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      1 //== Environment.cpp - Map from Stmt* to Locations/Values -------*- C++ -*--==//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 //  This file defined the Environment and EnvironmentManager classes.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
     15 #include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
     16 #include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h"
     17 #include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
     18 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
     20 using namespace clang;
     21 using namespace ento;
     23 SVal Environment::lookupExpr(const EnvironmentEntry &E) const {
     24   const SVal* X = ExprBindings.lookup(E);
     25   if (X) {
     26     SVal V = *X;
     27     return V;
     28   }
     29   return UnknownVal();
     30 }
     32 SVal Environment::getSVal(const EnvironmentEntry &Entry,
     33                           SValBuilder& svalBuilder,
     34                           bool useOnlyDirectBindings) const {
     36   if (useOnlyDirectBindings) {
     37     // This branch is rarely taken, but can be exercised by
     38     // checkers that explicitly bind values to arbitrary
     39     // expressions.  It is crucial that we do not ignore any
     40     // expression here, and do a direct lookup.
     41     return lookupExpr(Entry);
     42   }
     44   const Stmt *E = Entry.getStmt();
     45   const LocationContext *LCtx = Entry.getLocationContext();
     47   for (;;) {
     48     if (const Expr *Ex = dyn_cast<Expr>(E))
     49       E = Ex->IgnoreParens();
     51     switch (E->getStmtClass()) {
     52       case Stmt::AddrLabelExprClass:
     53         return svalBuilder.makeLoc(cast<AddrLabelExpr>(E));
     54       case Stmt::OpaqueValueExprClass: {
     55         const OpaqueValueExpr *ope = cast<OpaqueValueExpr>(E);
     56         E = ope->getSourceExpr();
     57         continue;
     58       }
     59       case Stmt::ParenExprClass:
     60       case Stmt::GenericSelectionExprClass:
     61         llvm_unreachable("ParenExprs and GenericSelectionExprs should "
     62                          "have been handled by IgnoreParens()");
     63       case Stmt::CharacterLiteralClass: {
     64         const CharacterLiteral* C = cast<CharacterLiteral>(E);
     65         return svalBuilder.makeIntVal(C->getValue(), C->getType());
     66       }
     67       case Stmt::CXXBoolLiteralExprClass: {
     68         const SVal *X = ExprBindings.lookup(EnvironmentEntry(E, LCtx));
     69         if (X)
     70           return *X;
     71         else
     72           return svalBuilder.makeBoolVal(cast<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>(E));
     73       }
     74       case Stmt::IntegerLiteralClass: {
     75         // In C++, this expression may have been bound to a temporary object.
     76         SVal const *X = ExprBindings.lookup(EnvironmentEntry(E, LCtx));
     77         if (X)
     78           return *X;
     79         else
     80           return svalBuilder.makeIntVal(cast<IntegerLiteral>(E));
     81       }
     82       case Stmt::ObjCBoolLiteralExprClass:
     83         return svalBuilder.makeBoolVal(cast<ObjCBoolLiteralExpr>(E));
     85       // For special C0xx nullptr case, make a null pointer SVal.
     86       case Stmt::CXXNullPtrLiteralExprClass:
     87         return svalBuilder.makeNull();
     88       case Stmt::ExprWithCleanupsClass:
     89         E = cast<ExprWithCleanups>(E)->getSubExpr();
     90         continue;
     91       case Stmt::CXXBindTemporaryExprClass:
     92         E = cast<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(E)->getSubExpr();
     93         continue;
     94       case Stmt::ObjCPropertyRefExprClass:
     95         return loc::ObjCPropRef(cast<ObjCPropertyRefExpr>(E));
     96       case Stmt::ObjCStringLiteralClass: {
     97         MemRegionManager &MRMgr = svalBuilder.getRegionManager();
     98         const ObjCStringLiteral *SL = cast<ObjCStringLiteral>(E);
     99         return svalBuilder.makeLoc(MRMgr.getObjCStringRegion(SL));
    100       }
    101       case Stmt::StringLiteralClass: {
    102         MemRegionManager &MRMgr = svalBuilder.getRegionManager();
    103         const StringLiteral *SL = cast<StringLiteral>(E);
    104         return svalBuilder.makeLoc(MRMgr.getStringRegion(SL));
    105       }
    106       case Stmt::ReturnStmtClass: {
    107         const ReturnStmt *RS = cast<ReturnStmt>(E);
    108         if (const Expr *RE = RS->getRetValue()) {
    109           E = RE;
    110           continue;
    111         }
    112         return UndefinedVal();
    113       }
    115       // Handle all other Stmt* using a lookup.
    116       default:
    117         break;
    118     };
    119     break;
    120   }
    121   return lookupExpr(EnvironmentEntry(E, LCtx));
    122 }
    124 Environment EnvironmentManager::bindExpr(Environment Env,
    125                                          const EnvironmentEntry &E,
    126                                          SVal V,
    127                                          bool Invalidate) {
    128   if (V.isUnknown()) {
    129     if (Invalidate)
    130       return Environment(F.remove(Env.ExprBindings, E));
    131     else
    132       return Env;
    133   }
    134   return Environment(F.add(Env.ExprBindings, E, V));
    135 }
    137 static inline EnvironmentEntry MakeLocation(const EnvironmentEntry &E) {
    138   const Stmt *S = E.getStmt();
    139   S = (const Stmt*) (((uintptr_t) S) | 0x1);
    140   return EnvironmentEntry(S, E.getLocationContext());
    141 }
    143 Environment EnvironmentManager::bindExprAndLocation(Environment Env,
    144                                                     const EnvironmentEntry &E,
    145                                                     SVal location, SVal V) {
    146   return Environment(F.add(F.add(Env.ExprBindings, MakeLocation(E), location),
    147                            E, V));
    148 }
    150 namespace {
    151 class MarkLiveCallback : public SymbolVisitor {
    152   SymbolReaper &SymReaper;
    153 public:
    154   MarkLiveCallback(SymbolReaper &symreaper) : SymReaper(symreaper) {}
    155   bool VisitSymbol(SymbolRef sym) {
    156     SymReaper.markLive(sym);
    157     return true;
    158   }
    159   bool VisitMemRegion(const MemRegion *R) {
    160     SymReaper.markLive(R);
    161     return true;
    162   }
    163 };
    164 } // end anonymous namespace
    166 // In addition to mapping from EnvironmentEntry - > SVals in the Environment,
    167 // we also maintain a mapping from EnvironmentEntry -> SVals (locations)
    168 // that were used during a load and store.
    169 static inline bool IsLocation(const EnvironmentEntry &E) {
    170   const Stmt *S = E.getStmt();
    171   return (bool) (((uintptr_t) S) & 0x1);
    172 }
    174 // removeDeadBindings:
    175 //  - Remove subexpression bindings.
    176 //  - Remove dead block expression bindings.
    177 //  - Keep live block expression bindings:
    178 //   - Mark their reachable symbols live in SymbolReaper,
    179 //     see ScanReachableSymbols.
    180 //   - Mark the region in DRoots if the binding is a loc::MemRegionVal.
    181 Environment
    182 EnvironmentManager::removeDeadBindings(Environment Env,
    183                                        SymbolReaper &SymReaper,
    184                                        ProgramStateRef ST) {
    186   // We construct a new Environment object entirely, as this is cheaper than
    187   // individually removing all the subexpression bindings (which will greatly
    188   // outnumber block-level expression bindings).
    189   Environment NewEnv = getInitialEnvironment();
    191   SmallVector<std::pair<EnvironmentEntry, SVal>, 10> deferredLocations;
    193   MarkLiveCallback CB(SymReaper);
    194   ScanReachableSymbols RSScaner(ST, CB);
    196   llvm::ImmutableMapRef<EnvironmentEntry,SVal>
    197     EBMapRef(NewEnv.ExprBindings.getRootWithoutRetain(),
    198              F.getTreeFactory());
    200   // Iterate over the block-expr bindings.
    201   for (Environment::iterator I = Env.begin(), E = Env.end();
    202        I != E; ++I) {
    204     const EnvironmentEntry &BlkExpr = I.getKey();
    205     // For recorded locations (used when evaluating loads and stores), we
    206     // consider them live only when their associated normal expression is
    207     // also live.
    208     // NOTE: This assumes that loads/stores that evaluated to UnknownVal
    209     // still have an entry in the map.
    210     if (IsLocation(BlkExpr)) {
    211       deferredLocations.push_back(std::make_pair(BlkExpr, I.getData()));
    212       continue;
    213     }
    214     const SVal &X = I.getData();
    216     if (SymReaper.isLive(BlkExpr.getStmt(), BlkExpr.getLocationContext())) {
    217       // Copy the binding to the new map.
    218       EBMapRef = EBMapRef.add(BlkExpr, X);
    220       // If the block expr's value is a memory region, then mark that region.
    221       if (isa<loc::MemRegionVal>(X)) {
    222         const MemRegion *R = cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(X).getRegion();
    223         SymReaper.markLive(R);
    224       }
    226       // Mark all symbols in the block expr's value live.
    227       RSScaner.scan(X);
    228       continue;
    229     }
    231     // Otherwise the expression is dead with a couple exceptions.
    232     // Do not misclean LogicalExpr or ConditionalOperator.  It is dead at the
    233     // beginning of itself, but we need its UndefinedVal to determine its
    234     // SVal.
    235     if (X.isUndef() && cast<UndefinedVal>(X).getData())
    236       EBMapRef = EBMapRef.add(BlkExpr, X);
    237   }
    239   // Go through he deferred locations and add them to the new environment if
    240   // the correspond Stmt* is in the map as well.
    241   for (SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<EnvironmentEntry, SVal> >::iterator
    242       I = deferredLocations.begin(), E = deferredLocations.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    243     const EnvironmentEntry &En = I->first;
    244     const Stmt *S = (Stmt*) (((uintptr_t) En.getStmt()) & (uintptr_t) ~0x1);
    245     if (EBMapRef.lookup(EnvironmentEntry(S, En.getLocationContext())))
    246       EBMapRef = EBMapRef.add(En, I->second);
    247   }
    249   NewEnv.ExprBindings = EBMapRef.asImmutableMap();
    250   return NewEnv;
    251 }
    253 void Environment::print(raw_ostream &Out, const char *NL,
    254                         const char *Sep) const {
    255   printAux(Out, false, NL, Sep);
    256   printAux(Out, true, NL, Sep);
    257 }
    259 void Environment::printAux(raw_ostream &Out, bool printLocations,
    260                            const char *NL,
    261                            const char *Sep) const{
    263   bool isFirst = true;
    265   for (Environment::iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
    266     const EnvironmentEntry &En = I.getKey();
    267     if (IsLocation(En)) {
    268       if (!printLocations)
    269         continue;
    270     }
    271     else {
    272       if (printLocations)
    273         continue;
    274     }
    276     if (isFirst) {
    277       Out << NL << NL
    278           << (printLocations ? "Load/Store locations:" : "Expressions:")
    279           << NL;
    280       isFirst = false;
    281     } else {
    282       Out << NL;
    283     }
    285     const Stmt *S = En.getStmt();
    286     if (printLocations) {
    287       S = (Stmt*) (((uintptr_t) S) & ((uintptr_t) ~0x1));
    288     }
    290     Out << " (" << (void*) En.getLocationContext() << ',' << (void*) S << ") ";
    291     LangOptions LO; // FIXME.
    292     S->printPretty(Out, 0, PrintingPolicy(LO));
    293     Out << " : " << I.getData();
    294   }
    295 }