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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     18 #define LOG_TAG "OpenGLRenderer"
     20 #include "RenderNode.h"
     22 #include <algorithm>
     23 #include <string>
     25 #include <SkCanvas.h>
     26 #include <algorithm>
     29 #include "DamageAccumulator.h"
     30 #include "Debug.h"
     31 #include "DisplayListOp.h"
     32 #include "DisplayListLogBuffer.h"
     33 #include "LayerRenderer.h"
     34 #include "OpenGLRenderer.h"
     35 #include "utils/MathUtils.h"
     36 #include "utils/TraceUtils.h"
     37 #include "renderthread/CanvasContext.h"
     39 namespace android {
     40 namespace uirenderer {
     42 void RenderNode::outputLogBuffer(int fd) {
     43     DisplayListLogBuffer& logBuffer = DisplayListLogBuffer::getInstance();
     44     if (logBuffer.isEmpty()) {
     45         return;
     46     }
     48     FILE *file = fdopen(fd, "a");
     50     fprintf(file, "\nRecent DisplayList operations\n");
     51     logBuffer.outputCommands(file);
     53     if (Caches::hasInstance()) {
     54         String8 cachesLog;
     55         Caches::getInstance().dumpMemoryUsage(cachesLog);
     56         fprintf(file, "\nCaches:\n%s\n", cachesLog.string());
     57     } else {
     58         fprintf(file, "\nNo caches instance.\n");
     59     }
     61     fflush(file);
     62 }
     64 void RenderNode::debugDumpLayers(const char* prefix) {
     65     if (mLayer) {
     66         ALOGD("%sNode %p (%s) has layer %p (fbo = %u, wasBuildLayered = %s)",
     67                 prefix, this, getName(), mLayer, mLayer->getFbo(),
     68                 mLayer->wasBuildLayered ? "true" : "false");
     69     }
     70     if (mDisplayListData) {
     71         for (size_t i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->children().size(); i++) {
     72             mDisplayListData->children()[i]->mRenderNode->debugDumpLayers(prefix);
     73         }
     74     }
     75 }
     77 RenderNode::RenderNode()
     78         : mDirtyPropertyFields(0)
     79         , mNeedsDisplayListDataSync(false)
     80         , mDisplayListData(0)
     81         , mStagingDisplayListData(0)
     82         , mAnimatorManager(*this)
     83         , mLayer(0)
     84         , mParentCount(0) {
     85 }
     87 RenderNode::~RenderNode() {
     88     deleteDisplayListData();
     89     delete mStagingDisplayListData;
     90     if (mLayer) {
     91         ALOGW("Memory Warning: Layer %p missed its detachment, held on to for far too long!", mLayer);
     92         mLayer->postDecStrong();
     93         mLayer = 0;
     94     }
     95 }
     97 void RenderNode::setStagingDisplayList(DisplayListData* data) {
     98     mNeedsDisplayListDataSync = true;
     99     delete mStagingDisplayListData;
    100     mStagingDisplayListData = data;
    101 }
    103 /**
    104  * This function is a simplified version of replay(), where we simply retrieve and log the
    105  * display list. This function should remain in sync with the replay() function.
    106  */
    107 void RenderNode::output(uint32_t level) {
    108     ALOGD("%*sStart display list (%p, %s%s%s%s)", (level - 1) * 2, "", this,
    109             getName(),
    110             (properties().hasShadow() ? ", casting shadow" : ""),
    111             (isRenderable() ? "" : ", empty"),
    112             (mLayer != NULL ? ", on HW Layer" : ""));
    113     ALOGD("%*s%s %d", level * 2, "", "Save",
    114             SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag);
    116     properties().debugOutputProperties(level);
    117     int flags = DisplayListOp::kOpLogFlag_Recurse;
    118     if (mDisplayListData) {
    119         // TODO: consider printing the chunk boundaries here
    120         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->displayListOps.size(); i++) {
    121             mDisplayListData->displayListOps[i]->output(level, flags);
    122         }
    123     }
    125     ALOGD("%*sDone (%p, %s)", (level - 1) * 2, "", this, getName());
    126 }
    128 int RenderNode::getDebugSize() {
    129     int size = sizeof(RenderNode);
    130     if (mStagingDisplayListData) {
    131         size += mStagingDisplayListData->getUsedSize();
    132     }
    133     if (mDisplayListData && mDisplayListData != mStagingDisplayListData) {
    134         size += mDisplayListData->getUsedSize();
    135     }
    136     return size;
    137 }
    139 void RenderNode::prepareTree(TreeInfo& info) {
    140     ATRACE_CALL();
    141     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!info.damageAccumulator, "DamageAccumulator missing");
    143     prepareTreeImpl(info);
    144 }
    146 void RenderNode::addAnimator(const sp<BaseRenderNodeAnimator>& animator) {
    147     mAnimatorManager.addAnimator(animator);
    148 }
    150 void RenderNode::damageSelf(TreeInfo& info) {
    151     if (isRenderable()) {
    152         if (properties().getClipDamageToBounds()) {
    153             info.damageAccumulator->dirty(0, 0, properties().getWidth(), properties().getHeight());
    154         } else {
    155             // Hope this is big enough?
    156             // TODO: Get this from the display list ops or something
    157             info.damageAccumulator->dirty(INT_MIN, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
    158         }
    159     }
    160 }
    162 void RenderNode::prepareLayer(TreeInfo& info, uint32_t dirtyMask) {
    163     LayerType layerType = properties().layerProperties().type();
    164     if (CC_UNLIKELY(layerType == kLayerTypeRenderLayer)) {
    165         // Damage applied so far needs to affect our parent, but does not require
    166         // the layer to be updated. So we pop/push here to clear out the current
    167         // damage and get a clean state for display list or children updates to
    168         // affect, which will require the layer to be updated
    169         info.damageAccumulator->popTransform();
    170         info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(this);
    171         if (dirtyMask & DISPLAY_LIST) {
    172             damageSelf(info);
    173         }
    174     }
    175 }
    177 void RenderNode::pushLayerUpdate(TreeInfo& info) {
    178     LayerType layerType = properties().layerProperties().type();
    179     // If we are not a layer OR we cannot be rendered (eg, view was detached)
    180     // we need to destroy any Layers we may have had previously
    181     if (CC_LIKELY(layerType != kLayerTypeRenderLayer) || CC_UNLIKELY(!isRenderable())) {
    182         if (CC_UNLIKELY(mLayer)) {
    183             LayerRenderer::destroyLayer(mLayer);
    184             mLayer = NULL;
    185         }
    186         return;
    187     }
    189     bool transformUpdateNeeded = false;
    190     if (!mLayer) {
    191         mLayer = LayerRenderer::createRenderLayer(info.renderState, getWidth(), getHeight());
    192         applyLayerPropertiesToLayer(info);
    193         damageSelf(info);
    194         transformUpdateNeeded = true;
    195     } else if (mLayer->layer.getWidth() != getWidth() || mLayer->layer.getHeight() != getHeight()) {
    196         if (!LayerRenderer::resizeLayer(mLayer, getWidth(), getHeight())) {
    197             LayerRenderer::destroyLayer(mLayer);
    198             mLayer = 0;
    199         }
    200         damageSelf(info);
    201         transformUpdateNeeded = true;
    202     }
    204     SkRect dirty;
    205     info.damageAccumulator->peekAtDirty(&dirty);
    207     if (!mLayer) {
    208         Caches::getInstance().dumpMemoryUsage();
    209         if (info.errorHandler) {
    210             std::string msg = "Unable to create layer for ";
    211             msg += getName();
    212             info.errorHandler->onError(msg);
    213         }
    214         return;
    215     }
    217     if (transformUpdateNeeded) {
    218         // update the transform in window of the layer to reset its origin wrt light source position
    219         Matrix4 windowTransform;
    220         info.damageAccumulator->computeCurrentTransform(&windowTransform);
    221         mLayer->setWindowTransform(windowTransform);
    222     }
    224     if (dirty.intersect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight())) {
    225         dirty.roundOut();
    226         mLayer->updateDeferred(this, dirty.fLeft, dirty.fTop, dirty.fRight, dirty.fBottom);
    227     }
    228     // This is not inside the above if because we may have called
    229     // updateDeferred on a previous prepare pass that didn't have a renderer
    230     if (info.renderer && mLayer->deferredUpdateScheduled) {
    231         info.renderer->pushLayerUpdate(mLayer);
    232     }
    234     if (CC_UNLIKELY(info.canvasContext)) {
    235         // If canvasContext is not null that means there are prefetched layers
    236         // that need to be accounted for. That might be us, so tell CanvasContext
    237         // that this layer is in the tree and should not be destroyed.
    238         info.canvasContext->markLayerInUse(this);
    239     }
    240 }
    242 void RenderNode::prepareTreeImpl(TreeInfo& info) {
    243     info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(this);
    245     if (info.mode == TreeInfo::MODE_FULL) {
    246         pushStagingPropertiesChanges(info);
    247     }
    248     uint32_t animatorDirtyMask = 0;
    249     if (CC_LIKELY(info.runAnimations)) {
    250         animatorDirtyMask = mAnimatorManager.animate(info);
    251     }
    252     prepareLayer(info, animatorDirtyMask);
    253     if (info.mode == TreeInfo::MODE_FULL) {
    254         pushStagingDisplayListChanges(info);
    255     }
    256     prepareSubTree(info, mDisplayListData);
    257     pushLayerUpdate(info);
    259     info.damageAccumulator->popTransform();
    260 }
    262 void RenderNode::pushStagingPropertiesChanges(TreeInfo& info) {
    263     // Push the animators first so that setupStartValueIfNecessary() is called
    264     // before properties() is trampled by stagingProperties(), as they are
    265     // required by some animators.
    266     if (CC_LIKELY(info.runAnimations)) {
    267         mAnimatorManager.pushStaging();
    268     }
    269     if (mDirtyPropertyFields) {
    270         mDirtyPropertyFields = 0;
    271         damageSelf(info);
    272         info.damageAccumulator->popTransform();
    273         mProperties = mStagingProperties;
    274         applyLayerPropertiesToLayer(info);
    275         // We could try to be clever and only re-damage if the matrix changed.
    276         // However, we don't need to worry about that. The cost of over-damaging
    277         // here is only going to be a single additional map rect of this node
    278         // plus a rect join(). The parent's transform (and up) will only be
    279         // performed once.
    280         info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(this);
    281         damageSelf(info);
    282     }
    283 }
    285 void RenderNode::applyLayerPropertiesToLayer(TreeInfo& info) {
    286     if (CC_LIKELY(!mLayer)) return;
    288     const LayerProperties& props = properties().layerProperties();
    289     mLayer->setAlpha(props.alpha(), props.xferMode());
    290     mLayer->setColorFilter(props.colorFilter());
    291     mLayer->setBlend(props.needsBlending());
    292 }
    294 void RenderNode::pushStagingDisplayListChanges(TreeInfo& info) {
    295     if (mNeedsDisplayListDataSync) {
    296         mNeedsDisplayListDataSync = false;
    297         // Make sure we inc first so that we don't fluctuate between 0 and 1,
    298         // which would thrash the layer cache
    299         if (mStagingDisplayListData) {
    300             for (size_t i = 0; i < mStagingDisplayListData->children().size(); i++) {
    301                 mStagingDisplayListData->children()[i]->mRenderNode->incParentRefCount();
    302             }
    303         }
    304         // Damage with the old display list first then the new one to catch any
    305         // changes in isRenderable or, in the future, bounds
    306         damageSelf(info);
    307         deleteDisplayListData();
    308         // TODO: Remove this caches stuff
    309         if (mStagingDisplayListData && mStagingDisplayListData->functors.size()) {
    310             Caches::getInstance().registerFunctors(mStagingDisplayListData->functors.size());
    311         }
    312         mDisplayListData = mStagingDisplayListData;
    313         mStagingDisplayListData = NULL;
    314         if (mDisplayListData) {
    315             for (size_t i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->functors.size(); i++) {
    316                 (*mDisplayListData->functors[i])(DrawGlInfo::kModeSync, NULL);
    317             }
    318         }
    319         damageSelf(info);
    320     }
    321 }
    323 void RenderNode::deleteDisplayListData() {
    324     if (mDisplayListData) {
    325         for (size_t i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->children().size(); i++) {
    326             mDisplayListData->children()[i]->mRenderNode->decParentRefCount();
    327         }
    328         if (mDisplayListData->functors.size()) {
    329             Caches::getInstance().unregisterFunctors(mDisplayListData->functors.size());
    330         }
    331     }
    332     delete mDisplayListData;
    333     mDisplayListData = NULL;
    334 }
    336 void RenderNode::prepareSubTree(TreeInfo& info, DisplayListData* subtree) {
    337     if (subtree) {
    338         TextureCache& cache = Caches::getInstance().textureCache;
    339         info.out.hasFunctors |= subtree->functors.size();
    340         // TODO: Fix ownedBitmapResources to not require disabling prepareTextures
    341         // and thus falling out of async drawing path.
    342         if (subtree->ownedBitmapResources.size()) {
    343             info.prepareTextures = false;
    344         }
    345         for (size_t i = 0; info.prepareTextures && i < subtree->bitmapResources.size(); i++) {
    346             info.prepareTextures = cache.prefetchAndMarkInUse(subtree->bitmapResources[i]);
    347         }
    348         for (size_t i = 0; i < subtree->children().size(); i++) {
    349             DrawRenderNodeOp* op = subtree->children()[i];
    350             RenderNode* childNode = op->mRenderNode;
    351             info.damageAccumulator->pushTransform(&op->mTransformFromParent);
    352             childNode->prepareTreeImpl(info);
    353             info.damageAccumulator->popTransform();
    354         }
    355     }
    356 }
    358 void RenderNode::destroyHardwareResources() {
    359     if (mLayer) {
    360         LayerRenderer::destroyLayer(mLayer);
    361         mLayer = NULL;
    362     }
    363     if (mDisplayListData) {
    364         for (size_t i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->children().size(); i++) {
    365             mDisplayListData->children()[i]->mRenderNode->destroyHardwareResources();
    366         }
    367         if (mNeedsDisplayListDataSync) {
    368             // Next prepare tree we are going to push a new display list, so we can
    369             // drop our current one now
    370             deleteDisplayListData();
    371         }
    372     }
    373 }
    375 void RenderNode::decParentRefCount() {
    376     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mParentCount, "already 0!");
    377     mParentCount--;
    378     if (!mParentCount) {
    379         // If a child of ours is being attached to our parent then this will incorrectly
    380         // destroy its hardware resources. However, this situation is highly unlikely
    381         // and the failure is "just" that the layer is re-created, so this should
    382         // be safe enough
    383         destroyHardwareResources();
    384     }
    385 }
    387 /*
    388  * For property operations, we pass a savecount of 0, since the operations aren't part of the
    389  * displaylist, and thus don't have to compensate for the record-time/playback-time discrepancy in
    390  * base saveCount (i.e., how RestoreToCount uses saveCount + properties().getCount())
    391  */
    392 #define PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT 0
    394 template <class T>
    395 void RenderNode::setViewProperties(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, T& handler) {
    397     properties().debugOutputProperties(handler.level() + 1);
    398 #endif
    399     if (properties().getLeft() != 0 || properties().getTop() != 0) {
    400         renderer.translate(properties().getLeft(), properties().getTop());
    401     }
    402     if (properties().getStaticMatrix()) {
    403         renderer.concatMatrix(*properties().getStaticMatrix());
    404     } else if (properties().getAnimationMatrix()) {
    405         renderer.concatMatrix(*properties().getAnimationMatrix());
    406     }
    407     if (properties().hasTransformMatrix()) {
    408         if (properties().isTransformTranslateOnly()) {
    409             renderer.translate(properties().getTranslationX(), properties().getTranslationY());
    410         } else {
    411             renderer.concatMatrix(*properties().getTransformMatrix());
    412         }
    413     }
    414     const bool isLayer = properties().layerProperties().type() != kLayerTypeNone;
    415     int clipFlags = properties().getClippingFlags();
    416     if (properties().getAlpha() < 1) {
    417         if (isLayer) {
    418             clipFlags &= ~CLIP_TO_BOUNDS; // bounds clipping done by layer
    420             renderer.setOverrideLayerAlpha(properties().getAlpha());
    421         } else if (!properties().getHasOverlappingRendering()) {
    422             renderer.scaleAlpha(properties().getAlpha());
    423         } else {
    424             Rect layerBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
    425             int saveFlags = SkCanvas::kHasAlphaLayer_SaveFlag;
    426             if (clipFlags) {
    427                 saveFlags |= SkCanvas::kClipToLayer_SaveFlag;
    428                 properties().getClippingRectForFlags(clipFlags, &layerBounds);
    429                 clipFlags = 0; // all clipping done by saveLayer
    430             }
    432             ATRACE_FORMAT("%s alpha caused %ssaveLayer %dx%d",
    433                     getName(), clipFlags ? "" : "unclipped ",
    434                     (int)layerBounds.getWidth(), (int)layerBounds.getHeight());
    436             SaveLayerOp* op = new (handler.allocator()) SaveLayerOp(
    437                     layerBounds.left, layerBounds.top, layerBounds.right, layerBounds.bottom,
    438                     properties().getAlpha() * 255, saveFlags);
    439             handler(op, PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    440         }
    441     }
    442     if (clipFlags) {
    443         Rect clipRect;
    444         properties().getClippingRectForFlags(clipFlags, &clipRect);
    445         ClipRectOp* op = new (handler.allocator()) ClipRectOp(
    446                 clipRect.left, clipRect.top, clipRect.right, clipRect.bottom,
    447                 SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
    448         handler(op, PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    449     }
    451     // TODO: support nesting round rect clips
    452     if (mProperties.getRevealClip().willClip()) {
    453         Rect bounds;
    454         mProperties.getRevealClip().getBounds(&bounds);
    455         renderer.setClippingRoundRect(handler.allocator(), bounds, mProperties.getRevealClip().getRadius());
    456     } else if (mProperties.getOutline().willClip()) {
    457         renderer.setClippingOutline(handler.allocator(), &(mProperties.getOutline()));
    458     }
    459 }
    461 /**
    462  * Apply property-based transformations to input matrix
    463  *
    464  * If true3dTransform is set to true, the transform applied to the input matrix will use true 4x4
    465  * matrix computation instead of the Skia 3x3 matrix + camera hackery.
    466  */
    467 void RenderNode::applyViewPropertyTransforms(mat4& matrix, bool true3dTransform) const {
    468     if (properties().getLeft() != 0 || properties().getTop() != 0) {
    469         matrix.translate(properties().getLeft(), properties().getTop());
    470     }
    471     if (properties().getStaticMatrix()) {
    472         mat4 stat(*properties().getStaticMatrix());
    473         matrix.multiply(stat);
    474     } else if (properties().getAnimationMatrix()) {
    475         mat4 anim(*properties().getAnimationMatrix());
    476         matrix.multiply(anim);
    477     }
    479     bool applyTranslationZ = true3dTransform && !MathUtils::isZero(properties().getZ());
    480     if (properties().hasTransformMatrix() || applyTranslationZ) {
    481         if (properties().isTransformTranslateOnly()) {
    482             matrix.translate(properties().getTranslationX(), properties().getTranslationY(),
    483                     true3dTransform ? properties().getZ() : 0.0f);
    484         } else {
    485             if (!true3dTransform) {
    486                 matrix.multiply(*properties().getTransformMatrix());
    487             } else {
    488                 mat4 true3dMat;
    489                 true3dMat.loadTranslate(
    490                         properties().getPivotX() + properties().getTranslationX(),
    491                         properties().getPivotY() + properties().getTranslationY(),
    492                         properties().getZ());
    493                 true3dMat.rotate(properties().getRotationX(), 1, 0, 0);
    494                 true3dMat.rotate(properties().getRotationY(), 0, 1, 0);
    495                 true3dMat.rotate(properties().getRotation(), 0, 0, 1);
    496                 true3dMat.scale(properties().getScaleX(), properties().getScaleY(), 1);
    497                 true3dMat.translate(-properties().getPivotX(), -properties().getPivotY());
    499                 matrix.multiply(true3dMat);
    500             }
    501         }
    502     }
    503 }
    505 /**
    506  * Organizes the DisplayList hierarchy to prepare for background projection reordering.
    507  *
    508  * This should be called before a call to defer() or drawDisplayList()
    509  *
    510  * Each DisplayList that serves as a 3d root builds its list of composited children,
    511  * which are flagged to not draw in the standard draw loop.
    512  */
    513 void RenderNode::computeOrdering() {
    514     ATRACE_CALL();
    515     mProjectedNodes.clear();
    517     // TODO: create temporary DDLOp and call computeOrderingImpl on top DisplayList so that
    518     // transform properties are applied correctly to top level children
    519     if (mDisplayListData == NULL) return;
    520     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->children().size(); i++) {
    521         DrawRenderNodeOp* childOp = mDisplayListData->children()[i];
    522         childOp->mRenderNode->computeOrderingImpl(childOp,
    523                 properties().getOutline().getPath(), &mProjectedNodes, &mat4::identity());
    524     }
    525 }
    527 void RenderNode::computeOrderingImpl(
    528         DrawRenderNodeOp* opState,
    529         const SkPath* outlineOfProjectionSurface,
    530         Vector<DrawRenderNodeOp*>* compositedChildrenOfProjectionSurface,
    531         const mat4* transformFromProjectionSurface) {
    532     mProjectedNodes.clear();
    533     if (mDisplayListData == NULL || mDisplayListData->isEmpty()) return;
    535     // TODO: should avoid this calculation in most cases
    536     // TODO: just calculate single matrix, down to all leaf composited elements
    537     Matrix4 localTransformFromProjectionSurface(*transformFromProjectionSurface);
    538     localTransformFromProjectionSurface.multiply(opState->mTransformFromParent);
    540     if (properties().getProjectBackwards()) {
    541         // composited projectee, flag for out of order draw, save matrix, and store in proj surface
    542         opState->mSkipInOrderDraw = true;
    543         opState->mTransformFromCompositingAncestor.load(localTransformFromProjectionSurface);
    544         compositedChildrenOfProjectionSurface->add(opState);
    545     } else {
    546         // standard in order draw
    547         opState->mSkipInOrderDraw = false;
    548     }
    550     if (mDisplayListData->children().size() > 0) {
    551         const bool isProjectionReceiver = mDisplayListData->projectionReceiveIndex >= 0;
    552         bool haveAppliedPropertiesToProjection = false;
    553         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mDisplayListData->children().size(); i++) {
    554             DrawRenderNodeOp* childOp = mDisplayListData->children()[i];
    555             RenderNode* child = childOp->mRenderNode;
    557             const SkPath* projectionOutline = NULL;
    558             Vector<DrawRenderNodeOp*>* projectionChildren = NULL;
    559             const mat4* projectionTransform = NULL;
    560             if (isProjectionReceiver && !child->properties().getProjectBackwards()) {
    561                 // if receiving projections, collect projecting descendent
    563                 // Note that if a direct descendent is projecting backwards, we pass it's
    564                 // grandparent projection collection, since it shouldn't project onto it's
    565                 // parent, where it will already be drawing.
    566                 projectionOutline = properties().getOutline().getPath();
    567                 projectionChildren = &mProjectedNodes;
    568                 projectionTransform = &mat4::identity();
    569             } else {
    570                 if (!haveAppliedPropertiesToProjection) {
    571                     applyViewPropertyTransforms(localTransformFromProjectionSurface);
    572                     haveAppliedPropertiesToProjection = true;
    573                 }
    574                 projectionOutline = outlineOfProjectionSurface;
    575                 projectionChildren = compositedChildrenOfProjectionSurface;
    576                 projectionTransform = &localTransformFromProjectionSurface;
    577             }
    578             child->computeOrderingImpl(childOp,
    579                     projectionOutline, projectionChildren, projectionTransform);
    580         }
    581     }
    582 }
    584 class DeferOperationHandler {
    585 public:
    586     DeferOperationHandler(DeferStateStruct& deferStruct, int level)
    587         : mDeferStruct(deferStruct), mLevel(level) {}
    588     inline void operator()(DisplayListOp* operation, int saveCount, bool clipToBounds) {
    589         operation->defer(mDeferStruct, saveCount, mLevel, clipToBounds);
    590     }
    591     inline LinearAllocator& allocator() { return *(mDeferStruct.mAllocator); }
    592     inline void startMark(const char* name) {} // do nothing
    593     inline void endMark() {}
    594     inline int level() { return mLevel; }
    595     inline int replayFlags() { return mDeferStruct.mReplayFlags; }
    596     inline SkPath* allocPathForFrame() { return mDeferStruct.allocPathForFrame(); }
    598 private:
    599     DeferStateStruct& mDeferStruct;
    600     const int mLevel;
    601 };
    603 void RenderNode::defer(DeferStateStruct& deferStruct, const int level) {
    604     DeferOperationHandler handler(deferStruct, level);
    605     issueOperations<DeferOperationHandler>(deferStruct.mRenderer, handler);
    606 }
    608 class ReplayOperationHandler {
    609 public:
    610     ReplayOperationHandler(ReplayStateStruct& replayStruct, int level)
    611         : mReplayStruct(replayStruct), mLevel(level) {}
    612     inline void operator()(DisplayListOp* operation, int saveCount, bool clipToBounds) {
    614         mReplayStruct.mRenderer.eventMark(operation->name());
    615 #endif
    616         operation->replay(mReplayStruct, saveCount, mLevel, clipToBounds);
    617     }
    618     inline LinearAllocator& allocator() { return *(mReplayStruct.mAllocator); }
    619     inline void startMark(const char* name) {
    620         mReplayStruct.mRenderer.startMark(name);
    621     }
    622     inline void endMark() {
    623         mReplayStruct.mRenderer.endMark();
    624     }
    625     inline int level() { return mLevel; }
    626     inline int replayFlags() { return mReplayStruct.mReplayFlags; }
    627     inline SkPath* allocPathForFrame() { return mReplayStruct.allocPathForFrame(); }
    629 private:
    630     ReplayStateStruct& mReplayStruct;
    631     const int mLevel;
    632 };
    634 void RenderNode::replay(ReplayStateStruct& replayStruct, const int level) {
    635     ReplayOperationHandler handler(replayStruct, level);
    636     issueOperations<ReplayOperationHandler>(replayStruct.mRenderer, handler);
    637 }
    639 void RenderNode::buildZSortedChildList(const DisplayListData::Chunk& chunk,
    640         Vector<ZDrawRenderNodeOpPair>& zTranslatedNodes) {
    641     if (chunk.beginChildIndex == chunk.endChildIndex) return;
    643     for (unsigned int i = chunk.beginChildIndex; i < chunk.endChildIndex; i++) {
    644         DrawRenderNodeOp* childOp = mDisplayListData->children()[i];
    645         RenderNode* child = childOp->mRenderNode;
    646         float childZ = child->properties().getZ();
    648         if (!MathUtils::isZero(childZ) && chunk.reorderChildren) {
    649             zTranslatedNodes.add(ZDrawRenderNodeOpPair(childZ, childOp));
    650             childOp->mSkipInOrderDraw = true;
    651         } else if (!child->properties().getProjectBackwards()) {
    652             // regular, in order drawing DisplayList
    653             childOp->mSkipInOrderDraw = false;
    654         }
    655     }
    657     // Z sort any 3d children (stable-ness makes z compare fall back to standard drawing order)
    658     std::stable_sort(zTranslatedNodes.begin(), zTranslatedNodes.end());
    659 }
    661 template <class T>
    662 void RenderNode::issueDrawShadowOperation(const Matrix4& transformFromParent, T& handler) {
    663     if (properties().getAlpha() <= 0.0f
    664             || properties().getOutline().getAlpha() <= 0.0f
    665             || !properties().getOutline().getPath()) {
    666         // no shadow to draw
    667         return;
    668     }
    670     mat4 shadowMatrixXY(transformFromParent);
    671     applyViewPropertyTransforms(shadowMatrixXY);
    673     // Z matrix needs actual 3d transformation, so mapped z values will be correct
    674     mat4 shadowMatrixZ(transformFromParent);
    675     applyViewPropertyTransforms(shadowMatrixZ, true);
    677     const SkPath* casterOutlinePath = properties().getOutline().getPath();
    678     const SkPath* revealClipPath = properties().getRevealClip().getPath();
    679     if (revealClipPath && revealClipPath->isEmpty()) return;
    681     float casterAlpha = properties().getAlpha() * properties().getOutline().getAlpha();
    684     // holds temporary SkPath to store the result of intersections
    685     SkPath* frameAllocatedPath = NULL;
    686     const SkPath* outlinePath = casterOutlinePath;
    688     // intersect the outline with the reveal clip, if present
    689     if (revealClipPath) {
    690         frameAllocatedPath = handler.allocPathForFrame();
    692         Op(*outlinePath, *revealClipPath, kIntersect_PathOp, frameAllocatedPath);
    693         outlinePath = frameAllocatedPath;
    694     }
    696     // intersect the outline with the clipBounds, if present
    697     if (properties().getClippingFlags() & CLIP_TO_CLIP_BOUNDS) {
    698         if (!frameAllocatedPath) {
    699             frameAllocatedPath = handler.allocPathForFrame();
    700         }
    702         Rect clipBounds;
    703         properties().getClippingRectForFlags(CLIP_TO_CLIP_BOUNDS, &clipBounds);
    704         SkPath clipBoundsPath;
    705         clipBoundsPath.addRect(clipBounds.left, clipBounds.top,
    706                 clipBounds.right, clipBounds.bottom);
    708         Op(*outlinePath, clipBoundsPath, kIntersect_PathOp, frameAllocatedPath);
    709         outlinePath = frameAllocatedPath;
    710     }
    712     DisplayListOp* shadowOp  = new (handler.allocator()) DrawShadowOp(
    713             shadowMatrixXY, shadowMatrixZ, casterAlpha, outlinePath);
    714     handler(shadowOp, PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    715 }
    717 #define SHADOW_DELTA 0.1f
    719 template <class T>
    720 void RenderNode::issueOperationsOf3dChildren(ChildrenSelectMode mode,
    721         const Matrix4& initialTransform, const Vector<ZDrawRenderNodeOpPair>& zTranslatedNodes,
    722         OpenGLRenderer& renderer, T& handler) {
    723     const int size = zTranslatedNodes.size();
    724     if (size == 0
    725             || (mode == kNegativeZChildren && zTranslatedNodes[0].key > 0.0f)
    726             || (mode == kPositiveZChildren && zTranslatedNodes[size - 1].key < 0.0f)) {
    727         // no 3d children to draw
    728         return;
    729     }
    731     // Apply the base transform of the parent of the 3d children. This isolates
    732     // 3d children of the current chunk from transformations made in previous chunks.
    733     int rootRestoreTo = renderer.save(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
    734     renderer.setMatrix(initialTransform);
    736     /**
    737      * Draw shadows and (potential) casters mostly in order, but allow the shadows of casters
    738      * with very similar Z heights to draw together.
    739      *
    740      * This way, if Views A & B have the same Z height and are both casting shadows, the shadows are
    741      * underneath both, and neither's shadow is drawn on top of the other.
    742      */
    743     const size_t nonNegativeIndex = findNonNegativeIndex(zTranslatedNodes);
    744     size_t drawIndex, shadowIndex, endIndex;
    745     if (mode == kNegativeZChildren) {
    746         drawIndex = 0;
    747         endIndex = nonNegativeIndex;
    748         shadowIndex = endIndex; // draw no shadows
    749     } else {
    750         drawIndex = nonNegativeIndex;
    751         endIndex = size;
    752         shadowIndex = drawIndex; // potentially draw shadow for each pos Z child
    753     }
    755     DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*s%d %s 3d children:", (handler.level() + 1) * 2, "",
    756             endIndex - drawIndex, mode == kNegativeZChildren ? "negative" : "positive");
    758     float lastCasterZ = 0.0f;
    759     while (shadowIndex < endIndex || drawIndex < endIndex) {
    760         if (shadowIndex < endIndex) {
    761             DrawRenderNodeOp* casterOp = zTranslatedNodes[shadowIndex].value;
    762             RenderNode* caster = casterOp->mRenderNode;
    763             const float casterZ = zTranslatedNodes[shadowIndex].key;
    764             // attempt to render the shadow if the caster about to be drawn is its caster,
    765             // OR if its caster's Z value is similar to the previous potential caster
    766             if (shadowIndex == drawIndex || casterZ - lastCasterZ < SHADOW_DELTA) {
    767                 caster->issueDrawShadowOperation(casterOp->mTransformFromParent, handler);
    769                 lastCasterZ = casterZ; // must do this even if current caster not casting a shadow
    770                 shadowIndex++;
    771                 continue;
    772             }
    773         }
    775         // only the actual child DL draw needs to be in save/restore,
    776         // since it modifies the renderer's matrix
    777         int restoreTo = renderer.save(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
    779         DrawRenderNodeOp* childOp = zTranslatedNodes[drawIndex].value;
    780         RenderNode* child = childOp->mRenderNode;
    782         renderer.concatMatrix(childOp->mTransformFromParent);
    783         childOp->mSkipInOrderDraw = false; // this is horrible, I'm so sorry everyone
    784         handler(childOp, renderer.getSaveCount() - 1, properties().getClipToBounds());
    785         childOp->mSkipInOrderDraw = true;
    787         renderer.restoreToCount(restoreTo);
    788         drawIndex++;
    789     }
    790     renderer.restoreToCount(rootRestoreTo);
    791 }
    793 template <class T>
    794 void RenderNode::issueOperationsOfProjectedChildren(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, T& handler) {
    795     DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*s%d projected children:", (handler.level() + 1) * 2, "", mProjectedNodes.size());
    796     const SkPath* projectionReceiverOutline = properties().getOutline().getPath();
    797     int restoreTo = renderer.getSaveCount();
    799     LinearAllocator& alloc = handler.allocator();
    800     handler(new (alloc) SaveOp(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag),
    801             PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    803     // Transform renderer to match background we're projecting onto
    804     // (by offsetting canvas by translationX/Y of background rendernode, since only those are set)
    805     const DisplayListOp* op =
    806             (mDisplayListData->displayListOps[mDisplayListData->projectionReceiveIndex]);
    807     const DrawRenderNodeOp* backgroundOp = reinterpret_cast<const DrawRenderNodeOp*>(op);
    808     const RenderProperties& backgroundProps = backgroundOp->mRenderNode->properties();
    809     renderer.translate(backgroundProps.getTranslationX(), backgroundProps.getTranslationY());
    811     // If the projection reciever has an outline, we mask each of the projected rendernodes to it
    812     // Either with clipRect, or special saveLayer masking
    813     if (projectionReceiverOutline != NULL) {
    814         const SkRect& outlineBounds = projectionReceiverOutline->getBounds();
    815         if (projectionReceiverOutline->isRect(NULL)) {
    816             // mask to the rect outline simply with clipRect
    817             ClipRectOp* clipOp = new (alloc) ClipRectOp(
    818                     outlineBounds.left(), outlineBounds.top(),
    819                     outlineBounds.right(), outlineBounds.bottom(), SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
    820             handler(clipOp, PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    821         } else {
    822             // wrap the projected RenderNodes with a SaveLayer that will mask to the outline
    823             SaveLayerOp* op = new (alloc) SaveLayerOp(
    824                     outlineBounds.left(), outlineBounds.top(),
    825                     outlineBounds.right(), outlineBounds.bottom(),
    826                     255, SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag);
    827             op->setMask(projectionReceiverOutline);
    828             handler(op, PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    830             /* TODO: add optimizations here to take advantage of placement/size of projected
    831              * children (which may shrink saveLayer area significantly). This is dependent on
    832              * passing actual drawing/dirtying bounds of projected content down to native.
    833              */
    834         }
    835     }
    837     // draw projected nodes
    838     for (size_t i = 0; i < mProjectedNodes.size(); i++) {
    839         DrawRenderNodeOp* childOp = mProjectedNodes[i];
    841         // matrix save, concat, and restore can be done safely without allocating operations
    842         int restoreTo = renderer.save(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
    843         renderer.concatMatrix(childOp->mTransformFromCompositingAncestor);
    844         childOp->mSkipInOrderDraw = false; // this is horrible, I'm so sorry everyone
    845         handler(childOp, renderer.getSaveCount() - 1, properties().getClipToBounds());
    846         childOp->mSkipInOrderDraw = true;
    847         renderer.restoreToCount(restoreTo);
    848     }
    850     if (projectionReceiverOutline != NULL) {
    851         handler(new (alloc) RestoreToCountOp(restoreTo),
    852                 PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    853     }
    854 }
    856 /**
    857  * This function serves both defer and replay modes, and will organize the displayList's component
    858  * operations for a single frame:
    859  *
    860  * Every 'simple' state operation that affects just the matrix and alpha (or other factors of
    861  * DeferredDisplayState) may be issued directly to the renderer, but complex operations (with custom
    862  * defer logic) and operations in displayListOps are issued through the 'handler' which handles the
    863  * defer vs replay logic, per operation
    864  */
    865 template <class T>
    866 void RenderNode::issueOperations(OpenGLRenderer& renderer, T& handler) {
    867     const int level = handler.level();
    868     if (mDisplayListData->isEmpty()) {
    869         DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*sEmpty display list (%p, %s)", level * 2, "", this, getName());
    870         return;
    871     }
    873     const bool drawLayer = (mLayer && (&renderer != mLayer->renderer));
    874     // If we are updating the contents of mLayer, we don't want to apply any of
    875     // the RenderNode's properties to this issueOperations pass. Those will all
    876     // be applied when the layer is drawn, aka when this is true.
    877     const bool useViewProperties = (!mLayer || drawLayer);
    878     if (useViewProperties) {
    879         const Outline& outline = properties().getOutline();
    880         if (properties().getAlpha() <= 0 || (outline.getShouldClip() && outline.isEmpty())) {
    881             DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*sRejected display list (%p, %s)", level * 2, "", this, getName());
    882             return;
    883         }
    884     }
    886     handler.startMark(getName());
    889     const Rect& clipRect = renderer.getLocalClipBounds();
    890     DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*sStart display list (%p, %s), localClipBounds: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f",
    891             level * 2, "", this, getName(),
    892             clipRect.left, clipRect.top, clipRect.right, clipRect.bottom);
    893 #endif
    895     LinearAllocator& alloc = handler.allocator();
    896     int restoreTo = renderer.getSaveCount();
    897     handler(new (alloc) SaveOp(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag),
    898             PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    900     DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*sSave %d %d", (level + 1) * 2, "",
    901             SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag, restoreTo);
    903     if (useViewProperties) {
    904         setViewProperties<T>(renderer, handler);
    905     }
    907     bool quickRejected = properties().getClipToBounds()
    908             && renderer.quickRejectConservative(0, 0, properties().getWidth(), properties().getHeight());
    909     if (!quickRejected) {
    910         Matrix4 initialTransform(*(renderer.currentTransform()));
    912         if (drawLayer) {
    913             handler(new (alloc) DrawLayerOp(mLayer, 0, 0),
    914                     renderer.getSaveCount() - 1, properties().getClipToBounds());
    915         } else {
    916             const int saveCountOffset = renderer.getSaveCount() - 1;
    917             const int projectionReceiveIndex = mDisplayListData->projectionReceiveIndex;
    918             DisplayListLogBuffer& logBuffer = DisplayListLogBuffer::getInstance();
    919             for (size_t chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < mDisplayListData->getChunks().size(); chunkIndex++) {
    920                 const DisplayListData::Chunk& chunk = mDisplayListData->getChunks()[chunkIndex];
    922                 Vector<ZDrawRenderNodeOpPair> zTranslatedNodes;
    923                 buildZSortedChildList(chunk, zTranslatedNodes);
    925                 issueOperationsOf3dChildren(kNegativeZChildren,
    926                         initialTransform, zTranslatedNodes, renderer, handler);
    929                 for (int opIndex = chunk.beginOpIndex; opIndex < chunk.endOpIndex; opIndex++) {
    930                     DisplayListOp *op = mDisplayListData->displayListOps[opIndex];
    932                     op->output(level + 1);
    933 #endif
    934                     logBuffer.writeCommand(level, op->name());
    935                     handler(op, saveCountOffset, properties().getClipToBounds());
    937                     if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mProjectedNodes.isEmpty() && opIndex == projectionReceiveIndex)) {
    938                         issueOperationsOfProjectedChildren(renderer, handler);
    939                     }
    940                 }
    942                 issueOperationsOf3dChildren(kPositiveZChildren,
    943                         initialTransform, zTranslatedNodes, renderer, handler);
    944             }
    945         }
    946     }
    948     DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*sRestoreToCount %d", (level + 1) * 2, "", restoreTo);
    949     handler(new (alloc) RestoreToCountOp(restoreTo),
    950             PROPERTY_SAVECOUNT, properties().getClipToBounds());
    951     renderer.setOverrideLayerAlpha(1.0f);
    953     DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD("%*sDone (%p, %s)", level * 2, "", this, getName());
    954     handler.endMark();
    955 }
    957 } /* namespace uirenderer */
    958 } /* namespace android */