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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     18 //#define LOG_NNDEBUG 0
     19 #define LOG_TAG "EmulatedCamera2_Sensor"
     21 #ifdef LOG_NNDEBUG
     22 #define ALOGVV(...) ALOGV(__VA_ARGS__)
     23 #else
     24 #define ALOGVV(...) ((void)0)
     25 #endif
     27 #include <utils/Log.h>
     29 #include "../EmulatedFakeCamera2.h"
     30 #include "Sensor.h"
     31 #include <cmath>
     32 #include <cstdlib>
     33 #include "system/camera_metadata.h"
     35 namespace android {
     37 const unsigned int Sensor::kResolution[2]  = {640, 480};
     39 const nsecs_t Sensor::kExposureTimeRange[2] =
     40     {1000L, 30000000000L} ; // 1 us - 30 sec
     41 const nsecs_t Sensor::kFrameDurationRange[2] =
     42     {33331760L, 30000000000L}; // ~1/30 s - 30 sec
     43 const nsecs_t Sensor::kMinVerticalBlank = 10000L;
     45 const uint8_t Sensor::kColorFilterArrangement =
     48 // Output image data characteristics
     49 const uint32_t Sensor::kMaxRawValue = 4000;
     50 const uint32_t Sensor::kBlackLevel  = 1000;
     52 // Sensor sensitivity
     53 const float Sensor::kSaturationVoltage      = 0.520f;
     54 const uint32_t Sensor::kSaturationElectrons = 2000;
     55 const float Sensor::kVoltsPerLuxSecond      = 0.100f;
     57 const float Sensor::kElectronsPerLuxSecond =
     58         Sensor::kSaturationElectrons / Sensor::kSaturationVoltage
     59         * Sensor::kVoltsPerLuxSecond;
     61 const float Sensor::kBaseGainFactor = (float)Sensor::kMaxRawValue /
     62             Sensor::kSaturationElectrons;
     64 const float Sensor::kReadNoiseStddevBeforeGain = 1.177; // in electrons
     65 const float Sensor::kReadNoiseStddevAfterGain =  2.100; // in digital counts
     66 const float Sensor::kReadNoiseVarBeforeGain =
     67             Sensor::kReadNoiseStddevBeforeGain *
     68             Sensor::kReadNoiseStddevBeforeGain;
     69 const float Sensor::kReadNoiseVarAfterGain =
     70             Sensor::kReadNoiseStddevAfterGain *
     71             Sensor::kReadNoiseStddevAfterGain;
     73 // While each row has to read out, reset, and then expose, the (reset +
     74 // expose) sequence can be overlapped by other row readouts, so the final
     75 // minimum frame duration is purely a function of row readout time, at least
     76 // if there's a reasonable number of rows.
     77 const nsecs_t Sensor::kRowReadoutTime =
     78             Sensor::kFrameDurationRange[0] / Sensor::kResolution[1];
     80 const int32_t Sensor::kSensitivityRange[2] = {100, 1600};
     81 const uint32_t Sensor::kDefaultSensitivity = 100;
     83 /** A few utility functions for math, normal distributions */
     85 // Take advantage of IEEE floating-point format to calculate an approximate
     86 // square root. Accurate to within +-3.6%
     87 float sqrtf_approx(float r) {
     88     // Modifier is based on IEEE floating-point representation; the
     89     // manipulations boil down to finding approximate log2, dividing by two, and
     90     // then inverting the log2. A bias is added to make the relative error
     91     // symmetric about the real answer.
     92     const int32_t modifier = 0x1FBB4000;
     94     int32_t r_i = *(int32_t*)(&r);
     95     r_i = (r_i >> 1) + modifier;
     97     return *(float*)(&r_i);
     98 }
    102 Sensor::Sensor():
    103         Thread(false),
    104         mGotVSync(false),
    105         mExposureTime(kFrameDurationRange[0]-kMinVerticalBlank),
    106         mFrameDuration(kFrameDurationRange[0]),
    107         mGainFactor(kDefaultSensitivity),
    108         mNextBuffers(NULL),
    109         mFrameNumber(0),
    110         mCapturedBuffers(NULL),
    111         mListener(NULL),
    112         mScene(kResolution[0], kResolution[1], kElectronsPerLuxSecond)
    113 {
    115 }
    117 Sensor::~Sensor() {
    118     shutDown();
    119 }
    121 status_t Sensor::startUp() {
    122     ALOGV("%s: E", __FUNCTION__);
    124     int res;
    125     mCapturedBuffers = NULL;
    126     res = run("EmulatedFakeCamera2::Sensor",
    129     if (res != OK) {
    130         ALOGE("Unable to start up sensor capture thread: %d", res);
    131     }
    132     return res;
    133 }
    135 status_t Sensor::shutDown() {
    136     ALOGV("%s: E", __FUNCTION__);
    138     int res;
    139     res = requestExitAndWait();
    140     if (res != OK) {
    141         ALOGE("Unable to shut down sensor capture thread: %d", res);
    142     }
    143     return res;
    144 }
    146 Scene &Sensor::getScene() {
    147     return mScene;
    148 }
    150 void Sensor::setExposureTime(uint64_t ns) {
    151     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    152     ALOGVV("Exposure set to %f", ns/1000000.f);
    153     mExposureTime = ns;
    154 }
    156 void Sensor::setFrameDuration(uint64_t ns) {
    157     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    158     ALOGVV("Frame duration set to %f", ns/1000000.f);
    159     mFrameDuration = ns;
    160 }
    162 void Sensor::setSensitivity(uint32_t gain) {
    163     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    164     ALOGVV("Gain set to %d", gain);
    165     mGainFactor = gain;
    166 }
    168 void Sensor::setDestinationBuffers(Buffers *buffers) {
    169     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    170     mNextBuffers = buffers;
    171 }
    173 void Sensor::setFrameNumber(uint32_t frameNumber) {
    174     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    175     mFrameNumber = frameNumber;
    176 }
    178 bool Sensor::waitForVSync(nsecs_t reltime) {
    179     int res;
    180     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    182     mGotVSync = false;
    183     res = mVSync.waitRelative(mControlMutex, reltime);
    184     if (res != OK && res != TIMED_OUT) {
    185         ALOGE("%s: Error waiting for VSync signal: %d", __FUNCTION__, res);
    186         return false;
    187     }
    188     return mGotVSync;
    189 }
    191 bool Sensor::waitForNewFrame(nsecs_t reltime,
    192         nsecs_t *captureTime) {
    193     Mutex::Autolock lock(mReadoutMutex);
    194     uint8_t *ret;
    195     if (mCapturedBuffers == NULL) {
    196         int res;
    197         res = mReadoutAvailable.waitRelative(mReadoutMutex, reltime);
    198         if (res == TIMED_OUT) {
    199             return false;
    200         } else if (res != OK || mCapturedBuffers == NULL) {
    201             ALOGE("Error waiting for sensor readout signal: %d", res);
    202             return false;
    203         }
    204     } else {
    205         mReadoutComplete.signal();
    206     }
    208     *captureTime = mCaptureTime;
    209     mCapturedBuffers = NULL;
    210     return true;
    211 }
    213 Sensor::SensorListener::~SensorListener() {
    214 }
    216 void Sensor::setSensorListener(SensorListener *listener) {
    217     Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    218     mListener = listener;
    219 }
    221 status_t Sensor::readyToRun() {
    222     ALOGV("Starting up sensor thread");
    223     mStartupTime = systemTime();
    224     mNextCaptureTime = 0;
    225     mNextCapturedBuffers = NULL;
    226     return OK;
    227 }
    229 bool Sensor::threadLoop() {
    230     /**
    231      * Sensor capture operation main loop.
    232      *
    233      * Stages are out-of-order relative to a single frame's processing, but
    234      * in-order in time.
    235      */
    237     /**
    238      * Stage 1: Read in latest control parameters
    239      */
    240     uint64_t exposureDuration;
    241     uint64_t frameDuration;
    242     uint32_t gain;
    243     Buffers *nextBuffers;
    244     uint32_t frameNumber;
    245     SensorListener *listener = NULL;
    246     {
    247         Mutex::Autolock lock(mControlMutex);
    248         exposureDuration = mExposureTime;
    249         frameDuration    = mFrameDuration;
    250         gain             = mGainFactor;
    251         nextBuffers      = mNextBuffers;
    252         frameNumber      = mFrameNumber;
    253         listener         = mListener;
    254         // Don't reuse a buffer set
    255         mNextBuffers = NULL;
    257         // Signal VSync for start of readout
    258         ALOGVV("Sensor VSync");
    259         mGotVSync = true;
    260         mVSync.signal();
    261     }
    263     /**
    264      * Stage 3: Read out latest captured image
    265      */
    267     Buffers *capturedBuffers = NULL;
    268     nsecs_t captureTime = 0;
    270     nsecs_t startRealTime  = systemTime();
    271     // Stagefright cares about system time for timestamps, so base simulated
    272     // time on that.
    273     nsecs_t simulatedTime    = startRealTime;
    274     nsecs_t frameEndRealTime = startRealTime + frameDuration;
    275     nsecs_t frameReadoutEndRealTime = startRealTime +
    276             kRowReadoutTime * kResolution[1];
    278     if (mNextCapturedBuffers != NULL) {
    279         ALOGVV("Sensor starting readout");
    280         // Pretend we're doing readout now; will signal once enough time has elapsed
    281         capturedBuffers = mNextCapturedBuffers;
    282         captureTime    = mNextCaptureTime;
    283     }
    284     simulatedTime += kRowReadoutTime + kMinVerticalBlank;
    286     // TODO: Move this signal to another thread to simulate readout
    287     // time properly
    288     if (capturedBuffers != NULL) {
    289         ALOGVV("Sensor readout complete");
    290         Mutex::Autolock lock(mReadoutMutex);
    291         if (mCapturedBuffers != NULL) {
    292             ALOGV("Waiting for readout thread to catch up!");
    293             mReadoutComplete.wait(mReadoutMutex);
    294         }
    296         mCapturedBuffers = capturedBuffers;
    297         mCaptureTime = captureTime;
    298         mReadoutAvailable.signal();
    299         capturedBuffers = NULL;
    300     }
    302     /**
    303      * Stage 2: Capture new image
    304      */
    305     mNextCaptureTime = simulatedTime;
    306     mNextCapturedBuffers = nextBuffers;
    308     if (mNextCapturedBuffers != NULL) {
    309         if (listener != NULL) {
    310             listener->onSensorEvent(frameNumber, SensorListener::EXPOSURE_START,
    311                     mNextCaptureTime);
    312         }
    313         ALOGVV("Starting next capture: Exposure: %f ms, gain: %d",
    314                 (float)exposureDuration/1e6, gain);
    315         mScene.setExposureDuration((float)exposureDuration/1e9);
    316         mScene.calculateScene(mNextCaptureTime);
    318         // Might be adding more buffers, so size isn't constant
    319         for (size_t i = 0; i < mNextCapturedBuffers->size(); i++) {
    320             const StreamBuffer &b = (*mNextCapturedBuffers)[i];
    321             ALOGVV("Sensor capturing buffer %d: stream %d,"
    322                     " %d x %d, format %x, stride %d, buf %p, img %p",
    323                     i, b.streamId, b.width, b.height, b.format, b.stride,
    324                     b.buffer, b.img);
    325             switch(b.format) {
    326                 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW_SENSOR:
    327                     captureRaw(b.img, gain, b.stride);
    328                     break;
    329                 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888:
    330                     captureRGB(b.img, gain, b.stride);
    331                     break;
    332                 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888:
    333                     captureRGBA(b.img, gain, b.stride);
    334                     break;
    335                 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB:
    336                     // Add auxillary buffer of the right size
    337                     // Assumes only one BLOB (JPEG) buffer in
    338                     // mNextCapturedBuffers
    339                     StreamBuffer bAux;
    340                     bAux.streamId = 0;
    341                     bAux.width = b.width;
    342                     bAux.height = b.height;
    343                     bAux.format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888;
    344                     bAux.stride = b.width;
    345                     bAux.buffer = NULL;
    346                     // TODO: Reuse these
    347                     bAux.img = new uint8_t[b.width * b.height * 3];
    348                     mNextCapturedBuffers->push_back(bAux);
    349                     break;
    350                 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP:
    351                     captureNV21(b.img, gain, b.stride);
    352                     break;
    353                 case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12:
    354                     // TODO:
    355                     ALOGE("%s: Format %x is TODO", __FUNCTION__, b.format);
    356                     break;
    357                 default:
    358                     ALOGE("%s: Unknown format %x, no output", __FUNCTION__,
    359                             b.format);
    360                     break;
    361             }
    362         }
    363     }
    365     ALOGVV("Sensor vertical blanking interval");
    366     nsecs_t workDoneRealTime = systemTime();
    367     const nsecs_t timeAccuracy = 2e6; // 2 ms of imprecision is ok
    368     if (workDoneRealTime < frameEndRealTime - timeAccuracy) {
    369         timespec t;
    370         t.tv_sec = (frameEndRealTime - workDoneRealTime)  / 1000000000L;
    371         t.tv_nsec = (frameEndRealTime - workDoneRealTime) % 1000000000L;
    373         int ret;
    374         do {
    375             ret = nanosleep(&t, &t);
    376         } while (ret != 0);
    377     }
    378     nsecs_t endRealTime = systemTime();
    379     ALOGVV("Frame cycle took %d ms, target %d ms",
    380             (int)((endRealTime - startRealTime)/1000000),
    381             (int)(frameDuration / 1000000));
    382     return true;
    383 };
    385 void Sensor::captureRaw(uint8_t *img, uint32_t gain, uint32_t stride) {
    386     float totalGain = gain/100.0 * kBaseGainFactor;
    387     float noiseVarGain =  totalGain * totalGain;
    388     float readNoiseVar = kReadNoiseVarBeforeGain * noiseVarGain
    389             + kReadNoiseVarAfterGain;
    391     int bayerSelect[4] = {Scene::R, Scene::Gr, Scene::Gb, Scene::B}; // RGGB
    392     mScene.setReadoutPixel(0,0);
    393     for (unsigned int y = 0; y < kResolution[1]; y++ ) {
    394         int *bayerRow = bayerSelect + (y & 0x1) * 2;
    395         uint16_t *px = (uint16_t*)img + y * stride;
    396         for (unsigned int x = 0; x < kResolution[0]; x++) {
    397             uint32_t electronCount;
    398             electronCount = mScene.getPixelElectrons()[bayerRow[x & 0x1]];
    400             // TODO: Better pixel saturation curve?
    401             electronCount = (electronCount < kSaturationElectrons) ?
    402                     electronCount : kSaturationElectrons;
    404             // TODO: Better A/D saturation curve?
    405             uint16_t rawCount = electronCount * totalGain;
    406             rawCount = (rawCount < kMaxRawValue) ? rawCount : kMaxRawValue;
    408             // Calculate noise value
    409             // TODO: Use more-correct Gaussian instead of uniform noise
    410             float photonNoiseVar = electronCount * noiseVarGain;
    411             float noiseStddev = sqrtf_approx(readNoiseVar + photonNoiseVar);
    412             // Scaled to roughly match gaussian/uniform noise stddev
    413             float noiseSample = std::rand() * (2.5 / (1.0 + RAND_MAX)) - 1.25;
    415             rawCount += kBlackLevel;
    416             rawCount += noiseStddev * noiseSample;
    418             *px++ = rawCount;
    419         }
    420         // TODO: Handle this better
    421         //simulatedTime += kRowReadoutTime;
    422     }
    423     ALOGVV("Raw sensor image captured");
    424 }
    426 void Sensor::captureRGBA(uint8_t *img, uint32_t gain, uint32_t stride) {
    427     float totalGain = gain/100.0 * kBaseGainFactor;
    428     // In fixed-point math, calculate total scaling from electrons to 8bpp
    429     int scale64x = 64 * totalGain * 255 / kMaxRawValue;
    430     uint32_t inc = kResolution[0] / stride;
    432     for (unsigned int y = 0, outY = 0; y < kResolution[1]; y+=inc, outY++ ) {
    433         uint8_t *px = img + outY * stride * 4;
    434         mScene.setReadoutPixel(0, y);
    435         for (unsigned int x = 0; x < kResolution[0]; x+=inc) {
    436             uint32_t rCount, gCount, bCount;
    437             // TODO: Perfect demosaicing is a cheat
    438             const uint32_t *pixel = mScene.getPixelElectrons();
    439             rCount = pixel[Scene::R]  * scale64x;
    440             gCount = pixel[Scene::Gr] * scale64x;
    441             bCount = pixel[Scene::B]  * scale64x;
    443             *px++ = rCount < 255*64 ? rCount / 64 : 255;
    444             *px++ = gCount < 255*64 ? gCount / 64 : 255;
    445             *px++ = bCount < 255*64 ? bCount / 64 : 255;
    446             *px++ = 255;
    447             for (unsigned int j = 1; j < inc; j++)
    448                 mScene.getPixelElectrons();
    449         }
    450         // TODO: Handle this better
    451         //simulatedTime += kRowReadoutTime;
    452     }
    453     ALOGVV("RGBA sensor image captured");
    454 }
    456 void Sensor::captureRGB(uint8_t *img, uint32_t gain, uint32_t stride) {
    457     float totalGain = gain/100.0 * kBaseGainFactor;
    458     // In fixed-point math, calculate total scaling from electrons to 8bpp
    459     int scale64x = 64 * totalGain * 255 / kMaxRawValue;
    460     uint32_t inc = kResolution[0] / stride;
    462     for (unsigned int y = 0, outY = 0; y < kResolution[1]; y += inc, outY++ ) {
    463         mScene.setReadoutPixel(0, y);
    464         uint8_t *px = img + outY * stride * 3;
    465         for (unsigned int x = 0; x < kResolution[0]; x += inc) {
    466             uint32_t rCount, gCount, bCount;
    467             // TODO: Perfect demosaicing is a cheat
    468             const uint32_t *pixel = mScene.getPixelElectrons();
    469             rCount = pixel[Scene::R]  * scale64x;
    470             gCount = pixel[Scene::Gr] * scale64x;
    471             bCount = pixel[Scene::B]  * scale64x;
    473             *px++ = rCount < 255*64 ? rCount / 64 : 255;
    474             *px++ = gCount < 255*64 ? gCount / 64 : 255;
    475             *px++ = bCount < 255*64 ? bCount / 64 : 255;
    476             for (unsigned int j = 1; j < inc; j++)
    477                 mScene.getPixelElectrons();
    478         }
    479         // TODO: Handle this better
    480         //simulatedTime += kRowReadoutTime;
    481     }
    482     ALOGVV("RGB sensor image captured");
    483 }
    485 void Sensor::captureNV21(uint8_t *img, uint32_t gain, uint32_t stride) {
    486     float totalGain = gain/100.0 * kBaseGainFactor;
    487     // Using fixed-point math with 6 bits of fractional precision.
    488     // In fixed-point math, calculate total scaling from electrons to 8bpp
    489     const int scale64x = 64 * totalGain * 255 / kMaxRawValue;
    490     // In fixed-point math, saturation point of sensor after gain
    491     const int saturationPoint = 64 * 255;
    492     // Fixed-point coefficients for RGB-YUV transform
    493     // Based on JFIF RGB->YUV transform.
    494     // Cb/Cr offset scaled by 64x twice since they're applied post-multiply
    495     const int rgbToY[]  = {19, 37, 7};
    496     const int rgbToCb[] = {-10,-21, 32, 524288};
    497     const int rgbToCr[] = {32,-26, -5, 524288};
    498     // Scale back to 8bpp non-fixed-point
    499     const int scaleOut = 64;
    500     const int scaleOutSq = scaleOut * scaleOut; // after multiplies
    502     uint32_t inc = kResolution[0] / stride;
    503     uint32_t outH = kResolution[1] / inc;
    504     for (unsigned int y = 0, outY = 0;
    505          y < kResolution[1]; y+=inc, outY++) {
    506         uint8_t *pxY = img + outY * stride;
    507         uint8_t *pxVU = img + (outH + outY / 2) * stride;
    508         mScene.setReadoutPixel(0,y);
    509         for (unsigned int outX = 0; outX < stride; outX++) {
    510             int32_t rCount, gCount, bCount;
    511             // TODO: Perfect demosaicing is a cheat
    512             const uint32_t *pixel = mScene.getPixelElectrons();
    513             rCount = pixel[Scene::R]  * scale64x;
    514             rCount = rCount < saturationPoint ? rCount : saturationPoint;
    515             gCount = pixel[Scene::Gr] * scale64x;
    516             gCount = gCount < saturationPoint ? gCount : saturationPoint;
    517             bCount = pixel[Scene::B]  * scale64x;
    518             bCount = bCount < saturationPoint ? bCount : saturationPoint;
    520             *pxY++ = (rgbToY[0] * rCount +
    521                     rgbToY[1] * gCount +
    522                     rgbToY[2] * bCount) / scaleOutSq;
    523             if (outY % 2 == 0 && outX % 2 == 0) {
    524                 *pxVU++ = (rgbToCr[0] * rCount +
    525                         rgbToCr[1] * gCount +
    526                         rgbToCr[2] * bCount +
    527                         rgbToCr[3]) / scaleOutSq;
    528                 *pxVU++ = (rgbToCb[0] * rCount +
    529                         rgbToCb[1] * gCount +
    530                         rgbToCb[2] * bCount +
    531                         rgbToCb[3]) / scaleOutSq;
    532             }
    533             for (unsigned int j = 1; j < inc; j++)
    534                 mScene.getPixelElectrons();
    535         }
    536     }
    537     ALOGVV("NV21 sensor image captured");
    538 }
    540 } // namespace android