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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      5 // Copyright (C) 2009 Mathieu Gautier <mathieu.gautier (at) cea.fr>
      6 //
      7 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      8 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      9 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     11 #ifndef EIGEN_QUATERNION_H
     12 #define EIGEN_QUATERNION_H
     13 namespace Eigen {
     16 /***************************************************************************
     17 * Definition of QuaternionBase<Derived>
     18 * The implementation is at the end of the file
     19 ***************************************************************************/
     21 namespace internal {
     22 template<typename Other,
     23          int OtherRows=Other::RowsAtCompileTime,
     24          int OtherCols=Other::ColsAtCompileTime>
     25 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl;
     26 }
     28 /** \geometry_module \ingroup Geometry_Module
     29   * \class QuaternionBase
     30   * \brief Base class for quaternion expressions
     31   * \tparam Derived derived type (CRTP)
     32   * \sa class Quaternion
     33   */
     34 template<class Derived>
     35 class QuaternionBase : public RotationBase<Derived, 3>
     36 {
     37   typedef RotationBase<Derived, 3> Base;
     38 public:
     39   using Base::operator*;
     40   using Base::derived;
     42   typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
     43   typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
     44   typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::Coefficients Coefficients;
     45   enum {
     46     Flags = Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::Flags
     47   };
     49  // typedef typename Matrix<Scalar,4,1> Coefficients;
     50   /** the type of a 3D vector */
     51   typedef Matrix<Scalar,3,1> Vector3;
     52   /** the equivalent rotation matrix type */
     53   typedef Matrix<Scalar,3,3> Matrix3;
     54   /** the equivalent angle-axis type */
     55   typedef AngleAxis<Scalar> AngleAxisType;
     59   /** \returns the \c x coefficient */
     60   inline Scalar x() const { return this->derived().coeffs().coeff(0); }
     61   /** \returns the \c y coefficient */
     62   inline Scalar y() const { return this->derived().coeffs().coeff(1); }
     63   /** \returns the \c z coefficient */
     64   inline Scalar z() const { return this->derived().coeffs().coeff(2); }
     65   /** \returns the \c w coefficient */
     66   inline Scalar w() const { return this->derived().coeffs().coeff(3); }
     68   /** \returns a reference to the \c x coefficient */
     69   inline Scalar& x() { return this->derived().coeffs().coeffRef(0); }
     70   /** \returns a reference to the \c y coefficient */
     71   inline Scalar& y() { return this->derived().coeffs().coeffRef(1); }
     72   /** \returns a reference to the \c z coefficient */
     73   inline Scalar& z() { return this->derived().coeffs().coeffRef(2); }
     74   /** \returns a reference to the \c w coefficient */
     75   inline Scalar& w() { return this->derived().coeffs().coeffRef(3); }
     77   /** \returns a read-only vector expression of the imaginary part (x,y,z) */
     78   inline const VectorBlock<const Coefficients,3> vec() const { return coeffs().template head<3>(); }
     80   /** \returns a vector expression of the imaginary part (x,y,z) */
     81   inline VectorBlock<Coefficients,3> vec() { return coeffs().template head<3>(); }
     83   /** \returns a read-only vector expression of the coefficients (x,y,z,w) */
     84   inline const typename internal::traits<Derived>::Coefficients& coeffs() const { return derived().coeffs(); }
     86   /** \returns a vector expression of the coefficients (x,y,z,w) */
     87   inline typename internal::traits<Derived>::Coefficients& coeffs() { return derived().coeffs(); }
     89   EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE QuaternionBase<Derived>& operator=(const QuaternionBase<Derived>& other);
     90   template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator=(const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other);
     92 // disabled this copy operator as it is giving very strange compilation errors when compiling
     93 // test_stdvector with GCC 4.4.2. This looks like a GCC bug though, so feel free to re-enable it if it's
     94 // useful; however notice that we already have the templated operator= above and e.g. in MatrixBase
     95 // we didn't have to add, in addition to templated operator=, such a non-templated copy operator.
     96 //  Derived& operator=(const QuaternionBase& other)
     97 //  { return operator=<Derived>(other); }
     99   Derived& operator=(const AngleAxisType& aa);
    100   template<class OtherDerived> Derived& operator=(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& m);
    102   /** \returns a quaternion representing an identity rotation
    103     * \sa MatrixBase::Identity()
    104     */
    105   static inline Quaternion<Scalar> Identity() { return Quaternion<Scalar>(1, 0, 0, 0); }
    107   /** \sa QuaternionBase::Identity(), MatrixBase::setIdentity()
    108     */
    109   inline QuaternionBase& setIdentity() { coeffs() << 0, 0, 0, 1; return *this; }
    111   /** \returns the squared norm of the quaternion's coefficients
    112     * \sa QuaternionBase::norm(), MatrixBase::squaredNorm()
    113     */
    114   inline Scalar squaredNorm() const { return coeffs().squaredNorm(); }
    116   /** \returns the norm of the quaternion's coefficients
    117     * \sa QuaternionBase::squaredNorm(), MatrixBase::norm()
    118     */
    119   inline Scalar norm() const { return coeffs().norm(); }
    121   /** Normalizes the quaternion \c *this
    122     * \sa normalized(), MatrixBase::normalize() */
    123   inline void normalize() { coeffs().normalize(); }
    124   /** \returns a normalized copy of \c *this
    125     * \sa normalize(), MatrixBase::normalized() */
    126   inline Quaternion<Scalar> normalized() const { return Quaternion<Scalar>(coeffs().normalized()); }
    128     /** \returns the dot product of \c *this and \a other
    129     * Geometrically speaking, the dot product of two unit quaternions
    130     * corresponds to the cosine of half the angle between the two rotations.
    131     * \sa angularDistance()
    132     */
    133   template<class OtherDerived> inline Scalar dot(const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other) const { return coeffs().dot(other.coeffs()); }
    135   template<class OtherDerived> Scalar angularDistance(const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
    137   /** \returns an equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix */
    138   Matrix3 toRotationMatrix() const;
    140   /** \returns the quaternion which transform \a a into \a b through a rotation */
    141   template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
    142   Derived& setFromTwoVectors(const MatrixBase<Derived1>& a, const MatrixBase<Derived2>& b);
    144   template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Quaternion<Scalar> operator* (const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& q) const;
    145   template<class OtherDerived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& operator*= (const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& q);
    147   /** \returns the quaternion describing the inverse rotation */
    148   Quaternion<Scalar> inverse() const;
    150   /** \returns the conjugated quaternion */
    151   Quaternion<Scalar> conjugate() const;
    153   template<class OtherDerived> Quaternion<Scalar> slerp(const Scalar& t, const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
    155   /** \returns \c true if \c *this is approximately equal to \a other, within the precision
    156     * determined by \a prec.
    157     *
    158     * \sa MatrixBase::isApprox() */
    159   template<class OtherDerived>
    160   bool isApprox(const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other, const RealScalar& prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
    161   { return coeffs().isApprox(other.coeffs(), prec); }
    163 	/** return the result vector of \a v through the rotation*/
    164   EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Vector3 _transformVector(Vector3 v) const;
    166   /** \returns \c *this with scalar type casted to \a NewScalarType
    167     *
    168     * Note that if \a NewScalarType is equal to the current scalar type of \c *this
    169     * then this function smartly returns a const reference to \c *this.
    170     */
    171   template<typename NewScalarType>
    172   inline typename internal::cast_return_type<Derived,Quaternion<NewScalarType> >::type cast() const
    173   {
    174     return typename internal::cast_return_type<Derived,Quaternion<NewScalarType> >::type(derived());
    175   }
    179 #endif
    180 };
    182 /***************************************************************************
    183 * Definition/implementation of Quaternion<Scalar>
    184 ***************************************************************************/
    186 /** \geometry_module \ingroup Geometry_Module
    187   *
    188   * \class Quaternion
    189   *
    190   * \brief The quaternion class used to represent 3D orientations and rotations
    191   *
    192   * \tparam _Scalar the scalar type, i.e., the type of the coefficients
    193   * \tparam _Options controls the memory alignment of the coefficients. Can be \# AutoAlign or \# DontAlign. Default is AutoAlign.
    194   *
    195   * This class represents a quaternion \f$ w+xi+yj+zk \f$ that is a convenient representation of
    196   * orientations and rotations of objects in three dimensions. Compared to other representations
    197   * like Euler angles or 3x3 matrices, quaternions offer the following advantages:
    198   * \li \b compact storage (4 scalars)
    199   * \li \b efficient to compose (28 flops),
    200   * \li \b stable spherical interpolation
    201   *
    202   * The following two typedefs are provided for convenience:
    203   * \li \c Quaternionf for \c float
    204   * \li \c Quaterniond for \c double
    205   *
    206   * \warning Operations interpreting the quaternion as rotation have undefined behavior if the quaternion is not normalized.
    207   *
    208   * \sa  class AngleAxis, class Transform
    209   */
    211 namespace internal {
    212 template<typename _Scalar,int _Options>
    213 struct traits<Quaternion<_Scalar,_Options> >
    214 {
    215   typedef Quaternion<_Scalar,_Options> PlainObject;
    216   typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    217   typedef Matrix<_Scalar,4,1,_Options> Coefficients;
    218   enum{
    219     IsAligned = internal::traits<Coefficients>::Flags & AlignedBit,
    220     Flags = IsAligned ? (AlignedBit | LvalueBit) : LvalueBit
    221   };
    222 };
    223 }
    225 template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
    226 class Quaternion : public QuaternionBase<Quaternion<_Scalar,_Options> >
    227 {
    228   typedef QuaternionBase<Quaternion<_Scalar,_Options> > Base;
    229   enum { IsAligned = internal::traits<Quaternion>::IsAligned };
    231 public:
    232   typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    235   using Base::operator*=;
    237   typedef typename internal::traits<Quaternion>::Coefficients Coefficients;
    238   typedef typename Base::AngleAxisType AngleAxisType;
    240   /** Default constructor leaving the quaternion uninitialized. */
    241   inline Quaternion() {}
    243   /** Constructs and initializes the quaternion \f$ w+xi+yj+zk \f$ from
    244     * its four coefficients \a w, \a x, \a y and \a z.
    245     *
    246     * \warning Note the order of the arguments: the real \a w coefficient first,
    247     * while internally the coefficients are stored in the following order:
    248     * [\c x, \c y, \c z, \c w]
    249     */
    250   inline Quaternion(const Scalar& w, const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z) : m_coeffs(x, y, z, w){}
    252   /** Constructs and initialize a quaternion from the array data */
    253   inline Quaternion(const Scalar* data) : m_coeffs(data) {}
    255   /** Copy constructor */
    256   template<class Derived> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Quaternion(const QuaternionBase<Derived>& other) { this->Base::operator=(other); }
    258   /** Constructs and initializes a quaternion from the angle-axis \a aa */
    259   explicit inline Quaternion(const AngleAxisType& aa) { *this = aa; }
    261   /** Constructs and initializes a quaternion from either:
    262     *  - a rotation matrix expression,
    263     *  - a 4D vector expression representing quaternion coefficients.
    264     */
    265   template<typename Derived>
    266   explicit inline Quaternion(const MatrixBase<Derived>& other) { *this = other; }
    268   /** Explicit copy constructor with scalar conversion */
    269   template<typename OtherScalar, int OtherOptions>
    270   explicit inline Quaternion(const Quaternion<OtherScalar, OtherOptions>& other)
    271   { m_coeffs = other.coeffs().template cast<Scalar>(); }
    273   template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
    274   static Quaternion FromTwoVectors(const MatrixBase<Derived1>& a, const MatrixBase<Derived2>& b);
    276   inline Coefficients& coeffs() { return m_coeffs;}
    277   inline const Coefficients& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs;}
    281 protected:
    282   Coefficients m_coeffs;
    285     static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _check_template_params()
    286     {
    287       EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT( (_Options & DontAlign) == _Options,
    289     }
    290 #endif
    291 };
    293 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    294   * single precision quaternion type */
    295 typedef Quaternion<float> Quaternionf;
    296 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    297   * double precision quaternion type */
    298 typedef Quaternion<double> Quaterniond;
    300 /***************************************************************************
    301 * Specialization of Map<Quaternion<Scalar>>
    302 ***************************************************************************/
    304 namespace internal {
    305   template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
    306   struct traits<Map<Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options> > : traits<Quaternion<_Scalar, (int(_Options)&Aligned)==Aligned ? AutoAlign : DontAlign> >
    307   {
    308     typedef Map<Matrix<_Scalar,4,1>, _Options> Coefficients;
    309   };
    310 }
    312 namespace internal {
    313   template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
    314   struct traits<Map<const Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options> > : traits<Quaternion<_Scalar, (int(_Options)&Aligned)==Aligned ? AutoAlign : DontAlign> >
    315   {
    316     typedef Map<const Matrix<_Scalar,4,1>, _Options> Coefficients;
    317     typedef traits<Quaternion<_Scalar, (int(_Options)&Aligned)==Aligned ? AutoAlign : DontAlign> > TraitsBase;
    318     enum {
    319       Flags = TraitsBase::Flags & ~LvalueBit
    320     };
    321   };
    322 }
    324 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    325   * \brief Quaternion expression mapping a constant memory buffer
    326   *
    327   * \tparam _Scalar the type of the Quaternion coefficients
    328   * \tparam _Options see class Map
    329   *
    330   * This is a specialization of class Map for Quaternion. This class allows to view
    331   * a 4 scalar memory buffer as an Eigen's Quaternion object.
    332   *
    333   * \sa class Map, class Quaternion, class QuaternionBase
    334   */
    335 template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
    336 class Map<const Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options >
    337   : public QuaternionBase<Map<const Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options> >
    338 {
    339     typedef QuaternionBase<Map<const Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options> > Base;
    341   public:
    342     typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    343     typedef typename internal::traits<Map>::Coefficients Coefficients;
    345     using Base::operator*=;
    347     /** Constructs a Mapped Quaternion object from the pointer \a coeffs
    348       *
    349       * The pointer \a coeffs must reference the four coefficients of Quaternion in the following order:
    350       * \code *coeffs == {x, y, z, w} \endcode
    351       *
    352       * If the template parameter _Options is set to #Aligned, then the pointer coeffs must be aligned. */
    353     EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Map(const Scalar* coeffs) : m_coeffs(coeffs) {}
    355     inline const Coefficients& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs;}
    357   protected:
    358     const Coefficients m_coeffs;
    359 };
    361 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    362   * \brief Expression of a quaternion from a memory buffer
    363   *
    364   * \tparam _Scalar the type of the Quaternion coefficients
    365   * \tparam _Options see class Map
    366   *
    367   * This is a specialization of class Map for Quaternion. This class allows to view
    368   * a 4 scalar memory buffer as an Eigen's  Quaternion object.
    369   *
    370   * \sa class Map, class Quaternion, class QuaternionBase
    371   */
    372 template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
    373 class Map<Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options >
    374   : public QuaternionBase<Map<Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options> >
    375 {
    376     typedef QuaternionBase<Map<Quaternion<_Scalar>, _Options> > Base;
    378   public:
    379     typedef _Scalar Scalar;
    380     typedef typename internal::traits<Map>::Coefficients Coefficients;
    382     using Base::operator*=;
    384     /** Constructs a Mapped Quaternion object from the pointer \a coeffs
    385       *
    386       * The pointer \a coeffs must reference the four coefficients of Quaternion in the following order:
    387       * \code *coeffs == {x, y, z, w} \endcode
    388       *
    389       * If the template parameter _Options is set to #Aligned, then the pointer coeffs must be aligned. */
    390     EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Map(Scalar* coeffs) : m_coeffs(coeffs) {}
    392     inline Coefficients& coeffs() { return m_coeffs; }
    393     inline const Coefficients& coeffs() const { return m_coeffs; }
    395   protected:
    396     Coefficients m_coeffs;
    397 };
    399 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    400   * Map an unaligned array of single precision scalars as a quaternion */
    401 typedef Map<Quaternion<float>, 0>         QuaternionMapf;
    402 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    403   * Map an unaligned array of double precision scalars as a quaternion */
    404 typedef Map<Quaternion<double>, 0>        QuaternionMapd;
    405 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    406   * Map a 16-byte aligned array of single precision scalars as a quaternion */
    407 typedef Map<Quaternion<float>, Aligned>   QuaternionMapAlignedf;
    408 /** \ingroup Geometry_Module
    409   * Map a 16-byte aligned array of double precision scalars as a quaternion */
    410 typedef Map<Quaternion<double>, Aligned>  QuaternionMapAlignedd;
    412 /***************************************************************************
    413 * Implementation of QuaternionBase methods
    414 ***************************************************************************/
    416 // Generic Quaternion * Quaternion product
    417 // This product can be specialized for a given architecture via the Arch template argument.
    418 namespace internal {
    419 template<int Arch, class Derived1, class Derived2, typename Scalar, int _Options> struct quat_product
    420 {
    421   static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Quaternion<Scalar> run(const QuaternionBase<Derived1>& a, const QuaternionBase<Derived2>& b){
    422     return Quaternion<Scalar>
    423     (
    424       a.w() * b.w() - a.x() * b.x() - a.y() * b.y() - a.z() * b.z(),
    425       a.w() * b.x() + a.x() * b.w() + a.y() * b.z() - a.z() * b.y(),
    426       a.w() * b.y() + a.y() * b.w() + a.z() * b.x() - a.x() * b.z(),
    427       a.w() * b.z() + a.z() * b.w() + a.x() * b.y() - a.y() * b.x()
    428     );
    429   }
    430 };
    431 }
    433 /** \returns the concatenation of two rotations as a quaternion-quaternion product */
    434 template <class Derived>
    435 template <class OtherDerived>
    436 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Quaternion<typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar>
    437 QuaternionBase<Derived>::operator* (const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
    438 {
    439   EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Derived::Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>::value),
    441   return internal::quat_product<Architecture::Target, Derived, OtherDerived,
    442                          typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar,
    443                          internal::traits<Derived>::IsAligned && internal::traits<OtherDerived>::IsAligned>::run(*this, other);
    444 }
    446 /** \sa operator*(Quaternion) */
    447 template <class Derived>
    448 template <class OtherDerived>
    449 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& QuaternionBase<Derived>::operator*= (const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other)
    450 {
    451   derived() = derived() * other.derived();
    452   return derived();
    453 }
    455 /** Rotation of a vector by a quaternion.
    456   * \remarks If the quaternion is used to rotate several points (>1)
    457   * then it is much more efficient to first convert it to a 3x3 Matrix.
    458   * Comparison of the operation cost for n transformations:
    459   *   - Quaternion2:    30n
    460   *   - Via a Matrix3: 24 + 15n
    461   */
    462 template <class Derived>
    463 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename QuaternionBase<Derived>::Vector3
    464 QuaternionBase<Derived>::_transformVector(Vector3 v) const
    465 {
    466     // Note that this algorithm comes from the optimization by hand
    467     // of the conversion to a Matrix followed by a Matrix/Vector product.
    468     // It appears to be much faster than the common algorithm found
    469     // in the literature (30 versus 39 flops). It also requires two
    470     // Vector3 as temporaries.
    471     Vector3 uv = this->vec().cross(v);
    472     uv += uv;
    473     return v + this->w() * uv + this->vec().cross(uv);
    474 }
    476 template<class Derived>
    477 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE QuaternionBase<Derived>& QuaternionBase<Derived>::operator=(const QuaternionBase<Derived>& other)
    478 {
    479   coeffs() = other.coeffs();
    480   return derived();
    481 }
    483 template<class Derived>
    484 template<class OtherDerived>
    485 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& QuaternionBase<Derived>::operator=(const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other)
    486 {
    487   coeffs() = other.coeffs();
    488   return derived();
    489 }
    491 /** Set \c *this from an angle-axis \a aa and returns a reference to \c *this
    492   */
    493 template<class Derived>
    494 EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived& QuaternionBase<Derived>::operator=(const AngleAxisType& aa)
    495 {
    496   using std::cos;
    497   using std::sin;
    498   Scalar ha = Scalar(0.5)*aa.angle(); // Scalar(0.5) to suppress precision loss warnings
    499   this->w() = cos(ha);
    500   this->vec() = sin(ha) * aa.axis();
    501   return derived();
    502 }
    504 /** Set \c *this from the expression \a xpr:
    505   *   - if \a xpr is a 4x1 vector, then \a xpr is assumed to be a quaternion
    506   *   - if \a xpr is a 3x3 matrix, then \a xpr is assumed to be rotation matrix
    507   *     and \a xpr is converted to a quaternion
    508   */
    510 template<class Derived>
    511 template<class MatrixDerived>
    512 inline Derived& QuaternionBase<Derived>::operator=(const MatrixBase<MatrixDerived>& xpr)
    513 {
    514   EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Derived::Scalar, typename MatrixDerived::Scalar>::value),
    516   internal::quaternionbase_assign_impl<MatrixDerived>::run(*this, xpr.derived());
    517   return derived();
    518 }
    520 /** Convert the quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix. The quaternion is required to
    521   * be normalized, otherwise the result is undefined.
    522   */
    523 template<class Derived>
    524 inline typename QuaternionBase<Derived>::Matrix3
    525 QuaternionBase<Derived>::toRotationMatrix(void) const
    526 {
    527   // NOTE if inlined, then gcc 4.2 and 4.4 get rid of the temporary (not gcc 4.3 !!)
    528   // if not inlined then the cost of the return by value is huge ~ +35%,
    529   // however, not inlining this function is an order of magnitude slower, so
    530   // it has to be inlined, and so the return by value is not an issue
    531   Matrix3 res;
    533   const Scalar tx  = Scalar(2)*this->x();
    534   const Scalar ty  = Scalar(2)*this->y();
    535   const Scalar tz  = Scalar(2)*this->z();
    536   const Scalar twx = tx*this->w();
    537   const Scalar twy = ty*this->w();
    538   const Scalar twz = tz*this->w();
    539   const Scalar txx = tx*this->x();
    540   const Scalar txy = ty*this->x();
    541   const Scalar txz = tz*this->x();
    542   const Scalar tyy = ty*this->y();
    543   const Scalar tyz = tz*this->y();
    544   const Scalar tzz = tz*this->z();
    546   res.coeffRef(0,0) = Scalar(1)-(tyy+tzz);
    547   res.coeffRef(0,1) = txy-twz;
    548   res.coeffRef(0,2) = txz+twy;
    549   res.coeffRef(1,0) = txy+twz;
    550   res.coeffRef(1,1) = Scalar(1)-(txx+tzz);
    551   res.coeffRef(1,2) = tyz-twx;
    552   res.coeffRef(2,0) = txz-twy;
    553   res.coeffRef(2,1) = tyz+twx;
    554   res.coeffRef(2,2) = Scalar(1)-(txx+tyy);
    556   return res;
    557 }
    559 /** Sets \c *this to be a quaternion representing a rotation between
    560   * the two arbitrary vectors \a a and \a b. In other words, the built
    561   * rotation represent a rotation sending the line of direction \a a
    562   * to the line of direction \a b, both lines passing through the origin.
    563   *
    564   * \returns a reference to \c *this.
    565   *
    566   * Note that the two input vectors do \b not have to be normalized, and
    567   * do not need to have the same norm.
    568   */
    569 template<class Derived>
    570 template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
    571 inline Derived& QuaternionBase<Derived>::setFromTwoVectors(const MatrixBase<Derived1>& a, const MatrixBase<Derived2>& b)
    572 {
    573   using std::max;
    574   using std::sqrt;
    575   Vector3 v0 = a.normalized();
    576   Vector3 v1 = b.normalized();
    577   Scalar c = v1.dot(v0);
    579   // if dot == -1, vectors are nearly opposites
    580   // => accurately compute the rotation axis by computing the
    581   //    intersection of the two planes. This is done by solving:
    582   //       x^T v0 = 0
    583   //       x^T v1 = 0
    584   //    under the constraint:
    585   //       ||x|| = 1
    586   //    which yields a singular value problem
    587   if (c < Scalar(-1)+NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision())
    588   {
    589     c = (max)(c,Scalar(-1));
    590     Matrix<Scalar,2,3> m; m << v0.transpose(), v1.transpose();
    591     JacobiSVD<Matrix<Scalar,2,3> > svd(m, ComputeFullV);
    592     Vector3 axis = svd.matrixV().col(2);
    594     Scalar w2 = (Scalar(1)+c)*Scalar(0.5);
    595     this->w() = sqrt(w2);
    596     this->vec() = axis * sqrt(Scalar(1) - w2);
    597     return derived();
    598   }
    599   Vector3 axis = v0.cross(v1);
    600   Scalar s = sqrt((Scalar(1)+c)*Scalar(2));
    601   Scalar invs = Scalar(1)/s;
    602   this->vec() = axis * invs;
    603   this->w() = s * Scalar(0.5);
    605   return derived();
    606 }
    609 /** Returns a quaternion representing a rotation between
    610   * the two arbitrary vectors \a a and \a b. In other words, the built
    611   * rotation represent a rotation sending the line of direction \a a
    612   * to the line of direction \a b, both lines passing through the origin.
    613   *
    614   * \returns resulting quaternion
    615   *
    616   * Note that the two input vectors do \b not have to be normalized, and
    617   * do not need to have the same norm.
    618   */
    619 template<typename Scalar, int Options>
    620 template<typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
    621 Quaternion<Scalar,Options> Quaternion<Scalar,Options>::FromTwoVectors(const MatrixBase<Derived1>& a, const MatrixBase<Derived2>& b)
    622 {
    623     Quaternion quat;
    624     quat.setFromTwoVectors(a, b);
    625     return quat;
    626 }
    629 /** \returns the multiplicative inverse of \c *this
    630   * Note that in most cases, i.e., if you simply want the opposite rotation,
    631   * and/or the quaternion is normalized, then it is enough to use the conjugate.
    632   *
    633   * \sa QuaternionBase::conjugate()
    634   */
    635 template <class Derived>
    636 inline Quaternion<typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar> QuaternionBase<Derived>::inverse() const
    637 {
    638   // FIXME should this function be called multiplicativeInverse and conjugate() be called inverse() or opposite()  ??
    639   Scalar n2 = this->squaredNorm();
    640   if (n2 > 0)
    641     return Quaternion<Scalar>(conjugate().coeffs() / n2);
    642   else
    643   {
    644     // return an invalid result to flag the error
    645     return Quaternion<Scalar>(Coefficients::Zero());
    646   }
    647 }
    649 /** \returns the conjugate of the \c *this which is equal to the multiplicative inverse
    650   * if the quaternion is normalized.
    651   * The conjugate of a quaternion represents the opposite rotation.
    652   *
    653   * \sa Quaternion2::inverse()
    654   */
    655 template <class Derived>
    656 inline Quaternion<typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar>
    657 QuaternionBase<Derived>::conjugate() const
    658 {
    659   return Quaternion<Scalar>(this->w(),-this->x(),-this->y(),-this->z());
    660 }
    662 /** \returns the angle (in radian) between two rotations
    663   * \sa dot()
    664   */
    665 template <class Derived>
    666 template <class OtherDerived>
    667 inline typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
    668 QuaternionBase<Derived>::angularDistance(const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
    669 {
    670   using std::acos;
    671   using std::abs;
    672   Scalar d = abs(this->dot(other));
    673   if (d>=Scalar(1))
    674     return Scalar(0);
    675   return Scalar(2) * acos(d);
    676 }
    680 /** \returns the spherical linear interpolation between the two quaternions
    681   * \c *this and \a other at the parameter \a t in [0;1].
    682   *
    683   * This represents an interpolation for a constant motion between \c *this and \a other,
    684   * see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slerp.
    685   */
    686 template <class Derived>
    687 template <class OtherDerived>
    688 Quaternion<typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar>
    689 QuaternionBase<Derived>::slerp(const Scalar& t, const QuaternionBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
    690 {
    691   using std::acos;
    692   using std::sin;
    693   using std::abs;
    694   static const Scalar one = Scalar(1) - NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon();
    695   Scalar d = this->dot(other);
    696   Scalar absD = abs(d);
    698   Scalar scale0;
    699   Scalar scale1;
    701   if(absD>=one)
    702   {
    703     scale0 = Scalar(1) - t;
    704     scale1 = t;
    705   }
    706   else
    707   {
    708     // theta is the angle between the 2 quaternions
    709     Scalar theta = acos(absD);
    710     Scalar sinTheta = sin(theta);
    712     scale0 = sin( ( Scalar(1) - t ) * theta) / sinTheta;
    713     scale1 = sin( ( t * theta) ) / sinTheta;
    714   }
    715   if(d<0) scale1 = -scale1;
    717   return Quaternion<Scalar>(scale0 * coeffs() + scale1 * other.coeffs());
    718 }
    720 namespace internal {
    722 // set from a rotation matrix
    723 template<typename Other>
    724 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl<Other,3,3>
    725 {
    726   typedef typename Other::Scalar Scalar;
    727   typedef DenseIndex Index;
    728   template<class Derived> static inline void run(QuaternionBase<Derived>& q, const Other& mat)
    729   {
    730     using std::sqrt;
    731     // This algorithm comes from  "Quaternion Calculus and Fast Animation",
    732     // Ken Shoemake, 1987 SIGGRAPH course notes
    733     Scalar t = mat.trace();
    734     if (t > Scalar(0))
    735     {
    736       t = sqrt(t + Scalar(1.0));
    737       q.w() = Scalar(0.5)*t;
    738       t = Scalar(0.5)/t;
    739       q.x() = (mat.coeff(2,1) - mat.coeff(1,2)) * t;
    740       q.y() = (mat.coeff(0,2) - mat.coeff(2,0)) * t;
    741       q.z() = (mat.coeff(1,0) - mat.coeff(0,1)) * t;
    742     }
    743     else
    744     {
    745       DenseIndex i = 0;
    746       if (mat.coeff(1,1) > mat.coeff(0,0))
    747         i = 1;
    748       if (mat.coeff(2,2) > mat.coeff(i,i))
    749         i = 2;
    750       DenseIndex j = (i+1)%3;
    751       DenseIndex k = (j+1)%3;
    753       t = sqrt(mat.coeff(i,i)-mat.coeff(j,j)-mat.coeff(k,k) + Scalar(1.0));
    754       q.coeffs().coeffRef(i) = Scalar(0.5) * t;
    755       t = Scalar(0.5)/t;
    756       q.w() = (mat.coeff(k,j)-mat.coeff(j,k))*t;
    757       q.coeffs().coeffRef(j) = (mat.coeff(j,i)+mat.coeff(i,j))*t;
    758       q.coeffs().coeffRef(k) = (mat.coeff(k,i)+mat.coeff(i,k))*t;
    759     }
    760   }
    761 };
    763 // set from a vector of coefficients assumed to be a quaternion
    764 template<typename Other>
    765 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl<Other,4,1>
    766 {
    767   typedef typename Other::Scalar Scalar;
    768   template<class Derived> static inline void run(QuaternionBase<Derived>& q, const Other& vec)
    769   {
    770     q.coeffs() = vec;
    771   }
    772 };
    774 } // end namespace internal
    776 } // end namespace Eigen
    778 #endif // EIGEN_QUATERNION_H