1 /* 2 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. 3 * 4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 5 * found in the LICENSE file. 6 */ 7 #include "PathOpsTestCommon.h" 8 #include "SkIntersections.h" 9 #include "SkPathOpsCubic.h" 10 #include "SkPathOpsQuad.h" 11 #include "SkRandom.h" 12 #include "SkReduceOrder.h" 13 #include "Test.h" 14 15 static struct quadCubic { 16 SkDCubic cubic; 17 SkDQuad quad; 18 int answerCount; 19 SkDPoint answers[2]; 20 } quadCubicTests[] = { 21 #if 0 // FIXME : this should not fail (root problem behind skpcarrot_is24 ) 22 {{{{1020.08099,672.161987}, {1020.08002,630.73999}, {986.502014,597.161987}, {945.080994,597.161987}}}, 23 {{{1020,672}, {1020,640.93396}, {998.03302,618.96698}}}, 1, 24 {{1019.421, 662.449}}}, 25 #endif 26 27 {{{{778, 14089}, {778, 14091.208984375}, {776.20916748046875, 14093}, {774, 14093}}}, 28 {{{778, 14089}, {777.99957275390625, 14090.65625}, {776.82843017578125, 14091.828125}}}, 2, 29 {{778, 14089}, {776.82855609581270,14091.828250841330}}}, 30 31 {{{{1110, 817}, {1110.55225f, 817}, {1111, 817.447693f}, {1111, 818}}}, 32 {{{1110.70715f, 817.292908f}, {1110.41406f, 817.000122f}, {1110, 817}}}, 2, 33 {{1110, 817}, {1110.70715f, 817.292908f}}}, 34 35 {{{{1110, 817}, {1110.55225f, 817}, {1111, 817.447693f}, {1111, 818}}}, 36 {{{1111, 818}, {1110.99988f, 817.585876f}, {1110.70715f, 817.292908f}}}, 2, 37 {{1110.70715f, 817.292908f}, {1111, 818}}}, 38 39 {{{{55, 207}, {52.238574981689453, 207}, {50, 204.76142883300781}, {50, 202}}}, 40 {{{55, 207}, {52.929431915283203, 206.99949645996094}, 41 {51.464466094970703, 205.53553771972656}}}, 2, 42 {{55, 207}, {51.464466094970703, 205.53553771972656}}}, 43 44 {{{{49, 47}, {49, 74.614250183105469}, {26.614250183105469, 97}, {-1, 97}}}, 45 {{{-8.659739592076221e-015, 96.991401672363281}, {20.065492630004883, 96.645187377929688}, 46 {34.355339050292969, 82.355339050292969}}}, 2, 47 {{34.355339050292969,82.355339050292969}, {34.28654835573549, 82.424006509351585}}}, 48 49 {{{{10,234}, {10,229.58172607421875}, {13.581720352172852,226}, {18,226}}}, 50 {{{18,226}, {14.686291694641113,226}, {12.342399597167969,228.3424072265625}}}, 1, 51 {{18,226}, {0,0}}}, 52 53 {{{{10,234}, {10,229.58172607421875}, {13.581720352172852,226}, {18,226}}}, 54 {{{12.342399597167969,228.3424072265625}, {10,230.68629455566406}, {10,234}}}, 1, 55 {{10,234}, {0,0}}}, 56 }; 57 58 static const int quadCubicTests_count = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(quadCubicTests); 59 60 static void cubicQuadIntersection(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, int index) { 61 int iIndex = static_cast<int>(index); 62 const SkDCubic& cubic = quadCubicTests[index].cubic; 63 SkASSERT(ValidCubic(cubic)); 64 const SkDQuad& quad = quadCubicTests[index].quad; 65 SkASSERT(ValidQuad(quad)); 66 SkReduceOrder reduce1; 67 SkReduceOrder reduce2; 68 int order1 = reduce1.reduce(cubic, SkReduceOrder::kNo_Quadratics); 69 int order2 = reduce2.reduce(quad); 70 if (order1 != 4) { 71 SkDebugf("[%d] cubic order=%d\n", iIndex, order1); 72 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0); 73 } 74 if (order2 != 3) { 75 SkDebugf("[%d] quad order=%d\n", iIndex, order2); 76 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0); 77 } 78 SkIntersections i; 79 int roots = i.intersect(cubic, quad); 80 SkASSERT(roots == quadCubicTests[index].answerCount); 81 for (int pt = 0; pt < roots; ++pt) { 82 double tt1 = i[0][pt]; 83 SkDPoint xy1 = cubic.ptAtT(tt1); 84 double tt2 = i[1][pt]; 85 SkDPoint xy2 = quad.ptAtT(tt2); 86 if (!xy1.approximatelyEqual(xy2)) { 87 SkDebugf("%s [%d,%d] x!= t1=%g (%g,%g) t2=%g (%g,%g)\n", 88 __FUNCTION__, iIndex, pt, tt1, xy1.fX, xy1.fY, tt2, xy2.fX, xy2.fY); 89 } 90 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, xy1.approximatelyEqual(xy2)); 91 bool found = false; 92 for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < quadCubicTests[index].answerCount; ++idx2) { 93 found |= quadCubicTests[index].answers[idx2].approximatelyEqual(xy1); 94 } 95 if (!found) { 96 SkDebugf("%s [%d,%d] xy1=(%g,%g) != \n", 97 __FUNCTION__, iIndex, pt, xy1.fX, xy1.fY); 98 } 99 REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, found); 100 } 101 reporter->bumpTestCount(); 102 } 103 104 DEF_TEST(PathOpsCubicQuadIntersection, reporter) { 105 for (int index = 0; index < quadCubicTests_count; ++index) { 106 cubicQuadIntersection(reporter, index); 107 reporter->bumpTestCount(); 108 } 109 } 110 111 DEF_TEST(PathOpsCubicQuadIntersectionOneOff, reporter) { 112 cubicQuadIntersection(reporter, 0); 113 } 114 115 static bool gPathOpCubicQuadSlopVerbose = false; 116 static const int kCubicToQuadSubdivisionDepth = 8; // slots reserved for cubic to quads subdivision 117 118 // determine that slop required after quad/quad finds a candidate intersection 119 // use the cross of the tangents plus the distance from 1 or 0 as knobs 120 DEF_TEST(PathOpsCubicQuadSlop, reporter) { 121 // create a random non-selfintersecting cubic 122 // break it into quadratics 123 // offset the quadratic, measuring the slop required to find the intersection 124 if (!gPathOpCubicQuadSlopVerbose) { // takes a while to run -- so exclude it by default 125 return; 126 } 127 int results[101]; 128 sk_bzero(results, sizeof(results)); 129 double minCross[101]; 130 sk_bzero(minCross, sizeof(minCross)); 131 double maxCross[101]; 132 sk_bzero(maxCross, sizeof(maxCross)); 133 double sumCross[101]; 134 sk_bzero(sumCross, sizeof(sumCross)); 135 int foundOne = 0; 136 int slopCount = 1; 137 SkRandom ran; 138 for (int index = 0; index < 10000000; ++index) { 139 if (index % 1000 == 999) SkDebugf("."); 140 SkDCubic cubic = {{ 141 {ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000), ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000)}, 142 {ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000), ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000)}, 143 {ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000), ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000)}, 144 {ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000), ran.nextRangeF(-1000, 1000)} 145 }}; 146 SkIntersections i; 147 if (i.intersect(cubic)) { 148 continue; 149 } 150 SkSTArray<kCubicToQuadSubdivisionDepth, double, true> ts; 151 cubic.toQuadraticTs(cubic.calcPrecision(), &ts); 152 double tStart = 0; 153 int tsCount = ts.count(); 154 for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= tsCount; ++i1) { 155 const double tEnd = i1 < tsCount ? ts[i1] : 1; 156 SkDCubic part = cubic.subDivide(tStart, tEnd); 157 SkDQuad quad = part.toQuad(); 158 SkReduceOrder reducer; 159 int order = reducer.reduce(quad); 160 if (order != 3) { 161 continue; 162 } 163 for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 100; ++i2) { 164 SkDPoint endDisplacement = {ran.nextRangeF(-100, 100), ran.nextRangeF(-100, 100)}; 165 SkDQuad nearby = {{ 166 {quad[0].fX + endDisplacement.fX, quad[0].fY + endDisplacement.fY}, 167 {quad[1].fX + ran.nextRangeF(-100, 100), quad[1].fY + ran.nextRangeF(-100, 100)}, 168 {quad[2].fX - endDisplacement.fX, quad[2].fY - endDisplacement.fY} 169 }}; 170 order = reducer.reduce(nearby); 171 if (order != 3) { 172 continue; 173 } 174 SkIntersections locals; 175 locals.allowNear(false); 176 locals.intersect(quad, nearby); 177 if (locals.used() != 1) { 178 continue; 179 } 180 // brute force find actual intersection 181 SkDLine cubicLine = {{ {0, 0}, {cubic[0].fX, cubic[0].fY } }}; 182 SkIntersections liner; 183 int i3; 184 int found = -1; 185 int foundErr = true; 186 for (i3 = 1; i3 <= 1000; ++i3) { 187 cubicLine[0] = cubicLine[1]; 188 cubicLine[1] = cubic.ptAtT(i3 / 1000.); 189 liner.reset(); 190 liner.allowNear(false); 191 liner.intersect(nearby, cubicLine); 192 if (liner.used() == 0) { 193 continue; 194 } 195 if (liner.used() > 1) { 196 foundErr = true; 197 break; 198 } 199 if (found > 0) { 200 foundErr = true; 201 break; 202 } 203 foundErr = false; 204 found = i3; 205 } 206 if (foundErr) { 207 continue; 208 } 209 SkDVector dist = liner.pt(0) - locals.pt(0); 210 SkDVector qV = nearby.dxdyAtT(locals[0][0]); 211 double cubicT = (found - 1 + liner[1][0]) / 1000.; 212 SkDVector cV = cubic.dxdyAtT(cubicT); 213 double qxc = qV.crossCheck(cV); 214 double qvLen = qV.length(); 215 double cvLen = cV.length(); 216 double maxLen = SkTMax(qvLen, cvLen); 217 qxc /= maxLen; 218 double quadT = tStart + (tEnd - tStart) * locals[0][0]; 219 double diffT = fabs(cubicT - quadT); 220 int diffIdx = (int) (diffT * 100); 221 results[diffIdx]++; 222 double absQxc = fabs(qxc); 223 if (sumCross[diffIdx] == 0) { 224 minCross[diffIdx] = maxCross[diffIdx] = sumCross[diffIdx] = absQxc; 225 } else { 226 minCross[diffIdx] = SkTMin(minCross[diffIdx], absQxc); 227 maxCross[diffIdx] = SkTMax(maxCross[diffIdx], absQxc); 228 sumCross[diffIdx] += absQxc; 229 } 230 if (diffIdx >= 20) { 231 #if 01 232 SkDebugf("cubic={{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}}}" 233 " quad={{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}}}" 234 " {{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}}}" 235 " qT=%1.9g cT=%1.9g dist=%1.9g cross=%1.9g\n", 236 cubic[0].fX, cubic[0].fY, cubic[1].fX, cubic[1].fY, 237 cubic[2].fX, cubic[2].fY, cubic[3].fX, cubic[3].fY, 238 nearby[0].fX, nearby[0].fY, nearby[1].fX, nearby[1].fY, 239 nearby[2].fX, nearby[2].fY, 240 liner.pt(0).fX, liner.pt(0).fY, 241 locals.pt(0).fX, locals.pt(0).fY, quadT, cubicT, dist.length(), qxc); 242 #else 243 SkDebugf("qT=%1.9g cT=%1.9g dist=%1.9g cross=%1.9g\n", 244 quadT, cubicT, dist.length(), qxc); 245 SkDebugf("<div id=\"slop%d\">\n", ++slopCount); 246 SkDebugf("{{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}}}\n" 247 "{{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}}}\n" 248 "{{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}}}\n", 249 cubic[0].fX, cubic[0].fY, cubic[1].fX, cubic[1].fY, 250 cubic[2].fX, cubic[2].fY, cubic[3].fX, cubic[3].fY, 251 nearby[0].fX, nearby[0].fY, nearby[1].fX, nearby[1].fY, 252 nearby[2].fX, nearby[2].fY, 253 liner.pt(0).fX, liner.pt(0).fY, 254 locals.pt(0).fX, locals.pt(0).fY); 255 SkDebugf("</div>\n\n"); 256 #endif 257 } 258 ++foundOne; 259 } 260 tStart = tEnd; 261 } 262 if (++foundOne >= 100000) { 263 break; 264 } 265 } 266 #if 01 267 SkDebugf("slopCount=%d\n", slopCount); 268 int max = 100; 269 while (results[max] == 0) { 270 --max; 271 } 272 for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) { 273 if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) { 274 SkDebugf("\n"); 275 } 276 SkDebugf("%d ", results[i]); 277 } 278 SkDebugf("min\n"); 279 for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) { 280 if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) { 281 SkDebugf("\n"); 282 } 283 SkDebugf("%1.9g ", minCross[i]); 284 } 285 SkDebugf("max\n"); 286 for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) { 287 if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) { 288 SkDebugf("\n"); 289 } 290 SkDebugf("%1.9g ", maxCross[i]); 291 } 292 SkDebugf("avg\n"); 293 for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) { 294 if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) { 295 SkDebugf("\n"); 296 } 297 SkDebugf("%1.9g ", sumCross[i] / results[i]); 298 } 299 #else 300 for (int i = 1; i < slopCount; ++i) { 301 SkDebugf(" slop%d,\n", i); 302 } 303 #endif 304 SkDebugf("\n"); 305 } 306