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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define DEBUG false  // STOPSHIP if true
     18 #include "Log.h"
     19 #include "statslog.h"
     21 #include <android-base/file.h>
     22 #include <dirent.h>
     23 #include <frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/active_config_list.pb.h>
     24 #include "StatsLogProcessor.h"
     25 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
     26 #include "external/StatsPullerManager.h"
     27 #include "guardrail/StatsdStats.h"
     28 #include "metrics/CountMetricProducer.h"
     29 #include "stats_log_util.h"
     30 #include "stats_util.h"
     31 #include "storage/StorageManager.h"
     33 #include <log/log_event_list.h>
     34 #include <utils/Errors.h>
     35 #include <utils/SystemClock.h>
     37 using namespace android;
     38 using android::base::StringPrintf;
     39 using android::util::FIELD_COUNT_REPEATED;
     40 using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_BOOL;
     41 using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT;
     42 using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_INT32;
     43 using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_INT64;
     44 using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE;
     45 using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_STRING;
     46 using android::util::ProtoOutputStream;
     47 using std::make_unique;
     48 using std::unique_ptr;
     49 using std::vector;
     51 namespace android {
     52 namespace os {
     53 namespace statsd {
     55 // for ConfigMetricsReportList
     56 const int FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY = 1;
     57 const int FIELD_ID_REPORTS = 2;
     58 // for ConfigKey
     59 const int FIELD_ID_UID = 1;
     60 const int FIELD_ID_ID = 2;
     61 // for ConfigMetricsReport
     62 // const int FIELD_ID_METRICS = 1; // written in MetricsManager.cpp
     63 const int FIELD_ID_UID_MAP = 2;
     68 const int FIELD_ID_DUMP_REPORT_REASON = 8;
     69 const int FIELD_ID_STRINGS = 9;
     71 // for ActiveConfigList
     74 #define NS_PER_HOUR 3600 * NS_PER_SEC
     76 #define STATS_ACTIVE_METRIC_DIR "/data/misc/stats-active-metric"
     78 // Cool down period for writing data to disk to avoid overwriting files.
     79 #define WRITE_DATA_COOL_DOWN_SEC 5
     81 StatsLogProcessor::StatsLogProcessor(const sp<UidMap>& uidMap,
     82                                      const sp<StatsPullerManager>& pullerManager,
     83                                      const sp<AlarmMonitor>& anomalyAlarmMonitor,
     84                                      const sp<AlarmMonitor>& periodicAlarmMonitor,
     85                                      const int64_t timeBaseNs,
     86                                      const std::function<bool(const ConfigKey&)>& sendBroadcast,
     87                                      const std::function<bool(
     88                                             const int&, const vector<int64_t>&)>& activateBroadcast)
     89     : mUidMap(uidMap),
     90       mPullerManager(pullerManager),
     91       mAnomalyAlarmMonitor(anomalyAlarmMonitor),
     92       mPeriodicAlarmMonitor(periodicAlarmMonitor),
     93       mSendBroadcast(sendBroadcast),
     94       mSendActivationBroadcast(activateBroadcast),
     95       mTimeBaseNs(timeBaseNs),
     96       mLargestTimestampSeen(0),
     97       mLastTimestampSeen(0) {
     98     mPullerManager->ForceClearPullerCache();
     99 }
    101 StatsLogProcessor::~StatsLogProcessor() {
    102 }
    104 static void flushProtoToBuffer(ProtoOutputStream& proto, vector<uint8_t>* outData) {
    105     outData->clear();
    106     outData->resize(proto.size());
    107     size_t pos = 0;
    108     sp<android::util::ProtoReader> reader = proto.data();
    109     while (reader->readBuffer() != NULL) {
    110         size_t toRead = reader->currentToRead();
    111         std::memcpy(&((*outData)[pos]), reader->readBuffer(), toRead);
    112         pos += toRead;
    113         reader->move(toRead);
    114     }
    115 }
    117 void StatsLogProcessor::onAnomalyAlarmFired(
    118         const int64_t& timestampNs,
    119         unordered_set<sp<const InternalAlarm>, SpHash<InternalAlarm>> alarmSet) {
    120     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    121     for (const auto& itr : mMetricsManagers) {
    122         itr.second->onAnomalyAlarmFired(timestampNs, alarmSet);
    123     }
    124 }
    125 void StatsLogProcessor::onPeriodicAlarmFired(
    126         const int64_t& timestampNs,
    127         unordered_set<sp<const InternalAlarm>, SpHash<InternalAlarm>> alarmSet) {
    129     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    130     for (const auto& itr : mMetricsManagers) {
    131         itr.second->onPeriodicAlarmFired(timestampNs, alarmSet);
    132     }
    133 }
    135 void updateUid(Value* value, int hostUid) {
    136     int uid = value->int_value;
    137     if (uid != hostUid) {
    138         value->setInt(hostUid);
    139     }
    140 }
    142 void StatsLogProcessor::mapIsolatedUidToHostUidIfNecessaryLocked(LogEvent* event) const {
    143     if (android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithAttributionChain.find(event->GetTagId()) !=
    144         android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithAttributionChain.end()) {
    145         for (auto& value : *(event->getMutableValues())) {
    146             if (value.mField.getPosAtDepth(0) > kAttributionField) {
    147                 break;
    148             }
    149             if (isAttributionUidField(value)) {
    150                 const int hostUid = mUidMap->getHostUidOrSelf(value.mValue.int_value);
    151                 updateUid(&value.mValue, hostUid);
    152             }
    153         }
    154     } else {
    155         auto it = android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithUidField.find(event->GetTagId());
    156         if (it != android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithUidField.end()) {
    157             int uidField = it->second;  // uidField is the field number in proto,
    158                                         // starting from 1
    159             if (uidField > 0 && (int)event->getValues().size() >= uidField &&
    160                 (event->getValues())[uidField - 1].mValue.getType() == INT) {
    161                 Value& value = (*event->getMutableValues())[uidField - 1].mValue;
    162                 const int hostUid = mUidMap->getHostUidOrSelf(value.int_value);
    163                 updateUid(&value, hostUid);
    164             } else {
    165                 ALOGE("Malformed log, uid not found. %s", event->ToString().c_str());
    166             }
    167         }
    168     }
    169 }
    171 void StatsLogProcessor::onIsolatedUidChangedEventLocked(const LogEvent& event) {
    172     status_t err = NO_ERROR, err2 = NO_ERROR, err3 = NO_ERROR;
    173     bool is_create = event.GetBool(3, &err);
    174     auto parent_uid = int(event.GetLong(1, &err2));
    175     auto isolated_uid = int(event.GetLong(2, &err3));
    176     if (err == NO_ERROR && err2 == NO_ERROR && err3 == NO_ERROR) {
    177         if (is_create) {
    178             mUidMap->assignIsolatedUid(isolated_uid, parent_uid);
    179         } else {
    180             mUidMap->removeIsolatedUid(isolated_uid);
    181         }
    182     } else {
    183         ALOGE("Failed to parse uid in the isolated uid change event.");
    184     }
    185 }
    187 void StatsLogProcessor::resetConfigs() {
    188     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    189     resetConfigsLocked(getElapsedRealtimeNs());
    190 }
    192 void StatsLogProcessor::resetConfigsLocked(const int64_t timestampNs) {
    193     std::vector<ConfigKey> configKeys;
    194     for (auto it = mMetricsManagers.begin(); it != mMetricsManagers.end(); it++) {
    195         configKeys.push_back(it->first);
    196     }
    197     resetConfigsLocked(timestampNs, configKeys);
    198 }
    200 void StatsLogProcessor::OnLogEvent(LogEvent* event) {
    201     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    204     if (mPrintAllLogs) {
    205         ALOGI("%s", event->ToString().c_str());
    206     }
    207 #endif
    208     const int64_t currentTimestampNs = event->GetElapsedTimestampNs();
    210     resetIfConfigTtlExpiredLocked(currentTimestampNs);
    212     StatsdStats::getInstance().noteAtomLogged(
    213         event->GetTagId(), event->GetElapsedTimestampNs() / NS_PER_SEC);
    215     // Hard-coded logic to update the isolated uid's in the uid-map.
    216     // The field numbers need to be currently updated by hand with atoms.proto
    217     if (event->GetTagId() == android::util::ISOLATED_UID_CHANGED) {
    218         onIsolatedUidChangedEventLocked(*event);
    219     }
    221     if (mMetricsManagers.empty()) {
    222         return;
    223     }
    225     int64_t curTimeSec = getElapsedRealtimeSec();
    226     if (curTimeSec - mLastPullerCacheClearTimeSec > StatsdStats::kPullerCacheClearIntervalSec) {
    227         mPullerManager->ClearPullerCacheIfNecessary(curTimeSec * NS_PER_SEC);
    228         mLastPullerCacheClearTimeSec = curTimeSec;
    229     }
    232     if (event->GetTagId() != android::util::ISOLATED_UID_CHANGED) {
    233         // Map the isolated uid to host uid if necessary.
    234         mapIsolatedUidToHostUidIfNecessaryLocked(event);
    235     }
    237     std::unordered_set<int> uidsWithActiveConfigsChanged;
    238     std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int64_t>> activeConfigsPerUid;
    239     // pass the event to metrics managers.
    240     for (auto& pair : mMetricsManagers) {
    241         int uid = pair.first.GetUid();
    242         int64_t configId = pair.first.GetId();
    243         bool isPrevActive = pair.second->isActive();
    244         pair.second->onLogEvent(*event);
    245         bool isCurActive = pair.second->isActive();
    246         // Map all active configs by uid.
    247         if (isCurActive) {
    248             auto activeConfigs = activeConfigsPerUid.find(uid);
    249             if (activeConfigs != activeConfigsPerUid.end()) {
    250                 activeConfigs->second.push_back(configId);
    251             } else {
    252                 vector<int64_t> newActiveConfigs;
    253                 newActiveConfigs.push_back(configId);
    254                 activeConfigsPerUid[uid] = newActiveConfigs;
    255             }
    256         }
    257         // The activation state of this config changed.
    258         if (isPrevActive != isCurActive) {
    259             VLOG("Active status changed for uid  %d", uid);
    260             uidsWithActiveConfigsChanged.insert(uid);
    261             StatsdStats::getInstance().noteActiveStatusChanged(pair.first, isCurActive);
    262         }
    263         flushIfNecessaryLocked(event->GetElapsedTimestampNs(), pair.first, *(pair.second));
    264     }
    266     for (int uid : uidsWithActiveConfigsChanged) {
    267         // Send broadcast so that receivers can pull data.
    268         auto lastBroadcastTime = mLastActivationBroadcastTimes.find(uid);
    269         if (lastBroadcastTime != mLastActivationBroadcastTimes.end()) {
    270             if (currentTimestampNs - lastBroadcastTime->second <
    271                     StatsdStats::kMinActivationBroadcastPeriodNs) {
    272                 StatsdStats::getInstance().noteActivationBroadcastGuardrailHit(uid);
    273                 VLOG("StatsD would've sent an activation broadcast but the rate limit stopped us.");
    274                 return;
    275             }
    276         }
    277         auto activeConfigs = activeConfigsPerUid.find(uid);
    278         if (activeConfigs != activeConfigsPerUid.end()) {
    279             if (mSendActivationBroadcast(uid, activeConfigs->second)) {
    280                 VLOG("StatsD sent activation notice for uid %d", uid);
    281                 mLastActivationBroadcastTimes[uid] = currentTimestampNs;
    282             }
    283         } else {
    284             std::vector<int64_t> emptyActiveConfigs;
    285             if (mSendActivationBroadcast(uid, emptyActiveConfigs)) {
    286                 VLOG("StatsD sent EMPTY activation notice for uid %d", uid);
    287                 mLastActivationBroadcastTimes[uid] = currentTimestampNs;
    288             }
    289         }
    290     }
    291 }
    293 void StatsLogProcessor::GetActiveConfigs(const int uid, vector<int64_t>& outActiveConfigs) {
    294     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    295     GetActiveConfigsLocked(uid, outActiveConfigs);
    296 }
    298 void StatsLogProcessor::GetActiveConfigsLocked(const int uid, vector<int64_t>& outActiveConfigs) {
    299     outActiveConfigs.clear();
    300     for (auto& pair : mMetricsManagers) {
    301         if (pair.first.GetUid() == uid && pair.second->isActive()) {
    302             outActiveConfigs.push_back(pair.first.GetId());
    303         }
    304     }
    305 }
    307 void StatsLogProcessor::OnConfigUpdated(const int64_t timestampNs, const ConfigKey& key,
    308                                         const StatsdConfig& config) {
    309     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    310     WriteDataToDiskLocked(key, timestampNs, CONFIG_UPDATED, NO_TIME_CONSTRAINTS);
    311     OnConfigUpdatedLocked(timestampNs, key, config);
    312 }
    314 void StatsLogProcessor::OnConfigUpdatedLocked(
    315         const int64_t timestampNs, const ConfigKey& key, const StatsdConfig& config) {
    316     VLOG("Updated configuration for key %s", key.ToString().c_str());
    317     sp<MetricsManager> newMetricsManager =
    318             new MetricsManager(key, config, mTimeBaseNs, timestampNs, mUidMap, mPullerManager,
    319                                mAnomalyAlarmMonitor, mPeriodicAlarmMonitor);
    320     if (newMetricsManager->isConfigValid()) {
    321         mUidMap->OnConfigUpdated(key);
    322         if (newMetricsManager->shouldAddUidMapListener()) {
    323             // We have to add listener after the MetricsManager is constructed because it's
    324             // not safe to create wp or sp from this pointer inside its constructor.
    325             mUidMap->addListener(newMetricsManager.get());
    326         }
    327         newMetricsManager->refreshTtl(timestampNs);
    328         mMetricsManagers[key] = newMetricsManager;
    329         VLOG("StatsdConfig valid");
    330     } else {
    331         // If there is any error in the config, don't use it.
    332         ALOGE("StatsdConfig NOT valid");
    333     }
    334 }
    336 size_t StatsLogProcessor::GetMetricsSize(const ConfigKey& key) const {
    337     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    338     auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    339     if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    340         ALOGW("Config source %s does not exist", key.ToString().c_str());
    341         return 0;
    342     }
    343     return it->second->byteSize();
    344 }
    346 void StatsLogProcessor::dumpStates(int out, bool verbose) {
    347     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    348     FILE* fout = fdopen(out, "w");
    349     if (fout == NULL) {
    350         return;
    351     }
    352     fprintf(fout, "MetricsManager count: %lu\n", (unsigned long)mMetricsManagers.size());
    353     for (auto metricsManager : mMetricsManagers) {
    354         metricsManager.second->dumpStates(fout, verbose);
    355     }
    357     fclose(fout);
    358 }
    360 /*
    361  * onDumpReport dumps serialized ConfigMetricsReportList into proto.
    362  */
    363 void StatsLogProcessor::onDumpReport(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t dumpTimeStampNs,
    364                                      const bool include_current_partial_bucket,
    365                                      const bool erase_data,
    366                                      const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason,
    367                                      const DumpLatency dumpLatency,
    368                                      ProtoOutputStream* proto) {
    369     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    371     // Start of ConfigKey.
    372     uint64_t configKeyToken = proto->start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY);
    373     proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT32 | FIELD_ID_UID, key.GetUid());
    374     proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_ID, (long long)key.GetId());
    375     proto->end(configKeyToken);
    376     // End of ConfigKey.
    378     bool keepFile = false;
    379     auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    380     if (it != mMetricsManagers.end() && it->second->shouldPersistLocalHistory()) {
    381         keepFile = true;
    382     }
    384     // Then, check stats-data directory to see there's any file containing
    385     // ConfigMetricsReport from previous shutdowns to concatenate to reports.
    386     StorageManager::appendConfigMetricsReport(
    387             key, proto, erase_data && !keepFile /* should remove file after appending it */,
    388             dumpReportReason == ADB_DUMP /*if caller is adb*/);
    390     if (it != mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    391         // This allows another broadcast to be sent within the rate-limit period if we get close to
    392         // filling the buffer again soon.
    393         mLastBroadcastTimes.erase(key);
    395         vector<uint8_t> buffer;
    396         onConfigMetricsReportLocked(key, dumpTimeStampNs, include_current_partial_bucket,
    397                                     erase_data, dumpReportReason, dumpLatency,
    398                                     false /* is this data going to be saved on disk */, &buffer);
    400                      reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer.data()), buffer.size());
    401     } else {
    402         ALOGW("Config source %s does not exist", key.ToString().c_str());
    403     }
    404 }
    406 /*
    407  * onDumpReport dumps serialized ConfigMetricsReportList into outData.
    408  */
    409 void StatsLogProcessor::onDumpReport(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t dumpTimeStampNs,
    410                                      const bool include_current_partial_bucket,
    411                                      const bool erase_data,
    412                                      const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason,
    413                                      const DumpLatency dumpLatency,
    414                                      vector<uint8_t>* outData) {
    415     ProtoOutputStream proto;
    416     onDumpReport(key, dumpTimeStampNs, include_current_partial_bucket, erase_data,
    417                  dumpReportReason, dumpLatency, &proto);
    419     if (outData != nullptr) {
    420         flushProtoToBuffer(proto, outData);
    421         VLOG("output data size %zu", outData->size());
    422     }
    424     StatsdStats::getInstance().noteMetricsReportSent(key, proto.size());
    425 }
    427 /*
    428  * onConfigMetricsReportLocked dumps serialized ConfigMetricsReport into outData.
    429  */
    430 void StatsLogProcessor::onConfigMetricsReportLocked(
    431         const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t dumpTimeStampNs,
    432         const bool include_current_partial_bucket, const bool erase_data,
    433         const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason, const DumpLatency dumpLatency,
    434         const bool dataSavedOnDisk, vector<uint8_t>* buffer) {
    435     // We already checked whether key exists in mMetricsManagers in
    436     // WriteDataToDisk.
    437     auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    438     if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    439         return;
    440     }
    441     int64_t lastReportTimeNs = it->second->getLastReportTimeNs();
    442     int64_t lastReportWallClockNs = it->second->getLastReportWallClockNs();
    444     std::set<string> str_set;
    446     ProtoOutputStream tempProto;
    447     // First, fill in ConfigMetricsReport using current data on memory, which
    448     // starts from filling in StatsLogReport's.
    449     it->second->onDumpReport(dumpTimeStampNs, include_current_partial_bucket, erase_data,
    450                              dumpLatency, &str_set, &tempProto);
    452     // Fill in UidMap if there is at least one metric to report.
    453     // This skips the uid map if it's an empty config.
    454     if (it->second->getNumMetrics() > 0) {
    455         uint64_t uidMapToken = tempProto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_UID_MAP);
    456         mUidMap->appendUidMap(
    457                 dumpTimeStampNs, key, it->second->hashStringInReport() ? &str_set : nullptr,
    458                 it->second->versionStringsInReport(), it->second->installerInReport(), &tempProto);
    459         tempProto.end(uidMapToken);
    460     }
    462     // Fill in the timestamps.
    464                     (long long)lastReportTimeNs);
    466                     (long long)dumpTimeStampNs);
    468                     (long long)lastReportWallClockNs);
    470                     (long long)getWallClockNs());
    471     // Dump report reason
    472     tempProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT32 | FIELD_ID_DUMP_REPORT_REASON, dumpReportReason);
    474     for (const auto& str : str_set) {
    475         tempProto.write(FIELD_TYPE_STRING | FIELD_COUNT_REPEATED | FIELD_ID_STRINGS, str);
    476     }
    478     flushProtoToBuffer(tempProto, buffer);
    480     // save buffer to disk if needed
    481     if (erase_data && !dataSavedOnDisk && it->second->shouldPersistLocalHistory()) {
    482         VLOG("save history to disk");
    483         string file_name = StorageManager::getDataHistoryFileName((long)getWallClockSec(),
    484                                                                   key.GetUid(), key.GetId());
    485         StorageManager::writeFile(file_name.c_str(), buffer->data(), buffer->size());
    486     }
    487 }
    489 void StatsLogProcessor::resetConfigsLocked(const int64_t timestampNs,
    490                                            const std::vector<ConfigKey>& configs) {
    491     for (const auto& key : configs) {
    492         StatsdConfig config;
    493         if (StorageManager::readConfigFromDisk(key, &config)) {
    494             OnConfigUpdatedLocked(timestampNs, key, config);
    495             StatsdStats::getInstance().noteConfigReset(key);
    496         } else {
    497             ALOGE("Failed to read backup config from disk for : %s", key.ToString().c_str());
    498             auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    499             if (it != mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    500                 it->second->refreshTtl(timestampNs);
    501             }
    502         }
    503     }
    504 }
    506 void StatsLogProcessor::resetIfConfigTtlExpiredLocked(const int64_t timestampNs) {
    507     std::vector<ConfigKey> configKeysTtlExpired;
    508     for (auto it = mMetricsManagers.begin(); it != mMetricsManagers.end(); it++) {
    509         if (it->second != nullptr && !it->second->isInTtl(timestampNs)) {
    510             configKeysTtlExpired.push_back(it->first);
    511         }
    512     }
    513     if (configKeysTtlExpired.size() > 0) {
    514         WriteDataToDiskLocked(CONFIG_RESET, NO_TIME_CONSTRAINTS);
    515         resetConfigsLocked(timestampNs, configKeysTtlExpired);
    516     }
    517 }
    519 void StatsLogProcessor::OnConfigRemoved(const ConfigKey& key) {
    520     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    521     auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    522     if (it != mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    523         WriteDataToDiskLocked(key, getElapsedRealtimeNs(), CONFIG_REMOVED,
    524                               NO_TIME_CONSTRAINTS);
    525         mMetricsManagers.erase(it);
    526         mUidMap->OnConfigRemoved(key);
    527     }
    528     StatsdStats::getInstance().noteConfigRemoved(key);
    530     mLastBroadcastTimes.erase(key);
    532     int uid = key.GetUid();
    533     bool lastConfigForUid = true;
    534     for (auto it : mMetricsManagers) {
    535         if (it.first.GetUid() == uid) {
    536             lastConfigForUid = false;
    537             break;
    538         }
    539     }
    540     if (lastConfigForUid) {
    541         mLastActivationBroadcastTimes.erase(uid);
    542     }
    544     if (mMetricsManagers.empty()) {
    545         mPullerManager->ForceClearPullerCache();
    546     }
    547 }
    549 void StatsLogProcessor::flushIfNecessaryLocked(
    550     int64_t timestampNs, const ConfigKey& key, MetricsManager& metricsManager) {
    551     auto lastCheckTime = mLastByteSizeTimes.find(key);
    552     if (lastCheckTime != mLastByteSizeTimes.end()) {
    553         if (timestampNs - lastCheckTime->second < StatsdStats::kMinByteSizeCheckPeriodNs) {
    554             return;
    555         }
    556     }
    558     // We suspect that the byteSize() computation is expensive, so we set a rate limit.
    559     size_t totalBytes = metricsManager.byteSize();
    560     mLastByteSizeTimes[key] = timestampNs;
    561     bool requestDump = false;
    562     if (totalBytes >
    563         StatsdStats::kMaxMetricsBytesPerConfig) {  // Too late. We need to start clearing data.
    564         metricsManager.dropData(timestampNs);
    565         StatsdStats::getInstance().noteDataDropped(key, totalBytes);
    566         VLOG("StatsD had to toss out metrics for %s", key.ToString().c_str());
    567     } else if ((totalBytes > StatsdStats::kBytesPerConfigTriggerGetData) ||
    568                (mOnDiskDataConfigs.find(key) != mOnDiskDataConfigs.end())) {
    569         // Request to send a broadcast if:
    570         // 1. in memory data > threshold   OR
    571         // 2. config has old data report on disk.
    572         requestDump = true;
    573     }
    575     if (requestDump) {
    576         // Send broadcast so that receivers can pull data.
    577         auto lastBroadcastTime = mLastBroadcastTimes.find(key);
    578         if (lastBroadcastTime != mLastBroadcastTimes.end()) {
    579             if (timestampNs - lastBroadcastTime->second < StatsdStats::kMinBroadcastPeriodNs) {
    580                 VLOG("StatsD would've sent a broadcast but the rate limit stopped us.");
    581                 return;
    582             }
    583         }
    584         if (mSendBroadcast(key)) {
    585             mOnDiskDataConfigs.erase(key);
    586             VLOG("StatsD triggered data fetch for %s", key.ToString().c_str());
    587             mLastBroadcastTimes[key] = timestampNs;
    588             StatsdStats::getInstance().noteBroadcastSent(key);
    589         }
    590     }
    591 }
    593 void StatsLogProcessor::WriteDataToDiskLocked(const ConfigKey& key,
    594                                               const int64_t timestampNs,
    595                                               const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason,
    596                                               const DumpLatency dumpLatency) {
    597     if (mMetricsManagers.find(key) == mMetricsManagers.end() ||
    598         !mMetricsManagers.find(key)->second->shouldWriteToDisk()) {
    599         return;
    600     }
    601     vector<uint8_t> buffer;
    602     onConfigMetricsReportLocked(key, timestampNs, true /* include_current_partial_bucket*/,
    603                                 true /* erase_data */, dumpReportReason, dumpLatency, true,
    604                                 &buffer);
    605     string file_name =
    606             StorageManager::getDataFileName((long)getWallClockSec(), key.GetUid(), key.GetId());
    607     StorageManager::writeFile(file_name.c_str(), buffer.data(), buffer.size());
    609     // We were able to write the ConfigMetricsReport to disk, so we should trigger collection ASAP.
    610     mOnDiskDataConfigs.insert(key);
    611 }
    613 void StatsLogProcessor::SaveActiveConfigsToDisk(int64_t currentTimeNs) {
    614     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    615     const int64_t timeNs = getElapsedRealtimeNs();
    616     // Do not write to disk if we already have in the last few seconds.
    617     if (static_cast<unsigned long long> (timeNs) <
    618             mLastActiveMetricsWriteNs + WRITE_DATA_COOL_DOWN_SEC * NS_PER_SEC) {
    619         ALOGI("Statsd skipping writing active metrics to disk. Already wrote data in last %d seconds",
    620                 WRITE_DATA_COOL_DOWN_SEC);
    621         return;
    622     }
    623     mLastActiveMetricsWriteNs = timeNs;
    625     ProtoOutputStream proto;
    626     WriteActiveConfigsToProtoOutputStreamLocked(currentTimeNs, DEVICE_SHUTDOWN, &proto);
    628     string file_name = StringPrintf("%s/active_metrics", STATS_ACTIVE_METRIC_DIR);
    629     StorageManager::deleteFile(file_name.c_str());
    630     android::base::unique_fd fd(
    631             open(file_name.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
    632     if (fd == -1) {
    633         ALOGE("Attempt to write %s but failed", file_name.c_str());
    634         return;
    635     }
    636     proto.flush(fd.get());
    637 }
    639 void StatsLogProcessor::WriteActiveConfigsToProtoOutputStream(
    640         int64_t currentTimeNs, const DumpReportReason reason, ProtoOutputStream* proto) {
    641     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    642     WriteActiveConfigsToProtoOutputStreamLocked(currentTimeNs, reason, proto);
    643 }
    645 void StatsLogProcessor::WriteActiveConfigsToProtoOutputStreamLocked(
    646         int64_t currentTimeNs,  const DumpReportReason reason, ProtoOutputStream* proto) {
    647     for (const auto& pair : mMetricsManagers) {
    648         const sp<MetricsManager>& metricsManager = pair.second;
    649         uint64_t configToken = proto->start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_COUNT_REPEATED |
    650                                                      FIELD_ID_ACTIVE_CONFIG_LIST_CONFIG);
    651         metricsManager->writeActiveConfigToProtoOutputStream(currentTimeNs, reason, proto);
    652         proto->end(configToken);
    653     }
    654 }
    655 void StatsLogProcessor::LoadActiveConfigsFromDisk() {
    656     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    657     string file_name = StringPrintf("%s/active_metrics", STATS_ACTIVE_METRIC_DIR);
    658     int fd = open(file_name.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
    659     if (-1 == fd) {
    660         VLOG("Attempt to read %s but failed", file_name.c_str());
    661         StorageManager::deleteFile(file_name.c_str());
    662         return;
    663     }
    664     string content;
    665     if (!android::base::ReadFdToString(fd, &content)) {
    666         ALOGE("Attempt to read %s but failed", file_name.c_str());
    667         close(fd);
    668         StorageManager::deleteFile(file_name.c_str());
    669         return;
    670     }
    672     close(fd);
    674     ActiveConfigList activeConfigList;
    675     if (!activeConfigList.ParseFromString(content)) {
    676         ALOGE("Attempt to read %s but failed; failed to load active configs", file_name.c_str());
    677         StorageManager::deleteFile(file_name.c_str());
    678         return;
    679     }
    680     // Passing in mTimeBaseNs only works as long as we only load from disk is when statsd starts.
    681     SetConfigsActiveStateLocked(activeConfigList, mTimeBaseNs);
    682     StorageManager::deleteFile(file_name.c_str());
    683 }
    685 void StatsLogProcessor::SetConfigsActiveState(const ActiveConfigList& activeConfigList,
    686                                                     int64_t currentTimeNs) {
    687     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    688     SetConfigsActiveStateLocked(activeConfigList, currentTimeNs);
    689 }
    691 void StatsLogProcessor::SetConfigsActiveStateLocked(const ActiveConfigList& activeConfigList,
    692                                                     int64_t currentTimeNs) {
    693     for (int i = 0; i < activeConfigList.config_size(); i++) {
    694         const auto& config = activeConfigList.config(i);
    695         ConfigKey key(config.uid(), config.id());
    696         auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    697         if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    698             ALOGE("No config found for config %s", key.ToString().c_str());
    699             continue;
    700         }
    701         VLOG("Setting active config %s", key.ToString().c_str());
    702         it->second->loadActiveConfig(config, currentTimeNs);
    703     }
    704     VLOG("Successfully loaded %d active configs.", activeConfigList.config_size());
    705 }
    707 void StatsLogProcessor::WriteDataToDiskLocked(const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason,
    708                                               const DumpLatency dumpLatency) {
    709     const int64_t timeNs = getElapsedRealtimeNs();
    710     // Do not write to disk if we already have in the last few seconds.
    711     // This is to avoid overwriting files that would have the same name if we
    712     //   write twice in the same second.
    713     if (static_cast<unsigned long long> (timeNs) <
    714             mLastWriteTimeNs + WRITE_DATA_COOL_DOWN_SEC * NS_PER_SEC) {
    715         ALOGI("Statsd skipping writing data to disk. Already wrote data in last %d seconds",
    716                 WRITE_DATA_COOL_DOWN_SEC);
    717         return;
    718     }
    719     mLastWriteTimeNs = timeNs;
    720     for (auto& pair : mMetricsManagers) {
    721         WriteDataToDiskLocked(pair.first, timeNs, dumpReportReason, dumpLatency);
    722     }
    723 }
    725 void StatsLogProcessor::WriteDataToDisk(const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason,
    726                                         const DumpLatency dumpLatency) {
    727     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    728     WriteDataToDiskLocked(dumpReportReason, dumpLatency);
    729 }
    731 void StatsLogProcessor::informPullAlarmFired(const int64_t timestampNs) {
    732     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    733     mPullerManager->OnAlarmFired(timestampNs);
    734 }
    736 int64_t StatsLogProcessor::getLastReportTimeNs(const ConfigKey& key) {
    737     auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key);
    738     if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) {
    739         return 0;
    740     } else {
    741         return it->second->getLastReportTimeNs();
    742     }
    743 }
    745 void StatsLogProcessor::noteOnDiskData(const ConfigKey& key) {
    746     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex);
    747     mOnDiskDataConfigs.insert(key);
    748 }
    750 }  // namespace statsd
    751 }  // namespace os
    752 }  // namespace android