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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      9 #include "base/bind.h"
     10 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
     11 #include "base/callback.h"
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     13 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     14 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     16 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     17 #include "ui/aura/client/capture_client.h"
     18 #include "ui/aura/client/cursor_client.h"
     19 #include "ui/aura/client/event_client.h"
     20 #include "ui/aura/client/focus_client.h"
     21 #include "ui/aura/client/screen_position_client.h"
     22 #include "ui/aura/client/visibility_client.h"
     23 #include "ui/aura/client/window_stacking_client.h"
     24 #include "ui/aura/env.h"
     25 #include "ui/aura/layout_manager.h"
     26 #include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
     27 #include "ui/aura/window_delegate.h"
     28 #include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
     29 #include "ui/aura/window_tracker.h"
     30 #include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
     31 #include "ui/compositor/compositor.h"
     32 #include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
     33 #include "ui/events/event_target_iterator.h"
     34 #include "ui/gfx/animation/multi_animation.h"
     35 #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
     36 #include "ui/gfx/path.h"
     37 #include "ui/gfx/scoped_canvas.h"
     38 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
     40 namespace aura {
     42 namespace {
     44 WindowLayerType UILayerTypeToWindowLayerType(ui::LayerType layer_type) {
     45   switch (layer_type) {
     46     case ui::LAYER_NOT_DRAWN:
     47       return WINDOW_LAYER_NOT_DRAWN;
     48     case ui::LAYER_TEXTURED:
     49       return WINDOW_LAYER_TEXTURED;
     50     case ui::LAYER_SOLID_COLOR:
     51       return WINDOW_LAYER_SOLID_COLOR;
     52   }
     53   NOTREACHED();
     54   return WINDOW_LAYER_NOT_DRAWN;
     55 }
     57 ui::LayerType WindowLayerTypeToUILayerType(WindowLayerType window_layer_type) {
     58   switch (window_layer_type) {
     59     case WINDOW_LAYER_NONE:
     60       break;
     61     case WINDOW_LAYER_NOT_DRAWN:
     62       return ui::LAYER_NOT_DRAWN;
     63     case WINDOW_LAYER_TEXTURED:
     64       return ui::LAYER_TEXTURED;
     65     case WINDOW_LAYER_SOLID_COLOR:
     66       return ui::LAYER_SOLID_COLOR;
     67   }
     68   NOTREACHED();
     69   return ui::LAYER_NOT_DRAWN;
     70 }
     72 // Used when searching for a Window to stack relative to.
     73 template <class T>
     74 T IteratorForDirectionBegin(aura::Window* window);
     76 template <>
     77 Window::Windows::const_iterator IteratorForDirectionBegin(
     78     aura::Window* window) {
     79   return window->children().begin();
     80 }
     82 template <>
     83 Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator IteratorForDirectionBegin(
     84     aura::Window* window) {
     85   return window->children().rbegin();
     86 }
     88 template <class T>
     89 T IteratorForDirectionEnd(aura::Window* window);
     91 template <>
     92 Window::Windows::const_iterator IteratorForDirectionEnd(aura::Window* window) {
     93   return window->children().end();
     94 }
     96 template <>
     97 Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator IteratorForDirectionEnd(
     98     aura::Window* window) {
     99   return window->children().rend();
    100 }
    102 // Depth first search for the first Window with a layer to stack relative
    103 // to. Starts at target. Does not descend into |ignore|.
    104 template <class T>
    105 ui::Layer* FindStackingTargetLayerDown(aura::Window* target,
    106                                        aura::Window* ignore) {
    107   if (target == ignore)
    108     return NULL;
    110   if (target->layer())
    111     return target->layer();
    113   for (T i = IteratorForDirectionBegin<T>(target);
    114        i != IteratorForDirectionEnd<T>(target); ++i) {
    115     ui::Layer* layer = FindStackingTargetLayerDown<T>(*i, ignore);
    116     if (layer)
    117       return layer;
    118   }
    119   return NULL;
    120 }
    122 // Depth first search through the siblings of |target||. This does not search
    123 // all the siblings, only those before/after |target| (depening upon the
    124 // template type) and ignoring |ignore|. Returns the Layer of the first Window
    125 // encountered with a Layer.
    126 template <class T>
    127 ui::Layer* FindStackingLayerInSiblings(aura::Window* target,
    128                                        aura::Window* ignore) {
    129   aura::Window* parent = target->parent();
    130   for (T i = std::find(IteratorForDirectionBegin<T>(parent),
    131                   IteratorForDirectionEnd<T>(parent), target);
    132        i != IteratorForDirectionEnd<T>(parent); ++i) {
    133     ui::Layer* layer = FindStackingTargetLayerDown<T>(*i, ignore);
    134     if (layer)
    135       return layer;
    136   }
    137   return NULL;
    138 }
    140 // Returns the first Window that has a Layer. This does a depth first search
    141 // through the descendants of |target| first, then ascends up doing a depth
    142 // first search through siblings of all ancestors until a Layer is found or an
    143 // ancestor with a layer is found. This is intended to locate a layer to stack
    144 // other layers relative to.
    145 template <class T>
    146 ui::Layer* FindStackingTargetLayer(aura::Window* target, aura::Window* ignore) {
    147   ui::Layer* result = FindStackingTargetLayerDown<T>(target, ignore);
    148   if (result)
    149     return result;
    150   while (target->parent()) {
    151     ui::Layer* result = FindStackingLayerInSiblings<T>(target, ignore);
    152     if (result)
    153       return result;
    154     target = target->parent();
    155     if (target->layer())
    156       return NULL;
    157   }
    158   return NULL;
    159 }
    161 // Does a depth first search for all descendants of |child| that have layers.
    162 // This stops at any descendants that have layers (and adds them to |layers|).
    163 void GetLayersToStack(aura::Window* child, std::vector<ui::Layer*>* layers) {
    164   if (child->layer()) {
    165     layers->push_back(child->layer());
    166     return;
    167   }
    168   for (size_t i = 0; i < child->children().size(); ++i)
    169     GetLayersToStack(child->children()[i], layers);
    170 }
    172 }  // namespace
    174 class ScopedCursorHider {
    175  public:
    176   explicit ScopedCursorHider(Window* window)
    177       : window_(window),
    178         hid_cursor_(false) {
    179     if (!window_->HasDispatcher())
    180       return;
    181     const bool cursor_is_in_bounds = window_->GetBoundsInScreen().Contains(
    182         Env::GetInstance()->last_mouse_location());
    183     client::CursorClient* cursor_client = client::GetCursorClient(window_);
    184     if (cursor_is_in_bounds && cursor_client &&
    185         cursor_client->IsCursorVisible()) {
    186       cursor_client->HideCursor();
    187       hid_cursor_ = true;
    188     }
    189   }
    190   ~ScopedCursorHider() {
    191     if (!window_->HasDispatcher())
    192       return;
    194     // Update the device scale factor of the cursor client only when the last
    195     // mouse location is on this root window.
    196     if (hid_cursor_) {
    197       client::CursorClient* cursor_client = client::GetCursorClient(window_);
    198       if (cursor_client) {
    199         const gfx::Display& display =
    200             gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(window_)->GetDisplayNearestWindow(
    201                 window_);
    202         cursor_client->SetDisplay(display);
    203         cursor_client->ShowCursor();
    204       }
    205     }
    206   }
    208  private:
    209   Window* window_;
    210   bool hid_cursor_;
    212   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedCursorHider);
    213 };
    215 Window::Window(WindowDelegate* delegate)
    216     : dispatcher_(NULL),
    217       type_(client::WINDOW_TYPE_UNKNOWN),
    218       owned_by_parent_(true),
    219       delegate_(delegate),
    220       parent_(NULL),
    221       transient_parent_(NULL),
    222       visible_(false),
    223       id_(-1),
    224       transparent_(false),
    225       user_data_(NULL),
    226       ignore_events_(false),
    227       // Don't notify newly added observers during notification. This causes
    228       // problems for code that adds an observer as part of an observer
    229       // notification (such as the workspace code).
    230       observers_(ObserverList<WindowObserver>::NOTIFY_EXISTING_ONLY) {
    231   set_target_handler(delegate_);
    232 }
    234 Window::~Window() {
    235   // |layer_| can be NULL during tests, or if this Window is layerless.
    236   if (layer_)
    237     layer_->SuppressPaint();
    239   // Let the delegate know we're in the processing of destroying.
    240   if (delegate_)
    241     delegate_->OnWindowDestroying();
    242   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_, OnWindowDestroying(this));
    244   // Let the root know so that it can remove any references to us.
    245   WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher = GetDispatcher();
    246   if (dispatcher)
    247     dispatcher->OnWindowDestroying(this);
    249   // Then destroy the children.
    250   RemoveOrDestroyChildren();
    252   // Removes ourselves from our transient parent (if it hasn't been done by the
    253   // RootWindow).
    254   if (transient_parent_)
    255     transient_parent_->RemoveTransientChild(this);
    257   // The window needs to be removed from the parent before calling the
    258   // WindowDestroyed callbacks of delegate and the observers.
    259   if (parent_)
    260     parent_->RemoveChild(this);
    262   // Destroy transient children, only after we've removed ourselves from our
    263   // parent, as destroying an active transient child may otherwise attempt to
    264   // refocus us.
    265   Windows transient_children(transient_children_);
    266   STLDeleteElements(&transient_children);
    267   DCHECK(transient_children_.empty());
    269   // Delegate and observers need to be notified after transients are deleted.
    270   if (delegate_)
    271     delegate_->OnWindowDestroyed();
    272   ObserverListBase<WindowObserver>::Iterator iter(observers_);
    273   WindowObserver* observer;
    274   while ((observer = iter.GetNext())) {
    275     RemoveObserver(observer);
    276     observer->OnWindowDestroyed(this);
    277   }
    279   // Clear properties.
    280   for (std::map<const void*, Value>::const_iterator iter = prop_map_.begin();
    281        iter != prop_map_.end();
    282        ++iter) {
    283     if (iter->second.deallocator)
    284       (*iter->second.deallocator)(iter->second.value);
    285   }
    286   prop_map_.clear();
    288   // If we have layer it will either be destroyed by |layer_owner_|'s dtor, or
    289   // by whoever acquired it. We don't have a layer if Init() wasn't invoked or
    290   // we are layerless.
    291   if (layer_) {
    292     layer_->set_delegate(NULL);
    293     layer_ = NULL;
    294   }
    295 }
    297 void Window::Init(ui::LayerType layer_type) {
    298   InitWithWindowLayerType(UILayerTypeToWindowLayerType(layer_type));
    299 }
    301 void Window::InitWithWindowLayerType(WindowLayerType window_layer_type) {
    302   if (window_layer_type != WINDOW_LAYER_NONE) {
    303     layer_ = new ui::Layer(WindowLayerTypeToUILayerType(window_layer_type));
    304     layer_owner_.reset(layer_);
    305     layer_->SetVisible(false);
    306     layer_->set_delegate(this);
    307     UpdateLayerName(name_);
    308     layer_->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(!transparent_);
    309   }
    311   Env::GetInstance()->NotifyWindowInitialized(this);
    312 }
    314 ui::Layer* Window::RecreateLayer() {
    315   // Disconnect the old layer, but don't delete it.
    316   ui::Layer* old_layer = AcquireLayer();
    317   if (!old_layer)
    318     return NULL;
    320   old_layer->set_delegate(NULL);
    322   layer_ = new ui::Layer(old_layer->type());
    323   layer_owner_.reset(layer_);
    324   layer_->SetVisible(old_layer->visible());
    325   layer_->set_scale_content(old_layer->scale_content());
    326   layer_->set_delegate(this);
    327   layer_->SetMasksToBounds(old_layer->GetMasksToBounds());
    329   if (delegate_)
    330     delegate_->DidRecreateLayer(old_layer, layer_);
    332   UpdateLayerName(name_);
    333   layer_->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(!transparent_);
    334   // Install new layer as a sibling of the old layer, stacked below it.
    335   if (old_layer->parent()) {
    336     old_layer->parent()->Add(layer_);
    337     old_layer->parent()->StackBelow(layer_, old_layer);
    338   }
    339   // Migrate all the child layers over to the new layer. Copy the list because
    340   // the items are removed during iteration.
    341   std::vector<ui::Layer*> children_copy = old_layer->children();
    342   for (std::vector<ui::Layer*>::const_iterator it = children_copy.begin();
    343        it != children_copy.end();
    344        ++it) {
    345     ui::Layer* child = *it;
    346     layer_->Add(child);
    347   }
    348   return old_layer;
    349 }
    351 void Window::SetType(client::WindowType type) {
    352   // Cannot change type after the window is initialized.
    353   DCHECK(!layer_);
    354   type_ = type;
    355 }
    357 void Window::SetName(const std::string& name) {
    358   name_ = name;
    360   if (layer_)
    361     UpdateLayerName(name_);
    362 }
    364 void Window::SetTransparent(bool transparent) {
    365   transparent_ = transparent;
    366   if (layer_)
    367     layer_->SetFillsBoundsOpaquely(!transparent_);
    368 }
    370 Window* Window::GetRootWindow() {
    371   return const_cast<Window*>(
    372       static_cast<const Window*>(this)->GetRootWindow());
    373 }
    375 const Window* Window::GetRootWindow() const {
    376   return dispatcher_ ? this : parent_ ? parent_->GetRootWindow() : NULL;
    377 }
    379 WindowEventDispatcher* Window::GetDispatcher() {
    380   return const_cast<WindowEventDispatcher*>(const_cast<const Window*>(this)->
    381       GetDispatcher());
    382 }
    384 const WindowEventDispatcher* Window::GetDispatcher() const {
    385   const Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    386   return root_window ? root_window->dispatcher_ : NULL;
    387 }
    389 void Window::Show() {
    390   SetVisible(true);
    391 }
    393 void Window::Hide() {
    394   for (Windows::iterator it = transient_children_.begin();
    395        it != transient_children_.end(); ++it) {
    396     (*it)->Hide();
    397   }
    398   SetVisible(false);
    399   ReleaseCapture();
    400 }
    402 bool Window::IsVisible() const {
    403   // Layer visibility can be inconsistent with window visibility, for example
    404   // when a Window is hidden, we want this function to return false immediately
    405   // after, even though the client may decide to animate the hide effect (and
    406   // so the layer will be visible for some time after Hide() is called).
    407   for (const Window* window = this; window; window = window->parent()) {
    408     if (!window->visible_)
    409       return false;
    410     if (window->layer_)
    411       return window->layer_->IsDrawn();
    412   }
    413   return false;
    414 }
    416 gfx::Rect Window::GetBoundsInRootWindow() const {
    417   // TODO(beng): There may be a better way to handle this, and the existing code
    418   //             is likely wrong anyway in a multi-display world, but this will
    419   //             do for now.
    420   if (!GetRootWindow())
    421     return bounds();
    422   gfx::Point origin = bounds().origin();
    423   ConvertPointToTarget(parent_, GetRootWindow(), &origin);
    424   return gfx::Rect(origin, bounds().size());
    425 }
    427 gfx::Rect Window::GetBoundsInScreen() const {
    428   gfx::Rect bounds(GetBoundsInRootWindow());
    429   const Window* root = GetRootWindow();
    430   if (root) {
    431     aura::client::ScreenPositionClient* screen_position_client =
    432         aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(root);
    433     if (screen_position_client) {
    434       gfx::Point origin = bounds.origin();
    435       screen_position_client->ConvertPointToScreen(root, &origin);
    436       bounds.set_origin(origin);
    437     }
    438   }
    439   return bounds;
    440 }
    442 void Window::SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
    443   if (!layer_) {
    444     // Transforms aren't supported on layerless windows.
    445     NOTREACHED();
    446     return;
    447   }
    448   WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher = GetDispatcher();
    449   bool contained_mouse = IsVisible() && dispatcher &&
    450       ContainsPointInRoot(dispatcher->GetLastMouseLocationInRoot());
    451   layer_->SetTransform(transform);
    452   if (dispatcher)
    453     dispatcher->OnWindowTransformed(this, contained_mouse);
    454 }
    456 void Window::SetLayoutManager(LayoutManager* layout_manager) {
    457   if (layout_manager == layout_manager_)
    458     return;
    459   layout_manager_.reset(layout_manager);
    460   if (!layout_manager)
    461     return;
    462   // If we're changing to a new layout manager, ensure it is aware of all the
    463   // existing child windows.
    464   for (Windows::const_iterator it = children_.begin();
    465        it != children_.end();
    466        ++it)
    467     layout_manager_->OnWindowAddedToLayout(*it);
    468 }
    470 void Window::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) {
    471   if (parent_ && parent_->layout_manager())
    472     parent_->layout_manager()->SetChildBounds(this, new_bounds);
    473   else
    474     SetBoundsInternal(new_bounds);
    475 }
    477 void Window::SetBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds_in_screen,
    478                                const gfx::Display& dst_display) {
    479   Window* root = GetRootWindow();
    480   if (root) {
    481     gfx::Point origin = new_bounds_in_screen.origin();
    482     aura::client::ScreenPositionClient* screen_position_client =
    483         aura::client::GetScreenPositionClient(root);
    484     screen_position_client->SetBounds(this, new_bounds_in_screen, dst_display);
    485     return;
    486   }
    487   SetBounds(new_bounds_in_screen);
    488 }
    490 gfx::Rect Window::GetTargetBounds() const {
    491   if (!layer_)
    492     return bounds();
    494   if (!parent_ || parent_->layer_)
    495     return layer_->GetTargetBounds();
    497   // We have a layer but our parent (who is valid) doesn't. This means the
    498   // coordinates of the layer are relative to the first ancestor with a layer;
    499   // convert to be relative to parent.
    500   gfx::Vector2d offset;
    501   const aura::Window* ancestor_with_layer =
    502       parent_->GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset);
    503   if (!ancestor_with_layer)
    504     return layer_->GetTargetBounds();
    506   gfx::Rect layer_target_bounds = layer_->GetTargetBounds();
    507   layer_target_bounds -= offset;
    508   return layer_target_bounds;
    509 }
    511 void Window::SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
    512   if (!layer_ && parent_) {
    513     // Notification of paint scheduled happens for the window with a layer.
    514     gfx::Rect parent_rect(bounds().size());
    515     parent_rect.Intersect(rect);
    516     if (!parent_rect.IsEmpty()) {
    517       parent_rect.Offset(bounds().origin().OffsetFromOrigin());
    518       parent_->SchedulePaintInRect(parent_rect);
    519     }
    520   } else if (layer_ && layer_->SchedulePaint(rect)) {
    521     FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(
    522         WindowObserver, observers_, OnWindowPaintScheduled(this, rect));
    523   }
    524 }
    526 void Window::StackChildAtTop(Window* child) {
    527   if (children_.size() <= 1 || child == children_.back())
    528     return;  // In the front already.
    529   StackChildAbove(child, children_.back());
    530 }
    532 void Window::StackChildAbove(Window* child, Window* target) {
    533   StackChildRelativeTo(child, target, STACK_ABOVE);
    534 }
    536 void Window::StackChildAtBottom(Window* child) {
    537   if (children_.size() <= 1 || child == children_.front())
    538     return;  // At the bottom already.
    539   StackChildBelow(child, children_.front());
    540 }
    542 void Window::StackChildBelow(Window* child, Window* target) {
    543   StackChildRelativeTo(child, target, STACK_BELOW);
    544 }
    546 void Window::AddChild(Window* child) {
    547   WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams params;
    548   params.target = child;
    549   params.new_parent = this;
    550   params.old_parent = child->parent();
    551   params.phase = WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGING;
    552   NotifyWindowHierarchyChange(params);
    554   Window* old_root = child->GetRootWindow();
    556   DCHECK(std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), child) ==
    557       children_.end());
    558   if (child->parent())
    559     child->parent()->RemoveChildImpl(child, this);
    561   gfx::Vector2d offset;
    562   aura::Window* ancestor_with_layer = GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset);
    563   if (ancestor_with_layer) {
    564     offset += child->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin();
    565     child->ReparentLayers(ancestor_with_layer->layer(), offset);
    566   }
    568   child->parent_ = this;
    570   children_.push_back(child);
    571   if (layout_manager_)
    572     layout_manager_->OnWindowAddedToLayout(child);
    573   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_, OnWindowAdded(child));
    574   child->OnParentChanged();
    576   Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    577   if (root_window && old_root != root_window) {
    578     root_window->GetDispatcher()->OnWindowAddedToRootWindow(child);
    579     child->NotifyAddedToRootWindow();
    580   }
    582   params.phase = WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGED;
    583   NotifyWindowHierarchyChange(params);
    584 }
    586 void Window::RemoveChild(Window* child) {
    587   WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams params;
    588   params.target = child;
    589   params.new_parent = NULL;
    590   params.old_parent = this;
    591   params.phase = WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGING;
    592   NotifyWindowHierarchyChange(params);
    594   RemoveChildImpl(child, NULL);
    596   params.phase = WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGED;
    597   NotifyWindowHierarchyChange(params);
    598 }
    600 bool Window::Contains(const Window* other) const {
    601   for (const Window* parent = other; parent; parent = parent->parent_) {
    602     if (parent == this)
    603       return true;
    604   }
    605   return false;
    606 }
    608 void Window::AddTransientChild(Window* child) {
    609   if (child->transient_parent_)
    610     child->transient_parent_->RemoveTransientChild(child);
    611   DCHECK(std::find(transient_children_.begin(), transient_children_.end(),
    612                    child) == transient_children_.end());
    613   transient_children_.push_back(child);
    614   child->transient_parent_ = this;
    615   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
    616                     OnAddTransientChild(this, child));
    617 }
    619 void Window::RemoveTransientChild(Window* child) {
    620   Windows::iterator i =
    621       std::find(transient_children_.begin(), transient_children_.end(), child);
    622   DCHECK(i != transient_children_.end());
    623   transient_children_.erase(i);
    624   if (child->transient_parent_ == this)
    625     child->transient_parent_ = NULL;
    626   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
    627                     OnRemoveTransientChild(this, child));
    628 }
    630 Window* Window::GetChildById(int id) {
    631   return const_cast<Window*>(const_cast<const Window*>(this)->GetChildById(id));
    632 }
    634 const Window* Window::GetChildById(int id) const {
    635   Windows::const_iterator i;
    636   for (i = children_.begin(); i != children_.end(); ++i) {
    637     if ((*i)->id() == id)
    638       return *i;
    639     const Window* result = (*i)->GetChildById(id);
    640     if (result)
    641       return result;
    642   }
    643   return NULL;
    644 }
    646 // static
    647 void Window::ConvertPointToTarget(const Window* source,
    648                                   const Window* target,
    649                                   gfx::Point* point) {
    650   if (!source)
    651     return;
    652   if (source->GetRootWindow() != target->GetRootWindow()) {
    653     client::ScreenPositionClient* source_client =
    654         client::GetScreenPositionClient(source->GetRootWindow());
    655     source_client->ConvertPointToScreen(source, point);
    657     client::ScreenPositionClient* target_client =
    658         client::GetScreenPositionClient(target->GetRootWindow());
    659     target_client->ConvertPointFromScreen(target, point);
    660   } else if ((source != target) && (!source->layer_ || !target->layer_)) {
    661     if (!source->layer_) {
    662       gfx::Vector2d offset_to_layer;
    663       source = source->GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset_to_layer);
    664       *point += offset_to_layer;
    665     }
    666     if (!target->layer_) {
    667       gfx::Vector2d offset_to_layer;
    668       target = target->GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset_to_layer);
    669       *point -= offset_to_layer;
    670     }
    671     ui::Layer::ConvertPointToLayer(source->layer_, target->layer_, point);
    672   } else {
    673     ui::Layer::ConvertPointToLayer(source->layer_, target->layer_, point);
    674   }
    675 }
    677 void Window::MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& point_in_window) {
    678   Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    679   DCHECK(root_window);
    680   gfx::Point point_in_root(point_in_window);
    681   ConvertPointToTarget(this, root_window, &point_in_root);
    682   root_window->GetDispatcher()->MoveCursorTo(point_in_root);
    683 }
    685 gfx::NativeCursor Window::GetCursor(const gfx::Point& point) const {
    686   return delegate_ ? delegate_->GetCursor(point) : gfx::kNullCursor;
    687 }
    689 void Window::SetEventFilter(ui::EventHandler* event_filter) {
    690   if (event_filter_)
    691     RemovePreTargetHandler(event_filter_.get());
    692   event_filter_.reset(event_filter);
    693   if (event_filter)
    694     AddPreTargetHandler(event_filter);
    695 }
    697 void Window::AddObserver(WindowObserver* observer) {
    698   observers_.AddObserver(observer);
    699 }
    701 void Window::RemoveObserver(WindowObserver* observer) {
    702   observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
    703 }
    705 bool Window::HasObserver(WindowObserver* observer) {
    706   return observers_.HasObserver(observer);
    707 }
    709 bool Window::ContainsPointInRoot(const gfx::Point& point_in_root) const {
    710   const Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    711   if (!root_window)
    712     return false;
    713   gfx::Point local_point(point_in_root);
    714   ConvertPointToTarget(root_window, this, &local_point);
    715   return gfx::Rect(GetTargetBounds().size()).Contains(local_point);
    716 }
    718 bool Window::ContainsPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point) const {
    719   return gfx::Rect(bounds().size()).Contains(local_point);
    720 }
    722 bool Window::HitTest(const gfx::Point& local_point) {
    723   // Expand my bounds for hit testing (override is usually zero but it's
    724   // probably cheaper to do the math every time than to branch).
    725   gfx::Rect local_bounds(gfx::Point(), bounds().size());
    726   local_bounds.Inset(aura::Env::GetInstance()->is_touch_down() ?
    727       hit_test_bounds_override_outer_touch_ :
    728       hit_test_bounds_override_outer_mouse_);
    730   if (!delegate_ || !delegate_->HasHitTestMask())
    731     return local_bounds.Contains(local_point);
    733   gfx::Path mask;
    734   delegate_->GetHitTestMask(&mask);
    736   SkRegion clip_region;
    737   clip_region.setRect(local_bounds.x(), local_bounds.y(),
    738                       local_bounds.width(), local_bounds.height());
    739   SkRegion mask_region;
    740   return mask_region.setPath(mask, clip_region) &&
    741       mask_region.contains(local_point.x(), local_point.y());
    742 }
    744 Window* Window::GetEventHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point) {
    745   return GetWindowForPoint(local_point, true, true);
    746 }
    748 Window* Window::GetTopWindowContainingPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point) {
    749   return GetWindowForPoint(local_point, false, false);
    750 }
    752 Window* Window::GetToplevelWindow() {
    753   Window* topmost_window_with_delegate = NULL;
    754   for (aura::Window* window = this; window != NULL; window = window->parent()) {
    755     if (window->delegate())
    756       topmost_window_with_delegate = window;
    757   }
    758   return topmost_window_with_delegate;
    759 }
    761 void Window::Focus() {
    762   client::FocusClient* client = client::GetFocusClient(this);
    763   DCHECK(client);
    764   client->FocusWindow(this);
    765 }
    767 void Window::Blur() {
    768   client::FocusClient* client = client::GetFocusClient(this);
    769   DCHECK(client);
    770   client->FocusWindow(NULL);
    771 }
    773 bool Window::HasFocus() const {
    774   client::FocusClient* client = client::GetFocusClient(this);
    775   return client && client->GetFocusedWindow() == this;
    776 }
    778 bool Window::CanFocus() const {
    779   if (dispatcher_)
    780     return IsVisible();
    782   // NOTE: as part of focusing the window the ActivationClient may make the
    783   // window visible (by way of making a hidden ancestor visible). For this
    784   // reason we can't check visibility here and assume the client is doing it.
    785   if (!parent_ || (delegate_ && !delegate_->CanFocus()))
    786     return false;
    788   // The client may forbid certain windows from receiving focus at a given point
    789   // in time.
    790   client::EventClient* client = client::GetEventClient(GetRootWindow());
    791   if (client && !client->CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(this))
    792     return false;
    794   return parent_->CanFocus();
    795 }
    797 bool Window::CanReceiveEvents() const {
    798   if (dispatcher_)
    799     return IsVisible();
    801   // The client may forbid certain windows from receiving events at a given
    802   // point in time.
    803   client::EventClient* client = client::GetEventClient(GetRootWindow());
    804   if (client && !client->CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(this))
    805     return false;
    807   return parent_ && IsVisible() && parent_->CanReceiveEvents();
    808 }
    810 void Window::SetCapture() {
    811   if (!IsVisible())
    812     return;
    814   Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    815   if (!root_window)
    816     return;
    817   client::GetCaptureClient(root_window)->SetCapture(this);
    818 }
    820 void Window::ReleaseCapture() {
    821   Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    822   if (!root_window)
    823     return;
    824   client::GetCaptureClient(root_window)->ReleaseCapture(this);
    825 }
    827 bool Window::HasCapture() {
    828   Window* root_window = GetRootWindow();
    829   if (!root_window)
    830     return false;
    831   client::CaptureClient* capture_client = client::GetCaptureClient(root_window);
    832   return capture_client && capture_client->GetCaptureWindow() == this;
    833 }
    835 void Window::SuppressPaint() {
    836   if (layer_)
    837     layer_->SuppressPaint();
    838 }
    840 // {Set,Get,Clear}Property are implemented in window_property.h.
    842 void Window::SetNativeWindowProperty(const char* key, void* value) {
    843   SetPropertyInternal(
    844       key, key, NULL, reinterpret_cast<int64>(value), 0);
    845 }
    847 void* Window::GetNativeWindowProperty(const char* key) const {
    848   return reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetPropertyInternal(key, 0));
    849 }
    851 void Window::OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor) {
    852   ScopedCursorHider hider(this);
    853   if (dispatcher_)
    854     dispatcher_->host()->OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(device_scale_factor);
    855   if (delegate_)
    856     delegate_->OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(device_scale_factor);
    857 }
    859 #if !defined(NDEBUG)
    860 std::string Window::GetDebugInfo() const {
    861   return base::StringPrintf(
    862       "%s<%d> bounds(%d, %d, %d, %d) %s %s opacity=%.1f",
    863       name().empty() ? "Unknown" : name().c_str(), id(),
    864       bounds().x(), bounds().y(), bounds().width(), bounds().height(),
    865       visible_ ? "WindowVisible" : "WindowHidden",
    866       layer_ ?
    867           (layer_->GetTargetVisibility() ? "LayerVisible" : "LayerHidden") :
    868           "NoLayer",
    869       layer_ ? layer_->opacity() : 1.0f);
    870 }
    872 void Window::PrintWindowHierarchy(int depth) const {
    873   VLOG(0) << base::StringPrintf(
    874       "%*s%s", depth * 2, "", GetDebugInfo().c_str());
    875   for (Windows::const_iterator it = children_.begin();
    876        it != children_.end(); ++it) {
    877     Window* child = *it;
    878     child->PrintWindowHierarchy(depth + 1);
    879   }
    880 }
    881 #endif
    883 void Window::RemoveOrDestroyChildren() {
    884   while (!children_.empty()) {
    885     Window* child = children_[0];
    886     if (child->owned_by_parent_) {
    887       delete child;
    888       // Deleting the child so remove it from out children_ list.
    889       DCHECK(std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), child) ==
    890              children_.end());
    891     } else {
    892       // Even if we can't delete the child, we still need to remove it from the
    893       // parent so that relevant bookkeeping (parent_ back-pointers etc) are
    894       // updated.
    895       RemoveChild(child);
    896     }
    897   }
    898 }
    900 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    901 // Window, private:
    903 int64 Window::SetPropertyInternal(const void* key,
    904                                   const char* name,
    905                                   PropertyDeallocator deallocator,
    906                                   int64 value,
    907                                   int64 default_value) {
    908   int64 old = GetPropertyInternal(key, default_value);
    909   if (value == default_value) {
    910     prop_map_.erase(key);
    911   } else {
    912     Value prop_value;
    913     prop_value.name = name;
    914     prop_value.value = value;
    915     prop_value.deallocator = deallocator;
    916     prop_map_[key] = prop_value;
    917   }
    918   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
    919                     OnWindowPropertyChanged(this, key, old));
    920   return old;
    921 }
    923 int64 Window::GetPropertyInternal(const void* key,
    924                                   int64 default_value) const {
    925   std::map<const void*, Value>::const_iterator iter = prop_map_.find(key);
    926   if (iter == prop_map_.end())
    927     return default_value;
    928   return iter->second.value;
    929 }
    931 void Window::SetBoundsInternal(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) {
    932   gfx::Rect actual_new_bounds(new_bounds);
    934   // Ensure we don't go smaller than our minimum bounds.
    935   if (delegate_) {
    936     const gfx::Size& min_size = delegate_->GetMinimumSize();
    937     actual_new_bounds.set_width(
    938         std::max(min_size.width(), actual_new_bounds.width()));
    939     actual_new_bounds.set_height(
    940         std::max(min_size.height(), actual_new_bounds.height()));
    941   }
    943   gfx::Rect old_bounds = GetTargetBounds();
    945   // Always need to set the layer's bounds -- even if it is to the same thing.
    946   // This may cause important side effects such as stopping animation.
    947   if (!layer_) {
    948     const gfx::Vector2d origin_delta = new_bounds.OffsetFromOrigin() -
    949         bounds_.OffsetFromOrigin();
    950     bounds_ = new_bounds;
    951     OffsetLayerBounds(origin_delta);
    952   } else {
    953     if (parent_ && !parent_->layer_) {
    954       gfx::Vector2d offset;
    955       const aura::Window* ancestor_with_layer =
    956           parent_->GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset);
    957       if (ancestor_with_layer)
    958         actual_new_bounds.Offset(offset);
    959     }
    960     layer_->SetBounds(actual_new_bounds);
    961   }
    963   // If we are currently not the layer's delegate, we will not get bounds
    964   // changed notification from the layer (this typically happens after animating
    965   // hidden). We must notify ourselves.
    966   if (!layer_ || layer_->delegate() != this)
    967     OnWindowBoundsChanged(old_bounds, ContainsMouse());
    968 }
    970 void Window::SetVisible(bool visible) {
    971   if ((layer_ && visible == layer_->GetTargetVisibility()) ||
    972       (!layer_ && visible == visible_))
    973     return;  // No change.
    975   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
    976                     OnWindowVisibilityChanging(this, visible));
    978   WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher = GetDispatcher();
    979   if (dispatcher)
    980     dispatcher->DispatchMouseExitToHidingWindow(this);
    982   client::VisibilityClient* visibility_client =
    983       client::GetVisibilityClient(this);
    984   if (visibility_client)
    985     visibility_client->UpdateLayerVisibility(this, visible);
    986   else if (layer_)
    987     layer_->SetVisible(visible);
    988   visible_ = visible;
    989   SchedulePaint();
    990   if (parent_ && parent_->layout_manager_)
    991     parent_->layout_manager_->OnChildWindowVisibilityChanged(this, visible);
    993   if (delegate_)
    994     delegate_->OnWindowTargetVisibilityChanged(visible);
    996   NotifyWindowVisibilityChanged(this, visible);
    998   if (dispatcher)
    999     dispatcher->OnWindowVisibilityChanged(this, visible);
   1000 }
   1002 void Window::SchedulePaint() {
   1003   SchedulePaintInRect(gfx::Rect(0, 0, bounds().width(), bounds().height()));
   1004 }
   1006 void Window::Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
   1007   if (delegate_)
   1008     delegate_->OnPaint(canvas);
   1009   PaintLayerlessChildren(canvas);
   1010 }
   1012 void Window::PaintLayerlessChildren(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
   1013   for (size_t i = 0, count = children_.size(); i < count; ++i) {
   1014     Window* child = children_[i];
   1015     if (!child->layer_ && child->visible_) {
   1016       gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped_canvas(canvas);
   1017       if (canvas->ClipRect(child->bounds())) {
   1018         canvas->Translate(child->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin());
   1019         child->Paint(canvas);
   1020       }
   1021     }
   1022   }
   1023 }
   1025 Window* Window::GetWindowForPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point,
   1026                                   bool return_tightest,
   1027                                   bool for_event_handling) {
   1028   if (!IsVisible())
   1029     return NULL;
   1031   if ((for_event_handling && !HitTest(local_point)) ||
   1032       (!for_event_handling && !ContainsPoint(local_point)))
   1033     return NULL;
   1035   // Check if I should claim this event and not pass it to my children because
   1036   // the location is inside my hit test override area.  For details, see
   1037   // set_hit_test_bounds_override_inner().
   1038   if (for_event_handling && !hit_test_bounds_override_inner_.empty()) {
   1039     gfx::Rect inset_local_bounds(gfx::Point(), bounds().size());
   1040     inset_local_bounds.Inset(hit_test_bounds_override_inner_);
   1041     // We know we're inside the normal local bounds, so if we're outside the
   1042     // inset bounds we must be in the special hit test override area.
   1043     DCHECK(HitTest(local_point));
   1044     if (!inset_local_bounds.Contains(local_point))
   1045       return delegate_ ? this : NULL;
   1046   }
   1048   if (!return_tightest && delegate_)
   1049     return this;
   1051   for (Windows::const_reverse_iterator it = children_.rbegin(),
   1052            rend = children_.rend();
   1053        it != rend; ++it) {
   1054     Window* child = *it;
   1056     if (for_event_handling) {
   1057       if (child->ignore_events_)
   1058         continue;
   1059       // The client may not allow events to be processed by certain subtrees.
   1060       client::EventClient* client = client::GetEventClient(GetRootWindow());
   1061       if (client && !client->CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(child))
   1062         continue;
   1063       if (delegate_ && !delegate_->ShouldDescendIntoChildForEventHandling(
   1064               child, local_point))
   1065         continue;
   1066     }
   1068     gfx::Point point_in_child_coords(local_point);
   1069     ConvertPointToTarget(this, child, &point_in_child_coords);
   1070     Window* match = child->GetWindowForPoint(point_in_child_coords,
   1071                                              return_tightest,
   1072                                              for_event_handling);
   1073     if (match)
   1074       return match;
   1075   }
   1077   return delegate_ ? this : NULL;
   1078 }
   1080 void Window::RemoveChildImpl(Window* child, Window* new_parent) {
   1081   if (layout_manager_)
   1082     layout_manager_->OnWillRemoveWindowFromLayout(child);
   1083   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_, OnWillRemoveWindow(child));
   1084   Window* root_window = child->GetRootWindow();
   1085   Window* new_root_window = new_parent ? new_parent->GetRootWindow() : NULL;
   1086   if (root_window && root_window != new_root_window) {
   1087     root_window->GetDispatcher()->OnWindowRemovedFromRootWindow(
   1088         child, new_root_window);
   1089     child->NotifyRemovingFromRootWindow();
   1090   }
   1092   gfx::Vector2d offset;
   1093   GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset);
   1094   child->UnparentLayers(!layer_, offset);
   1095   child->parent_ = NULL;
   1096   Windows::iterator i = std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), child);
   1097   DCHECK(i != children_.end());
   1098   children_.erase(i);
   1099   child->OnParentChanged();
   1100   if (layout_manager_)
   1101     layout_manager_->OnWindowRemovedFromLayout(child);
   1102 }
   1104 void Window::UnparentLayers(bool has_layerless_ancestor,
   1105                             const gfx::Vector2d& offset) {
   1106   if (!layer_) {
   1107     const gfx::Vector2d new_offset = offset + bounds().OffsetFromOrigin();
   1108     for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
   1109       children_[i]->UnparentLayers(true, new_offset);
   1110     }
   1111   } else {
   1112     // Only remove the layer if we still own it.  Someone else may have acquired
   1113     // ownership of it via AcquireLayer() and may expect the hierarchy to go
   1114     // unchanged as the Window is destroyed.
   1115     if (layer_owner_) {
   1116       if (layer_->parent())
   1117         layer_->parent()->Remove(layer_);
   1118       if (has_layerless_ancestor) {
   1119         const gfx::Rect real_bounds(bounds_);
   1120         gfx::Rect layer_bounds(layer_->bounds());
   1121         layer_bounds.Offset(-offset);
   1122         layer_->SetBounds(layer_bounds);
   1123         bounds_ = real_bounds;
   1124       }
   1125     }
   1126   }
   1127 }
   1129 void Window::ReparentLayers(ui::Layer* parent_layer,
   1130                             const gfx::Vector2d& offset) {
   1131   if (!layer_) {
   1132     for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
   1133       children_[i]->ReparentLayers(
   1134           parent_layer,
   1135           offset + children_[i]->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin());
   1136     }
   1137   } else {
   1138     const gfx::Rect real_bounds(bounds());
   1139     parent_layer->Add(layer_);
   1140     gfx::Rect layer_bounds(layer_->bounds().size());
   1141     layer_bounds += offset;
   1142     layer_->SetBounds(layer_bounds);
   1143     bounds_ = real_bounds;
   1144   }
   1145 }
   1147 void Window::OffsetLayerBounds(const gfx::Vector2d& offset) {
   1148   if (!layer_) {
   1149     for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i)
   1150       children_[i]->OffsetLayerBounds(offset);
   1151   } else {
   1152     gfx::Rect layer_bounds(layer_->bounds());
   1153     layer_bounds += offset;
   1154     layer_->SetBounds(layer_bounds);
   1155   }
   1156 }
   1158 void Window::OnParentChanged() {
   1160       WindowObserver, observers_, OnWindowParentChanged(this, parent_));
   1161 }
   1163 bool Window::HasTransientAncestor(const Window* ancestor) const {
   1164   if (transient_parent_ == ancestor)
   1165     return true;
   1166   return transient_parent_ ?
   1167       transient_parent_->HasTransientAncestor(ancestor) : false;
   1168 }
   1170 void Window::SkipNullDelegatesForStacking(StackDirection direction,
   1171                                           Window** target) const {
   1172   DCHECK_EQ(this, (*target)->parent());
   1173   size_t target_i =
   1174       std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), *target) -
   1175       children_.begin();
   1177   // By convention we don't stack on top of windows with layers with NULL
   1178   // delegates.  Walk backward to find a valid target window.
   1179   // See tests WindowTest.StackingMadrigal and StackOverClosingTransient
   1180   // for an explanation of this.
   1181   while (target_i > 0) {
   1182     const size_t index = direction == STACK_ABOVE ? target_i : target_i - 1;
   1183     if (!children_[index]->layer_ ||
   1184         children_[index]->layer_->delegate() != NULL)
   1185       break;
   1186     --target_i;
   1187   }
   1188   *target = children_[target_i];
   1189 }
   1191 void Window::StackChildRelativeTo(Window* child,
   1192                                   Window* target,
   1193                                   StackDirection direction) {
   1194   DCHECK_NE(child, target);
   1195   DCHECK(child);
   1196   DCHECK(target);
   1197   DCHECK_EQ(this, child->parent());
   1198   DCHECK_EQ(this, target->parent());
   1200   client::WindowStackingClient* stacking_client =
   1201       client::GetWindowStackingClient();
   1202   if (stacking_client)
   1203     stacking_client->AdjustStacking(&child, &target, &direction);
   1205   SkipNullDelegatesForStacking(direction, &target);
   1207   // If we couldn't find a valid target position, don't move anything.
   1208   if (direction == STACK_ABOVE &&
   1209       (target->layer_ && target->layer_->delegate() == NULL))
   1210     return;
   1212   // Don't try to stack a child above itself.
   1213   if (child == target)
   1214     return;
   1216   // Move the child.
   1217   StackChildRelativeToImpl(child, target, direction);
   1219   // Stack any transient children that share the same parent to be in front of
   1220   // 'child'. Preserve the existing stacking order by iterating in the order
   1221   // those children appear in children_ array.
   1222   Window* last_transient = child;
   1223   Windows children(children_);
   1224   for (Windows::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) {
   1225     Window* transient_child = *it;
   1226     if (transient_child != last_transient &&
   1227         transient_child->HasTransientAncestor(child)) {
   1228       StackChildRelativeToImpl(transient_child, last_transient, STACK_ABOVE);
   1229       last_transient = transient_child;
   1230     }
   1231   }
   1232 }
   1234 void Window::StackChildRelativeToImpl(Window* child,
   1235                                       Window* target,
   1236                                       StackDirection direction) {
   1237   DCHECK_NE(child, target);
   1238   DCHECK(child);
   1239   DCHECK(target);
   1240   DCHECK_EQ(this, child->parent());
   1241   DCHECK_EQ(this, target->parent());
   1243   const size_t child_i =
   1244       std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), child) - children_.begin();
   1245   const size_t target_i =
   1246       std::find(children_.begin(), children_.end(), target) - children_.begin();
   1248   // Don't move the child if it is already in the right place.
   1249   if ((direction == STACK_ABOVE && child_i == target_i + 1) ||
   1250       (direction == STACK_BELOW && child_i + 1 == target_i))
   1251     return;
   1253   const size_t dest_i =
   1254       direction == STACK_ABOVE ?
   1255       (child_i < target_i ? target_i : target_i + 1) :
   1256       (child_i < target_i ? target_i - 1 : target_i);
   1257   children_.erase(children_.begin() + child_i);
   1258   children_.insert(children_.begin() + dest_i, child);
   1260   StackChildLayerRelativeTo(child, target, direction);
   1262   child->OnStackingChanged();
   1263 }
   1265 void Window::StackChildLayerRelativeTo(Window* child,
   1266                                        Window* target,
   1267                                        StackDirection direction) {
   1268   Window* ancestor_with_layer = GetAncestorWithLayer(NULL);
   1269   ui::Layer* ancestor_layer =
   1270       ancestor_with_layer ? ancestor_with_layer->layer() : NULL;
   1271   if (!ancestor_layer)
   1272     return;
   1274   if (child->layer_ && target->layer_) {
   1275     if (direction == STACK_ABOVE)
   1276       ancestor_layer->StackAbove(child->layer_, target->layer_);
   1277     else
   1278       ancestor_layer->StackBelow(child->layer_, target->layer_);
   1279     return;
   1280   }
   1281   typedef std::vector<ui::Layer*> Layers;
   1282   Layers layers;
   1283   GetLayersToStack(child, &layers);
   1284   if (layers.empty())
   1285     return;
   1287   ui::Layer* target_layer;
   1288   if (direction == STACK_ABOVE) {
   1289     target_layer =
   1290         FindStackingTargetLayer<Windows::const_reverse_iterator>(target, child);
   1291   } else {
   1292     target_layer =
   1293         FindStackingTargetLayer<Windows::const_iterator>(target, child);
   1294   }
   1296   if (!target_layer) {
   1297     if (direction == STACK_ABOVE) {
   1298       for (Layers::const_reverse_iterator i = layers.rbegin();
   1299            i != layers.rend(); ++i) {
   1300         ancestor_layer->StackAtBottom(*i);
   1301       }
   1302     } else {
   1303       for (Layers::const_iterator i = layers.begin(); i != layers.end(); ++i)
   1304         ancestor_layer->StackAtTop(*i);
   1305     }
   1306     return;
   1307   }
   1309   if (direction == STACK_ABOVE) {
   1310     for (Layers::const_reverse_iterator i = layers.rbegin();
   1311          i != layers.rend(); ++i) {
   1312       ancestor_layer->StackAbove(*i, target_layer);
   1313     }
   1314   } else {
   1315     for (Layers::const_iterator i = layers.begin(); i != layers.end(); ++i)
   1316       ancestor_layer->StackBelow(*i, target_layer);
   1317   }
   1318 }
   1320 void Window::OnStackingChanged() {
   1321   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_, OnWindowStackingChanged(this));
   1322 }
   1324 void Window::NotifyRemovingFromRootWindow() {
   1325   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
   1326                     OnWindowRemovingFromRootWindow(this));
   1327   for (Window::Windows::const_iterator it = children_.begin();
   1328        it != children_.end(); ++it) {
   1329     (*it)->NotifyRemovingFromRootWindow();
   1330   }
   1331 }
   1333 void Window::NotifyAddedToRootWindow() {
   1334   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
   1335                     OnWindowAddedToRootWindow(this));
   1336   for (Window::Windows::const_iterator it = children_.begin();
   1337        it != children_.end(); ++it) {
   1338     (*it)->NotifyAddedToRootWindow();
   1339   }
   1340 }
   1342 void Window::NotifyWindowHierarchyChange(
   1343     const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params) {
   1344   params.target->NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeDown(params);
   1345   switch (params.phase) {
   1346   case WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGING:
   1347     if (params.old_parent)
   1348       params.old_parent->NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeUp(params);
   1349     break;
   1350   case WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGED:
   1351     if (params.new_parent)
   1352       params.new_parent->NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeUp(params);
   1353     break;
   1354   default:
   1355     NOTREACHED();
   1356     break;
   1357   }
   1358 }
   1360 void Window::NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeDown(
   1361     const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params) {
   1362   NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeAtReceiver(params);
   1363   for (Window::Windows::const_iterator it = children_.begin();
   1364        it != children_.end(); ++it) {
   1365     (*it)->NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeDown(params);
   1366   }
   1367 }
   1369 void Window::NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeUp(
   1370     const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params) {
   1371   for (Window* window = this; window; window = window->parent())
   1372     window->NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeAtReceiver(params);
   1373 }
   1375 void Window::NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeAtReceiver(
   1376     const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params) {
   1377   WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams local_params = params;
   1378   local_params.receiver = this;
   1380   switch (params.phase) {
   1381   case WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGING:
   1382     FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
   1383                       OnWindowHierarchyChanging(local_params));
   1384     break;
   1385   case WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams::HIERARCHY_CHANGED:
   1386     FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
   1387                       OnWindowHierarchyChanged(local_params));
   1388     break;
   1389   default:
   1390     NOTREACHED();
   1391     break;
   1392   }
   1393 }
   1395 void Window::NotifyWindowVisibilityChanged(aura::Window* target,
   1396                                            bool visible) {
   1397   if (!NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedDown(target, visible)) {
   1398     return; // |this| has been deleted.
   1399   }
   1400   NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedUp(target, visible);
   1401 }
   1403 bool Window::NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedAtReceiver(aura::Window* target,
   1404                                                      bool visible) {
   1405   // |this| may be deleted during a call to OnWindowVisibilityChanged() on one
   1406   // of the observers. We create an local observer for that. In that case we
   1407   // exit without further access to any members.
   1408   WindowTracker tracker;
   1409   tracker.Add(this);
   1410   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver, observers_,
   1411                     OnWindowVisibilityChanged(target, visible));
   1412   return tracker.Contains(this);
   1413 }
   1415 bool Window::NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedDown(aura::Window* target,
   1416                                                bool visible) {
   1417   if (!NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedAtReceiver(target, visible))
   1418     return false; // |this| was deleted.
   1419   std::set<const Window*> child_already_processed;
   1420   bool child_destroyed = false;
   1421   do {
   1422     child_destroyed = false;
   1423     for (Window::Windows::const_iterator it = children_.begin();
   1424          it != children_.end(); ++it) {
   1425       if (!child_already_processed.insert(*it).second)
   1426         continue;
   1427       if (!(*it)->NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedDown(target, visible)) {
   1428         // |*it| was deleted, |it| is invalid and |children_| has changed.
   1429         // We exit the current for-loop and enter a new one.
   1430         child_destroyed = true;
   1431         break;
   1432       }
   1433     }
   1434   } while (child_destroyed);
   1435   return true;
   1436 }
   1438 void Window::NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedUp(aura::Window* target,
   1439                                              bool visible) {
   1440   for (Window* window = this; window; window = window->parent()) {
   1441     bool ret = window->NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedAtReceiver(target, visible);
   1442     DCHECK(ret);
   1443   }
   1444 }
   1446 void Window::OnWindowBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
   1447                                    bool contained_mouse) {
   1448   if (layer_) {
   1449     bounds_ = layer_->bounds();
   1450     if (parent_ && !parent_->layer_) {
   1451       gfx::Vector2d offset;
   1452       aura::Window* ancestor_with_layer =
   1453           parent_->GetAncestorWithLayer(&offset);
   1454       if (ancestor_with_layer)
   1455         bounds_.Offset(-offset);
   1456     }
   1457   }
   1459   if (layout_manager_)
   1460     layout_manager_->OnWindowResized();
   1461   if (delegate_)
   1462     delegate_->OnBoundsChanged(old_bounds, bounds());
   1463   FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(WindowObserver,
   1464                     observers_,
   1465                     OnWindowBoundsChanged(this, old_bounds, bounds()));
   1466   WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher = GetDispatcher();
   1467   if (dispatcher)
   1468     dispatcher->OnWindowBoundsChanged(this, contained_mouse);
   1469 }
   1471 void Window::OnPaintLayer(gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
   1472   Paint(canvas);
   1473 }
   1475 base::Closure Window::PrepareForLayerBoundsChange() {
   1476   return base::Bind(&Window::OnWindowBoundsChanged, base::Unretained(this),
   1477                     bounds(), ContainsMouse());
   1478 }
   1480 bool Window::CanAcceptEvent(const ui::Event& event) {
   1481   // The client may forbid certain windows from receiving events at a given
   1482   // point in time.
   1483   client::EventClient* client = client::GetEventClient(GetRootWindow());
   1484   if (client && !client->CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(this))
   1485     return false;
   1487   // We need to make sure that a touch cancel event and any gesture events it
   1488   // creates can always reach the window. This ensures that we receive a valid
   1489   // touch / gesture stream.
   1490   if (event.IsEndingEvent())
   1491     return true;
   1493   if (!IsVisible())
   1494     return false;
   1496   // The top-most window can always process an event.
   1497   if (!parent_)
   1498     return true;
   1500   // For located events (i.e. mouse, touch etc.), an assumption is made that
   1501   // windows that don't have a delegate cannot process the event (see more in
   1502   // GetWindowForPoint()). This assumption is not made for key events.
   1503   return event.IsKeyEvent() || delegate_;
   1504 }
   1506 ui::EventTarget* Window::GetParentTarget() {
   1507   if (dispatcher_) {
   1508     return client::GetEventClient(this) ?
   1509         client::GetEventClient(this)->GetToplevelEventTarget() :
   1510             Env::GetInstance();
   1511   }
   1512   return parent_;
   1513 }
   1515 scoped_ptr<ui::EventTargetIterator> Window::GetChildIterator() const {
   1516   return scoped_ptr<ui::EventTargetIterator>(
   1517       new ui::EventTargetIteratorImpl<Window>(children()));
   1518 }
   1520 ui::EventTargeter* Window::GetEventTargeter() {
   1521   return targeter_.get();
   1522 }
   1524 void Window::ConvertEventToTarget(ui::EventTarget* target,
   1525                                   ui::LocatedEvent* event) {
   1526   event->ConvertLocationToTarget(this,
   1527                                  static_cast<Window*>(target));
   1528 }
   1530 void Window::UpdateLayerName(const std::string& name) {
   1531 #if !defined(NDEBUG)
   1532   DCHECK(layer_);
   1534   std::string layer_name(name_);
   1535   if (layer_name.empty())
   1536     layer_name = "Unnamed Window";
   1538   if (id_ != -1)
   1539     layer_name += " " + base::IntToString(id_);
   1541   layer_->set_name(layer_name);
   1542 #endif
   1543 }
   1545 bool Window::ContainsMouse() {
   1546   bool contains_mouse = false;
   1547   if (IsVisible()) {
   1548     WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher = GetDispatcher();
   1549     contains_mouse = dispatcher &&
   1550         ContainsPointInRoot(dispatcher->GetLastMouseLocationInRoot());
   1551   }
   1552   return contains_mouse;
   1553 }
   1555 const Window* Window::GetAncestorWithLayer(gfx::Vector2d* offset) const {
   1556   for (const aura::Window* window = this; window; window = window->parent()) {
   1557     if (window->layer_)
   1558       return window;
   1559     if (offset)
   1560       *offset += window->bounds().OffsetFromOrigin();
   1561   }
   1562   if (offset)
   1563     *offset = gfx::Vector2d();
   1564   return NULL;
   1565 }
   1567 }  // namespace aura