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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/net/sqlite_persistent_cookie_store.h"
      7 #include <list>
      9 #include "app/sql/meta_table.h"
     10 #include "app/sql/statement.h"
     11 #include "app/sql/transaction.h"
     12 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     13 #include "base/file_path.h"
     14 #include "base/file_util.h"
     15 #ifdef ANDROID
     16 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
     17 #endif
     18 #include "base/logging.h"
     19 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     20 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     21 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     22 #include "base/string_util.h"
     23 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
     24 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/diagnostics/sqlite_diagnostics.h"
     26 #ifndef ANDROID
     27 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     28 #endif
     29 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
     31 #ifdef ANDROID
     32 namespace {
     34 class DbThread : public base::Thread {
     35  public:
     36   DbThread() : base::Thread("android-db") {
     37     bool started = Start();
     38     CHECK(started);
     39   }
     40 };
     42 // This class is used by CookieMonster, which is threadsafe, so this class must
     43 // be threadsafe too.
     44 base::LazyInstance<DbThread> g_db_thread(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED);
     46 }  // namespace
     47 #endif
     49 using base::Time;
     51 // This class is designed to be shared between any calling threads and the
     52 // database thread.  It batches operations and commits them on a timer.
     53 class SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend
     54     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend> {
     55  public:
     56   explicit Backend(const FilePath& path)
     57       : path_(path),
     58         db_(NULL),
     59         num_pending_(0),
     60         clear_local_state_on_exit_(false)
     61 #if defined(ANDROID)
     62         , cookie_count_(0)
     63 #endif
     64   {
     65   }
     67   // Creates or load the SQLite database.
     68   bool Load(std::vector<net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie*>* cookies);
     70   // Batch a cookie addition.
     71   void AddCookie(const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc);
     73   // Batch a cookie access time update.
     74   void UpdateCookieAccessTime(const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc);
     76   // Batch a cookie deletion.
     77   void DeleteCookie(const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc);
     79   // Commit pending operations as soon as possible.
     80   void Flush(Task* completion_task);
     82   // Commit any pending operations and close the database.  This must be called
     83   // before the object is destructed.
     84   void Close();
     86   void SetClearLocalStateOnExit(bool clear_local_state);
     88 #if defined(ANDROID)
     89   int get_cookie_count() const { return cookie_count_; }
     90   void set_cookie_count(int count) { cookie_count_ = count; }
     91 #endif
     93  private:
     94   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend>;
     96   // You should call Close() before destructing this object.
     97   ~Backend() {
     98     DCHECK(!db_.get()) << "Close should have already been called.";
     99     DCHECK(num_pending_ == 0 && pending_.empty());
    100   }
    102   // Database upgrade statements.
    103   bool EnsureDatabaseVersion();
    105   class PendingOperation {
    106    public:
    107     typedef enum {
    108       COOKIE_ADD,
    110       COOKIE_DELETE,
    111     } OperationType;
    113     PendingOperation(OperationType op,
    114                      const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc)
    115         : op_(op), cc_(cc) { }
    117     OperationType op() const { return op_; }
    118     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc() const { return cc_; }
    120    private:
    121     OperationType op_;
    122     net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie cc_;
    123   };
    125  private:
    126   // Batch a cookie operation (add or delete)
    127   void BatchOperation(PendingOperation::OperationType op,
    128                       const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc);
    129   // Commit our pending operations to the database.
    130 #if defined(ANDROID)
    131   void Commit(Task* completion_task);
    132 #else
    133   void Commit();
    134 #endif
    135   // Close() executed on the background thread.
    136   void InternalBackgroundClose();
    138   FilePath path_;
    139   scoped_ptr<sql::Connection> db_;
    140   sql::MetaTable meta_table_;
    142   typedef std::list<PendingOperation*> PendingOperationsList;
    143   PendingOperationsList pending_;
    144   PendingOperationsList::size_type num_pending_;
    145   // True if the persistent store should be deleted upon destruction.
    146   bool clear_local_state_on_exit_;
    147   // Guard |pending_|, |num_pending_| and |clear_local_state_on_exit_|.
    148   base::Lock lock_;
    150 #if defined(ANDROID)
    151   // Number of cookies that have actually been saved. Updated during Commit().
    152   volatile int cookie_count_;
    153 #endif
    155   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Backend);
    156 };
    158 // Version number of the database. In version 4, we migrated the time epoch.
    159 // If you open the DB with an older version on Mac or Linux, the times will
    160 // look wonky, but the file will likely be usable. On Windows version 3 and 4
    161 // are the same.
    162 //
    163 // Version 3 updated the database to include the last access time, so we can
    164 // expire them in decreasing order of use when we've reached the maximum
    165 // number of cookies.
    166 static const int kCurrentVersionNumber = 4;
    167 static const int kCompatibleVersionNumber = 3;
    169 namespace {
    171 // Initializes the cookies table, returning true on success.
    172 bool InitTable(sql::Connection* db) {
    173   if (!db->DoesTableExist("cookies")) {
    174     if (!db->Execute("CREATE TABLE cookies ("
    175                      "creation_utc INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,"
    176                      "host_key TEXT NOT NULL,"
    177                      "name TEXT NOT NULL,"
    178                      "value TEXT NOT NULL,"
    179                      "path TEXT NOT NULL,"
    180 #if defined(ANDROID)
    181                      // On some mobile platforms, we persist session cookies
    182                      // because the OS can kill the browser during a session.
    183                      // If so, expires_utc is set to 0. When the field is read
    184                      // into a Time object, Time::is_null() will return true.
    185 #else
    186                      // We only store persistent, so we know it expires
    187 #endif
    188                      "expires_utc INTEGER NOT NULL,"
    189                      "secure INTEGER NOT NULL,"
    190                      "httponly INTEGER NOT NULL,"
    191                      "last_access_utc INTEGER NOT NULL)"))
    192       return false;
    193   }
    195   // Try to create the index every time. Older versions did not have this index,
    196   // so we want those people to get it. Ignore errors, since it may exist.
    197   db->Execute(
    198       "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS cookie_times ON cookies (creation_utc)");
    199   return true;
    200 }
    202 }  // namespace
    204 bool SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::Load(
    205     std::vector<net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie*>* cookies) {
    206   // This function should be called only once per instance.
    207   DCHECK(!db_.get());
    209   // Ensure the parent directory for storing cookies is created before reading
    210   // from it.  We make an exception to allow IO on the UI thread here because
    211   // we are going to disk anyway in db_->Open.  (This code will be moved to the
    212   // DB thread as part of http://crbug.com/52909.)
    213   {
    214     base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    215     const FilePath dir = path_.DirName();
    216     if (!file_util::PathExists(dir) && !file_util::CreateDirectory(dir))
    217       return false;
    218   }
    220   db_.reset(new sql::Connection);
    221   if (!db_->Open(path_)) {
    222     NOTREACHED() << "Unable to open cookie DB.";
    223     db_.reset();
    224     return false;
    225   }
    227 #ifndef ANDROID
    228   // GetErrorHandlerForCookieDb is defined in sqlite_diagnostics.h
    229   // which we do not currently include on Android
    230   db_->set_error_delegate(GetErrorHandlerForCookieDb());
    231 #endif
    233   if (!EnsureDatabaseVersion() || !InitTable(db_.get())) {
    234     NOTREACHED() << "Unable to open cookie DB.";
    235     db_.reset();
    236     return false;
    237   }
    239   db_->Preload();
    241   // Slurp all the cookies into the out-vector.
    242   sql::Statement smt(db_->GetUniqueStatement(
    243       "SELECT creation_utc, host_key, name, value, path, expires_utc, secure, "
    244       "httponly, last_access_utc FROM cookies"));
    245   if (!smt) {
    246     NOTREACHED() << "select statement prep failed";
    247     db_.reset();
    248     return false;
    249   }
    251   while (smt.Step()) {
    252 #if defined(ANDROID)
    253     base::Time expires = Time::FromInternalValue(smt.ColumnInt64(5));
    254 #endif
    255     scoped_ptr<net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie> cc(
    256         new net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie(
    257             // The "source" URL is not used with persisted cookies.
    258             GURL(),                                         // Source
    259             smt.ColumnString(2),                            // name
    260             smt.ColumnString(3),                            // value
    261             smt.ColumnString(1),                            // domain
    262             smt.ColumnString(4),                            // path
    263             Time::FromInternalValue(smt.ColumnInt64(0)),    // creation_utc
    264             Time::FromInternalValue(smt.ColumnInt64(5)),    // expires_utc
    265             Time::FromInternalValue(smt.ColumnInt64(8)),    // last_access_utc
    266             smt.ColumnInt(6) != 0,                          // secure
    267             smt.ColumnInt(7) != 0,                          // httponly
    268 #if defined(ANDROID)
    269             !expires.is_null()));                           // has_expires
    270 #else
    271             true));                                         // has_expires
    272 #endif
    273     DLOG_IF(WARNING,
    274             cc->CreationDate() > Time::Now()) << L"CreationDate too recent";
    275     cookies->push_back(cc.release());
    276   }
    278 #ifdef ANDROID
    279   set_cookie_count(cookies->size());
    280 #endif
    282   return true;
    283 }
    285 bool SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::EnsureDatabaseVersion() {
    286   // Version check.
    287   if (!meta_table_.Init(
    288       db_.get(), kCurrentVersionNumber, kCompatibleVersionNumber)) {
    289     return false;
    290   }
    292   if (meta_table_.GetCompatibleVersionNumber() > kCurrentVersionNumber) {
    293     LOG(WARNING) << "Cookie database is too new.";
    294     return false;
    295   }
    297   int cur_version = meta_table_.GetVersionNumber();
    298   if (cur_version == 2) {
    299     sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
    300     if (!transaction.Begin())
    301       return false;
    302     if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE cookies ADD COLUMN last_access_utc "
    303                      "INTEGER DEFAULT 0") ||
    304         !db_->Execute("UPDATE cookies SET last_access_utc = creation_utc")) {
    305       LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to update cookie database to version 3.";
    306       return false;
    307     }
    308     ++cur_version;
    309     meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(cur_version);
    310     meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(
    311         std::min(cur_version, kCompatibleVersionNumber));
    312     transaction.Commit();
    313   }
    315   if (cur_version == 3) {
    316     // The time epoch changed for Mac & Linux in this version to match Windows.
    317     // This patch came after the main epoch change happened, so some
    318     // developers have "good" times for cookies added by the more recent
    319     // versions. So we have to be careful to only update times that are under
    320     // the old system (which will appear to be from before 1970 in the new
    321     // system). The magic number used below is 1970 in our time units.
    322     sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
    323     transaction.Begin();
    324 #if !defined(OS_WIN)
    325     db_->Execute(
    326         "UPDATE cookies "
    327         "SET creation_utc = creation_utc + 11644473600000000 "
    328         "WHERE rowid IN "
    329         "(SELECT rowid FROM cookies WHERE "
    330           "creation_utc > 0 AND creation_utc < 11644473600000000)");
    331     db_->Execute(
    332         "UPDATE cookies "
    333         "SET expires_utc = expires_utc + 11644473600000000 "
    334         "WHERE rowid IN "
    335         "(SELECT rowid FROM cookies WHERE "
    336           "expires_utc > 0 AND expires_utc < 11644473600000000)");
    337     db_->Execute(
    338         "UPDATE cookies "
    339         "SET last_access_utc = last_access_utc + 11644473600000000 "
    340         "WHERE rowid IN "
    341         "(SELECT rowid FROM cookies WHERE "
    342           "last_access_utc > 0 AND last_access_utc < 11644473600000000)");
    343 #endif
    344     ++cur_version;
    345     meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(cur_version);
    346     transaction.Commit();
    347   }
    349   // Put future migration cases here.
    351   // When the version is too old, we just try to continue anyway, there should
    352   // not be a released product that makes a database too old for us to handle.
    353   LOG_IF(WARNING, cur_version < kCurrentVersionNumber) <<
    354       "Cookie database version " << cur_version << " is too old to handle.";
    356   return true;
    357 }
    359 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::AddCookie(
    360     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    361   BatchOperation(PendingOperation::COOKIE_ADD, cc);
    362 }
    364 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::UpdateCookieAccessTime(
    365     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    366   BatchOperation(PendingOperation::COOKIE_UPDATEACCESS, cc);
    367 }
    369 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::DeleteCookie(
    370     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    371   BatchOperation(PendingOperation::COOKIE_DELETE, cc);
    372 }
    374 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::BatchOperation(
    375     PendingOperation::OperationType op,
    376     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    377   // Commit every 30 seconds.
    378   static const int kCommitIntervalMs = 30 * 1000;
    379   // Commit right away if we have more than 512 outstanding operations.
    380   static const size_t kCommitAfterBatchSize = 512;
    381 #ifndef ANDROID
    382   DCHECK(!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB));
    383 #endif
    385   // We do a full copy of the cookie here, and hopefully just here.
    386   scoped_ptr<PendingOperation> po(new PendingOperation(op, cc));
    388   PendingOperationsList::size_type num_pending;
    389   {
    390     base::AutoLock locked(lock_);
    391     pending_.push_back(po.release());
    392     num_pending = ++num_pending_;
    393   }
    395 #ifdef ANDROID
    396   MessageLoop* loop = g_db_thread.Get().message_loop();
    397 #endif
    399   if (num_pending == 1) {
    400     // We've gotten our first entry for this batch, fire off the timer.
    401 #ifdef ANDROID
    402     loop->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
    403         this, &Backend::Commit, static_cast<Task*>(NULL)), kCommitIntervalMs);
    404 #else
    405     BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask(
    406         BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE,
    407         NewRunnableMethod(this, &Backend::Commit), kCommitIntervalMs);
    408 #endif
    409   } else if (num_pending == kCommitAfterBatchSize) {
    410     // We've reached a big enough batch, fire off a commit now.
    411 #ifdef ANDROID
    412     loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
    413         this, &Backend::Commit, static_cast<Task*>(NULL)));
    414 #else
    415     BrowserThread::PostTask(
    416         BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE,
    417         NewRunnableMethod(this, &Backend::Commit));
    418 #endif
    419   }
    420 }
    422 #if defined(ANDROID)
    423 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::Commit(Task* completion_task) {
    424 #else
    425 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::Commit() {
    426   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB));
    427 #endif
    429 #if defined(ANDROID)
    430   if (completion_task) {
    431     // We post this task to the current thread, so it won't run until we exit.
    432     MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, completion_task);
    433   }
    434 #endif
    436   PendingOperationsList ops;
    437   {
    438     base::AutoLock locked(lock_);
    439     pending_.swap(ops);
    440     num_pending_ = 0;
    441   }
    443   // Maybe an old timer fired or we are already Close()'ed.
    444   if (!db_.get() || ops.empty())
    445     return;
    447   sql::Statement add_smt(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
    448       "INSERT INTO cookies (creation_utc, host_key, name, value, path, "
    449       "expires_utc, secure, httponly, last_access_utc) "
    450       "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"));
    451   if (!add_smt) {
    452     NOTREACHED();
    453     return;
    454   }
    456   sql::Statement update_access_smt(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
    457       "UPDATE cookies SET last_access_utc=? WHERE creation_utc=?"));
    458   if (!update_access_smt) {
    459     NOTREACHED();
    460     return;
    461   }
    463   sql::Statement del_smt(db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
    464                          "DELETE FROM cookies WHERE creation_utc=?"));
    465   if (!del_smt) {
    466     NOTREACHED();
    467     return;
    468   }
    470   sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
    471   if (!transaction.Begin()) {
    472     NOTREACHED();
    473     return;
    474   }
    475 #if defined(ANDROID)
    476   int cookie_delta = 0;
    477 #endif
    478   for (PendingOperationsList::iterator it = ops.begin();
    479        it != ops.end(); ++it) {
    480     // Free the cookies as we commit them to the database.
    481     scoped_ptr<PendingOperation> po(*it);
    482     switch (po->op()) {
    483       case PendingOperation::COOKIE_ADD:
    484 #if defined(ANDROID)
    485         ++cookie_delta;
    486 #endif
    487         add_smt.Reset();
    488         add_smt.BindInt64(0, po->cc().CreationDate().ToInternalValue());
    489         add_smt.BindString(1, po->cc().Domain());
    490         add_smt.BindString(2, po->cc().Name());
    491         add_smt.BindString(3, po->cc().Value());
    492         add_smt.BindString(4, po->cc().Path());
    493         add_smt.BindInt64(5, po->cc().ExpiryDate().ToInternalValue());
    494         add_smt.BindInt(6, po->cc().IsSecure());
    495         add_smt.BindInt(7, po->cc().IsHttpOnly());
    496         add_smt.BindInt64(8, po->cc().LastAccessDate().ToInternalValue());
    497         if (!add_smt.Run())
    498           NOTREACHED() << "Could not add a cookie to the DB.";
    499         break;
    501       case PendingOperation::COOKIE_UPDATEACCESS:
    502         update_access_smt.Reset();
    503         update_access_smt.BindInt64(0,
    504             po->cc().LastAccessDate().ToInternalValue());
    505         update_access_smt.BindInt64(1,
    506             po->cc().CreationDate().ToInternalValue());
    507         if (!update_access_smt.Run())
    508           NOTREACHED() << "Could not update cookie last access time in the DB.";
    509         break;
    511       case PendingOperation::COOKIE_DELETE:
    512 #if defined(ANDROID)
    513         --cookie_delta;
    514 #endif
    515         del_smt.Reset();
    516         del_smt.BindInt64(0, po->cc().CreationDate().ToInternalValue());
    517         if (!del_smt.Run())
    518           NOTREACHED() << "Could not delete a cookie from the DB.";
    519         break;
    521       default:
    522         NOTREACHED();
    523         break;
    524     }
    525   }
    526   bool succeeded = transaction.Commit();
    527 #if defined(ANDROID)
    528   if (succeeded)
    529       cookie_count_ += cookie_delta;
    530 #endif
    531   UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Cookie.BackingStoreUpdateResults",
    532                             succeeded ? 0 : 1, 2);
    533 }
    535 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::Flush(Task* completion_task) {
    536 #if defined(ANDROID)
    537   MessageLoop* loop = g_db_thread.Get().message_loop();
    538   loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
    539       this, &Backend::Commit, completion_task));
    540 #else
    541   DCHECK(!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB));
    542   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    543       BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &Backend::Commit));
    544   if (completion_task) {
    545     // We want the completion task to run immediately after Commit() returns.
    546     // Posting it from here means there is less chance of another task getting
    547     // onto the message queue first, than if we posted it from Commit() itself.
    548     BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE, completion_task);
    549   }
    550 #endif
    551 }
    553 // Fire off a close message to the background thread.  We could still have a
    554 // pending commit timer that will be holding a reference on us, but if/when
    555 // this fires we will already have been cleaned up and it will be ignored.
    556 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::Close() {
    557 #ifndef ANDROID
    558   DCHECK(!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB));
    559 #endif
    561 #ifdef ANDROID
    562   MessageLoop* loop = g_db_thread.Get().message_loop();
    563   loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
    564       NewRunnableMethod(this, &Backend::InternalBackgroundClose));
    565 #else
    566   // Must close the backend on the background thread.
    567   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    568       BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE,
    569       NewRunnableMethod(this, &Backend::InternalBackgroundClose));
    570 #endif
    571 }
    573 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::InternalBackgroundClose() {
    574 #ifndef ANDROID
    575   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB));
    576 #endif
    577   // Commit any pending operations
    578 #if defined(ANDROID)
    579   Commit(NULL);
    580 #else
    581   Commit();
    582 #endif
    584   db_.reset();
    586   if (clear_local_state_on_exit_)
    587     file_util::Delete(path_, false);
    588 }
    590 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Backend::SetClearLocalStateOnExit(
    591     bool clear_local_state) {
    592   base::AutoLock locked(lock_);
    593   clear_local_state_on_exit_ = clear_local_state;
    594 }
    595 SQLitePersistentCookieStore::SQLitePersistentCookieStore(const FilePath& path)
    596     : backend_(new Backend(path)) {
    597 }
    599 SQLitePersistentCookieStore::~SQLitePersistentCookieStore() {
    600   if (backend_.get()) {
    601     backend_->Close();
    602     // Release our reference, it will probably still have a reference if the
    603     // background thread has not run Close() yet.
    604     backend_ = NULL;
    605   }
    606 }
    608 bool SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Load(
    609     std::vector<net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie*>* cookies) {
    610   return backend_->Load(cookies);
    611 }
    613 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::AddCookie(
    614     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    615   if (backend_.get())
    616     backend_->AddCookie(cc);
    617 }
    619 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::UpdateCookieAccessTime(
    620     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    621   if (backend_.get())
    622     backend_->UpdateCookieAccessTime(cc);
    623 }
    625 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::DeleteCookie(
    626     const net::CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cc) {
    627   if (backend_.get())
    628     backend_->DeleteCookie(cc);
    629 }
    631 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::SetClearLocalStateOnExit(
    632     bool clear_local_state) {
    633   if (backend_.get())
    634     backend_->SetClearLocalStateOnExit(clear_local_state);
    635 }
    637 void SQLitePersistentCookieStore::Flush(Task* completion_task) {
    638   if (backend_.get())
    639     backend_->Flush(completion_task);
    640   else if (completion_task)
    641     MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, completion_task);
    642 }
    644 #if defined(ANDROID)
    645 int SQLitePersistentCookieStore::GetCookieCount() {
    646   int result = backend_ ? backend_->get_cookie_count() : 0;
    647   return result;
    648 }
    649 #endif