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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      3 # $URL$
      4 # $Rev$
      6 # png.py - PNG encoder/decoder in pure Python
      7 #
      8 # Copyright (C) 2006 Johann C. Rocholl <johann (at] browsershots.org>
      9 # Portions Copyright (C) 2009 David Jones <drj (at] pobox.com>
     10 # And probably portions Copyright (C) 2006 Nicko van Someren <nicko (at] nicko.org>
     11 #
     12 # Original concept by Johann C. Rocholl.
     13 #
     14 # LICENSE (The MIT License)
     15 #
     16 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
     17 # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
     18 # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
     19 # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
     20 # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
     21 # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
     22 # subject to the following conditions:
     23 #
     24 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
     25 # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
     26 #
     34 # SOFTWARE.
     35 #
     36 # Changelog (recent first):
     37 # 2009-03-11 David: interlaced bit depth < 8 (writing).
     38 # 2009-03-10 David: interlaced bit depth < 8 (reading).
     39 # 2009-03-04 David: Flat and Boxed pixel formats.
     40 # 2009-02-26 David: Palette support (writing).
     41 # 2009-02-23 David: Bit-depths < 8; better PNM support.
     42 # 2006-06-17 Nicko: Reworked into a class, faster interlacing.
     43 # 2006-06-17 Johann: Very simple prototype PNG decoder.
     44 # 2006-06-17 Nicko: Test suite with various image generators.
     45 # 2006-06-17 Nicko: Alpha-channel, grey-scale, 16-bit/plane support.
     46 # 2006-06-15 Johann: Scanline iterator interface for large input files.
     47 # 2006-06-09 Johann: Very simple prototype PNG encoder.
     49 # Incorporated into Bangai-O Development Tools by drj on 2009-02-11 from
     50 # http://trac.browsershots.org/browser/trunk/pypng/lib/png.py?rev=2885
     52 # Incorporated into pypng by drj on 2009-03-12 from
     53 # //depot/prj/bangaio/master/code/png.py#67
     56 """
     57 Pure Python PNG Reader/Writer
     59 This Python module implements support for PNG images (see PNG
     60 specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/ ). It reads
     61 and writes PNG files with all allowable bit depths (1/2/4/8/16/24/32/48/64
     62 bits per pixel) and colour combinations: greyscale (1/2/4/8/16 bit); RGB,
     63 RGBA, LA (greyscale with alpha) with 8/16 bits per channel; colour mapped
     64 images (1/2/4/8 bit).  Adam7 interlacing is supported for reading and
     65 writing.  A number of optional chunks can be specified (when writing)
     66 and understood (when reading): ``tRNS``, ``bKGD``, ``gAMA``.
     68 For help, type ``import png; help(png)`` in your python interpreter.
     70 A good place to start is the :class:`Reader` and :class:`Writer` classes.
     72 Requires Python 2.3.  Limited support is available for Python 2.2, but
     73 not everything works.  Best with Python 2.4 and higher.  Installation is
     74 trivial, but see the ``README.txt`` file (with the source distribution)
     75 for details.
     77 This file can also be used as a command-line utility to convert
     78 `Netpbm <http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/>`_ PNM files to PNG, and the reverse conversion from PNG to
     79 PNM. The interface is similar to that of the ``pnmtopng`` program from
     80 Netpbm.  Type ``python png.py --help`` at the shell prompt
     81 for usage and a list of options.
     83 A note on spelling and terminology
     84 ----------------------------------
     86 Generally British English spelling is used in the documentation.  So
     87 that's "greyscale" and "colour".  This not only matches the author's
     88 native language, it's also used by the PNG specification.
     90 The major colour models supported by PNG (and hence by PyPNG) are:
     91 greyscale, RGB, greyscale--alpha, RGB--alpha.  These are sometimes
     92 referred to using the abbreviations: L, RGB, LA, RGBA.  In this case
     93 each letter abbreviates a single channel: *L* is for Luminance or Luma or
     94 Lightness which is the channel used in greyscale images; *R*, *G*, *B* stand
     95 for Red, Green, Blue, the components of a colour image; *A* stands for
     96 Alpha, the opacity channel (used for transparency effects, but higher
     97 values are more opaque, so it makes sense to call it opacity).
     99 A note on formats
    100 -----------------
    102 When getting pixel data out of this module (reading) and presenting
    103 data to this module (writing) there are a number of ways the data could
    104 be represented as a Python value.  Generally this module uses one of
    105 three formats called "flat row flat pixel", "boxed row flat pixel", and
    106 "boxed row boxed pixel".  Basically the concern is whether each pixel
    107 and each row comes in its own little tuple (box), or not.
    109 Consider an image that is 3 pixels wide by 2 pixels high, and each pixel
    110 has RGB components:
    112 Boxed row flat pixel::
    114   list([R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B],
    115        [R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B])
    117 Each row appears as its own list, but the pixels are flattened so that
    118 three values for one pixel simply follow the three values for the previous
    119 pixel.  This is the most common format used, because it provides a good
    120 compromise between space and convenience.  PyPNG regards itself as
    121 at liberty to replace any sequence type with any sufficiently compatible
    122 other sequence type; in practice each row is an array (from the array
    123 module), and the outer list is sometimes an iterator rather than an
    124 explicit list (so that streaming is possible).
    126 Flat row flat pixel::
    128   [R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B,
    129    R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B]
    131 The entire image is one single giant sequence of colour values.
    132 Generally an array will be used (to save space), not a list.
    134 Boxed row boxed pixel::
    136   list([ (R,G,B), (R,G,B), (R,G,B) ],
    137        [ (R,G,B), (R,G,B), (R,G,B) ])
    139 Each row appears in its own list, but each pixel also appears in its own
    140 tuple.  A serious memory burn in Python.
    142 In all cases the top row comes first, and for each row the pixels are
    143 ordered from left-to-right.  Within a pixel the values appear in the
    144 order, R-G-B-A (or L-A for greyscale--alpha).
    146 There is a fourth format, mentioned because it is used internally,
    147 is close to what lies inside a PNG file itself, and has some support
    148 from the public API.  This format is called packed.  When packed,
    149 each row is a sequence of bytes (integers from 0 to 255), just as
    150 it is before PNG scanline filtering is applied.  When the bit depth
    151 is 8 this is essentially the same as boxed row flat pixel; when the
    152 bit depth is less than 8, several pixels are packed into each byte;
    153 when the bit depth is 16 (the only value more than 8 that is supported
    154 by the PNG image format) each pixel value is decomposed into 2 bytes
    155 (and `packed` is a misnomer).  This format is used by the
    156 :meth:`Writer.write_packed` method.  It isn't usually a convenient
    157 format, but may be just right if the source data for the PNG image
    158 comes from something that uses a similar format (for example, 1-bit
    159 BMPs, or another PNG file).
    161 And now, my famous members
    162 --------------------------
    163 """
    165 # http://www.python.org/doc/2.2.3/whatsnew/node5.html
    166 from __future__ import generators
    168 __version__ = "$URL$ $Rev$"
    170 from array import array
    171 try: # See :pyver:old
    172     import itertools
    173 except:
    174     pass
    175 import math
    176 # http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.4/lib/module-operator.html
    177 import operator
    178 import struct
    179 import sys
    180 import zlib
    181 # http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.4/lib/module-warnings.html
    182 import warnings
    183 try:
    184     import pyximport
    185     pyximport.install()
    186     import cpngfilters as pngfilters
    187 except ImportError:
    188     pass
    191 __all__ = ['Image', 'Reader', 'Writer', 'write_chunks', 'from_array']
    194 # The PNG signature.
    195 # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5PNG-file-signature
    196 _signature = struct.pack('8B', 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)
    198 _adam7 = ((0, 0, 8, 8),
    199           (4, 0, 8, 8),
    200           (0, 4, 4, 8),
    201           (2, 0, 4, 4),
    202           (0, 2, 2, 4),
    203           (1, 0, 2, 2),
    204           (0, 1, 1, 2))
    206 def group(s, n):
    207     # See
    208     # http://www.python.org/doc/2.6/library/functions.html#zip
    209     return zip(*[iter(s)]*n)
    211 def isarray(x):
    212     """Same as ``isinstance(x, array)`` except on Python 2.2, where it
    213     always returns ``False``.  This helps PyPNG work on Python 2.2.
    214     """
    216     try:
    217         return isinstance(x, array)
    218     except:
    219         return False
    221 try:  # see :pyver:old
    222     array.tostring
    223 except:
    224     def tostring(row):
    225         l = len(row)
    226         return struct.pack('%dB' % l, *row)
    227 else:
    228     def tostring(row):
    229         """Convert row of bytes to string.  Expects `row` to be an
    230         ``array``.
    231         """
    232         return row.tostring()
    234 # Conditionally convert to bytes.  Works on Python 2 and Python 3.
    235 try:
    236     bytes('', 'ascii')
    237     def strtobytes(x): return bytes(x, 'iso8859-1')
    238     def bytestostr(x): return str(x, 'iso8859-1')
    239 except:
    240     strtobytes = str
    241     bytestostr = str
    243 def interleave_planes(ipixels, apixels, ipsize, apsize):
    244     """
    245     Interleave (colour) planes, e.g. RGB + A = RGBA.
    247     Return an array of pixels consisting of the `ipsize` elements of data
    248     from each pixel in `ipixels` followed by the `apsize` elements of data
    249     from each pixel in `apixels`.  Conventionally `ipixels` and
    250     `apixels` are byte arrays so the sizes are bytes, but it actually
    251     works with any arrays of the same type.  The returned array is the
    252     same type as the input arrays which should be the same type as each other.
    253     """
    255     itotal = len(ipixels)
    256     atotal = len(apixels)
    257     newtotal = itotal + atotal
    258     newpsize = ipsize + apsize
    259     # Set up the output buffer
    260     # See http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.4/lib/module-array.html#l2h-1356
    261     out = array(ipixels.typecode)
    262     # It's annoying that there is no cheap way to set the array size :-(
    263     out.extend(ipixels)
    264     out.extend(apixels)
    265     # Interleave in the pixel data
    266     for i in range(ipsize):
    267         out[i:newtotal:newpsize] = ipixels[i:itotal:ipsize]
    268     for i in range(apsize):
    269         out[i+ipsize:newtotal:newpsize] = apixels[i:atotal:apsize]
    270     return out
    272 def check_palette(palette):
    273     """Check a palette argument (to the :class:`Writer` class) for validity.
    274     Returns the palette as a list if okay; raises an exception otherwise.
    275     """
    277     # None is the default and is allowed.
    278     if palette is None:
    279         return None
    281     p = list(palette)
    282     if not (0 < len(p) <= 256):
    283         raise ValueError("a palette must have between 1 and 256 entries")
    284     seen_triple = False
    285     for i,t in enumerate(p):
    286         if len(t) not in (3,4):
    287             raise ValueError(
    288               "palette entry %d: entries must be 3- or 4-tuples." % i)
    289         if len(t) == 3:
    290             seen_triple = True
    291         if seen_triple and len(t) == 4:
    292             raise ValueError(
    293               "palette entry %d: all 4-tuples must precede all 3-tuples" % i)
    294         for x in t:
    295             if int(x) != x or not(0 <= x <= 255):
    296                 raise ValueError(
    297                   "palette entry %d: values must be integer: 0 <= x <= 255" % i)
    298     return p
    300 class Error(Exception):
    301     prefix = 'Error'
    302     def __str__(self):
    303         return self.prefix + ': ' + ' '.join(self.args)
    305 class FormatError(Error):
    306     """Problem with input file format.  In other words, PNG file does
    307     not conform to the specification in some way and is invalid.
    308     """
    310     prefix = 'FormatError'
    312 class ChunkError(FormatError):
    313     prefix = 'ChunkError'
    316 class Writer:
    317     """
    318     PNG encoder in pure Python.
    319     """
    321     def __init__(self, width=None, height=None,
    322                  size=None,
    323                  greyscale=False,
    324                  alpha=False,
    325                  bitdepth=8,
    326                  palette=None,
    327                  transparent=None,
    328                  background=None,
    329                  gamma=None,
    330                  compression=None,
    331                  interlace=False,
    332                  bytes_per_sample=None, # deprecated
    333                  planes=None,
    334                  colormap=None,
    335                  maxval=None,
    336                  chunk_limit=2**20):
    337         """
    338         Create a PNG encoder object.
    340         Arguments:
    342         width, height
    343           Image size in pixels, as two separate arguments.
    344         size
    345           Image size (w,h) in pixels, as single argument.
    346         greyscale
    347           Input data is greyscale, not RGB.
    348         alpha
    349           Input data has alpha channel (RGBA or LA).
    350         bitdepth
    351           Bit depth: from 1 to 16.
    352         palette
    353           Create a palette for a colour mapped image (colour type 3).
    354         transparent
    355           Specify a transparent colour (create a ``tRNS`` chunk).
    356         background
    357           Specify a default background colour (create a ``bKGD`` chunk).
    358         gamma
    359           Specify a gamma value (create a ``gAMA`` chunk).
    360         compression
    361           zlib compression level: 0 (none) to 9 (more compressed); default: -1 or None.
    362         interlace
    363           Create an interlaced image.
    364         chunk_limit
    365           Write multiple ``IDAT`` chunks to save memory.
    367         The image size (in pixels) can be specified either by using the
    368         `width` and `height` arguments, or with the single `size`
    369         argument.  If `size` is used it should be a pair (*width*,
    370         *height*).
    372         `greyscale` and `alpha` are booleans that specify whether
    373         an image is greyscale (or colour), and whether it has an
    374         alpha channel (or not).
    376         `bitdepth` specifies the bit depth of the source pixel values.
    377         Each source pixel value must be an integer between 0 and
    378         ``2**bitdepth-1``.  For example, 8-bit images have values
    379         between 0 and 255.  PNG only stores images with bit depths of
    380         1,2,4,8, or 16.  When `bitdepth` is not one of these values,
    381         the next highest valid bit depth is selected, and an ``sBIT``
    382         (significant bits) chunk is generated that specifies the original
    383         precision of the source image.  In this case the supplied pixel
    384         values will be rescaled to fit the range of the selected bit depth.
    386         The details of which bit depth / colour model combinations the
    387         PNG file format supports directly, are somewhat arcane
    388         (refer to the PNG specification for full details).  Briefly:
    389         "small" bit depths (1,2,4) are only allowed with greyscale and
    390         colour mapped images; colour mapped images cannot have bit depth
    391         16.
    393         For colour mapped images (in other words, when the `palette`
    394         argument is specified) the `bitdepth` argument must match one of
    395         the valid PNG bit depths: 1, 2, 4, or 8.  (It is valid to have a
    396         PNG image with a palette and an ``sBIT`` chunk, but the meaning
    397         is slightly different; it would be awkward to press the
    398         `bitdepth` argument into service for this.)
    400         The `palette` option, when specified, causes a colour mapped image
    401         to be created: the PNG colour type is set to 3; greyscale
    402         must not be set; alpha must not be set; transparent must
    403         not be set; the bit depth must be 1,2,4, or 8.  When a colour
    404         mapped image is created, the pixel values are palette indexes
    405         and the `bitdepth` argument specifies the size of these indexes
    406         (not the size of the colour values in the palette).
    408         The palette argument value should be a sequence of 3- or
    409         4-tuples.  3-tuples specify RGB palette entries; 4-tuples
    410         specify RGBA palette entries.  If both 4-tuples and 3-tuples
    411         appear in the sequence then all the 4-tuples must come
    412         before all the 3-tuples.  A ``PLTE`` chunk is created; if there
    413         are 4-tuples then a ``tRNS`` chunk is created as well.  The
    414         ``PLTE`` chunk will contain all the RGB triples in the same
    415         sequence; the ``tRNS`` chunk will contain the alpha channel for
    416         all the 4-tuples, in the same sequence.  Palette entries
    417         are always 8-bit.
    419         If specified, the `transparent` and `background` parameters must
    420         be a tuple with three integer values for red, green, blue, or
    421         a simple integer (or singleton tuple) for a greyscale image.
    423         If specified, the `gamma` parameter must be a positive number
    424         (generally, a float).  A ``gAMA`` chunk will be created.  Note that
    425         this will not change the values of the pixels as they appear in
    426         the PNG file, they are assumed to have already been converted
    427         appropriately for the gamma specified.
    429         The `compression` argument specifies the compression level to
    430         be used by the ``zlib`` module.  Values from 1 to 9 specify
    431         compression, with 9 being "more compressed" (usually smaller
    432         and slower, but it doesn't always work out that way).  0 means
    433         no compression.  -1 and ``None`` both mean that the default
    434         level of compession will be picked by the ``zlib`` module
    435         (which is generally acceptable).
    437         If `interlace` is true then an interlaced image is created
    438         (using PNG's so far only interace method, *Adam7*).  This does not
    439         affect how the pixels should be presented to the encoder, rather
    440         it changes how they are arranged into the PNG file.  On slow
    441         connexions interlaced images can be partially decoded by the
    442         browser to give a rough view of the image that is successively
    443         refined as more image data appears.
    445         .. note ::
    447           Enabling the `interlace` option requires the entire image
    448           to be processed in working memory.
    450         `chunk_limit` is used to limit the amount of memory used whilst
    451         compressing the image.  In order to avoid using large amounts of
    452         memory, multiple ``IDAT`` chunks may be created.
    453         """
    455         # At the moment the `planes` argument is ignored;
    456         # its purpose is to act as a dummy so that
    457         # ``Writer(x, y, **info)`` works, where `info` is a dictionary
    458         # returned by Reader.read and friends.
    459         # Ditto for `colormap`.
    461         # A couple of helper functions come first.  Best skipped if you
    462         # are reading through.
    464         def isinteger(x):
    465             try:
    466                 return int(x) == x
    467             except:
    468                 return False
    470         def check_color(c, which):
    471             """Checks that a colour argument for transparent or
    472             background options is the right form.  Also "corrects" bare
    473             integers to 1-tuples.
    474             """
    476             if c is None:
    477                 return c
    478             if greyscale:
    479                 try:
    480                     l = len(c)
    481                 except TypeError:
    482                     c = (c,)
    483                 if len(c) != 1:
    484                     raise ValueError("%s for greyscale must be 1-tuple" %
    485                         which)
    486                 if not isinteger(c[0]):
    487                     raise ValueError(
    488                         "%s colour for greyscale must be integer" %
    489                         which)
    490             else:
    491                 if not (len(c) == 3 and
    492                         isinteger(c[0]) and
    493                         isinteger(c[1]) and
    494                         isinteger(c[2])):
    495                     raise ValueError(
    496                         "%s colour must be a triple of integers" %
    497                         which)
    498             return c
    500         if size:
    501             if len(size) != 2:
    502                 raise ValueError(
    503                   "size argument should be a pair (width, height)")
    504             if width is not None and width != size[0]:
    505                 raise ValueError(
    506                   "size[0] (%r) and width (%r) should match when both are used."
    507                     % (size[0], width))
    508             if height is not None and height != size[1]:
    509                 raise ValueError(
    510                   "size[1] (%r) and height (%r) should match when both are used."
    511                     % (size[1], height))
    512             width,height = size
    513         del size
    515         if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
    516             raise ValueError("width and height must be greater than zero")
    517         if not isinteger(width) or not isinteger(height):
    518             raise ValueError("width and height must be integers")
    519         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#7Integers-and-byte-order
    520         if width > 2**32-1 or height > 2**32-1:
    521             raise ValueError("width and height cannot exceed 2**32-1")
    523         if alpha and transparent is not None:
    524             raise ValueError(
    525                 "transparent colour not allowed with alpha channel")
    527         if bytes_per_sample is not None:
    528             warnings.warn('please use bitdepth instead of bytes_per_sample',
    529                           DeprecationWarning)
    530             if bytes_per_sample not in (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2):
    531                 raise ValueError(
    532                     "bytes per sample must be .125, .25, .5, 1, or 2")
    533             bitdepth = int(8*bytes_per_sample)
    534         del bytes_per_sample
    535         if not isinteger(bitdepth) or bitdepth < 1 or 16 < bitdepth:
    536             raise ValueError("bitdepth (%r) must be a postive integer <= 16" %
    537               bitdepth)
    539         self.rescale = None
    540         if palette:
    541             if bitdepth not in (1,2,4,8):
    542                 raise ValueError("with palette, bitdepth must be 1, 2, 4, or 8")
    543             if transparent is not None:
    544                 raise ValueError("transparent and palette not compatible")
    545             if alpha:
    546                 raise ValueError("alpha and palette not compatible")
    547             if greyscale:
    548                 raise ValueError("greyscale and palette not compatible")
    549         else:
    550             # No palette, check for sBIT chunk generation.
    551             if alpha or not greyscale:
    552                 if bitdepth not in (8,16):
    553                     targetbitdepth = (8,16)[bitdepth > 8]
    554                     self.rescale = (bitdepth, targetbitdepth)
    555                     bitdepth = targetbitdepth
    556                     del targetbitdepth
    557             else:
    558                 assert greyscale
    559                 assert not alpha
    560                 if bitdepth not in (1,2,4,8,16):
    561                     if bitdepth > 8:
    562                         targetbitdepth = 16
    563                     elif bitdepth == 3:
    564                         targetbitdepth = 4
    565                     else:
    566                         assert bitdepth in (5,6,7)
    567                         targetbitdepth = 8
    568                     self.rescale = (bitdepth, targetbitdepth)
    569                     bitdepth = targetbitdepth
    570                     del targetbitdepth
    572         if bitdepth < 8 and (alpha or not greyscale and not palette):
    573             raise ValueError(
    574               "bitdepth < 8 only permitted with greyscale or palette")
    575         if bitdepth > 8 and palette:
    576             raise ValueError(
    577                 "bit depth must be 8 or less for images with palette")
    579         transparent = check_color(transparent, 'transparent')
    580         background = check_color(background, 'background')
    582         # It's important that the true boolean values (greyscale, alpha,
    583         # colormap, interlace) are converted to bool because Iverson's
    584         # convention is relied upon later on.
    585         self.width = width
    586         self.height = height
    587         self.transparent = transparent
    588         self.background = background
    589         self.gamma = gamma
    590         self.greyscale = bool(greyscale)
    591         self.alpha = bool(alpha)
    592         self.colormap = bool(palette)
    593         self.bitdepth = int(bitdepth)
    594         self.compression = compression
    595         self.chunk_limit = chunk_limit
    596         self.interlace = bool(interlace)
    597         self.palette = check_palette(palette)
    599         self.color_type = 4*self.alpha + 2*(not greyscale) + 1*self.colormap
    600         assert self.color_type in (0,2,3,4,6)
    602         self.color_planes = (3,1)[self.greyscale or self.colormap]
    603         self.planes = self.color_planes + self.alpha
    604         # :todo: fix for bitdepth < 8
    605         self.psize = (self.bitdepth/8) * self.planes
    607     def make_palette(self):
    608         """Create the byte sequences for a ``PLTE`` and if necessary a
    609         ``tRNS`` chunk.  Returned as a pair (*p*, *t*).  *t* will be
    610         ``None`` if no ``tRNS`` chunk is necessary.
    611         """
    613         p = array('B')
    614         t = array('B')
    616         for x in self.palette:
    617             p.extend(x[0:3])
    618             if len(x) > 3:
    619                 t.append(x[3])
    620         p = tostring(p)
    621         t = tostring(t)
    622         if t:
    623             return p,t
    624         return p,None
    626     def write(self, outfile, rows):
    627         """Write a PNG image to the output file.  `rows` should be
    628         an iterable that yields each row in boxed row flat pixel format.
    629         The rows should be the rows of the original image, so there
    630         should be ``self.height`` rows of ``self.width * self.planes`` values.
    631         If `interlace` is specified (when creating the instance), then
    632         an interlaced PNG file will be written.  Supply the rows in the
    633         normal image order; the interlacing is carried out internally.
    635         .. note ::
    637           Interlacing will require the entire image to be in working memory.
    638         """
    640         if self.interlace:
    641             fmt = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
    642             a = array(fmt, itertools.chain(*rows))
    643             return self.write_array(outfile, a)
    644         else:
    645             nrows = self.write_passes(outfile, rows)
    646             if nrows != self.height:
    647                 raise ValueError(
    648                   "rows supplied (%d) does not match height (%d)" %
    649                   (nrows, self.height))
    651     def write_passes(self, outfile, rows, packed=False):
    652         """
    653         Write a PNG image to the output file.
    655         Most users are expected to find the :meth:`write` or
    656         :meth:`write_array` method more convenient.
    658         The rows should be given to this method in the order that
    659         they appear in the output file.  For straightlaced images,
    660         this is the usual top to bottom ordering, but for interlaced
    661         images the rows should have already been interlaced before
    662         passing them to this function.
    664         `rows` should be an iterable that yields each row.  When
    665         `packed` is ``False`` the rows should be in boxed row flat pixel
    666         format; when `packed` is ``True`` each row should be a packed
    667         sequence of bytes.
    669         """
    671         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5PNG-file-signature
    672         outfile.write(_signature)
    674         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR
    675         write_chunk(outfile, 'IHDR',
    676                     struct.pack("!2I5B", self.width, self.height,
    677                                 self.bitdepth, self.color_type,
    678                                 0, 0, self.interlace))
    680         # See :chunk:order
    681         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11gAMA
    682         if self.gamma is not None:
    683             write_chunk(outfile, 'gAMA',
    684                         struct.pack("!L", int(round(self.gamma*1e5))))
    686         # See :chunk:order
    687         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11sBIT
    688         if self.rescale:
    689             write_chunk(outfile, 'sBIT',
    690                 struct.pack('%dB' % self.planes,
    691                             *[self.rescale[0]]*self.planes))
    693         # :chunk:order: Without a palette (PLTE chunk), ordering is
    694         # relatively relaxed.  With one, gAMA chunk must precede PLTE
    695         # chunk which must precede tRNS and bKGD.
    696         # See http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5ChunkOrdering
    697         if self.palette:
    698             p,t = self.make_palette()
    699             write_chunk(outfile, 'PLTE', p)
    700             if t:
    701                 # tRNS chunk is optional.  Only needed if palette entries
    702                 # have alpha.
    703                 write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS', t)
    705         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tRNS
    706         if self.transparent is not None:
    707             if self.greyscale:
    708                 write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS',
    709                             struct.pack("!1H", *self.transparent))
    710             else:
    711                 write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS',
    712                             struct.pack("!3H", *self.transparent))
    714         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11bKGD
    715         if self.background is not None:
    716             if self.greyscale:
    717                 write_chunk(outfile, 'bKGD',
    718                             struct.pack("!1H", *self.background))
    719             else:
    720                 write_chunk(outfile, 'bKGD',
    721                             struct.pack("!3H", *self.background))
    723         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT
    724         if self.compression is not None:
    725             compressor = zlib.compressobj(self.compression)
    726         else:
    727             compressor = zlib.compressobj()
    729         # Choose an extend function based on the bitdepth.  The extend
    730         # function packs/decomposes the pixel values into bytes and
    731         # stuffs them onto the data array.
    732         data = array('B')
    733         if self.bitdepth == 8 or packed:
    734             extend = data.extend
    735         elif self.bitdepth == 16:
    736             # Decompose into bytes
    737             def extend(sl):
    738                 fmt = '!%dH' % len(sl)
    739                 data.extend(array('B', struct.pack(fmt, *sl)))
    740         else:
    741             # Pack into bytes
    742             assert self.bitdepth < 8
    743             # samples per byte
    744             spb = int(8/self.bitdepth)
    745             def extend(sl):
    746                 a = array('B', sl)
    747                 # Adding padding bytes so we can group into a whole
    748                 # number of spb-tuples.
    749                 l = float(len(a))
    750                 extra = math.ceil(l / float(spb))*spb - l
    751                 a.extend([0]*int(extra))
    752                 # Pack into bytes
    753                 l = group(a, spb)
    754                 l = map(lambda e: reduce(lambda x,y:
    755                                            (x << self.bitdepth) + y, e), l)
    756                 data.extend(l)
    757         if self.rescale:
    758             oldextend = extend
    759             factor = \
    760               float(2**self.rescale[1]-1) / float(2**self.rescale[0]-1)
    761             def extend(sl):
    762                 oldextend(map(lambda x: int(round(factor*x)), sl))
    764         # Build the first row, testing mostly to see if we need to
    765         # changed the extend function to cope with NumPy integer types
    766         # (they cause our ordinary definition of extend to fail, so we
    767         # wrap it).  See
    768         # http://code.google.com/p/pypng/issues/detail?id=44
    769         enumrows = enumerate(rows)
    770         del rows
    772         # First row's filter type.
    773         data.append(0)
    774         # :todo: Certain exceptions in the call to ``.next()`` or the
    775         # following try would indicate no row data supplied.
    776         # Should catch.
    777         i,row = enumrows.next()
    778         try:
    779             # If this fails...
    780             extend(row)
    781         except:
    782             # ... try a version that converts the values to int first.
    783             # Not only does this work for the (slightly broken) NumPy
    784             # types, there are probably lots of other, unknown, "nearly"
    785             # int types it works for.
    786             def wrapmapint(f):
    787                 return lambda sl: f(map(int, sl))
    788             extend = wrapmapint(extend)
    789             del wrapmapint
    790             extend(row)
    792         for i,row in enumrows:
    793             # Add "None" filter type.  Currently, it's essential that
    794             # this filter type be used for every scanline as we do not
    795             # mark the first row of a reduced pass image; that means we
    796             # could accidentally compute the wrong filtered scanline if
    797             # we used "up", "average", or "paeth" on such a line.
    798             data.append(0)
    799             extend(row)
    800             if len(data) > self.chunk_limit:
    801                 compressed = compressor.compress(tostring(data))
    802                 if len(compressed):
    803                     # print >> sys.stderr, len(data), len(compressed)
    804                     write_chunk(outfile, 'IDAT', compressed)
    805                 # Because of our very witty definition of ``extend``,
    806                 # above, we must re-use the same ``data`` object.  Hence
    807                 # we use ``del`` to empty this one, rather than create a
    808                 # fresh one (which would be my natural FP instinct).
    809                 del data[:]
    810         if len(data):
    811             compressed = compressor.compress(tostring(data))
    812         else:
    813             compressed = ''
    814         flushed = compressor.flush()
    815         if len(compressed) or len(flushed):
    816             # print >> sys.stderr, len(data), len(compressed), len(flushed)
    817             write_chunk(outfile, 'IDAT', compressed + flushed)
    818         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND
    819         write_chunk(outfile, 'IEND')
    820         return i+1
    822     def write_array(self, outfile, pixels):
    823         """
    824         Write an array in flat row flat pixel format as a PNG file on
    825         the output file.  See also :meth:`write` method.
    826         """
    828         if self.interlace:
    829             self.write_passes(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels))
    830         else:
    831             self.write_passes(outfile, self.array_scanlines(pixels))
    833     def write_packed(self, outfile, rows):
    834         """
    835         Write PNG file to `outfile`.  The pixel data comes from `rows`
    836         which should be in boxed row packed format.  Each row should be
    837         a sequence of packed bytes.
    839         Technically, this method does work for interlaced images but it
    840         is best avoided.  For interlaced images, the rows should be
    841         presented in the order that they appear in the file.
    843         This method should not be used when the source image bit depth
    844         is not one naturally supported by PNG; the bit depth should be
    845         1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
    846         """
    848         if self.rescale:
    849             raise Error("write_packed method not suitable for bit depth %d" %
    850               self.rescale[0])
    851         return self.write_passes(outfile, rows, packed=True)
    853     def convert_pnm(self, infile, outfile):
    854         """
    855         Convert a PNM file containing raw pixel data into a PNG file
    856         with the parameters set in the writer object.  Works for
    857         (binary) PGM, PPM, and PAM formats.
    858         """
    860         if self.interlace:
    861             pixels = array('B')
    862             pixels.fromfile(infile,
    863                             (self.bitdepth/8) * self.color_planes *
    864                             self.width * self.height)
    865             self.write_passes(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels))
    866         else:
    867             self.write_passes(outfile, self.file_scanlines(infile))
    869     def convert_ppm_and_pgm(self, ppmfile, pgmfile, outfile):
    870         """
    871         Convert a PPM and PGM file containing raw pixel data into a
    872         PNG outfile with the parameters set in the writer object.
    873         """
    874         pixels = array('B')
    875         pixels.fromfile(ppmfile,
    876                         (self.bitdepth/8) * self.color_planes *
    877                         self.width * self.height)
    878         apixels = array('B')
    879         apixels.fromfile(pgmfile,
    880                          (self.bitdepth/8) *
    881                          self.width * self.height)
    882         pixels = interleave_planes(pixels, apixels,
    883                                    (self.bitdepth/8) * self.color_planes,
    884                                    (self.bitdepth/8))
    885         if self.interlace:
    886             self.write_passes(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels))
    887         else:
    888             self.write_passes(outfile, self.array_scanlines(pixels))
    890     def file_scanlines(self, infile):
    891         """
    892         Generates boxed rows in flat pixel format, from the input file
    893         `infile`.  It assumes that the input file is in a "Netpbm-like"
    894         binary format, and is positioned at the beginning of the first
    895         pixel.  The number of pixels to read is taken from the image
    896         dimensions (`width`, `height`, `planes`) and the number of bytes
    897         per value is implied by the image `bitdepth`.
    898         """
    900         # Values per row
    901         vpr = self.width * self.planes
    902         row_bytes = vpr
    903         if self.bitdepth > 8:
    904             assert self.bitdepth == 16
    905             row_bytes *= 2
    906             fmt = '>%dH' % vpr
    907             def line():
    908                 return array('H', struct.unpack(fmt, infile.read(row_bytes)))
    909         else:
    910             def line():
    911                 scanline = array('B', infile.read(row_bytes))
    912                 return scanline
    913         for y in range(self.height):
    914             yield line()
    916     def array_scanlines(self, pixels):
    917         """
    918         Generates boxed rows (flat pixels) from flat rows (flat pixels)
    919         in an array.
    920         """
    922         # Values per row
    923         vpr = self.width * self.planes
    924         stop = 0
    925         for y in range(self.height):
    926             start = stop
    927             stop = start + vpr
    928             yield pixels[start:stop]
    930     def array_scanlines_interlace(self, pixels):
    931         """
    932         Generator for interlaced scanlines from an array.  `pixels` is
    933         the full source image in flat row flat pixel format.  The
    934         generator yields each scanline of the reduced passes in turn, in
    935         boxed row flat pixel format.
    936         """
    938         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#8InterlaceMethods
    939         # Array type.
    940         fmt = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
    941         # Value per row
    942         vpr = self.width * self.planes
    943         for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7:
    944             if xstart >= self.width:
    945                 continue
    946             # Pixels per row (of reduced image)
    947             ppr = int(math.ceil((self.width-xstart)/float(xstep)))
    948             # number of values in reduced image row.
    949             row_len = ppr*self.planes
    950             for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep):
    951                 if xstep == 1:
    952                     offset = y * vpr
    953                     yield pixels[offset:offset+vpr]
    954                 else:
    955                     row = array(fmt)
    956                     # There's no easier way to set the length of an array
    957                     row.extend(pixels[0:row_len])
    958                     offset = y * vpr + xstart * self.planes
    959                     end_offset = (y+1) * vpr
    960                     skip = self.planes * xstep
    961                     for i in range(self.planes):
    962                         row[i::self.planes] = \
    963                             pixels[offset+i:end_offset:skip]
    964                     yield row
    966 def write_chunk(outfile, tag, data=strtobytes('')):
    967     """
    968     Write a PNG chunk to the output file, including length and
    969     checksum.
    970     """
    972     # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5Chunk-layout
    973     outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data)))
    974     tag = strtobytes(tag)
    975     outfile.write(tag)
    976     outfile.write(data)
    977     checksum = zlib.crc32(tag)
    978     checksum = zlib.crc32(data, checksum)
    979     checksum &= 2**32-1
    980     outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", checksum))
    982 def write_chunks(out, chunks):
    983     """Create a PNG file by writing out the chunks."""
    985     out.write(_signature)
    986     for chunk in chunks:
    987         write_chunk(out, *chunk)
    989 def filter_scanline(type, line, fo, prev=None):
    990     """Apply a scanline filter to a scanline.  `type` specifies the
    991     filter type (0 to 4); `line` specifies the current (unfiltered)
    992     scanline as a sequence of bytes; `prev` specifies the previous
    993     (unfiltered) scanline as a sequence of bytes. `fo` specifies the
    994     filter offset; normally this is size of a pixel in bytes (the number
    995     of bytes per sample times the number of channels), but when this is
    996     < 1 (for bit depths < 8) then the filter offset is 1.
    997     """
    999     assert 0 <= type < 5
   1001     # The output array.  Which, pathetically, we extend one-byte at a
   1002     # time (fortunately this is linear).
   1003     out = array('B', [type])
   1005     def sub():
   1006         ai = -fo
   1007         for x in line:
   1008             if ai >= 0:
   1009                 x = (x - line[ai]) & 0xff
   1010             out.append(x)
   1011             ai += 1
   1012     def up():
   1013         for i,x in enumerate(line):
   1014             x = (x - prev[i]) & 0xff
   1015             out.append(x)
   1016     def average():
   1017         ai = -fo
   1018         for i,x in enumerate(line):
   1019             if ai >= 0:
   1020                 x = (x - ((line[ai] + prev[i]) >> 1)) & 0xff
   1021             else:
   1022                 x = (x - (prev[i] >> 1)) & 0xff
   1023             out.append(x)
   1024             ai += 1
   1025     def paeth():
   1026         # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#9Filter-type-4-Paeth
   1027         ai = -fo # also used for ci
   1028         for i,x in enumerate(line):
   1029             a = 0
   1030             b = prev[i]
   1031             c = 0
   1033             if ai >= 0:
   1034                 a = line[ai]
   1035                 c = prev[ai]
   1036             p = a + b - c
   1037             pa = abs(p - a)
   1038             pb = abs(p - b)
   1039             pc = abs(p - c)
   1040             if pa <= pb and pa <= pc: Pr = a
   1041             elif pb <= pc: Pr = b
   1042             else: Pr = c
   1044             x = (x - Pr) & 0xff
   1045             out.append(x)
   1046             ai += 1
   1048     if not prev:
   1049         # We're on the first line.  Some of the filters can be reduced
   1050         # to simpler cases which makes handling the line "off the top"
   1051         # of the image simpler.  "up" becomes "none"; "paeth" becomes
   1052         # "left" (non-trivial, but true). "average" needs to be handled
   1053         # specially.
   1054         if type == 2: # "up"
   1055             return line # type = 0
   1056         elif type == 3:
   1057             prev = [0]*len(line)
   1058         elif type == 4: # "paeth"
   1059             type = 1
   1060     if type == 0:
   1061         out.extend(line)
   1062     elif type == 1:
   1063         sub()
   1064     elif type == 2:
   1065         up()
   1066     elif type == 3:
   1067         average()
   1068     else: # type == 4
   1069         paeth()
   1070     return out
   1073 def from_array(a, mode=None, info={}):
   1074     """Create a PNG :class:`Image` object from a 2- or 3-dimensional array.
   1075     One application of this function is easy PIL-style saving:
   1076     ``png.from_array(pixels, 'L').save('foo.png')``.
   1078     .. note :
   1080       The use of the term *3-dimensional* is for marketing purposes
   1081       only.  It doesn't actually work.  Please bear with us.  Meanwhile
   1082       enjoy the complimentary snacks (on request) and please use a
   1083       2-dimensional array.
   1085     Unless they are specified using the *info* parameter, the PNG's
   1086     height and width are taken from the array size.  For a 3 dimensional
   1087     array the first axis is the height; the second axis is the width;
   1088     and the third axis is the channel number.  Thus an RGB image that is
   1089     16 pixels high and 8 wide will use an array that is 16x8x3.  For 2
   1090     dimensional arrays the first axis is the height, but the second axis
   1091     is ``width*channels``, so an RGB image that is 16 pixels high and 8
   1092     wide will use a 2-dimensional array that is 16x24 (each row will be
   1093     8*3==24 sample values).
   1095     *mode* is a string that specifies the image colour format in a
   1096     PIL-style mode.  It can be:
   1098     ``'L'``
   1099       greyscale (1 channel)
   1100     ``'LA'``
   1101       greyscale with alpha (2 channel)
   1102     ``'RGB'``
   1103       colour image (3 channel)
   1104     ``'RGBA'``
   1105       colour image with alpha (4 channel)
   1107     The mode string can also specify the bit depth (overriding how this
   1108     function normally derives the bit depth, see below).  Appending
   1109     ``';16'`` to the mode will cause the PNG to be 16 bits per channel;
   1110     any decimal from 1 to 16 can be used to specify the bit depth.
   1112     When a 2-dimensional array is used *mode* determines how many
   1113     channels the image has, and so allows the width to be derived from
   1114     the second array dimension.
   1116     The array is expected to be a ``numpy`` array, but it can be any
   1117     suitable Python sequence.  For example, a list of lists can be used:
   1118     ``png.from_array([[0, 255, 0], [255, 0, 255]], 'L')``.  The exact
   1119     rules are: ``len(a)`` gives the first dimension, height;
   1120     ``len(a[0])`` gives the second dimension; ``len(a[0][0])`` gives the
   1121     third dimension, unless an exception is raised in which case a
   1122     2-dimensional array is assumed.  It's slightly more complicated than
   1123     that because an iterator of rows can be used, and it all still
   1124     works.  Using an iterator allows data to be streamed efficiently.
   1126     The bit depth of the PNG is normally taken from the array element's
   1127     datatype (but if *mode* specifies a bitdepth then that is used
   1128     instead).  The array element's datatype is determined in a way which
   1129     is supposed to work both for ``numpy`` arrays and for Python
   1130     ``array.array`` objects.  A 1 byte datatype will give a bit depth of
   1131     8, a 2 byte datatype will give a bit depth of 16.  If the datatype
   1132     does not have an implicit size, for example it is a plain Python
   1133     list of lists, as above, then a default of 8 is used.
   1135     The *info* parameter is a dictionary that can be used to specify
   1136     metadata (in the same style as the arguments to the
   1137     :class:``png.Writer`` class).  For this function the keys that are
   1138     useful are:
   1140     height
   1141       overrides the height derived from the array dimensions and allows
   1142       *a* to be an iterable.
   1143     width
   1144       overrides the width derived from the array dimensions.
   1145     bitdepth
   1146       overrides the bit depth derived from the element datatype (but
   1147       must match *mode* if that also specifies a bit depth).
   1149     Generally anything specified in the
   1150     *info* dictionary will override any implicit choices that this
   1151     function would otherwise make, but must match any explicit ones.
   1152     For example, if the *info* dictionary has a ``greyscale`` key then
   1153     this must be true when mode is ``'L'`` or ``'LA'`` and false when
   1154     mode is ``'RGB'`` or ``'RGBA'``.
   1155     """
   1157     # We abuse the *info* parameter by modifying it.  Take a copy here.
   1158     # (Also typechecks *info* to some extent).
   1159     info = dict(info)
   1161     # Syntax check mode string.
   1162     bitdepth = None
   1163     try:
   1164         mode = mode.split(';')
   1165         if len(mode) not in (1,2):
   1166             raise Error()
   1167         if mode[0] not in ('L', 'LA', 'RGB', 'RGBA'):
   1168             raise Error()
   1169         if len(mode) == 2:
   1170             try:
   1171                 bitdepth = int(mode[1])
   1172             except:
   1173                 raise Error()
   1174     except Error:
   1175         raise Error("mode string should be 'RGB' or 'L;16' or similar.")
   1176     mode = mode[0]
   1178     # Get bitdepth from *mode* if possible.
   1179     if bitdepth:
   1180         if info.get('bitdepth') and bitdepth != info['bitdepth']:
   1181             raise Error("mode bitdepth (%d) should match info bitdepth (%d)." %
   1182               (bitdepth, info['bitdepth']))
   1183         info['bitdepth'] = bitdepth
   1185     # Fill in and/or check entries in *info*.
   1186     # Dimensions.
   1187     if 'size' in info:
   1188         # Check width, height, size all match where used.
   1189         for dimension,axis in [('width', 0), ('height', 1)]:
   1190             if dimension in info:
   1191                 if info[dimension] != info['size'][axis]:
   1192                     raise Error(
   1193                       "info[%r] shhould match info['size'][%r]." %
   1194                       (dimension, axis))
   1195         info['width'],info['height'] = info['size']
   1196     if 'height' not in info:
   1197         try:
   1198             l = len(a)
   1199         except:
   1200             raise Error(
   1201               "len(a) does not work, supply info['height'] instead.")
   1202         info['height'] = l
   1203     # Colour format.
   1204     if 'greyscale' in info:
   1205         if bool(info['greyscale']) != ('L' in mode):
   1206             raise Error("info['greyscale'] should match mode.")
   1207     info['greyscale'] = 'L' in mode
   1208     if 'alpha' in info:
   1209         if bool(info['alpha']) != ('A' in mode):
   1210             raise Error("info['alpha'] should match mode.")
   1211     info['alpha'] = 'A' in mode
   1213     planes = len(mode)
   1214     if 'planes' in info:
   1215         if info['planes'] != planes:
   1216             raise Error("info['planes'] should match mode.")
   1218     # In order to work out whether we the array is 2D or 3D we need its
   1219     # first row, which requires that we take a copy of its iterator.
   1220     # We may also need the first row to derive width and bitdepth.
   1221     a,t = itertools.tee(a)
   1222     row = t.next()
   1223     del t
   1224     try:
   1225         row[0][0]
   1226         threed = True
   1227         testelement = row[0]
   1228     except:
   1229         threed = False
   1230         testelement = row
   1231     if 'width' not in info:
   1232         if threed:
   1233             width = len(row)
   1234         else:
   1235             width = len(row) // planes
   1236         info['width'] = width
   1238     # Not implemented yet
   1239     assert not threed
   1241     if 'bitdepth' not in info:
   1242         try:
   1243             dtype = testelement.dtype
   1244             # goto the "else:" clause.  Sorry.
   1245         except:
   1246             try:
   1247                 # Try a Python array.array.
   1248                 bitdepth = 8 * testelement.itemsize
   1249             except:
   1250                 # We can't determine it from the array element's
   1251                 # datatype, use a default of 8.
   1252                 bitdepth = 8
   1253         else:
   1254             # If we got here without exception, we now assume that
   1255             # the array is a numpy array.
   1256             if dtype.kind == 'b':
   1257                 bitdepth = 1
   1258             else:
   1259                 bitdepth = 8 * dtype.itemsize
   1260         info['bitdepth'] = bitdepth
   1262     for thing in 'width height bitdepth greyscale alpha'.split():
   1263         assert thing in info
   1264     return Image(a, info)
   1266 # So that refugee's from PIL feel more at home.  Not documented.
   1267 fromarray = from_array
   1269 class Image:
   1270     """A PNG image.
   1271     You can create an :class:`Image` object from an array of pixels by calling
   1272     :meth:`png.from_array`.  It can be saved to disk with the
   1273     :meth:`save` method."""
   1274     def __init__(self, rows, info):
   1275         """
   1276         .. note ::
   1278           The constructor is not public.  Please do not call it.
   1279         """
   1281         self.rows = rows
   1282         self.info = info
   1284     def save(self, file):
   1285         """Save the image to *file*.  If *file* looks like an open file
   1286         descriptor then it is used, otherwise it is treated as a
   1287         filename and a fresh file is opened.
   1289         In general, you can only call this method once; after it has
   1290         been called the first time and the PNG image has been saved, the
   1291         source data will have been streamed, and cannot be streamed
   1292         again.
   1293         """
   1295         w = Writer(**self.info)
   1297         try:
   1298             file.write
   1299             def close(): pass
   1300         except:
   1301             file = open(file, 'wb')
   1302             def close(): file.close()
   1304         try:
   1305             w.write(file, self.rows)
   1306         finally:
   1307             close()
   1309 class _readable:
   1310     """
   1311     A simple file-like interface for strings and arrays.
   1312     """
   1314     def __init__(self, buf):
   1315         self.buf = buf
   1316         self.offset = 0
   1318     def read(self, n):
   1319         r = self.buf[self.offset:self.offset+n]
   1320         if isarray(r):
   1321             r = r.tostring()
   1322         self.offset += n
   1323         return r
   1326 class Reader:
   1327     """
   1328     PNG decoder in pure Python.
   1329     """
   1331     def __init__(self, _guess=None, **kw):
   1332         """
   1333         Create a PNG decoder object.
   1335         The constructor expects exactly one keyword argument. If you
   1336         supply a positional argument instead, it will guess the input
   1337         type. You can choose among the following keyword arguments:
   1339         filename
   1340           Name of input file (a PNG file).
   1341         file
   1342           A file-like object (object with a read() method).
   1343         bytes
   1344           ``array`` or ``string`` with PNG data.
   1346         """
   1347         if ((_guess is not None and len(kw) != 0) or
   1348             (_guess is None and len(kw) != 1)):
   1349             raise TypeError("Reader() takes exactly 1 argument")
   1351         # Will be the first 8 bytes, later on.  See validate_signature.
   1352         self.signature = None
   1353         self.transparent = None
   1354         # A pair of (len,type) if a chunk has been read but its data and
   1355         # checksum have not (in other words the file position is just
   1356         # past the 4 bytes that specify the chunk type).  See preamble
   1357         # method for how this is used.
   1358         self.atchunk = None
   1360         if _guess is not None:
   1361             if isarray(_guess):
   1362                 kw["bytes"] = _guess
   1363             elif isinstance(_guess, str):
   1364                 kw["filename"] = _guess
   1365             elif isinstance(_guess, file):
   1366                 kw["file"] = _guess
   1368         if "filename" in kw:
   1369             self.file = open(kw["filename"], "rb")
   1370         elif "file" in kw:
   1371             self.file = kw["file"]
   1372         elif "bytes" in kw:
   1373             self.file = _readable(kw["bytes"])
   1374         else:
   1375             raise TypeError("expecting filename, file or bytes array")
   1378     def chunk(self, seek=None, lenient=False):
   1379         """
   1380         Read the next PNG chunk from the input file; returns a
   1381         (*type*,*data*) tuple.  *type* is the chunk's type as a string
   1382         (all PNG chunk types are 4 characters long).  *data* is the
   1383         chunk's data content, as a string.
   1385         If the optional `seek` argument is
   1386         specified then it will keep reading chunks until it either runs
   1387         out of file or finds the type specified by the argument.  Note
   1388         that in general the order of chunks in PNGs is unspecified, so
   1389         using `seek` can cause you to miss chunks.
   1391         If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to True,
   1392         checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
   1393         """
   1395         self.validate_signature()
   1397         while True:
   1398             # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5Chunk-layout
   1399             if not self.atchunk:
   1400                 self.atchunk = self.chunklentype()
   1401             length,type = self.atchunk
   1402             self.atchunk = None
   1403             data = self.file.read(length)
   1404             if len(data) != length:
   1405                 raise ChunkError('Chunk %s too short for required %i octets.'
   1406                   % (type, length))
   1407             checksum = self.file.read(4)
   1408             if len(checksum) != 4:
   1409                 raise ValueError('Chunk %s too short for checksum.', tag)
   1410             if seek and type != seek:
   1411                 continue
   1412             verify = zlib.crc32(strtobytes(type))
   1413             verify = zlib.crc32(data, verify)
   1414             # Whether the output from zlib.crc32 is signed or not varies
   1415             # according to hideous implementation details, see
   1416             # http://bugs.python.org/issue1202 .
   1417             # We coerce it to be positive here (in a way which works on
   1418             # Python 2.3 and older).
   1419             verify &= 2**32 - 1
   1420             verify = struct.pack('!I', verify)
   1421             if checksum != verify:
   1422                 # print repr(checksum)
   1423                 (a, ) = struct.unpack('!I', checksum)
   1424                 (b, ) = struct.unpack('!I', verify)
   1425                 message = "Checksum error in %s chunk: 0x%08X != 0x%08X." % (type, a, b)
   1426                 if lenient:
   1427                     warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning)
   1428                 else:
   1429                     raise ChunkError(message)
   1430             return type, data
   1432     def chunks(self):
   1433         """Return an iterator that will yield each chunk as a
   1434         (*chunktype*, *content*) pair.
   1435         """
   1437         while True:
   1438             t,v = self.chunk()
   1439             yield t,v
   1440             if t == 'IEND':
   1441                 break
   1443     def undo_filter(self, filter_type, scanline, previous):
   1444         """Undo the filter for a scanline.  `scanline` is a sequence of
   1445         bytes that does not include the initial filter type byte.
   1446         `previous` is decoded previous scanline (for straightlaced
   1447         images this is the previous pixel row, but for interlaced
   1448         images, it is the previous scanline in the reduced image, which
   1449         in general is not the previous pixel row in the final image).
   1450         When there is no previous scanline (the first row of a
   1451         straightlaced image, or the first row in one of the passes in an
   1452         interlaced image), then this argument should be ``None``.
   1454         The scanline will have the effects of filtering removed, and the
   1455         result will be returned as a fresh sequence of bytes.
   1456         """
   1458         # :todo: Would it be better to update scanline in place?
   1459         # Yes, with the Cython extension making the undo_filter fast,
   1460         # updating scanline inplace makes the code 3 times faster
   1461         # (reading 50 images of 800x800 went from 40s to 16s)
   1462         result = scanline
   1464         if filter_type == 0:
   1465             return result
   1467         if filter_type not in (1,2,3,4):
   1468             raise FormatError('Invalid PNG Filter Type.'
   1469               '  See http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/#9Filters .')
   1471         # Filter unit.  The stride from one pixel to the corresponding
   1472         # byte from the previous previous.  Normally this is the pixel
   1473         # size in bytes, but when this is smaller than 1, the previous
   1474         # byte is used instead.
   1475         fu = max(1, self.psize)
   1477         # For the first line of a pass, synthesize a dummy previous
   1478         # line.  An alternative approach would be to observe that on the
   1479         # first line 'up' is the same as 'null', 'paeth' is the same
   1480         # as 'sub', with only 'average' requiring any special case.
   1481         if not previous:
   1482             previous = array('B', [0]*len(scanline))
   1484         def sub():
   1485             """Undo sub filter."""
   1487             ai = 0
   1488             # Loops starts at index fu.  Observe that the initial part
   1489             # of the result is already filled in correctly with
   1490             # scanline.
   1491             for i in range(fu, len(result)):
   1492                 x = scanline[i]
   1493                 a = result[ai]
   1494                 result[i] = (x + a) & 0xff
   1495                 ai += 1
   1497         def up():
   1498             """Undo up filter."""
   1500             for i in range(len(result)):
   1501                 x = scanline[i]
   1502                 b = previous[i]
   1503                 result[i] = (x + b) & 0xff
   1505         def average():
   1506             """Undo average filter."""
   1508             ai = -fu
   1509             for i in range(len(result)):
   1510                 x = scanline[i]
   1511                 if ai < 0:
   1512                     a = 0
   1513                 else:
   1514                     a = result[ai]
   1515                 b = previous[i]
   1516                 result[i] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff
   1517                 ai += 1
   1519         def paeth():
   1520             """Undo Paeth filter."""
   1522             # Also used for ci.
   1523             ai = -fu
   1524             for i in range(len(result)):
   1525                 x = scanline[i]
   1526                 if ai < 0:
   1527                     a = c = 0
   1528                 else:
   1529                     a = result[ai]
   1530                     c = previous[ai]
   1531                 b = previous[i]
   1532                 p = a + b - c
   1533                 pa = abs(p - a)
   1534                 pb = abs(p - b)
   1535                 pc = abs(p - c)
   1536                 if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
   1537                     pr = a
   1538                 elif pb <= pc:
   1539                     pr = b
   1540                 else:
   1541                     pr = c
   1542                 result[i] = (x + pr) & 0xff
   1543                 ai += 1
   1545         # Call appropriate filter algorithm.  Note that 0 has already
   1546         # been dealt with.
   1547         (None,
   1548          pngfilters.undo_filter_sub,
   1549          pngfilters.undo_filter_up,
   1550          pngfilters.undo_filter_average,
   1551          pngfilters.undo_filter_paeth)[filter_type](fu, scanline, previous, result)
   1552         return result
   1554     def deinterlace(self, raw):
   1555         """
   1556         Read raw pixel data, undo filters, deinterlace, and flatten.
   1557         Return in flat row flat pixel format.
   1558         """
   1560         # print >> sys.stderr, ("Reading interlaced, w=%s, r=%s, planes=%s," +
   1561         #     " bpp=%s") % (self.width, self.height, self.planes, self.bps)
   1562         # Values per row (of the target image)
   1563         vpr = self.width * self.planes
   1565         # Make a result array, and make it big enough.  Interleaving
   1566         # writes to the output array randomly (well, not quite), so the
   1567         # entire output array must be in memory.
   1568         fmt = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
   1569         a = array(fmt, [0]*vpr*self.height)
   1570         source_offset = 0
   1572         for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7:
   1573             # print >> sys.stderr, "Adam7: start=%s,%s step=%s,%s" % (
   1574             #     xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep)
   1575             if xstart >= self.width:
   1576                 continue
   1577             # The previous (reconstructed) scanline.  None at the
   1578             # beginning of a pass to indicate that there is no previous
   1579             # line.
   1580             recon = None
   1581             # Pixels per row (reduced pass image)
   1582             ppr = int(math.ceil((self.width-xstart)/float(xstep)))
   1583             # Row size in bytes for this pass.
   1584             row_size = int(math.ceil(self.psize * ppr))
   1585             for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep):
   1586                 filter_type = raw[source_offset]
   1587                 source_offset += 1
   1588                 scanline = raw[source_offset:source_offset+row_size]
   1589                 source_offset += row_size
   1590                 recon = self.undo_filter(filter_type, scanline, recon)
   1591                 # Convert so that there is one element per pixel value
   1592                 flat = self.serialtoflat(recon, ppr)
   1593                 if xstep == 1:
   1594                     assert xstart == 0
   1595                     offset = y * vpr
   1596                     a[offset:offset+vpr] = flat
   1597                 else:
   1598                     offset = y * vpr + xstart * self.planes
   1599                     end_offset = (y+1) * vpr
   1600                     skip = self.planes * xstep
   1601                     for i in range(self.planes):
   1602                         a[offset+i:end_offset:skip] = \
   1603                             flat[i::self.planes]
   1604         return a
   1606     def iterboxed(self, rows):
   1607         """Iterator that yields each scanline in boxed row flat pixel
   1608         format.  `rows` should be an iterator that yields the bytes of
   1609         each row in turn.
   1610         """
   1612         def asvalues(raw):
   1613             """Convert a row of raw bytes into a flat row.  Result may
   1614             or may not share with argument"""
   1616             if self.bitdepth == 8:
   1617                 return raw
   1618             if self.bitdepth == 16:
   1619                 raw = tostring(raw)
   1620                 return array('H', struct.unpack('!%dH' % (len(raw)//2), raw))
   1621             assert self.bitdepth < 8
   1622             width = self.width
   1623             # Samples per byte
   1624             spb = 8//self.bitdepth
   1625             out = array('B')
   1626             mask = 2**self.bitdepth - 1
   1627             shifts = map(self.bitdepth.__mul__, reversed(range(spb)))
   1628             for o in raw:
   1629                 out.extend(map(lambda i: mask&(o>>i), shifts))
   1630             return out[:width]
   1632         return itertools.imap(asvalues, rows)
   1634     def serialtoflat(self, bytes, width=None):
   1635         """Convert serial format (byte stream) pixel data to flat row
   1636         flat pixel.
   1637         """
   1639         if self.bitdepth == 8:
   1640             return bytes
   1641         if self.bitdepth == 16:
   1642             bytes = tostring(bytes)
   1643             return array('H',
   1644               struct.unpack('!%dH' % (len(bytes)//2), bytes))
   1645         assert self.bitdepth < 8
   1646         if width is None:
   1647             width = self.width
   1648         # Samples per byte
   1649         spb = 8//self.bitdepth
   1650         out = array('B')
   1651         mask = 2**self.bitdepth - 1
   1652         shifts = map(self.bitdepth.__mul__, reversed(range(spb)))
   1653         l = width
   1654         for o in bytes:
   1655             out.extend([(mask&(o>>s)) for s in shifts][:l])
   1656             l -= spb
   1657             if l <= 0:
   1658                 l = width
   1659         return out
   1661     def iterstraight(self, raw):
   1662         """Iterator that undoes the effect of filtering, and yields each
   1663         row in serialised format (as a sequence of bytes).  Assumes input
   1664         is straightlaced.  `raw` should be an iterable that yields the
   1665         raw bytes in chunks of arbitrary size."""
   1667         # length of row, in bytes
   1668         rb = self.row_bytes
   1669         a = array('B')
   1670         # The previous (reconstructed) scanline.  None indicates first
   1671         # line of image.
   1672         recon = None
   1673         for some in raw:
   1674             a.extend(some)
   1675             while len(a) >= rb + 1:
   1676                 filter_type = a[0]
   1677                 scanline = a[1:rb+1]
   1678                 del a[:rb+1]
   1679                 recon = self.undo_filter(filter_type, scanline, recon)
   1680                 yield recon
   1681         if len(a) != 0:
   1682             # :file:format We get here with a file format error: when the
   1683             # available bytes (after decompressing) do not pack into exact
   1684             # rows.
   1685             raise FormatError(
   1686               'Wrong size for decompressed IDAT chunk.')
   1687         assert len(a) == 0
   1689     def validate_signature(self):
   1690         """If signature (header) has not been read then read and
   1691         validate it; otherwise do nothing.
   1692         """
   1694         if self.signature:
   1695             return
   1696         self.signature = self.file.read(8)
   1697         if self.signature != _signature:
   1698             raise FormatError("PNG file has invalid signature.")
   1700     def preamble(self, lenient=False):
   1701         """
   1702         Extract the image metadata by reading the initial part of the PNG
   1703         file up to the start of the ``IDAT`` chunk.  All the chunks that
   1704         precede the ``IDAT`` chunk are read and either processed for
   1705         metadata or discarded.
   1707         If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to True,
   1708         checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
   1709         """
   1711         self.validate_signature()
   1713         while True:
   1714             if not self.atchunk:
   1715                 self.atchunk = self.chunklentype()
   1716                 if self.atchunk is None:
   1717                     raise FormatError(
   1718                       'This PNG file has no IDAT chunks.')
   1719             if self.atchunk[1] == 'IDAT':
   1720                 return
   1721             self.process_chunk(lenient=lenient)
   1723     def chunklentype(self):
   1724         """Reads just enough of the input to determine the next
   1725         chunk's length and type, returned as a (*length*, *type*) pair
   1726         where *type* is a string.  If there are no more chunks, ``None``
   1727         is returned.
   1728         """
   1730         x = self.file.read(8)
   1731         if not x:
   1732             return None
   1733         if len(x) != 8:
   1734             raise FormatError(
   1735               'End of file whilst reading chunk length and type.')
   1736         length,type = struct.unpack('!I4s', x)
   1737         type = bytestostr(type)
   1738         if length > 2**31-1:
   1739             raise FormatError('Chunk %s is too large: %d.' % (type,length))
   1740         return length,type
   1742     def process_chunk(self, lenient=False):
   1743         """Process the next chunk and its data.  This only processes the
   1744         following chunk types, all others are ignored: ``IHDR``,
   1745         ``PLTE``, ``bKGD``, ``tRNS``, ``gAMA``, ``sBIT``.
   1747         If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to True,
   1748         checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
   1749         """
   1751         type, data = self.chunk(lenient=lenient)
   1752         if type == 'IHDR':
   1753             # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR
   1754             if len(data) != 13:
   1755                 raise FormatError('IHDR chunk has incorrect length.')
   1756             (self.width, self.height, self.bitdepth, self.color_type,
   1757              self.compression, self.filter,
   1758              self.interlace) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data)
   1760             # Check that the header specifies only valid combinations.
   1761             if self.bitdepth not in (1,2,4,8,16):
   1762                 raise Error("invalid bit depth %d" % self.bitdepth)
   1763             if self.color_type not in (0,2,3,4,6):
   1764                 raise Error("invalid colour type %d" % self.color_type)
   1765             # Check indexed (palettized) images have 8 or fewer bits
   1766             # per pixel; check only indexed or greyscale images have
   1767             # fewer than 8 bits per pixel.
   1768             if ((self.color_type & 1 and self.bitdepth > 8) or
   1769                 (self.bitdepth < 8 and self.color_type not in (0,3))):
   1770                 raise FormatError("Illegal combination of bit depth (%d)"
   1771                   " and colour type (%d)."
   1772                   " See http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/#table111 ."
   1773                   % (self.bitdepth, self.color_type))
   1774             if self.compression != 0:
   1775                 raise Error("unknown compression method %d" % self.compression)
   1776             if self.filter != 0:
   1777                 raise FormatError("Unknown filter method %d,"
   1778                   " see http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/#9Filters ."
   1779                   % self.filter)
   1780             if self.interlace not in (0,1):
   1781                 raise FormatError("Unknown interlace method %d,"
   1782                   " see http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/#8InterlaceMethods ."
   1783                   % self.interlace)
   1785             # Derived values
   1786             # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#6Colour-values
   1787             colormap =  bool(self.color_type & 1)
   1788             greyscale = not (self.color_type & 2)
   1789             alpha = bool(self.color_type & 4)
   1790             color_planes = (3,1)[greyscale or colormap]
   1791             planes = color_planes + alpha
   1793             self.colormap = colormap
   1794             self.greyscale = greyscale
   1795             self.alpha = alpha
   1796             self.color_planes = color_planes
   1797             self.planes = planes
   1798             self.psize = float(self.bitdepth)/float(8) * planes
   1799             if int(self.psize) == self.psize:
   1800                 self.psize = int(self.psize)
   1801             self.row_bytes = int(math.ceil(self.width * self.psize))
   1802             # Stores PLTE chunk if present, and is used to check
   1803             # chunk ordering constraints.
   1804             self.plte = None
   1805             # Stores tRNS chunk if present, and is used to check chunk
   1806             # ordering constraints.
   1807             self.trns = None
   1808             # Stores sbit chunk if present.
   1809             self.sbit = None
   1810         elif type == 'PLTE':
   1811             # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11PLTE
   1812             if self.plte:
   1813                 warnings.warn("Multiple PLTE chunks present.")
   1814             self.plte = data
   1815             if len(data) % 3 != 0:
   1816                 raise FormatError(
   1817                   "PLTE chunk's length should be a multiple of 3.")
   1818             if len(data) > (2**self.bitdepth)*3:
   1819                 raise FormatError("PLTE chunk is too long.")
   1820             if len(data) == 0:
   1821                 raise FormatError("Empty PLTE is not allowed.")
   1822         elif type == 'bKGD':
   1823             try:
   1824                 if self.colormap:
   1825                     if not self.plte:
   1826                         warnings.warn(
   1827                           "PLTE chunk is required before bKGD chunk.")
   1828                     self.background = struct.unpack('B', data)
   1829                 else:
   1830                     self.background = struct.unpack("!%dH" % self.color_planes,
   1831                       data)
   1832             except struct.error:
   1833                 raise FormatError("bKGD chunk has incorrect length.")
   1834         elif type == 'tRNS':
   1835             # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tRNS
   1836             self.trns = data
   1837             if self.colormap:
   1838                 if not self.plte:
   1839                     warnings.warn("PLTE chunk is required before tRNS chunk.")
   1840                 else:
   1841                     if len(data) > len(self.plte)/3:
   1842                         # Was warning, but promoted to Error as it
   1843                         # would otherwise cause pain later on.
   1844                         raise FormatError("tRNS chunk is too long.")
   1845             else:
   1846                 if self.alpha:
   1847                     raise FormatError(
   1848                       "tRNS chunk is not valid with colour type %d." %
   1849                       self.color_type)
   1850                 try:
   1851                     self.transparent = \
   1852                         struct.unpack("!%dH" % self.color_planes, data)
   1853                 except struct.error:
   1854                     raise FormatError("tRNS chunk has incorrect length.")
   1855         elif type == 'gAMA':
   1856             try:
   1857                 self.gamma = struct.unpack("!L", data)[0] / 100000.0
   1858             except struct.error:
   1859                 raise FormatError("gAMA chunk has incorrect length.")
   1860         elif type == 'sBIT':
   1861             self.sbit = data
   1862             if (self.colormap and len(data) != 3 or
   1863                 not self.colormap and len(data) != self.planes):
   1864                 raise FormatError("sBIT chunk has incorrect length.")
   1866     def read(self, lenient=False):
   1867         """
   1868         Read the PNG file and decode it.  Returns (`width`, `height`,
   1869         `pixels`, `metadata`).
   1871         May use excessive memory.
   1873         `pixels` are returned in boxed row flat pixel format.
   1875         If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to True,
   1876         checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
   1877         """
   1879         def iteridat():
   1880             """Iterator that yields all the ``IDAT`` chunks as strings."""
   1881             while True:
   1882                 try:
   1883                     type, data = self.chunk(lenient=lenient)
   1884                 except ValueError, e:
   1885                     raise ChunkError(e.args[0])
   1886                 if type == 'IEND':
   1887                     # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND
   1888                     break
   1889                 if type != 'IDAT':
   1890                     continue
   1891                 # type == 'IDAT'
   1892                 # http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT
   1893                 if self.colormap and not self.plte:
   1894                     warnings.warn("PLTE chunk is required before IDAT chunk")
   1895                 yield data
   1897         def iterdecomp(idat):
   1898             """Iterator that yields decompressed strings.  `idat` should
   1899             be an iterator that yields the ``IDAT`` chunk data.
   1900             """
   1902             # Currently, with no max_length paramter to decompress, this
   1903             # routine will do one yield per IDAT chunk.  So not very
   1904             # incremental.
   1905             d = zlib.decompressobj()
   1906             # Each IDAT chunk is passed to the decompressor, then any
   1907             # remaining state is decompressed out.
   1908             for data in idat:
   1909                 # :todo: add a max_length argument here to limit output
   1910                 # size.
   1911                 yield array('B', d.decompress(data))
   1912             yield array('B', d.flush())
   1914         self.preamble(lenient=lenient)
   1915         raw = iterdecomp(iteridat())
   1917         if self.interlace:
   1918             raw = array('B', itertools.chain(*raw))
   1919             arraycode = 'BH'[self.bitdepth>8]
   1920             # Like :meth:`group` but producing an array.array object for
   1921             # each row.
   1922             pixels = itertools.imap(lambda *row: array(arraycode, row),
   1923                        *[iter(self.deinterlace(raw))]*self.width*self.planes)
   1924         else:
   1925             pixels = self.iterboxed(self.iterstraight(raw))
   1926         meta = dict()
   1927         for attr in 'greyscale alpha planes bitdepth interlace'.split():
   1928             meta[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
   1929         meta['size'] = (self.width, self.height)
   1930         for attr in 'gamma transparent background'.split():
   1931             a = getattr(self, attr, None)
   1932             if a is not None:
   1933                 meta[attr] = a
   1934         if self.plte:
   1935             meta['palette'] = self.palette()
   1936         return self.width, self.height, pixels, meta
   1939     def read_flat(self):
   1940         """
   1941         Read a PNG file and decode it into flat row flat pixel format.
   1942         Returns (*width*, *height*, *pixels*, *metadata*).
   1944         May use excessive memory.
   1946         `pixels` are returned in flat row flat pixel format.
   1948         See also the :meth:`read` method which returns pixels in the
   1949         more stream-friendly boxed row flat pixel format.
   1950         """
   1952         x, y, pixel, meta = self.read()
   1953         arraycode = 'BH'[meta['bitdepth']>8]
   1954         pixel = array(arraycode, itertools.chain(*pixel))
   1955         return x, y, pixel, meta
   1957     def palette(self, alpha='natural'):
   1958         """Returns a palette that is a sequence of 3-tuples or 4-tuples,
   1959         synthesizing it from the ``PLTE`` and ``tRNS`` chunks.  These
   1960         chunks should have already been processed (for example, by
   1961         calling the :meth:`preamble` method).  All the tuples are the
   1962         same size: 3-tuples if there is no ``tRNS`` chunk, 4-tuples when
   1963         there is a ``tRNS`` chunk.  Assumes that the image is colour type
   1964         3 and therefore a ``PLTE`` chunk is required.
   1966         If the `alpha` argument is ``'force'`` then an alpha channel is
   1967         always added, forcing the result to be a sequence of 4-tuples.
   1968         """
   1970         if not self.plte:
   1971             raise FormatError(
   1972                 "Required PLTE chunk is missing in colour type 3 image.")
   1973         plte = group(array('B', self.plte), 3)
   1974         if self.trns or alpha == 'force':
   1975             trns = array('B', self.trns or '')
   1976             trns.extend([255]*(len(plte)-len(trns)))
   1977             plte = map(operator.add, plte, group(trns, 1))
   1978         return plte
   1980     def asDirect(self):
   1981         """Returns the image data as a direct representation of an
   1982         ``x * y * planes`` array.  This method is intended to remove the
   1983         need for callers to deal with palettes and transparency
   1984         themselves.  Images with a palette (colour type 3)
   1985         are converted to RGB or RGBA; images with transparency (a
   1986         ``tRNS`` chunk) are converted to LA or RGBA as appropriate.
   1987         When returned in this format the pixel values represent the
   1988         colour value directly without needing to refer to palettes or
   1989         transparency information.
   1991         Like the :meth:`read` method this method returns a 4-tuple:
   1993         (*width*, *height*, *pixels*, *meta*)
   1995         This method normally returns pixel values with the bit depth
   1996         they have in the source image, but when the source PNG has an
   1997         ``sBIT`` chunk it is inspected and can reduce the bit depth of
   1998         the result pixels; pixel values will be reduced according to
   1999         the bit depth specified in the ``sBIT`` chunk (PNG nerds should
   2000         note a single result bit depth is used for all channels; the
   2001         maximum of the ones specified in the ``sBIT`` chunk.  An RGB565
   2002         image will be rescaled to 6-bit RGB666).
   2004         The *meta* dictionary that is returned reflects the `direct`
   2005         format and not the original source image.  For example, an RGB
   2006         source image with a ``tRNS`` chunk to represent a transparent
   2007         colour, will have ``planes=3`` and ``alpha=False`` for the
   2008         source image, but the *meta* dictionary returned by this method
   2009         will have ``planes=4`` and ``alpha=True`` because an alpha
   2010         channel is synthesized and added.
   2012         *pixels* is the pixel data in boxed row flat pixel format (just
   2013         like the :meth:`read` method).
   2015         All the other aspects of the image data are not changed.
   2016         """
   2018         self.preamble()
   2020         # Simple case, no conversion necessary.
   2021         if not self.colormap and not self.trns and not self.sbit:
   2022             return self.read()
   2024         x,y,pixels,meta = self.read()
   2026         if self.colormap:
   2027             meta['colormap'] = False
   2028             meta['alpha'] = bool(self.trns)
   2029             meta['bitdepth'] = 8
   2030             meta['planes'] = 3 + bool(self.trns)
   2031             plte = self.palette()
   2032             def iterpal(pixels):
   2033                 for row in pixels:
   2034                     row = map(plte.__getitem__, row)
   2035                     yield array('B', itertools.chain(*row))
   2036             pixels = iterpal(pixels)
   2037         elif self.trns:
   2038             # It would be nice if there was some reasonable way of doing
   2039             # this without generating a whole load of intermediate tuples.
   2040             # But tuples does seem like the easiest way, with no other way
   2041             # clearly much simpler or much faster.  (Actually, the L to LA
   2042             # conversion could perhaps go faster (all those 1-tuples!), but
   2043             # I still wonder whether the code proliferation is worth it)
   2044             it = self.transparent
   2045             maxval = 2**meta['bitdepth']-1
   2046             planes = meta['planes']
   2047             meta['alpha'] = True
   2048             meta['planes'] += 1
   2049             typecode = 'BH'[meta['bitdepth']>8]
   2050             def itertrns(pixels):
   2051                 for row in pixels:
   2052                     # For each row we group it into pixels, then form a
   2053                     # characterisation vector that says whether each pixel
   2054                     # is opaque or not.  Then we convert True/False to
   2055                     # 0/maxval (by multiplication), and add it as the extra
   2056                     # channel.
   2057                     row = group(row, planes)
   2058                     opa = map(it.__ne__, row)
   2059                     opa = map(maxval.__mul__, opa)
   2060                     opa = zip(opa) # convert to 1-tuples
   2061                     yield array(typecode,
   2062                       itertools.chain(*map(operator.add, row, opa)))
   2063             pixels = itertrns(pixels)
   2064         targetbitdepth = None
   2065         if self.sbit:
   2066             sbit = struct.unpack('%dB' % len(self.sbit), self.sbit)
   2067             targetbitdepth = max(sbit)
   2068             if targetbitdepth > meta['bitdepth']:
   2069                 raise Error('sBIT chunk %r exceeds bitdepth %d' %
   2070                     (sbit,self.bitdepth))
   2071             if min(sbit) <= 0:
   2072                 raise Error('sBIT chunk %r has a 0-entry' % sbit)
   2073             if targetbitdepth == meta['bitdepth']:
   2074                 targetbitdepth = None
   2075         if targetbitdepth:
   2076             shift = meta['bitdepth'] - targetbitdepth
   2077             meta['bitdepth'] = targetbitdepth
   2078             def itershift(pixels):
   2079                 for row in pixels:
   2080                     yield map(shift.__rrshift__, row)
   2081             pixels = itershift(pixels)
   2082         return x,y,pixels,meta
   2084     def asFloat(self, maxval=1.0):
   2085         """Return image pixels as per :meth:`asDirect` method, but scale
   2086         all pixel values to be floating point values between 0.0 and
   2087         *maxval*.
   2088         """
   2090         x,y,pixels,info = self.asDirect()
   2091         sourcemaxval = 2**info['bitdepth']-1
   2092         del info['bitdepth']
   2093         info['maxval'] = float(maxval)
   2094         factor = float(maxval)/float(sourcemaxval)
   2095         def iterfloat():
   2096             for row in pixels:
   2097                 yield map(factor.__mul__, row)
   2098         return x,y,iterfloat(),info
   2100     def _as_rescale(self, get, targetbitdepth):
   2101         """Helper used by :meth:`asRGB8` and :meth:`asRGBA8`."""
   2103         width,height,pixels,meta = get()
   2104         maxval = 2**meta['bitdepth'] - 1
   2105         targetmaxval = 2**targetbitdepth - 1
   2106         factor = float(targetmaxval) / float(maxval)
   2107         meta['bitdepth'] = targetbitdepth
   2108         def iterscale():
   2109             for row in pixels:
   2110                 yield map(lambda x: int(round(x*factor)), row)
   2111         if maxval == targetmaxval:
   2112             return width, height, pixels, meta
   2113         else:
   2114             return width, height, iterscale(), meta
   2116     def asRGB8(self):
   2117         """Return the image data as an RGB pixels with 8-bits per
   2118         sample.  This is like the :meth:`asRGB` method except that
   2119         this method additionally rescales the values so that they
   2120         are all between 0 and 255 (8-bit).  In the case where the
   2121         source image has a bit depth < 8 the transformation preserves
   2122         all the information; where the source image has bit depth
   2123         > 8, then rescaling to 8-bit values loses precision.  No
   2124         dithering is performed.  Like :meth:`asRGB`, an alpha channel
   2125         in the source image will raise an exception.
   2127         This function returns a 4-tuple:
   2128         (*width*, *height*, *pixels*, *metadata*).
   2129         *width*, *height*, *metadata* are as per the :meth:`read` method.
   2131         *pixels* is the pixel data in boxed row flat pixel format.
   2132         """
   2134         return self._as_rescale(self.asRGB, 8)
   2136     def asRGBA8(self):
   2137         """Return the image data as RGBA pixels with 8-bits per
   2138         sample.  This method is similar to :meth:`asRGB8` and
   2139         :meth:`asRGBA`:  The result pixels have an alpha channel, *and*
   2140         values are rescaled to the range 0 to 255.  The alpha channel is
   2141         synthesized if necessary (with a small speed penalty).
   2142         """
   2144         return self._as_rescale(self.asRGBA, 8)
   2146     def asRGB(self):
   2147         """Return image as RGB pixels.  RGB colour images are passed
   2148         through unchanged; greyscales are expanded into RGB
   2149         triplets (there is a small speed overhead for doing this).
   2151         An alpha channel in the source image will raise an
   2152         exception.
   2154         The return values are as for the :meth:`read` method
   2155         except that the *metadata* reflect the returned pixels, not the
   2156         source image.  In particular, for this method
   2157         ``metadata['greyscale']`` will be ``False``.
   2158         """
   2160         width,height,pixels,meta = self.asDirect()
   2161         if meta['alpha']:
   2162             raise Error("will not convert image with alpha channel to RGB")
   2163         if not meta['greyscale']:
   2164             return width,height,pixels,meta
   2165         meta['greyscale'] = False
   2166         typecode = 'BH'[meta['bitdepth'] > 8]
   2167         def iterrgb():
   2168             for row in pixels:
   2169                 a = array(typecode, [0]) * 3 * width
   2170                 for i in range(3):
   2171                     a[i::3] = row
   2172                 yield a
   2173         return width,height,iterrgb(),meta
   2175     def asRGBA(self):
   2176         """Return image as RGBA pixels.  Greyscales are expanded into
   2177         RGB triplets; an alpha channel is synthesized if necessary.
   2178         The return values are as for the :meth:`read` method
   2179         except that the *metadata* reflect the returned pixels, not the
   2180         source image.  In particular, for this method
   2181         ``metadata['greyscale']`` will be ``False``, and
   2182         ``metadata['alpha']`` will be ``True``.
   2183         """
   2185         width,height,pixels,meta = self.asDirect()
   2186         if meta['alpha'] and not meta['greyscale']:
   2187             return width,height,pixels,meta
   2188         typecode = 'BH'[meta['bitdepth'] > 8]
   2189         maxval = 2**meta['bitdepth'] - 1
   2190         maxbuffer = struct.pack('=' + typecode, maxval) * 4 * width
   2191         def newarray():
   2192             return array(typecode, maxbuffer)
   2194         if meta['alpha'] and meta['greyscale']:
   2195             # LA to RGBA
   2196             def convert():
   2197                 for row in pixels:
   2198                     # Create a fresh target row, then copy L channel
   2199                     # into first three target channels, and A channel
   2200                     # into fourth channel.
   2201                     a = newarray()
   2202                     pngfilters.convert_la_to_rgba(row, a)
   2203                     yield a
   2204         elif meta['greyscale']:
   2205             # L to RGBA
   2206             def convert():
   2207                 for row in pixels:
   2208                     a = newarray()
   2209                     pngfilters.convert_l_to_rgba(row, a)
   2210                     yield a
   2211         else:
   2212             assert not meta['alpha'] and not meta['greyscale']
   2213             # RGB to RGBA
   2214             def convert():
   2215                 for row in pixels:
   2216                     a = newarray()
   2217                     pngfilters.convert_rgb_to_rgba(row, a)
   2218                     yield a
   2219         meta['alpha'] = True
   2220         meta['greyscale'] = False
   2221         return width,height,convert(),meta
   2224 # === Legacy Version Support ===
   2226 # :pyver:old:  PyPNG works on Python versions 2.3 and 2.2, but not
   2227 # without some awkward problems.  Really PyPNG works on Python 2.4 (and
   2228 # above); it works on Pythons 2.3 and 2.2 by virtue of fixing up
   2229 # problems here.  It's a bit ugly (which is why it's hidden down here).
   2230 #
   2231 # Generally the strategy is one of pretending that we're running on
   2232 # Python 2.4 (or above), and patching up the library support on earlier
   2233 # versions so that it looks enough like Python 2.4.  When it comes to
   2234 # Python 2.2 there is one thing we cannot patch: extended slices
   2235 # http://www.python.org/doc/2.3/whatsnew/section-slices.html.
   2236 # Instead we simply declare that features that are implemented using
   2237 # extended slices will not work on Python 2.2.
   2238 #
   2239 # In order to work on Python 2.3 we fix up a recurring annoyance involving
   2240 # the array type.  In Python 2.3 an array cannot be initialised with an
   2241 # array, and it cannot be extended with a list (or other sequence).
   2242 # Both of those are repeated issues in the code.  Whilst I would not
   2243 # normally tolerate this sort of behaviour, here we "shim" a replacement
   2244 # for array into place (and hope no-ones notices).  You never read this.
   2245 #
   2246 # In an amusing case of warty hacks on top of warty hacks... the array
   2247 # shimming we try and do only works on Python 2.3 and above (you can't
   2248 # subclass array.array in Python 2.2).  So to get it working on Python
   2249 # 2.2 we go for something much simpler and (probably) way slower.
   2250 try:
   2251     array('B').extend([])
   2252     array('B', array('B'))
   2253 except:
   2254     # Expect to get here on Python 2.3
   2255     try:
   2256         class _array_shim(array):
   2257             true_array = array
   2258             def __new__(cls, typecode, init=None):
   2259                 super_new = super(_array_shim, cls).__new__
   2260                 it = super_new(cls, typecode)
   2261                 if init is None:
   2262                     return it
   2263                 it.extend(init)
   2264                 return it
   2265             def extend(self, extension):
   2266                 super_extend = super(_array_shim, self).extend
   2267                 if isinstance(extension, self.true_array):
   2268                     return super_extend(extension)
   2269                 if not isinstance(extension, (list, str)):
   2270                     # Convert to list.  Allows iterators to work.
   2271                     extension = list(extension)
   2272                 return super_extend(self.true_array(self.typecode, extension))
   2273         array = _array_shim
   2274     except:
   2275         # Expect to get here on Python 2.2
   2276         def array(typecode, init=()):
   2277             if type(init) == str:
   2278                 return map(ord, init)
   2279             return list(init)
   2281 # Further hacks to get it limping along on Python 2.2
   2282 try:
   2283     enumerate
   2284 except:
   2285     def enumerate(seq):
   2286         i=0
   2287         for x in seq:
   2288             yield i,x
   2289             i += 1
   2291 try:
   2292     reversed
   2293 except:
   2294     def reversed(l):
   2295         l = list(l)
   2296         l.reverse()
   2297         for x in l:
   2298             yield x
   2300 try:
   2301     itertools
   2302 except:
   2303     class _dummy_itertools:
   2304         pass
   2305     itertools = _dummy_itertools()
   2306     def _itertools_imap(f, seq):
   2307         for x in seq:
   2308             yield f(x)
   2309     itertools.imap = _itertools_imap
   2310     def _itertools_chain(*iterables):
   2311         for it in iterables:
   2312             for element in it:
   2313                 yield element
   2314     itertools.chain = _itertools_chain
   2317 # === Support for users without Cython ===
   2319 try:
   2320     pngfilters
   2321 except:
   2322     class pngfilters(object):
   2323         def undo_filter_sub(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
   2324             """Undo sub filter."""
   2326             ai = 0
   2327             # Loops starts at index fu.  Observe that the initial part
   2328             # of the result is already filled in correctly with
   2329             # scanline.
   2330             for i in range(filter_unit, len(result)):
   2331                 x = scanline[i]
   2332                 a = result[ai]
   2333                 result[i] = (x + a) & 0xff
   2334                 ai += 1
   2335         undo_filter_sub = staticmethod(undo_filter_sub)
   2337         def undo_filter_up(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
   2338             """Undo up filter."""
   2340             for i in range(len(result)):
   2341                 x = scanline[i]
   2342                 b = previous[i]
   2343                 result[i] = (x + b) & 0xff
   2344         undo_filter_up = staticmethod(undo_filter_up)
   2346         def undo_filter_average(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
   2347             """Undo up filter."""
   2349             ai = -filter_unit
   2350             for i in range(len(result)):
   2351                 x = scanline[i]
   2352                 if ai < 0:
   2353                     a = 0
   2354                 else:
   2355                     a = result[ai]
   2356                 b = previous[i]
   2357                 result[i] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff
   2358                 ai += 1
   2359         undo_filter_average = staticmethod(undo_filter_average)
   2361         def undo_filter_paeth(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
   2362             """Undo Paeth filter."""
   2364             # Also used for ci.
   2365             ai = -filter_unit
   2366             for i in range(len(result)):
   2367                 x = scanline[i]
   2368                 if ai < 0:
   2369                     a = c = 0
   2370                 else:
   2371                     a = result[ai]
   2372                     c = previous[ai]
   2373                 b = previous[i]
   2374                 p = a + b - c
   2375                 pa = abs(p - a)
   2376                 pb = abs(p - b)
   2377                 pc = abs(p - c)
   2378                 if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
   2379                     pr = a
   2380                 elif pb <= pc:
   2381                     pr = b
   2382                 else:
   2383                     pr = c
   2384                 result[i] = (x + pr) & 0xff
   2385                 ai += 1
   2386         undo_filter_paeth = staticmethod(undo_filter_paeth)
   2388         def convert_la_to_rgba(row, result):
   2389             for i in range(3):
   2390                 result[i::4] = row[0::2]
   2391             result[3::4] = row[1::2]
   2392         convert_la_to_rgba = staticmethod(convert_la_to_rgba)
   2394         def convert_l_to_rgba(row, result):
   2395             """Convert a grayscale image to RGBA. This method assumes the alpha
   2396             channel in result is already correctly initialized."""
   2397             for i in range(3):
   2398                 result[i::4] = row
   2399         convert_l_to_rgba = staticmethod(convert_l_to_rgba)
   2401         def convert_rgb_to_rgba(row, result):
   2402             """Convert an RGB image to RGBA. This method assumes the alpha
   2403             channel in result is already correctly initialized."""
   2404             for i in range(3):
   2405                 result[i::4] = row[i::3]
   2406         convert_rgb_to_rgba = staticmethod(convert_rgb_to_rgba)
   2409 # === Internal Test Support ===
   2411 # This section comprises the tests that are internally validated (as
   2412 # opposed to tests which produce output files that are externally
   2413 # validated).  Primarily they are unittests.
   2415 # Note that it is difficult to internally validate the results of
   2416 # writing a PNG file.  The only thing we can do is read it back in
   2417 # again, which merely checks consistency, not that the PNG file we
   2418 # produce is valid.
   2420 # Run the tests from the command line:
   2421 # python -c 'import png;png.test()'
   2423 # (For an in-memory binary file IO object) We use BytesIO where
   2424 # available, otherwise we use StringIO, but name it BytesIO.
   2425 try:
   2426     from io import BytesIO
   2427 except:
   2428     from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
   2429 import tempfile
   2430 # http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.4/lib/module-unittest.html
   2431 import unittest
   2434 def test():
   2435     unittest.main(__name__)
   2437 def topngbytes(name, rows, x, y, **k):
   2438     """Convenience function for creating a PNG file "in memory" as a
   2439     string.  Creates a :class:`Writer` instance using the keyword arguments,
   2440     then passes `rows` to its :meth:`Writer.write` method.  The resulting
   2441     PNG file is returned as a string.  `name` is used to identify the file for
   2442     debugging.
   2443     """
   2445     import os
   2447     print name
   2448     f = BytesIO()
   2449     w = Writer(x, y, **k)
   2450     w.write(f, rows)
   2451     if os.environ.get('PYPNG_TEST_TMP'):
   2452         w = open(name, 'wb')
   2453         w.write(f.getvalue())
   2454         w.close()
   2455     return f.getvalue()
   2457 def testWithIO(inp, out, f):
   2458     """Calls the function `f` with ``sys.stdin`` changed to `inp`
   2459     and ``sys.stdout`` changed to `out`.  They are restored when `f`
   2460     returns.  This function returns whatever `f` returns.
   2461     """
   2463     import os
   2465     try:
   2466         oldin,sys.stdin = sys.stdin,inp
   2467         oldout,sys.stdout = sys.stdout,out
   2468         x = f()
   2469     finally:
   2470         sys.stdin = oldin
   2471         sys.stdout = oldout
   2472     if os.environ.get('PYPNG_TEST_TMP') and hasattr(out,'getvalue'):
   2473         name = mycallersname()
   2474         if name:
   2475             w = open(name+'.png', 'wb')
   2476             w.write(out.getvalue())
   2477             w.close()
   2478     return x
   2480 def mycallersname():
   2481     """Returns the name of the caller of the caller of this function
   2482     (hence the name of the caller of the function in which
   2483     "mycallersname()" textually appears).  Returns None if this cannot
   2484     be determined."""
   2486     # http://docs.python.org/library/inspect.html#the-interpreter-stack
   2487     import inspect
   2489     frame = inspect.currentframe()
   2490     if not frame:
   2491         return None
   2492     frame_,filename_,lineno_,funname,linelist_,listi_ = (
   2493       inspect.getouterframes(frame)[2])
   2494     return funname
   2496 def seqtobytes(s):
   2497     """Convert a sequence of integers to a *bytes* instance.  Good for
   2498     plastering over Python 2 / Python 3 cracks.
   2499     """
   2501     return strtobytes(''.join(chr(x) for x in s))
   2503 class Test(unittest.TestCase):
   2504     # This member is used by the superclass.  If we don't define a new
   2505     # class here then when we use self.assertRaises() and the PyPNG code
   2506     # raises an assertion then we get no proper traceback.  I can't work
   2507     # out why, but defining a new class here means we get a proper
   2508     # traceback.
   2509     class failureException(Exception):
   2510         pass
   2512     def helperLN(self, n):
   2513         mask = (1 << n) - 1
   2514         # Use small chunk_limit so that multiple chunk writing is
   2515         # tested.  Making it a test for Issue 20.
   2516         w = Writer(15, 17, greyscale=True, bitdepth=n, chunk_limit=99)
   2517         f = BytesIO()
   2518         w.write_array(f, array('B', map(mask.__and__, range(1, 256))))
   2519         r = Reader(bytes=f.getvalue())
   2520         x,y,pixels,meta = r.read()
   2521         self.assertEqual(x, 15)
   2522         self.assertEqual(y, 17)
   2523         self.assertEqual(list(itertools.chain(*pixels)),
   2524                          map(mask.__and__, range(1,256)))
   2525     def testL8(self):
   2526         return self.helperLN(8)
   2527     def testL4(self):
   2528         return self.helperLN(4)
   2529     def testL2(self):
   2530         "Also tests asRGB8."
   2531         w = Writer(1, 4, greyscale=True, bitdepth=2)
   2532         f = BytesIO()
   2533         w.write_array(f, array('B', range(4)))
   2534         r = Reader(bytes=f.getvalue())
   2535         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asRGB8()
   2536         self.assertEqual(x, 1)
   2537         self.assertEqual(y, 4)
   2538         for i,row in enumerate(pixels):
   2539             self.assertEqual(len(row), 3)
   2540             self.assertEqual(list(row), [0x55*i]*3)
   2541     def testP2(self):
   2542         "2-bit palette."
   2543         a = (255,255,255)
   2544         b = (200,120,120)
   2545         c = (50,99,50)
   2546         w = Writer(1, 4, bitdepth=2, palette=[a,b,c])
   2547         f = BytesIO()
   2548         w.write_array(f, array('B', (0,1,1,2)))
   2549         r = Reader(bytes=f.getvalue())
   2550         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asRGB8()
   2551         self.assertEqual(x, 1)
   2552         self.assertEqual(y, 4)
   2553         self.assertEqual(map(list, pixels), map(list, [a, b, b, c]))
   2554     def testPtrns(self):
   2555         "Test colour type 3 and tRNS chunk (and 4-bit palette)."
   2556         a = (50,99,50,50)
   2557         b = (200,120,120,80)
   2558         c = (255,255,255)
   2559         d = (200,120,120)
   2560         e = (50,99,50)
   2561         w = Writer(3, 3, bitdepth=4, palette=[a,b,c,d,e])
   2562         f = BytesIO()
   2563         w.write_array(f, array('B', (4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1)))
   2564         r = Reader(bytes=f.getvalue())
   2565         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asRGBA8()
   2566         self.assertEqual(x, 3)
   2567         self.assertEqual(y, 3)
   2568         c = c+(255,)
   2569         d = d+(255,)
   2570         e = e+(255,)
   2571         boxed = [(e,d,c),(d,c,a),(c,a,b)]
   2572         flat = map(lambda row: itertools.chain(*row), boxed)
   2573         self.assertEqual(map(list, pixels), map(list, flat))
   2574     def testRGBtoRGBA(self):
   2575         "asRGBA8() on colour type 2 source."""
   2576         # Test for Issue 26
   2577         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn2c08'])
   2578         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asRGBA8()
   2579         # Test the pixels at row 9 columns 0 and 1.
   2580         row9 = list(pixels)[9]
   2581         self.assertEqual(list(row9[0:8]),
   2582                          [0xff, 0xdf, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xde, 0xff, 0xff])
   2583     def testLtoRGBA(self):
   2584         "asRGBA() on grey source."""
   2585         # Test for Issue 60
   2586         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basi0g08'])
   2587         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asRGBA()
   2588         row9 = list(list(pixels)[9])
   2589         self.assertEqual(row9[0:8],
   2590           [222, 222, 222, 255, 221, 221, 221, 255])
   2591     def testCtrns(self):
   2592         "Test colour type 2 and tRNS chunk."
   2593         # Test for Issue 25
   2594         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['tbrn2c08'])
   2595         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asRGBA8()
   2596         # I just happen to know that the first pixel is transparent.
   2597         # In particular it should be #7f7f7f00
   2598         row0 = list(pixels)[0]
   2599         self.assertEqual(tuple(row0[0:4]), (0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x00))
   2600     def testAdam7read(self):
   2601         """Adam7 interlace reading.
   2602         Specifically, test that for images in the PngSuite that
   2603         have both an interlaced and straightlaced pair that both
   2604         images from the pair produce the same array of pixels."""
   2605         for candidate in _pngsuite:
   2606             if not candidate.startswith('basn'):
   2607                 continue
   2608             candi = candidate.replace('n', 'i')
   2609             if candi not in _pngsuite:
   2610                 continue
   2611             print 'adam7 read', candidate
   2612             straight = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite[candidate])
   2613             adam7 = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite[candi])
   2614             # Just compare the pixels.  Ignore x,y (because they're
   2615             # likely to be correct?); metadata is ignored because the
   2616             # "interlace" member differs.  Lame.
   2617             straight = straight.read()[2]
   2618             adam7 = adam7.read()[2]
   2619             self.assertEqual(map(list, straight), map(list, adam7))
   2620     def testAdam7write(self):
   2621         """Adam7 interlace writing.
   2622         For each test image in the PngSuite, write an interlaced
   2623         and a straightlaced version.  Decode both, and compare results.
   2624         """
   2625         # Not such a great test, because the only way we can check what
   2626         # we have written is to read it back again.
   2628         for name,bytes in _pngsuite.items():
   2629             # Only certain colour types supported for this test.
   2630             if name[3:5] not in ['n0', 'n2', 'n4', 'n6']:
   2631                 continue
   2632             it = Reader(bytes=bytes)
   2633             x,y,pixels,meta = it.read()
   2634             pngi = topngbytes('adam7wn'+name+'.png', pixels,
   2635               x=x, y=y, bitdepth=it.bitdepth,
   2636               greyscale=it.greyscale, alpha=it.alpha,
   2637               transparent=it.transparent,
   2638               interlace=False)
   2639             x,y,ps,meta = Reader(bytes=pngi).read()
   2640             it = Reader(bytes=bytes)
   2641             x,y,pixels,meta = it.read()
   2642             pngs = topngbytes('adam7wi'+name+'.png', pixels,
   2643               x=x, y=y, bitdepth=it.bitdepth,
   2644               greyscale=it.greyscale, alpha=it.alpha,
   2645               transparent=it.transparent,
   2646               interlace=True)
   2647             x,y,pi,meta = Reader(bytes=pngs).read()
   2648             self.assertEqual(map(list, ps), map(list, pi))
   2649     def testPGMin(self):
   2650         """Test that the command line tool can read PGM files."""
   2651         def do():
   2652             return _main(['testPGMin'])
   2653         s = BytesIO()
   2654         s.write(strtobytes('P5 2 2 3\n'))
   2655         s.write(strtobytes('\x00\x01\x02\x03'))
   2656         s.flush()
   2657         s.seek(0)
   2658         o = BytesIO()
   2659         testWithIO(s, o, do)
   2660         r = Reader(bytes=o.getvalue())
   2661         x,y,pixels,meta = r.read()
   2662         self.assertTrue(r.greyscale)
   2663         self.assertEqual(r.bitdepth, 2)
   2664     def testPAMin(self):
   2665         """Test that the command line tool can read PAM file."""
   2666         def do():
   2667             return _main(['testPAMin'])
   2668         s = BytesIO()
   2669         s.write(strtobytes('P7\nWIDTH 3\nHEIGHT 1\nDEPTH 4\nMAXVAL 255\n'
   2670                 'TUPLTYPE RGB_ALPHA\nENDHDR\n'))
   2671         # The pixels in flat row flat pixel format
   2672         flat =  [255,0,0,255, 0,255,0,120, 0,0,255,30]
   2673         asbytes = seqtobytes(flat)
   2674         s.write(asbytes)
   2675         s.flush()
   2676         s.seek(0)
   2677         o = BytesIO()
   2678         testWithIO(s, o, do)
   2679         r = Reader(bytes=o.getvalue())
   2680         x,y,pixels,meta = r.read()
   2681         self.assertTrue(r.alpha)
   2682         self.assertTrue(not r.greyscale)
   2683         self.assertEqual(list(itertools.chain(*pixels)), flat)
   2684     def testLA4(self):
   2685         """Create an LA image with bitdepth 4."""
   2686         bytes = topngbytes('la4.png', [[5, 12]], 1, 1,
   2687           greyscale=True, alpha=True, bitdepth=4)
   2688         sbit = Reader(bytes=bytes).chunk('sBIT')[1]
   2689         self.assertEqual(sbit, strtobytes('\x04\x04'))
   2690     def testPal(self):
   2691         """Test that a palette PNG returns the palette in info."""
   2692         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn3p04'])
   2693         x,y,pixels,info = r.read()
   2694         self.assertEqual(x, 32)
   2695         self.assertEqual(y, 32)
   2696         self.assertTrue('palette' in info)
   2697     def testPalWrite(self):
   2698         """Test metadata for paletted PNG can be passed from one PNG
   2699         to another."""
   2700         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn3p04'])
   2701         x,y,pixels,info = r.read()
   2702         w = Writer(**info)
   2703         o = BytesIO()
   2704         w.write(o, pixels)
   2705         o.flush()
   2706         o.seek(0)
   2707         r = Reader(file=o)
   2708         _,_,_,again_info = r.read()
   2709         # Same palette
   2710         self.assertEqual(again_info['palette'], info['palette'])
   2711     def testPalExpand(self):
   2712         """Test that bitdepth can be used to fiddle with pallete image."""
   2713         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn3p04'])
   2714         x,y,pixels,info = r.read()
   2715         pixels = [list(row) for row in pixels]
   2716         info['bitdepth'] = 8
   2717         w = Writer(**info)
   2718         o = BytesIO()
   2719         w.write(o, pixels)
   2720         o.flush()
   2721         o.seek(0)
   2722         r = Reader(file=o)
   2723         _,_,again_pixels,again_info = r.read()
   2724         # Same pixels
   2725         again_pixels = [list(row) for row in again_pixels]
   2726         self.assertEqual(again_pixels, pixels)
   2728     def testPNMsbit(self):
   2729         """Test that PNM files can generates sBIT chunk."""
   2730         def do():
   2731             return _main(['testPNMsbit'])
   2732         s = BytesIO()
   2733         s.write(strtobytes('P6 8 1 1\n'))
   2734         for pixel in range(8):
   2735             s.write(struct.pack('<I', (0x4081*pixel)&0x10101)[:3])
   2736         s.flush()
   2737         s.seek(0)
   2738         o = BytesIO()
   2739         testWithIO(s, o, do)
   2740         r = Reader(bytes=o.getvalue())
   2741         sbit = r.chunk('sBIT')[1]
   2742         self.assertEqual(sbit, strtobytes('\x01\x01\x01'))
   2743     def testLtrns0(self):
   2744         """Create greyscale image with tRNS chunk."""
   2745         return self.helperLtrns(0)
   2746     def testLtrns1(self):
   2747         """Using 1-tuple for transparent arg."""
   2748         return self.helperLtrns((0,))
   2749     def helperLtrns(self, transparent):
   2750         """Helper used by :meth:`testLtrns*`."""
   2751         pixels = zip([0x00, 0x38, 0x4c, 0x54, 0x5c, 0x40, 0x38, 0x00])
   2752         o = BytesIO()
   2753         w = Writer(8, 8, greyscale=True, bitdepth=1, transparent=transparent)
   2754         w.write_packed(o, pixels)
   2755         r = Reader(bytes=o.getvalue())
   2756         x,y,pixels,meta = r.asDirect()
   2757         self.assertTrue(meta['alpha'])
   2758         self.assertTrue(meta['greyscale'])
   2759         self.assertEqual(meta['bitdepth'], 1)
   2760     def testWinfo(self):
   2761         """Test the dictionary returned by a `read` method can be used
   2762         as args for :meth:`Writer`.
   2763         """
   2764         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn2c16'])
   2765         info = r.read()[3]
   2766         w = Writer(**info)
   2767     def testPackedIter(self):
   2768         """Test iterator for row when using write_packed.
   2770         Indicative for Issue 47.
   2771         """
   2772         w = Writer(16, 2, greyscale=True, alpha=False, bitdepth=1)
   2773         o = BytesIO()
   2774         w.write_packed(o, [itertools.chain([0x0a], [0xaa]),
   2775                            itertools.chain([0x0f], [0xff])])
   2776         r = Reader(bytes=o.getvalue())
   2777         x,y,pixels,info = r.asDirect()
   2778         pixels = list(pixels)
   2779         self.assertEqual(len(pixels), 2)
   2780         self.assertEqual(len(pixels[0]), 16)
   2781     def testInterlacedArray(self):
   2782         """Test that reading an interlaced PNG yields each row as an
   2783         array."""
   2784         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basi0g08'])
   2785         list(r.read()[2])[0].tostring
   2786     def testTrnsArray(self):
   2787         """Test that reading a type 2 PNG with tRNS chunk yields each
   2788         row as an array (using asDirect)."""
   2789         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['tbrn2c08'])
   2790         list(r.asDirect()[2])[0].tostring
   2792     # Invalid file format tests.  These construct various badly
   2793     # formatted PNG files, then feed them into a Reader.  When
   2794     # everything is working properly, we should get FormatError
   2795     # exceptions raised.
   2796     def testEmpty(self):
   2797         """Test empty file."""
   2799         r = Reader(bytes='')
   2800         self.assertRaises(FormatError, r.asDirect)
   2801     def testSigOnly(self):
   2802         """Test file containing just signature bytes."""
   2804         r = Reader(bytes=_signature)
   2805         self.assertRaises(FormatError, r.asDirect)
   2806     def testExtraPixels(self):
   2807         """Test file that contains too many pixels."""
   2809         def eachchunk(chunk):
   2810             if chunk[0] != 'IDAT':
   2811                 return chunk
   2812             data = zlib.decompress(chunk[1])
   2813             data += strtobytes('\x00garbage')
   2814             data = zlib.compress(data)
   2815             chunk = (chunk[0], data)
   2816             return chunk
   2817         self.assertRaises(FormatError, self.helperFormat, eachchunk)
   2818     def testNotEnoughPixels(self):
   2819         def eachchunk(chunk):
   2820             if chunk[0] != 'IDAT':
   2821                 return chunk
   2822             # Remove last byte.
   2823             data = zlib.decompress(chunk[1])
   2824             data = data[:-1]
   2825             data = zlib.compress(data)
   2826             return (chunk[0], data)
   2827         self.assertRaises(FormatError, self.helperFormat, eachchunk)
   2828     def helperFormat(self, f):
   2829         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn0g01'])
   2830         o = BytesIO()
   2831         def newchunks():
   2832             for chunk in r.chunks():
   2833                 yield f(chunk)
   2834         write_chunks(o, newchunks())
   2835         r = Reader(bytes=o.getvalue())
   2836         return list(r.asDirect()[2])
   2837     def testBadFilter(self):
   2838         def eachchunk(chunk):
   2839             if chunk[0] != 'IDAT':
   2840                 return chunk
   2841             data = zlib.decompress(chunk[1])
   2842             # Corrupt the first filter byte
   2843             data = strtobytes('\x99') + data[1:]
   2844             data = zlib.compress(data)
   2845             return (chunk[0], data)
   2846         self.assertRaises(FormatError, self.helperFormat, eachchunk)
   2848     def testFlat(self):
   2849         """Test read_flat."""
   2850         import hashlib
   2852         r = Reader(bytes=_pngsuite['basn0g02'])
   2853         x,y,pixel,meta = r.read_flat()
   2854         d = hashlib.md5(seqtobytes(pixel)).digest()
   2855         self.assertEqual(_enhex(d), '255cd971ab8cd9e7275ff906e5041aa0')
   2856     def testfromarray(self):
   2857         img = from_array([[0, 0x33, 0x66], [0xff, 0xcc, 0x99]], 'L')
   2858         img.save('testfromarray.png')
   2859     def testfromarrayL16(self):
   2860         img = from_array(group(range(2**16), 256), 'L;16')
   2861         img.save('testL16.png')
   2862     def testfromarrayRGB(self):
   2863         img = from_array([[0,0,0, 0,0,1, 0,1,0, 0,1,1],
   2864                           [1,0,0, 1,0,1, 1,1,0, 1,1,1]], 'RGB;1')
   2865         o = BytesIO()
   2866         img.save(o)
   2867     def testfromarrayIter(self):
   2868         import itertools
   2870         i = itertools.islice(itertools.count(10), 20)
   2871         i = itertools.imap(lambda x: [x, x, x], i)
   2872         img = from_array(i, 'RGB;5', dict(height=20))
   2873         f = open('testiter.png', 'wb')
   2874         img.save(f)
   2875         f.close()
   2877     # numpy dependent tests.  These are skipped (with a message to
   2878     # sys.stderr) if numpy cannot be imported.
   2879     def testNumpyuint16(self):
   2880         """numpy uint16."""
   2882         try:
   2883             import numpy
   2884         except ImportError:
   2885             print >>sys.stderr, "skipping numpy test"
   2886             return
   2888         rows = [map(numpy.uint16, range(0,0x10000,0x5555))]
   2889         b = topngbytes('numpyuint16.png', rows, 4, 1,
   2890             greyscale=True, alpha=False, bitdepth=16)
   2891     def testNumpyuint8(self):
   2892         """numpy uint8."""
   2894         try:
   2895             import numpy
   2896         except ImportError:
   2897             print >>sys.stderr, "skipping numpy test"
   2898             return
   2900         rows = [map(numpy.uint8, range(0,0x100,0x55))]
   2901         b = topngbytes('numpyuint8.png', rows, 4, 1,
   2902             greyscale=True, alpha=False, bitdepth=8)
   2903     def testNumpybool(self):
   2904         """numpy bool."""
   2906         try:
   2907             import numpy
   2908         except ImportError:
   2909             print >>sys.stderr, "skipping numpy test"
   2910             return
   2912         rows = [map(numpy.bool, [0,1])]
   2913         b = topngbytes('numpybool.png', rows, 2, 1,
   2914             greyscale=True, alpha=False, bitdepth=1)
   2915     def testNumpyarray(self):
   2916         """numpy array."""
   2917         try:
   2918             import numpy
   2919         except ImportError:
   2920             print >>sys.stderr, "skipping numpy test"
   2921             return
   2923         pixels = numpy.array([[0,0x5555],[0x5555,0xaaaa]], numpy.uint16)
   2924         img = from_array(pixels, 'L')
   2925         img.save('testnumpyL16.png')
   2927     def paeth(self, x, a, b, c):
   2928         p = a + b - c
   2929         pa = abs(p - a)
   2930         pb = abs(p - b)
   2931         pc = abs(p - c)
   2932         if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
   2933             pr = a
   2934         elif pb <= pc:
   2935             pr = b
   2936         else:
   2937             pr = c
   2938         return x - pr
   2940     # test filters and unfilters
   2941     def testFilterScanlineFirstLine(self):
   2942         fo = 3  # bytes per pixel
   2943         line = [30, 31, 32, 230, 231, 232]
   2944         out = filter_scanline(0, line, fo, None)  # none
   2945         self.assertEqual(list(out), [0, 30, 31, 32, 230, 231, 232])
   2946         out = filter_scanline(1, line, fo, None)  # sub
   2947         self.assertEqual(list(out), [1, 30, 31, 32, 200, 200, 200])
   2948         out = filter_scanline(2, line, fo, None)  # up
   2949         # TODO: All filtered scanlines start with a byte indicating the filter
   2950         # algorithm, except "up". Is this a bug? Should the expected output
   2951         # start with 2 here?
   2952         self.assertEqual(list(out), [30, 31, 32, 230, 231, 232])
   2953         out = filter_scanline(3, line, fo, None)  # average
   2954         self.assertEqual(list(out), [3, 30, 31, 32, 215, 216, 216])
   2955         out = filter_scanline(4, line, fo, None)  # paeth
   2956         self.assertEqual(list(out), [
   2957             4, self.paeth(30, 0, 0, 0), self.paeth(31, 0, 0, 0),
   2958             self.paeth(32, 0, 0, 0), self.paeth(230, 30, 0, 0),
   2959             self.paeth(231, 31, 0, 0), self.paeth(232, 32, 0, 0)
   2960             ])
   2961     def testFilterScanline(self):
   2962         prev = [20, 21, 22, 210, 211, 212]
   2963         line = [30, 32, 34, 230, 233, 236]
   2964         fo = 3
   2965         out = filter_scanline(0, line, fo, prev)  # none
   2966         self.assertEqual(list(out), [0, 30, 32, 34, 230, 233, 236])
   2967         out = filter_scanline(1, line, fo, prev)  # sub
   2968         self.assertEqual(list(out), [1, 30, 32, 34, 200, 201, 202])
   2969         out = filter_scanline(2, line, fo, prev)  # up
   2970         self.assertEqual(list(out), [2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 24])
   2971         out = filter_scanline(3, line, fo, prev)  # average
   2972         self.assertEqual(list(out), [3, 20, 22, 23, 110, 112, 113])
   2973         out = filter_scanline(4, line, fo, prev)  # paeth
   2974         self.assertEqual(list(out), [
   2975             4, self.paeth(30, 0, 20, 0), self.paeth(32, 0, 21, 0),
   2976             self.paeth(34, 0, 22, 0), self.paeth(230, 30, 210, 20),
   2977             self.paeth(233, 32, 211, 21), self.paeth(236, 34, 212, 22)
   2978             ])
   2979     def testUnfilterScanline(self):
   2980         reader = Reader(bytes='')
   2981         reader.psize = 3
   2982         scanprev = array('B', [20, 21, 22, 210, 211, 212])
   2983         scanline = array('B', [30, 32, 34, 230, 233, 236])
   2984         def cp(a):
   2985             return array('B', a)
   2987         out = reader.undo_filter(0, cp(scanline), cp(scanprev))
   2988         self.assertEqual(list(out), list(scanline))  # none
   2989         out = reader.undo_filter(1, cp(scanline), cp(scanprev))
   2990         self.assertEqual(list(out), [30, 32, 34, 4, 9, 14])  # sub
   2991         out = reader.undo_filter(2, cp(scanline), cp(scanprev))
   2992         self.assertEqual(list(out), [50, 53, 56, 184, 188, 192])  # up
   2993         out = reader.undo_filter(3, cp(scanline), cp(scanprev))
   2994         self.assertEqual(list(out), [40, 42, 45, 99, 103, 108])  # average
   2995         out = reader.undo_filter(4, cp(scanline), cp(scanprev))
   2996         self.assertEqual(list(out), [50, 53, 56, 184, 188, 192])  # paeth
   2997     def testUnfilterScanlinePaeth(self):
   2998         # This tests more edge cases in the paeth unfilter
   2999         reader = Reader(bytes='')
   3000         reader.psize = 3
   3001         scanprev = array('B', [2, 0, 0, 0, 9, 11])
   3002         scanline = array('B', [6, 10, 9, 100, 101, 102])
   3004         out = reader.undo_filter(4, scanline, scanprev)
   3005         self.assertEqual(list(out), [8, 10, 9, 108, 111, 113])  # paeth
   3006     def testIterstraight(self):
   3007         def arraify(list_of_str):
   3008             return [array('B', s) for s in list_of_str]
   3009         reader = Reader(bytes='')
   3010         reader.row_bytes = 6
   3011         reader.psize = 3
   3012         rows = reader.iterstraight(arraify(['\x00abcdef', '\x00ghijkl']))
   3013         self.assertEqual(list(rows), arraify(['abcdef', 'ghijkl']))
   3015         rows = reader.iterstraight(arraify(['\x00abc', 'def\x00ghijkl']))
   3016         self.assertEqual(list(rows), arraify(['abcdef', 'ghijkl']))
   3018         rows = reader.iterstraight(arraify(['\x00abcdef\x00ghijkl']))
   3019         self.assertEqual(list(rows), arraify(['abcdef', 'ghijkl']))
   3021         rows = reader.iterstraight(arraify(['\x00abcdef\x00ghi', 'jkl']))
   3022         self.assertEqual(list(rows), arraify(['abcdef', 'ghijkl']))
   3024 # === Command Line Support ===
   3026 def _dehex(s):
   3027     """Liberally convert from hex string to binary string."""
   3028     import re
   3029     import binascii
   3031     # Remove all non-hexadecimal digits
   3032     s = re.sub(r'[^a-fA-F\d]', '', s)
   3033     # binscii.unhexlify works in Python 2 and Python 3 (unlike
   3034     # thing.decode('hex')).
   3035     return binascii.unhexlify(strtobytes(s))
   3036 def _enhex(s):
   3037     """Convert from binary string (bytes) to hex string (str)."""
   3039     import binascii
   3041     return bytestostr(binascii.hexlify(s))
   3043 # Copies of PngSuite test files taken
   3044 # from http://www.schaik.com/pngsuite/pngsuite_bas_png.html
   3045 # on 2009-02-19 by drj and converted to hex.
   3046 # Some of these are not actually in PngSuite (but maybe they should
   3047 # be?), they use the same naming scheme, but start with a capital
   3048 # letter.
   3049 _pngsuite = {
   3050   'basi0g01': _dehex("""
   3051 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000200000002001000000012c0677
   3052 cf0000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000009049444154789c2d8d310ec2
   3053 300c45dfc682c415187a00a42e197ab81e83b127e00c5639001363a580d8582c
   3054 65c910357c4b78b0bfbfdf4f70168c19e7acb970a3f2d1ded9695ce5bf5963df
   3055 d92aaf4c9fd927ea449e6487df5b9c36e799b91bdf082b4d4bd4014fe4014b01
   3056 ab7a17aee694d28d328a2d63837a70451e1648702d9a9ff4a11d2f7a51aa21e5
   3057 a18c7ffd0094e3511d661822f20000000049454e44ae426082
   3058 """),
   3059   'basi0g02': _dehex("""
   3060 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000200000002002000000016ba60d
   3061 1f0000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000005149444154789c635062e860
   3062 00e17286bb609c93c370ec189494960631366e4467b3ae675dcf10f521ea0303
   3063 90c1ca006444e11643482064114a4852c710baea3f18c31918020c30410403a6
   3064 0ac1a09239009c52804d85b6d97d0000000049454e44ae426082
   3065 """),
   3066   'basi0g04': _dehex("""
   3067 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000020000000200400000001e4e6f8
   3068 bf0000000467414d41000186a031e8965f000000ae49444154789c658e5111c2
   3069 301044171c141c141c041c843a287510ea20d441c041c141c141c04191102454
   3070 03994998cecd7edcecedbb9bdbc3b2c2b6457545fbc4bac1be437347f7c66a77
   3071 3c23d60db15e88f5c5627338a5416c2e691a9b475a89cd27eda12895ae8dfdab
   3072 43d61e590764f5c83a226b40d669bec307f93247701687723abf31ff83a2284b
   3073 a5b4ae6b63ac6520ad730ca4ed7b06d20e030369bd6720ed383290360406d24e
   3074 13811f2781eba9d34d07160000000049454e44ae426082
   3075 """),
   3076   'basi0g08': _dehex("""
   3077 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000020000000200800000001211615
   3078 be0000000467414d41000186a031e8965f000000b549444154789cb5905d0ac2
   3079 3010849dbac81c42c47bf843cf253e8878b0aa17110f214bdca6be240f5d21a5
   3080 94ced3e49bcd322c1624115515154998aa424822a82a5624a1aa8a8b24c58f99
   3081 999908130989a04a00d76c2c09e76cf21adcb209393a6553577da17140a2c59e
   3082 70ecbfa388dff1f03b82fb82bd07f05f7cb13f80bb07ad2fd60c011c3c588eef
   3083 f1f4e03bbec7ce832dca927aea005e431b625796345307b019c845e6bfc3bb98
   3084 769d84f9efb02ea6c00f9bb9ff45e81f9f280000000049454e44ae426082
   3085 """),
   3086   'basi0g16': _dehex("""
   3087 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000200000002010000000017186c9
   3088 fd0000000467414d41000186a031e8965f000000e249444154789cb5913b0ec2
   3089 301044c7490aa8f85d81c3e4301c8f53a4ca0da8902c8144b3920b4043111282
   3090 23bc4956681a6bf5fc3c5a3ba0448912d91a4de2c38dd8e380231eede4c4f7a1
   3091 4677700bec7bd9b1d344689315a3418d1a6efbe5b8305ba01f8ff4808c063e26
   3092 c60d5c81edcf6c58c535e252839e93801b15c0a70d810ae0d306b205dc32b187
   3093 272b64057e4720ff0502154034831520154034c3df81400510cdf0015c86e5cc
   3094 5c79c639fddba9dcb5456b51d7980eb52d8e7d7fa620a75120d6064641a05120
   3095 b606771a05626b401a05f1f589827cf0fe44c1f0bae0055698ee8914fffffe00
   3096 00000049454e44ae426082
   3097 """),
   3098   'basi2c08': _dehex("""
   3099 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000200000002008020000018b1fdd
   3100 350000000467414d41000186a031e8965f000000f249444154789cd59341aa04
   3101 210c44abc07b78133d59d37333bd89d76868b566d10cf4675af8596431a11662
   3102 7c5688919280e312257dd6a0a4cf1a01008ee312a5f3c69c37e6fcc3f47e6776
   3103 a07f8bdaf5b40feed2d33e025e2ff4fe2d4a63e1a16d91180b736d8bc45854c5
   3104 6d951863f4a7e0b66dcf09a900f3ffa2948d4091e53ca86c048a64390f662b50
   3105 4a999660ced906182b9a01a8be00a56404a6ede182b1223b4025e32c4de34304
   3106 63457680c93aada6c99b73865aab2fc094920d901a203f5ddfe1970d28456783
   3107 26cffbafeffcd30654f46d119be4793f827387fc0d189d5bc4d69a3c23d45a7f
   3108 db803146578337df4d0a3121fc3d330000000049454e44ae426082
   3109 """),
   3110   'basi2c16': _dehex("""
   3111 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000020000000201002000001db8f01
   3112 760000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000020a49444154789cd5962173e3
   3113 3010853fcf1838cc61a1818185a53e56787fa13fa130852e3b5878b4b0b03081
   3114 b97f7030070b53e6b057a0a8912bbb9163b9f109ececbc59bd7dcf2b45492409
   3115 d66f00eb1dd83cb5497d65456aeb8e1040913b3b2c04504c936dd5a9c7e2c6eb
   3116 b1b8f17a58e8d043da56f06f0f9f62e5217b6ba3a1b76f6c9e99e8696a2a72e2
   3117 c4fb1e4d452e92ec9652b807486d12b6669be00db38d9114b0c1961e375461a5
   3118 5f76682a85c367ad6f682ff53a9c2a353191764b78bb07d8ddc3c97c1950f391
   3119 6745c7b9852c73c2f212605a466a502705c8338069c8b9e84efab941eb393a97
   3120 d4c9fd63148314209f1c1d3434e847ead6380de291d6f26a25c1ebb5047f5f24
   3121 d85c49f0f22cc1d34282c72709cab90477bf25b89d49f0f351822297e0ea9704
   3122 f34c82bc94002448ede51866e5656aef5d7c6a385cb4d80e6a538ceba04e6df2
   3123 480e9aa84ddedb413bb5c97b3838456df2d4fec2c7a706983e7474d085fae820
   3124 a841776a83073838973ac0413fea2f1dc4a06e71108fda73109bdae48954ad60
   3125 bf867aac3ce44c7c1589a711cf8a81df9b219679d96d1cec3d8bbbeaa2012626
   3126 df8c7802eda201b2d2e0239b409868171fc104ba8b76f10b4da09f6817ffc609
   3127 c413ede267fd1fbab46880c90f80eccf0013185eb48b47ba03df2bdaadef3181
   3128 cb8976f18e13188768170f98c0f844bb78cb04c62ddac59d09fc3fa25dfc1da4
   3129 14deb3df1344f70000000049454e44ae426082
   3130 """),
   3131   'basi3p08': _dehex("""
   3132 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d494844520000002000000020080300000133a3ba
   3133 500000000467414d41000186a031e8965f00000300504c5445224400f5ffed77
   3134 ff77cbffff110a003a77002222ffff11ff110000222200ffac5566ff66ff6666
   3135 ff01ff221200dcffffccff994444ff005555220000cbcbff44440055ff55cbcb
   3136 00331a00ffecdcedffffe4ffcbffdcdc44ff446666ff330000442200ededff66
   3137 6600ffa444ffffaaeded0000cbcbfefffffdfffeffff0133ff33552a000101ff
   3138 8888ff00aaaa010100440000888800ffe4cbba5b0022ff22663200ffff99aaaa
   3139 ff550000aaaa00cb630011ff11d4ffaa773a00ff4444dc6b0066000001ff0188
   3140 4200ecffdc6bdc00ffdcba00333300ed00ed7300ffff88994a0011ffff770000
   3141 ff8301ffbabafe7b00fffeff00cb00ff999922ffff880000ffff77008888ffdc
   3142 ff1a33000000aa33ffff009900990000000001326600ffbaff44ffffffaaff00
   3143 770000fefeaa00004a9900ffff66ff22220000998bff1155ffffff0101ff88ff
   3144 005500001111fffffefffdfea4ff4466ffffff66ff003300ffff55ff77770000
   3145 88ff44ff00110077ffff006666ffffed000100fff5ed1111ffffff44ff22ffff
   3146 eded11110088ffff00007793ff2200dcdc3333fffe00febabaff99ffff333300
   3147 63cb00baba00acff55ffffdcffff337bfe00ed00ed5555ffaaffffdcdcff5555
   3148 00000066dcdc00dc00dc83ff017777fffefeffffffcbff5555777700fefe00cb
   3149 00cb0000fe010200010000122200ffff220044449bff33ffd4aa0000559999ff
   3150 999900ba00ba2a5500ffcbcbb4ff66ff9b33ffffbaaa00aa42880053aa00ffaa
   3151 aa0000ed00babaffff1100fe00000044009999990099ffcc99ba000088008800
   3152 dc00ff93220000dcfefffeaa5300770077020100cb0000000033ffedff00ba00
   3153 ff3333edffedffc488bcff7700aa00660066002222dc0000ffcbffdcffdcff8b
   3154 110000cb00010155005500880000002201ffffcbffcbed0000ff88884400445b
   3155 ba00ffbc77ff99ff006600baffba00777773ed00fe00003300330000baff77ff
   3156 004400aaffaafffefe000011220022c4ff8800eded99ff99ff55ff002200ffb4
   3157 661100110a1100ff1111dcffbabaffff88ff88010001ff33ffb98ed362000002
   3158 a249444154789c65d0695c0b001806f03711a9904a94d24dac63292949e5a810
   3159 d244588a14ca5161d1a1323973252242d62157d12ae498c8124d25ca3a11398a
   3160 16e55a3cdffab0ffe7f77d7fcff3528645349b584c3187824d9d19d4ec2e3523
   3161 9eb0ae975cf8de02f2486d502191841b42967a1ad49e5ddc4265f69a899e26b5
   3162 e9e468181baae3a71a41b95669da8df2ea3594c1b31046d7b17bfb86592e4cbe
   3163 d89b23e8db0af6304d756e60a8f4ad378bdc2552ae5948df1d35b52143141533
   3164 33bbbbababebeb3b3bc9c9c9c6c6c0c0d7b7b535323225a5aa8a02024a4bedec
   3165 0a0a2a2bcdcd7d7cf2f3a9a9c9cdcdd8b8adcdd5b5ababa828298982824a4ab2
   3166 b21212acadbdbc1414e2e24859b9a72730302f4f49292c4c57373c9c0a0b7372
   3167 8c8c1c1c3a3a92936d6dfdfd293e3e26262a4a4eaea2424b4b5fbfbc9c323278
   3168 3c0b0ba1303abaae8ecdeeed950d6669a9a7a7a141d4de9e9d5d5cdcd2229b94
   3169 c572716132f97cb1d8db9bc3110864a39795d9db6b6a26267a7a9a98d4d6a6a7
   3170 cb76090ef6f030354d4d75766e686030545464cb393a1a1ac6c68686eae8f8f9
   3171 a9aa4644c8b66d6e1689dcdd2512a994cb35330b0991ad9f9b6b659596a6addd
   3172 d8282fafae5e5323fb8f41d01f76c22fd8061be01bfc041a0323e1002c81cd30
   3173 0b9ec027a0c930014ec035580fc3e112bc069a0b53e11c0c8095f00176c163a0
   3174 e5301baec06a580677600ddc05ba0f13e120bc81a770133ec355a017300d4ec2
   3175 0c7800bbe1219c02fa08f3e13c1c85dbb00a2ec05ea0dff00a6ec15a98027360
   3176 070c047a06d7e1085c84f1b014f6c03fa0b33018b6c0211801ebe018fc00da0a
   3177 6f61113c877eb01d4ec317a085700f26c130f80efbe132bc039a0733e106fc81
   3178 f7f017f6c10aa0d1300a0ec374780943e1382c06fa0a9b60238c83473016cec0
   3179 02f80f73fefe1072afc1e50000000049454e44ae426082
   3180 """),
   3181   'basi6a08': _dehex("""
   3182 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000020000000200806000001047d4a
   3183 620000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000012049444154789cc595414ec3
   3184 3010459fa541b8bbb26641b8069b861e8b4d12c1c112c1452a710a2a65d840d5
   3185 949041fc481ec98ae27c7f3f8d27e3e4648047600fec0d1f390fbbe2633a31e2
   3186 9389e4e4ea7bfdbf3d9a6b800ab89f1bd6b553cfcbb0679e960563d72e0a9293
   3187 b7337b9f988cc67f5f0e186d20e808042f1c97054e1309da40d02d7e27f92e03
   3188 6cbfc64df0fc3117a6210a1b6ad1a00df21c1abcf2a01944c7101b0cb568a001
   3189 909c9cf9e399cf3d8d9d4660a875405d9a60d000b05e2de55e25780b7a5268e0
   3190 622118e2399aab063a815808462f1ab86890fc2e03e48bb109ded7d26ce4bf59
   3191 0db91bac0050747fec5015ce80da0e5700281be533f0ce6d5900b59bcb00ea6d
   3192 200314cf801faab200ea752803a8d7a90c503a039f824a53f4694e7342000000
   3193 0049454e44ae426082
   3194 """),
   3195   'basn0g01': _dehex("""
   3196 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000200000002001000000005b0147
   3197 590000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000005b49444154789c2dccb10903
   3198 300c05d1ebd204b24a200b7a346f90153c82c18d0a61450751f1e08a2faaead2
   3199 a4846ccea9255306e753345712e211b221bf4b263d1b427325255e8bdab29e6f
   3200 6aca30692e9d29616ee96f3065f0bf1f1087492fd02f14c90000000049454e44
   3201 ae426082
   3202 """),
   3203   'basn0g02': _dehex("""
   3204 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000200000002002000000001ca13d
   3205 890000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000001f49444154789c6360085df5
   3206 1f8cf1308850c20053868f0133091f6390b90700bd497f818b0989a900000000
   3207 49454e44ae426082
   3208 """),
   3209   # A version of basn0g04 dithered down to 3 bits.
   3210   'Basn0g03': _dehex("""
   3211 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d494844520000002000000020040000000093e1c8
   3212 2900000001734249540371d88211000000fd49444154789c6d90d18906210c84
   3213 c356f22356b2889588604301b112112b11d94a96bb495cf7fe87f32d996f2689
   3214 44741cc658e39c0b118f883e1f63cc89dafbc04c0f619d7d898396c54b875517
   3215 83f3a2e7ac09a2074430e7f497f00f1138a5444f82839c5206b1f51053cca968
   3216 63258821e7f2b5438aac16fbecc052b646e709de45cf18996b29648508728612
   3217 952ca606a73566d44612b876845e9a347084ea4868d2907ff06be4436c4b41a3
   3218 a3e1774285614c5affb40dbd931a526619d9fa18e4c2be420858de1df0e69893
   3219 a0e3e5523461be448561001042b7d4a15309ce2c57aef2ba89d1c13794a109d7
   3220 b5880aa27744fc5c4aecb5e7bcef5fe528ec6293a930690000000049454e44ae
   3221 426082
   3222 """),
   3223   'basn0g04': _dehex("""
   3224 89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d494844520000002000000020040000000093e1c8
   3225 290000000467414d41000186a031e8965f0000004849444154789c6360601014
   3226 545232367671090d4d4b2b2f6720430095dbd1418e002a77e64c720450b9ab56
   3227 912380caddbd9b1c0154ee9933e408a072efde25470095fbee1d1902001f14ee
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   3455 d9a2f8d73afe4f14f57ef4f42def7b44f19060f06b45bddf1c5534d77fd922be
   3456 2973a15a82e648661c6e3240aa3612ead952b604bde57458894f29deaf133bac
   3457 13d2766f5227a4a3b8cf08da7adfd6fbd6bd8a4fe9dbb43d35e3dfa3f844fbf8
   3458 9119bf4f7144094fb56333abf8a86063ca106f94b3a3b512343765e60082097f
   3459 1bb86ba72439a653519b09f5cee1ce61c897d37eedf5553580ae60f4af8af33a
   3460 b14fd400b6a0f34535c0434afc0b3a9f07147527a5fa7ca218ff56c74d74dc3f
   3461 155cfd3325fc278acf2ae1cb4a539f5f9937c457263b0bd51234c732a300cdd1
   3462 cc1840f0aaff54db0e4874ed5a9b5d6d27d4bb36746d80de72baa877ff4b275a
   3463 d7895ed1897ea4139b5143fcbb1a62560da1ed9662aaed895ec78a91c18795b8
   3464 5e07ab4af8ba128e95e682e0728bf8f2e5ae815a091a53d902ac1920d8e05f06
   3465 589de8d8d66680789f4e454fb9d9ec66cd857af796ee2d902fa73fd5bba775a2
   3466 153580ae44705ed0d37647d15697cb8f14bfa3e3e8fdf8031d47af571503357c
   3467 f30d25acedcbbf135c9a35c49766ba07ab255859e8ec03684e66860182dff8f7
   3468 0304bff6ff1c20fc81b7afdd00a71475539a536e36bb5973a19e3b923b02bde5
   3469 e4efd4003ac170eb2d13fe274157afedbd82d6fb3a9a1e85e4551d47cf7078f8
   3470 9671fe4289ebf5f2bf08d63f37c4eb4773c55a0996efeefa0ca011671d8060ca
   3471 2f0004c7fcc300e166ef0240f825efe3361f106d57d423d0723f7acacd66376b
   3472 2ed47b7a7a7a205f4ef4ac4691e0aad9aa0d41cf13741c3580a506487574ddca
   3473 61a8c403c1863ebfbcac3475168b2de28b8b3d77544bb05ce92a02aceced3c0d
   3474 d0cc65ea371b201cf1c601c24dde1c4078cedbdeb60322f50126a019bf6edc9b
   3475 39e566b39b3517eaf97c3e0fbde5e4491d45bd74537145d155b476aa0176e868
   3476 c6abebf30dbd5e525c54ac8e18e2d56abeb756827a3d970358a97416019a6f64
   3477 f60004fdfe1580d5c98e618070cc1b05887eee7e0d209a70db7d8063029889b4
   3478 c620ead78d7b33a7dc6c76b3e6427ddddbebde867c393aa7845e5403e8ca794a
   3479 d0d6fb897af5f03525fe5782f5e7046bdaef468bf88d1debc6ab25583cd17310
   3480 6079b9ab0ba059c914018245bf076075b5a303200c3c1f209a733701444fbbaf
   3481 00c4134ebb016c5d0b23614c243701cdf875e3decce9349bddacb9505fbf7dfd
   3482 76e82d87736a00f5d2b5ffd4b7dce2719a4d25ae717ee153c1abef18e257cfad
   3483 7fa45682da48ef38c052b53b0fd06864b300c151ff08c0ea431de701a287dd5f
   3484 004497dc7b01a253ee3e80b8c7f91c20f967fb6fdb7c80ada7d8683723614c24
   3485 3701cdf875e3decc29379bddacb950ef3fd47f08f2e5a61ea4aa2a3eb757cd55
   3486 13345efcfa59c12b2f19e2578ef77fb75a82854ffbee01a83f977b11a031931d
   3487 040802df07082b5e11207cc17b1e209a770700e2df0a83e409fb7580f827c230
   3488 99b06fd901fb058d6835dacd481813c94d40337eddb83773cacd66376b2ed437
   3489 bebcf165e82d2f4e4beb7f3fa6e652c2d7ee10bc78c010bfb87fe3c95a09ae9f
   3490 bd732740bd2fb700d0f865f64180e059ff044018ca0ca28a5b04883f701e0088
   3491 bfec7c0c909cb71f0448c6ec518074b375012079d9dedf66004bcfbc51eb2dd1
   3492 aadacd481813c94d40337eddb83773cacd66376b2ed487868686205fbe7c49ef
   3493 5605a73f34c4a7a787eeab96e0da81bb4e022c15ba27019a5b339300e16bf286
   3494 a8eae601e25866907cdf3e0890acb36f00245fb57f05904e59c300e92561946e
   3495 b2e600d209ab7d07f04d458dfb46ad1bd16ab49b913026929b8066fcba716fe6
   3496 949bcd6ed65ca8ef7e7cf7e3d05b7e7c8f217ee6cdddbb6a25a856f37980e0c7
   3497 fe4e80a82623c48193014846ec7180f4acf518409aca0cd28a5504e03b32c374
   3498 de1a00608a0240faaa327a4b19fe946fb6f90054dbb5f2333d022db56eb4966a
   3499 3723614c243701cdf8f556bea8a7dc6c76b3e66bd46584ddbbcebc0990cf4b0f
   3500 ff4070520c282338a7e26700ec725202b01e4bcf0258963c6f1d4d8f0030cb20
   3501 805549c520930c03584fa522b676f11600ffc03fde3e1b3489a9c9054c9aa23b
   3502 c08856a3dd8c843191dc0434e3d78d7b33a75c36fb993761f7ae5a69f72ef97f
   3503 e6ad336fed7e1c60e8bee96980bbdebbb60da07b7069062033d9dc0ae03d296f
   3504 70ab511ec071640676252902d833c916007b3e1900b0a6d2028035968e025861
   3505 ea01581369fb11488c34d18cbc95989afccca42baad65ba2d5683723614c24d7
   3506 8066fcbab8b7e96918baaf5aaa56219f975fb50a43f7c9bde90fa73f1c1a02d8
   3507 78f2e27e803b77ca08b90519315b6fe400fc1392097a9eccc0ad444500e70199
   3508 a1331f0f00d8934901c07e5d526ceb87c2d07e2579badd005a2b31a5089391b7
   3509 1253358049535a6add8856dd0146c298482e01ede27ed878b256ba7600ee3a09
   3510 c18fc1df09fe01084ec25defc1b56db0f1a4f4bd78e0e2818d2f0334e7330300
   3511 7df7c888b917e50dd9c1c60c80efcb0cbc63e1f700bce7c31700dccbd1060027
   3512 8add9b0de06c8e2f00d84962b7d7030e2a61538331b98051f92631bd253f336a
   3513 dd8856a3dd44c25c390efddfad96ae9f853b77c25201ba27c533b8bdf28b6ad0
   3514 3d084b33d2e7fa59099e9901b8f2d29597fa0f01848f78e70082117f1ca07b76
   3515 6910209b9519f895a008d031bbba05c09d8f06005c5b18b8fba25300cea6780e
   3516 c03e911c6ccf06d507b48a4fa606634a114609de929f9934c5a87511ad57cfc1
   3517 fa476aa5854fa1ef1e3910b905686e85cc24c40138198915f133d2d6dc2a7dea
   3518 7df2ccc2a752faf2cec1d577aebeb37e3b4034eeee0008dff3be0e6b923773b4
   3519 7904c0ef9119767cb4fa1500ef1361e08e452500f71561e84cc4ed3e20fab6a2
   3520 c905f40cb76a3026bf3319b91ac2e46792a6dcd801ebc6aba5da08f48ecb81c8
   3521 bd088d5f42f6417191de93908c803d0e76199292b485af41b60e8d9c3c537f0e
   3522 8211f0c7211a077707dc18b931b2ee6d80a4d7ae024491ebc24d4a708ff70680
   3523 7f25e807e8785f1878e322d6ddaf453f0770ff2dfa769b01423dbbad72a391b6
   3524 5a7c3235985629423372494cab55c8f7d64a8b27a0e7202c55a13b0f8d19c80e
   3525 4ae9ca3f015115dc3ca467c17a4c7ee95970ab10e5a54ff0ac3cd39881ee5958
   3526 1a84f03df0be0e492fd855a8d6aa35d10b4962dbb0a604a3d3ee5e80a8eee600
   3527 a24977f8660378bf0bbf00e01d0a8fb7f980f04b8aa6ce6aca8d5a7533c52753
   3528 839152c4e222f4dc512dd5eb90cbc981e8ea12cf90cd8a8bf47d89159e2741d3
   3529 7124f65b96fcd254dae258fa84a13c13043246a32129574787e49eae2b49b86d
   3530 c3e2e78b9ff7f4002415bb08907c66df0d103b4e0c104db90500ff70700c203a
   3531 ee1e82dba4c3e16e256c0acca6ceaae9afd1f612d7eb472157ac95962bd05594
   3532 7dd1598466053245088e827f44628657942a825b84e4fb601f84b4025611aca3
   3533 901e01bb024911dc0a4445f08e41f83df02b10142173149ab71baf027611ea95
   3534 7a257704201d14cd9af4d90b00f194530088cb4e09c0df1c5c0088f7393f6833
   3535 c0aa3ac156655de3bca9b34ab9716906ba07aba5e5bba1eb3358d90b9da7c533
   3536 64f6888bf47b60f521e8380fe10be03d2feac17900927560df40f4e48f805960
   3537 50328d648bf4893f9067c217a0631656b7c898c122847bc07b03a2d3e0ee85e4
   3538 33b0ef867450c4fad2ecd26cf7168074c0ba0c904cdac300c9cfec4701924df6
   3539 1cdca61e10685c6f7d52d0caba1498972f43d740adb4b2009d7d7220b20e3473
   3540 90a943d00ffe959bb6eac3e0fe42ea49ee00c45f06e76329b1dabf127d690d80
   3541 5581b408f63c2403e0cc433c00ee658836803b0fd100747c04ab5f917704fd10
   3542 d5c1cd41ec801343d207f602a403605d86e5f9e5f9ae0d00e994556833806685
   3543 c931fb709b0f08b4e869bea5c827859549e82c544b8d29c816a0390999613920
   3544 7e610d5727a16318c2003c1fa24be0de2b32caf92224e7c17e5004b6350c4c01
   3545 05601218066b0ad28224e149019c086257ca315102de2712903bde97b8144d82
   3546 3b2c6ac52d403c054e019249b087f53d0558995a99ea946c70cc927458b3c1ff
   3547 550f30050df988d4284376b4566a8e416654cc921985e037e0df0fc131f00f4b
   3548 acf0c6211c036f14a239703741740adc7da227edd7e56b833d0ae92549b4d357
   3549 25dfb49ed2ff63908e6adf27d6d0dda7638d4154d2778daca17f58e61297c129
   3550 41f233b01f5dc3740cac51688c35c6b22580f48224fee9b83502569a66b629f1
   3551 09f3713473413e2666e7fe6f6c6efefdfafda1f56f6e06f93496d9d67cb7366a
   3552 9964b6f92e64b689196ec6c604646fd3fe4771ff1bf03f65d8ecc3addbb5f300
   3553 00000049454e44ae426082
   3554 """),
   3555 }
   3557 def read_pam_header(infile):
   3558     """
   3559     Read (the rest of a) PAM header.  `infile` should be positioned
   3560     immediately after the initial 'P7' line (at the beginning of the
   3561     second line).  Returns are as for `read_pnm_header`.
   3562     """
   3564     # Unlike PBM, PGM, and PPM, we can read the header a line at a time.
   3565     header = dict()
   3566     while True:
   3567         l = infile.readline().strip()
   3568         if l == strtobytes('ENDHDR'):
   3569             break
   3570         if not l:
   3571             raise EOFError('PAM ended prematurely')
   3572         if l[0] == strtobytes('#'):
   3573             continue
   3574         l = l.split(None, 1)
   3575         if l[0] not in header:
   3576             header[l[0]] = l[1]
   3577         else:
   3578             header[l[0]] += strtobytes(' ') + l[1]
   3580     required = ['WIDTH', 'HEIGHT', 'DEPTH', 'MAXVAL']
   3581     required = [strtobytes(x) for x in required]
   3582     WIDTH,HEIGHT,DEPTH,MAXVAL = required
   3583     present = [x for x in required if x in header]
   3584     if len(present) != len(required):
   3585         raise Error('PAM file must specify WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH, and MAXVAL')
   3586     width = int(header[WIDTH])
   3587     height = int(header[HEIGHT])
   3588     depth = int(header[DEPTH])
   3589     maxval = int(header[MAXVAL])
   3590     if (width <= 0 or
   3591         height <= 0 or
   3592         depth <= 0 or
   3593         maxval <= 0):
   3594         raise Error(
   3595           'WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH, MAXVAL must all be positive integers')
   3596     return 'P7', width, height, depth, maxval
   3598 def read_pnm_header(infile, supported=('P5','P6')):
   3599     """
   3600     Read a PNM header, returning (format,width,height,depth,maxval).
   3601     `width` and `height` are in pixels.  `depth` is the number of
   3602     channels in the image; for PBM and PGM it is synthesized as 1, for
   3603     PPM as 3; for PAM images it is read from the header.  `maxval` is
   3604     synthesized (as 1) for PBM images.
   3605     """
   3607     # Generally, see http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html
   3608     # and http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pam.html
   3610     supported = [strtobytes(x) for x in supported]
   3612     # Technically 'P7' must be followed by a newline, so by using
   3613     # rstrip() we are being liberal in what we accept.  I think this
   3614     # is acceptable.
   3615     type = infile.read(3).rstrip()
   3616     if type not in supported:
   3617         raise NotImplementedError('file format %s not supported' % type)
   3618     if type == strtobytes('P7'):
   3619         # PAM header parsing is completely different.
   3620         return read_pam_header(infile)
   3621     # Expected number of tokens in header (3 for P4, 4 for P6)
   3622     expected = 4
   3623     pbm = ('P1', 'P4')
   3624     if type in pbm:
   3625         expected = 3
   3626     header = [type]
   3628     # We have to read the rest of the header byte by byte because the
   3629     # final whitespace character (immediately following the MAXVAL in
   3630     # the case of P6) may not be a newline.  Of course all PNM files in
   3631     # the wild use a newline at this point, so it's tempting to use
   3632     # readline; but it would be wrong.
   3633     def getc():
   3634         c = infile.read(1)
   3635         if not c:
   3636             raise Error('premature EOF reading PNM header')
   3637         return c
   3639     c = getc()
   3640     while True:
   3641         # Skip whitespace that precedes a token.
   3642         while c.isspace():
   3643             c = getc()
   3644         # Skip comments.
   3645         while c == '#':
   3646             while c not in '\n\r':
   3647                 c = getc()
   3648         if not c.isdigit():
   3649             raise Error('unexpected character %s found in header' % c)
   3650         # According to the specification it is legal to have comments
   3651         # that appear in the middle of a token.
   3652         # This is bonkers; I've never seen it; and it's a bit awkward to
   3653         # code good lexers in Python (no goto).  So we break on such
   3654         # cases.
   3655         token = strtobytes('')
   3656         while c.isdigit():
   3657             token += c
   3658             c = getc()
   3659         # Slight hack.  All "tokens" are decimal integers, so convert
   3660         # them here.
   3661         header.append(int(token))
   3662         if len(header) == expected:
   3663             break
   3664     # Skip comments (again)
   3665     while c == '#':
   3666         while c not in '\n\r':
   3667             c = getc()
   3668     if not c.isspace():
   3669         raise Error('expected header to end with whitespace, not %s' % c)
   3671     if type in pbm:
   3672         # synthesize a MAXVAL
   3673         header.append(1)
   3674     depth = (1,3)[type == strtobytes('P6')]
   3675     return header[0], header[1], header[2], depth, header[3]
   3677 def write_pnm(file, width, height, pixels, meta):
   3678     """Write a Netpbm PNM/PAM file."""
   3680     bitdepth = meta['bitdepth']
   3681     maxval = 2**bitdepth - 1
   3682     # Rudely, the number of image planes can be used to determine
   3683     # whether we are L (PGM), LA (PAM), RGB (PPM), or RGBA (PAM).
   3684     planes = meta['planes']
   3685     # Can be an assert as long as we assume that pixels and meta came
   3686     # from a PNG file.
   3687     assert planes in (1,2,3,4)
   3688     if planes in (1,3):
   3689         if 1 == planes:
   3690             # PGM
   3691             # Could generate PBM if maxval is 1, but we don't (for one
   3692             # thing, we'd have to convert the data, not just blat it
   3693             # out).
   3694             fmt = 'P5'
   3695         else:
   3696             # PPM
   3697             fmt = 'P6'
   3698         file.write('%s %d %d %d\n' % (fmt, width, height, maxval))
   3699     if planes in (2,4):
   3700         # PAM
   3701         # See http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pam.html
   3702         if 2 == planes:
   3703             tupltype = 'GRAYSCALE_ALPHA'
   3704         else:
   3705             tupltype = 'RGB_ALPHA'
   3706         file.write('P7\nWIDTH %d\nHEIGHT %d\nDEPTH %d\nMAXVAL %d\n'
   3707                    'TUPLTYPE %s\nENDHDR\n' %
   3708                    (width, height, planes, maxval, tupltype))
   3709     # Values per row
   3710     vpr = planes * width
   3711     # struct format
   3712     fmt = '>%d' % vpr
   3713     if maxval > 0xff:
   3714         fmt = fmt + 'H'
   3715     else:
   3716         fmt = fmt + 'B'
   3717     for row in pixels:
   3718         file.write(struct.pack(fmt, *row))
   3719     file.flush()
   3721 def color_triple(color):
   3722     """
   3723     Convert a command line colour value to a RGB triple of integers.
   3724     FIXME: Somewhere we need support for greyscale backgrounds etc.
   3725     """
   3726     if color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 4:
   3727         return (int(color[1], 16),
   3728                 int(color[2], 16),
   3729                 int(color[3], 16))
   3730     if color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 7:
   3731         return (int(color[1:3], 16),
   3732                 int(color[3:5], 16),
   3733                 int(color[5:7], 16))
   3734     elif color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 13:
   3735         return (int(color[1:5], 16),
   3736                 int(color[5:9], 16),
   3737                 int(color[9:13], 16))
   3739 def _add_common_options(parser):
   3740     """Call *parser.add_option* for each of the options that are
   3741     common between this PNG--PNM conversion tool and the gen
   3742     tool.
   3743     """
   3744     parser.add_option("-i", "--interlace",
   3745                       default=False, action="store_true",
   3746                       help="create an interlaced PNG file (Adam7)")
   3747     parser.add_option("-t", "--transparent",
   3748                       action="store", type="string", metavar="#RRGGBB",
   3749                       help="mark the specified colour as transparent")
   3750     parser.add_option("-b", "--background",
   3751                       action="store", type="string", metavar="#RRGGBB",
   3752                       help="save the specified background colour")
   3753     parser.add_option("-g", "--gamma",
   3754                       action="store", type="float", metavar="value",
   3755                       help="save the specified gamma value")
   3756     parser.add_option("-c", "--compression",
   3757                       action="store", type="int", metavar="level",
   3758                       help="zlib compression level (0-9)")
   3759     return parser
   3761 def _main(argv):
   3762     """
   3763     Run the PNG encoder with options from the command line.
   3764     """
   3766     # Parse command line arguments
   3767     from optparse import OptionParser
   3768     import re
   3769     version = '%prog ' + re.sub(r'( ?\$|URL: |Rev:)', '', __version__)
   3770     parser = OptionParser(version=version)
   3771     parser.set_usage("%prog [options] [imagefile]")
   3772     parser.add_option('-r', '--read-png', default=False,
   3773                       action='store_true',
   3774                       help='Read PNG, write PNM')
   3775     parser.add_option("-a", "--alpha",
   3776                       action="store", type="string", metavar="pgmfile",
   3777                       help="alpha channel transparency (RGBA)")
   3778     _add_common_options(parser)
   3780     (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=argv[1:])
   3782     # Convert options
   3783     if options.transparent is not None:
   3784         options.transparent = color_triple(options.transparent)
   3785     if options.background is not None:
   3786         options.background = color_triple(options.background)
   3788     # Prepare input and output files
   3789     if len(args) == 0:
   3790         infilename = '-'
   3791         infile = sys.stdin
   3792     elif len(args) == 1:
   3793         infilename = args[0]
   3794         infile = open(infilename, 'rb')
   3795     else:
   3796         parser.error("more than one input file")
   3797     outfile = sys.stdout
   3798     if sys.platform == "win32":
   3799         import msvcrt, os
   3800         msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
   3802     if options.read_png:
   3803         # Encode PNG to PPM
   3804         png = Reader(file=infile)
   3805         width,height,pixels,meta = png.asDirect()
   3806         write_pnm(outfile, width, height, pixels, meta) 
   3807     else:
   3808         # Encode PNM to PNG
   3809         format, width, height, depth, maxval = \
   3810           read_pnm_header(infile, ('P5','P6','P7'))
   3811         # When it comes to the variety of input formats, we do something
   3812         # rather rude.  Observe that L, LA, RGB, RGBA are the 4 colour
   3813         # types supported by PNG and that they correspond to 1, 2, 3, 4
   3814         # channels respectively.  So we use the number of channels in
   3815         # the source image to determine which one we have.  We do not
   3816         # care about TUPLTYPE.
   3817         greyscale = depth <= 2
   3818         pamalpha = depth in (2,4)
   3819         supported = map(lambda x: 2**x-1, range(1,17))
   3820         try:
   3821             mi = supported.index(maxval)
   3822         except ValueError:
   3823             raise NotImplementedError(
   3824               'your maxval (%s) not in supported list %s' %
   3825               (maxval, str(supported)))
   3826         bitdepth = mi+1
   3827         writer = Writer(width, height,
   3828                         greyscale=greyscale,
   3829                         bitdepth=bitdepth,
   3830                         interlace=options.interlace,
   3831                         transparent=options.transparent,
   3832                         background=options.background,
   3833                         alpha=bool(pamalpha or options.alpha),
   3834                         gamma=options.gamma,
   3835                         compression=options.compression)
   3836         if options.alpha:
   3837             pgmfile = open(options.alpha, 'rb')
   3838             format, awidth, aheight, adepth, amaxval = \
   3839               read_pnm_header(pgmfile, 'P5')
   3840             if amaxval != '255':
   3841                 raise NotImplementedError(
   3842                   'maxval %s not supported for alpha channel' % amaxval)
   3843             if (awidth, aheight) != (width, height):
   3844                 raise ValueError("alpha channel image size mismatch"
   3845                                  " (%s has %sx%s but %s has %sx%s)"
   3846                                  % (infilename, width, height,
   3847                                     options.alpha, awidth, aheight))
   3848             writer.convert_ppm_and_pgm(infile, pgmfile, outfile)
   3849         else:
   3850             writer.convert_pnm(infile, outfile)
   3853 if __name__ == '__main__':
   3854     try:
   3855         _main(sys.argv)
   3856     except Error, e:
   3857         print >>sys.stderr, e