_OsclBasicAllocator | |
_OsclHeapBase | |
AcceptParam | |
allocator | |
AllPassFilter | |
BindParam | |
BufferFragment | |
BufferMgr | |
BufferState | |
BufFragGroup< ChainClass, max_frags > | |
BufFragStatusClass | |
CallbackTimer< Alloc > | |
CallbackTimerObserver | |
CFastRep | |
CHeapRep | |
ConnectParam | |
CStackRep | |
DNSRequestParam | |
GetHostByNameParam | |
HeapBase | |
internalLeave | |
LinkedListElement< LLClass > | |
ListenParam | |
MediaData< ChainClass, max_frags, local_bufsize > | |
MediaStatusClass | |
MemAllocator< T > | |
MM_AllocBlockFence | |
MM_AllocBlockHdr | |
MM_AllocInfo | |
MM_AllocNode | |
MM_AllocQueryInfo | |
MM_Audit_Imp | |
MM_AuditOverheadStats | |
MM_FailInsertParam | |
MM_Stats_CB | |
MM_Stats_t | |
NTPTime | Time value as the number of seconds since 0h (UTC) Jan. 1, 1900 |
Oscl_Alloc | |
Oscl_Dealloc | |
Oscl_DefAlloc | |
Oscl_DefAllocWithRefCounter< DefAlloc > | |
OSCL_FastString | |
Oscl_File | |
Oscl_FileFind | |
Oscl_FileServer | |
oscl_fsstat | |
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc > | |
OSCL_HeapStringA | |
Oscl_Int64_Utils | Wrapper for commonly used int64/uint64 operations |
Oscl_Less< T > | |
Oscl_Linked_List< LLClass, Alloc > | |
Oscl_Linked_List_Base | |
Oscl_Map< Key, T, Alloc, Compare > | |
Oscl_Map< Key, T, Alloc, Compare >::value_compare | |
Oscl_MTLinked_List< LLClass, Alloc, TheLock > | |
Oscl_Opaque_Type_Alloc | |
Oscl_Opaque_Type_Alloc_LL | |
Oscl_Opaque_Type_Compare | |
Oscl_Pair< T1, T2 > | |
Oscl_Queue< T, Alloc > | |
Oscl_Queue_Base | |
Oscl_Rb_Tree< Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > | |
Oscl_Rb_Tree_Base | |
Oscl_Rb_Tree_Const_Iterator< Value > | |
Oscl_Rb_Tree_Iterator< Value > | |
Oscl_Rb_Tree_Node< Value > | |
Oscl_Rb_Tree_Node_Base | |
Oscl_Select1st< V, U > | |
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize > | |
oscl_stat_buf | |
OSCL_String | |
Oscl_Tag< Alloc > | |
Oscl_Tag_Base | |
Oscl_TagTree< T, Alloc > | |
Oscl_TagTree< T, Alloc >::const_iterator | |
Oscl_TagTree< T, Alloc >::iterator | |
Oscl_TagTree< T, Alloc >::Node | |
Oscl_TAlloc< T, Alloc > | |
Oscl_TAlloc< T, Alloc >::rebind< U, V > | |
Oscl_Vector< T, Alloc > | |
Oscl_Vector_Base | |
OSCL_wFastString | |
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc > | |
OSCL_wHeapStringA | |
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize > | |
OSCL_wString | |
OsclAcceptMethod | |
OsclAcceptRequest | |
OsclActiveObject | |
OsclAllocDestructDealloc | |
OsclAOStatus | |
OsclAsyncFile | |
OsclAsyncFileBuffer | |
OsclAuditCB | |
OsclBindMethod | |
OsclBindRequest | |
OsclBinIStream | |
OsclBinIStreamBigEndian | |
OsclBinIStreamLittleEndian | |
OsclBinOStream | Class OsclBinOStream implements the basic stream functions for an output stream |
OsclBinOStreamBigEndian | Class OsclBinOStreamBigEndian implements a binary output stream using big endian byte ordering |
OsclBinOStreamLittleEndian | Class OsclBinOStreamLittleEndian implements a binary output stream using little endian byte ordering |
OsclBinStream | |
OsclBuf | |
OsclCompareLess< T > | |
OsclComponentRegistry | |
OsclComponentRegistryData | |
OsclComponentRegistryElement | |
OsclConnectMethod | |
OsclConnectRequest | |
OsclDestructDealloc | |
OsclDNS | |
OsclDNSI | |
OsclDNSIBase | |
OsclDNSMethod | |
OsclDNSObserver | |
OsclDNSRequest | |
OsclDNSRequestAO | |
OsclDoubleLink | |
OsclDoubleList< T > | |
OsclDoubleListBase | |
OsclDoubleRunner< T > | |
OsclError | |
OsclErrorAllocator | This class provides static methods to invoke the user defined memory allocation routines |
OsclErrorTrap | |
OsclErrorTrapImp | |
OsclException< LeaveCode > | Oscl_exception.h contains all the exception handling macros and classes This template class provides the base exception class that all exceptions derive from |
OsclExclusiveArrayPtr< T > | Template class that defines an array pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) by new. When the OsclExclusiveArrayPtr expires, its destructor uses delete to free the memory |
OsclExclusivePtr< T > | Template class that defines a pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) by new. When the OsclExclusivePtr expires, its destructor uses delete to free the memory |
OsclExclusivePtrA< T, Alloc > | Template class that defines any pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) through Alloc. When the OsclExclusivePtrA expires, Alloc is used to free the memory |
OsclExecScheduler | |
OsclExecSchedulerBase | |
OsclExecSchedulerCommonBase | |
OsclFileCache | |
OsclFileHandle | |
OsclFileStats | |
OsclFileStatsItem | |
OsclGetHostByNameMethod | |
OsclGetHostByNameRequest | |
OsclInit | |
OsclInteger64Transport | |
OsclIPSocketI | |
OsclJump | |
OsclListenMethod | |
OsclListenRequest | |
OsclLockBase | |
OsclMem | |
OsclMemAllocator | |
OsclMemAllocDestructDealloc< T > | |
OsclMemAudit | |
OSCLMemAutoPtr< T, _Allocator > | The oscl_auto_ptr class is a template class that defines a pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) by new. When the oscl_auto_ptr expires, its destructor uses delete to free the memory |
OsclMemBasicAllocator | |
OsclMemBasicAllocDestructDealloc< T > | |
OsclMemGlobalAuditObject | |
OsclMemoryFragment | |
OsclMemPoolAllocator | |
OsclMemPoolFixedChunkAllocator | |
OsclMemPoolFixedChunkAllocatorObserver | |
OsclMemPoolResizableAllocator | |
OsclMemPoolResizableAllocator::MemPoolBlockInfo | |
OsclMemPoolResizableAllocator::MemPoolBufferInfo | |
OsclMemPoolResizableAllocatorMemoryObserver | |
OsclMemPoolResizableAllocatorObserver | |
OsclMemStatsNode | |
OsclMutex | |
OsclNameString< __len > | |
OsclNativeFile | |
OsclNativeFileParams | |
OsclNetworkAddress | |
OsclNullLock | |
OsclPriorityLink | |
OsclPriorityList< T > | |
OsclPriorityQueue< Qelem, Alloc, Container, Compare > | |
OsclPriorityQueueBase | |
OsclProcStatus | |
OsclPtr | |
OsclPtrC | |
OsclRand | |
OsclReadyAlloc | |
OsclReadyCompare | |
OsclReadyQ | |
OsclRecvFromMethod | |
OsclRecvFromRequest | |
OsclRecvMethod | |
OsclRecvRequest | |
OsclRefCounter | |
OsclRefCounterDA | |
OsclRefCounterMemFrag | |
OsclRefCounterMTDA< LockType > | |
OsclRefCounterMTSA< DeallocType, LockType > | |
OsclRefCounterSA< DeallocType > | |
OsclRegistryAccessClient | |
OsclRegistryAccessClientImpl | |
OsclRegistryAccessClientTlsImpl | |
OsclRegistryAccessElement | |
OsclRegistryClient | |
OsclRegistryClientImpl | |
OsclRegistryClientTlsImpl | |
OsclRegistryServTlsImpl | |
OsclScheduler | |
OsclSchedulerObserver | |
OsclScopedLock< LockClass > | Template class that handles unlocking an abstract class on destruction. This is very useful for ensuring that the lock is released when the OsclScopedLock goes out of scope |
OsclSelect | |
OsclSemaphore | |
OsclSendMethod | |
OsclSendRequest | |
OsclSendToMethod | |
OsclSendToRequest | |
OsclSharedPtr< TheClass > | A parameterized smart pointer class |
OsclShutdownMethod | |
OsclShutdownRequest | |
OsclSingleton< T, ID, Registry > | |
OsclSingletonRegistry | |
OsclSocketI | |
OsclSocketIBase | |
OsclSocketMethod | |
OsclSocketObserver | |
OsclSocketRequest | |
OsclSocketRequestAO | |
OsclSocketServ | |
OsclSocketServI | |
OsclSocketServIBase | |
OsclSocketServRequestList | |
OsclSocketServRequestQElem | |
OsclTCPSocket | |
OsclTCPSocketI | |
OsclThread | |
OsclThreadLock | |
OsclTickCount | |
OsclTimer< Alloc > | |
OsclTimerCompare | |
OsclTimerObject | |
OsclTimerObserver | |
OsclTimerQ | |
OsclTLS< T, ID, Registry > | |
OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry > | |
OsclTLSRegistry | |
OsclTLSRegistryEx | |
OsclTrapItem | |
OsclTrapStack | |
OsclTrapStackItem | |
OsclUDPSocket | |
OsclUDPSocketI | |
OsclUuid | |
PVActiveBase | |
PVActiveStats | |
PVLogger | |
PVLoggerAppender | |
PVLoggerFilter | |
PVLoggerLayout | |
PVLoggerRegistry | |
PVSchedulerStopper | |
PVSockBufRecv | |
PVSockBufSend | |
PVThreadContext | |
RecvFromParam | |
RecvParam | |
SendParam | |
SendToParam | |
ShutdownParam | |
SocketRequestParam | |
StrCSumPtrLen | Same as StrPtrLen, but includes checksum field and method to speed up querying |
StrPtrLen | This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform |
TimeValue | Time value in a format native to the system |
TLSStorageOps | |
TReadyQueLink | |
WStrPtrLen | This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform |