
    397         GrQuadAAFlags flags = GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    398         flags |= fEdgeAA[0] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kTop : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    399         flags |= fEdgeAA[1] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kRight : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    400         flags |= fEdgeAA[2] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    401         flags |= fEdgeAA[3] ? GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    403         GrPerspQuad quad = GrPerspQuad::MakeFromSkQuad(fCorners, SkMatrix::I());
    405         float vertices[24]; // 2 quads, with x, y, and coverage
    406         GrQuadPerEdgeAA::Tessellate(vertices, kSpec, quad, {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f},
    407                 GrPerspQuad(SkRect::MakeEmpty()), SkRect::MakeEmpty(), flags);
    409         // The first quad in vertices is the inset, then the outset, but they
    410         // are ordered TL, BL, TR, BR so un-interleave coverage and re-arrange
    411         inset[0] = {vertices[0], vertices[1]}; // TL
    412         insetCoverage[0] = vertices[2];
    413         inset[3] = {vertices[3], vertices[4]}; // BL
    414         insetCoverage[3] = vertices[5];
    415         inset[1] = {vertices[6], vertices[7]}; // TR
    416         insetCoverage[1] = vertices[8];
    417         inset[2] = {vertices[9], vertices[10]}; // BR
    418         insetCoverage[2] = vertices[11];
    420         outset[0] = {vertices[12], vertices[13]}; // TL
    421         outsetCoverage[0] = vertices[14];
    422         outset[3] = {vertices[15], vertices[16]}; // BL
    423         outsetCoverage[3] = vertices[17];
    424         outset[1] = {vertices[18], vertices[19]}; // TR
    425         outsetCoverage[1] = vertices[20];
    426         outset[2] = {vertices[21], vertices[22]}; // BR
    427         outsetCoverage[2] = vertices[23];
    428     }
    430     typedef Sample INHERITED;
    431 };
    433 class DegenerateQuadSample::Click : public Sample::Click {
    434 public:
    435     Click(Sample* target, const SkRect& clamp, int index)
    436             : Sample::Click(target)
    437             , fOuterRect(clamp)
    438             , fIndex(index) {}
    440     void doClick(SkPoint points[4]) {
    441         if (fIndex >= 0) {
    442             this->drag(&points[fIndex]);
    443         } else {
    444             for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    445                 this->drag(&points[i]);
    446             }
    447         }
    448     }
    450 private:
    451     SkRect fOuterRect;
    452     int fIndex;
    454     void drag(SkPoint* point) {
    455         SkIPoint delta = fICurr - fIPrev;
    456         *point += SkPoint::Make(delta.x() / kViewScale, delta.y() / kViewScale);
    457         point->fX = SkMinScalar(fOuterRect.fRight, SkMaxScalar(point->fX, fOuterRect.fLeft));
    458         point->fY = SkMinScalar(fOuterRect.fBottom, SkMaxScalar(point->fY, fOuterRect.fTop));
    459     }
    460 };
    462 Sample::Click* DegenerateQuadSample::onFindClickHandler(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, unsigned) {
    463     SkPoint inCTM = SkPoint::Make((x - kViewOffset) / kViewScale, (y - kViewOffset) / kViewScale);
    464     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    465         if ((fCorners[i] - inCTM).length() < 10.f / kViewScale) {
    466             return new Click(this, fOuterRect, i);
    467         }
    468     }
    469     return new Click(this, fOuterRect, -1);
    470 }
    472 bool DegenerateQuadSample::onClick(Sample::Click* click) {
    473     Click* myClick = (Click*) click;
    474     myClick->doClick(fCorners);
    475     return true;
    476 }
    478 bool DegenerateQuadSample::onQuery(Sample::Event* event) {
    479     if (Sample::TitleQ(*event)) {
    480         Sample::TitleR(event, "DegenerateQuad");
    481         return true;
    482     }
    483     SkUnichar code;
    484     if (Sample::CharQ(*event, &code)) {
    485         switch(code) {
    486             case '1':
    487                 fEdgeAA[0] = !fEdgeAA[0];
    488                 return true;
    489             case '2':
    490                 fEdgeAA[1] = !fEdgeAA[1];
    491                 return true;
    492             case '3':
    493                 fEdgeAA[2] = !fEdgeAA[2];
    494                 return true;
    495             case '4':
    496                 fEdgeAA[3] = !fEdgeAA[3];
    497                 return true;
    498             case 'q':
    499                 fCoverageMode = CoverageMode::kArea;
    500                 return true;
    501             case 'w':
    502                 fCoverageMode = CoverageMode::kEdgeDistance;
    503                 return true;
    504             case 'e':
    505                 fCoverageMode = CoverageMode::kGPUMesh;
    506                 return true;
    507         }
    508     }
    509     return this->INHERITED::onQuery(event);
    510 }
    512 DEF_SAMPLE(return new DegenerateQuadSample(SkRect::MakeWH(4.f, 4.f));)