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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "jingle/glue/proxy_resolving_client_socket.h"
      7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
      8 #include "base/bind.h"
      9 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
     10 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     11 #include "base/logging.h"
     12 #include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
     13 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
     14 #include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
     15 #include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
     16 #include "net/socket/client_socket_pool_manager.h"
     17 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
     18 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context_getter.h"
     20 namespace jingle_glue {
     22 ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProxyResolvingClientSocket(
     23     net::ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory,
     24     const scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter>& request_context_getter,
     25     const net::SSLConfig& ssl_config,
     26     const net::HostPortPair& dest_host_port_pair)
     27         : proxy_resolve_callback_(
     28               base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone,
     29                          base::Unretained(this))),
     30           connect_callback_(
     31               base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessConnectDone,
     32                          base::Unretained(this))),
     33           ssl_config_(ssl_config),
     34           pac_request_(NULL),
     35           dest_host_port_pair_(dest_host_port_pair),
     36           // Assume that we intend to do TLS on this socket; all
     37           // current use cases do.
     38           proxy_url_("https://" + dest_host_port_pair_.ToString()),
     39           tried_direct_connect_fallback_(false),
     40           bound_net_log_(
     41               net::BoundNetLog::Make(
     42                   request_context_getter->GetURLRequestContext()->net_log(),
     43                   net::NetLog::SOURCE_SOCKET)),
     44           weak_factory_(this) {
     45   DCHECK(request_context_getter.get());
     46   net::URLRequestContext* request_context =
     47       request_context_getter->GetURLRequestContext();
     48   DCHECK(request_context);
     49   DCHECK(!dest_host_port_pair_.host().empty());
     50   DCHECK_GT(dest_host_port_pair_.port(), 0);
     51   DCHECK(proxy_url_.is_valid());
     53   net::HttpNetworkSession::Params session_params;
     54   session_params.client_socket_factory = socket_factory;
     55   session_params.host_resolver = request_context->host_resolver();
     56   session_params.cert_verifier = request_context->cert_verifier();
     57   session_params.transport_security_state =
     58       request_context->transport_security_state();
     59   // TODO(rkn): This is NULL because ServerBoundCertService is not thread safe.
     60   session_params.server_bound_cert_service = NULL;
     61   session_params.proxy_service = request_context->proxy_service();
     62   session_params.ssl_config_service = request_context->ssl_config_service();
     63   session_params.http_auth_handler_factory =
     64       request_context->http_auth_handler_factory();
     65   session_params.network_delegate = request_context->network_delegate();
     66   session_params.http_server_properties =
     67       request_context->http_server_properties();
     68   session_params.net_log = request_context->net_log();
     70   const net::HttpNetworkSession::Params* reference_params =
     71       request_context->GetNetworkSessionParams();
     72   if (reference_params) {
     73     // TODO(mmenke):  Just copying specific parameters seems highly regression
     74     // prone.  Should have a better way to do this.
     75     session_params.host_mapping_rules = reference_params->host_mapping_rules;
     76     session_params.ignore_certificate_errors =
     77         reference_params->ignore_certificate_errors;
     78     session_params.testing_fixed_http_port =
     79         reference_params->testing_fixed_http_port;
     80     session_params.testing_fixed_https_port =
     81         reference_params->testing_fixed_https_port;
     82     session_params.next_protos = reference_params->next_protos;
     83     session_params.trusted_spdy_proxy = reference_params->trusted_spdy_proxy;
     84     session_params.force_spdy_over_ssl = reference_params->force_spdy_over_ssl;
     85     session_params.force_spdy_always = reference_params->force_spdy_always;
     86     session_params.forced_spdy_exclusions =
     87         reference_params->forced_spdy_exclusions;
     88     session_params.use_alternate_protocols =
     89         reference_params->use_alternate_protocols;
     90   }
     92   network_session_ = new net::HttpNetworkSession(session_params);
     93 }
     95 ProxyResolvingClientSocket::~ProxyResolvingClientSocket() {
     96   Disconnect();
     97 }
     99 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
    100                                      const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
    101   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    102     return transport_->socket()->Read(buf, buf_len, callback);
    103   NOTREACHED();
    104   return net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED;
    105 }
    107 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Write(
    108     net::IOBuffer* buf,
    109     int buf_len,
    110     const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
    111   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    112     return transport_->socket()->Write(buf, buf_len, callback);
    113   NOTREACHED();
    114   return net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED;
    115 }
    117 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) {
    118   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    119     return transport_->socket()->SetReceiveBufferSize(size);
    120   NOTREACHED();
    121   return net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED;
    122 }
    124 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) {
    125   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    126     return transport_->socket()->SetSendBufferSize(size);
    127   NOTREACHED();
    128   return net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED;
    129 }
    131 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Connect(
    132     const net::CompletionCallback& callback) {
    133   DCHECK(user_connect_callback_.is_null());
    135   tried_direct_connect_fallback_ = false;
    137   // First we try and resolve the proxy.
    138   int status = network_session_->proxy_service()->ResolveProxy(
    139       proxy_url_,
    140       &proxy_info_,
    141       proxy_resolve_callback_,
    142       &pac_request_,
    143       bound_net_log_);
    144   if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
    145     // We defer execution of ProcessProxyResolveDone instead of calling it
    146     // directly here for simplicity. From the caller's point of view,
    147     // the connect always happens asynchronously.
    148     base::MessageLoop* message_loop = base::MessageLoop::current();
    149     CHECK(message_loop);
    150     message_loop->PostTask(
    151         FROM_HERE,
    152         base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone,
    153                    weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), status));
    154   }
    155   user_connect_callback_ = callback;
    156   return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
    157 }
    159 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::RunUserConnectCallback(int status) {
    160   DCHECK_LE(status, net::OK);
    161   net::CompletionCallback user_connect_callback = user_connect_callback_;
    162   user_connect_callback_.Reset();
    163   user_connect_callback.Run(status);
    164 }
    166 // Always runs asynchronously.
    167 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone(int status) {
    168   pac_request_ = NULL;
    170   DCHECK_NE(status, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
    171   if (status == net::OK) {
    172     // Remove unsupported proxies from the list.
    173     proxy_info_.RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme(
    174         net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_DIRECT |
    175         net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP | net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTPS |
    176         net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS4 | net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5);
    178     if (proxy_info_.is_empty()) {
    179       // No proxies/direct to choose from. This happens when we don't support
    180       // any of the proxies in the returned list.
    181       status = net::ERR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROXIES;
    182     }
    183   }
    185   // Since we are faking the URL, it is possible that no proxies match our URL.
    186   // Try falling back to a direct connection if we have not tried that before.
    187   if (status != net::OK) {
    188     if (!tried_direct_connect_fallback_) {
    189       tried_direct_connect_fallback_ = true;
    190       proxy_info_.UseDirect();
    191     } else {
    192       CloseTransportSocket();
    193       RunUserConnectCallback(status);
    194       return;
    195     }
    196   }
    198   transport_.reset(new net::ClientSocketHandle);
    199   // Now that we have resolved the proxy, we need to connect.
    200   status = net::InitSocketHandleForRawConnect(
    201       dest_host_port_pair_, network_session_.get(), proxy_info_, ssl_config_,
    202       ssl_config_, net::PRIVACY_MODE_DISABLED, bound_net_log_, transport_.get(),
    203       connect_callback_);
    204   if (status != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
    205     // Since this method is always called asynchronously. it is OK to call
    206     // ProcessConnectDone synchronously.
    207     ProcessConnectDone(status);
    208   }
    209 }
    211 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessConnectDone(int status) {
    212   if (status != net::OK) {
    213     // If the connection fails, try another proxy.
    214     status = ReconsiderProxyAfterError(status);
    215     // ReconsiderProxyAfterError either returns an error (in which case it is
    216     // not reconsidering a proxy) or returns ERR_IO_PENDING if it is considering
    217     // another proxy.
    218     DCHECK_NE(status, net::OK);
    219     if (status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING)
    220       // Proxy reconsideration pending. Return.
    221       return;
    222     CloseTransportSocket();
    223   } else {
    224     ReportSuccessfulProxyConnection();
    225   }
    226   RunUserConnectCallback(status);
    227 }
    229 // TODO(sanjeevr): This has largely been copied from
    230 // HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::ReconsiderProxyAfterError. This should be
    231 // refactored into some common place.
    232 // This method reconsiders the proxy on certain errors. If it does reconsider
    233 // a proxy it always returns ERR_IO_PENDING and posts a call to
    234 // ProcessProxyResolveDone with the result of the reconsideration.
    235 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error) {
    236   DCHECK(!pac_request_);
    237   DCHECK_NE(error, net::OK);
    238   DCHECK_NE(error, net::ERR_IO_PENDING);
    239   // A failure to resolve the hostname or any error related to establishing a
    240   // TCP connection could be grounds for trying a new proxy configuration.
    241   //
    242   // Why do this when a hostname cannot be resolved?  Some URLs only make sense
    243   // to proxy servers.  The hostname in those URLs might fail to resolve if we
    244   // are still using a non-proxy config.  We need to check if a proxy config
    245   // now exists that corresponds to a proxy server that could load the URL.
    246   //
    247   switch (error) {
    248     case net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED:
    249     case net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED:
    250     case net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED:
    251     case net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE:
    252     case net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED:
    253     case net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET:
    254     case net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED:
    255     case net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED:
    256     case net::ERR_TIMED_OUT:
    257     case net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED:
    258     case net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED:
    259       break;
    261       // Remap the SOCKS-specific "host unreachable" error to a more
    262       // generic error code (this way consumers like the link doctor
    263       // know to substitute their error page).
    264       //
    265       // Note that if the host resolving was done by the SOCSK5 proxy, we can't
    266       // differentiate between a proxy-side "host not found" versus a proxy-side
    267       // "address unreachable" error, and will report both of these failures as
    269       return net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE;
    270     default:
    271       return error;
    272   }
    274   if (proxy_info_.is_https() && ssl_config_.send_client_cert) {
    275     network_session_->ssl_client_auth_cache()->Remove(
    276         proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair());
    277   }
    279   int rv = network_session_->proxy_service()->ReconsiderProxyAfterError(
    280       proxy_url_, error, &proxy_info_, proxy_resolve_callback_, &pac_request_,
    281       bound_net_log_);
    282   if (rv == net::OK || rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
    283     CloseTransportSocket();
    284   } else {
    285     // If ReconsiderProxyAfterError() failed synchronously, it means
    286     // there was nothing left to fall-back to, so fail the transaction
    287     // with the last connection error we got.
    288     rv = error;
    289   }
    291   // We either have new proxy info or there was an error in falling back.
    292   // In both cases we want to post ProcessProxyResolveDone (in the error case
    293   // we might still want to fall back a direct connection).
    294   if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
    295     base::MessageLoop* message_loop = base::MessageLoop::current();
    296     CHECK(message_loop);
    297     message_loop->PostTask(
    298         FROM_HERE,
    299         base::Bind(&ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ProcessProxyResolveDone,
    300                    weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), rv));
    301     // Since we potentially have another try to go (trying the direct connect)
    302     // set the return code code to ERR_IO_PENDING.
    303     rv = net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
    304   }
    305   return rv;
    306 }
    308 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::ReportSuccessfulProxyConnection() {
    309   network_session_->proxy_service()->ReportSuccess(proxy_info_);
    310 }
    312 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::Disconnect() {
    313   CloseTransportSocket();
    314   if (pac_request_) {
    315     network_session_->proxy_service()->CancelPacRequest(pac_request_);
    316     pac_request_ = NULL;
    317   }
    318   user_connect_callback_.Reset();
    319 }
    321 bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::IsConnected() const {
    322   if (!transport_.get() || !transport_->socket())
    323     return false;
    324   return transport_->socket()->IsConnected();
    325 }
    327 bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::IsConnectedAndIdle() const {
    328   if (!transport_.get() || !transport_->socket())
    329     return false;
    330   return transport_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle();
    331 }
    333 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetPeerAddress(
    334     net::IPEndPoint* address) const {
    335   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    336     return transport_->socket()->GetPeerAddress(address);
    337   NOTREACHED();
    338   return net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED;
    339 }
    341 int ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetLocalAddress(
    342     net::IPEndPoint* address) const {
    343   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    344     return transport_->socket()->GetLocalAddress(address);
    345   NOTREACHED();
    346   return net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED;
    347 }
    349 const net::BoundNetLog& ProxyResolvingClientSocket::NetLog() const {
    350   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    351     return transport_->socket()->NetLog();
    352   NOTREACHED();
    353   return bound_net_log_;
    354 }
    356 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetSubresourceSpeculation() {
    357   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    358     transport_->socket()->SetSubresourceSpeculation();
    359   else
    360     NOTREACHED();
    361 }
    363 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::SetOmniboxSpeculation() {
    364   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    365     transport_->socket()->SetOmniboxSpeculation();
    366   else
    367     NOTREACHED();
    368 }
    370 bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::WasEverUsed() const {
    371   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    372     return transport_->socket()->WasEverUsed();
    373   NOTREACHED();
    374   return false;
    375 }
    377 bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::UsingTCPFastOpen() const {
    378   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    379     return transport_->socket()->UsingTCPFastOpen();
    380   NOTREACHED();
    381   return false;
    382 }
    384 bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::WasNpnNegotiated() const {
    385   return false;
    386 }
    388 net::NextProto ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetNegotiatedProtocol() const {
    389   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    390     return transport_->socket()->GetNegotiatedProtocol();
    391   NOTREACHED();
    392   return net::kProtoUnknown;
    393 }
    395 bool ProxyResolvingClientSocket::GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info) {
    396   return false;
    397 }
    399 void ProxyResolvingClientSocket::CloseTransportSocket() {
    400   if (transport_.get() && transport_->socket())
    401     transport_->socket()->Disconnect();
    402   transport_.reset();
    403 }
    405 }  // namespace jingle_glue