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      1 //===- BlockFrequencyImplInfo.cpp - Block Frequency Info Implementation ---===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // Loops should be simplified before this analysis.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "llvm/Analysis/BlockFrequencyInfoImpl.h"
     15 #include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
     16 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     17 #include <deque>
     19 using namespace llvm;
     20 using namespace llvm::bfi_detail;
     22 #define DEBUG_TYPE "block-freq"
     24 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     25 //
     26 // BlockMass implementation.
     27 //
     28 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     29 ScaledNumber<uint64_t> BlockMass::toScaled() const {
     30   if (isFull())
     31     return ScaledNumber<uint64_t>(1, 0);
     32   return ScaledNumber<uint64_t>(getMass() + 1, -64);
     33 }
     35 void BlockMass::dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
     37 static char getHexDigit(int N) {
     38   assert(N < 16);
     39   if (N < 10)
     40     return '0' + N;
     41   return 'a' + N - 10;
     42 }
     43 raw_ostream &BlockMass::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
     44   for (int Digits = 0; Digits < 16; ++Digits)
     45     OS << getHexDigit(Mass >> (60 - Digits * 4) & 0xf);
     46   return OS;
     47 }
     49 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     50 //
     51 // BlockFrequencyInfoImpl implementation.
     52 //
     53 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     54 namespace {
     56 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::BlockNode BlockNode;
     57 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::Distribution Distribution;
     58 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::Distribution::WeightList WeightList;
     59 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::Scaled64 Scaled64;
     60 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::LoopData LoopData;
     61 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::Weight Weight;
     62 typedef BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::FrequencyData FrequencyData;
     64 /// \brief Dithering mass distributer.
     65 ///
     66 /// This class splits up a single mass into portions by weight, dithering to
     67 /// spread out error.  No mass is lost.  The dithering precision depends on the
     68 /// precision of the product of \a BlockMass and \a BranchProbability.
     69 ///
     70 /// The distribution algorithm follows.
     71 ///
     72 ///  1. Initialize by saving the sum of the weights in \a RemWeight and the
     73 ///     mass to distribute in \a RemMass.
     74 ///
     75 ///  2. For each portion:
     76 ///
     77 ///      1. Construct a branch probability, P, as the portion's weight divided
     78 ///         by the current value of \a RemWeight.
     79 ///      2. Calculate the portion's mass as \a RemMass times P.
     80 ///      3. Update \a RemWeight and \a RemMass at each portion by subtracting
     81 ///         the current portion's weight and mass.
     82 struct DitheringDistributer {
     83   uint32_t RemWeight;
     84   BlockMass RemMass;
     86   DitheringDistributer(Distribution &Dist, const BlockMass &Mass);
     88   BlockMass takeMass(uint32_t Weight);
     89 };
     90 }
     92 DitheringDistributer::DitheringDistributer(Distribution &Dist,
     93                                            const BlockMass &Mass) {
     94   Dist.normalize();
     95   RemWeight = Dist.Total;
     96   RemMass = Mass;
     97 }
     99 BlockMass DitheringDistributer::takeMass(uint32_t Weight) {
    100   assert(Weight && "invalid weight");
    101   assert(Weight <= RemWeight);
    102   BlockMass Mass = RemMass * BranchProbability(Weight, RemWeight);
    104   // Decrement totals (dither).
    105   RemWeight -= Weight;
    106   RemMass -= Mass;
    107   return Mass;
    108 }
    110 void Distribution::add(const BlockNode &Node, uint64_t Amount,
    111                        Weight::DistType Type) {
    112   assert(Amount && "invalid weight of 0");
    113   uint64_t NewTotal = Total + Amount;
    115   // Check for overflow.  It should be impossible to overflow twice.
    116   bool IsOverflow = NewTotal < Total;
    117   assert(!(DidOverflow && IsOverflow) && "unexpected repeated overflow");
    118   DidOverflow |= IsOverflow;
    120   // Update the total.
    121   Total = NewTotal;
    123   // Save the weight.
    124   Weight W;
    125   W.TargetNode = Node;
    126   W.Amount = Amount;
    127   W.Type = Type;
    128   Weights.push_back(W);
    129 }
    131 static void combineWeight(Weight &W, const Weight &OtherW) {
    132   assert(OtherW.TargetNode.isValid());
    133   if (!W.Amount) {
    134     W = OtherW;
    135     return;
    136   }
    137   assert(W.Type == OtherW.Type);
    138   assert(W.TargetNode == OtherW.TargetNode);
    139   assert(W.Amount < W.Amount + OtherW.Amount && "Unexpected overflow");
    140   W.Amount += OtherW.Amount;
    141 }
    142 static void combineWeightsBySorting(WeightList &Weights) {
    143   // Sort so edges to the same node are adjacent.
    144   std::sort(Weights.begin(), Weights.end(),
    145             [](const Weight &L,
    146                const Weight &R) { return L.TargetNode < R.TargetNode; });
    148   // Combine adjacent edges.
    149   WeightList::iterator O = Weights.begin();
    150   for (WeightList::const_iterator I = O, L = O, E = Weights.end(); I != E;
    151        ++O, (I = L)) {
    152     *O = *I;
    154     // Find the adjacent weights to the same node.
    155     for (++L; L != E && I->TargetNode == L->TargetNode; ++L)
    156       combineWeight(*O, *L);
    157   }
    159   // Erase extra entries.
    160   Weights.erase(O, Weights.end());
    161   return;
    162 }
    163 static void combineWeightsByHashing(WeightList &Weights) {
    164   // Collect weights into a DenseMap.
    165   typedef DenseMap<BlockNode::IndexType, Weight> HashTable;
    166   HashTable Combined(NextPowerOf2(2 * Weights.size()));
    167   for (const Weight &W : Weights)
    168     combineWeight(Combined[W.TargetNode.Index], W);
    170   // Check whether anything changed.
    171   if (Weights.size() == Combined.size())
    172     return;
    174   // Fill in the new weights.
    175   Weights.clear();
    176   Weights.reserve(Combined.size());
    177   for (const auto &I : Combined)
    178     Weights.push_back(I.second);
    179 }
    180 static void combineWeights(WeightList &Weights) {
    181   // Use a hash table for many successors to keep this linear.
    182   if (Weights.size() > 128) {
    183     combineWeightsByHashing(Weights);
    184     return;
    185   }
    187   combineWeightsBySorting(Weights);
    188 }
    189 static uint64_t shiftRightAndRound(uint64_t N, int Shift) {
    190   assert(Shift >= 0);
    191   assert(Shift < 64);
    192   if (!Shift)
    193     return N;
    194   return (N >> Shift) + (UINT64_C(1) & N >> (Shift - 1));
    195 }
    196 void Distribution::normalize() {
    197   // Early exit for termination nodes.
    198   if (Weights.empty())
    199     return;
    201   // Only bother if there are multiple successors.
    202   if (Weights.size() > 1)
    203     combineWeights(Weights);
    205   // Early exit when combined into a single successor.
    206   if (Weights.size() == 1) {
    207     Total = 1;
    208     Weights.front().Amount = 1;
    209     return;
    210   }
    212   // Determine how much to shift right so that the total fits into 32-bits.
    213   //
    214   // If we shift at all, shift by 1 extra.  Otherwise, the lower limit of 1
    215   // for each weight can cause a 32-bit overflow.
    216   int Shift = 0;
    217   if (DidOverflow)
    218     Shift = 33;
    219   else if (Total > UINT32_MAX)
    220     Shift = 33 - countLeadingZeros(Total);
    222   // Early exit if nothing needs to be scaled.
    223   if (!Shift)
    224     return;
    226   // Recompute the total through accumulation (rather than shifting it) so that
    227   // it's accurate after shifting.
    228   Total = 0;
    230   // Sum the weights to each node and shift right if necessary.
    231   for (Weight &W : Weights) {
    232     // Scale down below UINT32_MAX.  Since Shift is larger than necessary, we
    233     // can round here without concern about overflow.
    234     assert(W.TargetNode.isValid());
    235     W.Amount = std::max(UINT64_C(1), shiftRightAndRound(W.Amount, Shift));
    236     assert(W.Amount <= UINT32_MAX);
    238     // Update the total.
    239     Total += W.Amount;
    240   }
    241   assert(Total <= UINT32_MAX);
    242 }
    244 void BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::clear() {
    245   // Swap with a default-constructed std::vector, since std::vector<>::clear()
    246   // does not actually clear heap storage.
    247   std::vector<FrequencyData>().swap(Freqs);
    248   std::vector<WorkingData>().swap(Working);
    249   Loops.clear();
    250 }
    252 /// \brief Clear all memory not needed downstream.
    253 ///
    254 /// Releases all memory not used downstream.  In particular, saves Freqs.
    255 static void cleanup(BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase &BFI) {
    256   std::vector<FrequencyData> SavedFreqs(std::move(BFI.Freqs));
    257   BFI.clear();
    258   BFI.Freqs = std::move(SavedFreqs);
    259 }
    261 bool BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::addToDist(Distribution &Dist,
    262                                            const LoopData *OuterLoop,
    263                                            const BlockNode &Pred,
    264                                            const BlockNode &Succ,
    265                                            uint64_t Weight) {
    266   if (!Weight)
    267     Weight = 1;
    269   auto isLoopHeader = [&OuterLoop](const BlockNode &Node) {
    270     return OuterLoop && OuterLoop->isHeader(Node);
    271   };
    273   BlockNode Resolved = Working[Succ.Index].getResolvedNode();
    275 #ifndef NDEBUG
    276   auto debugSuccessor = [&](const char *Type) {
    277     dbgs() << "  =>"
    278            << " [" << Type << "] weight = " << Weight;
    279     if (!isLoopHeader(Resolved))
    280       dbgs() << ", succ = " << getBlockName(Succ);
    281     if (Resolved != Succ)
    282       dbgs() << ", resolved = " << getBlockName(Resolved);
    283     dbgs() << "\n";
    284   };
    285   (void)debugSuccessor;
    286 #endif
    288   if (isLoopHeader(Resolved)) {
    289     DEBUG(debugSuccessor("backedge"));
    290     Dist.addBackedge(OuterLoop->getHeader(), Weight);
    291     return true;
    292   }
    294   if (Working[Resolved.Index].getContainingLoop() != OuterLoop) {
    295     DEBUG(debugSuccessor("  exit  "));
    296     Dist.addExit(Resolved, Weight);
    297     return true;
    298   }
    300   if (Resolved < Pred) {
    301     if (!isLoopHeader(Pred)) {
    302       // If OuterLoop is an irreducible loop, we can't actually handle this.
    303       assert((!OuterLoop || !OuterLoop->isIrreducible()) &&
    304              "unhandled irreducible control flow");
    306       // Irreducible backedge.  Abort.
    307       DEBUG(debugSuccessor("abort!!!"));
    308       return false;
    309     }
    311     // If "Pred" is a loop header, then this isn't really a backedge; rather,
    312     // OuterLoop must be irreducible.  These false backedges can come only from
    313     // secondary loop headers.
    314     assert(OuterLoop && OuterLoop->isIrreducible() && !isLoopHeader(Resolved) &&
    315            "unhandled irreducible control flow");
    316   }
    318   DEBUG(debugSuccessor(" local  "));
    319   Dist.addLocal(Resolved, Weight);
    320   return true;
    321 }
    323 bool BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::addLoopSuccessorsToDist(
    324     const LoopData *OuterLoop, LoopData &Loop, Distribution &Dist) {
    325   // Copy the exit map into Dist.
    326   for (const auto &I : Loop.Exits)
    327     if (!addToDist(Dist, OuterLoop, Loop.getHeader(), I.first,
    328                    I.second.getMass()))
    329       // Irreducible backedge.
    330       return false;
    332   return true;
    333 }
    335 /// \brief Get the maximum allowed loop scale.
    336 ///
    337 /// Gives the maximum number of estimated iterations allowed for a loop.  Very
    338 /// large numbers cause problems downstream (even within 64-bits).
    339 static Scaled64 getMaxLoopScale() { return Scaled64(1, 12); }
    341 /// \brief Compute the loop scale for a loop.
    342 void BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::computeLoopScale(LoopData &Loop) {
    343   // Compute loop scale.
    344   DEBUG(dbgs() << "compute-loop-scale: " << getLoopName(Loop) << "\n");
    346   // LoopScale == 1 / ExitMass
    347   // ExitMass == HeadMass - BackedgeMass
    348   BlockMass ExitMass = BlockMass::getFull() - Loop.BackedgeMass;
    350   // Block scale stores the inverse of the scale.
    351   Loop.Scale = ExitMass.toScaled().inverse();
    353   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - exit-mass = " << ExitMass << " (" << BlockMass::getFull()
    354                << " - " << Loop.BackedgeMass << ")\n"
    355                << " - scale = " << Loop.Scale << "\n");
    357   if (Loop.Scale > getMaxLoopScale()) {
    358     Loop.Scale = getMaxLoopScale();
    359     DEBUG(dbgs() << " - reduced-to-max-scale: " << getMaxLoopScale() << "\n");
    360   }
    361 }
    363 /// \brief Package up a loop.
    364 void BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::packageLoop(LoopData &Loop) {
    365   DEBUG(dbgs() << "packaging-loop: " << getLoopName(Loop) << "\n");
    367   // Clear the subloop exits to prevent quadratic memory usage.
    368   for (const BlockNode &M : Loop.Nodes) {
    369     if (auto *Loop = Working[M.Index].getPackagedLoop())
    370       Loop->Exits.clear();
    371     DEBUG(dbgs() << " - node: " << getBlockName(M.Index) << "\n");
    372   }
    373   Loop.IsPackaged = true;
    374 }
    376 void BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::distributeMass(const BlockNode &Source,
    377                                                 LoopData *OuterLoop,
    378                                                 Distribution &Dist) {
    379   BlockMass Mass = Working[Source.Index].getMass();
    380   DEBUG(dbgs() << "  => mass:  " << Mass << "\n");
    382   // Distribute mass to successors as laid out in Dist.
    383   DitheringDistributer D(Dist, Mass);
    385 #ifndef NDEBUG
    386   auto debugAssign = [&](const BlockNode &T, const BlockMass &M,
    387                          const char *Desc) {
    388     dbgs() << "  => assign " << M << " (" << D.RemMass << ")";
    389     if (Desc)
    390       dbgs() << " [" << Desc << "]";
    391     if (T.isValid())
    392       dbgs() << " to " << getBlockName(T);
    393     dbgs() << "\n";
    394   };
    395   (void)debugAssign;
    396 #endif
    398   for (const Weight &W : Dist.Weights) {
    399     // Check for a local edge (non-backedge and non-exit).
    400     BlockMass Taken = D.takeMass(W.Amount);
    401     if (W.Type == Weight::Local) {
    402       Working[W.TargetNode.Index].getMass() += Taken;
    403       DEBUG(debugAssign(W.TargetNode, Taken, nullptr));
    404       continue;
    405     }
    407     // Backedges and exits only make sense if we're processing a loop.
    408     assert(OuterLoop && "backedge or exit outside of loop");
    410     // Check for a backedge.
    411     if (W.Type == Weight::Backedge) {
    412       OuterLoop->BackedgeMass += Taken;
    413       DEBUG(debugAssign(BlockNode(), Taken, "back"));
    414       continue;
    415     }
    417     // This must be an exit.
    418     assert(W.Type == Weight::Exit);
    419     OuterLoop->Exits.push_back(std::make_pair(W.TargetNode, Taken));
    420     DEBUG(debugAssign(W.TargetNode, Taken, "exit"));
    421   }
    422 }
    424 static void convertFloatingToInteger(BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase &BFI,
    425                                      const Scaled64 &Min, const Scaled64 &Max) {
    426   // Scale the Factor to a size that creates integers.  Ideally, integers would
    427   // be scaled so that Max == UINT64_MAX so that they can be best
    428   // differentiated.  However, the register allocator currently deals poorly
    429   // with large numbers.  Instead, push Min up a little from 1 to give some
    430   // room to differentiate small, unequal numbers.
    431   //
    432   // TODO: fix issues downstream so that ScalingFactor can be
    433   // Scaled64(1,64)/Max.
    434   Scaled64 ScalingFactor = Min.inverse();
    435   if ((Max / Min).lg() < 60)
    436     ScalingFactor <<= 3;
    438   // Translate the floats to integers.
    439   DEBUG(dbgs() << "float-to-int: min = " << Min << ", max = " << Max
    440                << ", factor = " << ScalingFactor << "\n");
    441   for (size_t Index = 0; Index < BFI.Freqs.size(); ++Index) {
    442     Scaled64 Scaled = BFI.Freqs[Index].Scaled * ScalingFactor;
    443     BFI.Freqs[Index].Integer = std::max(UINT64_C(1), Scaled.toInt<uint64_t>());
    444     DEBUG(dbgs() << " - " << BFI.getBlockName(Index) << ": float = "
    445                  << BFI.Freqs[Index].Scaled << ", scaled = " << Scaled
    446                  << ", int = " << BFI.Freqs[Index].Integer << "\n");
    447   }
    448 }
    450 /// \brief Unwrap a loop package.
    451 ///
    452 /// Visits all the members of a loop, adjusting their BlockData according to
    453 /// the loop's pseudo-node.
    454 static void unwrapLoop(BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase &BFI, LoopData &Loop) {
    455   DEBUG(dbgs() << "unwrap-loop-package: " << BFI.getLoopName(Loop)
    456                << ": mass = " << Loop.Mass << ", scale = " << Loop.Scale
    457                << "\n");
    458   Loop.Scale *= Loop.Mass.toScaled();
    459   Loop.IsPackaged = false;
    460   DEBUG(dbgs() << "  => combined-scale = " << Loop.Scale << "\n");
    462   // Propagate the head scale through the loop.  Since members are visited in
    463   // RPO, the head scale will be updated by the loop scale first, and then the
    464   // final head scale will be used for updated the rest of the members.
    465   for (const BlockNode &N : Loop.Nodes) {
    466     const auto &Working = BFI.Working[N.Index];
    467     Scaled64 &F = Working.isAPackage() ? Working.getPackagedLoop()->Scale
    468                                        : BFI.Freqs[N.Index].Scaled;
    469     Scaled64 New = Loop.Scale * F;
    470     DEBUG(dbgs() << " - " << BFI.getBlockName(N) << ": " << F << " => " << New
    471                  << "\n");
    472     F = New;
    473   }
    474 }
    476 void BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::unwrapLoops() {
    477   // Set initial frequencies from loop-local masses.
    478   for (size_t Index = 0; Index < Working.size(); ++Index)
    479     Freqs[Index].Scaled = Working[Index].Mass.toScaled();
    481   for (LoopData &Loop : Loops)
    482     unwrapLoop(*this, Loop);
    483 }
    485 void BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::finalizeMetrics() {
    486   // Unwrap loop packages in reverse post-order, tracking min and max
    487   // frequencies.
    488   auto Min = Scaled64::getLargest();
    489   auto Max = Scaled64::getZero();
    490   for (size_t Index = 0; Index < Working.size(); ++Index) {
    491     // Update min/max scale.
    492     Min = std::min(Min, Freqs[Index].Scaled);
    493     Max = std::max(Max, Freqs[Index].Scaled);
    494   }
    496   // Convert to integers.
    497   convertFloatingToInteger(*this, Min, Max);
    499   // Clean up data structures.
    500   cleanup(*this);
    502   // Print out the final stats.
    503   DEBUG(dump());
    504 }
    506 BlockFrequency
    507 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::getBlockFreq(const BlockNode &Node) const {
    508   if (!Node.isValid())
    509     return 0;
    510   return Freqs[Node.Index].Integer;
    511 }
    512 Scaled64
    513 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::getFloatingBlockFreq(const BlockNode &Node) const {
    514   if (!Node.isValid())
    515     return Scaled64::getZero();
    516   return Freqs[Node.Index].Scaled;
    517 }
    519 std::string
    520 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::getBlockName(const BlockNode &Node) const {
    521   return std::string();
    522 }
    523 std::string
    524 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::getLoopName(const LoopData &Loop) const {
    525   return getBlockName(Loop.getHeader()) + (Loop.isIrreducible() ? "**" : "*");
    526 }
    528 raw_ostream &
    529 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::printBlockFreq(raw_ostream &OS,
    530                                            const BlockNode &Node) const {
    531   return OS << getFloatingBlockFreq(Node);
    532 }
    534 raw_ostream &
    535 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::printBlockFreq(raw_ostream &OS,
    536                                            const BlockFrequency &Freq) const {
    537   Scaled64 Block(Freq.getFrequency(), 0);
    538   Scaled64 Entry(getEntryFreq(), 0);
    540   return OS << Block / Entry;
    541 }
    543 void IrreducibleGraph::addNodesInLoop(const BFIBase::LoopData &OuterLoop) {
    544   Start = OuterLoop.getHeader();
    545   Nodes.reserve(OuterLoop.Nodes.size());
    546   for (auto N : OuterLoop.Nodes)
    547     addNode(N);
    548   indexNodes();
    549 }
    550 void IrreducibleGraph::addNodesInFunction() {
    551   Start = 0;
    552   for (uint32_t Index = 0; Index < BFI.Working.size(); ++Index)
    553     if (!BFI.Working[Index].isPackaged())
    554       addNode(Index);
    555   indexNodes();
    556 }
    557 void IrreducibleGraph::indexNodes() {
    558   for (auto &I : Nodes)
    559     Lookup[I.Node.Index] = &I;
    560 }
    561 void IrreducibleGraph::addEdge(IrrNode &Irr, const BlockNode &Succ,
    562                                const BFIBase::LoopData *OuterLoop) {
    563   if (OuterLoop && OuterLoop->isHeader(Succ))
    564     return;
    565   auto L = Lookup.find(Succ.Index);
    566   if (L == Lookup.end())
    567     return;
    568   IrrNode &SuccIrr = *L->second;
    569   Irr.Edges.push_back(&SuccIrr);
    570   SuccIrr.Edges.push_front(&Irr);
    571   ++SuccIrr.NumIn;
    572 }
    574 namespace llvm {
    575 template <> struct GraphTraits<IrreducibleGraph> {
    576   typedef bfi_detail::IrreducibleGraph GraphT;
    578   typedef const GraphT::IrrNode NodeType;
    579   typedef GraphT::IrrNode::iterator ChildIteratorType;
    581   static const NodeType *getEntryNode(const GraphT &G) {
    582     return G.StartIrr;
    583   }
    584   static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeType *N) { return N->succ_begin(); }
    585   static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeType *N) { return N->succ_end(); }
    586 };
    587 }
    589 /// \brief Find extra irreducible headers.
    590 ///
    591 /// Find entry blocks and other blocks with backedges, which exist when \c G
    592 /// contains irreducible sub-SCCs.
    593 static void findIrreducibleHeaders(
    594     const BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase &BFI,
    595     const IrreducibleGraph &G,
    596     const std::vector<const IrreducibleGraph::IrrNode *> &SCC,
    597     LoopData::NodeList &Headers, LoopData::NodeList &Others) {
    598   // Map from nodes in the SCC to whether it's an entry block.
    599   SmallDenseMap<const IrreducibleGraph::IrrNode *, bool, 8> InSCC;
    601   // InSCC also acts the set of nodes in the graph.  Seed it.
    602   for (const auto *I : SCC)
    603     InSCC[I] = false;
    605   for (auto I = InSCC.begin(), E = InSCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    606     auto &Irr = *I->first;
    607     for (const auto *P : make_range(Irr.pred_begin(), Irr.pred_end())) {
    608       if (InSCC.count(P))
    609         continue;
    611       // This is an entry block.
    612       I->second = true;
    613       Headers.push_back(Irr.Node);
    614       DEBUG(dbgs() << "  => entry = " << BFI.getBlockName(Irr.Node) << "\n");
    615       break;
    616     }
    617   }
    618   assert(Headers.size() >= 2 && "Should be irreducible");
    619   if (Headers.size() == InSCC.size()) {
    620     // Every block is a header.
    621     std::sort(Headers.begin(), Headers.end());
    622     return;
    623   }
    625   // Look for extra headers from irreducible sub-SCCs.
    626   for (const auto &I : InSCC) {
    627     // Entry blocks are already headers.
    628     if (I.second)
    629       continue;
    631     auto &Irr = *I.first;
    632     for (const auto *P : make_range(Irr.pred_begin(), Irr.pred_end())) {
    633       // Skip forward edges.
    634       if (P->Node < Irr.Node)
    635         continue;
    637       // Skip predecessors from entry blocks.  These can have inverted
    638       // ordering.
    639       if (InSCC.lookup(P))
    640         continue;
    642       // Store the extra header.
    643       Headers.push_back(Irr.Node);
    644       DEBUG(dbgs() << "  => extra = " << BFI.getBlockName(Irr.Node) << "\n");
    645       break;
    646     }
    647     if (Headers.back() == Irr.Node)
    648       // Added this as a header.
    649       continue;
    651     // This is not a header.
    652     Others.push_back(Irr.Node);
    653     DEBUG(dbgs() << "  => other = " << BFI.getBlockName(Irr.Node) << "\n");
    654   }
    655   std::sort(Headers.begin(), Headers.end());
    656   std::sort(Others.begin(), Others.end());
    657 }
    659 static void createIrreducibleLoop(
    660     BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase &BFI, const IrreducibleGraph &G,
    661     LoopData *OuterLoop, std::list<LoopData>::iterator Insert,
    662     const std::vector<const IrreducibleGraph::IrrNode *> &SCC) {
    663   // Translate the SCC into RPO.
    664   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - found-scc\n");
    666   LoopData::NodeList Headers;
    667   LoopData::NodeList Others;
    668   findIrreducibleHeaders(BFI, G, SCC, Headers, Others);
    670   auto Loop = BFI.Loops.emplace(Insert, OuterLoop, Headers.begin(),
    671                                 Headers.end(), Others.begin(), Others.end());
    673   // Update loop hierarchy.
    674   for (const auto &N : Loop->Nodes)
    675     if (BFI.Working[N.Index].isLoopHeader())
    676       BFI.Working[N.Index].Loop->Parent = &*Loop;
    677     else
    678       BFI.Working[N.Index].Loop = &*Loop;
    679 }
    681 iterator_range<std::list<LoopData>::iterator>
    682 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::analyzeIrreducible(
    683     const IrreducibleGraph &G, LoopData *OuterLoop,
    684     std::list<LoopData>::iterator Insert) {
    685   assert((OuterLoop == nullptr) == (Insert == Loops.begin()));
    686   auto Prev = OuterLoop ? std::prev(Insert) : Loops.end();
    688   for (auto I = scc_begin(G); !I.isAtEnd(); ++I) {
    689     if (I->size() < 2)
    690       continue;
    692     // Translate the SCC into RPO.
    693     createIrreducibleLoop(*this, G, OuterLoop, Insert, *I);
    694   }
    696   if (OuterLoop)
    697     return make_range(std::next(Prev), Insert);
    698   return make_range(Loops.begin(), Insert);
    699 }
    701 void
    702 BlockFrequencyInfoImplBase::updateLoopWithIrreducible(LoopData &OuterLoop) {
    703   OuterLoop.Exits.clear();
    704   OuterLoop.BackedgeMass = BlockMass::getEmpty();
    705   auto O = OuterLoop.Nodes.begin() + 1;
    706   for (auto I = O, E = OuterLoop.Nodes.end(); I != E; ++I)
    707     if (!Working[I->Index].isPackaged())
    708       *O++ = *I;
    709   OuterLoop.Nodes.erase(O, OuterLoop.Nodes.end());
    710 }