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    Searched defs:In (Results 1 - 24 of 24) sorted by null

  /external/llvm/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter6/ 19 | For | In
  /external/llvm/examples/OCaml-Kaleidoscope/Chapter7/ 19 | For | In
  /external/chromium_org/mojo/nacl/generator/ 3 # found in the LICENSE file.
15 for f in self.functions:
35 return [param.param_type + ' ' + for param in self.params]
65 def In(self, ty):
  /cts/tests/tests/renderscript/src/android/renderscript/cts/ 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
40 int [] In = new int [1];
41 In[0] = v;
42 AIn.copyFrom(In);
LineEditor.cpp 193 LineEditor::LineEditor(StringRef ProgName, StringRef HistoryPath, FILE *In,
206 Data->EL = ::el_init(ProgName.str().c_str(), In, Out, Err);
277 FILE *In;
281 LineEditor::LineEditor(StringRef ProgName, StringRef HistoryPath, FILE *In,
284 Data->In = In;
301 char *Res = ::fgets(Buf, sizeof(Buf), Data->In);
jquery.min.js 2 (function(e,t){function _(e){var t=M[e]={};return v.each(e.split(y),function(e,n){t[n]=!0}),t}function H(e,n,r){if(r===t&&e.nodeType===1){var i="data-"+n.replace(P,"-$1").toLowerCase();r=e.getAttribute(i);if(typeof r=="string"){try{r=r==="true"?!0:r==="false"?!1:r==="null"?null:+r+""===r?+r:D.test(r)?v.parseJSON(r):r}catch(s){},n,r)}else r=t}return r}function B(e){var t;for(t in e){if(t==="data"&&v.isEmptyObject(e[t]))continue;if(t!=="toJSON")return!1}return!0}function et(){return!1}function tt(){return!0}function ut(e){return!e||!e.parentNode||e.parentNode.nodeType===11}function at(e,t){do e=e[t];while(e&&e.nodeType!==1);return e}function ft(e,t,n){t=t||0;if(v.isFunction(t))return v.grep(e,function(e,r){var i=!!,r,e);return i===n});if(t.nodeType)return v.grep(e,function(e,r){return e===t===n});if(typeof t=="string"){var r=v.grep(e,function(e){return e.nodeType===1});if(it.test(t))return v.filter(t,r,!n);t=v.filter(t,r)}return v.grep(e,function(e,r){return 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An(e,n,r){var i,s,o,u,a=e.contents,f=e.dataTypes,l=e.responseFields;for(s in l)s in r&&(n[l[s]]=r[s]);while(f[0]==="*")f.shift(),i===t&&(i=e.mimeType||n.getResponseHeader("content-type"));if(i)for(s in a)if(a[s]&&a[s].test(i)){f.unshift(s);break}if(f[0]in r)o=f[0];else{for(s in r){if(!f[0]||e.converters[s+" "+f[0]]){o=s;break}u||(u=s)}o=o||u}if(o)retur (…)
  /external/chromium_org/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/io/ 5 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
11 // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
13 // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
49 // This declares an unsigned long long integer literal in a portable way.
64 // run multiple times, once for each item in some input array. TEST_1D
65 // tests all cases in a single input array. TEST_2D tests all
75 // they are all grater than zero. In case of failure, the exact cas
238 } in; local
  /external/chromium_org/third_party/protobuf/python/ 6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
22 Mox works in the record-replay-verify paradigm. When you first create
23 a mock object, it is in record mode. You then programmatically set
25 called on it, with what parameters, what they should return, and in
28 Once you have set up the expected mock behavior, you put it in replay
51 # Put mocks in replay mode
98 for i, m in enumerate(self._expected_methods)])
116 # been in.
192 for mock_obj in self._mock_objects
TGLexer.h 46 Bit, Bits, Class, Code, Dag, Def, Foreach, Defm, Field, In, Int, Let, List,
AArch64CollectLOH.cpp 42 // - The register argument (xA) used in the ADD instruction is defined
45 // - The base address (xB) in L3 is defined only L2.
46 // - The ADRP in L1 and the ADD in L2 must reference the same symbol using
88 // 1. AArch64CollectLOH (this pass) records the LOHs in the AArch64FunctionInfo.
91 // 2. Emits them in a MCStreamer (EmitLOHDirective).
97 // them in the object file.
130 " in LOHs"),
248 /// This is used to get the uses record in sets of a definition identified by
259 /// \return NULL if the couple (reg, MI) is not in sets
AArch64ISelDAGToDAG.cpp 128 /// Form sequences of consecutive 64/128-bit registers for use in NEON
218 // Require the address to be in a register. That is safe for all AArch64
231 // which lists [imm] as the list of opcode it's interested in, however
233 // here because the ComplexPattern opcode list is only used in
260 // which lists [imm] as the list of opcode it's interested in, however
262 // here because the ComplexPattern opcode list is only used in
430 /// is a lane in the upper half of a 128-bit vector. Recognize and select this
534 /// operand folds in an extend followed by an optional left shift.
564 // there might not be an actual 32-bit value in the program. We can
573 /// immediate" address. The "Size" argument is the size in bytes of the memor
AArch64ISelLowering.cpp 84 // When comparing vectors the result sets the different elements in the
158 // there's a valid register class, so we need custom operations in most cases.
565 /// computeKnownBitsForTargetNode - Determine which of the bits specified in
566 /// Mask are known to be either zero or one and return them in the
635 // and the offset has to be a multiple of the related size in bytes.
Comment.h 32 /// Describes the syntax that was used in a documentation command.
108 /// True if we found that this tag is malformed in some way.
119 /// spelling in comment (plain <br> would not set this flag).
144 /// Describes the syntax that was used in a documentation command.
158 /// True if direction was specified explicitly in the comment.
311 /// semantics in Doxygen.
717 /// Parameter index in the function declaration.
733 ParamCommandCommentBits.Direction = In;
742 In,
805 /// If this template parameter name was resolved (found in template paramete
TargetLowering.cpp 46 /// Check whether a given call node is in tail position within its function. If
219 /// getJumpTableEncoding - Return the entry encoding for a jump table in the
223 // In non-pic modes, just use the address of a block.
227 // In PIC mode, if the target supports a GPRel32 directive, use it.
259 // Assume that everything is safe in static mode.
263 // In dynamic-no-pic mode, assume that known defined values are safe.
280 /// are any bits set in the constant that are not demanded. If so, shrink the
368 /// return true, returning the original and new nodes in Old and New. Otherwise,
371 /// only be accurate for those bits in the DemandedMask.
426 // If any of the set bits in the RHS are known zero on the LHS, shrin
DAGCombiner.cpp 15 // in the LLVM IR and exposed by the various codegen lowering phases.
67 cl::desc("Only use DAG-combiner alias analysis in this"
106 // also in the contents set. All operations are O(log N).
362 /// Run - runs the dag combiner on all nodes in the work list
HexagonHardwareLoops.cpp 25 // - No function calls in loops.
92 /// Kinds of comparisons in the compare instructions.
133 /// \brief Analyze the statements in a loop to determine if the loop
193 /// The desired flow is: phi ---> bump -+-> comparison-in-latch.
202 /// +-> comparison-in-latch (against upper_bound-bump),
209 /// couldn't be identified, or if the value in the latch's comparison
331 // value that will be added to it in each loop iteration.
423 /// \brief Analyze the statements in a loop to determine if the loop has
427 /// This function iterates over the phi nodes in the loop to check for
428 /// induction variable patterns that are used in the calculation fo
GlobalOpt.cpp 186 // pointers are forgotten, causing an accumulating growth in memory
197 // chain of computation and the store to the global in Dead[n].second.
277 // array of arrays) in the worklist.
398 // Check to see if this ConstantExpr GEP is SRA'able. In particular, we
422 // sub-indices are in-range constants. In particular, consider:
469 /// behavior of the program in a more fine-grained way. We have determined that
493 Constant *In = Init->getAggregateElement(i);
494 assert(In && "Couldn't get element of initializer?");
497 In, GV->getName()+"."+Twine(i)
InstCombineCasts.cpp 270 /// results in any code being generated and is interesting to optimize out. If
332 /// can be computed by computing V in the smaller type. If V is an instruction,
339 // We can always evaluate constants in another type.
355 // require duplicating the instruction in general, which isn't profitable.
387 // constant amount, we can always perform a SHL in a smaller type.
396 // lshr iff we know that the bits we would otherwise be shifting in are
458 // If this cast is a truncate, evaluting in a different type always
491 // amount is smaller than ASize, it is always safe to do the shift in A's
512 /// in order to eliminate the icmp.
527 Value *In = ICI->getOperand(0)
SystemZISelLowering.cpp 118 // Handle operations that are handled in a similar way for all types.
276 // a load-and-extend of a f80 constant (in cases where the constant
277 // would fit in an f80).
299 // We want to use MVC in preference to even a single load/store pair.
307 // than "STC;MVC". Handle the choice in target-specific code instead.
346 // We check specifically for aligned accesses in the few cases where
355 // Punt on globals for now, although they can be used in limited
622 // Value is a value that has been passed to us in the location described by VA
692 // Arguments passed in registers
748 // Likewise the address (in the form of a frame index) of where th
SLPVectorizer.cpp 14 // The pass is inspired by the work described in the paper:
15 // "Loop-Aware SLP in GCC" by Ira Rosen, Dorit Nuzman, Ayal Zaks.
71 /// A helper class for numbering instructions in multiple blocks.
81 // Number the instructions in the block.
118 /// \returns the parent basic block if all of the instructions in \p VL
119 /// are in the same block or null otherwise.
136 /// \returns True if all of the values in \p VL are constants.
144 /// \returns True if all of the values in \p VL are identical.
179 /// \returns ShuffleVector instruction if intructions in \p VL have
194 /// \returns The opcode if all of the Instructions in \p VL have the sam
LoopVectorize.cpp 13 // of instructions in order to estimate the profitability of vectorization.
38 // A. Zaks and D. Nuzman. Autovectorization in GCC-two years later.
127 /// accesses in code like the following.
185 "heuristics minimizing code growth in cold regions and being more "
186 "aggressive in hot regions."));
193 /// The number of stores in a loop that are allowed to need predication.
265 // Widen each instruction in the old loop to a new one in the new loop.
290 /// instruction generated in possibly a sequence of instructions and the
296 /// Returns the last check instruction and the first check instruction in th
glsBuiltinPrecisionTests.cpp 8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
125 * In the precision tests we are dealing with functions of different arities.
147 // These are used to make Voids usable as containers in container-generic code.
159 //! This is used in vector and matrix constructors.
196 * approximation. These are given in the type Traits<T>.
202 * the actual operations in Traits<T>. Hence we can just use:
266 //! Approximate `value` elementwise to the float precision defined in `fmt`.
267 //! The resulting interval might not be a singleton if rounding in both
653 * effects only: the execute() method should modify at least one variable in
X86ISelLowering.cpp 115 /// instructions or a simple subregister reference. Idx is an index in the
159 /// simple superregister reference. Idx is an index in the 128 bits
365 // In 32-bit mode these are custom lowered. In 64-bit mode F32 and F64
398 // the optimal thing for SSE vs. the default expansion in the legalizer.
431 // instructions for this in x86. Using the two-result multiply instructions
724 // f32 and f64 in x87.
TreeTransform.h 10 // AST and rebuilds it, possibly transforming some nodes in the process.
117 /// rather than in the subclass (e.g., lambda closure types).
146 /// pack expansion, in order to avoid violating the AST invariant that each
147 /// statement node appears at most once in its containing declaration.
151 /// information was not available elsewhere in the AST.
159 /// information was not available elsewhere in the AST.
173 /// used for reporting diagnostics in types.
240 /// \param NumExpansions The number of separate arguments that will be in
246 /// set this value in other cases.
304 /// type, collecting location information in the given builde

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