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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_drag_controller.h"
      7 #include <math.h>
      8 #include <set>
     10 #include "ash/accelerators/accelerator_commands.h"
     11 #include "ash/wm/coordinate_conversion.h"
     12 #include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
     13 #include "base/auto_reset.h"
     14 #include "base/callback.h"
     15 #include "base/command_line.h"
     16 #include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/ui/app_modal_dialogs/javascript_dialog_manager.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/ui/media_utils.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
     24 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_delegate.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/browser_tab_strip_controller.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/stacked_tab_strip_layout.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_strip.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/window_finder.h"
     31 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     32 #include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h"
     33 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
     34 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
     35 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
     36 #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
     37 #include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
     38 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
     39 #include "extensions/browser/extension_function_dispatcher.h"
     40 #include "ui/aura/env.h"
     41 #include "ui/aura/env.h"
     42 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
     43 #include "ui/aura/window_event_dispatcher.h"
     44 #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
     45 #include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
     46 #include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
     47 #include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_recognizer.h"
     48 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_conversions.h"
     49 #include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
     50 #include "ui/views/focus/view_storage.h"
     51 #include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h"
     52 #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
     53 #include "ui/wm/core/window_modality_controller.h"
     55 #if defined(OS_WIN)
     56 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
     57 #include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_recognizer.h"
     58 #endif
     60 using base::UserMetricsAction;
     61 using content::OpenURLParams;
     62 using content::WebContents;
     64 // If non-null there is a drag underway.
     65 static TabDragController* instance_ = NULL;
     67 namespace {
     69 // Delay, in ms, during dragging before we bring a window to front.
     70 const int kBringToFrontDelay = 750;
     72 // Initial delay before moving tabs when the dragged tab is close to the edge of
     73 // the stacked tabs.
     74 const int kMoveAttachedInitialDelay = 600;
     76 // Delay for moving tabs after the initial delay has passed.
     77 const int kMoveAttachedSubsequentDelay = 300;
     79 const int kHorizontalMoveThreshold = 16;  // Pixels.
     81 // Distance from the next/previous stacked before before we consider the tab
     82 // close enough to trigger moving.
     83 const int kStackedDistance = 36;
     85 void SetWindowPositionManaged(gfx::NativeWindow window, bool value) {
     86   ash::wm::GetWindowState(window)->set_window_position_managed(value);
     87 }
     89 // Returns true if |tab_strip| browser window is docked.
     90 bool IsDockedOrSnapped(const TabStrip* tab_strip) {
     91   DCHECK(tab_strip);
     92   ash::wm::WindowState* window_state =
     93       ash::wm::GetWindowState(tab_strip->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow());
     94   return window_state->IsDocked() || window_state->IsSnapped();
     95 }
     97 // Returns true if |bounds| contains the y-coordinate |y|. The y-coordinate
     98 // of |bounds| is adjusted by |vertical_adjustment|.
     99 bool DoesRectContainVerticalPointExpanded(
    100     const gfx::Rect& bounds,
    101     int vertical_adjustment,
    102     int y) {
    103   int upper_threshold = bounds.bottom() + vertical_adjustment;
    104   int lower_threshold = bounds.y() - vertical_adjustment;
    105   return y >= lower_threshold && y <= upper_threshold;
    106 }
    108 // Adds |x_offset| to all the rectangles in |rects|.
    109 void OffsetX(int x_offset, std::vector<gfx::Rect>* rects) {
    110   if (x_offset == 0)
    111     return;
    113   for (size_t i = 0; i < rects->size(); ++i)
    114     (*rects)[i].set_x((*rects)[i].x() + x_offset);
    115 }
    117 // WidgetObserver implementation that resets the window position managed
    118 // property on Show.
    119 // We're forced to do this here since BrowserFrameAsh resets the 'window
    120 // position managed' property during a show and we need the property set to
    121 // false before WorkspaceLayoutManager sees the visibility change.
    122 class WindowPositionManagedUpdater : public views::WidgetObserver {
    123  public:
    124   virtual void OnWidgetVisibilityChanged(views::Widget* widget,
    125                                          bool visible) OVERRIDE {
    126     SetWindowPositionManaged(widget->GetNativeView(), false);
    127   }
    128 };
    130 // EscapeTracker installs itself as a pre-target handler on aura::Env and runs a
    131 // callback when it receives the escape key.
    132 class EscapeTracker : public ui::EventHandler {
    133  public:
    134   explicit EscapeTracker(const base::Closure& callback)
    135       : escape_callback_(callback) {
    136     aura::Env::GetInstance()->AddPreTargetHandler(this);
    137   }
    139   virtual ~EscapeTracker() {
    140     aura::Env::GetInstance()->RemovePreTargetHandler(this);
    141   }
    143  private:
    144   // ui::EventHandler:
    145   virtual void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* key) OVERRIDE {
    146     if (key->type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED &&
    147         key->key_code() == ui::VKEY_ESCAPE) {
    148       escape_callback_.Run();
    149     }
    150   }
    152   base::Closure escape_callback_;
    154   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EscapeTracker);
    155 };
    157 }  // namespace
    159 TabDragController::TabDragData::TabDragData()
    160     : contents(NULL),
    161       original_delegate(NULL),
    162       source_model_index(-1),
    163       attached_tab(NULL),
    164       pinned(false) {
    165 }
    167 TabDragController::TabDragData::~TabDragData() {
    168 }
    170 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    171 // TabDragController, public:
    173 // static
    174 const int TabDragController::kTouchVerticalDetachMagnetism = 50;
    176 // static
    177 const int TabDragController::kVerticalDetachMagnetism = 15;
    179 TabDragController::TabDragController()
    180     : detach_into_browser_(true),
    181       event_source_(EVENT_SOURCE_MOUSE),
    182       source_tabstrip_(NULL),
    183       attached_tabstrip_(NULL),
    184       screen_(NULL),
    185       host_desktop_type_(chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_NATIVE),
    186       use_aura_capture_policy_(false),
    187       offset_to_width_ratio_(0),
    188       old_focused_view_id_(
    189           views::ViewStorage::GetInstance()->CreateStorageID()),
    190       last_move_screen_loc_(0),
    191       started_drag_(false),
    192       active_(true),
    193       source_tab_index_(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
    194       initial_move_(true),
    195       detach_behavior_(DETACHABLE),
    196       move_behavior_(REORDER),
    197       mouse_move_direction_(0),
    198       is_dragging_window_(false),
    199       is_dragging_new_browser_(false),
    200       was_source_maximized_(false),
    201       was_source_fullscreen_(false),
    202       did_restore_window_(false),
    203       end_run_loop_behavior_(END_RUN_LOOP_STOP_DRAGGING),
    204       waiting_for_run_loop_to_exit_(false),
    205       tab_strip_to_attach_to_after_exit_(NULL),
    206       move_loop_widget_(NULL),
    207       is_mutating_(false),
    208       attach_x_(-1),
    209       attach_index_(-1),
    210       weak_factory_(this) {
    211   instance_ = this;
    212 }
    214 TabDragController::~TabDragController() {
    215   views::ViewStorage::GetInstance()->RemoveView(old_focused_view_id_);
    217   if (instance_ == this)
    218     instance_ = NULL;
    220   if (move_loop_widget_) {
    221     move_loop_widget_->RemoveObserver(this);
    222     SetWindowPositionManaged(move_loop_widget_->GetNativeView(), true);
    223   }
    225   if (source_tabstrip_ && detach_into_browser_)
    226     GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->RemoveObserver(this);
    228   // Reset the delegate of the dragged WebContents. This ends up doing nothing
    229   // if the drag was completed.
    230   if (!detach_into_browser_)
    231     ResetDelegates();
    233   if (event_source_ == EVENT_SOURCE_TOUCH) {
    234     TabStrip* capture_tabstrip = (attached_tabstrip_ && detach_into_browser_) ?
    235         attached_tabstrip_ : source_tabstrip_;
    236     capture_tabstrip->GetWidget()->ReleaseCapture();
    237   }
    238 }
    240 void TabDragController::Init(
    241     TabStrip* source_tabstrip,
    242     Tab* source_tab,
    243     const std::vector<Tab*>& tabs,
    244     const gfx::Point& mouse_offset,
    245     int source_tab_offset,
    246     const ui::ListSelectionModel& initial_selection_model,
    247     DetachBehavior detach_behavior,
    248     MoveBehavior move_behavior,
    249     EventSource event_source) {
    250   DCHECK(!tabs.empty());
    251   DCHECK(std::find(tabs.begin(), tabs.end(), source_tab) != tabs.end());
    252   source_tabstrip_ = source_tabstrip;
    253   was_source_maximized_ = source_tabstrip->GetWidget()->IsMaximized();
    254   was_source_fullscreen_ = source_tabstrip->GetWidget()->IsFullscreen();
    255   screen_ = gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(
    256       source_tabstrip->GetWidget()->GetNativeView());
    257   host_desktop_type_ = chrome::GetHostDesktopTypeForNativeView(
    258       source_tabstrip->GetWidget()->GetNativeView());
    259 #if defined(OS_LINUX)
    260   use_aura_capture_policy_ = true;
    261 #else
    262   use_aura_capture_policy_ =
    263       (host_desktop_type_ == chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH);
    264 #endif
    265   start_point_in_screen_ = gfx::Point(source_tab_offset, mouse_offset.y());
    266   views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(source_tab, &start_point_in_screen_);
    267   event_source_ = event_source;
    268   mouse_offset_ = mouse_offset;
    269   detach_behavior_ = detach_behavior;
    270   move_behavior_ = move_behavior;
    271   last_point_in_screen_ = start_point_in_screen_;
    272   last_move_screen_loc_ = start_point_in_screen_.x();
    273   initial_tab_positions_ = source_tabstrip->GetTabXCoordinates();
    274   if (detach_behavior == NOT_DETACHABLE)
    275     detach_into_browser_ = false;
    277   if (detach_into_browser_)
    278     GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->AddObserver(this);
    280   drag_data_.resize(tabs.size());
    281   for (size_t i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i)
    282     InitTabDragData(tabs[i], &(drag_data_[i]));
    283   source_tab_index_ =
    284       std::find(tabs.begin(), tabs.end(), source_tab) - tabs.begin();
    286   // Listen for Esc key presses.
    287   escape_tracker_.reset(
    288       new EscapeTracker(base::Bind(&TabDragController::EndDrag,
    289                                    weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
    290                                    END_DRAG_CANCEL)));
    292   if (source_tab->width() > 0) {
    293     offset_to_width_ratio_ = static_cast<float>(
    294         source_tab->GetMirroredXInView(source_tab_offset)) /
    295         static_cast<float>(source_tab->width());
    296   }
    297   InitWindowCreatePoint();
    298   initial_selection_model_.Copy(initial_selection_model);
    300   // Gestures don't automatically do a capture. We don't allow multiple drags at
    301   // the same time, so we explicitly capture.
    302   if (event_source == EVENT_SOURCE_TOUCH)
    303     source_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->SetCapture(source_tabstrip_);
    304 }
    306 // static
    307 bool TabDragController::IsAttachedTo(const TabStrip* tab_strip) {
    308   return (instance_ && instance_->active() &&
    309           instance_->attached_tabstrip() == tab_strip);
    310 }
    312 // static
    313 bool TabDragController::IsActive() {
    314   return instance_ && instance_->active();
    315 }
    317 void TabDragController::SetMoveBehavior(MoveBehavior behavior) {
    318   if (started_drag())
    319     return;
    321   move_behavior_ = behavior;
    322 }
    324 void TabDragController::Drag(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    325   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::Drag",
    326                "point_in_screen", point_in_screen.ToString());
    328   bring_to_front_timer_.Stop();
    329   move_stacked_timer_.Stop();
    331   if (waiting_for_run_loop_to_exit_)
    332     return;
    334   if (!started_drag_) {
    335     if (!CanStartDrag(point_in_screen))
    336       return;  // User hasn't dragged far enough yet.
    338     // On windows SaveFocus() may trigger a capture lost, which destroys us.
    339     {
    340       base::WeakPtr<TabDragController> ref(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr());
    341       SaveFocus();
    342       if (!ref)
    343         return;
    344     }
    345     started_drag_ = true;
    346     Attach(source_tabstrip_, gfx::Point());
    347     if (detach_into_browser_ && static_cast<int>(drag_data_.size()) ==
    348         GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->count()) {
    349       if (was_source_maximized_ || was_source_fullscreen_) {
    350         did_restore_window_ = true;
    351         // When all tabs in a maximized browser are dragged the browser gets
    352         // restored during the drag and maximized back when the drag ends.
    353         views::Widget* widget = GetAttachedBrowserWidget();
    354         const int last_tabstrip_width = attached_tabstrip_->tab_area_width();
    355         std::vector<gfx::Rect> drag_bounds = CalculateBoundsForDraggedTabs();
    356         OffsetX(GetAttachedDragPoint(point_in_screen).x(), &drag_bounds);
    357         gfx::Rect new_bounds(CalculateDraggedBrowserBounds(source_tabstrip_,
    358                                                            point_in_screen,
    359                                                            &drag_bounds));
    360         new_bounds.Offset(-widget->GetRestoredBounds().x() +
    361                           point_in_screen.x() -
    362                           mouse_offset_.x(), 0);
    363         widget->SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(false);
    364         widget->Restore();
    365         widget->SetBounds(new_bounds);
    366         AdjustBrowserAndTabBoundsForDrag(last_tabstrip_width,
    367                                          point_in_screen,
    368                                          &drag_bounds);
    369         widget->SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(true);
    370       }
    371       RunMoveLoop(GetWindowOffset(point_in_screen));
    372       return;
    373     }
    374   }
    376   ContinueDragging(point_in_screen);
    377 }
    379 void TabDragController::EndDrag(EndDragReason reason) {
    380   TRACE_EVENT0("views", "TabDragController::EndDrag");
    382   // If we're dragging a window ignore capture lost since it'll ultimately
    383   // trigger the move loop to end and we'll revert the drag when RunMoveLoop()
    384   // finishes.
    385   if (reason == END_DRAG_CAPTURE_LOST && is_dragging_window_)
    386     return;
    387   EndDragImpl(reason != END_DRAG_COMPLETE && source_tabstrip_ ?
    388               CANCELED : NORMAL);
    389 }
    391 void TabDragController::InitTabDragData(Tab* tab,
    392                                         TabDragData* drag_data) {
    393   TRACE_EVENT0("views", "TabDragController::InitTabDragData");
    394   drag_data->source_model_index =
    395       source_tabstrip_->GetModelIndexOfTab(tab);
    396   drag_data->contents = GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->GetWebContentsAt(
    397       drag_data->source_model_index);
    398   drag_data->pinned = source_tabstrip_->IsTabPinned(tab);
    399   registrar_.Add(
    400       this,
    402       content::Source<WebContents>(drag_data->contents));
    404   if (!detach_into_browser_) {
    405     drag_data->original_delegate = drag_data->contents->GetDelegate();
    406     drag_data->contents->SetDelegate(this);
    407   }
    408 }
    410 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    411 // TabDragController, PageNavigator implementation:
    413 WebContents* TabDragController::OpenURLFromTab(
    414     WebContents* source,
    415     const OpenURLParams& params) {
    416   if (source_tab_drag_data()->original_delegate) {
    417     OpenURLParams forward_params = params;
    418     if (params.disposition == CURRENT_TAB)
    419       forward_params.disposition = NEW_WINDOW;
    421     return source_tab_drag_data()->original_delegate->OpenURLFromTab(
    422         source, forward_params);
    423   }
    424   return NULL;
    425 }
    427 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    428 // TabDragController, content::WebContentsDelegate implementation:
    430 void TabDragController::NavigationStateChanged(const WebContents* source,
    431                                                unsigned changed_flags) {
    432   if (attached_tabstrip_ ||
    433       changed_flags == content::INVALIDATE_TYPE_PAGE_ACTIONS) {
    434     for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
    435       if (drag_data_[i].contents == source) {
    436         // Pass the NavigationStateChanged call to the original delegate so
    437         // that the title is updated. Do this only when we are attached as
    438         // otherwise the Tab isn't in the TabStrip (except for page action
    439         // updates).
    440         drag_data_[i].original_delegate->NavigationStateChanged(source,
    441                                                                 changed_flags);
    442         break;
    443       }
    444     }
    445   }
    446 }
    448 void TabDragController::AddNewContents(WebContents* source,
    449                                        WebContents* new_contents,
    450                                        WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
    451                                        const gfx::Rect& initial_pos,
    452                                        bool user_gesture,
    453                                        bool* was_blocked) {
    454   DCHECK_NE(CURRENT_TAB, disposition);
    456   // Theoretically could be called while dragging if the page tries to
    457   // spawn a window. Route this message back to the browser in most cases.
    458   if (source_tab_drag_data()->original_delegate) {
    459     source_tab_drag_data()->original_delegate->AddNewContents(
    460         source, new_contents, disposition, initial_pos, user_gesture,
    461         was_blocked);
    462   }
    463 }
    465 bool TabDragController::ShouldSuppressDialogs() {
    466   // When a dialog is about to be shown we revert the drag. Otherwise a modal
    467   // dialog might appear and attempt to parent itself to a hidden tabcontents.
    468   EndDragImpl(CANCELED);
    469   return false;
    470 }
    472 content::JavaScriptDialogManager*
    473 TabDragController::GetJavaScriptDialogManager() {
    474   return GetJavaScriptDialogManagerInstance();
    475 }
    477 void TabDragController::RequestMediaAccessPermission(
    478     content::WebContents* web_contents,
    479     const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
    480     const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback) {
    481   ::RequestMediaAccessPermission(
    482       web_contents,
    483       Profile::FromBrowserContext(web_contents->GetBrowserContext()),
    484       request,
    485       callback);
    486 }
    488 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    489 // TabDragController, content::NotificationObserver implementation:
    491 void TabDragController::Observe(
    492     int type,
    493     const content::NotificationSource& source,
    494     const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
    496   WebContents* destroyed_web_contents =
    497       content::Source<WebContents>(source).ptr();
    498   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
    499     if (drag_data_[i].contents == destroyed_web_contents) {
    500       // One of the tabs we're dragging has been destroyed. Cancel the drag.
    501       if (destroyed_web_contents->GetDelegate() == this)
    502         destroyed_web_contents->SetDelegate(NULL);
    503       drag_data_[i].contents = NULL;
    504       drag_data_[i].original_delegate = NULL;
    505       EndDragImpl(TAB_DESTROYED);
    506       return;
    507     }
    508   }
    509   // If we get here it means we got notification for a tab we don't know about.
    510   NOTREACHED();
    511 }
    513 void TabDragController::OnWidgetBoundsChanged(views::Widget* widget,
    514                                               const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) {
    515   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::OnWidgetBoundsChanged",
    516                "new_bounds", new_bounds.ToString());
    518   Drag(GetCursorScreenPoint());
    519 }
    521 void TabDragController::TabStripEmpty() {
    522   DCHECK(detach_into_browser_);
    523   GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->RemoveObserver(this);
    524   // NULL out source_tabstrip_ so that we don't attempt to add back to it (in
    525   // the case of a revert).
    526   source_tabstrip_ = NULL;
    527 }
    529 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    530 // TabDragController, private:
    532 void TabDragController::InitWindowCreatePoint() {
    533   // window_create_point_ is only used in CompleteDrag() (through
    534   // GetWindowCreatePoint() to get the start point of the docked window) when
    535   // the attached_tabstrip_ is NULL and all the window's related bound
    536   // information are obtained from source_tabstrip_. So, we need to get the
    537   // first_tab based on source_tabstrip_, not attached_tabstrip_. Otherwise,
    538   // the window_create_point_ is not in the correct coordinate system. Please
    539   // refer to http://crbug.com/6223 comment #15 for detailed information.
    540   views::View* first_tab = source_tabstrip_->tab_at(0);
    541   views::View::ConvertPointToWidget(first_tab, &first_source_tab_point_);
    542   window_create_point_ = first_source_tab_point_;
    543   window_create_point_.Offset(mouse_offset_.x(), mouse_offset_.y());
    544 }
    546 gfx::Point TabDragController::GetWindowCreatePoint(
    547     const gfx::Point& origin) const {
    548   // If the cursor is outside the monitor area, move it inside. For example,
    549   // dropping a tab onto the task bar on Windows produces this situation.
    550   gfx::Rect work_area = screen_->GetDisplayNearestPoint(origin).work_area();
    551   gfx::Point create_point(origin);
    552   if (!work_area.IsEmpty()) {
    553     if (create_point.x() < work_area.x())
    554       create_point.set_x(work_area.x());
    555     else if (create_point.x() > work_area.right())
    556       create_point.set_x(work_area.right());
    557     if (create_point.y() < work_area.y())
    558       create_point.set_y(work_area.y());
    559     else if (create_point.y() > work_area.bottom())
    560       create_point.set_y(work_area.bottom());
    561   }
    562   return gfx::Point(create_point.x() - window_create_point_.x(),
    563                     create_point.y() - window_create_point_.y());
    564 }
    566 void TabDragController::SaveFocus() {
    567   DCHECK(source_tabstrip_);
    568   views::View* focused_view =
    569       source_tabstrip_->GetFocusManager()->GetFocusedView();
    570   if (focused_view)
    571     views::ViewStorage::GetInstance()->StoreView(old_focused_view_id_,
    572                                                  focused_view);
    573   source_tabstrip_->GetFocusManager()->SetFocusedView(source_tabstrip_);
    574   // WARNING: we may have been deleted.
    575 }
    577 void TabDragController::RestoreFocus() {
    578   if (attached_tabstrip_ != source_tabstrip_) {
    579     if (is_dragging_new_browser_) {
    580       content::WebContents* active_contents = source_dragged_contents();
    581       if (active_contents && !active_contents->FocusLocationBarByDefault())
    582         active_contents->Focus();
    583     }
    584     return;
    585   }
    586   views::View* old_focused_view =
    587       views::ViewStorage::GetInstance()->RetrieveView(old_focused_view_id_);
    588   if (!old_focused_view)
    589     return;
    590   old_focused_view->GetFocusManager()->SetFocusedView(old_focused_view);
    591 }
    593 bool TabDragController::CanStartDrag(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) const {
    594   // Determine if the mouse has moved beyond a minimum elasticity distance in
    595   // any direction from the starting point.
    596   static const int kMinimumDragDistance = 10;
    597   int x_offset = abs(point_in_screen.x() - start_point_in_screen_.x());
    598   int y_offset = abs(point_in_screen.y() - start_point_in_screen_.y());
    599   return sqrt(pow(static_cast<float>(x_offset), 2) +
    600               pow(static_cast<float>(y_offset), 2)) > kMinimumDragDistance;
    601 }
    603 void TabDragController::ContinueDragging(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    604   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::ContinueDragging",
    605                "point_in_screen", point_in_screen.ToString());
    607   DCHECK(!detach_into_browser_ || attached_tabstrip_);
    609   TabStrip* target_tabstrip = detach_behavior_ == DETACHABLE ?
    610       GetTargetTabStripForPoint(point_in_screen) : source_tabstrip_;
    611   bool tab_strip_changed = (target_tabstrip != attached_tabstrip_);
    613   if (attached_tabstrip_) {
    614     int move_delta = point_in_screen.x() - last_point_in_screen_.x();
    615     if (move_delta > 0)
    616       mouse_move_direction_ |= kMovedMouseRight;
    617     else if (move_delta < 0)
    618       mouse_move_direction_ |= kMovedMouseLeft;
    619   }
    620   last_point_in_screen_ = point_in_screen;
    622   if (tab_strip_changed) {
    623     is_dragging_new_browser_ = false;
    624     did_restore_window_ = false;
    625     if (detach_into_browser_ &&
    626         DragBrowserToNewTabStrip(target_tabstrip, point_in_screen) ==
    627         DRAG_BROWSER_RESULT_STOP) {
    628       return;
    629     } else if (!detach_into_browser_) {
    630       if (attached_tabstrip_)
    631         Detach(RELEASE_CAPTURE);
    632       if (target_tabstrip)
    633         Attach(target_tabstrip, point_in_screen);
    634     }
    635   }
    636   if (is_dragging_window_) {
    637     static_cast<base::Timer*>(&bring_to_front_timer_)->Start(FROM_HERE,
    638         base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kBringToFrontDelay),
    639         base::Bind(&TabDragController::BringWindowUnderPointToFront,
    640                    base::Unretained(this), point_in_screen));
    641   }
    643   if (!is_dragging_window_ && attached_tabstrip_) {
    644     if (move_only()) {
    645       DragActiveTabStacked(point_in_screen);
    646     } else {
    647       MoveAttached(point_in_screen);
    648       if (tab_strip_changed) {
    649         // Move the corresponding window to the front. We do this after the
    650         // move as on windows activate triggers a synchronous paint.
    651         attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->Activate();
    652       }
    653     }
    654   }
    655 }
    657 TabDragController::DragBrowserResultType
    658 TabDragController::DragBrowserToNewTabStrip(
    659     TabStrip* target_tabstrip,
    660     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    661   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::DragBrowserToNewTabStrip",
    662                "point_in_screen", point_in_screen.ToString());
    664   if (!target_tabstrip) {
    665     DetachIntoNewBrowserAndRunMoveLoop(point_in_screen);
    666     return DRAG_BROWSER_RESULT_STOP;
    667   }
    668   if (is_dragging_window_) {
    669     // ReleaseCapture() is going to result in calling back to us (because it
    670     // results in a move). That'll cause all sorts of problems.  Reset the
    671     // observer so we don't get notified and process the event.
    672     if (use_aura_capture_policy_) {
    673       move_loop_widget_->RemoveObserver(this);
    674       move_loop_widget_ = NULL;
    675     }
    676     views::Widget* browser_widget = GetAttachedBrowserWidget();
    677     // Need to release the drag controller before starting the move loop as it's
    678     // going to trigger capture lost, which cancels drag.
    679     attached_tabstrip_->ReleaseDragController();
    680     target_tabstrip->OwnDragController(this);
    681     // Disable animations so that we don't see a close animation on aero.
    682     browser_widget->SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(false);
    683     // For aura we can't release capture, otherwise it'll cancel a gesture.
    684     // Instead we have to directly change capture.
    685     if (use_aura_capture_policy_)
    686       target_tabstrip->GetWidget()->SetCapture(attached_tabstrip_);
    687     else
    688       browser_widget->ReleaseCapture();
    689 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    690     // The Gesture recognizer does not work well currently when capture changes
    691     // while a touch gesture is in progress. So we need to manually transfer
    692     // gesture sequence and the GR's touch events queue to the new window. This
    693     // should really be done somewhere in capture change code and or inside the
    694     // GR. But we currently do not have a consistent way for doing it that would
    695     // work in all cases. Hence this hack.
    696     ui::GestureRecognizer::Get()->TransferEventsTo(
    697         browser_widget->GetNativeView(),
    698         target_tabstrip->GetWidget()->GetNativeView());
    699 #endif
    701     // The window is going away. Since the drag is still on going we don't want
    702     // that to effect the position of any windows.
    703     SetWindowPositionManaged(browser_widget->GetNativeView(), false);
    705 #if !defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    706     // EndMoveLoop is going to snap the window back to its original location.
    707     // Hide it so users don't see this. Hiding a window in Linux aura causes
    708     // it to lose capture so skip it.
    709     browser_widget->Hide();
    710 #endif
    711     browser_widget->EndMoveLoop();
    713     // Ideally we would always swap the tabs now, but on non-ash it seems that
    714     // running the move loop implicitly activates the window when done, leading
    715     // to all sorts of flicker. So, on non-ash, instead we process the move
    716     // after the loop completes. But on chromeos, we can do tab swapping now to
    717     // avoid the tab flashing issue(crbug.com/116329).
    718     if (use_aura_capture_policy_) {
    719       is_dragging_window_ = false;
    720       Detach(DONT_RELEASE_CAPTURE);
    721       Attach(target_tabstrip, point_in_screen);
    722       // Move the tabs into position.
    723       MoveAttached(point_in_screen);
    724       attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->Activate();
    725     } else {
    726       tab_strip_to_attach_to_after_exit_ = target_tabstrip;
    727     }
    729     waiting_for_run_loop_to_exit_ = true;
    730     end_run_loop_behavior_ = END_RUN_LOOP_CONTINUE_DRAGGING;
    731     return DRAG_BROWSER_RESULT_STOP;
    732   }
    733   Detach(DONT_RELEASE_CAPTURE);
    734   Attach(target_tabstrip, point_in_screen);
    736 }
    738 void TabDragController::DragActiveTabStacked(
    739     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    740   if (attached_tabstrip_->tab_count() !=
    741       static_cast<int>(initial_tab_positions_.size()))
    742     return;  // TODO: should cancel drag if this happens.
    744   int delta = point_in_screen.x() - start_point_in_screen_.x();
    745   attached_tabstrip_->DragActiveTab(initial_tab_positions_, delta);
    746 }
    748 void TabDragController::MoveAttachedToNextStackedIndex(
    749     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    750   int index = attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_->active_index();
    751   if (index + 1 >= attached_tabstrip_->tab_count())
    752     return;
    754   GetModel(attached_tabstrip_)->MoveSelectedTabsTo(index + 1);
    755   StartMoveStackedTimerIfNecessary(point_in_screen,
    756                                    kMoveAttachedSubsequentDelay);
    757 }
    759 void TabDragController::MoveAttachedToPreviousStackedIndex(
    760     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    761   int index = attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_->active_index();
    762   if (index <= attached_tabstrip_->GetMiniTabCount())
    763     return;
    765   GetModel(attached_tabstrip_)->MoveSelectedTabsTo(index - 1);
    766   StartMoveStackedTimerIfNecessary(point_in_screen,
    767                                    kMoveAttachedSubsequentDelay);
    768 }
    770 void TabDragController::MoveAttached(const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    771   DCHECK(attached_tabstrip_);
    772   DCHECK(!is_dragging_window_);
    774   gfx::Point dragged_view_point = GetAttachedDragPoint(point_in_screen);
    776   // Determine the horizontal move threshold. This is dependent on the width
    777   // of tabs. The smaller the tabs compared to the standard size, the smaller
    778   // the threshold.
    779   int threshold = kHorizontalMoveThreshold;
    780   if (!attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_.get()) {
    781     double unselected, selected;
    782     attached_tabstrip_->GetCurrentTabWidths(&unselected, &selected);
    783     double ratio = unselected / Tab::GetStandardSize().width();
    784     threshold = static_cast<int>(ratio * kHorizontalMoveThreshold);
    785   }
    786   // else case: touch tabs never shrink.
    788   std::vector<Tab*> tabs(drag_data_.size());
    789   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i)
    790     tabs[i] = drag_data_[i].attached_tab;
    792   bool did_layout = false;
    793   // Update the model, moving the WebContents from one index to another. Do this
    794   // only if we have moved a minimum distance since the last reorder (to prevent
    795   // jitter) or if this the first move and the tabs are not consecutive.
    796   if ((abs(point_in_screen.x() - last_move_screen_loc_) > threshold ||
    797         (initial_move_ && !AreTabsConsecutive()))) {
    798     TabStripModel* attached_model = GetModel(attached_tabstrip_);
    799     int to_index = GetInsertionIndexForDraggedBounds(
    800         GetDraggedViewTabStripBounds(dragged_view_point));
    801     bool do_move = true;
    802     // While dragging within a tabstrip the expectation is the insertion index
    803     // is based on the left edge of the tabs being dragged. OTOH when dragging
    804     // into a new tabstrip (attaching) the expectation is the insertion index is
    805     // based on the cursor. This proves problematic as insertion may change the
    806     // size of the tabs, resulting in the index calculated before the insert
    807     // differing from the index calculated after the insert. To alleviate this
    808     // the index is chosen before insertion, and subsequently a new index is
    809     // only used once the mouse moves enough such that the index changes based
    810     // on the direction the mouse moved relative to |attach_x_| (smaller
    811     // x-coordinate should yield a smaller index or larger x-coordinate yields a
    812     // larger index).
    813     if (attach_index_ != -1) {
    814       gfx::Point tab_strip_point(point_in_screen);
    815       views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(attached_tabstrip_, &tab_strip_point);
    816       const int new_x =
    817           attached_tabstrip_->GetMirroredXInView(tab_strip_point.x());
    818       if (new_x < attach_x_)
    819         to_index = std::min(to_index, attach_index_);
    820       else
    821         to_index = std::max(to_index, attach_index_);
    822       if (to_index != attach_index_)
    823         attach_index_ = -1;  // Once a valid move is detected, don't constrain.
    824       else
    825         do_move = false;
    826     }
    827     if (do_move) {
    828       WebContents* last_contents = drag_data_[drag_data_.size() - 1].contents;
    829       int index_of_last_item =
    830           attached_model->GetIndexOfWebContents(last_contents);
    831       if (initial_move_) {
    832         // TabStrip determines if the tabs needs to be animated based on model
    833         // position. This means we need to invoke LayoutDraggedTabsAt before
    834         // changing the model.
    835         attached_tabstrip_->LayoutDraggedTabsAt(
    836             tabs, source_tab_drag_data()->attached_tab, dragged_view_point,
    837             initial_move_);
    838         did_layout = true;
    839       }
    840       attached_model->MoveSelectedTabsTo(to_index);
    842       // Move may do nothing in certain situations (such as when dragging pinned
    843       // tabs). Make sure the tabstrip actually changed before updating
    844       // last_move_screen_loc_.
    845       if (index_of_last_item !=
    846           attached_model->GetIndexOfWebContents(last_contents)) {
    847         last_move_screen_loc_ = point_in_screen.x();
    848       }
    849     }
    850   }
    852   if (!did_layout) {
    853     attached_tabstrip_->LayoutDraggedTabsAt(
    854         tabs, source_tab_drag_data()->attached_tab, dragged_view_point,
    855         initial_move_);
    856   }
    858   StartMoveStackedTimerIfNecessary(point_in_screen, kMoveAttachedInitialDelay);
    860   initial_move_ = false;
    861 }
    863 void TabDragController::StartMoveStackedTimerIfNecessary(
    864     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
    865     int delay_ms) {
    866   DCHECK(attached_tabstrip_);
    868   StackedTabStripLayout* touch_layout = attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_.get();
    869   if (!touch_layout)
    870     return;
    872   gfx::Point dragged_view_point = GetAttachedDragPoint(point_in_screen);
    873   gfx::Rect bounds = GetDraggedViewTabStripBounds(dragged_view_point);
    874   int index = touch_layout->active_index();
    875   if (ShouldDragToNextStackedTab(bounds, index)) {
    876     static_cast<base::Timer*>(&move_stacked_timer_)->Start(
    877         FROM_HERE,
    878         base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(delay_ms),
    879         base::Bind(&TabDragController::MoveAttachedToNextStackedIndex,
    880                    base::Unretained(this), point_in_screen));
    881   } else if (ShouldDragToPreviousStackedTab(bounds, index)) {
    882     static_cast<base::Timer*>(&move_stacked_timer_)->Start(
    883         FROM_HERE,
    884         base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(delay_ms),
    885         base::Bind(&TabDragController::MoveAttachedToPreviousStackedIndex,
    886                    base::Unretained(this), point_in_screen));
    887   }
    888 }
    890 TabDragController::DetachPosition TabDragController::GetDetachPosition(
    891     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    892   DCHECK(attached_tabstrip_);
    893   gfx::Point attached_point(point_in_screen);
    894   views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(attached_tabstrip_, &attached_point);
    895   if (attached_point.x() < 0)
    896     return DETACH_BEFORE;
    897   if (attached_point.x() >= attached_tabstrip_->width())
    898     return DETACH_AFTER;
    899   return DETACH_ABOVE_OR_BELOW;
    900 }
    902 TabStrip* TabDragController::GetTargetTabStripForPoint(
    903     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    904   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::GetTargetTabStripForPoint",
    905                "point_in_screen", point_in_screen.ToString());
    907   if (move_only() && attached_tabstrip_) {
    908     DCHECK_EQ(DETACHABLE, detach_behavior_);
    909     // move_only() is intended for touch, in which case we only want to detach
    910     // if the touch point moves significantly in the vertical distance.
    911     gfx::Rect tabstrip_bounds = GetViewScreenBounds(attached_tabstrip_);
    912     if (DoesRectContainVerticalPointExpanded(tabstrip_bounds,
    913                                              kTouchVerticalDetachMagnetism,
    914                                              point_in_screen.y()))
    915       return attached_tabstrip_;
    916   }
    917   gfx::NativeWindow local_window =
    918       GetLocalProcessWindow(point_in_screen, is_dragging_window_);
    919   // Do not allow dragging into a window with a modal dialog, it causes a weird
    920   // behavior.  See crbug.com/336691
    921   if (!wm::GetModalTransient(local_window)) {
    922     TabStrip* tab_strip = GetTabStripForWindow(local_window);
    923     if (tab_strip && DoesTabStripContain(tab_strip, point_in_screen))
    924       return tab_strip;
    925   }
    927   return is_dragging_window_ ? attached_tabstrip_ : NULL;
    928 }
    930 TabStrip* TabDragController::GetTabStripForWindow(gfx::NativeWindow window) {
    931   if (!window)
    932     return NULL;
    933   BrowserView* browser_view =
    934       BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForNativeWindow(window);
    935   // We don't allow drops on windows that don't have tabstrips.
    936   if (!browser_view ||
    937       !browser_view->browser()->SupportsWindowFeature(
    938           Browser::FEATURE_TABSTRIP))
    939     return NULL;
    941   TabStrip* other_tabstrip = browser_view->tabstrip();
    942   TabStrip* tab_strip =
    943       attached_tabstrip_ ? attached_tabstrip_ : source_tabstrip_;
    944   DCHECK(tab_strip);
    946   return other_tabstrip->controller()->IsCompatibleWith(tab_strip) ?
    947       other_tabstrip : NULL;
    948 }
    950 bool TabDragController::DoesTabStripContain(
    951     TabStrip* tabstrip,
    952     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) const {
    953   // Make sure the specified screen point is actually within the bounds of the
    954   // specified tabstrip...
    955   gfx::Rect tabstrip_bounds = GetViewScreenBounds(tabstrip);
    956   return point_in_screen.x() < tabstrip_bounds.right() &&
    957       point_in_screen.x() >= tabstrip_bounds.x() &&
    958       DoesRectContainVerticalPointExpanded(tabstrip_bounds,
    959                                            kVerticalDetachMagnetism,
    960                                            point_in_screen.y());
    961 }
    963 void TabDragController::Attach(TabStrip* attached_tabstrip,
    964                                const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
    965   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::Attach",
    966                "point_in_screen", point_in_screen.ToString());
    968   DCHECK(!attached_tabstrip_);  // We should already have detached by the time
    969                                 // we get here.
    971   attached_tabstrip_ = attached_tabstrip;
    973   std::vector<Tab*> tabs =
    974       GetTabsMatchingDraggedContents(attached_tabstrip_);
    976   if (tabs.empty()) {
    977     // Transitioning from detached to attached to a new tabstrip. Add tabs to
    978     // the new model.
    980     selection_model_before_attach_.Copy(attached_tabstrip->GetSelectionModel());
    982     if (!detach_into_browser_) {
    983       // Remove ourselves as the delegate now that the dragged WebContents is
    984       // being inserted back into a Browser.
    985       for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
    986         drag_data_[i].contents->SetDelegate(NULL);
    987         drag_data_[i].original_delegate = NULL;
    988       }
    990       // Return the WebContents to normalcy.
    991       source_dragged_contents()->DecrementCapturerCount();
    992     }
    994     // Inserting counts as a move. We don't want the tabs to jitter when the
    995     // user moves the tab immediately after attaching it.
    996     last_move_screen_loc_ = point_in_screen.x();
    998     // Figure out where to insert the tab based on the bounds of the dragged
    999     // representation and the ideal bounds of the other Tabs already in the
   1000     // strip. ("ideal bounds" are stable even if the Tabs' actual bounds are
   1001     // changing due to animation).
   1002     gfx::Point tab_strip_point(point_in_screen);
   1003     views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(attached_tabstrip_, &tab_strip_point);
   1004     tab_strip_point.set_x(
   1005         attached_tabstrip_->GetMirroredXInView(tab_strip_point.x()));
   1006     tab_strip_point.Offset(0, -mouse_offset_.y());
   1007     int index = GetInsertionIndexForDraggedBounds(
   1008         GetDraggedViewTabStripBounds(tab_strip_point));
   1009     attach_index_ = index;
   1010     attach_x_ = tab_strip_point.x();
   1011     base::AutoReset<bool> setter(&is_mutating_, true);
   1012     for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1013       int add_types = TabStripModel::ADD_NONE;
   1014       if (attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_.get()) {
   1015         // StackedTabStripLayout positions relative to the active tab, if we
   1016         // don't add the tab as active things bounce around.
   1017         DCHECK_EQ(1u, drag_data_.size());
   1018         add_types |= TabStripModel::ADD_ACTIVE;
   1019       }
   1020       if (drag_data_[i].pinned)
   1021         add_types |= TabStripModel::ADD_PINNED;
   1022       GetModel(attached_tabstrip_)->InsertWebContentsAt(
   1023           index + i, drag_data_[i].contents, add_types);
   1024     }
   1026     tabs = GetTabsMatchingDraggedContents(attached_tabstrip_);
   1027   }
   1028   DCHECK_EQ(tabs.size(), drag_data_.size());
   1029   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i)
   1030     drag_data_[i].attached_tab = tabs[i];
   1032   attached_tabstrip_->StartedDraggingTabs(tabs);
   1034   ResetSelection(GetModel(attached_tabstrip_));
   1036   // The size of the dragged tab may have changed. Adjust the x offset so that
   1037   // ratio of mouse_offset_ to original width is maintained.
   1038   std::vector<Tab*> tabs_to_source(tabs);
   1039   tabs_to_source.erase(tabs_to_source.begin() + source_tab_index_ + 1,
   1040                        tabs_to_source.end());
   1041   int new_x = attached_tabstrip_->GetSizeNeededForTabs(tabs_to_source) -
   1042       tabs[source_tab_index_]->width() +
   1043       static_cast<int>(offset_to_width_ratio_ *
   1044                        tabs[source_tab_index_]->width());
   1045   mouse_offset_.set_x(new_x);
   1047   // Transfer ownership of us to the new tabstrip as well as making sure the
   1048   // window has capture. This is important so that if activation changes the
   1049   // drag isn't prematurely canceled.
   1050   if (detach_into_browser_) {
   1051     attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->SetCapture(attached_tabstrip_);
   1052     attached_tabstrip_->OwnDragController(this);
   1053   }
   1055   // Redirect all mouse events to the TabStrip so that the tab that originated
   1056   // the drag can safely be deleted.
   1057   if (detach_into_browser_ || attached_tabstrip_ == source_tabstrip_) {
   1058     static_cast<views::internal::RootView*>(
   1059         attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->GetRootView())->SetMouseHandler(
   1060             attached_tabstrip_);
   1061   }
   1062 }
   1064 void TabDragController::Detach(ReleaseCapture release_capture) {
   1065   TRACE_EVENT1("views", "TabDragController::Detach",
   1066                "release_capture", release_capture);
   1068   attach_index_ = -1;
   1070   // When the user detaches we assume they want to reorder.
   1071   move_behavior_ = REORDER;
   1073   // Release ownership of the drag controller and mouse capture. When we
   1074   // reattach ownership is transfered.
   1075   if (detach_into_browser_) {
   1076     attached_tabstrip_->ReleaseDragController();
   1077     if (release_capture == RELEASE_CAPTURE)
   1078       attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->ReleaseCapture();
   1079   }
   1081   mouse_move_direction_ = kMovedMouseLeft | kMovedMouseRight;
   1083   // Prevent the WebContents HWND from being hidden by any of the model
   1084   // operations performed during the drag.
   1085   if (!detach_into_browser_)
   1086     source_dragged_contents()->IncrementCapturerCount(gfx::Size());
   1088   std::vector<gfx::Rect> drag_bounds = CalculateBoundsForDraggedTabs();
   1089   TabStripModel* attached_model = GetModel(attached_tabstrip_);
   1090   std::vector<TabRendererData> tab_data;
   1091   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1092     tab_data.push_back(drag_data_[i].attached_tab->data());
   1093     int index = attached_model->GetIndexOfWebContents(drag_data_[i].contents);
   1094     DCHECK_NE(-1, index);
   1096     // Hide the tab so that the user doesn't see it animate closed.
   1097     drag_data_[i].attached_tab->SetVisible(false);
   1098     drag_data_[i].attached_tab->set_detached();
   1100     attached_model->DetachWebContentsAt(index);
   1102     // Detaching resets the delegate, but we still want to be the delegate.
   1103     if (!detach_into_browser_)
   1104       drag_data_[i].contents->SetDelegate(this);
   1106     // Detaching may end up deleting the tab, drop references to it.
   1107     drag_data_[i].attached_tab = NULL;
   1108   }
   1110   // If we've removed the last Tab from the TabStrip, hide the frame now.
   1111   if (!attached_model->empty()) {
   1112     if (!selection_model_before_attach_.empty() &&
   1113         selection_model_before_attach_.active() >= 0 &&
   1114         selection_model_before_attach_.active() < attached_model->count()) {
   1115       // Restore the selection.
   1116       attached_model->SetSelectionFromModel(selection_model_before_attach_);
   1117     } else if (attached_tabstrip_ == source_tabstrip_ &&
   1118                !initial_selection_model_.empty()) {
   1119       RestoreInitialSelection();
   1120     }
   1121   }
   1123   attached_tabstrip_->DraggedTabsDetached();
   1124   attached_tabstrip_ = NULL;
   1125 }
   1127 void TabDragController::DetachIntoNewBrowserAndRunMoveLoop(
   1128     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
   1129   if (GetModel(attached_tabstrip_)->count() ==
   1130       static_cast<int>(drag_data_.size())) {
   1131     // All the tabs in a browser are being dragged but all the tabs weren't
   1132     // initially being dragged. For this to happen the user would have to
   1133     // start dragging a set of tabs, the other tabs close, then detach.
   1134     RunMoveLoop(GetWindowOffset(point_in_screen));
   1135     return;
   1136   }
   1138   const int last_tabstrip_width = attached_tabstrip_->tab_area_width();
   1139   std::vector<gfx::Rect> drag_bounds = CalculateBoundsForDraggedTabs();
   1140   OffsetX(GetAttachedDragPoint(point_in_screen).x(), &drag_bounds);
   1142   gfx::Vector2d drag_offset;
   1143   Browser* browser = CreateBrowserForDrag(
   1144       attached_tabstrip_, point_in_screen, &drag_offset, &drag_bounds);
   1145 #if defined(OS_WIN)
   1146   gfx::NativeView attached_native_view =
   1147     attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->GetNativeView();
   1148 #endif
   1149   Detach(use_aura_capture_policy_ ? DONT_RELEASE_CAPTURE : RELEASE_CAPTURE);
   1150   BrowserView* dragged_browser_view =
   1151       BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForBrowser(browser);
   1152   views::Widget* dragged_widget = dragged_browser_view->GetWidget();
   1153 #if defined(OS_WIN)
   1154     // The Gesture recognizer does not work well currently when capture changes
   1155     // while a touch gesture is in progress. So we need to manually transfer
   1156     // gesture sequence and the GR's touch events queue to the new window. This
   1157     // should really be done somewhere in capture change code and or inside the
   1158     // GR. But we currently do not have a consistent way for doing it that would
   1159     // work in all cases. Hence this hack.
   1160     ui::GestureRecognizer::Get()->TransferEventsTo(
   1161         attached_native_view,
   1162         dragged_widget->GetNativeView());
   1163 #endif
   1164   dragged_widget->SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(false);
   1165   Attach(dragged_browser_view->tabstrip(), gfx::Point());
   1166   AdjustBrowserAndTabBoundsForDrag(last_tabstrip_width,
   1167                                    point_in_screen,
   1168                                    &drag_bounds);
   1169   WindowPositionManagedUpdater updater;
   1170   dragged_widget->AddObserver(&updater);
   1171   browser->window()->Show();
   1172   dragged_widget->RemoveObserver(&updater);
   1173   dragged_widget->SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(true);
   1174   // Activate may trigger a focus loss, destroying us.
   1175   {
   1176     base::WeakPtr<TabDragController> ref(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr());
   1177     browser->window()->Activate();
   1178     if (!ref)
   1179       return;
   1180   }
   1181   RunMoveLoop(drag_offset);
   1182 }
   1184 void TabDragController::RunMoveLoop(const gfx::Vector2d& drag_offset) {
   1185   // If the user drags the whole window we'll assume they are going to attach to
   1186   // another window and therefore want to reorder.
   1187   move_behavior_ = REORDER;
   1189   move_loop_widget_ = GetAttachedBrowserWidget();
   1190   DCHECK(move_loop_widget_);
   1191   move_loop_widget_->AddObserver(this);
   1192   is_dragging_window_ = true;
   1193   base::WeakPtr<TabDragController> ref(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr());
   1194   // Running the move loop releases mouse capture on non-ash, which triggers
   1195   // destroying the drag loop. Release mouse capture ourself before this while
   1196   // the DragController isn't owned by the TabStrip.
   1197   if (host_desktop_type_ != chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH) {
   1198     attached_tabstrip_->ReleaseDragController();
   1199     attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->ReleaseCapture();
   1200     attached_tabstrip_->OwnDragController(this);
   1201   }
   1202   const views::Widget::MoveLoopSource move_loop_source =
   1203       event_source_ == EVENT_SOURCE_MOUSE ?
   1204       views::Widget::MOVE_LOOP_SOURCE_MOUSE :
   1205       views::Widget::MOVE_LOOP_SOURCE_TOUCH;
   1206   const views::Widget::MoveLoopEscapeBehavior escape_behavior =
   1207       is_dragging_new_browser_ ?
   1208           views::Widget::MOVE_LOOP_ESCAPE_BEHAVIOR_HIDE :
   1209           views::Widget::MOVE_LOOP_ESCAPE_BEHAVIOR_DONT_HIDE;
   1210   views::Widget::MoveLoopResult result =
   1211       move_loop_widget_->RunMoveLoop(
   1212           drag_offset, move_loop_source, escape_behavior);
   1213   content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1214       chrome::NOTIFICATION_TAB_DRAG_LOOP_DONE,
   1215       content::NotificationService::AllBrowserContextsAndSources(),
   1216       content::NotificationService::NoDetails());
   1218   if (!ref)
   1219     return;
   1220   // Under chromeos we immediately set the |move_loop_widget_| to NULL.
   1221   if (move_loop_widget_) {
   1222     move_loop_widget_->RemoveObserver(this);
   1223     move_loop_widget_ = NULL;
   1224   }
   1225   is_dragging_window_ = false;
   1226   waiting_for_run_loop_to_exit_ = false;
   1227   if (end_run_loop_behavior_ == END_RUN_LOOP_CONTINUE_DRAGGING) {
   1228     end_run_loop_behavior_ = END_RUN_LOOP_STOP_DRAGGING;
   1229     if (tab_strip_to_attach_to_after_exit_) {
   1230       gfx::Point point_in_screen(GetCursorScreenPoint());
   1231       Detach(DONT_RELEASE_CAPTURE);
   1232       Attach(tab_strip_to_attach_to_after_exit_, point_in_screen);
   1233       // Move the tabs into position.
   1234       MoveAttached(point_in_screen);
   1235       attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->Activate();
   1236       // Activate may trigger a focus loss, destroying us.
   1237       if (!ref)
   1238         return;
   1239       tab_strip_to_attach_to_after_exit_ = NULL;
   1240     }
   1241     DCHECK(attached_tabstrip_);
   1242     attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->SetCapture(attached_tabstrip_);
   1243   } else if (active_) {
   1244     EndDrag(result == views::Widget::MOVE_LOOP_CANCELED ?
   1245             END_DRAG_CANCEL : END_DRAG_COMPLETE);
   1246   }
   1247 }
   1249 int TabDragController::GetInsertionIndexFrom(const gfx::Rect& dragged_bounds,
   1250                                              int start) const {
   1251   const int last_tab = attached_tabstrip_->tab_count() - 1;
   1252   // Make the actual "drag insertion point" be just after the leading edge of
   1253   // the first dragged tab.  This is closer to where the user thinks of the tab
   1254   // as "starting" than just dragged_bounds.x(), especially with narrow tabs.
   1255   const int dragged_x = dragged_bounds.x() + Tab::leading_width_for_drag();
   1256   if (start < 0 || start > last_tab ||
   1257       dragged_x < attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(start).x())
   1258     return -1;
   1260   for (int i = start; i <= last_tab; ++i) {
   1261     const gfx::Rect& ideal_bounds = attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(i);
   1262     if (dragged_x < (ideal_bounds.x() + (ideal_bounds.width() / 2)))
   1263       return i;
   1264   }
   1266   return (dragged_x < attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(last_tab).right()) ?
   1267       (last_tab + 1) : -1;
   1268 }
   1270 int TabDragController::GetInsertionIndexFromReversed(
   1271     const gfx::Rect& dragged_bounds,
   1272     int start) const {
   1273   // Make the actual "drag insertion point" be just after the leading edge of
   1274   // the first dragged tab.  This is closer to where the user thinks of the tab
   1275   // as "starting" than just dragged_bounds.x(), especially with narrow tabs.
   1276   const int dragged_x = dragged_bounds.x() + Tab::leading_width_for_drag();
   1277   if (start < 0 || start >= attached_tabstrip_->tab_count() ||
   1278       dragged_x >= attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(start).right())
   1279     return -1;
   1281   for (int i = start; i >= 0; --i) {
   1282     const gfx::Rect& ideal_bounds = attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(i);
   1283     if (dragged_x >= (ideal_bounds.x() + (ideal_bounds.width() / 2)))
   1284       return i + 1;
   1285   }
   1287   return (dragged_x >= attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(0).x()) ? 0 : -1;
   1288 }
   1290 int TabDragController::GetInsertionIndexForDraggedBounds(
   1291     const gfx::Rect& dragged_bounds) const {
   1292   // If the strip has no tabs, the only position to insert at is 0.
   1293   const int tab_count = attached_tabstrip_->tab_count();
   1294   if (!tab_count)
   1295     return 0;
   1297   int index = -1;
   1298   if (attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_.get()) {
   1299     index = GetInsertionIndexForDraggedBoundsStacked(dragged_bounds);
   1300     if (index != -1) {
   1301       // Only move the tab to the left/right if the user actually moved the
   1302       // mouse that way. This is necessary as tabs with stacked tabs
   1303       // before/after them have multiple drag positions.
   1304       int active_index = attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_->active_index();
   1305       if ((index < active_index &&
   1306            (mouse_move_direction_ & kMovedMouseLeft) == 0) ||
   1307           (index > active_index &&
   1308            (mouse_move_direction_ & kMovedMouseRight) == 0)) {
   1309         index = active_index;
   1310       }
   1311     }
   1312   } else {
   1313     index = GetInsertionIndexFrom(dragged_bounds, 0);
   1314   }
   1315   if (index == -1) {
   1316     const int last_tab_right =
   1317         attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(tab_count - 1).right();
   1318     index = (dragged_bounds.right() > last_tab_right) ? tab_count : 0;
   1319   }
   1321   const Tab* last_visible_tab = attached_tabstrip_->GetLastVisibleTab();
   1322   int last_insertion_point = last_visible_tab ?
   1323       (attached_tabstrip_->GetModelIndexOfTab(last_visible_tab) + 1) : 0;
   1324   if (drag_data_[0].attached_tab) {
   1325     // We're not in the process of attaching, so clamp the insertion point to
   1326     // keep it within the visible region.
   1327     last_insertion_point = std::max(
   1328         0, last_insertion_point - static_cast<int>(drag_data_.size()));
   1329   }
   1331   // Ensure the first dragged tab always stays in the visible index range.
   1332   return std::min(index, last_insertion_point);
   1333 }
   1335 bool TabDragController::ShouldDragToNextStackedTab(
   1336     const gfx::Rect& dragged_bounds,
   1337     int index) const {
   1338   if (index + 1 >= attached_tabstrip_->tab_count() ||
   1339       !attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_->IsStacked(index + 1) ||
   1340       (mouse_move_direction_ & kMovedMouseRight) == 0)
   1341     return false;
   1343   int active_x = attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(index).x();
   1344   int next_x = attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(index + 1).x();
   1345   int mid_x = std::min(next_x - kStackedDistance,
   1346                        active_x + (next_x - active_x) / 4);
   1347   // TODO(pkasting): Should this add Tab::leading_width_for_drag() as
   1348   // GetInsertionIndexFrom() does?
   1349   return dragged_bounds.x() >= mid_x;
   1350 }
   1352 bool TabDragController::ShouldDragToPreviousStackedTab(
   1353     const gfx::Rect& dragged_bounds,
   1354     int index) const {
   1355   if (index - 1 < attached_tabstrip_->GetMiniTabCount() ||
   1356       !attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_->IsStacked(index - 1) ||
   1357       (mouse_move_direction_ & kMovedMouseLeft) == 0)
   1358     return false;
   1360   int active_x = attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(index).x();
   1361   int previous_x = attached_tabstrip_->ideal_bounds(index - 1).x();
   1362   int mid_x = std::max(previous_x + kStackedDistance,
   1363                        active_x - (active_x - previous_x) / 4);
   1364   // TODO(pkasting): Should this add Tab::leading_width_for_drag() as
   1365   // GetInsertionIndexFrom() does?
   1366   return dragged_bounds.x() <= mid_x;
   1367 }
   1369 int TabDragController::GetInsertionIndexForDraggedBoundsStacked(
   1370     const gfx::Rect& dragged_bounds) const {
   1371   StackedTabStripLayout* touch_layout = attached_tabstrip_->touch_layout_.get();
   1372   int active_index = touch_layout->active_index();
   1373   // Search from the active index to the front of the tabstrip. Do this as tabs
   1374   // overlap each other from the active index.
   1375   int index = GetInsertionIndexFromReversed(dragged_bounds, active_index);
   1376   if (index != active_index)
   1377     return index;
   1378   if (index == -1)
   1379     return GetInsertionIndexFrom(dragged_bounds, active_index + 1);
   1381   // The position to drag to corresponds to the active tab. If the next/previous
   1382   // tab is stacked, then shorten the distance used to determine insertion
   1383   // bounds. We do this as GetInsertionIndexFrom() uses the bounds of the
   1384   // tabs. When tabs are stacked the next/previous tab is on top of the tab.
   1385   if (active_index + 1 < attached_tabstrip_->tab_count() &&
   1386       touch_layout->IsStacked(active_index + 1)) {
   1387     index = GetInsertionIndexFrom(dragged_bounds, active_index + 1);
   1388     if (index == -1 && ShouldDragToNextStackedTab(dragged_bounds, active_index))
   1389       index = active_index + 1;
   1390     else if (index == -1)
   1391       index = active_index;
   1392   } else if (ShouldDragToPreviousStackedTab(dragged_bounds, active_index)) {
   1393     index = active_index - 1;
   1394   }
   1395   return index;
   1396 }
   1398 gfx::Rect TabDragController::GetDraggedViewTabStripBounds(
   1399     const gfx::Point& tab_strip_point) {
   1400   // attached_tab is NULL when inserting into a new tabstrip.
   1401   if (source_tab_drag_data()->attached_tab) {
   1402     return gfx::Rect(tab_strip_point.x(), tab_strip_point.y(),
   1403                      source_tab_drag_data()->attached_tab->width(),
   1404                      source_tab_drag_data()->attached_tab->height());
   1405   }
   1407   double sel_width, unselected_width;
   1408   attached_tabstrip_->GetCurrentTabWidths(&sel_width, &unselected_width);
   1409   return gfx::Rect(tab_strip_point.x(), tab_strip_point.y(),
   1410                    static_cast<int>(sel_width),
   1411                    Tab::GetStandardSize().height());
   1412 }
   1414 gfx::Point TabDragController::GetAttachedDragPoint(
   1415     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
   1416   DCHECK(attached_tabstrip_);  // The tab must be attached.
   1418   gfx::Point tab_loc(point_in_screen);
   1419   views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(attached_tabstrip_, &tab_loc);
   1420   const int x =
   1421       attached_tabstrip_->GetMirroredXInView(tab_loc.x()) - mouse_offset_.x();
   1423   // TODO: consider caching this.
   1424   std::vector<Tab*> attached_tabs;
   1425   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i)
   1426     attached_tabs.push_back(drag_data_[i].attached_tab);
   1427   const int size = attached_tabstrip_->GetSizeNeededForTabs(attached_tabs);
   1428   const int max_x = attached_tabstrip_->width() - size;
   1429   return gfx::Point(std::min(std::max(x, 0), max_x), 0);
   1430 }
   1432 std::vector<Tab*> TabDragController::GetTabsMatchingDraggedContents(
   1433     TabStrip* tabstrip) {
   1434   TabStripModel* model = GetModel(attached_tabstrip_);
   1435   std::vector<Tab*> tabs;
   1436   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1437     int model_index = model->GetIndexOfWebContents(drag_data_[i].contents);
   1438     if (model_index == TabStripModel::kNoTab)
   1439       return std::vector<Tab*>();
   1440     tabs.push_back(tabstrip->tab_at(model_index));
   1441   }
   1442   return tabs;
   1443 }
   1445 std::vector<gfx::Rect> TabDragController::CalculateBoundsForDraggedTabs() {
   1446   std::vector<gfx::Rect> drag_bounds;
   1447   std::vector<Tab*> attached_tabs;
   1448   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i)
   1449     attached_tabs.push_back(drag_data_[i].attached_tab);
   1450   attached_tabstrip_->CalculateBoundsForDraggedTabs(attached_tabs,
   1451                                                     &drag_bounds);
   1452   return drag_bounds;
   1453 }
   1455 void TabDragController::EndDragImpl(EndDragType type) {
   1456   DCHECK(active_);
   1457   active_ = false;
   1459   bring_to_front_timer_.Stop();
   1460   move_stacked_timer_.Stop();
   1462   if (is_dragging_window_) {
   1463     waiting_for_run_loop_to_exit_ = true;
   1465     if (type == NORMAL || (type == TAB_DESTROYED && drag_data_.size() > 1)) {
   1466       SetWindowPositionManaged(GetAttachedBrowserWidget()->GetNativeView(),
   1467                                true);
   1468     }
   1470     // End the nested drag loop.
   1471     GetAttachedBrowserWidget()->EndMoveLoop();
   1472   }
   1474   if (type != TAB_DESTROYED) {
   1475     // We only finish up the drag if we were actually dragging. If start_drag_
   1476     // is false, the user just clicked and released and didn't move the mouse
   1477     // enough to trigger a drag.
   1478     if (started_drag_) {
   1479       RestoreFocus();
   1480       if (type == CANCELED)
   1481         RevertDrag();
   1482       else
   1483         CompleteDrag();
   1484     }
   1485   } else if (drag_data_.size() > 1) {
   1486     initial_selection_model_.Clear();
   1487     RevertDrag();
   1488   }  // else case the only tab we were dragging was deleted. Nothing to do.
   1490   if (!detach_into_browser_)
   1491     ResetDelegates();
   1493   // Clear out drag data so we don't attempt to do anything with it.
   1494   drag_data_.clear();
   1496   TabStrip* owning_tabstrip = (attached_tabstrip_ && detach_into_browser_) ?
   1497       attached_tabstrip_ : source_tabstrip_;
   1498   owning_tabstrip->DestroyDragController();
   1499 }
   1501 void TabDragController::RevertDrag() {
   1502   std::vector<Tab*> tabs;
   1503   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1504     if (drag_data_[i].contents) {
   1505       // Contents is NULL if a tab was destroyed while the drag was under way.
   1506       tabs.push_back(drag_data_[i].attached_tab);
   1507       RevertDragAt(i);
   1508     }
   1509   }
   1511   bool restore_frame = !detach_into_browser_ &&
   1512                        attached_tabstrip_ != source_tabstrip_;
   1513   if (attached_tabstrip_) {
   1514     if (did_restore_window_)
   1515       MaximizeAttachedWindow();
   1516     if (attached_tabstrip_ == source_tabstrip_) {
   1517       source_tabstrip_->StoppedDraggingTabs(
   1518           tabs, initial_tab_positions_, move_behavior_ == MOVE_VISIBILE_TABS,
   1519           false);
   1520     } else {
   1521       attached_tabstrip_->DraggedTabsDetached();
   1522     }
   1523   }
   1525   if (initial_selection_model_.empty())
   1526     ResetSelection(GetModel(source_tabstrip_));
   1527   else
   1528     GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->SetSelectionFromModel(initial_selection_model_);
   1530   // If we're not attached to any TabStrip, or attached to some other TabStrip,
   1531   // we need to restore the bounds of the original TabStrip's frame, in case
   1532   // it has been hidden.
   1533   if (restore_frame && !restore_bounds_.IsEmpty())
   1534     source_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->SetBounds(restore_bounds_);
   1536   if (detach_into_browser_ && source_tabstrip_)
   1537     source_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->Activate();
   1539   // Return the WebContents to normalcy.  If the tab was attached to a
   1540   // TabStrip before the revert, the decrement has already occurred.
   1541   // If the tab was destroyed, don't attempt to dereference the
   1542   // WebContents pointer.
   1543   if (!detach_into_browser_ && !attached_tabstrip_ && source_dragged_contents())
   1544     source_dragged_contents()->DecrementCapturerCount();
   1545 }
   1547 void TabDragController::ResetSelection(TabStripModel* model) {
   1548   DCHECK(model);
   1549   ui::ListSelectionModel selection_model;
   1550   bool has_one_valid_tab = false;
   1551   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1552     // |contents| is NULL if a tab was deleted out from under us.
   1553     if (drag_data_[i].contents) {
   1554       int index = model->GetIndexOfWebContents(drag_data_[i].contents);
   1555       DCHECK_NE(-1, index);
   1556       selection_model.AddIndexToSelection(index);
   1557       if (!has_one_valid_tab || i == source_tab_index_) {
   1558         // Reset the active/lead to the first tab. If the source tab is still
   1559         // valid we'll reset these again later on.
   1560         selection_model.set_active(index);
   1561         selection_model.set_anchor(index);
   1562         has_one_valid_tab = true;
   1563       }
   1564     }
   1565   }
   1566   if (!has_one_valid_tab)
   1567     return;
   1569   model->SetSelectionFromModel(selection_model);
   1570 }
   1572 void TabDragController::RestoreInitialSelection() {
   1573   // First time detaching from the source tabstrip. Reset selection model to
   1574   // initial_selection_model_. Before resetting though we have to remove all
   1575   // the tabs from initial_selection_model_ as it was created with the tabs
   1576   // still there.
   1577   ui::ListSelectionModel selection_model;
   1578   selection_model.Copy(initial_selection_model_);
   1579   for (DragData::const_reverse_iterator i(drag_data_.rbegin());
   1580        i != drag_data_.rend(); ++i) {
   1581     selection_model.DecrementFrom(i->source_model_index);
   1582   }
   1583   // We may have cleared out the selection model. Only reset it if it
   1584   // contains something.
   1585   if (selection_model.empty())
   1586     return;
   1588   // The anchor/active may have been among the tabs that were dragged out. Force
   1589   // the anchor/active to be valid.
   1590   if (selection_model.anchor() == ui::ListSelectionModel::kUnselectedIndex)
   1591     selection_model.set_anchor(selection_model.selected_indices()[0]);
   1592   if (selection_model.active() == ui::ListSelectionModel::kUnselectedIndex)
   1593     selection_model.set_active(selection_model.selected_indices()[0]);
   1594   GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->SetSelectionFromModel(selection_model);
   1595 }
   1597 void TabDragController::RevertDragAt(size_t drag_index) {
   1598   DCHECK(started_drag_);
   1599   DCHECK(source_tabstrip_);
   1601   base::AutoReset<bool> setter(&is_mutating_, true);
   1602   TabDragData* data = &(drag_data_[drag_index]);
   1603   if (attached_tabstrip_) {
   1604     int index =
   1605         GetModel(attached_tabstrip_)->GetIndexOfWebContents(data->contents);
   1606     if (attached_tabstrip_ != source_tabstrip_) {
   1607       // The Tab was inserted into another TabStrip. We need to put it back
   1608       // into the original one.
   1609       GetModel(attached_tabstrip_)->DetachWebContentsAt(index);
   1610       // TODO(beng): (Cleanup) seems like we should use Attach() for this
   1611       //             somehow.
   1612       GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->InsertWebContentsAt(
   1613           data->source_model_index, data->contents,
   1614           (data->pinned ? TabStripModel::ADD_PINNED : 0));
   1615     } else {
   1616       // The Tab was moved within the TabStrip where the drag was initiated.
   1617       // Move it back to the starting location.
   1618       GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->MoveWebContentsAt(
   1619           index, data->source_model_index, false);
   1620     }
   1621   } else {
   1622     // The Tab was detached from the TabStrip where the drag began, and has not
   1623     // been attached to any other TabStrip. We need to put it back into the
   1624     // source TabStrip.
   1625     GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->InsertWebContentsAt(
   1626         data->source_model_index, data->contents,
   1627         (data->pinned ? TabStripModel::ADD_PINNED : 0));
   1628   }
   1629 }
   1631 void TabDragController::CompleteDrag() {
   1632   DCHECK(started_drag_);
   1634   if (attached_tabstrip_) {
   1635     if (is_dragging_new_browser_ || did_restore_window_) {
   1636       if (IsDockedOrSnapped(attached_tabstrip_)) {
   1637         was_source_maximized_ = false;
   1638         was_source_fullscreen_ = false;
   1639       }
   1641       // If source window was maximized - maximize the new window as well.
   1642       if (was_source_maximized_ || was_source_fullscreen_)
   1643         MaximizeAttachedWindow();
   1644     }
   1645     attached_tabstrip_->StoppedDraggingTabs(
   1646         GetTabsMatchingDraggedContents(attached_tabstrip_),
   1647         initial_tab_positions_,
   1648         move_behavior_ == MOVE_VISIBILE_TABS,
   1649         true);
   1650   } else {
   1651     // Compel the model to construct a new window for the detached
   1652     // WebContentses.
   1653     views::Widget* widget = source_tabstrip_->GetWidget();
   1654     gfx::Rect window_bounds(widget->GetRestoredBounds());
   1655     window_bounds.set_origin(GetWindowCreatePoint(last_point_in_screen_));
   1657     base::AutoReset<bool> setter(&is_mutating_, true);
   1659     std::vector<TabStripModelDelegate::NewStripContents> contentses;
   1660     for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1661       TabStripModelDelegate::NewStripContents item;
   1662       item.web_contents = drag_data_[i].contents;
   1663       item.add_types = drag_data_[i].pinned ? TabStripModel::ADD_PINNED
   1664                                             : TabStripModel::ADD_NONE;
   1665       contentses.push_back(item);
   1666     }
   1668     Browser* new_browser =
   1669         GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->delegate()->CreateNewStripWithContents(
   1670             contentses, window_bounds, widget->IsMaximized());
   1671     ResetSelection(new_browser->tab_strip_model());
   1672     new_browser->window()->Show();
   1674     // Return the WebContents to normalcy.
   1675     if (!detach_into_browser_)
   1676       source_dragged_contents()->DecrementCapturerCount();
   1677   }
   1679   CleanUpHiddenFrame();
   1680 }
   1682 void TabDragController::MaximizeAttachedWindow() {
   1683   GetAttachedBrowserWidget()->Maximize();
   1684   if (was_source_fullscreen_ &&
   1685       host_desktop_type_ == chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH) {
   1686     // In fullscreen mode it is only possible to get here if the source
   1687     // was in "immersive fullscreen" mode, so toggle it back on.
   1688     ash::accelerators::ToggleFullscreen();
   1689   }
   1690 }
   1692 void TabDragController::ResetDelegates() {
   1693   DCHECK(!detach_into_browser_);
   1694   for (size_t i = 0; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1695     if (drag_data_[i].contents &&
   1696         drag_data_[i].contents->GetDelegate() == this) {
   1697       drag_data_[i].contents->SetDelegate(
   1698           drag_data_[i].original_delegate);
   1699     }
   1700   }
   1701 }
   1703 gfx::Rect TabDragController::GetViewScreenBounds(
   1704     views::View* view) const {
   1705   gfx::Point view_topleft;
   1706   views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(view, &view_topleft);
   1707   gfx::Rect view_screen_bounds = view->GetLocalBounds();
   1708   view_screen_bounds.Offset(view_topleft.x(), view_topleft.y());
   1709   return view_screen_bounds;
   1710 }
   1712 void TabDragController::CleanUpHiddenFrame() {
   1713   // If the model we started dragging from is now empty, we must ask the
   1714   // delegate to close the frame.
   1715   if (!detach_into_browser_ && GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->empty())
   1716     GetModel(source_tabstrip_)->delegate()->CloseFrameAfterDragSession();
   1717 }
   1719 void TabDragController::BringWindowUnderPointToFront(
   1720     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
   1721   aura::Window* window = GetLocalProcessWindow(point_in_screen, true);
   1723   // Only bring browser windows to front - only windows with a TabStrip can
   1724   // be tab drag targets.
   1725   if (!GetTabStripForWindow(window))
   1726     return;
   1728   if (window) {
   1729     views::Widget* widget_window = views::Widget::GetWidgetForNativeView(
   1730         window);
   1731     if (!widget_window)
   1732       return;
   1734     if (host_desktop_type_ == chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH) {
   1735       // TODO(varkha): The code below ensures that the phantom drag widget
   1736       // is shown on top of browser windows. The code should be moved to ash/
   1737       // and the phantom should be able to assert its top-most state on its own.
   1738       // One strategy would be for DragWindowController to
   1739       // be able to observe stacking changes to the phantom drag widget's
   1740       // siblings in order to keep it on top. One way is to implement a
   1741       // notification that is sent to a window parent's observers when a
   1742       // stacking order is changed among the children of that same parent.
   1743       // Note that OnWindowStackingChanged is sent only to the child that is the
   1744       // argument of one of the Window::StackChildX calls and not to all its
   1745       // siblings affected by the stacking change.
   1746       aura::Window* browser_window = widget_window->GetNativeView();
   1747       // Find a topmost non-popup window and stack the recipient browser above
   1748       // it in order to avoid stacking the browser window on top of the phantom
   1749       // drag widget created by DragWindowController in a second display.
   1750       for (aura::Window::Windows::const_reverse_iterator it =
   1751            browser_window->parent()->children().rbegin();
   1752            it != browser_window->parent()->children().rend(); ++it) {
   1753         // If the iteration reached the recipient browser window then it is
   1754         // already topmost and it is safe to return with no stacking change.
   1755         if (*it == browser_window)
   1756           return;
   1757         if ((*it)->type() != ui::wm::WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP) {
   1758           widget_window->StackAbove(*it);
   1759           break;
   1760         }
   1761       }
   1762     } else {
   1763       widget_window->StackAtTop();
   1764     }
   1766     // The previous call made the window appear on top of the dragged window,
   1767     // move the dragged window to the front.
   1768     if (is_dragging_window_)
   1769       attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->StackAtTop();
   1770   }
   1771 }
   1773 TabStripModel* TabDragController::GetModel(
   1774     TabStrip* tabstrip) const {
   1775   return static_cast<BrowserTabStripController*>(tabstrip->controller())->
   1776       model();
   1777 }
   1779 views::Widget* TabDragController::GetAttachedBrowserWidget() {
   1780   return attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget();
   1781 }
   1783 bool TabDragController::AreTabsConsecutive() {
   1784   for (size_t i = 1; i < drag_data_.size(); ++i) {
   1785     if (drag_data_[i - 1].source_model_index + 1 !=
   1786         drag_data_[i].source_model_index) {
   1787       return false;
   1788     }
   1789   }
   1790   return true;
   1791 }
   1793 gfx::Rect TabDragController::CalculateDraggedBrowserBounds(
   1794     TabStrip* source,
   1795     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
   1796     std::vector<gfx::Rect>* drag_bounds) {
   1797   gfx::Point center(0, source->height() / 2);
   1798   views::View::ConvertPointToWidget(source, &center);
   1799   gfx::Rect new_bounds(source->GetWidget()->GetRestoredBounds());
   1800   if (source->GetWidget()->IsMaximized()) {
   1801     // If the restore bounds is really small, we don't want to honor it
   1802     // (dragging a really small window looks wrong), instead make sure the new
   1803     // window is at least 50% the size of the old.
   1804     const gfx::Size max_size(
   1805         source->GetWidget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().size());
   1806     new_bounds.set_width(
   1807         std::max(max_size.width() / 2, new_bounds.width()));
   1808     new_bounds.set_height(
   1809         std::max(max_size.height() / 2, new_bounds.height()));
   1810   }
   1811   new_bounds.set_y(point_in_screen.y() - center.y());
   1812   switch (GetDetachPosition(point_in_screen)) {
   1813     case DETACH_BEFORE:
   1814       new_bounds.set_x(point_in_screen.x() - center.x());
   1815       new_bounds.Offset(-mouse_offset_.x(), 0);
   1816       break;
   1817     case DETACH_AFTER: {
   1818       gfx::Point right_edge(source->width(), 0);
   1819       views::View::ConvertPointToWidget(source, &right_edge);
   1820       new_bounds.set_x(point_in_screen.x() - right_edge.x());
   1821       new_bounds.Offset(drag_bounds->back().right() - mouse_offset_.x(), 0);
   1822       OffsetX(-(*drag_bounds)[0].x(), drag_bounds);
   1823       break;
   1824     }
   1825     default:
   1826       break; // Nothing to do for DETACH_ABOVE_OR_BELOW.
   1827   }
   1829   // To account for the extra vertical on restored windows that is absent on
   1830   // maximized windows, add an additional vertical offset extracted from the tab
   1831   // strip.
   1832   if (source->GetWidget()->IsMaximized())
   1833     new_bounds.Offset(0, -source->kNewTabButtonVerticalOffset);
   1834   return new_bounds;
   1835 }
   1837 void TabDragController::AdjustBrowserAndTabBoundsForDrag(
   1838     int last_tabstrip_width,
   1839     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
   1840     std::vector<gfx::Rect>* drag_bounds) {
   1841   attached_tabstrip_->InvalidateLayout();
   1842   attached_tabstrip_->DoLayout();
   1843   const int dragged_tabstrip_width = attached_tabstrip_->tab_area_width();
   1845   // If the new tabstrip is smaller than the old resize the tabs.
   1846   if (dragged_tabstrip_width < last_tabstrip_width) {
   1847     const float leading_ratio =
   1848         drag_bounds->front().x() / static_cast<float>(last_tabstrip_width);
   1849     *drag_bounds = CalculateBoundsForDraggedTabs();
   1851     if (drag_bounds->back().right() < dragged_tabstrip_width) {
   1852       const int delta_x =
   1853           std::min(static_cast<int>(leading_ratio * dragged_tabstrip_width),
   1854                    dragged_tabstrip_width -
   1855                        (drag_bounds->back().right() -
   1856                         drag_bounds->front().x()));
   1857       OffsetX(delta_x, drag_bounds);
   1858     }
   1860     // Reposition the restored window such that the tab that was dragged remains
   1861     // under the mouse cursor.
   1862     gfx::Point offset(
   1863         static_cast<int>((*drag_bounds)[source_tab_index_].width() *
   1864                          offset_to_width_ratio_) +
   1865         (*drag_bounds)[source_tab_index_].x(), 0);
   1866     views::View::ConvertPointToWidget(attached_tabstrip_, &offset);
   1867     gfx::Rect bounds = GetAttachedBrowserWidget()->GetWindowBoundsInScreen();
   1868     bounds.set_x(point_in_screen.x() - offset.x());
   1869     GetAttachedBrowserWidget()->SetBounds(bounds);
   1870   }
   1871   attached_tabstrip_->SetTabBoundsForDrag(*drag_bounds);
   1872 }
   1874 Browser* TabDragController::CreateBrowserForDrag(
   1875     TabStrip* source,
   1876     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen,
   1877     gfx::Vector2d* drag_offset,
   1878     std::vector<gfx::Rect>* drag_bounds) {
   1879   gfx::Rect new_bounds(CalculateDraggedBrowserBounds(source,
   1880                                                      point_in_screen,
   1881                                                      drag_bounds));
   1882   *drag_offset = point_in_screen - new_bounds.origin();
   1884   Profile* profile =
   1885       Profile::FromBrowserContext(drag_data_[0].contents->GetBrowserContext());
   1886   Browser::CreateParams create_params(Browser::TYPE_TABBED,
   1887                                       profile,
   1888                                       host_desktop_type_);
   1889   create_params.initial_bounds = new_bounds;
   1890   Browser* browser = new Browser(create_params);
   1891   is_dragging_new_browser_ = true;
   1892   SetWindowPositionManaged(browser->window()->GetNativeWindow(), false);
   1893   // If the window is created maximized then the bounds we supplied are ignored.
   1894   // We need to reset them again so they are honored.
   1895   browser->window()->SetBounds(new_bounds);
   1897   return browser;
   1898 }
   1900 gfx::Point TabDragController::GetCursorScreenPoint() {
   1901   if (host_desktop_type_ == chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_ASH &&
   1902       event_source_ == EVENT_SOURCE_TOUCH &&
   1903       aura::Env::GetInstance()->is_touch_down()) {
   1904     views::Widget* widget = GetAttachedBrowserWidget();
   1905     DCHECK(widget);
   1906     aura::Window* widget_window = widget->GetNativeWindow();
   1907     DCHECK(widget_window->GetRootWindow());
   1908     gfx::PointF touch_point_f;
   1909     bool got_touch_point = ui::GestureRecognizer::Get()->
   1910         GetLastTouchPointForTarget(widget_window, &touch_point_f);
   1911     // TODO(tdresser): Switch to using gfx::PointF. See crbug.com/337824.
   1912     gfx::Point touch_point = gfx::ToFlooredPoint(touch_point_f);
   1913     DCHECK(got_touch_point);
   1914     ash::wm::ConvertPointToScreen(widget_window->GetRootWindow(), &touch_point);
   1915     return touch_point;
   1916   }
   1918   return screen_->GetCursorScreenPoint();
   1919 }
   1921 gfx::Vector2d TabDragController::GetWindowOffset(
   1922     const gfx::Point& point_in_screen) {
   1923   TabStrip* owning_tabstrip = (attached_tabstrip_ && detach_into_browser_) ?
   1924       attached_tabstrip_ : source_tabstrip_;
   1925   views::View* toplevel_view = owning_tabstrip->GetWidget()->GetContentsView();
   1927   gfx::Point point = point_in_screen;
   1928   views::View::ConvertPointFromScreen(toplevel_view, &point);
   1929   return point.OffsetFromOrigin();
   1930 }
   1932 gfx::NativeWindow TabDragController::GetLocalProcessWindow(
   1933     const gfx::Point& screen_point,
   1934     bool exclude_dragged_view) {
   1935   std::set<aura::Window*> exclude;
   1936   if (exclude_dragged_view) {
   1937     aura::Window* dragged_window =
   1938         attached_tabstrip_->GetWidget()->GetNativeView();
   1939     if (dragged_window)
   1940       exclude.insert(dragged_window);
   1941   }
   1942 #if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
   1943   // Exclude windows which are pending deletion via Browser::TabStripEmpty().
   1944   // These windows can be returned in the Linux Aura port because the browser
   1945   // window which was used for dragging is not hidden once all of its tabs are
   1946   // attached to another browser window in DragBrowserToNewTabStrip().
   1947   // TODO(pkotwicz): Fix this properly (crbug.com/358482)
   1948   BrowserList* browser_list = BrowserList::GetInstance(
   1949       chrome::HOST_DESKTOP_TYPE_NATIVE);
   1950   for (BrowserList::const_iterator it = browser_list->begin();
   1951        it != browser_list->end(); ++it) {
   1952     if ((*it)->tab_strip_model()->empty())
   1953       exclude.insert((*it)->window()->GetNativeWindow());
   1954   }
   1955 #endif
   1956   return GetLocalProcessWindowAtPoint(host_desktop_type_,
   1957                                       screen_point,
   1958                                       exclude);
   1960 }