Files |
file | oscl_errno.h |
| Defines functions to access additional information on errors where supported through an errno or similar service.
file | oscl_error.h |
| OSCL Error trap and cleanup include file.
file | oscl_error_allocator.h |
| Defines a memory allocation class used by the oscl error layer.
file | oscl_error_codes.h |
| Defines basic error and leave codes.
file | oscl_error_imp.h |
| Internal error implementation support.
file | oscl_error_imp_cppexceptions.h |
| Implementation File for Leave using C++ exceptions.
file | oscl_error_imp_fatalerror.h |
| Implementation File for Leave using system fatal error.
file | oscl_error_imp_jumps.h |
| Implemenation of using Setjmp / Longjmp.
file | oscl_error_trapcleanup.h |
| OSCL Error trap and cleanup implementation include file.
file | oscl_exception.h |
| contains all the exception handling macros and classes
file | oscl_heapbase.h |
| OSCL Heap Base include file.
file | oscl_mempool_allocator.h |
| This file contains the definition of memory pool allocator for leave/trap.
file | oscl_namestring.h |
| Name string class include file.
Data Structures |
class | _OsclHeapBase |
class | internalLeave |
class | OsclError |
class | OsclErrorAllocator |
| This class provides static methods to invoke the user defined memory allocation routines. More...
class | OsclErrorTrap |
class | OsclErrorTrapImp |
class | OsclException |
| oscl_exception.h contains all the exception handling macros and classes This template class provides the base exception class that all exceptions derive from More...
class | OsclJump |
class | OsclMemPoolAllocator |
class | OsclNameString |
class | OsclTLSEx |
class | OsclTLSRegistryEx |
class | OsclTrapItem |
class | OsclTrapStack |
class | OsclTrapStackItem |
Defines |
#define | OSCL_TRAPSTACK_PUSH(a) OsclError::PushL(a) |
#define | OSCL_TRAPSTACK_POP() OsclError::Pop() |
#define | OSCL_TRAPSTACK_POPDEALLOC() OsclError::PopDealloc() |
#define | OsclErrNone 0 |
#define | OsclErrGeneral 100 |
#define | OsclErrNoMemory 101 |
#define | OsclErrCancelled 102 |
#define | OsclErrNotSupported 103 |
#define | OsclErrArgument 104 |
#define | OsclErrBadHandle 105 |
#define | OsclErrAlreadyExists 106 |
#define | OsclErrBusy 107 |
#define | OsclErrNotReady 108 |
#define | OsclErrCorrupt 109 |
#define | OsclErrTimeout 110 |
#define | OsclErrOverflow 111 |
#define | OsclErrUnderflow 112 |
#define | OsclErrInvalidState 113 |
#define | OsclErrNoResources 114 |
#define | OsclErrNotInstalled 115 |
#define | OsclErrAlreadyInstalled 116 |
#define | OsclErrSystemCallFailed 117 |
#define | OsclErrNoHandler 118 |
#define | OsclErrThreadContextIncorrect 119 |
#define | OSCL_ERR_NONE OsclErrNone |
#define | OsclSuccess 0 |
#define | OsclPending 1 |
#define | OsclFailure -1 |
#define | PVError_DoLeave() internalLeave __ilv;__ilv.a=0;throw(__ilv) |
#define | _PV_TRAP(__r, __s) |
#define | _PV_TRAP_NO_TLS(__trapimp, __r, __s) |
#define | internalLeave (-1) |
#define | OSCL_MAX_TRAP_LEVELS 20 |
#define | PVERRORTRAP_REGISTRY OsclTLSRegistry |
#define | OSCL_LEAVE(_leave_status) OsclError::Leave(_leave_status) |
| Use this macro to cause a Leave. It terminates the execution of the current active function.
#define | OSCL_TRY(_leave_status, _statements) _PV_TRAP(_leave_status,_statements) |
| This macro will be used to set up a try block.
#define | OSCL_TRY_NO_TLS(__trapimp, _leave_status, _statements) _PV_TRAP_NO_TLS(__trapimp,_leave_status,_statements) |
#define | OSCL_FIRST_CATCH_ANY(_leave_status, _statements) if (_leave_status!=OsclErrNone) { _statements; } |
| This section defines the macros to be used in the catch block following the try block Use this macro to call a function that handles all exception types thrown in the preceding try block.
#define | OSCL_FIRST_CATCH(_leave_status, _catch_value, _statements) if (_leave_status!=OsclErrNone && _leave_status == _catch_value){_statements;} |
| Use this macro to define a block of code that catches the first exception type thrown in the preceding try block.
#define | OSCL_CATCH(_leave_status, _catch_value, _statements) else if (_leave_status!=OsclErrNone && _leave_status == _catch_value){_statements;} |
| Use this macro to define a block of code for catching additional exception types.
#define | OSCL_CATCH_ANY(_leave_status, _statements) else if (_leave_status!=OsclErrNone){ _statements;} |
| Use this macro to call a function that will catch all remaining exception types.
#define | OSCL_LAST_CATCH(_leave_status) else if (_leave_status!=OsclErrNone){OSCL_LEAVE(_leave_status);} |
| Use this macro if OSCL_CATCH_ANY has not been used. It will mark the end of the catch block.
Typedefs |
typedef int32 | OsclLeaveCode |
typedef int32 | OsclReturnCode |
typedef void(* | OsclTrapOperation )(OsclAny *) |
Functions |
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool | OSCL_IsErrnoSupported () |
| This function determines if a particular system saves the error number that occurs on a system call.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int | OSCL_GetLastError () |
| This function returns the value of the system's global error number variable.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool | OSCL_SetLastError (int newVal) |
| This function sets the last error code for the system.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF char * | OSCL_StrError (int errnum) |
| This function maps an error number to an error-message string.