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      1 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """PeaceKeeper benchmark suite.
      7 Peacekeeper measures browser's performance by testing its JavaScript
      8 functionality. JavaScript is a widely used programming language used in the
      9 creation of modern websites to provide features such as animation, navigation,
     10 forms and other common requirements. By measuring a browser's ability to handle
     11 commonly used JavaScript functions Peacekeeper can evaluate its performance.
     12 Peacekeeper scores are measured in operations per second or rendered frames per
     13 second depending on the test. Final Score is computed by calculating geometric
     14 mean of individual tests scores.
     15 """
     17 import os
     19 from metrics import statistics
     20 from telemetry import test
     21 from telemetry.page import page_measurement
     22 from telemetry.page import page_set
     23 from telemetry.value import merge_values
     25 class PeaceKeeperMeasurement(page_measurement.PageMeasurement):
     27   def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
     28     page.script_to_evaluate_on_commit = """
     29         var __results = {};
     30         var _done = false;
     31         var __real_log = window.console.log;
     32         var test_frame = null;
     33         var benchmark = null;
     34         window.console.log = function(msg) {
     35           if (typeof(msg) == "string" && (msg.indexOf("benchmark")) == 0) {
     36             test_frame = document.getElementById("testFrame");
     37             benchmark =  test_frame.contentWindow.benchmark;
     38             test_frame.contentWindow.onbeforeunload = {};
     39             if ((msg.indexOf("Submit ok.")) != -1) {
     40               _done = true;
     41               __results["test"] = benchmark.testObjectName;
     42               __results["score"] = benchmark.test.result;
     43               if (typeof(benchmark.test.unit) != "undefined") {
     44                 __results["unit"] = benchmark.test.unit;
     45               } else {
     46                 __results["unit"] = benchmark.test.isFps ? "fps" : "ops";
     47               }
     48             }
     49           }
     50           __real_log.apply(this, [msg]);
     51         }
     52         """
     54   def MeasurePage(self, _, tab, results):
     55     tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression('_done', 600)
     56     result = tab.EvaluateJavaScript('__results')
     58     results.Add('Score', 'score', int(result['score']), result['test'],
     59                 'unimportant')
     61   def DidRunTest(self, browser, results):
     62     # Calculate geometric mean as the total for the combined tests.
     63     combined = merge_values.MergeLikeValuesFromDifferentPages(
     64         results.all_page_specific_values,
     65         group_by_name_suffix=True)
     66     combined_score = [x for x in combined if x.name == 'Score'][0]
     67     total = statistics.GeometricMean(combined_score.values)
     68     results.AddSummary('Score', 'score', total, 'Total')
     71 class PeaceKeeperBenchmark(test.Test):
     72   """A base class for Peackeeper benchmarks."""
     73   test = PeaceKeeperMeasurement
     75   def CreatePageSet(self, options):
     76     """Makes a PageSet for PeaceKeeper benchmarks."""
     77     # Subclasses are expected to define a class member called query_param.
     78     if not hasattr(self, 'test_param'):
     79       raise NotImplementedError('test_param not in PeaceKeeper benchmark.')
     81     # The docstring of benchmark classes may also be used as a description
     82     # when 'run_benchmarks list' is run.
     83     description = self.__doc__ or 'PeaceKeeper Benchmark'
     84     test_urls = []
     85     for test_name in self.test_param:
     86       test_urls.append(
     87         {"url": ("http://peacekeeper.futuremark.com/run.action?debug=true&"
     88                  "repeat=false&forceSuiteName=%s&forceTestName=%s") %
     89                  (self.tag, test_name)
     90         })
     92     page_set_dict = {
     93         'description': description,
     94         'archive_data_file': '../page_sets/data/peacekeeper_%s.json' % self.tag,
     95         'make_javascript_deterministic': False,
     96         'pages': test_urls,
     97     }
     98     return page_set.PageSet.FromDict(page_set_dict, os.path.abspath(__file__))
    101 class PeaceKeeperRender(PeaceKeeperBenchmark):
    102   """PeaceKeeper rendering benchmark suite.
    104   These tests measure your browser's ability to render and modify specific
    105   elements used in typical web pages. Rendering tests manipulate the DOM tree in
    106   real-time. The tests measure display updating speed (frames per seconds).
    107   """
    108   tag = 'render'
    109   test_param = ['renderGrid01',
    110                 'renderGrid02',
    111                 'renderGrid03',
    112                 'renderPhysics'
    113                ]
    116 class PeaceKeeperData(PeaceKeeperBenchmark):
    117   """PeaceKeeper Data operations benchmark suite.
    119   These tests measure your browser's ability to add, remove and modify data
    120   stored in an array. The Data suite consists of two tests:
    121   1. arrayCombined: This test uses all features of the JavaScript Array object.
    122   This is a technical test that is not based on profiled data.
    123   The source data are different sized arrays of numbers.
    124   2. arrayWeighted: This test is similar to 'arrayCombined', but the load is
    125   balanced based on profiled data. The source data is a list of all the
    126   countries in the world.
    127   """
    129   tag = 'array'
    130   test_param = ['arrayCombined01',
    131                 'arrayWeighted'
    132                ]
    135 class PeaceKeeperDom(PeaceKeeperBenchmark):
    136   """PeaceKeeper DOM operations benchmark suite.
    138   These tests emulate the methods used to create typical dynamic webpages.
    139   The DOM tests are based on development experience and the capabilities of the
    140   jQuery framework.
    141   1. domGetElements: This test uses native DOM methods getElementById and
    142     getElementsByName. The elements are not modified.
    143   2. domDynamicCreationCreateElement: A common use of DOM is to dynamically
    144     create content with JavaScript, this test measures creating objects
    145     individually and then appending them to DOM.
    146   3. domDynamicCreationInnerHTML: This test is similarl to the previous one,
    147     but uses the innerHTML-method.
    148   4. domJQueryAttributeFilters: This test does a DOM query with jQuery.
    149     It searches elements with specific attributes.
    150   5. domJQueryBasicFilters: This test uses filters to query elements from DOM.
    151   6. domJQueryBasics: This test queries elements from DOM with basic methods.
    152     It is similar to domGetElements, but uses jQuery rather than native methods.
    153   7. domJQueryContentFilters: Query elements based on content. This does string
    154     searching and these methods are assumed to be time consuming.
    155   8. domJQueryHierarchy: Query elements based on hierarchy, such as getting
    156     sibling, parent or child nodes from a DOM tree.
    157   9. domQueryselector: QuerySelector, which allows JavaScript to search elements
    158     from the DOM tree directly without the need to iterate the whole tree
    159     through domGetElements.
    160   """
    162   tag = 'dom'
    163   test_param = ['domGetElements',
    164                 'domDynamicCreationCreateElement',
    165                 'domDynamicCreationInnerHTML',
    166                 'domJQueryAttributeFilters',
    167                 'domJQueryBasicFilters',
    168                 'domJQueryBasics',
    169                 'domJQueryContentFilters',
    170                 'domJQueryHierarchy',
    171                 'domQueryselector'
    172                ]
    175 class PeaceKeeperTextParsing(PeaceKeeperBenchmark):
    176   """PeaceKeeper Text Parsing benchmark suite.
    178   These tests measure your browser's performance in typical text manipulations
    179   such as using a profanity filter for chats, browser detection and form
    180   validation.
    181   1. stringChat: This test removes swearing from artificial chat messages.
    182     Test measures looping and string replace-method.
    183   2. stringDetectBrowser: This test uses string indexOf-method to detect browser
    184     and operating system.
    185   3. stringFilter: This test filters a list of movies with a given keyword.
    186     The behaviour is known as filtering select or continuous filter. It's used
    187     to give real time suggestions while a user is filling input fields.
    188     The test uses simple regular expressions.
    189   4. stringValidateForm: This test uses complex regular expressions to validate
    190     user input.
    191   5. stringWeighted: This is an artificial test. Methods used and their
    192     intensities are chosen based on profiled data.
    193   """
    195   tag = 'string'
    196   test_param = ['stringChat',
    197                 'stringDetectBrowser',
    198                 'stringFilter',
    199                 'stringWeighted',
    200                 'stringValidateForm'
    201                ]
    204 class PeaceKeeperHTML5Canvas(PeaceKeeperBenchmark):
    205   """PeaceKeeper HTML5 Canvas benchmark suite.
    207   These tests use HTML5 Canvas, which is a web technology for drawing and
    208   manipulating graphics without external plug-ins.
    209   1. experimentalRipple01: Simulates a 'water ripple' effect by using HTML 5
    210     Canvas. It measures the browser's ability to draw individual pixels.
    211   2. experimentalRipple02: Same test as 'experimentalRipple01', but with a
    212     larger canvas and thus a heavier workload.
    213   """
    215   tag = 'experimental'
    216   test_param = ['experimentalRipple01',
    217                 'experimentalRipple02'
    218                ]
    221 class PeaceKeeperHTML5Capabilities(PeaceKeeperBenchmark):
    222   """PeaceKeeper HTML5 Capabilities benchmark suite.
    224   These tests checks browser HTML5 capabilities support for WebGL, Video
    225   foramts, simple 2D sprite based games and web worker.
    226   This benchmark only tests HTML5 capability and thus is not calculate into the
    227   overall score.
    228   1. HTML5 - WebGL: WebGL allows full blown 3D graphics to be rendered in a
    229     browser without the need for any external plug-ins.
    230     a) webglSphere
    231   2. HTML5 - Video: hese tests find out which HTML5 video formats are supposed
    232     by your browser. Peacekeeper only checks if your browser is able to play a
    233     specific format, no other valuation is done.
    234     a) videoCodecH264
    235     b) videoCodecTheora
    236     c) videoCodecWebM
    237     d) videoPosterSupport
    238   3.HTML5 - Web Worker: These tests use HTML5 Web Worker, which allows
    239     JavaScript to multhread - ie. the ability to perform multiple actions
    240     concurrently.
    241     a) workerContrast01
    242     b) workerContrast02
    243   4. HTML5 - Game: This test simulates a simple 2D, sprite-based game.
    244     The test itself is the real game, and what is shown is a recorded play.
    245     a) gamingSpitfire
    246   """
    248   tag = 'html5'
    249   test_param = ['webglSphere',
    250                 'gamingSpitfire',
    251                 'videoCodecH264',
    252                 'videoCodecTheora',
    253                 'videoCodecWebM',
    254                 'videoPosterSupport',
    255                 'workerContrast01',
    256                 'workerContrast02'
    257                 ]