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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include "Dalvik.h"
     21 #include "compiler/CompilerInternals.h"
     23 /*
     24  * For both JIT & interpreter:
     25  *     esi is Dalvik FP
     26  *     ebp is native FP
     27  *     esp is native SP
     28  *
     29  * For interpreter:
     30  *     edi is Dalvik PC (rPC)
     31  *     ebx is rINST
     32  *
     33  * For JIT:
     34  *     eax, edx, ecx are scratch & caller-save
     35  *     ebx, edi are scratch & callee-save
     36  *
     37  * Calling conventions:
     38  *     32-bit return in eax
     39  *     64-bit return in edx:eax
     40  *     fp on top of fp stack st(0)
     41  *     Parameters passed on stack, pushed left to right
     42  *     On entry to target, first parm is at 4(%esp).
     43  *     For performance, we'll maintain 16-byte stack alignment
     44  *
     45  * When transitioning from code cache to interp:
     46  *       materialize Dalvik PC of target in rPC/%edx
     47  *       Preload rINST/%ebx such that high 24 bits are zero and
     48  *           bl contains the non-opcode 8-bits of the 16-bit Dalvik
     49  *           instruction at (rPC)
     50  */
     52 /* Keys for target-specific scheduling and other optimizations here */
     53 typedef enum X86TargetOptHints {
     54    kMaxHoistDistance,
     55 } X86TargetOptHints;
     57  /*
     58  * Data structure tracking the mapping between a Dalvik register (pair) and a
     59  * native register (pair). The idea is to reuse the previously loaded value
     60  * if possible, otherwise to keep the value in a native register as long as
     61  * possible.
     62  */
     63 typedef struct RegisterInfo {
     64     int reg;                    // Reg number
     65     bool inUse;                 // Has it been allocated?
     66     bool pair;                  // Part of a register pair?
     67     int partner;                // If pair, other reg of pair
     68     bool live;                  // Is there an associated SSA name?
     69     bool dirty;                 // If live, is it dirty?
     70     int sReg;                   // Name of live value
     71     struct LIR *defStart;       // Starting inst in last def sequence
     72     struct LIR *defEnd;         // Ending inst in last def sequence
     73 } RegisterInfo;
     75 typedef struct RegisterPool {
     76     BitVector *nullCheckedRegs; // Track which registers have been null-checked
     77     int numCoreTemps;
     78     RegisterInfo *coreTemps;
     79     int nextCoreTemp;
     80     int numFPTemps;
     81     RegisterInfo *FPTemps;
     82     int nextFPTemp;
     83 } RegisterPool;
     85 typedef enum OpSize {
     86     kWord,
     87     kLong,
     88     kSingle,
     89     kDouble,
     90     kUnsignedHalf,
     91     kSignedHalf,
     92     kUnsignedByte,
     93     kSignedByte,
     94 } OpSize;
     96 typedef enum OpKind {
     97     kOpMov,
     98     kOpCmp,
     99     kOpLsl,
    100     kOpLsr,
    101     kOpAsr,
    102     kOpRor,
    103     kOpNot,
    104     kOpAnd,
    105     kOpOr,
    106     kOpXor,
    107     kOpNeg,
    108     kOpAdd,
    109     kOpAdc,
    110     kOpSub,
    111     kOpSbc,
    112     kOpMul,
    113     kOpDiv,
    114     kOpRem,
    115     kOpTst,
    116     kOpCall,
    117     kOpPush,
    118     kOpPop,
    119     kOp2Char,
    120     kOp2Short,
    121     kOp2Byte,
    122     kOpCondBr,
    123     kOpUncondBr,
    124 } OpKind;
    126 #define FP_REG_OFFSET 8
    128 typedef enum NativeRegisterPool {
    129     rEAX = 0,
    130     rECX = 1,
    131     rEDX = 2,
    132     rEBX = 3,
    133     rESP = 4,
    134     rEBP = 5,
    135     rESI = 6,
    136     rEDI = 7,
    137     rXMM0 = 0 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    138     rXMM1 = 1 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    139     rXMM2 = 2 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    140     rXMM3 = 3 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    141     rXMM4 = 4 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    142     rXMM5 = 5 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    143     rXMM6 = 6 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    144     rXMM7 = 7 + FP_REG_OFFSET,
    145 } NativeRegisterPool;
    147 #define rPC rEDI
    148 #define rFP rESI
    149 #define rINST rEBX
    151 #define OUT_ARG0 0
    152 #define OUT_ARG1 4
    153 #define OUT_ARG2 8
    154 #define OUT_ARG3 12
    155 #define OUT_ARG4 16
    157 typedef struct X86LIR {
    158     LIR generic;
    159     //X86Opcode opcode;
    160     int operands[4];    // [0..3] = [dest, src1, src2, extra]
    161     bool isNop;         // LIR is optimized away
    162     bool branchInsertSV;// mark for insertion of branch before this instruction,
    163                         // used to identify mem ops for self verification mode
    164     int age;            // default is 0, set lazily by the optimizer
    165     int aliasInfo;      // For Dalvik register access & litpool disambiguation
    166     u8 useMask;         // Resource mask for use
    167     u8 defMask;         // Resource mask for def
    168 } X86LIR;
    170 /* Utility macros to traverse the LIR/X86LIR list */
    171 #define NEXT_LIR(lir) ((X86LIR *) lir->generic.next)
    172 #define PREV_LIR(lir) ((X86LIR *) lir->generic.prev)
    174 #define NEXT_LIR_LVALUE(lir) (lir)->generic.next
    175 #define PREV_LIR_LVALUE(lir) (lir)->generic.prev
    177 #define CHAIN_CELL_OFFSET_TAG   0xcdab
    179 #define CHAIN_CELL_NORMAL_SIZE 12
    180 #define CHAIN_CELL_PREDICTED_SIZE 16
    182 #endif  // DALVIK_VM_COMPILER_CODEGEN_X86_X86LIR_H_