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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      3 """This module implements a Finite State Machine (FSM). In addition to state
      4 this FSM also maintains a user defined "memory". So this FSM can be used as a
      5 Push-down Automata (PDA) since a PDA is a FSM + memory.
      7 The following describes how the FSM works, but you will probably also need to
      8 see the example function to understand how the FSM is used in practice.
     10 You define an FSM by building tables of transitions. For a given input symbol
     11 the process() method uses these tables to decide what action to call and what
     12 the next state will be. The FSM has a table of transitions that associate:
     14         (input_symbol, current_state) --> (action, next_state)
     16 Where "action" is a function you define. The symbols and states can be any
     17 objects. You use the add_transition() and add_transition_list() methods to add
     18 to the transition table. The FSM also has a table of transitions that
     19 associate:
     21         (current_state) --> (action, next_state)
     23 You use the add_transition_any() method to add to this transition table. The
     24 FSM also has one default transition that is not associated with any specific
     25 input_symbol or state. You use the set_default_transition() method to set the
     26 default transition.
     28 When an action function is called it is passed a reference to the FSM. The
     29 action function may then access attributes of the FSM such as input_symbol,
     30 current_state, or "memory". The "memory" attribute can be any object that you
     31 want to pass along to the action functions. It is not used by the FSM itself.
     32 For parsing you would typically pass a list to be used as a stack.
     34 The processing sequence is as follows. The process() method is given an
     35 input_symbol to process. The FSM will search the table of transitions that
     36 associate:
     38         (input_symbol, current_state) --> (action, next_state)
     40 If the pair (input_symbol, current_state) is found then process() will call the
     41 associated action function and then set the current state to the next_state.
     43 If the FSM cannot find a match for (input_symbol, current_state) it will then
     44 search the table of transitions that associate:
     46         (current_state) --> (action, next_state)
     48 If the current_state is found then the process() method will call the
     49 associated action function and then set the current state to the next_state.
     50 Notice that this table lacks an input_symbol. It lets you define transitions
     51 for a current_state and ANY input_symbol. Hence, it is called the "any" table.
     52 Remember, it is always checked after first searching the table for a specific
     53 (input_symbol, current_state).
     55 For the case where the FSM did not match either of the previous two cases the
     56 FSM will try to use the default transition. If the default transition is
     57 defined then the process() method will call the associated action function and
     58 then set the current state to the next_state. This lets you define a default
     59 transition as a catch-all case. You can think of it as an exception handler.
     60 There can be only one default transition.
     62 Finally, if none of the previous cases are defined for an input_symbol and
     63 current_state then the FSM will raise an exception. This may be desirable, but
     64 you can always prevent this just by defining a default transition.
     66 Noah Spurrier 20020822
     67 """
     69 class ExceptionFSM(Exception):
     71     """This is the FSM Exception class."""
     73     def __init__(self, value):
     74         self.value = value
     76     def __str__(self):
     77         return `self.value`
     79 class FSM:
     81     """This is a Finite State Machine (FSM).
     82     """
     84     def __init__(self, initial_state, memory=None):
     86         """This creates the FSM. You set the initial state here. The "memory"
     87         attribute is any object that you want to pass along to the action
     88         functions. It is not used by the FSM. For parsing you would typically
     89         pass a list to be used as a stack. """
     91         # Map (input_symbol, current_state) --> (action, next_state).
     92         self.state_transitions = {}
     93         # Map (current_state) --> (action, next_state).
     94         self.state_transitions_any = {}
     95         self.default_transition = None
     97         self.input_symbol = None
     98         self.initial_state = initial_state
     99         self.current_state = self.initial_state
    100         self.next_state = None
    101         self.action = None
    102         self.memory = memory
    104     def reset (self):
    106         """This sets the current_state to the initial_state and sets
    107         input_symbol to None. The initial state was set by the constructor
    108         __init__(). """
    110         self.current_state = self.initial_state
    111         self.input_symbol = None
    113     def add_transition (self, input_symbol, state, action=None, next_state=None):
    115         """This adds a transition that associates:
    117                 (input_symbol, current_state) --> (action, next_state)
    119         The action may be set to None in which case the process() method will
    120         ignore the action and only set the next_state. The next_state may be
    121         set to None in which case the current state will be unchanged.
    123         You can also set transitions for a list of symbols by using
    124         add_transition_list(). """
    126         if next_state is None:
    127             next_state = state
    128         self.state_transitions[(input_symbol, state)] = (action, next_state)
    130     def add_transition_list (self, list_input_symbols, state, action=None, next_state=None):
    132         """This adds the same transition for a list of input symbols.
    133         You can pass a list or a string. Note that it is handy to use
    134         string.digits, string.whitespace, string.letters, etc. to add
    135         transitions that match character classes.
    137         The action may be set to None in which case the process() method will
    138         ignore the action and only set the next_state. The next_state may be
    139         set to None in which case the current state will be unchanged. """
    141         if next_state is None:
    142             next_state = state
    143         for input_symbol in list_input_symbols:
    144             self.add_transition (input_symbol, state, action, next_state)
    146     def add_transition_any (self, state, action=None, next_state=None):
    148         """This adds a transition that associates:
    150                 (current_state) --> (action, next_state)
    152         That is, any input symbol will match the current state.
    153         The process() method checks the "any" state associations after it first
    154         checks for an exact match of (input_symbol, current_state).
    156         The action may be set to None in which case the process() method will
    157         ignore the action and only set the next_state. The next_state may be
    158         set to None in which case the current state will be unchanged. """
    160         if next_state is None:
    161             next_state = state
    162         self.state_transitions_any [state] = (action, next_state)
    164     def set_default_transition (self, action, next_state):
    166         """This sets the default transition. This defines an action and
    167         next_state if the FSM cannot find the input symbol and the current
    168         state in the transition list and if the FSM cannot find the
    169         current_state in the transition_any list. This is useful as a final
    170         fall-through state for catching errors and undefined states.
    172         The default transition can be removed by setting the attribute
    173         default_transition to None. """
    175         self.default_transition = (action, next_state)
    177     def get_transition (self, input_symbol, state):
    179         """This returns (action, next state) given an input_symbol and state.
    180         This does not modify the FSM state, so calling this method has no side
    181         effects. Normally you do not call this method directly. It is called by
    182         process().
    184         The sequence of steps to check for a defined transition goes from the
    185         most specific to the least specific.
    187         1. Check state_transitions[] that match exactly the tuple,
    188             (input_symbol, state)
    190         2. Check state_transitions_any[] that match (state)
    191             In other words, match a specific state and ANY input_symbol.
    193         3. Check if the default_transition is defined.
    194             This catches any input_symbol and any state.
    195             This is a handler for errors, undefined states, or defaults.
    197         4. No transition was defined. If we get here then raise an exception.
    198         """
    200         if self.state_transitions.has_key((input_symbol, state)):
    201             return self.state_transitions[(input_symbol, state)]
    202         elif self.state_transitions_any.has_key (state):
    203             return self.state_transitions_any[state]
    204         elif self.default_transition is not None:
    205             return self.default_transition
    206         else:
    207             raise ExceptionFSM ('Transition is undefined: (%s, %s).' %
    208                 (str(input_symbol), str(state)) )
    210     def process (self, input_symbol):
    212         """This is the main method that you call to process input. This may
    213         cause the FSM to change state and call an action. This method calls
    214         get_transition() to find the action and next_state associated with the
    215         input_symbol and current_state. If the action is None then the action
    216         is not called and only the current state is changed. This method
    217         processes one complete input symbol. You can process a list of symbols
    218         (or a string) by calling process_list(). """
    220         self.input_symbol = input_symbol
    221         (self.action, self.next_state) = self.get_transition (self.input_symbol, self.current_state)
    222         if self.action is not None:
    223             self.action (self)
    224         self.current_state = self.next_state
    225         self.next_state = None
    227     def process_list (self, input_symbols):
    229         """This takes a list and sends each element to process(). The list may
    230         be a string or any iterable object. """
    232         for s in input_symbols:
    233             self.process (s)
    235 ##############################################################################
    236 # The following is an example that demonstrates the use of the FSM class to
    237 # process an RPN expression. Run this module from the command line. You will
    238 # get a prompt > for input. Enter an RPN Expression. Numbers may be integers.
    239 # Operators are * / + - Use the = sign to evaluate and print the expression.
    240 # For example: 
    241 #
    242 #    167 3 2 2 * * * 1 - =
    243 #
    244 # will print:
    245 #
    246 #    2003
    247 ##############################################################################
    249 import sys, os, traceback, optparse, time, string
    251 #
    252 # These define the actions. 
    253 # Note that "memory" is a list being used as a stack.
    254 #
    256 def BeginBuildNumber (fsm):
    257     fsm.memory.append (fsm.input_symbol)
    259 def BuildNumber (fsm):
    260     s = fsm.memory.pop ()
    261     s = s + fsm.input_symbol
    262     fsm.memory.append (s)
    264 def EndBuildNumber (fsm):
    265     s = fsm.memory.pop ()
    266     fsm.memory.append (int(s))
    268 def DoOperator (fsm):
    269     ar = fsm.memory.pop()
    270     al = fsm.memory.pop()
    271     if fsm.input_symbol == '+':
    272         fsm.memory.append (al + ar)
    273     elif fsm.input_symbol == '-':
    274         fsm.memory.append (al - ar)
    275     elif fsm.input_symbol == '*':
    276         fsm.memory.append (al * ar)
    277     elif fsm.input_symbol == '/':
    278         fsm.memory.append (al / ar)
    280 def DoEqual (fsm):
    281     print str(fsm.memory.pop())
    283 def Error (fsm):
    284     print 'That does not compute.'
    285     print str(fsm.input_symbol)
    287 def main():
    289     """This is where the example starts and the FSM state transitions are
    290     defined. Note that states are strings (such as 'INIT'). This is not
    291     necessary, but it makes the example easier to read. """
    293     f = FSM ('INIT', []) # "memory" will be used as a stack.
    294     f.set_default_transition (Error, 'INIT')
    295     f.add_transition_any  ('INIT', None, 'INIT')
    296     f.add_transition      ('=',               'INIT',            DoEqual,          'INIT')
    297     f.add_transition_list (string.digits,     'INIT',            BeginBuildNumber, 'BUILDING_NUMBER')
    298     f.add_transition_list (string.digits,     'BUILDING_NUMBER', BuildNumber,      'BUILDING_NUMBER')
    299     f.add_transition_list (string.whitespace, 'BUILDING_NUMBER', EndBuildNumber,   'INIT')
    300     f.add_transition_list ('+-*/',            'INIT',            DoOperator,       'INIT')
    302     print
    303     print 'Enter an RPN Expression.'
    304     print 'Numbers may be integers. Operators are * / + -'
    305     print 'Use the = sign to evaluate and print the expression.'
    306     print 'For example: '
    307     print '    167 3 2 2 * * * 1 - ='
    308     inputstr = raw_input ('> ')
    309     f.process_list(inputstr)
    311 if __name__ == '__main__':
    312     try:
    313         start_time = time.time()
    314         parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=optparse.TitledHelpFormatter(), usage=globals()['__doc__'], version='$Id: FSM.py 490 2007-12-07 15:46:24Z noah $')
    315         parser.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose output')
    316         (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    317         if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
    318         main()
    319         if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
    320         if options.verbose: print 'TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES:',
    321         if options.verbose: print (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
    322         sys.exit(0)
    323     except KeyboardInterrupt, e: # Ctrl-C
    324         raise e
    325     except SystemExit, e: # sys.exit()
    326         raise e
    327     except Exception, e:
    328         print 'ERROR, UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION'
    329         print str(e)
    330         traceback.print_exc()
    331         os._exit(1)