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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "GrAAConvexTessellator.h"
      9 #include "SkCanvas.h"
     10 #include "SkPath.h"
     11 #include "SkPoint.h"
     12 #include "SkString.h"
     13 #include "GrPathUtils.h"
     15 // Next steps:
     16 //  add an interactive sample app slide
     17 //  add debug check that all points are suitably far apart
     18 //  test more degenerate cases
     20 // The tolerance for fusing vertices and eliminating colinear lines (It is in device space).
     21 static const SkScalar kClose = (SK_Scalar1 / 16);
     22 static const SkScalar kCloseSqd = kClose * kClose;
     24 // tesselation tolerance values, in device space pixels
     25 static const SkScalar kQuadTolerance = 0.2f;
     26 static const SkScalar kCubicTolerance = 0.2f;
     27 static const SkScalar kConicTolerance = 0.25f;
     29 // dot product below which we use a round cap between curve segments
     30 static const SkScalar kRoundCapThreshold = 0.8f;
     32 // dot product above which we consider two adjacent curves to be part of the "same" curve
     33 static const SkScalar kCurveConnectionThreshold = 0.8f;
     35 static bool intersect(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& n0,
     36                       const SkPoint& p1, const SkPoint& n1,
     37                       SkScalar* t) {
     38     const SkPoint v = p1 - p0;
     39     SkScalar perpDot = n0.fX * n1.fY - n0.fY * n1.fX;
     40     if (SkScalarNearlyZero(perpDot)) {
     41         return false;
     42     }
     43     *t = (v.fX * n1.fY - v.fY * n1.fX) / perpDot;
     44     SkASSERT(SkScalarIsFinite(*t));
     45     return true;
     46 }
     48 // This is a special case version of intersect where we have the vector
     49 // perpendicular to the second line rather than the vector parallel to it.
     50 static SkScalar perp_intersect(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& n0,
     51                                const SkPoint& p1, const SkPoint& perp) {
     52     const SkPoint v = p1 - p0;
     53     SkScalar perpDot = n0.dot(perp);
     54     return v.dot(perp) / perpDot;
     55 }
     57 static bool duplicate_pt(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1) {
     58     SkScalar distSq = SkPointPriv::DistanceToSqd(p0, p1);
     59     return distSq < kCloseSqd;
     60 }
     62 static bool points_are_colinear_and_b_is_middle(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b,
     63                                                 const SkPoint& c) {
     64     // 'area' is twice the area of the triangle with corners a, b, and c.
     65     SkScalar area = a.fX * (b.fY - c.fY) + b.fX * (c.fY - a.fY) + c.fX * (a.fY - b.fY);
     66     if (SkScalarAbs(area) >= 2 * kCloseSqd) {
     67         return false;
     68     }
     69     return (a - b).dot(b - c) >= 0;
     70 }
     72 int GrAAConvexTessellator::addPt(const SkPoint& pt,
     73                                  SkScalar depth,
     74                                  SkScalar coverage,
     75                                  bool movable,
     76                                  CurveState curve) {
     77     SkASSERT(pt.isFinite());
     78     this->validate();
     80     int index = fPts.count();
     81     *fPts.push() = pt;
     82     *fCoverages.push() = coverage;
     83     *fMovable.push() = movable;
     84     *fCurveState.push() = curve;
     86     this->validate();
     87     return index;
     88 }
     90 void GrAAConvexTessellator::popLastPt() {
     91     this->validate();
     93     fPts.pop();
     94     fCoverages.pop();
     95     fMovable.pop();
     96     fCurveState.pop();
     98     this->validate();
     99 }
    101 void GrAAConvexTessellator::popFirstPtShuffle() {
    102     this->validate();
    104     fPts.removeShuffle(0);
    105     fCoverages.removeShuffle(0);
    106     fMovable.removeShuffle(0);
    107     fCurveState.removeShuffle(0);
    109     this->validate();
    110 }
    112 void GrAAConvexTessellator::updatePt(int index,
    113                                      const SkPoint& pt,
    114                                      SkScalar depth,
    115                                      SkScalar coverage) {
    116     this->validate();
    117     SkASSERT(fMovable[index]);
    119     fPts[index] = pt;
    120     fCoverages[index] = coverage;
    121 }
    123 void GrAAConvexTessellator::addTri(int i0, int i1, int i2) {
    124     if (i0 == i1 || i1 == i2 || i2 == i0) {
    125         return;
    126     }
    128     *fIndices.push() = i0;
    129     *fIndices.push() = i1;
    130     *fIndices.push() = i2;
    131 }
    133 void GrAAConvexTessellator::rewind() {
    134     fPts.rewind();
    135     fCoverages.rewind();
    136     fMovable.rewind();
    137     fIndices.rewind();
    138     fNorms.rewind();
    139     fCurveState.rewind();
    140     fInitialRing.rewind();
    141     fCandidateVerts.rewind();
    143     fRings.rewind();        // TODO: leak in this case!
    144 #else
    145     fRings[0].rewind();
    146     fRings[1].rewind();
    147 #endif
    148 }
    150 void GrAAConvexTessellator::computeNormals() {
    151     auto normalToVector = [this](SkVector v) {
    152         SkVector n = SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(v, fSide);
    153         SkAssertResult(n.normalize());
    154         SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(1.0f, n.length()));
    155         return n;
    156     };
    158     // Check the cross product of the final trio
    159     fNorms.append(fPts.count());
    160     fNorms[0] = fPts[1] - fPts[0];
    161     fNorms.top() = fPts[0] - fPts.top();
    162     SkScalar cross = SkPoint::CrossProduct(fNorms[0], fNorms.top());
    163     fSide = (cross > 0.0f) ? SkPointPriv::kRight_Side : SkPointPriv::kLeft_Side;
    164     fNorms[0] = normalToVector(fNorms[0]);
    165     for (int cur = 1; cur < fNorms.count() - 1; ++cur) {
    166         fNorms[cur] = normalToVector(fPts[cur + 1] - fPts[cur]);
    167     }
    168     fNorms.top() = normalToVector(fNorms.top());
    169 }
    171 void GrAAConvexTessellator::computeBisectors() {
    172     fBisectors.setCount(fNorms.count());
    174     int prev = fBisectors.count() - 1;
    175     for (int cur = 0; cur < fBisectors.count(); prev = cur, ++cur) {
    176         fBisectors[cur] = fNorms[cur] + fNorms[prev];
    177         if (!fBisectors[cur].normalize()) {
    178             fBisectors[cur] = SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(fNorms[cur], (SkPointPriv::Side)-fSide) +
    179                               SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(fNorms[prev], fSide);
    180             SkAssertResult(fBisectors[cur].normalize());
    181         } else {
    182             fBisectors[cur].negate();      // make the bisector face in
    183         }
    184         if (fCurveState[prev] == kIndeterminate_CurveState) {
    185             if (fCurveState[cur] == kSharp_CurveState) {
    186                 fCurveState[prev] = kSharp_CurveState;
    187             } else {
    188                 if (SkScalarAbs(fNorms[cur].dot(fNorms[prev])) > kCurveConnectionThreshold) {
    189                     fCurveState[prev] = kCurve_CurveState;
    190                     fCurveState[cur]  = kCurve_CurveState;
    191                 } else {
    192                     fCurveState[prev] = kSharp_CurveState;
    193                     fCurveState[cur]  = kSharp_CurveState;
    194                 }
    195             }
    196         }
    198         SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(1.0f, fBisectors[cur].length()));
    199     }
    200 }
    202 // Create as many rings as we need to (up to a predefined limit) to reach the specified target
    203 // depth. If we are in fill mode, the final ring will automatically be fanned.
    204 bool GrAAConvexTessellator::createInsetRings(Ring& previousRing, SkScalar initialDepth,
    205                                              SkScalar initialCoverage, SkScalar targetDepth,
    206                                              SkScalar targetCoverage, Ring** finalRing) {
    207     static const int kMaxNumRings = 8;
    209     if (previousRing.numPts() < 3) {
    210         return false;
    211     }
    212     Ring* currentRing = &previousRing;
    213     int i;
    214     for (i = 0; i < kMaxNumRings; ++i) {
    215         Ring* nextRing = this->getNextRing(currentRing);
    216         SkASSERT(nextRing != currentRing);
    218         bool done = this->createInsetRing(*currentRing, nextRing, initialDepth, initialCoverage,
    219                                           targetDepth, targetCoverage, i == 0);
    220         currentRing = nextRing;
    221         if (done) {
    222             break;
    223         }
    224         currentRing->init(*this);
    225     }
    227     if (kMaxNumRings == i) {
    228         // Bail if we've exceeded the amount of time we want to throw at this.
    229         this->terminate(*currentRing);
    230         return false;
    231     }
    232     bool done = currentRing->numPts() >= 3;
    233     if (done) {
    234         currentRing->init(*this);
    235     }
    236     *finalRing = currentRing;
    237     return done;
    238 }
    240 // The general idea here is to, conceptually, start with the original polygon and slide
    241 // the vertices along the bisectors until the first intersection. At that
    242 // point two of the edges collapse and the process repeats on the new polygon.
    243 // The polygon state is captured in the Ring class while the GrAAConvexTessellator
    244 // controls the iteration. The CandidateVerts holds the formative points for the
    245 // next ring.
    246 bool GrAAConvexTessellator::tessellate(const SkMatrix& m, const SkPath& path) {
    247     if (!this->extractFromPath(m, path)) {
    248         return false;
    249     }
    251     SkScalar coverage = 1.0f;
    252     SkScalar scaleFactor = 0.0f;
    254     if (SkStrokeRec::kStrokeAndFill_Style == fStyle) {
    255         SkASSERT(m.isSimilarity());
    256         scaleFactor = m.getMaxScale(); // x and y scale are the same
    257         SkScalar effectiveStrokeWidth = scaleFactor * fStrokeWidth;
    258         Ring outerStrokeAndAARing;
    259         this->createOuterRing(fInitialRing,
    260                               effectiveStrokeWidth / 2 + kAntialiasingRadius, 0.0,
    261                               &outerStrokeAndAARing);
    263         // discard all the triangles added between the originating ring and the new outer ring
    264         fIndices.rewind();
    266         outerStrokeAndAARing.init(*this);
    268         outerStrokeAndAARing.makeOriginalRing();
    270         // Add the outer stroke ring's normals to the originating ring's normals
    271         // so it can also act as an originating ring
    272         fNorms.setCount(fNorms.count() + outerStrokeAndAARing.numPts());
    273         for (int i = 0; i < outerStrokeAndAARing.numPts(); ++i) {
    274             SkASSERT(outerStrokeAndAARing.index(i) < fNorms.count());
    275             fNorms[outerStrokeAndAARing.index(i)] = outerStrokeAndAARing.norm(i);
    276         }
    278         // the bisectors are only needed for the computation of the outer ring
    279         fBisectors.rewind();
    281         Ring* insetAARing;
    282         this->createInsetRings(outerStrokeAndAARing,
    283                                0.0f, 0.0f, 2*kAntialiasingRadius, 1.0f,
    284                                &insetAARing);
    286         SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    287         return true;
    288     }
    290     if (SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style == fStyle) {
    291         SkASSERT(fStrokeWidth >= 0.0f);
    292         SkASSERT(m.isSimilarity());
    293         scaleFactor = m.getMaxScale(); // x and y scale are the same
    294         SkScalar effectiveStrokeWidth = scaleFactor * fStrokeWidth;
    295         Ring outerStrokeRing;
    296         this->createOuterRing(fInitialRing, effectiveStrokeWidth / 2 - kAntialiasingRadius,
    297                               coverage, &outerStrokeRing);
    298         outerStrokeRing.init(*this);
    299         Ring outerAARing;
    300         this->createOuterRing(outerStrokeRing, kAntialiasingRadius * 2, 0.0f, &outerAARing);
    301     } else {
    302         Ring outerAARing;
    303         this->createOuterRing(fInitialRing, kAntialiasingRadius, 0.0f, &outerAARing);
    304     }
    306     // the bisectors are only needed for the computation of the outer ring
    307     fBisectors.rewind();
    308     if (SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style == fStyle && fInitialRing.numPts() > 2) {
    309         SkASSERT(fStrokeWidth >= 0.0f);
    310         SkScalar effectiveStrokeWidth = scaleFactor * fStrokeWidth;
    311         Ring* insetStrokeRing;
    312         SkScalar strokeDepth = effectiveStrokeWidth / 2 - kAntialiasingRadius;
    313         if (this->createInsetRings(fInitialRing, 0.0f, coverage, strokeDepth, coverage,
    314                                    &insetStrokeRing)) {
    315             Ring* insetAARing;
    316             this->createInsetRings(*insetStrokeRing, strokeDepth, coverage, strokeDepth +
    317                                    kAntialiasingRadius * 2, 0.0f, &insetAARing);
    318         }
    319     } else {
    320         Ring* insetAARing;
    321         this->createInsetRings(fInitialRing, 0.0f, 0.5f, kAntialiasingRadius, 1.0f, &insetAARing);
    322     }
    324     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    325     return true;
    326 }
    328 SkScalar GrAAConvexTessellator::computeDepthFromEdge(int edgeIdx, const SkPoint& p) const {
    329     SkASSERT(edgeIdx < fNorms.count());
    331     SkPoint v = p - fPts[edgeIdx];
    332     SkScalar depth = -fNorms[edgeIdx].dot(v);
    333     return depth;
    334 }
    336 // Find a point that is 'desiredDepth' away from the 'edgeIdx'-th edge and lies
    337 // along the 'bisector' from the 'startIdx'-th point.
    338 bool GrAAConvexTessellator::computePtAlongBisector(int startIdx,
    339                                                    const SkVector& bisector,
    340                                                    int edgeIdx,
    341                                                    SkScalar desiredDepth,
    342                                                    SkPoint* result) const {
    343     const SkPoint& norm = fNorms[edgeIdx];
    345     // First find the point where the edge and the bisector intersect
    346     SkPoint newP;
    348     SkScalar t = perp_intersect(fPts[startIdx], bisector, fPts[edgeIdx], norm);
    349     if (SkScalarNearlyEqual(t, 0.0f)) {
    350         // the start point was one of the original ring points
    351         SkASSERT(startIdx < fPts.count());
    352         newP = fPts[startIdx];
    353     } else if (t < 0.0f) {
    354         newP = bisector;
    355         newP.scale(t);
    356         newP += fPts[startIdx];
    357     } else {
    358         return false;
    359     }
    361     // Then offset along the bisector from that point the correct distance
    362     SkScalar dot = bisector.dot(norm);
    363     t = -desiredDepth / dot;
    364     *result = bisector;
    365     result->scale(t);
    366     *result += newP;
    368     return true;
    369 }
    371 bool GrAAConvexTessellator::extractFromPath(const SkMatrix& m, const SkPath& path) {
    372     SkASSERT(SkPath::kConvex_Convexity == path.getConvexity());
    374     SkRect bounds = path.getBounds();
    375     m.mapRect(&bounds);
    376     if (!bounds.isFinite()) {
    377         // We could do something smarter here like clip the path based on the bounds of the dst.
    378         // We'd have to be careful about strokes to ensure we don't draw something wrong.
    379         return false;
    380     }
    382     // Outer ring: 3*numPts
    383     // Middle ring: numPts
    384     // Presumptive inner ring: numPts
    385     this->reservePts(5*path.countPoints());
    386     // Outer ring: 12*numPts
    387     // Middle ring: 0
    388     // Presumptive inner ring: 6*numPts + 6
    389     fIndices.setReserve(18*path.countPoints() + 6);
    391     // TODO: is there a faster way to extract the points from the path? Perhaps
    392     // get all the points via a new entry point, transform them all in bulk
    393     // and then walk them to find duplicates?
    394     SkPath::Iter iter(path, true);
    395     SkPoint pts[4];
    396     SkPath::Verb verb;
    397     while ((verb = iter.next(pts, true, true)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
    398         switch (verb) {
    399             case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
    400                 this->lineTo(m, pts[1], kSharp_CurveState);
    401                 break;
    402             case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
    403                 this->quadTo(m, pts);
    404                 break;
    405             case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
    406                 this->cubicTo(m, pts);
    407                 break;
    408             case SkPath::kConic_Verb:
    409                 this->conicTo(m, pts, iter.conicWeight());
    410                 break;
    411             case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
    412             case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
    413             case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
    414                 break;
    415         }
    416     }
    418     if (this->numPts() < 2) {
    419         return false;
    420     }
    422     // check if last point is a duplicate of the first point. If so, remove it.
    423     if (duplicate_pt(fPts[this->numPts()-1], fPts[0])) {
    424         this->popLastPt();
    425     }
    427     // Remove any lingering colinear points where the path wraps around
    428     bool noRemovalsToDo = false;
    429     while (!noRemovalsToDo && this->numPts() >= 3) {
    430         if (points_are_colinear_and_b_is_middle(fPts[fPts.count() - 2], fPts.top(), fPts[0])) {
    431             this->popLastPt();
    432         } else if (points_are_colinear_and_b_is_middle(fPts.top(), fPts[0], fPts[1])) {
    433             this->popFirstPtShuffle();
    434         } else {
    435             noRemovalsToDo = true;
    436         }
    437     }
    439     // Compute the normals and bisectors.
    440     SkASSERT(fNorms.empty());
    441     if (this->numPts() >= 3) {
    442         this->computeNormals();
    443         this->computeBisectors();
    444     } else if (this->numPts() == 2) {
    445         // We've got two points, so we're degenerate.
    446         if (fStyle == SkStrokeRec::kFill_Style) {
    447             // it's a fill, so we don't need to worry about degenerate paths
    448             return false;
    449         }
    450         // For stroking, we still need to process the degenerate path, so fix it up
    451         fSide = SkPointPriv::kLeft_Side;
    453         fNorms.append(2);
    454         fNorms[0] = SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(fPts[1] - fPts[0], fSide);
    455         fNorms[0].normalize();
    456         fNorms[1] = -fNorms[0];
    457         SkASSERT(SkScalarNearlyEqual(1.0f, fNorms[0].length()));
    458         // we won't actually use the bisectors, so just push zeroes
    459         fBisectors.push_back(SkPoint::Make(0.0, 0.0));
    460         fBisectors.push_back(SkPoint::Make(0.0, 0.0));
    461     } else {
    462         return false;
    463     }
    465     fCandidateVerts.setReserve(this->numPts());
    466     fInitialRing.setReserve(this->numPts());
    467     for (int i = 0; i < this->numPts(); ++i) {
    468         fInitialRing.addIdx(i, i);
    469     }
    470     fInitialRing.init(fNorms, fBisectors);
    472     this->validate();
    473     return true;
    474 }
    476 GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring* GrAAConvexTessellator::getNextRing(Ring* lastRing) {
    478     Ring* ring = *fRings.push() = new Ring;
    479     ring->setReserve(fInitialRing.numPts());
    480     ring->rewind();
    481     return ring;
    482 #else
    483     // Flip flop back and forth between fRings[0] & fRings[1]
    484     int nextRing = (lastRing == &fRings[0]) ? 1 : 0;
    485     fRings[nextRing].setReserve(fInitialRing.numPts());
    486     fRings[nextRing].rewind();
    487     return &fRings[nextRing];
    488 #endif
    489 }
    491 void GrAAConvexTessellator::fanRing(const Ring& ring) {
    492     // fan out from point 0
    493     int startIdx = ring.index(0);
    494     for (int cur = ring.numPts() - 2; cur >= 0; --cur) {
    495         this->addTri(startIdx, ring.index(cur), ring.index(cur + 1));
    496     }
    497 }
    499 void GrAAConvexTessellator::createOuterRing(const Ring& previousRing, SkScalar outset,
    500                                             SkScalar coverage, Ring* nextRing) {
    501     const int numPts = previousRing.numPts();
    502     if (numPts == 0) {
    503         return;
    504     }
    506     int prev = numPts - 1;
    507     int lastPerpIdx = -1, firstPerpIdx = -1;
    509     const SkScalar outsetSq = outset * outset;
    510     SkScalar miterLimitSq = outset * fMiterLimit;
    511     miterLimitSq = miterLimitSq * miterLimitSq;
    512     for (int cur = 0; cur < numPts; ++cur) {
    513         int originalIdx = previousRing.index(cur);
    514         // For each vertex of the original polygon we add at least two points to the
    515         // outset polygon - one extending perpendicular to each impinging edge. Connecting these
    516         // two points yields a bevel join. We need one additional point for a mitered join, and
    517         // a round join requires one or more points depending upon curvature.
    519         // The perpendicular point for the last edge
    520         SkPoint normal1 = previousRing.norm(prev);
    521         SkPoint perp1 = normal1;
    522         perp1.scale(outset);
    523         perp1 += this->point(originalIdx);
    525         // The perpendicular point for the next edge.
    526         SkPoint normal2 = previousRing.norm(cur);
    527         SkPoint perp2 = normal2;
    528         perp2.scale(outset);
    529         perp2 += fPts[originalIdx];
    531         CurveState curve = fCurveState[originalIdx];
    533         // We know it isn't a duplicate of the prior point (since it and this
    534         // one are just perpendicular offsets from the non-merged polygon points)
    535         int perp1Idx = this->addPt(perp1, -outset, coverage, false, curve);
    536         nextRing->addIdx(perp1Idx, originalIdx);
    538         int perp2Idx;
    539         // For very shallow angles all the corner points could fuse.
    540         if (duplicate_pt(perp2, this->point(perp1Idx))) {
    541             perp2Idx = perp1Idx;
    542         } else {
    543             perp2Idx = this->addPt(perp2, -outset, coverage, false, curve);
    544         }
    546         if (perp2Idx != perp1Idx) {
    547             if (curve == kCurve_CurveState) {
    548                 // bevel or round depending upon curvature
    549                 SkScalar dotProd = normal1.dot(normal2);
    550                 if (dotProd < kRoundCapThreshold) {
    551                     // Currently we "round" by creating a single extra point, which produces
    552                     // good results for common cases. For thick strokes with high curvature, we will
    553                     // need to add more points; for the time being we simply fall back to software
    554                     // rendering for thick strokes.
    555                     SkPoint miter = previousRing.bisector(cur);
    556                     miter.setLength(-outset);
    557                     miter += fPts[originalIdx];
    559                     // For very shallow angles all the corner points could fuse
    560                     if (!duplicate_pt(miter, this->point(perp1Idx))) {
    561                         int miterIdx;
    562                         miterIdx = this->addPt(miter, -outset, coverage, false, kSharp_CurveState);
    563                         nextRing->addIdx(miterIdx, originalIdx);
    564                         // The two triangles for the corner
    565                         this->addTri(originalIdx, perp1Idx, miterIdx);
    566                         this->addTri(originalIdx, miterIdx, perp2Idx);
    567                     }
    568                 } else {
    569                     this->addTri(originalIdx, perp1Idx, perp2Idx);
    570                 }
    571             } else {
    572                 switch (fJoin) {
    573                     case SkPaint::Join::kMiter_Join: {
    574                         // The bisector outset point
    575                         SkPoint miter = previousRing.bisector(cur);
    576                         SkScalar dotProd = normal1.dot(normal2);
    577                         // The max is because this could go slightly negative if precision causes
    578                         // us to become slightly concave.
    579                         SkScalar sinHalfAngleSq = SkTMax(SkScalarHalf(SK_Scalar1 + dotProd), 0.f);
    580                         SkScalar lengthSq = sk_ieee_float_divide(outsetSq, sinHalfAngleSq);
    581                         if (lengthSq > miterLimitSq) {
    582                             // just bevel it
    583                             this->addTri(originalIdx, perp1Idx, perp2Idx);
    584                             break;
    585                         }
    586                         miter.setLength(-SkScalarSqrt(lengthSq));
    587                         miter += fPts[originalIdx];
    589                         // For very shallow angles all the corner points could fuse
    590                         if (!duplicate_pt(miter, this->point(perp1Idx))) {
    591                             int miterIdx;
    592                             miterIdx = this->addPt(miter, -outset, coverage, false,
    593                                                    kSharp_CurveState);
    594                             nextRing->addIdx(miterIdx, originalIdx);
    595                             // The two triangles for the corner
    596                             this->addTri(originalIdx, perp1Idx, miterIdx);
    597                             this->addTri(originalIdx, miterIdx, perp2Idx);
    598                         } else {
    599                             // ignore the miter point as it's so close to perp1/perp2 and simply
    600                             // bevel.
    601                             this->addTri(originalIdx, perp1Idx, perp2Idx);
    602                         }
    603                         break;
    604                     }
    605                     case SkPaint::Join::kBevel_Join:
    606                         this->addTri(originalIdx, perp1Idx, perp2Idx);
    607                         break;
    608                     default:
    609                         // kRound_Join is unsupported for now. GrAALinearizingConvexPathRenderer is
    610                         // only willing to draw mitered or beveled, so we should never get here.
    611                         SkASSERT(false);
    612                 }
    613             }
    615             nextRing->addIdx(perp2Idx, originalIdx);
    616         }
    618         if (0 == cur) {
    619             // Store the index of the first perpendicular point to finish up
    620             firstPerpIdx = perp1Idx;
    621             SkASSERT(-1 == lastPerpIdx);
    622         } else {
    623             // The triangles for the previous edge
    624             int prevIdx = previousRing.index(prev);
    625             this->addTri(prevIdx, perp1Idx, originalIdx);
    626             this->addTri(prevIdx, lastPerpIdx, perp1Idx);
    627         }
    629         // Track the last perpendicular outset point so we can construct the
    630         // trailing edge triangles.
    631         lastPerpIdx = perp2Idx;
    632         prev = cur;
    633     }
    635     // pick up the final edge rect
    636     int lastIdx = previousRing.index(numPts - 1);
    637     this->addTri(lastIdx, firstPerpIdx, previousRing.index(0));
    638     this->addTri(lastIdx, lastPerpIdx, firstPerpIdx);
    640     this->validate();
    641 }
    643 // Something went wrong in the creation of the next ring. If we're filling the shape, just go ahead
    644 // and fan it.
    645 void GrAAConvexTessellator::terminate(const Ring& ring) {
    646     if (fStyle != SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style && ring.numPts() > 0) {
    647         this->fanRing(ring);
    648     }
    649 }
    651 static SkScalar compute_coverage(SkScalar depth, SkScalar initialDepth, SkScalar initialCoverage,
    652                                 SkScalar targetDepth, SkScalar targetCoverage) {
    653     if (SkScalarNearlyEqual(initialDepth, targetDepth)) {
    654         return targetCoverage;
    655     }
    656     SkScalar result = (depth - initialDepth) / (targetDepth - initialDepth) *
    657             (targetCoverage - initialCoverage) + initialCoverage;
    658     return SkScalarClampMax(result, 1.0f);
    659 }
    661 // return true when processing is complete
    662 bool GrAAConvexTessellator::createInsetRing(const Ring& lastRing, Ring* nextRing,
    663                                             SkScalar initialDepth, SkScalar initialCoverage,
    664                                             SkScalar targetDepth, SkScalar targetCoverage,
    665                                             bool forceNew) {
    666     bool done = false;
    668     fCandidateVerts.rewind();
    670     // Loop through all the points in the ring and find the intersection with the smallest depth
    671     SkScalar minDist = SK_ScalarMax, minT = 0.0f;
    672     int minEdgeIdx = -1;
    674     for (int cur = 0; cur < lastRing.numPts(); ++cur) {
    675         int next = (cur + 1) % lastRing.numPts();
    677         SkScalar t;
    678         bool result = intersect(this->point(lastRing.index(cur)),  lastRing.bisector(cur),
    679                                 this->point(lastRing.index(next)), lastRing.bisector(next),
    680                                 &t);
    681         // The bisectors may be parallel (!result) or the previous ring may have become slightly
    682         // concave due to accumulated error (t <= 0).
    683         if (!result || t <= 0) {
    684             continue;
    685         }
    686         SkScalar dist = -t * lastRing.norm(cur).dot(lastRing.bisector(cur));
    688         if (minDist > dist) {
    689             minDist = dist;
    690             minT = t;
    691             minEdgeIdx = cur;
    692         }
    693     }
    695     if (minEdgeIdx == -1) {
    696         return false;
    697     }
    698     SkPoint newPt = lastRing.bisector(minEdgeIdx);
    699     newPt.scale(minT);
    700     newPt += this->point(lastRing.index(minEdgeIdx));
    702     SkScalar depth = this->computeDepthFromEdge(lastRing.origEdgeID(minEdgeIdx), newPt);
    703     if (depth >= targetDepth) {
    704         // None of the bisectors intersect before reaching the desired depth.
    705         // Just step them all to the desired depth
    706         depth = targetDepth;
    707         done = true;
    708     }
    710     // 'dst' stores where each point in the last ring maps to/transforms into
    711     // in the next ring.
    712     SkTDArray<int> dst;
    713     dst.setCount(lastRing.numPts());
    715     // Create the first point (who compares with no one)
    716     if (!this->computePtAlongBisector(lastRing.index(0),
    717                                       lastRing.bisector(0),
    718                                       lastRing.origEdgeID(0),
    719                                       depth, &newPt)) {
    720         this->terminate(lastRing);
    721         return true;
    722     }
    723     dst[0] = fCandidateVerts.addNewPt(newPt,
    724                                       lastRing.index(0), lastRing.origEdgeID(0),
    725                                       !this->movable(lastRing.index(0)));
    727     // Handle the middle points (who only compare with the prior point)
    728     for (int cur = 1; cur < lastRing.numPts()-1; ++cur) {
    729         if (!this->computePtAlongBisector(lastRing.index(cur),
    730                                           lastRing.bisector(cur),
    731                                           lastRing.origEdgeID(cur),
    732                                           depth, &newPt)) {
    733             this->terminate(lastRing);
    734             return true;
    735         }
    736         if (!duplicate_pt(newPt, fCandidateVerts.lastPoint())) {
    737             dst[cur] = fCandidateVerts.addNewPt(newPt,
    738                                                 lastRing.index(cur), lastRing.origEdgeID(cur),
    739                                                 !this->movable(lastRing.index(cur)));
    740         } else {
    741             dst[cur] = fCandidateVerts.fuseWithPrior(lastRing.origEdgeID(cur));
    742         }
    743     }
    745     // Check on the last point (handling the wrap around)
    746     int cur = lastRing.numPts()-1;
    747     if  (!this->computePtAlongBisector(lastRing.index(cur),
    748                                        lastRing.bisector(cur),
    749                                        lastRing.origEdgeID(cur),
    750                                        depth, &newPt)) {
    751         this->terminate(lastRing);
    752         return true;
    753     }
    754     bool dupPrev = duplicate_pt(newPt, fCandidateVerts.lastPoint());
    755     bool dupNext = duplicate_pt(newPt, fCandidateVerts.firstPoint());
    757     if (!dupPrev && !dupNext) {
    758         dst[cur] = fCandidateVerts.addNewPt(newPt,
    759                                             lastRing.index(cur), lastRing.origEdgeID(cur),
    760                                             !this->movable(lastRing.index(cur)));
    761     } else if (dupPrev && !dupNext) {
    762         dst[cur] = fCandidateVerts.fuseWithPrior(lastRing.origEdgeID(cur));
    763     } else if (!dupPrev && dupNext) {
    764         dst[cur] = fCandidateVerts.fuseWithNext();
    765     } else {
    766         bool dupPrevVsNext = duplicate_pt(fCandidateVerts.firstPoint(), fCandidateVerts.lastPoint());
    768         if (!dupPrevVsNext) {
    769             dst[cur] = fCandidateVerts.fuseWithPrior(lastRing.origEdgeID(cur));
    770         } else {
    771             const int fused = fCandidateVerts.fuseWithBoth();
    772             dst[cur] = fused;
    773             const int targetIdx = dst[cur - 1];
    774             for (int i = cur - 1; i >= 0 && dst[i] == targetIdx; i--) {
    775                 dst[i] = fused;
    776             }
    777         }
    778     }
    780     // Fold the new ring's points into the global pool
    781     for (int i = 0; i < fCandidateVerts.numPts(); ++i) {
    782         int newIdx;
    783         if (fCandidateVerts.needsToBeNew(i) || forceNew) {
    784             // if the originating index is still valid then this point wasn't
    785             // fused (and is thus movable)
    786             SkScalar coverage = compute_coverage(depth, initialDepth, initialCoverage,
    787                                                  targetDepth, targetCoverage);
    788             newIdx = this->addPt(fCandidateVerts.point(i), depth, coverage,
    789                                  fCandidateVerts.originatingIdx(i) != -1, kSharp_CurveState);
    790         } else {
    791             SkASSERT(fCandidateVerts.originatingIdx(i) != -1);
    792             this->updatePt(fCandidateVerts.originatingIdx(i), fCandidateVerts.point(i), depth,
    793                            targetCoverage);
    794             newIdx = fCandidateVerts.originatingIdx(i);
    795         }
    797         nextRing->addIdx(newIdx, fCandidateVerts.origEdge(i));
    798     }
    800     // 'dst' currently has indices into the ring. Remap these to be indices
    801     // into the global pool since the triangulation operates in that space.
    802     for (int i = 0; i < dst.count(); ++i) {
    803         dst[i] = nextRing->index(dst[i]);
    804     }
    806     for (int i = 0; i < lastRing.numPts(); ++i) {
    807         int next = (i + 1) % lastRing.numPts();
    809         this->addTri(lastRing.index(i), lastRing.index(next), dst[next]);
    810         this->addTri(lastRing.index(i), dst[next], dst[i]);
    811     }
    813     if (done && fStyle != SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style) {
    814         // fill or stroke-and-fill
    815         this->fanRing(*nextRing);
    816     }
    818     if (nextRing->numPts() < 3) {
    819         done = true;
    820     }
    821     return done;
    822 }
    824 void GrAAConvexTessellator::validate() const {
    825     SkASSERT(fPts.count() == fMovable.count());
    826     SkASSERT(fPts.count() == fCoverages.count());
    827     SkASSERT(fPts.count() == fCurveState.count());
    828     SkASSERT(0 == (fIndices.count() % 3));
    829     SkASSERT(!fBisectors.count() || fBisectors.count() == fNorms.count());
    830 }
    832 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    833 void GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring::init(const GrAAConvexTessellator& tess) {
    834     this->computeNormals(tess);
    835     this->computeBisectors(tess);
    836 }
    838 void GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring::init(const SkTDArray<SkVector>& norms,
    839                                        const SkTDArray<SkVector>& bisectors) {
    840     for (int i = 0; i < fPts.count(); ++i) {
    841         fPts[i].fNorm = norms[i];
    842         fPts[i].fBisector = bisectors[i];
    843     }
    844 }
    846 // Compute the outward facing normal at each vertex.
    847 void GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring::computeNormals(const GrAAConvexTessellator& tess) {
    848     for (int cur = 0; cur < fPts.count(); ++cur) {
    849         int next = (cur + 1) % fPts.count();
    851         fPts[cur].fNorm = tess.point(fPts[next].fIndex) - tess.point(fPts[cur].fIndex);
    852         SkPoint::Normalize(&fPts[cur].fNorm);
    853         fPts[cur].fNorm = SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(fPts[cur].fNorm, tess.side());
    854     }
    855 }
    857 void GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring::computeBisectors(const GrAAConvexTessellator& tess) {
    858     int prev = fPts.count() - 1;
    859     for (int cur = 0; cur < fPts.count(); prev = cur, ++cur) {
    860         fPts[cur].fBisector = fPts[cur].fNorm + fPts[prev].fNorm;
    861         if (!fPts[cur].fBisector.normalize()) {
    862             fPts[cur].fBisector =
    863                     SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(fPts[cur].fNorm, (SkPointPriv::Side)-tess.side()) +
    864                     SkPointPriv::MakeOrthog(fPts[prev].fNorm, tess.side());
    865             SkAssertResult(fPts[cur].fBisector.normalize());
    866         } else {
    867             fPts[cur].fBisector.negate();      // make the bisector face in
    868         }
    869     }
    870 }
    872 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    873 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
    874 // Is this ring convex?
    875 bool GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring::isConvex(const GrAAConvexTessellator& tess) const {
    876     if (fPts.count() < 3) {
    877         return true;
    878     }
    880     SkPoint prev = tess.point(fPts[0].fIndex) - tess.point(fPts.top().fIndex);
    881     SkPoint cur  = tess.point(fPts[1].fIndex) - tess.point(fPts[0].fIndex);
    882     SkScalar minDot = prev.fX * cur.fY - prev.fY * cur.fX;
    883     SkScalar maxDot = minDot;
    885     prev = cur;
    886     for (int i = 1; i < fPts.count(); ++i) {
    887         int next = (i + 1) % fPts.count();
    889         cur  = tess.point(fPts[next].fIndex) - tess.point(fPts[i].fIndex);
    890         SkScalar dot = prev.fX * cur.fY - prev.fY * cur.fX;
    892         minDot = SkMinScalar(minDot, dot);
    893         maxDot = SkMaxScalar(maxDot, dot);
    895         prev = cur;
    896     }
    898     if (SkScalarNearlyEqual(maxDot, 0.0f, 0.005f)) {
    899         maxDot = 0;
    900     }
    901     if (SkScalarNearlyEqual(minDot, 0.0f, 0.005f)) {
    902         minDot = 0;
    903     }
    904     return (maxDot >= 0.0f) == (minDot >= 0.0f);
    905 }
    907 #endif
    909 void GrAAConvexTessellator::lineTo(const SkPoint& p, CurveState curve) {
    910     if (this->numPts() > 0 && duplicate_pt(p, this->lastPoint())) {
    911         return;
    912     }
    914     if (this->numPts() >= 2 &&
    915         points_are_colinear_and_b_is_middle(fPts[fPts.count() - 2], fPts.top(), p)) {
    916         // The old last point is on the line from the second to last to the new point
    917         this->popLastPt();
    918         // double-check that the new last point is not a duplicate of the new point. In an ideal
    919         // world this wouldn't be necessary (since it's only possible for non-convex paths), but
    920         // floating point precision issues mean it can actually happen on paths that were
    921         // determined to be convex.
    922         if (duplicate_pt(p, this->lastPoint())) {
    923             return;
    924         }
    925     }
    926     SkScalar initialRingCoverage = (SkStrokeRec::kFill_Style == fStyle) ? 0.5f : 1.0f;
    927     this->addPt(p, 0.0f, initialRingCoverage, false, curve);
    928 }
    930 void GrAAConvexTessellator::lineTo(const SkMatrix& m, SkPoint p, CurveState curve) {
    931     m.mapPoints(&p, 1);
    932     this->lineTo(p, curve);
    933 }
    935 void GrAAConvexTessellator::quadTo(const SkPoint pts[3]) {
    936     int maxCount = GrPathUtils::quadraticPointCount(pts, kQuadTolerance);
    937     fPointBuffer.setCount(maxCount);
    938     SkPoint* target = fPointBuffer.begin();
    939     int count = GrPathUtils::generateQuadraticPoints(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2],
    940                                                      kQuadTolerance, &target, maxCount);
    941     fPointBuffer.setCount(count);
    942     for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
    943         this->lineTo(fPointBuffer[i], kCurve_CurveState);
    944     }
    945     this->lineTo(fPointBuffer[count - 1], kIndeterminate_CurveState);
    946 }
    948 void GrAAConvexTessellator::quadTo(const SkMatrix& m, SkPoint pts[3]) {
    949     m.mapPoints(pts, 3);
    950     this->quadTo(pts);
    951 }
    953 void GrAAConvexTessellator::cubicTo(const SkMatrix& m, SkPoint pts[4]) {
    954     m.mapPoints(pts, 4);
    955     int maxCount = GrPathUtils::cubicPointCount(pts, kCubicTolerance);
    956     fPointBuffer.setCount(maxCount);
    957     SkPoint* target = fPointBuffer.begin();
    958     int count = GrPathUtils::generateCubicPoints(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3],
    959             kCubicTolerance, &target, maxCount);
    960     fPointBuffer.setCount(count);
    961     for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
    962         this->lineTo(fPointBuffer[i], kCurve_CurveState);
    963     }
    964     this->lineTo(fPointBuffer[count - 1], kIndeterminate_CurveState);
    965 }
    967 // include down here to avoid compilation errors caused by "-" overload in SkGeometry.h
    968 #include "SkGeometry.h"
    970 void GrAAConvexTessellator::conicTo(const SkMatrix& m, SkPoint pts[3], SkScalar w) {
    971     m.mapPoints(pts, 3);
    972     SkAutoConicToQuads quadder;
    973     const SkPoint* quads = quadder.computeQuads(pts, w, kConicTolerance);
    974     SkPoint lastPoint = *(quads++);
    975     int count = quadder.countQuads();
    976     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    977         SkPoint quadPts[3];
    978         quadPts[0] = lastPoint;
    979         quadPts[1] = quads[0];
    980         quadPts[2] = i == count - 1 ? pts[2] : quads[1];
    981         this->quadTo(quadPts);
    982         lastPoint = quadPts[2];
    983         quads += 2;
    984     }
    985 }
    987 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    989 static const SkScalar kPointRadius = 0.02f;
    990 static const SkScalar kArrowStrokeWidth = 0.0f;
    991 static const SkScalar kArrowLength = 0.2f;
    992 static const SkScalar kEdgeTextSize = 0.1f;
    993 static const SkScalar kPointTextSize = 0.02f;
    995 static void draw_point(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPoint& p, SkScalar paramValue, bool stroke) {
    996     SkPaint paint;
    997     SkASSERT(paramValue <= 1.0f);
    998     int gs = int(255*paramValue);
    999     paint.setARGB(255, gs, gs, gs);
   1001     canvas->drawCircle(p.fX, p.fY, kPointRadius, paint);
   1003     if (stroke) {
   1004         SkPaint stroke;
   1005         stroke.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW);
   1006         stroke.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
   1007         stroke.setStrokeWidth(kPointRadius/3.0f);
   1008         canvas->drawCircle(p.fX, p.fY, kPointRadius, stroke);
   1009     }
   1010 }
   1012 static void draw_line(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1, SkColor color) {
   1013     SkPaint p;
   1014     p.setColor(color);
   1016     canvas->drawLine(p0.fX, p0.fY, p1.fX, p1.fY, p);
   1017 }
   1019 static void draw_arrow(SkCanvas*canvas, const SkPoint& p, const SkPoint &n,
   1020                        SkScalar len, SkColor color) {
   1021     SkPaint paint;
   1022     paint.setColor(color);
   1023     paint.setStrokeWidth(kArrowStrokeWidth);
   1024     paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
   1026     canvas->drawLine(p.fX, p.fY,
   1027                      p.fX + len * n.fX, p.fY + len * n.fY,
   1028                      paint);
   1029 }
   1031 void GrAAConvexTessellator::Ring::draw(SkCanvas* canvas, const GrAAConvexTessellator& tess) const {
   1032     SkPaint paint;
   1033     paint.setTextSize(kEdgeTextSize);
   1035     for (int cur = 0; cur < fPts.count(); ++cur) {
   1036         int next = (cur + 1) % fPts.count();
   1038         draw_line(canvas,
   1039                   tess.point(fPts[cur].fIndex),
   1040                   tess.point(fPts[next].fIndex),
   1041                   SK_ColorGREEN);
   1043         SkPoint mid = tess.point(fPts[cur].fIndex) + tess.point(fPts[next].fIndex);
   1044         mid.scale(0.5f);
   1046         if (fPts.count()) {
   1047             draw_arrow(canvas, mid, fPts[cur].fNorm, kArrowLength, SK_ColorRED);
   1048             mid.fX += (kArrowLength/2) * fPts[cur].fNorm.fX;
   1049             mid.fY += (kArrowLength/2) * fPts[cur].fNorm.fY;
   1050         }
   1052         SkString num;
   1053         num.printf("%d", this->origEdgeID(cur));
   1054         canvas->drawString(num, mid.fX, mid.fY, paint);
   1056         if (fPts.count()) {
   1057             draw_arrow(canvas, tess.point(fPts[cur].fIndex), fPts[cur].fBisector,
   1058                        kArrowLength, SK_ColorBLUE);
   1059         }
   1060     }
   1061 }
   1063 void GrAAConvexTessellator::draw(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
   1064     for (int i = 0; i < fIndices.count(); i += 3) {
   1065         SkASSERT(fIndices[i] < this->numPts()) ;
   1066         SkASSERT(fIndices[i+1] < this->numPts()) ;
   1067         SkASSERT(fIndices[i+2] < this->numPts()) ;
   1069         draw_line(canvas,
   1070                   this->point(this->fIndices[i]), this->point(this->fIndices[i+1]),
   1071                   SK_ColorBLACK);
   1072         draw_line(canvas,
   1073                   this->point(this->fIndices[i+1]), this->point(this->fIndices[i+2]),
   1074                   SK_ColorBLACK);
   1075         draw_line(canvas,
   1076                   this->point(this->fIndices[i+2]), this->point(this->fIndices[i]),
   1077                   SK_ColorBLACK);
   1078     }
   1080     fInitialRing.draw(canvas, *this);
   1081     for (int i = 0; i < fRings.count(); ++i) {
   1082         fRings[i]->draw(canvas, *this);
   1083     }
   1085     for (int i = 0; i < this->numPts(); ++i) {
   1086         draw_point(canvas,
   1087                    this->point(i), 0.5f + (this->depth(i)/(2 * kAntialiasingRadius)),
   1088                    !this->movable(i));
   1090         SkPaint paint;
   1091         paint.setTextSize(kPointTextSize);
   1092         if (this->depth(i) <= -kAntialiasingRadius) {
   1093             paint.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
   1094         }
   1096         SkString num;
   1097         num.printf("%d", i);
   1098         canvas->drawString(num,
   1099                          this->point(i).fX, this->point(i).fY+(kPointRadius/2.0f),
   1100                          paint);
   1101     }
   1102 }
   1104 #endif