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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "Sk4fGradientBase.h"
      9 #include "SkPaint.h"
     10 #include <functional>
     12 namespace {
     14 Sk4f pack_color(const SkColor4f& c4f, bool premul, const Sk4f& component_scale) {
     15     Sk4f pm4f = premul
     16         ? Sk4f::Load(c4f.premul().vec())
     17         : Sk4f::Load(c4f.vec());
     19     if (premul) {
     20         // If the stops are premul, we clamp them to gamut now.
     21         // If the stops are unpremul, the colors will eventually go through Sk4f_toL32(),
     22         // which ends up clamping to gamut then.
     23         pm4f = Sk4f::Max(0, Sk4f::Min(pm4f, pm4f[3]));
     24     }
     26     return pm4f * component_scale;
     27 }
     29 class IntervalIterator {
     30 public:
     31     IntervalIterator(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader, bool reverse)
     32         : fShader(shader)
     33         , fFirstPos(reverse ? SK_Scalar1 : 0)
     34         , fBegin(reverse ? shader.fColorCount - 1 : 0)
     35         , fAdvance(reverse ? -1 : 1) {
     36         SkASSERT(shader.fColorCount > 0);
     37     }
     39     void iterate(const SkColor4f* colors,
     40                  std::function<void(const SkColor4f&, const SkColor4f&,
     41                                     SkScalar, SkScalar)> func) const {
     42         if (!fShader.fOrigPos) {
     43             this->iterateImplicitPos(colors, func);
     44             return;
     45         }
     47         const int end = fBegin + fAdvance * (fShader.fColorCount - 1);
     48         int prev = fBegin;
     49         SkScalar prevPos = fFirstPos;
     51         do {
     52             const int curr = prev + fAdvance;
     53             SkASSERT(curr >= 0 && curr < fShader.fColorCount);
     55             const SkScalar currPos = fShader.fOrigPos[curr];
     56             if (currPos != prevPos) {
     57                 SkASSERT((currPos - prevPos > 0) == (fAdvance > 0));
     58                 func(colors[prev], colors[curr], prevPos, currPos);
     59             }
     61             prev = curr;
     62             prevPos = currPos;
     63         } while (prev != end);
     64     }
     66 private:
     67     void iterateImplicitPos(const SkColor4f* colors,
     68                             std::function<void(const SkColor4f&, const SkColor4f&,
     69                                                SkScalar, SkScalar)> func) const {
     70         // When clients don't provide explicit color stop positions (fPos == nullptr),
     71         // the color stops are distributed evenly across the unit interval
     72         // (implicit positioning).
     73         const SkScalar dt = fAdvance * SK_Scalar1 / (fShader.fColorCount - 1);
     74         const int end = fBegin + fAdvance * (fShader.fColorCount - 2);
     75         int prev = fBegin;
     76         SkScalar prevPos = fFirstPos;
     78         while (prev != end) {
     79             const int curr = prev + fAdvance;
     80             SkASSERT(curr >= 0 && curr < fShader.fColorCount);
     82             const SkScalar currPos = prevPos + dt;
     83             func(colors[prev], colors[curr], prevPos, currPos);
     84             prev = curr;
     85             prevPos = currPos;
     86         }
     88         // emit the last interval with a pinned end position, to avoid precision issues
     89         func(colors[prev], colors[prev + fAdvance], prevPos, 1 - fFirstPos);
     90     }
     92     const SkGradientShaderBase& fShader;
     93     const SkScalar              fFirstPos;
     94     const int                   fBegin;
     95     const int                   fAdvance;
     96 };
     98 void addMirrorIntervals(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader,
     99                         const SkColor4f* colors,
    100                         const Sk4f& componentScale,
    101                         bool premulColors, bool reverse,
    102                         Sk4fGradientIntervalBuffer::BufferType* buffer) {
    103     const IntervalIterator iter(shader, reverse);
    104     iter.iterate(colors, [&] (const SkColor4f& c0, const SkColor4f& c1, SkScalar t0, SkScalar t1) {
    105         SkASSERT(buffer->empty() || buffer->back().fT1 == 2 - t0);
    107         const auto mirror_t0 = 2 - t0;
    108         const auto mirror_t1 = 2 - t1;
    109         // mirror_p1 & mirror_p1 may collapse for very small values - recheck to avoid
    110         // triggering Interval asserts.
    111         if (mirror_t0 != mirror_t1) {
    112             buffer->emplace_back(pack_color(c0, premulColors, componentScale), mirror_t0,
    113                                  pack_color(c1, premulColors, componentScale), mirror_t1);
    114         }
    115     });
    116 }
    118 } // anonymous namespace
    120 Sk4fGradientInterval::Sk4fGradientInterval(const Sk4f& c0, SkScalar t0,
    121                                            const Sk4f& c1, SkScalar t1)
    122     : fT0(t0)
    123     , fT1(t1) {
    124     SkASSERT(t0 != t1);
    125     // Either p0 or p1 can be (-)inf for synthetic clamp edge intervals.
    126     SkASSERT(SkScalarIsFinite(t0) || SkScalarIsFinite(t1));
    128     const auto dt = t1 - t0;
    130     // Clamp edge intervals are always zero-ramp.
    131     SkASSERT(SkScalarIsFinite(dt) || (c0 == c1).allTrue());
    132     SkASSERT(SkScalarIsFinite(t0) || (c0 == c1).allTrue());
    133     const Sk4f   dc = SkScalarIsFinite(dt) ? (c1 - c0) / dt : 0;
    134     const Sk4f bias = c0 - (SkScalarIsFinite(t0) ? t0 * dc : 0);
    136     bias.store(fCb.vec());
    137     dc.store(fCg.vec());
    138 }
    140 void Sk4fGradientIntervalBuffer::init(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader, SkColorSpace* dstCS,
    141                                       SkShader::TileMode tileMode, bool premulColors,
    142                                       SkScalar alpha, bool reverse) {
    143     // The main job here is to build a specialized interval list: a different
    144     // representation of the color stops data, optimized for efficient scan line
    145     // access during shading.
    146     //
    147     //   [{P0,C0} , {P1,C1}) [{P1,C2} , {P2,c3}) ... [{Pn,C2n} , {Pn+1,C2n+1})
    148     //
    149     // The list may be inverted when requested (such that e.g. points are sorted
    150     // in increasing x order when dx < 0).
    151     //
    152     // Note: the current representation duplicates pos data; we could refactor to
    153     //       avoid this if interval storage size becomes a concern.
    154     //
    155     // Aside from reordering, we also perform two more pre-processing steps at
    156     // this stage:
    157     //
    158     //   1) scale the color components depending on paint alpha and the requested
    159     //      interpolation space (note: the interval color storage is SkPMColor4f, but
    160     //      that doesn't necessarily mean the colors are premultiplied; that
    161     //      property is tracked in fColorsArePremul)
    162     //
    163     //   2) inject synthetic intervals to support tiling.
    164     //
    165     //      * for kRepeat, no extra intervals are needed - the iterator just
    166     //        wraps around at the end:
    167     //
    168     //          ->[P0,P1)->..[Pn-1,Pn)->
    169     //
    170     //      * for kClamp, we add two "infinite" intervals before/after:
    171     //
    172     //          [-/+inf , P0)->[P0 , P1)->..[Pn-1 , Pn)->[Pn , +/-inf)
    173     //
    174     //        (the iterator should never run off the end in this mode)
    175     //
    176     //      * for kMirror, we extend the range to [0..2] and add a flipped
    177     //        interval series - then the iterator operates just as in the
    178     //        kRepeat case:
    179     //
    180     //          ->[P0,P1)->..[Pn-1,Pn)->[2 - Pn,2 - Pn-1)->..[2 - P1,2 - P0)->
    181     //
    182     // TODO: investigate collapsing intervals << 1px.
    184     const auto count = shader.fColorCount;
    186     SkASSERT(count > 0);
    188     fIntervals.reset();
    190     const Sk4f componentScale = premulColors
    191         ? Sk4f(alpha)
    192         : Sk4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);
    193     const int first_index = reverse ? count - 1 : 0;
    194     const int last_index = count - 1 - first_index;
    195     const SkScalar first_pos = reverse ? SK_Scalar1 : 0;
    196     const SkScalar last_pos = SK_Scalar1 - first_pos;
    198     // Transform all of the colors to destination color space
    199     SkColor4fXformer xformedColors(shader.fOrigColors4f, count, shader.fColorSpace.get(), dstCS);
    201     if (tileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) {
    202         // synthetic edge interval: -/+inf .. P0
    203         const Sk4f clamp_color = pack_color(xformedColors.fColors[first_index],
    204                                             premulColors, componentScale);
    205         const SkScalar clamp_pos = reverse ? SK_ScalarInfinity : SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity;
    206         fIntervals.emplace_back(clamp_color, clamp_pos,
    207                                 clamp_color, first_pos);
    208     } else if (tileMode == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode && reverse) {
    209         // synthetic mirror intervals injected before main intervals: (2 .. 1]
    210         addMirrorIntervals(shader, xformedColors.fColors, componentScale, premulColors, false,
    211                            &fIntervals);
    212     }
    214     const IntervalIterator iter(shader, reverse);
    215     iter.iterate(xformedColors.fColors,
    216                  [&] (const SkColor4f& c0, const SkColor4f& c1, SkScalar t0, SkScalar t1) {
    217         SkASSERT(fIntervals.empty() || fIntervals.back().fT1 == t0);
    219         fIntervals.emplace_back(pack_color(c0, premulColors, componentScale), t0,
    220                                 pack_color(c1, premulColors, componentScale), t1);
    221     });
    223     if (tileMode == SkShader::kClamp_TileMode) {
    224         // synthetic edge interval: Pn .. +/-inf
    225         const Sk4f clamp_color = pack_color(xformedColors.fColors[last_index],
    226                                             premulColors, componentScale);
    227         const SkScalar clamp_pos = reverse ? SK_ScalarNegativeInfinity : SK_ScalarInfinity;
    228         fIntervals.emplace_back(clamp_color, last_pos,
    229                                 clamp_color, clamp_pos);
    230     } else if (tileMode == SkShader::kMirror_TileMode && !reverse) {
    231         // synthetic mirror intervals injected after main intervals: [1 .. 2)
    232         addMirrorIntervals(shader, xformedColors.fColors, componentScale, premulColors, true,
    233                            &fIntervals);
    234     }
    235 }
    237 const Sk4fGradientInterval* Sk4fGradientIntervalBuffer::find(SkScalar t) const {
    238     // Binary search.
    239     const auto* i0 = fIntervals.begin();
    240     const auto* i1 = fIntervals.end() - 1;
    242     while (i0 != i1) {
    243         SkASSERT(i0 < i1);
    244         SkASSERT(t >= i0->fT0 && t <= i1->fT1);
    246         const auto* i = i0 + ((i1 - i0) >> 1);
    248         if (t > i->fT1) {
    249             i0 = i + 1;
    250         } else {
    251             i1 = i;
    252         }
    253     }
    255     SkASSERT(i0->contains(t));
    256     return i0;
    257 }
    259 const Sk4fGradientInterval* Sk4fGradientIntervalBuffer::findNext(
    260     SkScalar t, const Sk4fGradientInterval* prev, bool increasing) const {
    262     SkASSERT(!prev->contains(t));
    263     SkASSERT(prev >= fIntervals.begin() && prev < fIntervals.end());
    264     SkASSERT(t >= fIntervals.front().fT0 && t <= fIntervals.back().fT1);
    266     const auto* i = prev;
    268     // Use the |increasing| signal to figure which direction we should search for
    269     // the next interval, then perform a linear search.
    270     if (increasing) {
    271         do {
    272             i += 1;
    273             if (i >= fIntervals.end()) {
    274                 i = fIntervals.begin();
    275             }
    276         } while (!i->contains(t));
    277     } else {
    278         do {
    279             i -= 1;
    280             if (i < fIntervals.begin()) {
    281                 i = fIntervals.end() - 1;
    282             }
    283         } while (!i->contains(t));
    284     }
    286     return i;
    287 }
    289 SkGradientShaderBase::
    290 GradientShaderBase4fContext::GradientShaderBase4fContext(const SkGradientShaderBase& shader,
    291                                                          const ContextRec& rec)
    292     : INHERITED(shader, rec)
    293     , fFlags(this->INHERITED::getFlags())
    294     , fDither(rec.fPaint->isDither())
    295 {
    296     const SkMatrix& inverse = this->getTotalInverse();
    297     fDstToPos.setConcat(shader.fPtsToUnit, inverse);
    298     SkASSERT(!fDstToPos.hasPerspective());
    299     fDstToPosProc = SkMatrixPriv::GetMapXYProc(fDstToPos);
    301     if (shader.fColorsAreOpaque && this->getPaintAlpha() == SK_AlphaOPAQUE) {
    302         fFlags |= kOpaqueAlpha_Flag;
    303     }
    305     fColorsArePremul =
    306         (shader.fGradFlags & SkGradientShader::kInterpolateColorsInPremul_Flag)
    307         || shader.fColorsAreOpaque;
    308 }
    310 bool SkGradientShaderBase::
    311 GradientShaderBase4fContext::isValid() const {
    312     return fDstToPos.isFinite();
    313 }