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OsclThread Class Reference

#include <oscl_thread.h>

Public Methods

OSCL_IMPORT_REF ~OsclThread ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Create (TOsclThreadFuncPtr func, int32 stack_size, TOsclThreadFuncArg argument, OsclThread_State state=Start_on_creation)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError GetPriority (OsclThreadPriority &refThreadPriority)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError SetPriority (OsclThreadPriority ePriority)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Suspend ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Resume ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError Terminate (OsclAny *exitcode)

Static Public Methods

OSCL_IMPORT_REF void Exit (OsclAny *exitcode)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void EnableKill ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError GetId (TOsclThreadId &refThreadId)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool CompareId (TOsclThreadId &t1, TOsclThreadId &t2)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF void SleepMillisec (const int32 msec)

Detailed Description

Thread Class. A subset of Thread APIs. It implements platform independendent APIs for thread creation, exiting, suspend, resume, priority and termination. With the use of proper defines it implements the basic thread festures. It provides an opaque layer through which user doesn't need to worry about OS specific data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclThread::OsclThread  

Class constructor

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclThread::~OsclThread  

Class destructor

Member Function Documentation

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool OsclThread::CompareId TOsclThreadId   t1,
TOsclThreadId   t2

Static routine to compare whether two thread ID's are equal.

t1, t2:  thread ID passed by the application
true if equal.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::Create TOsclThreadFuncPtr    func,
int32    stack_size,
TOsclThreadFuncArg    argument,
OsclThread_State    state = Start_on_creation

This routine will create a thread. The thread may be launched immediately or may be created in a suspended state and launched with a Resume call.

func  = Name of the thread Function stack_size = Size of the thread stack. If zero, then the platform-specific default stack size will be used. argument = Argument to be passed to thread function state = Enumeration which specifies the state of the thread on creation with values Running and Suspend. Note: the Suspend option may not be available on all platforms. If it is not supported, the Create call will return INVALID_PARAM_ERROR.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF void OsclThread::EnableKill   [static]

EnableKill is a static function which can be called by the thread routine in order to enable thread termination without waiting for cancellation points. EnableKill only applies to pthread implementations. For other implementations this function will do nothing.


OSCL_IMPORT_REF void OsclThread::Exit OsclAny   exitcode [static]

Exit is a static function which is used to end the current thread. When called it just ends the execution of the current thread.

exitcode  = Exitcode of the thread. This can be used by other threads to know the exit status of this thread.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::GetId TOsclThreadId   refThreadId [static]

Static routine to retrieve ID of calling thread.

Thread  ID passed by the application
Error code

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::GetPriority OsclThreadPriority   refThreadPriority

GetThreadPriority gets the priority of the thread. It takes reference of the input argument and assigns priority to it from one of the already defined priorities.

int16&  refThreadPriority : Output Priority value
Error code

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::Resume  

ResumeThread resumes the suspended thread and brings it into execution.

Error code Note: this function may not be supported on all platforms, and may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::SetPriority OsclThreadPriority    ePriority

SetThreadPriority sets the priority of the thread. It takes priority as the input argument and assigns it to the thread referred.

ePriorityLevel  : Input Priority value
Error code Note: this function may not be supported on all platforms, and may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF void OsclThread::SleepMillisec const int32    msec [static]

Suspend current thread execution for specified time.

msec, t2:  sleep time in milliseconds.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::Suspend  

This API suspends the thread being referred. The thread can later be brought into execution by calling OSCL_ResumeThread() on it.

Error code Note: this function may not be supported on all platforms, and may return NOT_IMPLEMENTED.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF OsclProcStatus::eOsclProcError OsclThread::Terminate OsclAny   exitcode

Terminate a thread other than the calling thread.

Note: for pthread implementations, the Terminate call will block until the thread has terminated. By default, threads will not terminate until a cancellation point is reached. The EnableKill method may be used to override this default behavior and allow immediate termination.

exitcode  = Exitcode of the thread.
Error code

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