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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 // tag as surfaceflinger
     18 #define LOG_TAG "SurfaceFlinger"
     20 #include <stdint.h>
     21 #include <sys/types.h>
     23 #include <binder/Parcel.h>
     24 #include <binder/IMemory.h>
     25 #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
     26 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
     28 #include <gui/BitTube.h>
     29 #include <gui/IDisplayEventConnection.h>
     30 #include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h>
     31 #include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
     33 #include <private/gui/LayerState.h>
     35 #include <ui/DisplayInfo.h>
     37 #include <utils/Log.h>
     39 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     41 namespace android {
     43 class IDisplayEventConnection;
     45 class BpSurfaceComposer : public BpInterface<ISurfaceComposer>
     46 {
     47 public:
     48     BpSurfaceComposer(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
     49         : BpInterface<ISurfaceComposer>(impl)
     50     {
     51     }
     53     virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection()
     54     {
     55         uint32_t n;
     56         Parcel data, reply;
     57         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
     58         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::CREATE_CONNECTION, data, &reply);
     59         return interface_cast<ISurfaceComposerClient>(reply.readStrongBinder());
     60     }
     62     virtual sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> createGraphicBufferAlloc()
     63     {
     64         uint32_t n;
     65         Parcel data, reply;
     66         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
     67         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::CREATE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER_ALLOC, data, &reply);
     68         return interface_cast<IGraphicBufferAlloc>(reply.readStrongBinder());
     69     }
     71     virtual void setTransactionState(
     72             const Vector<ComposerState>& state,
     73             const Vector<DisplayState>& displays,
     74             uint32_t flags)
     75     {
     76         Parcel data, reply;
     77         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
     78         {
     79             Vector<ComposerState>::const_iterator b(state.begin());
     80             Vector<ComposerState>::const_iterator e(state.end());
     81             data.writeInt32(state.size());
     82             for ( ; b != e ; ++b ) {
     83                 b->write(data);
     84             }
     85         }
     86         {
     87             Vector<DisplayState>::const_iterator b(displays.begin());
     88             Vector<DisplayState>::const_iterator e(displays.end());
     89             data.writeInt32(displays.size());
     90             for ( ; b != e ; ++b ) {
     91                 b->write(data);
     92             }
     93         }
     94         data.writeInt32(flags);
     95         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::SET_TRANSACTION_STATE, data, &reply);
     96     }
     98     virtual void bootFinished()
     99     {
    100         Parcel data, reply;
    101         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    102         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::BOOT_FINISHED, data, &reply);
    103     }
    105     virtual status_t captureScreen(const sp<IBinder>& display,
    106             const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& producer,
    107             uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight,
    108             uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ)
    109     {
    110         Parcel data, reply;
    111         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    112         data.writeStrongBinder(display);
    113         data.writeStrongBinder(producer->asBinder());
    114         data.writeInt32(reqWidth);
    115         data.writeInt32(reqHeight);
    116         data.writeInt32(minLayerZ);
    117         data.writeInt32(maxLayerZ);
    118         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::CAPTURE_SCREEN, data, &reply);
    119         return reply.readInt32();
    120     }
    122     virtual bool authenticateSurfaceTexture(
    123             const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer) const
    124     {
    125         Parcel data, reply;
    126         int err = NO_ERROR;
    127         err = data.writeInterfaceToken(
    128                 ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    129         if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    130             ALOGE("ISurfaceComposer::authenticateSurfaceTexture: error writing "
    131                     "interface descriptor: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err);
    132             return false;
    133         }
    134         err = data.writeStrongBinder(bufferProducer->asBinder());
    135         if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    136             ALOGE("ISurfaceComposer::authenticateSurfaceTexture: error writing "
    137                     "strong binder to parcel: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err);
    138             return false;
    139         }
    140         err = remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::AUTHENTICATE_SURFACE, data,
    141                 &reply);
    142         if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    143             ALOGE("ISurfaceComposer::authenticateSurfaceTexture: error "
    144                     "performing transaction: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err);
    145             return false;
    146         }
    147         int32_t result = 0;
    148         err = reply.readInt32(&result);
    149         if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    150             ALOGE("ISurfaceComposer::authenticateSurfaceTexture: error "
    151                     "retrieving result: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err);
    152             return false;
    153         }
    154         return result != 0;
    155     }
    157     virtual sp<IDisplayEventConnection> createDisplayEventConnection()
    158     {
    159         Parcel data, reply;
    160         sp<IDisplayEventConnection> result;
    161         int err = data.writeInterfaceToken(
    162                 ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    163         if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    164             return result;
    165         }
    166         err = remote()->transact(
    167                 BnSurfaceComposer::CREATE_DISPLAY_EVENT_CONNECTION,
    168                 data, &reply);
    169         if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    170             ALOGE("ISurfaceComposer::createDisplayEventConnection: error performing "
    171                     "transaction: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), -err);
    172             return result;
    173         }
    174         result = interface_cast<IDisplayEventConnection>(reply.readStrongBinder());
    175         return result;
    176     }
    178     virtual sp<IBinder> createDisplay(const String8& displayName, bool secure)
    179     {
    180         Parcel data, reply;
    181         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    182         data.writeString8(displayName);
    183         data.writeInt32(secure ? 1 : 0);
    184         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::CREATE_DISPLAY, data, &reply);
    185         return reply.readStrongBinder();
    186     }
    188     virtual void destroyDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& display)
    189     {
    190         Parcel data, reply;
    191         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    192         data.writeStrongBinder(display);
    193         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::DESTROY_DISPLAY, data, &reply);
    194     }
    196     virtual sp<IBinder> getBuiltInDisplay(int32_t id)
    197     {
    198         Parcel data, reply;
    199         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    200         data.writeInt32(id);
    201         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::GET_BUILT_IN_DISPLAY, data, &reply);
    202         return reply.readStrongBinder();
    203     }
    205     virtual void blank(const sp<IBinder>& display)
    206     {
    207         Parcel data, reply;
    208         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    209         data.writeStrongBinder(display);
    210         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::BLANK, data, &reply);
    211     }
    213     virtual void unblank(const sp<IBinder>& display)
    214     {
    215         Parcel data, reply;
    216         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    217         data.writeStrongBinder(display);
    218         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::UNBLANK, data, &reply);
    219     }
    221     virtual status_t getDisplayInfo(const sp<IBinder>& display, DisplayInfo* info)
    222     {
    223         Parcel data, reply;
    224         data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor());
    225         data.writeStrongBinder(display);
    226         remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::GET_DISPLAY_INFO, data, &reply);
    227         memcpy(info, reply.readInplace(sizeof(DisplayInfo)), sizeof(DisplayInfo));
    228         return reply.readInt32();
    229     }
    230 };
    232 IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(SurfaceComposer, "android.ui.ISurfaceComposer");
    234 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    236 status_t BnSurfaceComposer::onTransact(
    237     uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
    238 {
    239     switch(code) {
    240         case CREATE_CONNECTION: {
    241             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    242             sp<IBinder> b = createConnection()->asBinder();
    243             reply->writeStrongBinder(b);
    244             return NO_ERROR;
    245         }
    246         case CREATE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER_ALLOC: {
    247             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    248             sp<IBinder> b = createGraphicBufferAlloc()->asBinder();
    249             reply->writeStrongBinder(b);
    250             return NO_ERROR;
    251         }
    252         case SET_TRANSACTION_STATE: {
    253             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    254             size_t count = data.readInt32();
    255             ComposerState s;
    256             Vector<ComposerState> state;
    257             state.setCapacity(count);
    258             for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {
    259                 s.read(data);
    260                 state.add(s);
    261             }
    262             count = data.readInt32();
    263             DisplayState d;
    264             Vector<DisplayState> displays;
    265             displays.setCapacity(count);
    266             for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {
    267                 d.read(data);
    268                 displays.add(d);
    269             }
    270             uint32_t flags = data.readInt32();
    271             setTransactionState(state, displays, flags);
    272             return NO_ERROR;
    273         }
    274         case BOOT_FINISHED: {
    275             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    276             bootFinished();
    277             return NO_ERROR;
    278         }
    279         case CAPTURE_SCREEN: {
    280             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    281             sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder();
    282             sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> producer =
    283                     interface_cast<IGraphicBufferProducer>(data.readStrongBinder());
    284             uint32_t reqWidth = data.readInt32();
    285             uint32_t reqHeight = data.readInt32();
    286             uint32_t minLayerZ = data.readInt32();
    287             uint32_t maxLayerZ = data.readInt32();
    288             status_t res = captureScreen(display, producer,
    289                     reqWidth, reqHeight, minLayerZ, maxLayerZ);
    290             reply->writeInt32(res);
    291             return NO_ERROR;
    292         }
    293         case AUTHENTICATE_SURFACE: {
    294             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    295             sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> bufferProducer =
    296                     interface_cast<IGraphicBufferProducer>(data.readStrongBinder());
    297             int32_t result = authenticateSurfaceTexture(bufferProducer) ? 1 : 0;
    298             reply->writeInt32(result);
    299             return NO_ERROR;
    300         }
    302             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    303             sp<IDisplayEventConnection> connection(createDisplayEventConnection());
    304             reply->writeStrongBinder(connection->asBinder());
    305             return NO_ERROR;
    306         }
    307         case CREATE_DISPLAY: {
    308             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    309             String8 displayName = data.readString8();
    310             bool secure = bool(data.readInt32());
    311             sp<IBinder> display(createDisplay(displayName, secure));
    312             reply->writeStrongBinder(display);
    313             return NO_ERROR;
    314         }
    315         case DESTROY_DISPLAY: {
    316             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    317             sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder();
    318             destroyDisplay(display);
    319             return NO_ERROR;
    320         }
    321         case GET_BUILT_IN_DISPLAY: {
    322             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    323             int32_t id = data.readInt32();
    324             sp<IBinder> display(getBuiltInDisplay(id));
    325             reply->writeStrongBinder(display);
    326             return NO_ERROR;
    327         }
    328         case BLANK: {
    329             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    330             sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder();
    331             blank(display);
    332             return NO_ERROR;
    333         }
    334         case UNBLANK: {
    335             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    336             sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder();
    337             unblank(display);
    338             return NO_ERROR;
    339         }
    340         case GET_DISPLAY_INFO: {
    341             CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply);
    342             DisplayInfo info;
    343             sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder();
    344             status_t result = getDisplayInfo(display, &info);
    345             memcpy(reply->writeInplace(sizeof(DisplayInfo)), &info, sizeof(DisplayInfo));
    346             reply->writeInt32(result);
    347             return NO_ERROR;
    348         }
    349         default: {
    350             return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
    351         }
    352     }
    353     // should be unreachable
    354     return NO_ERROR;
    355 }
    357 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    359 };