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      1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      8 // The IndexTable class is in charge of handling all the details about the main
      9 // index table of the cache. It provides methods to locate entries in the cache,
     10 // create new entries and modify existing entries. It hides the fact that the
     11 // table is backed up across multiple physical files, and that the files can
     12 // grow and be remapped while the cache is in use. However, note that this class
     13 // doesn't do any direct management of the backing files, and it operates only
     14 // with the tables in memory.
     15 //
     16 // When the current index needs to grow, the backend is notified so that files
     17 // are extended and remapped as needed. After that, the IndexTable should be
     18 // re-initialized with the new structures. Note that the IndexTable instance is
     19 // still functional while the backend performs file IO.
     21 #include <vector>
     23 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     24 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     25 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     26 #include "base/time/time.h"
     27 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
     28 #include "net/disk_cache/blockfile/addr.h"
     29 #include "net/disk_cache/blockfile/bitmap.h"
     30 #include "net/disk_cache/blockfile/disk_format_v3.h"
     32 namespace net {
     33 class IOBuffer;
     34 }
     36 namespace disk_cache {
     38 class BackendImplV3;
     39 struct InitResult;
     41 // An EntryCell represents a single entity stored by the index table. Users are
     42 // expected to handle and store EntryCells on their own to track operations that
     43 // they are performing with a given entity, as opposed to deal with pointers to
     44 // individual positions on the table, given that the whole table can be moved to
     45 // another place, and that would invalidate any pointers to individual cells in
     46 // the table.
     47 // However, note that it is also possible for an entity to be moved from one
     48 // position to another, so an EntryCell may be invalid by the time a long
     49 // operation completes. In that case, the caller should consult the table again
     50 // using FindEntryCell().
     51 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE EntryCell {
     52  public:
     53   ~EntryCell();
     55   bool IsValid() const;
     57   int32 cell_num() const { return cell_num_; }
     58   uint32 hash() const { return hash_; }
     60   Addr GetAddress() const;
     61   EntryState GetState() const;
     62   EntryGroup GetGroup() const;
     63   int GetReuse() const;
     64   int GetTimestamp() const;
     66   void SetState(EntryState state);
     67   void SetGroup(EntryGroup group);
     68   void SetReuse(int count);
     69   void SetTimestamp(int timestamp);
     71   static EntryCell GetEntryCellForTest(int32 cell_num,
     72                                        uint32 hash,
     73                                        Addr address,
     74                                        IndexCell* cell,
     75                                        bool small_table);
     76   void SerializaForTest(IndexCell* destination);
     78  private:
     79   friend class IndexTable;
     80   friend class CacheDumperHelper;
     82   EntryCell();
     83   EntryCell(int32 cell_num, uint32 hash, Addr address, bool small_table);
     84   EntryCell(int32 cell_num,
     85             uint32 hash,
     86             const IndexCell& cell,
     87             bool small_table);
     89   void Clear() { cell_.Clear(); }
     90   void FixSum();
     92   // Returns the raw value stored on the index table.
     93   uint32 GetLocation() const;
     95   // Recalculates hash_ assuming that only the low order bits are valid and the
     96   // rest come from cell_.
     97   uint32 RecomputeHash();
     99   void Serialize(IndexCell* destination) const;
    101   int32 cell_num_;
    102   uint32 hash_;
    103   IndexCell cell_;
    104   bool small_table_;
    105 };
    107 // Keeps a collection of EntryCells in order to be processed.
    108 struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE EntrySet {
    109   EntrySet();
    110   ~EntrySet();
    112   int evicted_count;  // The numebr of evicted entries in this set.
    113   size_t current;     // The number of the cell that is being processed.
    114   std::vector<EntryCell> cells;
    115 };
    117 // A given entity referenced by the index table is uniquely identified by the
    118 // combination of hash and address.
    119 struct CellInfo { uint32 hash; Addr address; };
    120 typedef std::vector<CellInfo> CellList;
    122 // An index iterator is used to get a group of cells that share the same
    123 // timestamp. When this structure is passed to GetNextCells(), the caller sets
    124 // the initial timestamp and direction; whet it is used with GetOldest, the
    125 // initial values are ignored.
    126 struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexIterator {
    127   IndexIterator();
    128   ~IndexIterator();
    130   CellList cells;
    131   int timestamp;  // The current low resolution timestamp for |cells|.
    132   bool forward;   // The direction of the iteration, in time.
    133 };
    135 // Methods that the backend has to implement to support the table. Note that the
    136 // backend is expected to own all IndexTable instances, so it is expected to
    137 // outlive the table.
    138 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexTableBackend {
    139  public:
    140   virtual ~IndexTableBackend() {}
    142   // The index has to grow.
    143   virtual void GrowIndex() = 0;
    145   // Save the index to the backup file.
    146   virtual void SaveIndex(net::IOBuffer* buffer, int buffer_len) = 0;
    148   // Deletes or fixes an invalid cell from the backend.
    149   virtual void DeleteCell(EntryCell cell) = 0;
    150   virtual void FixCell(EntryCell cell) = 0;
    151 };
    153 // The data required to initialize an index. Note that not all fields have to
    154 // be provided when growing the tables.
    155 struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexTableInitData {
    156   IndexTableInitData();
    157   ~IndexTableInitData();
    159   IndexBitmap* index_bitmap;
    160   IndexBucket* main_table;
    161   IndexBucket* extra_table;
    162   scoped_ptr<IndexHeaderV3> backup_header;
    163   scoped_ptr<uint32[]> backup_bitmap;
    164 };
    166 // See the description at the top of this file.
    167 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IndexTable {
    168  public:
    169   explicit IndexTable(IndexTableBackend* backend);
    170   ~IndexTable();
    172   // Initializes the object, or re-initializes it when the backing files grow.
    173   // Note that the only supported way to initialize this objeect is using
    174   // pointers that come from the files being directly mapped in memory. If that
    175   // is not the case, it must be emulated in a convincing way, for example
    176   // making sure that the tables for re-init look the same as the tables to be
    177   // replaced.
    178   void Init(IndexTableInitData* params);
    180   // Releases the resources acquired during Init().
    181   void Shutdown();
    183   // Locates a resouce on the index. Returns a list of all resources that match
    184   // the provided hash.
    185   EntrySet LookupEntries(uint32 hash);
    187   // Creates a new cell to store a new resource.
    188   EntryCell CreateEntryCell(uint32 hash, Addr address);
    190   // Locates a particular cell. This method allows a caller to perform slow
    191   // operations with some entries while the index evolves, by returning the
    192   // current state of a cell. If the desired cell cannot be located, the return
    193   // object will be invalid.
    194   EntryCell FindEntryCell(uint32 hash, Addr address);
    196   // Returns an IndexTable timestamp for a given absolute time. The actual
    197   // resolution of the timestamp should be considered an implementation detail,
    198   // but it certainly is lower than seconds. The important part is that a group
    199   // of cells will share the same timestamp (see IndexIterator).
    200   int CalculateTimestamp(base::Time time);
    202   // Returns the equivalent time for a cell timestamp.
    203   base::Time TimeFromTimestamp(int timestamp);
    205   // Updates a particular cell.
    206   void SetSate(uint32 hash, Addr address, EntryState state);
    207   void UpdateTime(uint32 hash, Addr address, base::Time current);
    209   // Saves the contents of |cell| to the table.
    210   void Save(EntryCell* cell);
    212   // Returns the oldest entries for each group of entries. The initial values
    213   // for the provided iterators are ignored. Entries are assigned to iterators
    214   // according to their EntryGroup.
    215   void GetOldest(IndexIterator* no_use,
    216                  IndexIterator* low_use,
    217                  IndexIterator* high_use);
    219   // Returns the next group of entries for the provided iterator. This method
    220   // does not return the cells matching the initial iterator's timestamp,
    221   // but rather cells after (or before, depending on the iterator's |forward|
    222   // member) that timestamp.
    223   bool GetNextCells(IndexIterator* iterator);
    225   // Called each time the index should save the backup information. The caller
    226   // can assume that anything that needs to be saved is saved when this method
    227   // is called, and that there is only one source of timming information, and
    228   // that source is controlled by the owner of this object.
    229   void OnBackupTimer();
    231   IndexHeaderV3* header() { return header_; }
    232   const IndexHeaderV3* header() const { return header_; }
    234  private:
    235   EntryCell FindEntryCellImpl(uint32 hash, Addr address, bool allow_deleted);
    236   void CheckState(const EntryCell& cell);
    237   void Write(const EntryCell& cell);
    238   int NewExtraBucket();
    239   void WalkTables(int limit_time,
    240                   IndexIterator* no_use,
    241                   IndexIterator* low_use,
    242                   IndexIterator* high_use);
    243   void UpdateFromBucket(IndexBucket* bucket, int bucket_hash,
    244                         int limit_time,
    245                         IndexIterator* no_use,
    246                         IndexIterator* low_use,
    247                         IndexIterator* high_use);
    248   void MoveCells(IndexBucket* old_extra_table);
    249   void MoveSingleCell(IndexCell* current_cell, int cell_num,
    250                       int main_table_index, bool growing);
    251   void HandleMisplacedCell(IndexCell* current_cell, int cell_num,
    252                            int main_table_index);
    253   void CheckBucketList(int bucket_id);
    255   uint32 GetLocation(const IndexCell& cell);
    256   uint32 GetHashValue(const IndexCell& cell);
    257   uint32 GetFullHash(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 lower_part);
    258   bool IsHashMatch(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 hash);
    259   bool MisplacedHash(const IndexCell& cell, uint32 hash);
    261   IndexTableBackend* backend_;
    262   IndexHeaderV3* header_;
    263   scoped_ptr<Bitmap> bitmap_;
    264   scoped_ptr<Bitmap> backup_bitmap_;
    265   scoped_ptr<uint32[]> backup_bitmap_storage_;
    266   scoped_ptr<IndexHeaderV3> backup_header_;
    267   IndexBucket* main_table_;
    268   IndexBucket* extra_table_;
    269   uint32 mask_;     // Binary mask to map a hash to the hash table.
    270   int extra_bits_;  // How many bits are in mask_ above the default value.
    271   bool modified_;
    272   bool small_table_;
    274   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IndexTable);
    275 };
    277 }  // namespace disk_cache