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file  oscl_bin_stream.h
 Defines a set of binary stream classes which handle portable input / output of binary data regardless of the native byte order.

file  oscl_math.h
 Provides math functions.

file  oscl_media_data.h
 Defines a container class for media data made up of a collection of memory fragments.

file  oscl_media_status.h
 Defines a status values for the MediaData containers.

file  oscl_priqueue.h
 Implements a priority queue data structure similar to STL.

file  oscl_rand.h
 Provides pseudo-random number generation.

file  oscl_registry_access_client.h
 Client-side implementation Registry Access implementation.

file  oscl_registry_client.h
 Client-side implementation of OsclRegistry.

file  oscl_registry_client_impl.h
 Client-side implementation of OsclRegistryInterface.

file  oscl_registry_serv_impl.h
 Server-side implementation of OsclRegistry interfaces.

file  oscl_registry_types.h
 Common types used in Oscl registry interfaces.

file  oscl_snprintf.h
 Provides a portable implementation of snprintf.

file  oscl_str_ptr_len.h
 Defines a data structure for string containment/manipulations where the storage for the string is maintained externally.

file  oscl_string.h
 Provides a standardized set of string containers that can be used in place of character arrays.

file  oscl_string_containers.h
 Provides a standardized set of string containers that can be used in place of character arrays.

file  oscl_string_rep.h
 Contains some internal implementation for string containers.

file  oscl_string_uri.h
 Utilities to unescape URIs.

file  oscl_string_utf8.h
 Utilities to validate and truncate UTF-8 encoded strings.

file  oscl_string_utils.h
 Utilities to parse and convert strings.

file  oscl_string_xml.h
 Utilities to escape special characters in XML strings.

file  oscl_tickcount.h
 Defines a data structure for string containment/manipulations where the storage for the string is maintained externally.

file  oscl_utf8conv.h
 Utilities to convert unicode to utf8 and vice versa.

Data Structures

class  BufferFragment
class  BufferMgr
class  BufferState
class  BufFragGroup
class  BufFragStatusClass
class  CFastRep
class  CHeapRep
class  CStackRep
class  MediaData
class  MediaStatusClass
class  MemAllocator
class  OSCL_FastString
class  OSCL_HeapString
class  OSCL_HeapStringA
class  OSCL_StackString
class  OSCL_String
class  OSCL_wFastString
class  OSCL_wHeapString
class  OSCL_wHeapStringA
class  OSCL_wStackString
class  OSCL_wString
class  OsclBinIStream
class  OsclBinIStreamBigEndian
class  OsclBinIStreamLittleEndian
class  OsclBinOStream
 Class OsclBinOStream implements the basic stream functions for an output stream. More...

class  OsclBinOStreamBigEndian
 Class OsclBinOStreamBigEndian implements a binary output stream using big endian byte ordering. More...

class  OsclBinOStreamLittleEndian
 Class OsclBinOStreamLittleEndian implements a binary output stream using little endian byte ordering. More...

class  OsclBinStream
class  OsclCompareLess
class  OsclComponentRegistry
class  OsclComponentRegistryData
class  OsclComponentRegistryElement
class  OsclPriorityQueue
class  OsclPriorityQueueBase
class  OsclRand
class  OsclRegistryAccessClient
class  OsclRegistryAccessClientImpl
class  OsclRegistryAccessClientTlsImpl
class  OsclRegistryAccessElement
class  OsclRegistryClient
class  OsclRegistryClientImpl
class  OsclRegistryClientTlsImpl
class  OsclRegistryServTlsImpl
class  OsclTickCount
struct  StrCSumPtrLen
 same as StrPtrLen, but includes checksum field and method to speed up querying More...

struct  StrPtrLen
 This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform. More...

struct  WStrPtrLen
 This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform. More...


#define oscl_isdigit(c)   ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
#define OSCLTICKCOUNT_MAX_TICKS   0xffffffff


typedef OsclAnyOsclComponentFactory
typedef void(* BufferFreeFuncPtr )(void *)
typedef uint32 MediaTimestamp
typedef StrPtrLen StrPtrLen
 This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform.

typedef WStrPtrLen WStrPtrLen
 This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform.

typedef StrCSumPtrLen StrCSumPtrLen
 same as StrPtrLen, but includes checksum field and method to speed up querying

typedef WStrPtrLen OSCL_TStrPtrLen


OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char * skip_whitespace (const char *ptr)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF char * skip_whitespace (char *ptr)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char * skip_whitespace (const char *start, const char *end)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char * skip_to_whitespace (const char *start, const char *end)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char * skip_to_line_term (const char *start_ptr, const char *end_ptr)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char * skip_whitespace_and_line_term (const char *start, const char *end)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int extract_string (const char *in_ptr, char *outstring, int maxsize)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int extract_string (const char *start, const char *end, char *outstring, int maxsize)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atoi (const char *buf, const char new_format, uint32 &value)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atoi (const char *buf, const char new_format, int length, uint32 &value)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atoi (const char *buf, const char new_format, int length, uint64 &value)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atof (const char *buf, OsclFloat &value)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atof (const char *buf, int length, OsclFloat &value)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int oscl_abs (int aVal)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_log (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_log10 (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_sqrt (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_pow (double x, double y)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_exp (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_sin (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_cos (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_tan (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_asin (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_atan (double value)
OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_floor (double value)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_snprintf (char *str, uint32 count, const char *fmt,...)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_snprintf (oscl_wchar *str, uint32 count, const oscl_wchar *fmt,...)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_vsnprintf (char *str, uint32 count, const char *fmt, va_list args)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_vsnprintf (oscl_wchar *str, uint32 count, const oscl_wchar *fmt, va_list args)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_unescape_uri (const char *str_buf_in, char *str_buf_out, uint32 max_out_buf_bytes, uint32 max_bytes, uint32 &out_buf_len)
 unescape any of the special escape sequence in the uri string

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_unescape_uri (const OSCL_String &oscl_str_in, OSCL_String &oscl_str_out, uint32 &out_buf_len)
 unescape any of the special escape sequence in the uri string

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_is_valid_utf8 (const uint8 *str_buf, uint32 &num_valid_characters, uint32 max_bytes=0, uint32 max_char_2_valid=0, uint32 *num_byte_4_char=NULL)
 Check if the input string contains any illegal UTF-8 character. The function scans the string and validate that each character is a valid utf-8. It stops at the first NULL character, invalid character or the max_byte value. The string is valid if and only if every character is a valid utf-8 character and the scanning stopped on a character boundary.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_str_truncate_utf8 (uint8 *str_buf, uint32 max_char, uint32 max_bytes=0)
 Truncates the UTF-8 string upto the required size.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_need_escape_xml (const char *str_buf, uint32 &num_escape_bytes, uint32 max_bytes=0)
 Check if the input string contains any special ASCII character like &, <, >, ', ". The function scans the string and check if each character is a special character. It stops at the first NULL character (if max_bytes = 0), or the max_byte value.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_str_escape_xml (const char *str_buf_in, char *str_buf_out, uint32 max_out_buf_bytes, uint32 max_bytes=0, uint32 *num_bytes_written=NULL)
 Escape any of the following special characters in the string Special ASCII characters: &, <, >, ', ".

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_UTF8ToUnicode (const char *input, int32 inLength, oscl_wchar *output, int32 outLength)
 Convert UTF8 byte sequence to Unicode string.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_UnicodeToUTF8 (const oscl_wchar *input, int32 inLength, char *output, int32 outLength)
 Convert Unicode string to UTF8 byte sequence.

BufferFragmentGetFragment (const int32 idx)
BufferStateGetBufferState (const int32 idx)
uint32 get_size () const
uint32 get_size () const
uint32 get_maxsize () const
uint32 get_maxsize () const
const chartype * get_cstr () const
const chartype * get_cstr () const
chartype * get_str () const
chartype * get_str () const
 OSCL_HeapString ()
 OSCL_wHeapString ()
 OSCL_HeapString (const chartype *cstr)
 OSCL_wHeapString (const chartype *cstr)
void set (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
void set (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
 OSCL_HeapString (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
 OSCL_wHeapString (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
 OSCL_HeapString (const OSCL_HeapString &src)
 OSCL_wHeapString (const OSCL_wHeapString &src)
 OSCL_HeapString (const OSCL_String &src)
 OSCL_wHeapString (const OSCL_wString &src)
 ~OSCL_HeapString ()
 ~OSCL_wHeapString ()
OSCL_HeapStringoperator= (const OSCL_HeapString &src)
OSCL_wHeapStringoperator= (const OSCL_wHeapString &src)
OSCL_HeapStringoperator= (const OSCL_String &src)
OSCL_wHeapStringoperator= (const OSCL_wString &src)
OSCL_HeapStringoperator= (const chartype *cstr)
OSCL_wHeapStringoperator= (const chartype *cstr)
uint32 get_size () const
uint32 get_size () const
uint32 get_maxsize () const
uint32 get_maxsize () const
const chartype * get_cstr () const
const chartype * get_cstr () const
chartype * get_str () const
chartype * get_str () const
 OSCL_StackString ()
 OSCL_wStackString ()
 OSCL_StackString (const chartype *cstr)
 OSCL_wStackString (const chartype *cstr)
void set (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
void set (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
 OSCL_StackString (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
 OSCL_wStackString (const chartype *buf, uint32 length)
 OSCL_StackString (const OSCL_StackString &src)
 OSCL_wStackString (const OSCL_wStackString &src)
 OSCL_StackString (const OSCL_String &src)
 OSCL_wStackString (const OSCL_wString &src)
 ~OSCL_StackString ()
 ~OSCL_wStackString ()
OSCL_StackStringoperator= (const OSCL_StackString &src)
OSCL_wStackStringoperator= (const OSCL_wStackString &src)
OSCL_StackStringoperator= (const OSCL_String &src)
OSCL_wStackStringoperator= (const OSCL_wString &src)
OSCL_StackStringoperator= (const chartype *cstr)
OSCL_wStackStringoperator= (const chartype *cstr)


const int32 APPEND_MEDIA_AT_END = -1
const uint8 OSCL_ASCII_CASE_MAGIC_BIT = 0x20

Define Documentation

#define oscl_isdigit      ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')

#define OSCLTICKCOUNT_MAX_TICKS   0xffffffff

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* BufferFreeFuncPtr)(void *)

typedef uint32 MediaTimestamp

typedef WStrPtrLen OSCL_TStrPtrLen

typedef OsclAny* OsclComponentFactory

OsclComponentFactory is an opaque pointer.

typedef StrCSumPtrLen StrCSumPtrLen

same as StrPtrLen, but includes checksum field and method to speed up querying

typedef struct StrPtrLen StrPtrLen

This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform.

standard string operations. It should be used for null-terminated constant (non-modifiable) strings of char type.

typedef struct WStrPtrLen WStrPtrLen

This data structure encapsulates a set of functions used to perform.

standard string operations. It should be used for null-terminated constant strings (non-modifiable) of wchar type.

Function Documentation

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int extract_string const char *    start,
const char *    end,
char *    outstring,
int    maxsize

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int extract_string const char *    in_ptr,
char *    outstring,
int    maxsize

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
const OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::chartype * OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::get_cstr   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
const OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::chartype * OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::get_cstr   [virtual, inherited]

This function returns the C-style string for read access.

Implements OSCL_String.

template<class Alloc>
const OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::chartype * OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::get_cstr   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<class Alloc>
const OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::chartype * OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::get_cstr   [virtual, inherited]

This function returns the C-style string for read access.

Implements OSCL_String.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
uint32 OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::get_maxsize   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
uint32 OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::get_maxsize   [virtual, inherited]

This function returns the maximum available storage size, not including null terminator. The maximum size may be larger than the current string size.

Implements OSCL_String.

template<class Alloc>
uint32 OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::get_maxsize   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<class Alloc>
uint32 OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::get_maxsize   [virtual, inherited]

This function returns the maximum available storage size, not including null terminator. The maximum size may be larger than the current string size.

Implements OSCL_String.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
uint32 OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::get_size   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
uint32 OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::get_size   [virtual, inherited]

Pure virtuals from OSCL_String

Implements OSCL_String.

template<class Alloc>
uint32 OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::get_size   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<class Alloc>
uint32 OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::get_size   [virtual, inherited]

Pure virtuals from OSCL_String

Implements OSCL_String.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::chartype * OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::get_str   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::chartype * OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::get_str   [virtual, inherited]

This function returns the C-style string for write access. If the string is not writable it returns NULL.

Implements OSCL_String.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::chartype * OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::get_str   [virtual, inherited]

Implements OSCL_wString.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::chartype * OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::get_str   [virtual, inherited]

This function returns the C-style string for write access. If the string is not writable it returns NULL.

Implements OSCL_String.

template<class ChainClass, uint32 max_frags>
BufferState * BufFragGroup< ChainClass, max_frags >::GetBufferState const int32    idx [inline, inherited]

template<class ChainClass, uint32 max_frags>
BufferFragment * BufFragGroup< ChainClass, max_frags >::GetFragment const int32    idx [inline, inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize > & OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::operator= const chartype   cstr [inherited]

Reimplemented from OSCL_wString.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize > & OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::operator= const chartype   cstr [inherited]

Assignment operator

am: null-terminated string

Reimplemented from OSCL_String.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize > & OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::operator= const OSCL_wString   src [inherited]

Reimplemented from OSCL_wString.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize > & OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::operator= const OSCL_String   src [inherited]

Assignment operator

Reimplemented from OSCL_String.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize > & OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::operator= const OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize > &    src [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize > & OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::operator= const OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize > &    src [inherited]

Assignment operators

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc > & OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::operator= const chartype   cstr [inherited]

Reimplemented from OSCL_wString.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc > & OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::operator= const chartype   cstr [inherited]

Assignment operator

am: null-terminated string

Reimplemented from OSCL_String.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc > & OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::operator= const OSCL_wString   src [inherited]

Reimplemented from OSCL_wString.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc > & OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::operator= const OSCL_String   src [inherited]

Assignment operator

Reimplemented from OSCL_String.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc > & OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::operator= const OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc > &    src [inherited]

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc > & OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::operator= const OSCL_HeapString< Alloc > &    src [inherited]

Assignment operators

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int oscl_abs int    aVal

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_asin double    value

Calculates the arc since of a number

value  source value

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_atan double    value

Calculates the arc tangent of a number

value  source value

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_cos double    value

Calculates the cosine of a number

value  source value

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_exp double    value

Calculates the exponential of e for a number

value  source value

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_floor double    value

Calculates the floor of a number

value  source value

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_HeapString const OSCL_String   src [inherited]

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_HeapString const OSCL_HeapString< Alloc > &    src [inherited]

Creates a heap string that contains a copy of the input string.

src:  input string.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_HeapString const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

Creates a heap string that contains a copy of the input string or character array.

src:  character array, not necessarily null-terminated.
length:  number of characters to copy.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_HeapString const chartype   cstr [inherited]

Creates a heap string that contains a copy of the input string.

cp:  null-terminated string.

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_HeapString   [inherited]

The default constructor creates an empty string.

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_log double    value

Calculates the natural log of a number

value  source value

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_log10 double    value

Calculates tthe logarithm to base 10 of a number

value  source value

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_pow double    x,
double    y

Calculates the value of x to the power of y

x  base value
y  power

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_sin double    value

Calculates the sine of a number

value  source value

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_snprintf oscl_wchar   str,
uint32    count,
const oscl_wchar   fmt,

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_snprintf char *    str,
uint32    count,
const char *    fmt,

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_sqrt double    value

Calculates the square root of a number

value  source value

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_StackString const OSCL_String   src [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_StackString const OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize > &    src [inherited]

Creates an OSCL_StackString with a copy of the input string. The string may be truncated to fit the available storage.

src:  input string.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_StackString const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

Creates an OSCL_StackString with a copy of the input string. The string may be truncated to fit the available storage.

src:  a character array, not necessarily null-terminated.
length:  the number of characters to copy.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_StackString const chartype   cstr [inherited]

Creates an OSCL_StackString with a copy of the input string. The string may be truncated to fit the available storage.

cp:  a null-terminated string.

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_StackString   [inherited]

Creates an OSCL_StackString initialized with an empty string.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_str_escape_xml const char *    str_buf_in,
char *    str_buf_out,
uint32    max_out_buf_bytes,
uint32    max_bytes = 0,
uint32 *    num_bytes_written = NULL

Escape any of the following special characters in the string Special ASCII characters: &, <, >, ', ".

The function scans the string and replaces each special character with its corresponding escape sequence. It stops at the first NULL character, the max_byte value.

str_buf_in  Ptr to an input string
str_buf_out  Ptr to an output buffer which stores the modified string
max_out_buf_bytes  The size of str_buf_out.
max_bytes  The maximum number of bytes to read (a zero value means read to the first NULL character). It is the length of str_buf_in.
num_bytes_written  Number of bytes written in the output buffer, str_buf_out
It returns the number of bytes in the str_buf_outring if succeeded. It returns negative number if failed, and its absolute value indicates the total number bytes written to the output buffer, str_buf_out, if str_buf_out != null.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_is_valid_utf8 const uint8 *    str_buf,
uint32 &    num_valid_characters,
uint32    max_bytes = 0,
uint32    max_char_2_valid = 0,
uint32 *    num_byte_4_char = NULL

Check if the input string contains any illegal UTF-8 character. The function scans the string and validate that each character is a valid utf-8. It stops at the first NULL character, invalid character or the max_byte value. The string is valid if and only if every character is a valid utf-8 character and the scanning stopped on a character boundary.

str_buf  Ptr to an input string, which may not terminate with null, to be checked
num_valid_chars  This is an output parameter which is the number of valid utf-8 characters actually read.
max_bytes  The maximum number of bytes to read (a zero value means read to the first NULL character).
max_char_2_valid  This is an input parameter. Specify the number of utf-8 characters the caller wants to validate.
num_byte_4_char  This is an output parameter. The number of bytes used by the max_char characters
True if the string is valid and false otherwise.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_need_escape_xml const char *    str_buf,
uint32 &    num_escape_bytes,
uint32    max_bytes = 0

Check if the input string contains any special ASCII character like &, <, >, ', ". The function scans the string and check if each character is a special character. It stops at the first NULL character (if max_bytes = 0), or the max_byte value.

str_buf  Ptr to an input string, which may not terminate with null, to be checked
num_escape_bytes  This is an output parameter which is the number of bytes needed to hold the result string. Value 0 indicates that there is no special character found. If max_bytes = 0, the return value does not include the null character.
max_bytes  The maximum number of bytes to read (a zero value means read to the first NULL character).
True if the function succeeds, and num_escape_bytes = 0 means that no special character is found, num_escape_bytes >0 means the number of bytes of the result string. False if there is any error occurred.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_str_truncate_utf8 uint8 *    str_buf,
uint32    max_char,
uint32    max_bytes = 0

Truncates the UTF-8 string upto the required size.

The function will modify the str_buf so that it contains AT MOST len valid utf-8 characters. If a NULL character is found before reading len utf-8 characters, then the function does not modify the string and simply returns the number of characters. If an invalid character is found, then it will insert a NULL character after the last valid character and return the length. Otherwise, it will insert a NULL character after len valid utf-8 characters and return the length.

str_buf  Ptr to an input string which may not terminate with null
max_char  The max number of the UTF-8 CHARACTERS
max_bytes  The maximum number of bytes to read (a zero value means read to the first NULL character).
It returns the length of the truncated string in utf-8 characters.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_unescape_uri const OSCL_String   oscl_str_in,
OSCL_String   oscl_str_out,
uint32 &    out_buf_len

unescape any of the special escape sequence in the uri string

The function scans the string and replaces each escape sequence with its corresponding character. It stops at the first null character, or the max_byte value. It returns false if the string contains any illegal escape sequence or the output buffer is not big enough. The out_buf_len value indicates the needed buffer length or the index of the byte that causes the error respectively.

oscl_str_in  Ptr to an input OSCL_String
oscl_str_out  Ptr to an output OSCL_String which stores the modified string
out_buf_len  The length of the result string (not including the null character)
It returns true if succeeds, otherwise false.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool oscl_str_unescape_uri const char *    str_buf_in,
char *    str_buf_out,
uint32    max_out_buf_bytes,
uint32    max_bytes,
uint32 &    out_buf_len

unescape any of the special escape sequence in the uri string

The function scans the string and replaces each escape sequence with its corresponding character. It stops at the first null character, or the max_byte value. It returns false if the string contains any illegal escape sequence or the output buffer is not big enough. The out_buf_len value indicates the needed buffer length or the index of the byte that causes the error respectively.

str_buf_in  Ptr to an input string
str_buf_out  Ptr to an output buffer which stores the modified string
max_out_buf_bytes  The size of str_buf_out.
max_bytes  The maximum number of bytes to read. It is the length of str_buf_in.
out_buf_len  The length of the result string (not including the null character)
It returns true if succeeds, otherwise false.

OSCL_COND_IMPORT_REF double oscl_tan double    value

Calculates the tangential of a number

value  source value

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_UnicodeToUTF8 const oscl_wchar   input,
int32    inLength,
char *    output,
int32    outLength

Convert Unicode string to UTF8 byte sequence.

The function converts Unicode string to UTF8 byte sequence. The length of input Unicode string is specified. It stops at two conditions: (A) Whole input Unicode string is successfully converted. (B) Destination buferr is not enough for output. In case of (A), it adds a terminated '\0' at the end of the output UTF8 byte sequence. and returns length of the output UTF8 byte sequence(without counting terminated '\0'). In case of (B), it converts as much as possible to the output buffer and adds a terminated '\0' at the end of the output UTF8 byte sequence"(no '\0' added if outLength is less than or equal to 0, return 0)", and returns 0.

input  Ptr to an input Unicode string. '\0' termanation is not neccesary.
inLength  The length of the input Unicode string, without counting terminated '\0'(if any).
output  Ptr to an output buffer which output UTF8 byte sequence is written in.
outLength  The size of output buffer, also the maximum number of char could be written in.
length of output (excludes '\0') : completely converts all input string and appends '\0' to output; 0 : insufficient buffer or error in conversion

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_UTF8ToUnicode const char *    input,
int32    inLength,
oscl_wchar   output,
int32    outLength

Convert UTF8 byte sequence to Unicode string.

The function converts UTF8 byte sequence (or ASCII sequence) to Unicode string. The length of input UTF8 byte sequence is specified. It stops at two conditions: (A) Whole input UTF8 byte sequence is successfully converted. (B) Output buferr is not enough for output, or parse error. In case of (A), it adds a terminated '\0' at the end of the output Unicode string, and returns length of the output Unicode string(without counting terminated '\0'). In case of (B), it converts as much as possible to the output buffer and adds a terminated '\0' at the end of the output Unicode string"(no '\0' added if outLength is less than or equal to 0, return 0)", and returns 0.

input  Ptr to an input UTF8 byte sequence. '\0' termanation is not neccesary.
inLength  The length of the input UTF8 byte sequence, without counting terminated '\0'(if any).
output  Ptr to an output buffer which output Unicode string is written in.
outLength  The size of output buffer, also the maximum number of oscl_wchar could be written in.
Length of output (excludes '\0') : completely converts all input string and appends '\0' to output; 0 : insufficient buffer or error in conversion

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_vsnprintf oscl_wchar   str,
uint32    count,
const oscl_wchar   fmt,
va_list    args

OSCL_IMPORT_REF int32 oscl_vsnprintf char *    str,
uint32    count,
const char *    fmt,
va_list    args

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_wHeapString const OSCL_wString   src [inherited]

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_wHeapString const OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc > &    src [inherited]

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_wHeapString const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_wHeapString const chartype   cstr [inherited]

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::OSCL_wHeapString   [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_wStackString const OSCL_wString   src [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_wStackString const OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize > &    src [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_wStackString const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_wStackString const chartype   cstr [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::OSCL_wStackString   [inherited]

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atof const char *    buf,
int    length,
OsclFloat   value

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atof const char *    buf,
OsclFloat   value

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atoi const char *    buf,
const char    new_format,
int    length,
uint64   value

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atoi const char *    buf,
const char    new_format,
int    length,
uint32 &    value

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool PV_atoi const char *    buf,
const char    new_format,
uint32 &    value

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
void OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::set const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
void OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::set const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

Set the contents of this string to a new string or character array.

buf:  string or character array.
length:  number of characters to copy.

template<class Alloc>
void OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::set const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

template<class Alloc>
void OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::set const chartype   buf,
uint32    length

Set the contents of this string to a new string or character array.

buf:  string or character array.
length:  number of characters to copy.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char* skip_to_line_term const char *    start_ptr,
const char *    end_ptr

OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char* skip_to_whitespace const char *    start,
const char *    end

OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char* skip_whitespace const char *    start,
const char *    end

OSCL_IMPORT_REF char* skip_whitespace char *    ptr

OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char* skip_whitespace const char *    ptr

OSCL_IMPORT_REF const char* skip_whitespace_and_line_term const char *    start,
const char *    end

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_HeapString< Alloc >::~OSCL_HeapString   [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_StackString< MaxBufSize >::~OSCL_StackString   [inherited]

template<class Alloc>
OSCL_wHeapString< Alloc >::~OSCL_wHeapString   [inherited]

template<uint32 MaxBufSize>
OSCL_wStackString< MaxBufSize >::~OSCL_wStackString   [inherited]

Variable Documentation

const int32 APPEND_MEDIA_AT_END = -1

const uint8 OSCL_ASCII_CASE_MAGIC_BIT = 0x20

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