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      1 /*
      2 * Copyright (C) 2014 Invensense, Inc.
      3 *
      4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 *
      8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 *
     10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 * limitations under the License.
     15 */
     17 #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     19 //see also the EXTRA_VERBOSE define in the MPLSensor.h header file
     21 #include <fcntl.h>
     22 #include <errno.h>
     23 #include <math.h>
     24 #include <float.h>
     25 #include <poll.h>
     26 #include <unistd.h>
     27 #include <dirent.h>
     28 #include <stdlib.h>
     29 #include <sys/select.h>
     30 #include <sys/syscall.h>
     31 #include <dlfcn.h>
     32 #include <pthread.h>
     33 #include <cutils/log.h>
     34 #include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
     35 #include <utils/Vector.h>
     36 #include <utils/String8.h>
     37 #include <string.h>
     38 #include <linux/input.h>
     39 #include <utils/Atomic.h>
     41 #include "MPLSensor.h"
     42 #include "PressureSensor.IIO.secondary.h"
     43 #include "MPLSupport.h"
     44 #include "sensor_params.h"
     46 #include "invensense.h"
     47 #include "invensense_adv.h"
     48 #include "ml_stored_data.h"
     49 #include "ml_load_dmp.h"
     50 #include "ml_sysfs_helper.h"
     52 #define ENABLE_MULTI_RATE
     53 // #define TESTING
     54 #define USE_LPQ_AT_FASTEST
     56 #ifdef THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL
     57 #pragma message("HAL:build third party accel support")
     58 #define USE_THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL (1)
     59 #else
     60 #define USE_THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL (0)
     61 #endif
     63 #define MAX_SYSFS_ATTRB (sizeof(struct sysfs_attrbs) / sizeof(char*))
     65 /******************************************************************************/
     66 /*  MPL Interface                                                             */
     67 /******************************************************************************/
     69 //#define INV_PLAYBACK_DBG
     70 #ifdef INV_PLAYBACK_DBG
     71 static FILE *logfile = NULL;
     72 #endif
     74 /*******************************************************************************
     75  * MPLSensor class implementation
     76  ******************************************************************************/
     78 static struct timespec mt_pre;
     80 // following extended initializer list would only be available with -std=c++11
     81 //  or -std=gnu+11
     82 MPLSensor::MPLSensor(CompassSensor *compass, int (*m_pt2AccelCalLoadFunc)(long *))
     83                        : SensorBase(NULL, NULL),
     84                          mMasterSensorMask(INV_ALL_SENSORS),
     85                          mLocalSensorMask(0),
     86                          mPollTime(-1),
     87                          mStepCountPollTime(-1),
     88                          mHaveGoodMpuCal(0),
     89                          mGyroAccuracy(0),
     90                          mAccelAccuracy(0),
     91                          mCompassAccuracy(0),
     92                          dmp_orient_fd(-1),
     93                          mDmpOrientationEnabled(0),
     94                          dmp_sign_motion_fd(-1),
     95                          mDmpSignificantMotionEnabled(0),
     96                          dmp_pedometer_fd(-1),
     97                          mDmpPedometerEnabled(0),
     98                          mDmpStepCountEnabled(0),
     99                          mEnabled(0),
    100                          mBatchEnabled(0),
    101                          mOldBatchEnabledMask(0),
    102                          mAccelInputReader(4),
    103                          mGyroInputReader(32),
    104                          mTempScale(0),
    105                          mTempOffset(0),
    106                          mTempCurrentTime(0),
    107                          mAccelScale(2),
    108                          mAccelSelfTestScale(2),
    109                          mGyroScale(2000),
    110                          mGyroSelfTestScale(2000),
    111                          mCompassScale(0),
    112                          mFactoryGyroBiasAvailable(false),
    113                          mGyroBiasAvailable(false),
    114                          mGyroBiasApplied(false),
    115                          mFactoryAccelBiasAvailable(false),
    116                          mAccelBiasAvailable(false),
    117                          mAccelBiasApplied(false),
    118                          mPendingMask(0),
    119                          mSensorMask(0),
    120                          mMplFeatureActiveMask(0),
    121                          mFeatureActiveMask(0),
    122                          mDmpOn(0),
    123                          mPedUpdate(0),
    124                          mPressureUpdate(0),
    125                          mQuatSensorTimestamp(0),
    126                          mStepSensorTimestamp(0),
    127                          mLastStepCount(-1),
    128                          mLeftOverBufferSize(0),
    129                          mInitial6QuatValueAvailable(0),
    130                          mFlushBatchSet(0),
    131                          mSkipReadEvents(0),
    132                          mDataMarkerDetected(0),
    133                          mEmptyDataMarkerDetected(0) {
    134     VFUNC_LOG;
    136     inv_error_t rv;
    137     int i, fd;
    138     char *port = NULL;
    139     char *ver_str;
    140     unsigned long mSensorMask;
    141     int res;
    142     FILE *fptr;
    144     mCompassSensor = compass;
    147             "HAL:MPLSensor constructor : NumSensors = %d", NumSensors);
    149     pthread_mutex_init(&mMplMutex, NULL);
    150     pthread_mutex_init(&mHALMutex, NULL);
    151     memset(mGyroOrientation, 0, sizeof(mGyroOrientation));
    152     memset(mAccelOrientation, 0, sizeof(mAccelOrientation));
    153     memset(mInitial6QuatValue, 0, sizeof(mInitial6QuatValue));
    154     mFlushSensorEnabledVector.setCapacity(NumSensors);
    156     /* setup sysfs paths */
    157     inv_init_sysfs_attributes();
    159     /* get chip name */
    160     if (inv_get_chip_name(chip_ID) != INV_SUCCESS) {
    161         LOGE("HAL:ERR- Failed to get chip ID\n");
    162     } else {
    163         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:Chip ID= %s\n", chip_ID);
    164     }
    166     enable_iio_sysfs();
    168 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
    169     /* instantiate pressure sensor on secondary bus */
    170     mPressureSensor = new PressureSensor((const char*)mSysfsPath);
    171 #endif
    173     /* reset driver master enable */
    174     masterEnable(0);
    176     /* Load DMP image if capable, ie. MPU6515 */
    177     loadDMP();
    179     /* open temperature fd for temp comp */
    180     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:gyro temperature path: %s", mpu.temperature);
    181     gyro_temperature_fd = open(mpu.temperature, O_RDONLY);
    182     if (gyro_temperature_fd == -1) {
    183         LOGE("HAL:could not open temperature node");
    184     } else {
    185         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    186                 "HAL:temperature_fd opened: %s", mpu.temperature);
    187     }
    189     /* read gyro FSR to calculate accel scale later */
    190     char gyroBuf[5];
    191     int count = 0;
    192          LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE,
    193              "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.gyro_fsr, getTimestamp());
    195     fd = open(mpu.gyro_fsr, O_RDONLY);
    196     if(fd < 0) {
    197         LOGE("HAL:Error opening gyro FSR");
    198     } else {
    199         memset(gyroBuf, 0, sizeof(gyroBuf));
    200         count = read_attribute_sensor(fd, gyroBuf, sizeof(gyroBuf));
    201         if(count < 1) {
    202             LOGE("HAL:Error reading gyro FSR");
    203         } else {
    204             count = sscanf(gyroBuf, "%ld", &mGyroScale);
    205             if(count)
    206                 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Gyro FSR used %ld", mGyroScale);
    207         }
    208         close(fd);
    209     }
    211     /* read gyro self test scale used to calculate factory cal bias later */
    212     char gyroScale[5];
    213          LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE,
    214              "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.in_gyro_self_test_scale, getTimestamp());
    215     fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_self_test_scale, O_RDONLY);
    216     if(fd < 0) {
    217         LOGE("HAL:Error opening gyro self test scale");
    218     } else {
    219         memset(gyroBuf, 0, sizeof(gyroBuf));
    220         count = read_attribute_sensor(fd, gyroScale, sizeof(gyroScale));
    221         if(count < 1) {
    222             LOGE("HAL:Error reading gyro self test scale");
    223         } else {
    224             count = sscanf(gyroScale, "%ld", &mGyroSelfTestScale);
    225             if(count)
    226                 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Gyro self test scale used %ld", mGyroSelfTestScale);
    227         }
    228         close(fd);
    229     }
    231     /* open Factory Gyro Bias fd */
    232     /* mFactoryGyBias contains bias values that will be used for device offset */
    233     memset(mFactoryGyroBias, 0, sizeof(mFactoryGyroBias));
    234     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:factory gyro x offset path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_x_offset);
    235     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:factory gyro y offset path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_y_offset);
    236     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:factory gyro z offset path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_z_offset);
    237     gyro_x_offset_fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_x_offset, O_RDWR);
    238     gyro_y_offset_fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_y_offset, O_RDWR);
    239     gyro_z_offset_fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_z_offset, O_RDWR);
    240     if (gyro_x_offset_fd == -1 ||
    241              gyro_y_offset_fd == -1 || gyro_z_offset_fd == -1) {
    242             LOGE("HAL:could not open factory gyro calibrated bias");
    243     } else {
    244         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    245              "HAL:gyro_offset opened");
    246     }
    248     /* open Gyro Bias fd */
    249     /* mGyroBias contains bias values that will be used for framework */
    250     /* mGyroChipBias contains bias values that will be used for dmp */
    251     memset(mGyroBias, 0, sizeof(mGyroBias));
    252     memset(mGyroChipBias, 0, sizeof(mGyroChipBias));
    253     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: gyro x dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias);
    254     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: gyro y dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias);
    255     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: gyro z dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias);
    256     gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias, O_RDWR);
    257     gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias, O_RDWR);
    258     gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd = open(mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias, O_RDWR);
    259     if (gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd == -1 ||
    260              gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd == -1 || gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd == -1) {
    261             LOGE("HAL:could not open gyro DMP calibrated bias");
    262     } else {
    263         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    264              "HAL:gyro_dmp_bias opened");
    265     }
    267     /* read accel FSR to calcuate accel scale later */
    268     if (USE_THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL == 0) {
    269         char buf[3];
    270         int count = 0;
    271         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE,
    272                 "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.accel_fsr, getTimestamp());
    274         fd = open(mpu.accel_fsr, O_RDONLY);
    275         if(fd < 0) {
    276             LOGE("HAL:Error opening accel FSR");
    277         } else {
    278            memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    279            count = read_attribute_sensor(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
    280            if(count < 1) {
    281                LOGE("HAL:Error reading accel FSR");
    282            } else {
    283                count = sscanf(buf, "%d", &mAccelScale);
    284                if(count)
    285                    LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Accel FSR used %d", mAccelScale);
    286            }
    287            close(fd);
    288         }
    290         /* read accel self test scale used to calculate factory cal bias later */
    291         char accelScale[5];
    292              LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE,
    293                  "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.in_accel_self_test_scale, getTimestamp());
    294         fd = open(mpu.in_accel_self_test_scale, O_RDONLY);
    295         if(fd < 0) {
    296             LOGE("HAL:Error opening gyro self test scale");
    297         } else {
    298             memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    299             count = read_attribute_sensor(fd, accelScale, sizeof(accelScale));
    300             if(count < 1) {
    301                 LOGE("HAL:Error reading accel self test scale");
    302             } else {
    303                 count = sscanf(accelScale, "%ld", &mAccelSelfTestScale);
    304                 if(count)
    305                     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Accel self test scale used %ld", mAccelSelfTestScale);
    306             }
    307             close(fd);
    308         }
    310         /* open Factory Accel Bias fd */
    311         /* mFactoryAccelBias contains bias values that will be used for device offset */
    312         memset(mFactoryAccelBias, 0, sizeof(mFactoryAccelBias));
    313         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:factory accel x offset path: %s", mpu.in_accel_x_offset);
    314         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:factory accel y offset path: %s", mpu.in_accel_y_offset);
    315         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:factory accel z offset path: %s", mpu.in_accel_z_offset);
    316         accel_x_offset_fd = open(mpu.in_accel_x_offset, O_RDWR);
    317         accel_y_offset_fd = open(mpu.in_accel_y_offset, O_RDWR);
    318         accel_z_offset_fd = open(mpu.in_accel_z_offset, O_RDWR);
    319         if (accel_x_offset_fd == -1 ||
    320                  accel_y_offset_fd == -1 || accel_z_offset_fd == -1) {
    321                 LOGE("HAL:could not open factory accel calibrated bias");
    322         } else {
    323             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    324                  "HAL:accel_offset opened");
    325         }
    327         /* open Accel Bias fd */
    328         /* mAccelBias contains bias that will be used for dmp */
    329         memset(mAccelBias, 0, sizeof(mAccelBias));
    330         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:accel x dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_accel_x_dmp_bias);
    331         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:accel y dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_accel_y_dmp_bias);
    332         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:accel z dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_accel_z_dmp_bias);
    333         accel_x_dmp_bias_fd = open(mpu.in_accel_x_dmp_bias, O_RDWR);
    334         accel_y_dmp_bias_fd = open(mpu.in_accel_y_dmp_bias, O_RDWR);
    335         accel_z_dmp_bias_fd = open(mpu.in_accel_z_dmp_bias, O_RDWR);
    336         if (accel_x_dmp_bias_fd == -1 ||
    337                  accel_y_dmp_bias_fd == -1 || accel_z_dmp_bias_fd == -1) {
    338             LOGE("HAL:could not open accel DMP calibrated bias");
    339         } else {
    340             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    341                  "HAL:accel_dmp_bias opened");
    342         }
    343     }
    345     dmp_sign_motion_fd = open(mpu.event_smd, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
    346     if (dmp_sign_motion_fd < 0) {
    347         LOGE("HAL:ERR couldn't open dmp_sign_motion node");
    348     } else {
    349         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
    350                 "HAL:dmp_sign_motion_fd opened : %d", dmp_sign_motion_fd);
    351     }
    352 #if 1
    353     /* the following threshold can be modified for SMD sensitivity */
    354     int motionThreshold = 3000;
    355     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
    356                 motionThreshold, mpu.smd_threshold, getTimestamp());
    357         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.smd_threshold, motionThreshold);
    358 #endif
    359 #if 0
    360     int StepCounterThreshold = 5;
    361     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
    362                 StepCounterThreshold, mpu.pedometer_step_thresh, getTimestamp());
    363         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_step_thresh, StepCounterThreshold);
    364 #endif
    366     dmp_pedometer_fd = open(mpu.event_pedometer, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
    367     if (dmp_pedometer_fd < 0) {
    368         LOGE("HAL:ERR couldn't open dmp_pedometer node");
    369     } else {
    370         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
    371                 "HAL:dmp_pedometer_fd opened : %d", dmp_pedometer_fd);
    372     }
    374     initBias();
    376     (void)inv_get_version(&ver_str);
    377     LOGI("%s\n", ver_str);
    379     /* setup MPL */
    380     inv_constructor_init();
    382 #ifdef INV_PLAYBACK_DBG
    383     LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:inv_turn_on_data_logging");
    384     logfile = fopen("/data/playback.bin", "w+");
    385     if (logfile)
    386         inv_turn_on_data_logging(logfile);
    387 #endif
    389     /* setup orientation matrix and scale */
    390     inv_set_device_properties();
    392     /* initialize sensor data */
    393     memset(mPendingEvents, 0, sizeof(mPendingEvents));
    394     memset(mPendingFlushEvents, 0, sizeof(mPendingEvents));
    396     mPendingEvents[RotationVector].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    397     mPendingEvents[RotationVector].sensor = ID_RV;
    398     mPendingEvents[RotationVector].type = SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR;
    399     mPendingEvents[RotationVector].acceleration.status
    400             = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    402     mPendingEvents[GameRotationVector].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    403     mPendingEvents[GameRotationVector].sensor = ID_GRV;
    404     mPendingEvents[GameRotationVector].type = SENSOR_TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR;
    405     mPendingEvents[GameRotationVector].acceleration.status
    406             = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    408     mPendingEvents[LinearAccel].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    409     mPendingEvents[LinearAccel].sensor = ID_LA;
    410     mPendingEvents[LinearAccel].type = SENSOR_TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION;
    411     mPendingEvents[LinearAccel].acceleration.status
    412             = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    414     mPendingEvents[Gravity].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    415     mPendingEvents[Gravity].sensor = ID_GR;
    416     mPendingEvents[Gravity].type = SENSOR_TYPE_GRAVITY;
    417     mPendingEvents[Gravity].acceleration.status = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    419     mPendingEvents[Gyro].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    420     mPendingEvents[Gyro].sensor = ID_GY;
    421     mPendingEvents[Gyro].type = SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE;
    422     mPendingEvents[Gyro].gyro.status = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    424     mPendingEvents[RawGyro].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    425     mPendingEvents[RawGyro].sensor = ID_RG;
    426     mPendingEvents[RawGyro].type = SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED;
    427     mPendingEvents[RawGyro].gyro.status = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    429     mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    430     mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].sensor = ID_A;
    431     mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].type = SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER;
    432     mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].acceleration.status
    433             = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    435     /* Invensense compass calibration */
    436     mPendingEvents[MagneticField].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    437     mPendingEvents[MagneticField].sensor = ID_M;
    438     mPendingEvents[MagneticField].type = SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD;
    439     mPendingEvents[MagneticField].magnetic.status =
    442     mPendingEvents[RawMagneticField].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    443     mPendingEvents[RawMagneticField].sensor = ID_RM;
    444     mPendingEvents[RawMagneticField].type = SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED;
    445     mPendingEvents[RawMagneticField].magnetic.status =
    448 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
    449     mPendingEvents[Pressure].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    450     mPendingEvents[Pressure].sensor = ID_PS;
    451     mPendingEvents[Pressure].type = SENSOR_TYPE_PRESSURE;
    452     mPendingEvents[Pressure].magnetic.status =
    454 #endif
    456     mPendingEvents[Orientation].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    457     mPendingEvents[Orientation].sensor = ID_O;
    458     mPendingEvents[Orientation].type = SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION;
    459     mPendingEvents[Orientation].orientation.status
    460             = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    462     mPendingEvents[GeomagneticRotationVector].version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    463     mPendingEvents[GeomagneticRotationVector].sensor = ID_GMRV;
    464     mPendingEvents[GeomagneticRotationVector].type
    466     mPendingEvents[GeomagneticRotationVector].acceleration.status
    467             = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
    469     mSmEvents.version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    470     mSmEvents.sensor = ID_SM;
    471     mSmEvents.type = SENSOR_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION;
    472     mSmEvents.acceleration.status = SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE;
    474     mSdEvents.version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    475     mSdEvents.sensor = ID_P;
    476     mSdEvents.type = SENSOR_TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR;
    477     mSdEvents.acceleration.status = SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE;
    479     mScEvents.version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    480     mScEvents.sensor = ID_SC;
    481     mScEvents.type = SENSOR_TYPE_STEP_COUNTER;
    482     mScEvents.acceleration.status = SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE;
    484     /* Event Handlers for HW and Virtual Sensors */
    485     mHandlers[RotationVector] = &MPLSensor::rvHandler;
    486     mHandlers[GameRotationVector] = &MPLSensor::grvHandler;
    487     mHandlers[LinearAccel] = &MPLSensor::laHandler;
    488     mHandlers[Gravity] = &MPLSensor::gravHandler;
    489     mHandlers[Gyro] = &MPLSensor::gyroHandler;
    490     mHandlers[RawGyro] = &MPLSensor::rawGyroHandler;
    491     mHandlers[Accelerometer] = &MPLSensor::accelHandler;
    492     mHandlers[MagneticField] = &MPLSensor::compassHandler;
    493     mHandlers[RawMagneticField] = &MPLSensor::rawCompassHandler;
    494     mHandlers[Orientation] = &MPLSensor::orienHandler;
    495     mHandlers[GeomagneticRotationVector] = &MPLSensor::gmHandler;
    496 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
    497     mHandlers[Pressure] = &MPLSensor::psHandler;
    498 #endif
    500     /* initialize delays to reasonable values */
    501     for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
    502         mDelays[i] = 1000000000LL;
    503         mBatchDelays[i] = 1000000000LL;
    504         mBatchTimeouts[i] = 100000000000LL;
    505     }
    507     /* initialize Compass Bias */
    508     memset(mCompassBias, 0, sizeof(mCompassBias));
    510     /* initialize Factory Accel Bias */
    511     memset(mFactoryAccelBias, 0, sizeof(mFactoryAccelBias));
    513     /* initialize Gyro Bias */
    514     memset(mGyroBias, 0, sizeof(mGyroBias));
    515     memset(mGyroChipBias, 0, sizeof(mGyroChipBias));
    517     /* load calibration file from /data/inv_cal_data.bin */
    518     rv = inv_load_calibration();
    519     if(rv == INV_SUCCESS) {
    520         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:Calibration file successfully loaded");
    521         /* Get initial values */
    522         getCompassBias();
    523         getGyroBias();
    524         if (mGyroBiasAvailable) {
    525             setGyroBias();
    526         }
    527         getAccelBias();
    528         getFactoryGyroBias();
    529         if (mFactoryGyroBiasAvailable) {
    530             setFactoryGyroBias();
    531         }
    532         getFactoryAccelBias();
    533         if (mFactoryAccelBiasAvailable) {
    534             setFactoryAccelBias();
    535         }
    536     }
    537     else
    538         LOGE("HAL:Could not open or load MPL calibration file (%d)", rv);
    540     /* takes external accel calibration load workflow */
    541     if( m_pt2AccelCalLoadFunc != NULL) {
    542         long accel_offset[3];
    543         long tmp_offset[3];
    544         int result = m_pt2AccelCalLoadFunc(accel_offset);
    545         if(result)
    546             LOGW("HAL:Vendor accelerometer calibration file load failed %d\n",
    547                  result);
    548         else {
    549             LOGW("HAL:Vendor accelerometer calibration file successfully "
    550                  "loaded");
    551             inv_get_mpl_accel_bias(tmp_offset, NULL);
    552             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
    553                     "HAL:Original accel offset, %ld, %ld, %ld\n",
    554                tmp_offset[0], tmp_offset[1], tmp_offset[2]);
    555             inv_set_accel_bias_mask(accel_offset, mAccelAccuracy,4);
    556             inv_get_mpl_accel_bias(tmp_offset, NULL);
    557             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:Set accel offset, %ld, %ld, %ld\n",
    558                tmp_offset[0], tmp_offset[1], tmp_offset[2]);
    559         }
    560     }
    561     /* end of external accel calibration load workflow */
    563     /* disable all sensors and features */
    564     masterEnable(0);
    565     enableGyro(0);
    566     enableLowPowerAccel(0);
    567     enableAccel(0);
    568     enableCompass(0,0);
    569 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
    570     enablePressure(0);
    571 #endif
    572     enableBatch(0);
    574     if (isLowPowerQuatEnabled()) {
    575         enableLPQuaternion(0);
    576     }
    578     if (isDmpDisplayOrientationOn()) {
    579         // open DMP Orient Fd
    580         openDmpOrientFd();
    581         enableDmpOrientation(!isDmpScreenAutoRotationEnabled());
    582     }
    583 }
    585 void MPLSensor::enable_iio_sysfs(void)
    586 {
    587     VFUNC_LOG;
    589     char iio_device_node[MAX_CHIP_ID_LEN];
    590     FILE *tempFp = NULL;
    592     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo 1 > %s (%lld)",
    593             mpu.in_timestamp_en, getTimestamp());
    594     // Either fopen()/open() are okay for sysfs access
    595     // developers could choose what they want
    596     // with fopen(), the benefit is that fprintf()/fscanf() are available
    597     tempFp = fopen(mpu.in_timestamp_en, "w");
    598     if (tempFp == NULL) {
    599         LOGE("HAL:could not open timestamp enable");
    600     } else {
    601         if(fprintf(tempFp, "%d", 1) < 0) {
    602             LOGE("HAL:could not enable timestamp");
    603         }
    604         if(fclose(tempFp) < 0) {
    605             LOGE("HAL:could not close timestamp");
    606         }
    607     }
    609     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
    610             IIO_BUFFER_LENGTH, mpu.buffer_length, getTimestamp());
    611     tempFp = fopen(mpu.buffer_length, "w");
    612     if (tempFp == NULL) {
    613         LOGE("HAL:could not open buffer length");
    614     } else {
    615         if (fprintf(tempFp, "%d", IIO_BUFFER_LENGTH) < 0) {
    616             LOGE("HAL:could not write buffer length");
    617         }
    618         if (fclose(tempFp) < 0) {
    619             LOGE("HAL:could not close buffer length");
    620         }
    621     }
    623     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
    624             1, mpu.chip_enable, getTimestamp());
    625     tempFp = fopen(mpu.chip_enable, "w");
    626     if (tempFp == NULL) {
    627         LOGE("HAL:could not open chip enable");
    628     } else {
    629         if (fprintf(tempFp, "%d", 1) < 0) {
    630             LOGE("HAL:could not write chip enable");
    631         }
    632         if (fclose(tempFp) < 0) {
    633             LOGE("HAL:could not close chip enable");
    634         }
    635     }
    637     inv_get_iio_device_node(iio_device_node);
    638     iio_fd = open(iio_device_node, O_RDONLY);
    639     if (iio_fd < 0) {
    640         LOGE("HAL:could not open iio device node");
    641     } else {
    642         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:iio iio_fd opened : %d", iio_fd);
    643     }
    644 }
    646 int MPLSensor::inv_constructor_init(void)
    647 {
    648     VFUNC_LOG;
    650     inv_error_t result = inv_init_mpl();
    651     if (result) {
    652         LOGE("HAL:inv_init_mpl() failed");
    653         return result;
    654     }
    655     result = inv_constructor_default_enable();
    656     result = inv_start_mpl();
    657     if (result) {
    658         LOGE("HAL:inv_start_mpl() failed");
    659         LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    660         return result;
    661     }
    663     return result;
    664 }
    666 int MPLSensor::inv_constructor_default_enable(void)
    667 {
    668     VFUNC_LOG;
    670     inv_error_t result;
    672 /*******************************************************************************
    674 ********************************************************************************
    676 The InvenSense binary file (libmplmpu.so) is subject to Google's standard terms
    677 and conditions as accepted in the click-through agreement required to download
    678 this library.
    679 The library includes, but is not limited to the following function calls:
    680 inv_enable_quaternion().
    684 ********************************************************************************
    686 *******************************************************************************/
    688     result = inv_enable_quaternion();
    689     if (result) {
    690         LOGE("HAL:Cannot enable quaternion\n");
    691         return result;
    692     }
    694     result = inv_enable_in_use_auto_calibration();
    695     if (result) {
    696         return result;
    697     }
    699     result = inv_enable_fast_nomot();
    700     if (result) {
    701         return result;
    702     }
    704     result = inv_enable_gyro_tc();
    705     if (result) {
    706         return result;
    707     }
    709     result = inv_enable_hal_outputs();
    710     if (result) {
    711         return result;
    712     }
    714     if (!mCompassSensor->providesCalibration()) {
    715         /* Invensense compass calibration */
    716         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Invensense vector compass cal enabled");
    717         result = inv_enable_vector_compass_cal();
    718         if (result) {
    719             LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    720             return result;
    721         } else {
    722             mMplFeatureActiveMask |= INV_COMPASS_CAL;
    723         }
    724         // specify MPL's trust weight, used by compass algorithms
    725         inv_vector_compass_cal_sensitivity(3);
    727         /* disabled by default
    728         result = inv_enable_compass_bias_w_gyro();
    729         if (result) {
    730             LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    731             return result;
    732         }
    733         */
    735         result = inv_enable_heading_from_gyro();
    736         if (result) {
    737             LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    738             return result;
    739         }
    741         result = inv_enable_magnetic_disturbance();
    742         if (result) {
    743             LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    744             return result;
    745         }
    746         //inv_enable_magnetic_disturbance_logging();
    747     }
    749     result = inv_enable_9x_sensor_fusion();
    750     if (result) {
    751         LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    752         return result;
    753     } else {
    754         // 9x sensor fusion enables Compass fit
    755         mMplFeatureActiveMask |= INV_COMPASS_FIT;
    756     }
    758     result = inv_enable_no_gyro_fusion();
    759     if (result) {
    760         LOG_RESULT_LOCATION(result);
    761         return result;
    762     }
    764     return result;
    765 }
    767 /* TODO: create function pointers to calculate scale */
    768 void MPLSensor::inv_set_device_properties(void)
    769 {
    770     VFUNC_LOG;
    772     unsigned short orient;
    774     inv_get_sensors_orientation();
    776     inv_set_gyro_sample_rate(DEFAULT_MPL_GYRO_RATE);
    777     inv_set_compass_sample_rate(DEFAULT_MPL_COMPASS_RATE);
    779     /* gyro setup */
    780     orient = inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(mGyroOrientation);
    781     inv_set_gyro_orientation_and_scale(orient, mGyroScale << 15);
    782     LOGI_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: Set MPL Gyro Scale %ld", mGyroScale << 15);
    784     /* accel setup */
    785     orient = inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(mAccelOrientation);
    786     /* use for third party accel input subsystem driver
    787     inv_set_accel_orientation_and_scale(orient, 1LL << 22);
    788     */
    789     inv_set_accel_orientation_and_scale(orient, (long)mAccelScale << 15);
    791             "HAL: Set MPL Accel Scale %ld", (long)mAccelScale << 15);
    793     /* compass setup */
    794     signed char orientMtx[9];
    795     mCompassSensor->getOrientationMatrix(orientMtx);
    796     orient =
    797         inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(orientMtx);
    798     long sensitivity;
    799     sensitivity = mCompassSensor->getSensitivity();
    800     inv_set_compass_orientation_and_scale(orient, sensitivity);
    801     mCompassScale = sensitivity;
    803             "HAL: Set MPL Compass Scale %ld", mCompassScale);
    804 }
    806 void MPLSensor::loadDMP(void)
    807 {
    808     VFUNC_LOG;
    810     int res, fd;
    811     FILE *fptr;
    813     if (isMpuNonDmp()) {
    814         return;
    815     }
    817     /* load DMP firmware */
    819             "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.firmware_loaded, getTimestamp());
    820     fd = open(mpu.firmware_loaded, O_RDONLY);
    821     if(fd < 0) {
    822         LOGE("HAL:could not open dmp state");
    823     } else {
    824         if(inv_read_dmp_state(fd) == 0) {
    825             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:load dmp: %s", mpu.dmp_firmware);
    826             fptr = fopen(mpu.dmp_firmware, "w");
    827             if(fptr == NULL) {
    828                 LOGE("HAL:could not open dmp_firmware");
    829             } else {
    830                 if (inv_load_dmp(fptr) < 0) {
    831                     LOGE("HAL:load DMP failed");
    832                 } else {
    833                     LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:DMP loaded");
    834                 }
    835                 if (fclose(fptr) < 0) {
    836                     LOGE("HAL:could not close dmp firmware");
    837                 }
    838             }
    839         } else {
    840             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:DMP is already loaded");
    841         }
    842     }
    844     // onDmp(1);    //Can't enable here. See note onDmp()
    845 }
    847 void MPLSensor::inv_get_sensors_orientation(void)
    848 {
    849     VFUNC_LOG;
    851     FILE *fptr;
    853     // get gyro orientation
    855             "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.gyro_orient, getTimestamp());
    856     fptr = fopen(mpu.gyro_orient, "r");
    857     if (fptr != NULL) {
    858         int om[9];
    859         if (fscanf(fptr, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
    860                &om[0], &om[1], &om[2], &om[3], &om[4], &om[5],
    861                &om[6], &om[7], &om[8]) < 0) {
    862             LOGE("HAL:Could not read gyro mounting matrix");
    863         } else {
    864             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    865                     "HAL:gyro mounting matrix: "
    866                     "%+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d",
    867                     om[0], om[1], om[2], om[3], om[4], om[5], om[6], om[7], om[8]);
    869             mGyroOrientation[0] = om[0];
    870             mGyroOrientation[1] = om[1];
    871             mGyroOrientation[2] = om[2];
    872             mGyroOrientation[3] = om[3];
    873             mGyroOrientation[4] = om[4];
    874             mGyroOrientation[5] = om[5];
    875             mGyroOrientation[6] = om[6];
    876             mGyroOrientation[7] = om[7];
    877             mGyroOrientation[8] = om[8];
    878         }
    879         if (fclose(fptr) < 0) {
    880             LOGE("HAL:Could not close gyro mounting matrix");
    881         }
    882     }
    884     // get accel orientation
    886             "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)", mpu.accel_orient, getTimestamp());
    887     fptr = fopen(mpu.accel_orient, "r");
    888     if (fptr != NULL) {
    889         int om[9];
    890         if (fscanf(fptr, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
    891             &om[0], &om[1], &om[2], &om[3], &om[4], &om[5],
    892             &om[6], &om[7], &om[8]) < 0) {
    893             LOGE("HAL:could not read accel mounting matrix");
    894         } else {
    895             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE,
    896            "HAL:accel mounting matrix: "
    897            "%+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d %+d",
    898            om[0], om[1], om[2], om[3], om[4], om[5], om[6], om[7], om[8]);
    900            mAccelOrientation[0] = om[0];
    901            mAccelOrientation[1] = om[1];
    902            mAccelOrientation[2] = om[2];
    903            mAccelOrientation[3] = om[3];
    904            mAccelOrientation[4] = om[4];
    905            mAccelOrientation[5] = om[5];
    906            mAccelOrientation[6] = om[6];
    907            mAccelOrientation[7] = om[7];
    908            mAccelOrientation[8] = om[8];
    909         }
    910         if (fclose(fptr) < 0) {
    911             LOGE("HAL:could not close accel mounting matrix");
    912         }
    913     }
    914 }
    916 MPLSensor::~MPLSensor()
    917 {
    918     VFUNC_LOG;
    920     /* Close open fds */
    921     if (iio_fd > 0)
    922         close(iio_fd);
    923     if( accel_fd > 0 )
    924         close(accel_fd );
    925     if (gyro_temperature_fd > 0)
    926         close(gyro_temperature_fd);
    927     if (sysfs_names_ptr)
    928         free(sysfs_names_ptr);
    930     closeDmpOrientFd();
    932     if (accel_x_dmp_bias_fd > 0) {
    933         close(accel_x_dmp_bias_fd);
    934     }
    935     if (accel_y_dmp_bias_fd > 0) {
    936         close(accel_y_dmp_bias_fd);
    937     }
    938     if (accel_z_dmp_bias_fd > 0) {
    939         close(accel_z_dmp_bias_fd);
    940     }
    942     if (gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd > 0) {
    943         close(gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd);
    944     }
    945     if (gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd > 0) {
    946         close(gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd);
    947     }
    948     if (gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd > 0) {
    949         close(gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd);
    950     }
    952     if (gyro_x_offset_fd > 0) {
    953         close(gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd);
    954     }
    955     if (gyro_y_offset_fd > 0) {
    956         close(gyro_y_offset_fd);
    957     }
    958     if (gyro_z_offset_fd > 0) {
    959         close(accel_z_offset_fd);
    960     }
    962     /* Turn off Gyro master enable          */
    963     /* A workaround until driver handles it */
    964     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
    965             0, mpu.master_enable, getTimestamp());
    966     write_sysfs_int(mpu.master_enable, 0);
    968 #ifdef INV_PLAYBACK_DBG
    969     inv_turn_off_data_logging();
    970     if (fclose(logfile) < 0) {
    971         LOGE("cannot close debug log file");
    972     }
    973 #endif
    974 }
    976 #define GY_ENABLED  ((1 << ID_GY) & enabled_sensors)
    977 #define RGY_ENABLED ((1 << ID_RG) & enabled_sensors)
    978 #define A_ENABLED   ((1 << ID_A)  & enabled_sensors)
    979 #define M_ENABLED   ((1 << ID_M) & enabled_sensors)
    980 #define RM_ENABLED  ((1 << ID_RM) & enabled_sensors)
    981 #define O_ENABLED   ((1 << ID_O)  & enabled_sensors)
    982 #define LA_ENABLED  ((1 << ID_LA) & enabled_sensors)
    983 #define GR_ENABLED  ((1 << ID_GR) & enabled_sensors)
    984 #define RV_ENABLED  ((1 << ID_RV) & enabled_sensors)
    985 #define GRV_ENABLED ((1 << ID_GRV) & enabled_sensors)
    986 #define GMRV_ENABLED ((1 << ID_GMRV) & enabled_sensors)
    988 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
    989 #define PS_ENABLED  ((1 << ID_PS) & enabled_sensors)
    990 #endif
    992 /* this applies to BMA250 Input Subsystem Driver only */
    993 int MPLSensor::setAccelInitialState()
    994 {
    995     VFUNC_LOG;
    997     struct input_absinfo absinfo_x;
    998     struct input_absinfo absinfo_y;
    999     struct input_absinfo absinfo_z;
   1000     float value;
   1001     if (!ioctl(accel_fd, EVIOCGABS(EVENT_TYPE_ACCEL_X), &absinfo_x) &&
   1002         !ioctl(accel_fd, EVIOCGABS(EVENT_TYPE_ACCEL_Y), &absinfo_y) &&
   1003         !ioctl(accel_fd, EVIOCGABS(EVENT_TYPE_ACCEL_Z), &absinfo_z)) {
   1004         value = absinfo_x.value;
   1005         mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].data[0] = value * CONVERT_A_X;
   1006         value = absinfo_y.value;
   1007         mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].data[1] = value * CONVERT_A_Y;
   1008         value = absinfo_z.value;
   1009         mPendingEvents[Accelerometer].data[2] = value * CONVERT_A_Z;
   1010         //mHasPendingEvent = true;
   1011     }
   1012     return 0;
   1013 }
   1015 int MPLSensor::onDmp(int en)
   1016 {
   1017     VFUNC_LOG;
   1019     int res = -1;
   1020     int status;
   1021     mDmpOn = en;
   1023     //Sequence to enable DMP
   1024     //1. Load DMP image if not already loaded
   1025     //2. Either Gyro or Accel must be enabled/configured before next step
   1026     //3. Enable DMP
   1028     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)",
   1029             mpu.firmware_loaded, getTimestamp());
   1030     if(read_sysfs_int(mpu.firmware_loaded, &status) < 0){
   1031         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't get firmware_loaded status");
   1032     } else if (status == 1) {
   1033         //Write only if curr DMP state <> request
   1034         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)",
   1035                 mpu.dmp_on, getTimestamp());
   1036         if (read_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_on, &status) < 0) {
   1037             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't read DMP state");
   1038         } else if (status != en) {
   1039             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1040                     en, mpu.dmp_on, getTimestamp());
   1041             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_on, en) < 0) {
   1042                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write dmp_on");
   1043             } else {
   1044                 mDmpOn = en;
   1045                 res = 0;    //Indicate write successful
   1046                 if(!en) {
   1047                     setAccelBias();
   1048                 }
   1049             }
   1050             //Enable DMP interrupt
   1051             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1052                     en, mpu.dmp_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1053             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_int_on, en) < 0) {
   1054                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't en/dis DMP interrupt");
   1055             }
   1057             // disable DMP event interrupt if needed
   1058             if (!en) {
   1059                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1060                         en, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1061                 if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, en) < 0) {
   1062                     res = -1;
   1063                     LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   1064                 }
   1065             }
   1066         } else {
   1067             mDmpOn = en;
   1068             res = 0;    //DMP already set as requested
   1069             if(!en) {
   1070                 setAccelBias();
   1071             }
   1072         }
   1073     } else {
   1074         LOGE("HAL:ERR No DMP image");
   1075     }
   1076     return res;
   1077 }
   1079 int MPLSensor::setDmpFeature(int en)
   1080 {
   1081     int res = 0;
   1083     // set sensor engine and fifo
   1084     if ((mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK) || en) {
   1085         if ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION) ||
   1086                 (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION) ||
   1087                 (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_QUATERNION)) {
   1088             res = enableGyro(1);
   1089             if (res < 0) {
   1090                 return res;
   1091             }
   1092             if (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)) {
   1093                 res = turnOffGyroFifo();
   1094                 if (res < 0) {
   1095                     return res;
   1096                 }
   1097             }
   1098         }
   1099         res = enableAccel(1);
   1100         if (res < 0) {
   1101             return res;
   1102         }
   1103         if (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   1104             res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   1105             if (res < 0) {
   1106                 return res;
   1107             }
   1108         }
   1109     } else {
   1110         if (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)) {
   1111             res = enableGyro(0);
   1112             if (res < 0) {
   1113                 return res;
   1114             }
   1115         }
   1116         if (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   1117             res = enableAccel(0);
   1118             if (res < 0) {
   1119                 return res;
   1120             }
   1121         }
   1122     }
   1124     // set sensor data interrupt
   1125     uint32_t dataInterrupt = (mEnabled || (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE));
   1126     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1127                 !dataInterrupt, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1128     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, !dataInterrupt) < 0) {
   1129         res = -1;
   1130         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   1131     }
   1132     return res;
   1133 }
   1135 int MPLSensor::computeAndSetDmpState()
   1136 {
   1137     int res = 0;
   1138     bool dmpState = 0;
   1140     if (mFeatureActiveMask) {
   1141         dmpState = 1;
   1142         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:computeAndSetDmpState() mFeatureActiveMask = 1");
   1143     } else if ((mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK)
   1144                         || (mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_GYRO_6AXES_MASK)) {
   1145             if (checkLPQuaternion() && checkLPQRateSupported()) {
   1146                 dmpState = 1;
   1147                 LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:computeAndSetDmpState() Sensor Fusion = 1");
   1148             }
   1149     } /*else {
   1150         unsigned long sensor = mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask;
   1151         if (sensor & (INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)) {
   1152             dmpState = 1;
   1153             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:computeAndSetDmpState() accel and gyro = 1");
   1154         }
   1155     }*/
   1157     // set Dmp state
   1158     res = onDmp(dmpState);
   1159     if (res < 0)
   1160         return res;
   1162     if (dmpState) {
   1163         // set DMP rate to 200Hz
   1164         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1165                 200, mpu.accel_fifo_rate, getTimestamp());
   1166         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_fifo_rate, 200) < 0) {
   1167             res = -1;
   1168             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't set rate to 200Hz");
   1169             return res;
   1170         }
   1171     }
   1172     LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:DMP is set %s", (dmpState ? "on" : "off"));
   1173     return dmpState;
   1174 }
   1176 /* called when batch and hw sensor enabled*/
   1177 int MPLSensor::enablePedIndicator(int en)
   1178 {
   1179     VFUNC_LOG;
   1181     int res = 0;
   1182     if (en) {
   1183         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION)) {
   1184             //Disable DMP Pedometer Interrupt
   1185             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1186                         0, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1187             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, 0) < 0) {
   1188                LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1189                res = -1;   // indicate an err
   1190                return res;
   1191             }
   1193             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Enabling ped standalone");
   1194             // enable accel engine
   1195             res = enableAccel(1);
   1196             if (res < 0)
   1197                 return res;
   1198             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1199             // disable accel FIFO
   1200             if (!((mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask) & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   1201                 res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   1202                 if (res < 0)
   1203                     return res;
   1204             }
   1205         }
   1206     } else {
   1207         //Disable Accel if no sensor needs it
   1208         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1209                                && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1210                                                    & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL))) {
   1211             res = enableAccel(0);
   1212                 if (res < 0)
   1213                     return res;
   1214             }
   1215     }
   1217     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Toggling step indicator to %d", en);
   1218     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1219                 en, mpu.step_indicator_on, getTimestamp());
   1220     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.step_indicator_on, en) < 0) {
   1221         res = -1;
   1222         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write to DMP step_indicator_on");
   1223     }
   1224     return res;
   1225 }
   1227 int MPLSensor::checkPedStandaloneBatched(void)
   1228 {
   1229     VFUNC_LOG;
   1230     int res = 0;
   1232     if ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER) &&
   1233             (mBatchEnabled & (1 << StepDetector))) {
   1234         res = 1;
   1235     } else
   1236         res = 0;
   1238     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:checkPedStandaloneBatched=%d", res);
   1239     return res;
   1240 }
   1242 int MPLSensor::checkPedStandaloneEnabled(void)
   1243 {
   1244     VFUNC_LOG;
   1245     return ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE)? 1:0);
   1246 }
   1248 /* This feature is only used in batch mode */
   1249 /* Stand-alone Step Detector */
   1250 int MPLSensor::enablePedStandalone(int en)
   1251 {
   1252     VFUNC_LOG;
   1254     if (!en) {
   1255         enablePedStandaloneData(0);
   1256         mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE;
   1257         if (mFeatureActiveMask == 0) {
   1258             onDmp(0);
   1259         } else if(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER) {
   1260              //Re-enable DMP Pedometer Interrupt
   1261              LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1262                      1, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1263              if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, 1) < 0) {
   1264                  LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1265                  return (-1);
   1266              }
   1267             //Disable data interrupt if no continuous data
   1268             if (mEnabled == 0) {
   1269                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1270                        1, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1271                 if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, 1) < 0) {
   1272                     LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   1273                     return (-1);
   1274                 }
   1275             }
   1276         }
   1277         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Ped Standalone disabled");
   1278     } else {
   1279         if (enablePedStandaloneData(1) < 0 || onDmp(1) < 0) {
   1280             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Ped Standalone");
   1281         } else {
   1282             mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE;
   1283             //Disable DMP Pedometer Interrupt
   1284             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1285                     0, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1286             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, 0) < 0) {
   1287                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't disable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1288                 return (-1);
   1289             }
   1290             //Enable Data Interrupt
   1291             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1292                        0, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1293             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, 0) < 0) {
   1294                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   1295                 return (-1);
   1296             }
   1297             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Ped Standalone enabled");
   1298         }
   1299     }
   1300     return 0;
   1301 }
   1303 int MPLSensor:: enablePedStandaloneData(int en)
   1304 {
   1305     VFUNC_LOG;
   1307     int res = 0;
   1309     // Set DMP Ped standalone
   1310     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1311             en, mpu.step_detector_on, getTimestamp());
   1312     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.step_detector_on, en) < 0) {
   1313         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write DMP step_detector_on");
   1314         res = -1;   //Indicate an err
   1315     }
   1317     // Set DMP Step indicator
   1318     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1319             en, mpu.step_indicator_on, getTimestamp());
   1320     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.step_indicator_on, en) < 0) {
   1321         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write DMP step_indicator_on");
   1322         res = -1;   //Indicate an err
   1323     }
   1325     if (!en) {
   1326       LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Disabling ped standalone");
   1327       //Disable Accel if no sensor needs it
   1328       if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1329                                && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1330                                                    & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL))) {
   1331           res = enableAccel(0);
   1332           if (res < 0)
   1333               return res;
   1334       }
   1335       if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1336                                && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1337                                                    & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO))) {
   1338           res = enableGyro(0);
   1339           if (res < 0)
   1340               return res;
   1341       }
   1342     } else {
   1343         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Enabling ped standalone");
   1344         // enable accel engine
   1345         res = enableAccel(1);
   1346         if (res < 0)
   1347             return res;
   1348         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1349         // disable accel FIFO
   1350         if (!((mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask) & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   1351             res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   1352             if (res < 0)
   1353                 return res;
   1354         }
   1355     }
   1357     return res;
   1358 }
   1360 int MPLSensor::checkPedQuatEnabled(void)
   1361 {
   1362     VFUNC_LOG;
   1363     return ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION)? 1:0);
   1364 }
   1366 /* This feature is only used in batch mode */
   1367 /* Step Detector && Game Rotation Vector */
   1368 int MPLSensor::enablePedQuaternion(int en)
   1369 {
   1370     VFUNC_LOG;
   1372     if (!en) {
   1373         enablePedQuaternionData(0);
   1374         mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION;
   1375         if (mFeatureActiveMask == 0) {
   1376             onDmp(0);
   1377         } else if(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER) {
   1378              //Re-enable DMP Pedometer Interrupt
   1379              LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1380                      1, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1381              if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, 1) < 0) {
   1382                  LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1383                  return (-1);
   1384              }
   1385             //Disable data interrupt if no continuous data
   1386             if (mEnabled == 0) {
   1387                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1388                        1, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1389                 if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, en) < 0) {
   1390                     LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   1391                     return (-1);
   1392                 }
   1393             }
   1394         }
   1395         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Ped Quat disabled");
   1396     } else {
   1397         if (enablePedQuaternionData(1) < 0 || onDmp(1) < 0) {
   1398             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Ped Quaternion");
   1399         } else {
   1400             mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION;
   1401             //Disable DMP Pedometer Interrupt
   1402             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1403                     0, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1404             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, 0) < 0) {
   1405                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't disable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1406                 return (-1);
   1407             }
   1408             //Enable Data Interrupt
   1409             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1410                        0, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1411             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, 0) < 0) {
   1412                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   1413                 return (-1);
   1414             }
   1415             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Ped Quat enabled");
   1416         }
   1417     }
   1418     return 0;
   1419 }
   1421 int MPLSensor::enablePedQuaternionData(int en)
   1422 {
   1423     VFUNC_LOG;
   1425     int res = 0;
   1427     // Enable DMP quaternion
   1428     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1429             en, mpu.ped_q_on, getTimestamp());
   1430     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.ped_q_on, en) < 0) {
   1431         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write DMP ped_q_on");
   1432         res = -1;   //Indicate an err
   1433     }
   1435     if (!en) {
   1436         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Disabling ped quat");
   1437         //Disable Accel if no sensor needs it
   1438         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1439                                && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1440                                                    & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL))) {
   1441           res = enableAccel(0);
   1442           if (res < 0)
   1443               return res;
   1444         }
   1445         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1446                                && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1447                                                    & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO))) {
   1448             res = enableGyro(0);
   1449             if (res < 0)
   1450                 return res;
   1451         }
   1452         if (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_QUATERNION) {
   1453             res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, 1);
   1454             res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_fifo_enable, 1);
   1455             if (res < 0)
   1456                 return res;
   1457         }
   1458         // LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "before mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1459         // reset global mask for buildMpuEvent()
   1460         if (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   1461             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1462             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1463         } else if (mEnabled & (1 << Accelerometer)) {
   1464             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1465         } else if ((mEnabled & ( 1 << Gyro)) ||
   1466             (mEnabled & (1 << RawGyro))) {
   1467             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1468         }
   1469         //LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "after mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1470     } else {
   1471         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:Enabling ped quat");
   1472         // enable accel engine
   1473         res = enableAccel(1);
   1474         if (res < 0)
   1475             return res;
   1477         // enable gyro engine
   1478         res = enableGyro(1);
   1479         if (res < 0)
   1480             return res;
   1481         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1482         // disable accel FIFO
   1483         if ((!((mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask) & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) ||
   1484                 !(mBatchEnabled & (1 << Accelerometer))) {
   1485             res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   1486             if (res < 0)
   1487                 return res;
   1488             mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1489         }
   1491         // disable gyro FIFO
   1492         if ((!((mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask) & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)) ||
   1493                 !((mBatchEnabled & (1 << Gyro)) || (mBatchEnabled & (1 << RawGyro)))) {
   1494             res = turnOffGyroFifo();
   1495             if (res < 0)
   1496                 return res;
   1497             mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1498         }
   1499     }
   1501     return res;
   1502 }
   1504 int MPLSensor::setPedQuaternionRate(int64_t wanted)
   1505 {
   1506     VFUNC_LOG;
   1507     int res = 0;
   1509     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1510                 int(1000000000.f / wanted), mpu.ped_q_rate,
   1511                 getTimestamp());
   1512     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.ped_q_rate, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   1514                 "HAL:DMP ped quaternion rate %.2f Hz", 1000000000.f / wanted);
   1516     return res;
   1517 }
   1519 int MPLSensor::check6AxisQuatEnabled(void)
   1520 {
   1521     VFUNC_LOG;
   1522     return ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION)? 1:0);
   1523 }
   1525 /* This is used for batch mode only */
   1526 /* GRV is batched but not along with ped */
   1527 int MPLSensor::enable6AxisQuaternion(int en)
   1528 {
   1529     VFUNC_LOG;
   1531     if (!en) {
   1532         enable6AxisQuaternionData(0);
   1533         mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION;
   1534         if (mFeatureActiveMask == 0) {
   1535             onDmp(0);
   1536         }
   1537         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:6 Axis Quat disabled");
   1538     } else {
   1539         if (enable6AxisQuaternionData(1) < 0 || onDmp(1) < 0) {
   1540             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable 6 Axis Quaternion");
   1541         } else {
   1542             mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION;
   1543             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:6 Axis Quat enabled");
   1544         }
   1545     }
   1546     return 0;
   1547 }
   1549 int MPLSensor::enable6AxisQuaternionData(int en)
   1550 {
   1551     VFUNC_LOG;
   1553     int res = 0;
   1555     // Enable DMP quaternion
   1556     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1557             en, mpu.six_axis_q_on, getTimestamp());
   1558     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.six_axis_q_on, en) < 0) {
   1559         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write DMP six_axis_q_on");
   1560         res = -1;   //Indicate an err
   1561     }
   1563     if (!en) {
   1564         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:DMP six axis quaternion data was turned off");
   1565         inv_quaternion_sensor_was_turned_off();
   1566         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1567                                  && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1568                                                      & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL))) {
   1569             res = enableAccel(0);
   1570             if (res < 0)
   1571                 return res;
   1572         }
   1573         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK)
   1574                                  && (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   1575                                                      & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO))) {
   1576             res = enableGyro(0);
   1577             if (res < 0)
   1578                 return res;
   1579         }
   1580         if (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_QUATERNION) {
   1581             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1582                     1, mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, getTimestamp());
   1583             res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, 1);
   1584             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1585                     1, mpu.accel_fifo_enable, getTimestamp());
   1586             res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_fifo_enable, 1);
   1587             if (res < 0)
   1588                 return res;
   1589         }
   1590         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "  k=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1591         // reset global mask for buildMpuEvent()
   1592         if (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   1593             if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION)) {
   1594                 mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1595                 mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1596                 res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, 1);
   1597                 res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_fifo_enable, 1);
   1598                 if (res < 0)
   1599                     return res;
   1600             }
   1601         } else if (mEnabled & (1 << Accelerometer)) {
   1602             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1603         } else if ((mEnabled & ( 1 << Gyro)) ||
   1604                 (mEnabled & (1 << RawGyro))) {
   1605             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1606         }
   1607         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "after mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1608     } else {
   1609         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:Enabling six axis quat");
   1610         if (mEnabled & ( 1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   1611             // enable accel engine
   1612             res = enableAccel(1);
   1613             if (res < 0)
   1614                 return res;
   1616             // enable gyro engine
   1617             res = enableGyro(1);
   1618             if (res < 0)
   1619                 return res;
   1620             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "before: mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1621             if ((!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) ||
   1622                    (!(mBatchEnabled & (1 << Accelerometer)) ||
   1623                        (!(mEnabled & (1 << Accelerometer))))) {
   1624                 res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   1625                 if (res < 0)
   1626                     return res;
   1627                 mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1628             }
   1630             if ((!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)) ||
   1631                     (!(mBatchEnabled & (1 << Gyro)) ||
   1632                        (!(mEnabled & (1 << Gyro))))) {
   1633                 if (!(mBatchEnabled & (1 << RawGyro)) ||
   1634                         (!(mEnabled & (1 << RawGyro)))) {
   1635                     res = turnOffGyroFifo();
   1636                     if (res < 0)
   1637                         return res;
   1638                      mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1639                      }
   1640             }
   1641             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "after: mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   1642         }
   1643     }
   1645     return res;
   1646 }
   1648 int MPLSensor::set6AxisQuaternionRate(int64_t wanted)
   1649 {
   1650     VFUNC_LOG;
   1651     int res = 0;
   1653     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1654                 int(1000000000.f / wanted), mpu.six_axis_q_rate,
   1655                 getTimestamp());
   1656     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.six_axis_q_rate, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   1658                 "HAL:DMP six axis rate %.2f Hz", 1000000000.f / wanted);
   1660     return res;
   1661 }
   1663 /* this is for batch  mode only */
   1664 int MPLSensor::checkLPQRateSupported(void)
   1665 {
   1666     VFUNC_LOG;
   1667 #ifndef USE_LPQ_AT_FASTEST
   1668     return ((mDelays[GameRotationVector] <= RATE_200HZ) ? 0 :1);
   1669 #else
   1670     return 1;
   1671 #endif
   1672 }
   1674 int MPLSensor::checkLPQuaternion(void)
   1675 {
   1676     VFUNC_LOG;
   1677     return ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_QUATERNION)? 1:0);
   1678 }
   1680 int MPLSensor::enableLPQuaternion(int en)
   1681 {
   1682     VFUNC_LOG;
   1684     if (!en) {
   1685         enableQuaternionData(0);
   1686         mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_QUATERNION;
   1687         if (mFeatureActiveMask == 0) {
   1688             onDmp(0);
   1689         }
   1690         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:LP Quat disabled");
   1691     } else {
   1692         if (enableQuaternionData(1) < 0 || onDmp(1) < 0) {
   1693             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable LP Quaternion");
   1694         } else {
   1695             mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_QUATERNION;
   1696             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:LP Quat enabled");
   1697         }
   1698     }
   1699     return 0;
   1700 }
   1702 int MPLSensor::enableQuaternionData(int en)
   1703 {
   1704     VFUNC_LOG;
   1706     int res = 0;
   1708     // Enable DMP quaternion
   1709     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1710             en, mpu.three_axis_q_on, getTimestamp());
   1711     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.three_axis_q_on, en) < 0) {
   1712         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write DMP three_axis_q__on");
   1713         res = -1;   //Indicates an err
   1714     }
   1716     if (!en) {
   1717         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:DMP quaternion data was turned off");
   1718         inv_quaternion_sensor_was_turned_off();
   1719     } else {
   1720         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Enabling three axis quat");
   1721     }
   1723     return res;
   1724 }
   1726 int MPLSensor::setQuaternionRate(int64_t wanted)
   1727 {
   1728     VFUNC_LOG;
   1729     int res = 0;
   1731     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1732             int(1000000000.f / wanted), mpu.three_axis_q_rate,
   1733             getTimestamp());
   1734     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.three_axis_q_rate, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   1736             "HAL:DMP three axis rate %.2f Hz", 1000000000.f / wanted);
   1738     return res;
   1739 }
   1741 int MPLSensor::enableDmpPedometer(int en, int interruptMode)
   1742 {
   1743     VFUNC_LOG;
   1744     int res = 0;
   1745     int enabled_sensors = mEnabled;
   1747     if (isMpuNonDmp())
   1748         return res;
   1750     // reset master enable
   1751     res = masterEnable(0);
   1752     if (res < 0) {
   1753         return res;
   1754     }
   1756     if (en == 1) {
   1757         //Enable DMP Pedometer Function
   1758         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1759                 en, mpu.pedometer_on, getTimestamp());
   1760         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_on, en) < 0) {
   1761             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer");
   1762             res = -1;   // indicate an err
   1763             return res;
   1764         }
   1766         if (interruptMode) {
   1767             if(!checkPedStandaloneBatched()) {
   1768                 //Enable DMP Pedometer Interrupt
   1769                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1770                         en, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1771                 if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, en) < 0) {
   1772                     LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1773                     res = -1;   // indicate an err
   1774                     return res;
   1775                 }
   1776             }
   1777         }
   1779         if (interruptMode) {
   1780             mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_PEDOMETER;
   1781         }
   1782         else {
   1783             mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_PEDOMETER_STEP;
   1784             mStepCountPollTime = 100000000LL;
   1785         }
   1787         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &mt_pre);
   1788     } else {
   1789         if (interruptMode) {
   1790             mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_PEDOMETER;
   1791         }
   1792         else {
   1793             mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_PEDOMETER_STEP;
   1794             mStepCountPollTime = -1;
   1795         }
   1797         /* if neither step detector or step count is on */
   1798         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & (INV_DMP_PEDOMETER | INV_DMP_PEDOMETER_STEP))) {
   1799             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1800                     en, mpu.pedometer_on, getTimestamp());
   1801             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_on, en) < 0) {
   1802                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer");
   1803                 res = -1;
   1804                 return res;
   1805             }
   1806         }
   1808         /* if feature is not step detector */
   1809         if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER)) {
   1810             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1811                     en, mpu.pedometer_int_on, getTimestamp());
   1812             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.pedometer_int_on, en) < 0) {
   1813                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android Pedometer Interrupt");
   1814                 res = -1;
   1815                 return res;
   1816             }
   1817         }
   1818     }
   1820     if ((res = setDmpFeature(en)) < 0)
   1821         return res;
   1823     if ((res = computeAndSetDmpState()) < 0)
   1824         return res;
   1826     if (!mBatchEnabled && (resetDataRates() < 0))
   1827         return res;
   1829     if(en || enabled_sensors || mFeatureActiveMask) {
   1830         res = masterEnable(1);
   1831     }
   1832     return res;
   1833 }
   1835 int MPLSensor::masterEnable(int en)
   1836 {
   1837     VFUNC_LOG;
   1839     int res = 0;
   1840     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1841             en, mpu.master_enable, getTimestamp());
   1842     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.master_enable, en);
   1843     return res;
   1844 }
   1846 int MPLSensor::enableGyro(int en)
   1847 {
   1848     VFUNC_LOG;
   1850     int res = 0;
   1852     /* need to also turn on/off the master enable */
   1853     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1854             en, mpu.gyro_enable, getTimestamp());
   1855     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_enable, en);
   1856     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1857             en, mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, getTimestamp());
   1858     res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, en);
   1860     if (!en) {
   1861         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL:inv_gyro_was_turned_off");
   1862         inv_gyro_was_turned_off();
   1863     }
   1865     return res;
   1866 }
   1868 int MPLSensor::enableLowPowerAccel(int en)
   1869 {
   1870     VFUNC_LOG;
   1872     int res;
   1874     /* need to also turn on/off the master enable */
   1875     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.motion_lpa_on, en);
   1876     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1877                         en, mpu.motion_lpa_on, getTimestamp());
   1878     return res;
   1879 }
   1881 int MPLSensor::enableAccel(int en)
   1882 {
   1883     VFUNC_LOG;
   1885     int res;
   1887     /* need to also turn on/off the master enable */
   1888     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1889             en, mpu.accel_enable, getTimestamp());
   1890     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_enable, en);
   1891     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   1892             en, mpu.accel_fifo_enable, getTimestamp());
   1893     res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_fifo_enable, en);
   1895     if (!en) {
   1896         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL:inv_accel_was_turned_off");
   1897         inv_accel_was_turned_off();
   1898     }
   1900     return res;
   1901 }
   1903 int MPLSensor::enableCompass(int en, int rawSensorRequested)
   1904 {
   1905     VFUNC_LOG;
   1907     int res = 0;
   1908     /* TODO: handle ID_RM if third party compass cal is used */
   1909     if (rawSensorRequested && mCompassSensor->providesCalibration()) {
   1910         res = mCompassSensor->enable(ID_RM, en);
   1911     } else {
   1912         res = mCompassSensor->enable(ID_M, en);
   1913     }
   1914     if (en == 0 || res != 0) {
   1915         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL:inv_compass_was_turned_off %d", res);
   1916         inv_compass_was_turned_off();
   1917     }
   1919     return res;
   1920 }
   1922 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   1923 int MPLSensor::enablePressure(int en)
   1924 {
   1925     VFUNC_LOG;
   1927     int res = 0;
   1929     if (mPressureSensor)
   1930         res = mPressureSensor->enable(ID_PS, en);
   1932     return res;
   1933 }
   1934 #endif
   1936 /* use this function for initialization */
   1937 int MPLSensor::enableBatch(int64_t timeout)
   1938 {
   1939     VFUNC_LOG;
   1941     int res = 0;
   1943     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.batchmode_timeout, timeout);
   1944     if (timeout == 0) {
   1945         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.six_axis_q_on, 0);
   1946         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.ped_q_on, 0);
   1947         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.step_detector_on, 0);
   1948         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.step_indicator_on, 0);
   1949     }
   1951     if (timeout == 0) {
   1952         LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL:batchmode timeout is zero");
   1953     }
   1955     return res;
   1956 }
   1958 void MPLSensor::computeLocalSensorMask(int enabled_sensors)
   1959 {
   1960     VFUNC_LOG;
   1962     do {
   1963 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   1964         /* Invensense Pressure on secondary bus */
   1965         if (PS_ENABLED) {
   1966             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "PS ENABLED");
   1967             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE;
   1968         } else {
   1969             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "PS DISABLED");
   1970             mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE;
   1971         }
   1972 #else
   1973         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "PS DISABLED");
   1974         mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE;
   1975 #endif
   1977         if (LA_ENABLED || GR_ENABLED || RV_ENABLED || O_ENABLED
   1978                        || (GRV_ENABLED && GMRV_ENABLED)) {
   1979             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "FUSION ENABLED");
   1980             mLocalSensorMask |= ALL_MPL_SENSORS_NP;
   1981             break;
   1982         }
   1984         if (GRV_ENABLED) {
   1985             if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE) ||
   1986                 !(mBatchEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector))) {
   1987                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "6 Axis Fusion ENABLED");
   1988                 mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1989                 mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   1990             } else {
   1991                 if (GY_ENABLED || RGY_ENABLED) {
   1992                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "G ENABLED");
   1993                     mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1994                 } else {
   1995                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "G DISABLED");
   1996                     mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   1997                 }
   1998                 if (A_ENABLED) {
   1999                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "A ENABLED");
   2000                     mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   2001                 } else {
   2002                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "A DISABLED");
   2003                     mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   2004                 }
   2005             }
   2006             /* takes care of MAG case */
   2007             if (M_ENABLED || RM_ENABLED) {
   2008                 LOGV_IF(1, "M ENABLED");
   2009                 mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS;
   2010             } else {
   2011                 LOGV_IF(1, "M DISABLED");
   2012                 mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS;
   2013             }
   2014             break;
   2015         }
   2017         if (GMRV_ENABLED) {
   2018             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "6 Axis Geomagnetic Fusion ENABLED");
   2019             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   2020             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS;
   2022             /* takes care of Gyro case */
   2023             if (GY_ENABLED || RGY_ENABLED) {
   2024                 LOGV_IF(1, "G ENABLED");
   2025                 mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   2026             } else {
   2027                 LOGV_IF(1, "G DISABLED");
   2028                 mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   2029             }
   2030             break;
   2031         }
   2033 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2034         if(!A_ENABLED && !M_ENABLED && !RM_ENABLED &&
   2035                !GRV_ENABLED && !GMRV_ENABLED && !GY_ENABLED && !RGY_ENABLED &&
   2036                !PS_ENABLED) {
   2037 #else
   2038         if(!A_ENABLED && !M_ENABLED && !RM_ENABLED &&
   2039                !GRV_ENABLED && !GMRV_ENABLED && !GY_ENABLED && !RGY_ENABLED) {
   2040 #endif
   2041             /* Invensense compass cal */
   2042             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "ALL DISABLED");
   2043             mLocalSensorMask = 0;
   2044             break;
   2045         }
   2047         if (GY_ENABLED || RGY_ENABLED) {
   2048             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "G ENABLED");
   2049             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   2050         } else {
   2051             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "G DISABLED");
   2052             mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO;
   2053         }
   2055         if (A_ENABLED) {
   2056             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "A ENABLED");
   2057             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   2058         } else {
   2059             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "A DISABLED");
   2060             mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL;
   2061         }
   2063         /* Invensense compass calibration */
   2064         if (M_ENABLED || RM_ENABLED) {
   2065             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "M ENABLED");
   2066             mLocalSensorMask |= INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS;
   2067         } else {
   2068             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "M DISABLED");
   2069             mLocalSensorMask &= ~INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS;
   2070         }
   2071     } while (0);
   2072 }
   2074 int MPLSensor::enableSensors(unsigned long sensors, int en, uint32_t changed)
   2075 {
   2076     VFUNC_LOG;
   2078     inv_error_t res = -1;
   2079     int on = 1;
   2080     int off = 0;
   2081     int cal_stored = 0;
   2083     // Sequence to enable or disable a sensor
   2084     // 1. reset master enable (=0)
   2085     // 2. enable or disable a sensor
   2086     // 3. set master enable (=1)
   2088     if (isLowPowerQuatEnabled() ||
   2089         changed & ((1 << Gyro) | (1 << RawGyro) | (1 << Accelerometer) |
   2090         (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() << MagneticField) |
   2091 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2092         (mPressureSensor->isIntegrated() << Pressure) |
   2093 #endif
   2094         (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() << RawMagneticField))) {
   2096         /* reset master enable */
   2097         res = masterEnable(0);
   2098         if(res < 0) {
   2099             return res;
   2100         }
   2101     }
   2103     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:enableSensors - sensors: 0x%0x",
   2104             (unsigned int)sensors);
   2106     if (changed & ((1 << Gyro) | (1 << RawGyro))) {
   2107         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:enableSensors - gyro %s",
   2108                 (sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO? "enable": "disable"));
   2109         res = enableGyro(!!(sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO));
   2110         if(res < 0) {
   2111             return res;
   2112         }
   2114         if (!cal_stored && (!en && (changed & (1 << Gyro)))) {
   2115             storeCalibration();
   2116             cal_stored = 1;
   2117         }
   2118     }
   2120     if (changed & (1 << Accelerometer)) {
   2121         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:enableSensors - accel %s",
   2122                 (sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL? "enable": "disable"));
   2123         res = enableAccel(!!(sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL));
   2124         if(res < 0) {
   2125             return res;
   2126         }
   2128         if (!(sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL) && !cal_stored) {
   2129             storeCalibration();
   2130             cal_stored = 1;
   2131         }
   2132     }
   2134     if (changed & ((1 << MagneticField) | (1 << RawMagneticField))) {
   2135         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:enableSensors - compass %s",
   2136                 (sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS? "enable": "disable"));
   2137         res = enableCompass(!!(sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS), changed & (1 << RawMagneticField));
   2138         if(res < 0) {
   2139             return res;
   2140         }
   2142         if (!cal_stored && (!en && (changed & (1 << MagneticField)))) {
   2143             storeCalibration();
   2144             cal_stored = 1;
   2145         }
   2146     }
   2148 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2149      if (changed & (1 << Pressure)) {
   2150         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:enableSensors - pressure %s",
   2151                 (sensors & INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE? "enable": "disable"));
   2152         res = enablePressure(!!(sensors & INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE));
   2153         if(res < 0) {
   2154             return res;
   2155         }
   2156     }
   2157 #endif
   2159     if (isLowPowerQuatEnabled()) {
   2160         // Enable LP Quat
   2161         if ((mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK)
   2162                       || (mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_GYRO_6AXES_MASK)) {
   2163             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: 9 axis or game rot enabled");
   2164             if (!(changed & ((1 << Gyro)
   2165                            | (1 << RawGyro)
   2166                            | (1 << Accelerometer)
   2167                            | (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() << MagneticField)
   2168                            | (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() << RawMagneticField)))
   2169             ) {
   2170                 /* reset master enable */
   2171                 res = masterEnable(0);
   2172                 if(res < 0) {
   2173                     return res;
   2174                 }
   2175             }
   2176             if (!checkLPQuaternion()) {
   2177                 enableLPQuaternion(1);
   2178             } else {
   2179                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:LP Quat already enabled");
   2180             }
   2181         } else if (checkLPQuaternion()) {
   2182             enableLPQuaternion(0);
   2183         }
   2184     }
   2186     /* apply accel/gyro bias to DMP bias                        */
   2187     /* precondition: masterEnable(0), mGyroBiasAvailable=true   */
   2188     /* postcondition: bias is applied upon masterEnable(1)      */
   2189     if(!(sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)) {
   2190         setGyroBias();
   2191     }
   2192     if(!(sensors & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   2193         setAccelBias();
   2194     }
   2196     /* to batch or not to batch */
   2197     int batchMode = computeBatchSensorMask(mEnabled, mBatchEnabled);
   2198     /* skip setBatch if there is no need to */
   2199     if(((int)mOldBatchEnabledMask != batchMode) || batchMode) {
   2200         setBatch(batchMode,0);
   2201     }
   2202     mOldBatchEnabledMask = batchMode;
   2204     /* check for invn hardware sensors change */
   2205     if (changed & ((1 << Gyro) | (1 << RawGyro) | (1 << Accelerometer) |
   2206             (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() << MagneticField) |
   2207 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2208             (mPressureSensor->isIntegrated() << Pressure) |
   2209 #endif
   2210             (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() << RawMagneticField))) {
   2211         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   2212                 "HAL DEBUG: Gyro, Accel, Compass, Pressure changes");
   2213         if ((checkSmdSupport() == 1) || (checkPedometerSupport() == 1) || (sensors &
   2214             (INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO
   2215                 | INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL
   2216 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2217                 | (INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE * mPressureSensor->isIntegrated())
   2218 #endif
   2219                 | (INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS * mCompassSensor->isIntegrated())))) {
   2220             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "SMD or Hardware sensors enabled");
   2221             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   2222                     "mFeatureActiveMask=0x%llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   2223                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL DEBUG: LPQ, SMD, SO enabled");
   2224                 // disable DMP event interrupt only (w/ data interrupt)
   2225                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   2226                         0, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   2227                 if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, 0) < 0) {
   2228                     res = -1;
   2229                     LOGE("HAL:ERR can't disable DMP event interrupt");
   2230                     return res;
   2231                 }
   2232             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=0x%llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   2234         if ((mFeatureActiveMask & (long long)DMP_FEATURE_MASK) &&
   2235                     !((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION) ||
   2236                      (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE) ||
   2237                      (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION) ||
   2238                      (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE))) {
   2239                 // enable DMP
   2240                 onDmp(1);
   2241                 res = enableAccel(on);
   2242                 if(res < 0) {
   2243                     return res;
   2244                 }
   2245                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mLocalSensorMask=0x%lx", mLocalSensorMask);
   2246                 if (((sensors | mLocalSensorMask) & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL) == 0) {
   2247                     res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   2248                 }
   2249                 if(res < 0) {
   2250                     return res;
   2251                 }
   2252             }
   2253         } else { // all sensors idle
   2254             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL DEBUG: not SMD or Hardware sensors");
   2255             if (isDmpDisplayOrientationOn()
   2256                     && (mDmpOrientationEnabled
   2257                             || !isDmpScreenAutoRotationEnabled())) {
   2258                 enableDmpOrientation(1);
   2259             }
   2261             if (!cal_stored) {
   2262                 storeCalibration();
   2263                 cal_stored = 1;
   2264             }
   2265         }
   2266     } else if ((changed &
   2267                     ((!mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) << MagneticField) ||
   2268                     ((!mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) << RawMagneticField))
   2269                     &&
   2270               !(sensors & (INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO | INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL
   2271                 | (INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS * (!mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()))))
   2272     ) {
   2273         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL DEBUG: Gyro, Accel, Compass no change");
   2274         if (!cal_stored) {
   2275             storeCalibration();
   2276             cal_stored = 1;
   2277         }
   2278     } /*else {
   2279       LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL DEBUG: mEnabled");
   2280       if (sensors &
   2281             (INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO
   2282                 | INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL
   2283                 | (INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS * mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()))) {
   2284             res = masterEnable(1);
   2285             if(res < 0)
   2286                 return res;
   2287         }
   2288     }*/
   2290     if (!batchMode && (resetDataRates() < 0)) {
   2291         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't reset output rate back to original setting");
   2292     }
   2294     if(mFeatureActiveMask || sensors) {
   2295         res = masterEnable(1);
   2296         if(res < 0)
   2297             return res;
   2298     }
   2299     return res;
   2300 }
   2302 /* check if batch mode should be turned on or not */
   2303 int MPLSensor::computeBatchSensorMask(int enableSensors, int tempBatchSensor)
   2304 {
   2305     VFUNC_LOG;
   2306     int batchMode = 1;
   2307     mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE;
   2309     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   2310             "HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: enableSensors=%d tempBatchSensor=%d",
   2311             enableSensors, tempBatchSensor);
   2313     // handle initialization case
   2314     if (enableSensors == 0 && tempBatchSensor == 0)
   2315         return 0;
   2317     // check for possible continuous data mode
   2318     for(int i = 0; i <= LAST_HW_SENSOR; i++) {
   2319         // if any one of the hardware sensor is in continuous data mode
   2320         // turn off batch mode.
   2321         if ((enableSensors & (1 << i)) && !(tempBatchSensor & (1 << i))) {
   2322             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: "
   2323                     "hardware sensor on continuous mode:%d", i);
   2324             return 0;
   2325         }
   2326         if ((enableSensors & (1 << i)) && (tempBatchSensor & (1 << i))) {
   2327             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   2328                     "HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: hardware sensor is batch:%d",
   2329                     i);
   2330             // if hardware sensor is batched, check if virtual sensor is also batched
   2331             if ((enableSensors & (1 << GameRotationVector))
   2332                             && !(tempBatchSensor & (1 << GameRotationVector))) {
   2333             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   2334                     "HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: but virtual sensor is not:%d",
   2335                     i);
   2336                 return 0;
   2337             }
   2338         }
   2339     }
   2341     // if virtual sensors are on but not batched, turn off batch mode.
   2342     for(int i = Orientation; i <= GeomagneticRotationVector; i++) {
   2343         if ((enableSensors & (1 << i)) && !(tempBatchSensor & (1 << i))) {
   2344              LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: "
   2345                      "composite sensor on continuous mode:%d", i);
   2346             return 0;
   2347         }
   2348     }
   2350     if ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER) && !(tempBatchSensor & (1 << StepDetector))) {
   2351         LOGV("HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: step detector on continuous mode.");
   2352         return 0;
   2353     }
   2355     mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE;
   2357             "HAL:computeBatchSensorMask: batchMode=%d, mBatchEnabled=%0x",
   2358             batchMode, tempBatchSensor);
   2359     return (batchMode && tempBatchSensor);
   2360 }
   2362 /* This function is called by enable() */
   2363 int MPLSensor::setBatch(int en, int toggleEnable)
   2364 {
   2365     VFUNC_LOG;
   2367     int res = 0;
   2368     int64_t wanted = 1000000000LL;
   2369     int64_t timeout = 0;
   2370     int timeoutInMs = 0;
   2371     int featureMask = computeBatchDataOutput();
   2373     // reset master enable
   2374     if (toggleEnable == 1) {
   2375         res = masterEnable(0);
   2376         if (res < 0) {
   2377             return res;
   2378         }
   2379     }
   2381     /* step detector is enabled and */
   2382     /* batch mode is standalone */
   2383     if (en && (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER) &&
   2384             (featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE)) {
   2385         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "setBatch: ID_P only = 0x%x", mBatchEnabled);
   2386         enablePedStandalone(1);
   2387     } else {
   2388         enablePedStandalone(0);
   2389     }
   2391     /* step detector and GRV are enabled and */
   2392     /* batch mode is ped q */
   2393     if (en && (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER) &&
   2394             (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) &&
   2395             (featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION)) {
   2396         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "setBatch: ID_P and GRV or ALL = 0x%x", mBatchEnabled);
   2397         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "setBatch: ID_P is enabled for batching, "
   2398                 "PED quat will be automatically enabled");
   2399         enableLPQuaternion(0);
   2400         enablePedQuaternion(1);
   2401     } else if (!(featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE)){
   2402         enablePedQuaternion(0);
   2403     } else {
   2404         enablePedQuaternion(0);
   2405     }
   2407     /* step detector and hardware sensors enabled */
   2408     if (en && (featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_INDICATOR) &&
   2409             ((mEnabled) ||
   2410             (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE))) {
   2411         enablePedIndicator(1);
   2412     } else {
   2413         enablePedIndicator(0);
   2414     }
   2416     /* GRV is enabled and */
   2417     /* batch mode is 6axis q */
   2418     if (en && (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) &&
   2419             (featureMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION)) {
   2420         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "setBatch: GRV = 0x%x", mBatchEnabled);
   2421         enableLPQuaternion(0);
   2422         enable6AxisQuaternion(1);
   2423         setInitial6QuatValue();
   2424     } else if (!(featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION)){
   2425         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "setBatch: Toggle back to normal 6 axis");
   2426         if (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   2427             enableLPQuaternion(checkLPQRateSupported());
   2428         }
   2429         enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   2430     } else {
   2431         enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   2432     }
   2434     writeBatchTimeout(en);
   2436     if (en) {
   2437         // enable DMP
   2438         res = onDmp(1);
   2439         if (res < 0) {
   2440             return res;
   2441         }
   2443         // set batch rates
   2444         if (setBatchDataRates() < 0) {
   2445             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't set batch data rates");
   2446         }
   2448         // default fifo rate to 200Hz
   2449         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   2450                 200, mpu.gyro_fifo_rate, getTimestamp());
   2451         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_fifo_rate, 200) < 0) {
   2452             res = -1;
   2453             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't set rate to 200Hz");
   2454             return res;
   2455         }
   2456     } else {
   2457         if (mFeatureActiveMask == 0) {
   2458             // disable DMP
   2459             res = onDmp(0);
   2460             if (res < 0) {
   2461                 return res;
   2462             }
   2463             /* reset sensor rate */
   2464             if (resetDataRates() < 0) {
   2465                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't reset output rate back to original setting");
   2466             }
   2467         }
   2468     }
   2470     // set sensor data interrupt
   2471     uint32_t dataInterrupt = (mEnabled || (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE));
   2472     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   2473                 !dataInterrupt, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   2474     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, !dataInterrupt) < 0) {
   2475         res = -1;
   2476         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   2477     }
   2479     if (toggleEnable == 1) {
   2480         if (mFeatureActiveMask || mEnabled)
   2481             masterEnable(1);
   2482     }
   2483     return res;
   2484 }
   2486 int MPLSensor::writeBatchTimeout(int en)
   2487 {
   2488     VFUNC_LOG;
   2490     int64_t timeoutInMs = 0;
   2491     if (en) {
   2492         /* take the minimum batchmode timeout */
   2493         int64_t timeout = 100000000000LL;
   2494         int64_t ns = 0;
   2495         for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   2496             LOGV_IF(1, "mFeatureActiveMask=0x%016llx, mEnabled=0x%01x, mBatchEnabled=0x%x",
   2497                             mFeatureActiveMask, mEnabled, mBatchEnabled);
   2498             if (((mEnabled & (1 << i)) && (mBatchEnabled & (1 << i))) ||
   2499                     (checkPedStandaloneBatched() && (i == StepDetector))) {
   2500                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "sensor=%d, timeout=%lld", i, mBatchTimeouts[i]);
   2501                 ns = mBatchTimeouts[i];
   2502                 timeout = (ns < timeout) ? ns : timeout;
   2503             }
   2504         }
   2505         /* Convert ns to millisecond */
   2506         timeoutInMs = timeout / 1000000;
   2507     } else {
   2508         timeoutInMs = 0;
   2509     }
   2512                     "HAL: batch timeout set to %lld ms", timeoutInMs);
   2514     if(mBatchTimeoutInMs != timeoutInMs) {
   2515         /* write required timeout to sysfs */
   2516         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %lld > %s (%lld)",
   2517                 timeoutInMs, mpu.batchmode_timeout, getTimestamp());
   2518         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.batchmode_timeout, timeoutInMs) < 0) {
   2519             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write batchmode_timeout");
   2520         }
   2521     }
   2522     /* remember last timeout value */
   2523     mBatchTimeoutInMs = timeoutInMs;
   2525     return 0;
   2526 }
   2528 /* Store calibration file */
   2529 void MPLSensor::storeCalibration(void)
   2530 {
   2531     VFUNC_LOG;
   2533     if(mHaveGoodMpuCal == true
   2534         || mAccelAccuracy >= 2
   2535         || mCompassAccuracy >= 3) {
   2536        int res = inv_store_calibration();
   2537        if (res) {
   2538            LOGE("HAL:Cannot store calibration on file");
   2539        } else {
   2540            LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:Cal file updated");
   2541        }
   2542     }
   2543 }
   2545 /*  these handlers transform mpl data into one of the Android sensor types */
   2546 int MPLSensor::gyroHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2547 {
   2548     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2549     int update;
   2550     update = inv_get_sensor_type_gyroscope(s->gyro.v, &s->gyro.status,
   2551                                            &s->timestamp);
   2552     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:gyro data : %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
   2553             s->gyro.v[0], s->gyro.v[1], s->gyro.v[2], s->timestamp, update);
   2554     return update;
   2555 }
   2557 int MPLSensor::rawGyroHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2558 {
   2559     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2560     int update;
   2561     update = inv_get_sensor_type_gyroscope_raw(s->uncalibrated_gyro.uncalib,
   2562                                                &s->gyro.status, &s->timestamp);
   2563     if(update) {
   2564         memcpy(s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias, mGyroBias, sizeof(mGyroBias));
   2565         LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA,"HAL:gyro bias data : %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
   2566             s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias[0], s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias[1],
   2567             s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias[2], s->timestamp, update);
   2568     }
   2569     s->gyro.status = SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE;
   2570     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:raw gyro data : %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
   2571             s->uncalibrated_gyro.uncalib[0], s->uncalibrated_gyro.uncalib[1],
   2572             s->uncalibrated_gyro.uncalib[2], s->timestamp, update);
   2573     return update;
   2574 }
   2576 int MPLSensor::accelHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2577 {
   2578     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2579     int update;
   2580     update = inv_get_sensor_type_accelerometer(
   2581         s->acceleration.v, &s->acceleration.status, &s->timestamp);
   2582     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:accel data : %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
   2583             s->acceleration.v[0], s->acceleration.v[1], s->acceleration.v[2],
   2584             s->timestamp, update);
   2585     mAccelAccuracy = s->acceleration.status;
   2586     return update;
   2587 }
   2589 int MPLSensor::compassHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2590 {
   2591     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2592     int update;
   2593     update = inv_get_sensor_type_magnetic_field(
   2594         s->magnetic.v, &s->magnetic.status, &s->timestamp);
   2595     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:compass data: %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
   2596             s->magnetic.v[0], s->magnetic.v[1], s->magnetic.v[2],
   2597             s->timestamp, update);
   2598     mCompassAccuracy = s->magnetic.status;
   2599     return update | mCompassOverFlow;
   2600 }
   2602 int MPLSensor::rawCompassHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2603 {
   2604     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2605     int update;
   2606     //TODO: need to handle uncalib data and bias for 3rd party compass
   2607     if(mCompassSensor->providesCalibration()) {
   2608         update = mCompassSensor->readRawSample(s->uncalibrated_magnetic.uncalib, &s->timestamp);
   2609     }
   2610     else {
   2611         update = inv_get_sensor_type_magnetic_field_raw(s->uncalibrated_magnetic.uncalib,
   2612                      &s->magnetic.status, &s->timestamp);
   2613     }
   2614     if(update) {
   2615         memcpy(s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias, mCompassBias, sizeof(mCompassBias));
   2616         LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:compass bias data: %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
   2617                 s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias[0], s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias[1],
   2618                 s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias[2], s->timestamp, update);
   2619     }
   2620     s->magnetic.status = SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE;
   2621     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:compass raw data: %+f %+f %+f %d -- %lld - %d",
   2622         s->uncalibrated_magnetic.uncalib[0], s->uncalibrated_magnetic.uncalib[1],
   2623                     s->uncalibrated_magnetic.uncalib[2], s->magnetic.status, s->timestamp, update);
   2624     return update | mCompassOverFlow;
   2625 }
   2627 /*
   2628     Rotation Vector handler.
   2629     NOTE: rotation vector does not have an accuracy or status
   2630 */
   2631 int MPLSensor::rvHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2632 {
   2633     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2634     int8_t status;
   2635     int update;
   2636     update = inv_get_sensor_type_rotation_vector(s->data, &status,
   2637                                                  &s->timestamp);
   2638     s->orientation.status = status;
   2639     update |= isCompassDisabled();
   2640     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:rv data: %+f %+f %+f %+f %+f %d- %+lld - %d",
   2641             s->data[0], s->data[1], s->data[2], s->data[3], s->data[4], s->orientation.status, s->timestamp,
   2642             update);
   2644     return update;
   2645 }
   2647 /*
   2648     Game Rotation Vector handler.
   2649     NOTE: rotation vector does not have an accuracy or status
   2650 */
   2651 int MPLSensor::grvHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2652 {
   2653     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2654     int8_t status;
   2655     int update;
   2656     update = inv_get_sensor_type_rotation_vector_6_axis(s->data, &status,
   2657                                                      &s->timestamp);
   2658     s->orientation.status = status;
   2660     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:grv data: %+f %+f %+f %+f %+f %d- %+lld - %d",
   2661             s->data[0], s->data[1], s->data[2], s->data[3], s->data[4], s->orientation.status, s->timestamp,
   2662             update);
   2663     return update;
   2664 }
   2666 int MPLSensor::laHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2667 {
   2668     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2669     int update;
   2670     update = inv_get_sensor_type_linear_acceleration(
   2671             s->gyro.v, &s->gyro.status, &s->timestamp);
   2672     update |= isCompassDisabled();
   2673     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:la data: %+f %+f %+f - %lld - %d",
   2674             s->gyro.v[0], s->gyro.v[1], s->gyro.v[2], s->timestamp, update);
   2675     return update;
   2676 }
   2678 int MPLSensor::gravHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2679 {
   2680     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2681     int update;
   2682     update = inv_get_sensor_type_gravity(s->gyro.v, &s->gyro.status,
   2683                                          &s->timestamp);
   2684     update |= isCompassDisabled();
   2685     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:gr data: %+f %+f %+f - %lld - %d",
   2686             s->gyro.v[0], s->gyro.v[1], s->gyro.v[2], s->timestamp, update);
   2687     return update;
   2688 }
   2690 int MPLSensor::orienHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2691 {
   2692     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2693     int update;
   2694     update = inv_get_sensor_type_orientation(
   2695             s->orientation.v, &s->orientation.status, &s->timestamp);
   2696     update |= isCompassDisabled();
   2697     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:or data: %f %f %f - %lld - %d",
   2698             s->orientation.v[0], s->orientation.v[1], s->orientation.v[2],
   2699             s->timestamp, update);
   2700     return update;
   2701 }
   2703 int MPLSensor::smHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2704 {
   2705     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2706     int update = 1;
   2708     /* When event is triggered, set data to 1 */
   2709     s->data[0] = 1.f;
   2710     s->data[1] = 0.f;
   2711     s->data[2] = 0.f;
   2713     /* Capture timestamp in HAL */
   2714     struct timespec ts;
   2715     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
   2716     s->timestamp = (int64_t) ts.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts.tv_nsec;
   2718     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:sm data: %f - %lld - %d",
   2719             s->data[0], s->timestamp, update);
   2720     return update;
   2721 }
   2723 int MPLSensor::gmHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2724 {
   2725     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2726     int8_t status;
   2727     int update = 0;
   2728     update = inv_get_sensor_type_geomagnetic_rotation_vector(s->data, &status,
   2729                                                              &s->timestamp);
   2730     s->orientation.status = status;
   2731     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:gm data: %+f %+f %+f %+f %+f %d- %+lld - %d",
   2732             s->data[0], s->data[1], s->data[2], s->data[3], s->data[4], s->orientation.status, s->timestamp, update);
   2733     return update < 1 ? 0 :1;
   2735 }
   2737 int MPLSensor::psHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2738 {
   2739     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2740     int8_t status;
   2741     int update = 0;
   2743     s->pressure = mCachedPressureData / 100.f; //hpa (millibar)
   2744     s->data[1] = 0;
   2745     s->data[2] = 0;
   2746     s->timestamp = mPressureTimestamp;
   2747     s->magnetic.status = 0;
   2748     update = mPressureUpdate;
   2749     mPressureUpdate = 0;
   2751     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:ps data: %+f %+f %+f %+f- %+lld - %d",
   2752             s->data[0], s->data[1], s->data[2], s->data[3], s->timestamp, update);
   2753     return update < 1 ? 0 :1;
   2755 }
   2757 int MPLSensor::sdHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2758 {
   2759     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2760     int update = 1;
   2762     /* When event is triggered, set data to 1 */
   2763     s->data[0] = 1;
   2764     s->data[1] = 0.f;
   2765     s->data[2] = 0.f;
   2767     /* get current timestamp */
   2768     struct timespec ts;
   2769     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) ;
   2770     s->timestamp = (int64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts.tv_nsec;
   2772     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:sd data: %f - %lld - %d",
   2773             s->data[0], s->timestamp, update);
   2774     return update;
   2775 }
   2777 int MPLSensor::scHandler(sensors_event_t* s)
   2778 {
   2779     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2780     int update = 1;
   2782     /* Set step count */
   2783 #if defined ANDROID_KITKAT
   2784     s->u64.step_counter = mLastStepCount;
   2785     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:sc data: %lld - %lld - %d",
   2786             s->u64.step_counter, s->timestamp, update);
   2787 #else
   2788     s->step_counter = mLastStepCount;
   2789     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:sc data: %lld - %lld - %d",
   2790             s->step_counter, s->timestamp, update);
   2791 #endif
   2792     return update;
   2793 }
   2795 int MPLSensor::metaHandler(sensors_event_t* s, int flags)
   2796 {
   2797     VHANDLER_LOG;
   2798     int update = 1;
   2800 #if defined ANDROID_KITKAT
   2801     /* initalize SENSOR_TYPE_META_DATA */
   2802     s->version = 0;
   2803     s->sensor = 0;
   2804     s->reserved0 = 0;
   2805     s->timestamp = 0LL;
   2807     switch(flags) {
   2808     case META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE:
   2809         s->type = SENSOR_TYPE_META_DATA;
   2810         s->meta_data.what = flags;
   2811         s->meta_data.sensor = mFlushSensorEnabledVector[0];
   2812         mFlushSensorEnabledVector.removeAt(0);
   2813         mFlushBatchSet = 0;
   2814         LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA,
   2815                 "HAL:flush complete data: type=%d what=%d, "
   2816                 "sensor=%d - %lld - %d",
   2817                 s->type, s->meta_data.what, s->meta_data.sensor,
   2818                 s->timestamp, update);
   2819         break;
   2821     default:
   2822         LOGW("HAL: Meta flags not supported");
   2823         break;
   2824     }
   2825 #endif
   2826     return 1;
   2827 }
   2829 int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t handle, int en)
   2830 {
   2831     VFUNC_LOG;
   2833     android::String8 sname;
   2834     int what = -1, err = 0;
   2835     int batchMode = 0;
   2837     if (uint32_t(handle) >= NumSensors)
   2838         return -EINVAL;
   2840     if (!en)
   2841         mBatchEnabled &= ~(1 << handle);
   2843     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:handle = %d", handle);
   2845     switch (handle) {
   2846     case ID_SC:
   2847          what = StepCounter;
   2848          sname = "Step Counter";
   2849          LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:enable - sensor %s (handle %d) %s -> %s",
   2850                 sname.string(), handle,
   2851                 (mDmpStepCountEnabled? "en": "dis"),
   2852                 (en? "en" : "dis"));
   2853         enableDmpPedometer(en, 0);
   2854         mDmpStepCountEnabled = !!en;
   2855         return 0;
   2856     case ID_P:
   2857         sname = "StepDetector";
   2858         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:enable - sensor %s (handle %d) %s -> %s",
   2859                 sname.string(), handle,
   2860                 (mDmpPedometerEnabled? "en": "dis"),
   2861                 (en? "en" : "dis"));
   2862         enableDmpPedometer(en, 1);
   2863         mDmpPedometerEnabled = !!en;
   2864         batchMode = computeBatchSensorMask(mEnabled, mBatchEnabled);
   2865         /* skip setBatch if there is no need to */
   2866         if(((int)mOldBatchEnabledMask != batchMode) || batchMode) {
   2867             setBatch(batchMode,1);
   2868         }
   2869         mOldBatchEnabledMask = batchMode;
   2870         return 0;
   2871     case ID_SM:
   2872         sname = "Significant Motion";
   2873         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:enable - sensor %s (handle %d) %s -> %s",
   2874                 sname.string(), handle,
   2875                 (mDmpSignificantMotionEnabled? "en": "dis"),
   2876                 (en? "en" : "dis"));
   2877         enableDmpSignificantMotion(en);
   2878         mDmpSignificantMotionEnabled = !!en;
   2879         return 0;
   2880     case ID_SO:
   2881         sname = "Screen Orientation";
   2882         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:enable - sensor %s (handle %d) %s -> %s",
   2883                 sname.string(), handle,
   2884                 (mDmpOrientationEnabled? "en": "dis"),
   2885                 (en? "en" : "dis"));
   2886         enableDmpOrientation(en && isDmpDisplayOrientationOn());
   2887         mDmpOrientationEnabled = !!en;
   2888         return 0;
   2889     case ID_A:
   2890         what = Accelerometer;
   2891         sname = "Accelerometer";
   2892         break;
   2893     case ID_M:
   2894         what = MagneticField;
   2895         sname = "MagneticField";
   2896         break;
   2897     case ID_RM:
   2898         what = RawMagneticField;
   2899         sname = "MagneticField Uncalibrated";
   2900         break;
   2901     case ID_O:
   2902         what = Orientation;
   2903         sname = "Orientation";
   2904         break;
   2905     case ID_GY:
   2906         what = Gyro;
   2907         sname = "Gyro";
   2908         break;
   2909     case ID_RG:
   2910         what = RawGyro;
   2911         sname = "Gyro Uncalibrated";
   2912         break;
   2913     case ID_GR:
   2914         what = Gravity;
   2915         sname = "Gravity";
   2916         break;
   2917     case ID_RV:
   2918         what = RotationVector;
   2919         sname = "RotationVector";
   2920         break;
   2921     case ID_GRV:
   2922         what = GameRotationVector;
   2923         sname = "GameRotationVector";
   2924         break;
   2925     case ID_LA:
   2926         what = LinearAccel;
   2927         sname = "LinearAccel";
   2928         break;
   2929     case ID_GMRV:
   2930         what = GeomagneticRotationVector;
   2931         sname = "GeomagneticRotationVector";
   2932         break;
   2933 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2934     case ID_PS:
   2935         what = Pressure;
   2936         sname = "Pressure";
   2937         break;
   2938 #endif
   2939     default:
   2940         what = handle;
   2941         sname = "Others";
   2942         break;
   2943     }
   2945     int newState = en ? 1 : 0;
   2946     unsigned long sen_mask;
   2948     LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:enable - sensor %s (handle %d) %s -> %s",
   2949             sname.string(), handle,
   2950             ((mEnabled & (1 << what)) ? "en" : "dis"),
   2951             ((uint32_t(newState) << what) ? "en" : "dis"));
   2952     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   2953             "HAL:%s sensor state change what=%d", sname.string(), what);
   2955     // pthread_mutex_lock(&mMplMutex);
   2956     // pthread_mutex_lock(&mHALMutex);
   2958     if ((uint32_t(newState) << what) != (mEnabled & (1 << what))) {
   2959         uint32_t sensor_type;
   2960         short flags = newState;
   2961         uint32_t lastEnabled = mEnabled, changed = 0;
   2963         mEnabled &= ~(1 << what);
   2964         mEnabled |= (uint32_t(flags) << what);
   2966         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:flags = %d", flags);
   2967         computeLocalSensorMask(mEnabled);
   2968         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:enable : mEnabled = %d", mEnabled);
   2969         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:last enable : lastEnabled = %d", lastEnabled);
   2970         sen_mask = mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask;
   2971         mSensorMask = sen_mask;
   2972         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:sen_mask= 0x%0lx", sen_mask);
   2974         switch (what) {
   2975             case Gyro:
   2976             case RawGyro:
   2977             case Accelerometer:
   2978                 if ((!(mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_GYRO_6AXES_MASK) &&
   2979                     !(mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK)) &&
   2980                     ((lastEnabled & (1 << what)) != (mEnabled & (1 << what)))) {
   2981                     changed |= (1 << what);
   2982                 }
   2983                 if (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION) {
   2984                      changed |= (1 << what);
   2985                 }
   2986                 break;
   2987             case MagneticField:
   2988             case RawMagneticField:
   2989                 if (!(mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK) &&
   2990                     ((lastEnabled & (1 << what)) != (mEnabled & (1 << what)))) {
   2991                     changed |= (1 << what);
   2992                 }
   2993                 break;
   2994 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   2995             case Pressure:
   2996                 if ((lastEnabled & (1 << what)) != (mEnabled & (1 << what))) {
   2997                     changed |= (1 << what);
   2998                 }
   2999                 break;
   3000 #endif
   3001             case GameRotationVector:
   3002                 if (!en)
   3003                     storeCalibration();
   3004                 if ((en && !(lastEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_ALL_MASK))
   3005                          ||
   3006                     (en && !(lastEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK))
   3007                          ||
   3008                     (!en && !(mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_ALL_MASK))
   3009                          ||
   3010                     (!en && (mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_MAG_6AXES_MASK))) {
   3011                     for (int i = Gyro; i <= RawMagneticField; i++) {
   3012                         if (!(mEnabled & (1 << i))) {
   3013                             changed |= (1 << i);
   3014                         }
   3015                     }
   3016                 }
   3017                 break;
   3019             case Orientation:
   3020             case RotationVector:
   3021             case LinearAccel:
   3022             case Gravity:
   3023                 if (!en)
   3024                     storeCalibration();
   3025                 if ((en && !(lastEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK))
   3026                          ||
   3027                     (!en && !(mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK))) {
   3028                     for (int i = Gyro; i <= RawMagneticField; i++) {
   3029                         if (!(mEnabled & (1 << i))) {
   3030                             changed |= (1 << i);
   3031                         }
   3032                     }
   3033                 }
   3034                 break;
   3035             case GeomagneticRotationVector:
   3036                 if (!en)
   3037                     storeCalibration();
   3038                 if ((en && !(lastEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_ALL_MASK))
   3039                         ||
   3040                     (en && !(lastEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_9AXES_MASK))
   3041                          ||
   3042                    (!en && !(mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_ALL_MASK))
   3043                          ||
   3044                    (!en && (mEnabled & VIRTUAL_SENSOR_GYRO_6AXES_MASK))) {
   3045                    for (int i = Accelerometer; i <= RawMagneticField; i++) {
   3046                        if (!(mEnabled & (1<<i))) {
   3047                           changed |= (1 << i);
   3048                        }
   3049                    }
   3050                 }
   3051                 break;
   3052         }
   3053         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:changed = %d", changed);
   3054         enableSensors(sen_mask, flags, changed);
   3055     }
   3057     // pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMplMutex);
   3058     // pthread_mutex_unlock(&mHALMutex);
   3060 #ifdef INV_PLAYBACK_DBG
   3061     /* apparently the logging needs to go through this sequence
   3062        to properly flush the log file */
   3063     inv_turn_off_data_logging();
   3064     if (fclose(logfile) < 0) {
   3065          LOGE("cannot close debug log file");
   3066     }
   3067     logfile = fopen("/data/playback.bin", "ab");
   3068     if (logfile)
   3069         inv_turn_on_data_logging(logfile);
   3070 #endif
   3072     return err;
   3073 }
   3075 void MPLSensor::getHandle(int32_t handle, int &what, android::String8 &sname)
   3076 {
   3077    VFUNC_LOG;
   3079    what = -1;
   3081    switch (handle) {
   3082    case ID_P:
   3083         what = StepDetector;
   3084         sname = "StepDetector";
   3085         break;
   3086    case ID_SC:
   3087         what = StepCounter;
   3088         sname = "StepCounter";
   3089         break;
   3090    case ID_SM:
   3091         what = SignificantMotion;
   3092         sname = "SignificantMotion";
   3093         break;
   3094    case ID_SO:
   3095         what = handle;
   3096         sname = "ScreenOrienation";
   3097         break;
   3098    case ID_A:
   3099         what = Accelerometer;
   3100         sname = "Accelerometer";
   3101         break;
   3102    case ID_M:
   3103         what = MagneticField;
   3104         sname = "MagneticField";
   3105         break;
   3106    case ID_RM:
   3107         what = RawMagneticField;
   3108         sname = "MagneticField Uncalibrated";
   3109         break;
   3110    case ID_O:
   3111         what = Orientation;
   3112         sname = "Orientation";
   3113         break;
   3114    case ID_GY:
   3115         what = Gyro;
   3116         sname = "Gyro";
   3117         break;
   3118    case ID_RG:
   3119         what = RawGyro;
   3120         sname = "Gyro Uncalibrated";
   3121         break;
   3122    case ID_GR:
   3123         what = Gravity;
   3124         sname = "Gravity";
   3125         break;
   3126    case ID_RV:
   3127         what = RotationVector;
   3128         sname = "RotationVector";
   3129         break;
   3130    case ID_GRV:
   3131         what = GameRotationVector;
   3132         sname = "GameRotationVector";
   3133         break;
   3134    case ID_LA:
   3135         what = LinearAccel;
   3136         sname = "LinearAccel";
   3137         break;
   3138 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   3139    case ID_PS:
   3140         what = Pressure;
   3141         sname = "Pressure";
   3142         break;
   3143 #endif
   3144    default: // this takes care of all the gestures
   3145         what = handle;
   3146         sname = "Others";
   3147         break;
   3148     }
   3150     LOGI_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:getHandle - what=%d, sname=%s", what, sname.string());
   3151     return;
   3152 }
   3154 int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t handle, int64_t ns)
   3155 {
   3156     VFUNC_LOG;
   3158     android::String8 sname;
   3159     int what = -1;
   3161 #if 0
   3162     // skip the 1st call for enalbing sensors called by ICS/JB sensor service
   3163     static int counter_delay = 0;
   3164     if (!(mEnabled & (1 << what))) {
   3165         counter_delay = 0;
   3166     } else {
   3167         if (++counter_delay == 1) {
   3168             return 0;
   3169         }
   3170         else {
   3171             counter_delay = 0;
   3172         }
   3173     }
   3174 #endif
   3176     getHandle(handle, what, sname);
   3177     if (uint32_t(what) >= NumSensors)
   3178         return -EINVAL;
   3180     if (ns < 0)
   3181         return -EINVAL;
   3184             "setDelay : %llu ns, (%.2f Hz)", ns, 1000000000.f / ns);
   3186     // limit all rates to reasonable ones */
   3187     if (ns < 5000000LL) {
   3188         ns = 5000000LL;
   3189     }
   3191     /* store request rate to mDelays arrary for each sensor */
   3192     int64_t previousDelay = mDelays[what];
   3193     mDelays[what] = ns;
   3194     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "storing mDelays[%d] = %lld, previousDelay = %lld", what, ns, previousDelay);
   3196     switch (what) {
   3197         case StepCounter:
   3198             /* set limits of delivery rate of events */
   3199             mStepCountPollTime = ns;
   3200             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "step count rate =%lld ns", ns);
   3201             break;
   3202         case StepDetector:
   3203         case SignificantMotion:
   3205         case ID_SO:
   3206 #endif
   3207             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "Step Detect, SMD, SO rate=%lld ns", ns);
   3208             break;
   3209         case Gyro:
   3210         case RawGyro:
   3211         case Accelerometer:
   3212             // need to update delay since they are different
   3213             // resetDataRates was called earlier
   3214             // LOGV("what=%d mEnabled=%d mDelays[%d]=%lld previousDelay=%lld",
   3215             // what, mEnabled, what, mDelays[what], previousDelay);
   3216             if ((mEnabled & (1 << what)) && (previousDelay != mDelays[what])) {
   3217                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3218                     "HAL:need to update delay due to resetDataRates");
   3219                 break;
   3220             }
   3221             for (int i = Gyro;
   3222                     i <= Accelerometer + mCompassSensor->isIntegrated();
   3223                     i++) {
   3224                 if (i != what && (mEnabled & (1 << i)) && ns > mDelays[i]) {
   3225                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3226                             "HAL:ignore delay set due to sensor %d", i);
   3227                     return 0;
   3228                 }
   3229             }
   3230             break;
   3232         case MagneticField:
   3233         case RawMagneticField:
   3234             // need to update delay since they are different
   3235             // resetDataRates was called earlier
   3236             if ((mEnabled & (1 << what)) && (previousDelay != mDelays[what])) {
   3237                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3238                     "HAL:need to update delay due to resetDataRates");
   3239                 break;
   3240             }
   3241             if (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated() &&
   3242                     (((mEnabled & (1 << Gyro)) && ns > mDelays[Gyro]) ||
   3243                     ((mEnabled & (1 << RawGyro)) && ns > mDelays[RawGyro]) ||
   3244                     ((mEnabled & (1 << Accelerometer)) &&
   3245                         ns > mDelays[Accelerometer])) &&
   3246                         !checkBatchEnabled()) {
   3247                  /* if request is slower rate, ignore request */
   3248                  LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3249                          "HAL:ignore delay set due to gyro/accel");
   3250                  return 0;
   3251             }
   3252             break;
   3254         case Orientation:
   3255         case RotationVector:
   3256         case GameRotationVector:
   3257         case GeomagneticRotationVector:
   3258         case LinearAccel:
   3259         case Gravity:
   3260             if (isLowPowerQuatEnabled()) {
   3261                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3262                         "HAL:need to update delay due to LPQ");
   3263                 break;
   3264             }
   3266             for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   3267                 if (i != what && (mEnabled & (1 << i)) && ns > mDelays[i]) {
   3268                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3269                             "HAL:ignore delay set due to sensor %d", i);
   3270                     return 0;
   3271                 }
   3272             }
   3273             break;
   3274     }
   3276     // pthread_mutex_lock(&mHALMutex);
   3277     int res = update_delay();
   3278     // pthread_mutex_unlock(&mHALMutex);
   3279     return res;
   3280 }
   3282 int MPLSensor::update_delay(void)
   3283 {
   3284     VFUNC_LOG;
   3286     int res = 0;
   3287     int64_t got;
   3289     if (mEnabled) {
   3290         int64_t wanted = 1000000000LL;
   3291         int64_t wanted_3rd_party_sensor = 1000000000LL;
   3293         // Sequence to change sensor's FIFO rate
   3294         // 1. reset master enable
   3295         // 2. Update delay
   3296         // 3. set master enable
   3298         // reset master enable
   3299         masterEnable(0);
   3301         int64_t gyroRate;
   3302         int64_t accelRate;
   3303         int64_t compassRate;
   3304 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   3305         int64_t pressureRate;
   3306 #endif
   3308         int rateInus;
   3309         int mplGyroRate;
   3310         int mplAccelRate;
   3311         int mplCompassRate;
   3312         int tempRate = wanted;
   3314         /* search the minimum delay requested across all enabled sensors */
   3315         for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   3316             if (mEnabled & (1 << i)) {
   3317                 int64_t ns = mDelays[i];
   3318                 wanted = wanted < ns ? wanted : ns;
   3319             }
   3320         }
   3322         /* initialize rate for each sensor */
   3323         gyroRate = wanted;
   3324         accelRate = wanted;
   3325         compassRate = wanted;
   3326 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   3327         pressureRate = wanted;
   3328 #endif
   3329         // same delay for 3rd party Accel or Compass
   3330         wanted_3rd_party_sensor = wanted;
   3332         int enabled_sensors = mEnabled;
   3333         int tempFd = -1;
   3335         if(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE) {
   3336             // set batch rates
   3337             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3338             LOGV("HAL: batch mode is set, set batch data rates");
   3339             if (setBatchDataRates() < 0) {
   3340                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't set batch data rates");
   3341             }
   3342         } else {
   3343             /* set master sampling frequency */
   3344             int64_t tempWanted = wanted;
   3345             getDmpRate(&tempWanted);
   3346             /* driver only looks at sampling frequency if DMP is off */
   3347             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   3348                     1000000000.f / tempWanted, mpu.gyro_fifo_rate, getTimestamp());
   3349             tempFd = open(mpu.gyro_fifo_rate, O_RDWR);
   3350             res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / tempWanted);
   3351             LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:sampling frequency update delay error");
   3353         if (LA_ENABLED || GR_ENABLED || RV_ENABLED
   3354                        || GRV_ENABLED || O_ENABLED || GMRV_ENABLED) {
   3355             rateInus = (int)wanted / 1000LL;
   3357             /* set rate in MPL */
   3358             /* compass can only do 100Hz max */
   3359             inv_set_gyro_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3360             inv_set_accel_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3361             inv_set_compass_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3362             inv_set_linear_acceleration_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3363             inv_set_orientation_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3364             inv_set_rotation_vector_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3365             inv_set_gravity_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3366             inv_set_orientation_geomagnetic_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3367             inv_set_rotation_vector_6_axis_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3368             inv_set_geomagnetic_rotation_vector_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3370             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3371                     "HAL:MPL virtual sensor sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   3372                     rateInus, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   3373             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3374                     "HAL:MPL gyro sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   3375                     rateInus, 1000000000.f / gyroRate);
   3376             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3377                     "HAL:MPL accel sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   3378                     rateInus, 1000000000.f / accelRate);
   3379             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3380                     "HAL:MPL compass sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   3381                     rateInus, 1000000000.f / compassRate);
   3383             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3384                     "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3385             if(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK) {
   3386                 bool setDMPrate= 0;
   3387                 gyroRate = wanted;
   3388                 accelRate = wanted;
   3389                 compassRate = wanted;
   3390                 // same delay for 3rd party Accel or Compass
   3391                 wanted_3rd_party_sensor = wanted;
   3392                 rateInus = (int)wanted / 1000LL;
   3393                 // Set LP Quaternion sample rate if enabled
   3394                 if (checkLPQuaternion()) {
   3395                     if (wanted <= RATE_200HZ) {
   3396 #ifndef USE_LPQ_AT_FASTEST
   3397                         enableLPQuaternion(0);
   3398 #endif
   3399                     } else {
   3400                         inv_set_quat_sample_rate(rateInus);
   3401                         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL quat sample rate: "
   3402                                 "(mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   3403                                 rateInus, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   3404                         setDMPrate= 1;
   3405                     }
   3406                 }
   3407             }
   3409             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:setDelay - Fusion");
   3410             //nsToHz
   3411             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   3412                     1000000000.f / gyroRate, mpu.gyro_rate,
   3413                     getTimestamp());
   3414             tempFd = open(mpu.gyro_rate, O_RDWR);
   3415             res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / gyroRate);
   3416             if(res < 0) {
   3417                 LOGE("HAL:GYRO update delay error");
   3418             }
   3420             if(USE_THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL == 1) {
   3421                 // 3rd party accelerometer - if applicable
   3422                 // nsToHz (BMA250)
   3423                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "echo %lld > %s (%lld)",
   3424                         wanted_3rd_party_sensor / 1000000L, mpu.accel_rate,
   3425                         getTimestamp());
   3426                 tempFd = open(mpu.accel_rate, O_RDWR);
   3427                 res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd,
   3428                         wanted_3rd_party_sensor / 1000000L);
   3429                 LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:ACCEL update delay error");
   3430             } else {
   3431                 // mpu accel
   3432                LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   3433                         1000000000.f / accelRate, mpu.accel_rate,
   3434                         getTimestamp());
   3435                 tempFd = open(mpu.accel_rate, O_RDWR);
   3436                 res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / accelRate);
   3437                 LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:ACCEL update delay error");
   3438             }
   3440             if (!mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   3441                 // stand-alone compass - if applicable
   3442                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3443                         "HAL:Ext compass delay %lld", wanted_3rd_party_sensor);
   3444                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Ext compass rate %.2f Hz",
   3445                         1000000000.f / wanted_3rd_party_sensor);
   3446                 if (wanted_3rd_party_sensor <
   3447                         mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL) {
   3448                     wanted_3rd_party_sensor =
   3449                         mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL;
   3450                 }
   3451                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3452                         "HAL:Ext compass delay %lld", wanted_3rd_party_sensor);
   3453                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Ext compass rate %.2f Hz",
   3454                         1000000000.f / wanted_3rd_party_sensor);
   3455                 mCompassSensor->setDelay(ID_M, wanted_3rd_party_sensor);
   3456                 got = mCompassSensor->getDelay(ID_M);
   3457                 inv_set_compass_sample_rate(got / 1000);
   3458             } else {
   3459                 // compass on secondary bus
   3460                 if (compassRate < mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL) {
   3461                     compassRate = mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL;
   3462                 }
   3463                 mCompassSensor->setDelay(ID_M, compassRate);
   3464             }
   3465         } else {
   3467             if (GY_ENABLED || RGY_ENABLED) {
   3468                 wanted = (mDelays[Gyro] <= mDelays[RawGyro]?
   3469                     (mEnabled & (1 << Gyro)? mDelays[Gyro]: mDelays[RawGyro]):
   3470                     (mEnabled & (1 << RawGyro)? mDelays[RawGyro]: mDelays[Gyro]));
   3471                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3472                 inv_set_gyro_sample_rate((int)wanted/1000LL);
   3473                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   3474                     "HAL:MPL gyro sample rate: (mpl)=%d us", int(wanted/1000LL));
   3475                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   3476                         1000000000.f / wanted, mpu.gyro_rate, getTimestamp());
   3477                 tempFd = open(mpu.gyro_rate, O_RDWR);
   3478                 res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   3479                 LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:GYRO update delay error");
   3480             }
   3482             if (A_ENABLED) { /* there is only 1 fifo rate for MPUxxxx */
   3483                 if (GY_ENABLED && mDelays[Gyro] < mDelays[Accelerometer]) {
   3484                     wanted = mDelays[Gyro];
   3485                 } else if (RGY_ENABLED && mDelays[RawGyro]
   3486                             < mDelays[Accelerometer]) {
   3487                     wanted = mDelays[RawGyro];
   3488                 } else {
   3489                     wanted = mDelays[Accelerometer];
   3490                 }
   3491                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3492                 inv_set_accel_sample_rate((int)wanted/1000LL);
   3493                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL accel sample rate: (mpl)=%d us",
   3494                         int(wanted/1000LL));
   3495                 LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   3496                         1000000000.f / wanted, mpu.accel_rate,
   3497                         getTimestamp());
   3498                 tempFd = open(mpu.accel_rate, O_RDWR);
   3499                 if(USE_THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL == 1) {
   3500                     //BMA250 in ms
   3501                     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, wanted / 1000000L);
   3502                 }
   3503                 else {
   3504                     //MPUxxxx in hz
   3505                     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f/wanted);
   3506                 }
   3507                 LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:ACCEL update delay error");
   3508             }
   3510             /* Invensense compass calibration */
   3511             if (M_ENABLED || RM_ENABLED) {
   3512                 int64_t compassWanted = (mDelays[MagneticField] <= mDelays[RawMagneticField]?
   3513                     (mEnabled & (1 << MagneticField)? mDelays[MagneticField]: mDelays[RawMagneticField]):
   3514                     (mEnabled & (1 << RawMagneticField)? mDelays[RawMagneticField]: mDelays[MagneticField]));
   3515                 if (!mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   3516                     wanted = compassWanted;
   3517                 } else {
   3518                     if (GY_ENABLED
   3519                         && (mDelays[Gyro] < compassWanted)) {
   3520                         wanted = mDelays[Gyro];
   3521                     } else if (RGY_ENABLED
   3522                                && mDelays[RawGyro] < compassWanted) {
   3523                         wanted = mDelays[RawGyro];
   3524                     } else if (A_ENABLED && mDelays[Accelerometer]
   3525                                 < compassWanted) {
   3526                         wanted = mDelays[Accelerometer];
   3527                     } else {
   3528                         wanted = compassWanted;
   3529                     }
   3530                     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3531                 }
   3533                 mCompassSensor->setDelay(ID_M, wanted);
   3534                 got = mCompassSensor->getDelay(ID_M);
   3535                 inv_set_compass_sample_rate(got / 1000);
   3536                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:MPL compass sample rate: (mpl)=%d us",
   3537                         int(got/1000LL));
   3538             }
   3539 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   3540             if (PS_ENABLED) {
   3541                 int64_t pressureRate = mDelays[Pressure];
   3542                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3543                 mPressureSensor->setDelay(ID_PS, pressureRate);
   3544                 LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:PRESSURE update delay error");
   3545             }
   3546 #endif
   3547         }
   3549         } //end of non batch mode
   3551         unsigned long sensors = mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask;
   3552         if (sensors &
   3553             (INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO
   3554                 | INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL
   3555 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   3556                 | (INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE * mPressureSensor->isIntegrated())
   3557 #endif
   3558                 | (INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS * mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()))) {
   3559             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "sensors=%lu", sensors);
   3560             res = masterEnable(1);
   3561             if(res < 0)
   3562                 return res;
   3563         } else { // all sensors idle -> reduce power, unless DMP is needed
   3564             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   3565             if(mFeatureActiveMask & DMP_FEATURE_MASK) {
   3566                 res = masterEnable(1);
   3567                 if(res < 0)
   3568                     return res;
   3569             }
   3570         }
   3571     }
   3573     return res;
   3574 }
   3576 /**
   3577  *  Should be called after reading at least one of gyro
   3578  *  compass or accel data. (Also okay for handling all of them).
   3579  *  @returns 0, if successful, error number if not.
   3580  */
   3581 int MPLSensor::readEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count)
   3582 {
   3583     VHANDLER_LOG;
   3585     inv_execute_on_data();
   3587     int numEventReceived = 0;
   3589     long msg;
   3590     msg = inv_get_message_level_0(1);
   3591     if (msg) {
   3592         if (msg & INV_MSG_MOTION_EVENT) {
   3593             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:**** Motion ****\n");
   3594         }
   3595         if (msg & INV_MSG_NO_MOTION_EVENT) {
   3596             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:***** No Motion *****\n");
   3597             /* after the first no motion, the gyro should be
   3598                calibrated well */
   3599             mGyroAccuracy = SENSOR_STATUS_ACCURACY_HIGH;
   3600             /* if gyros are on and we got a no motion, set a flag
   3601                indicating that the cal file can be written. */
   3602             mHaveGoodMpuCal = true;
   3603         }
   3604         if(msg & INV_MSG_NEW_AB_EVENT) {
   3605             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:***** New Accel Bias *****\n");
   3606             getAccelBias();
   3607             mAccelAccuracy = inv_get_accel_accuracy();
   3608         }
   3609         if(msg & INV_MSG_NEW_GB_EVENT) {
   3610             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:***** New Gyro Bias *****\n");
   3611             getGyroBias();
   3612             setGyroBias();
   3613         }
   3614         if(msg & INV_MSG_NEW_FGB_EVENT) {
   3615             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:***** New Factory Gyro Bias *****\n");
   3616             getFactoryGyroBias();
   3617         }
   3618         if(msg & INV_MSG_NEW_FAB_EVENT) {
   3619             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:***** New Factory Accel Bias *****\n");
   3620             getFactoryAccelBias();
   3621         }
   3622         if(msg & INV_MSG_NEW_CB_EVENT) {
   3623             LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:***** New Compass Bias *****\n");
   3624             getCompassBias();
   3625             mCompassAccuracy = inv_get_mag_accuracy();
   3626         }
   3627     }
   3629     // handle partial packet read and end marker
   3630     // skip readEvents from hal_outputs
   3631     if (!mFlushSensorEnabledVector.isEmpty()) {
   3632         if (!mEmptyDataMarkerDetected) {
   3633             // turn off sensors in data_builder
   3634             resetMplStates();
   3635         }
   3636         mEmptyDataMarkerDetected = 0;
   3637         mDataMarkerDetected = 0;
   3639         // handle flush complete event
   3640         for(int k = 0; k < mFlushSensorEnabledVector.size(); k++) {
   3641             int sendEvent = metaHandler(&mPendingFlushEvents[k], META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE);
   3642             if(sendEvent && count > 0) {
   3643                 *data++ = mPendingFlushEvents[k];
   3644                 count--;
   3645                 numEventReceived++;
   3646             }
   3647         }
   3648         return numEventReceived;
   3649     }
   3651     if (mSkipReadEvents) {
   3652         return numEventReceived;
   3653     }
   3655     for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   3656         int update = 0;
   3658         // handle step detector when ped_q is enabled
   3659         if(mPedUpdate) {
   3660             if (i == StepDetector) {
   3661                 update = readDmpPedometerEvents(data, count, ID_P, 1);
   3662                 mPedUpdate = 0;
   3663                 if(update == 1 && count > 0) {
   3664                     data->timestamp = mStepSensorTimestamp;
   3665                     count--;
   3666                     numEventReceived++;
   3667                     continue;
   3668                 }
   3669             } else {
   3670                 if (mPedUpdate == DATA_FORMAT_STEP) {
   3671                     continue;
   3672                 }
   3673             }
   3674         }
   3676         // load up virtual sensors
   3677         if (mEnabled & (1 << i)) {
   3678             update = CALL_MEMBER_FN(this, mHandlers[i])(mPendingEvents + i);
   3679             mPendingMask |= (1 << i);
   3681             if (update && (count > 0)) {
   3682                 *data++ = mPendingEvents[i];
   3683                 count--;
   3684                 numEventReceived++;
   3685             }
   3686         }
   3687     }
   3688     mCompassOverFlow = 0;
   3690     return numEventReceived;
   3691 }
   3693 // collect data for MPL (but NOT sensor service currently), from driver layer
   3694 void MPLSensor::buildMpuEvent(void)
   3695 {
   3696     VHANDLER_LOG;
   3698     mSkipReadEvents = 0;
   3699     int64_t mGyroSensorTimestamp=0, mAccelSensorTimestamp=0, latestTimestamp=0;
   3700     int lp_quaternion_on = 0, sixAxis_quaternion_on = 0,
   3701         ped_quaternion_on = 0, ped_standalone_on = 0;
   3702     size_t nbyte;
   3703     unsigned short data_format = 0;
   3704     int i, nb, mask = 0,
   3705         sensors = ((mLocalSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_GYRO)? 1 : 0) +
   3706             ((mLocalSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)? 1 : 0) +
   3707             (((mLocalSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS)
   3708                 && mCompassSensor->isIntegrated())? 1 : 0) +
   3709             ((mLocalSensorMask & INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE)? 1 : 0);
   3711     char *rdata = mIIOBuffer;
   3712     ssize_t rsize = 0;
   3713     ssize_t readCounter = 0;
   3714     char *rdataP = NULL;
   3715     bool doneFlag = 0;
   3717     lp_quaternion_on = isLowPowerQuatEnabled() && checkLPQuaternion();
   3718     sixAxis_quaternion_on = check6AxisQuatEnabled();
   3719     ped_quaternion_on = checkPedQuatEnabled();
   3720     ped_standalone_on = checkPedStandaloneEnabled();
   3722     nbyte = MAX_READ_SIZE - mLeftOverBufferSize;
   3724     /* check previous copied buffer */
   3725     /* append with just read data */
   3726     if (mLeftOverBufferSize > 0) {
   3727         LOGV_IF(0, "append old buffer size=%d", mLeftOverBufferSize);
   3728         memset(rdata, 0, sizeof(rdata));
   3729         memcpy(rdata, mLeftOverBuffer, mLeftOverBufferSize);
   3730             LOGV_IF(0,
   3731             "HAL:input retrieve old buffer data=:%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, "
   3732             "%d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d\n",
   3733             rdata[0], rdata[1], rdata[2], rdata[3],
   3734             rdata[4], rdata[5], rdata[6], rdata[7],
   3735             rdata[8], rdata[9], rdata[10], rdata[11],
   3736             rdata[12], rdata[13], rdata[14], rdata[15]);
   3737     }
   3738     rdataP = rdata + mLeftOverBufferSize;
   3740     /* read expected number of bytes */
   3741     rsize = read(iio_fd, rdataP, nbyte);
   3742     if(rsize < 0) {
   3743         /* IIO buffer might have old data.
   3744            Need to flush it if no sensor is on, to avoid infinite
   3745            read loop.*/
   3746         LOGE("HAL:input data file descriptor not available - (%s)",
   3747              strerror(errno));
   3748         if (sensors == 0) {
   3749             rsize = read(iio_fd, rdata, MAX_SUSPEND_BATCH_PACKET_SIZE);
   3750             if(rsize > 0) {
   3751                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:input data flush rsize=%d", (int)rsize);
   3752 #ifdef TESTING
   3753                 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   3754                      "HAL:input rdata:r=%d, n=%d,"
   3755                      "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d",
   3756                      (int)rsize, nbyte,
   3757                      rdataP[0], rdataP[1], rdataP[2], rdataP[3],
   3758                      rdataP[4], rdataP[5], rdataP[6], rdataP[7]);
   3759 #endif
   3760                 mLeftOverBufferSize = 0;
   3761             }
   3762         }
   3763         return;
   3764     }
   3766 #ifdef TESTING
   3768          "HAL:input just read rdataP:r=%d, n=%d,"
   3769          "%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,"
   3770          "%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d\n",
   3771          (int)rsize, nbyte,
   3772          rdataP[0], rdataP[1], rdataP[2], rdataP[3],
   3773          rdataP[4], rdataP[5], rdataP[6], rdataP[7],
   3774          rdataP[8], rdataP[9], rdataP[10], rdataP[11],
   3775          rdataP[12], rdataP[13], rdataP[14], rdataP[15],
   3776          rdataP[16], rdataP[17], rdataP[18], rdataP[19],
   3777          rdataP[20], rdataP[21], rdataP[22], rdataP[23]);
   3779     LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   3780          "HAL:input rdata:r=%d, n=%d,"
   3781          "%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,"
   3782          "%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d\n",
   3783          (int)rsize, nbyte,
   3784          rdata[0], rdata[1], rdata[2], rdata[3],
   3785          rdata[4], rdata[5], rdata[6], rdata[7],
   3786          rdata[8], rdata[9], rdata[10], rdata[11],
   3787          rdata[12], rdata[13], rdata[14], rdata[15],
   3788          rdata[16], rdata[17], rdata[18], rdata[19],
   3789          rdata[20], rdata[21], rdata[22], rdata[23]);
   3790 #endif
   3791     /* reset data and count pointer */
   3792     rdataP = rdata;
   3793     readCounter = rsize + mLeftOverBufferSize;
   3794     LOGV_IF(0, "HAL:input readCounter set=%d", (int)readCounter);
   3796     if(readCounter < MAX_READ_SIZE) {
   3797         // Handle standalone MARKER packet
   3798         if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR) {
   3799             data_format = *((short *)(rdata));
   3800             if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_MARKER) {
   3801                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "MARKER DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3802                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3803                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3804                 if (!mFlushSensorEnabledVector.isEmpty()) {
   3805                     mFlushBatchSet = 1;
   3806                 }
   3807                 mDataMarkerDetected = 1;
   3808             }
   3809             else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_EMPTY_MARKER) {
   3810                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "EMPTY MARKER DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3811                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3812                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3813                 if (!mFlushSensorEnabledVector.isEmpty()) {
   3814                     mFlushBatchSet = 1;
   3815                 }
   3816                 mEmptyDataMarkerDetected = 1;
   3817             }
   3818         }
   3820         /* store packet then return */
   3821         mLeftOverBufferSize = readCounter;
   3822         memcpy(mLeftOverBuffer, rdata, mLeftOverBufferSize);
   3824 #ifdef TESTING
   3825         LOGV_IF(1, "HAL:input data has batched partial packet");
   3826         LOGV_IF(1, "HAL:input data batched mLeftOverBufferSize=%d", mLeftOverBufferSize);
   3827         LOGV_IF(1,
   3828             "HAL:input catch up batched retrieve buffer=:%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d,"
   3829             "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
   3830             mLeftOverBuffer[0], mLeftOverBuffer[1], mLeftOverBuffer[2], mLeftOverBuffer[3],
   3831             mLeftOverBuffer[4], mLeftOverBuffer[5], mLeftOverBuffer[6], mLeftOverBuffer[7],
   3832             mLeftOverBuffer[8], mLeftOverBuffer[9], mLeftOverBuffer[10], mLeftOverBuffer[11],
   3833             mLeftOverBuffer[12], mLeftOverBuffer[13], mLeftOverBuffer[14], mLeftOverBuffer[15]);
   3834 #endif
   3835         mSkipReadEvents = 1;
   3836         return;
   3837     }
   3840             "HAL:input b=%d rdata= %d nbyte= %d rsize= %d readCounter= %d",
   3841             checkBatchEnabled(), *((short *) rdata), nbyte, (int)rsize, (int)readCounter);
   3843             "HAL:input sensors= %d, lp_q_on= %d, 6axis_q_on= %d, "
   3844             "ped_q_on= %d, ped_standalone_on= %d",
   3845             sensors, lp_quaternion_on, sixAxis_quaternion_on, ped_quaternion_on,
   3846             ped_standalone_on);
   3848     while (readCounter > 0) {
   3849         // since copied buffer is already accounted for, reset left over size
   3850         mLeftOverBufferSize = 0;
   3851         // clear data format mask for parsing the next set of data
   3852         mask = 0;
   3853         data_format = *((short *)(rdata));
   3854         LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE,
   3855                 "HAL:input data_format=%x", data_format);
   3857         if(checkValidHeader(data_format) == 0) {
   3858             LOGE("HAL:input invalid data_format 0x%02X", data_format);
   3859             return;
   3860         }
   3862         if (data_format & DATA_FORMAT_STEP) {
   3863             if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_STEP) {
   3864                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3865                 latestTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3866                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "STEP DETECTED:0x%x - ts: %lld", data_format, latestTimestamp);
   3867                 // readCounter is decrement by 24 because DATA_FORMAT_STEP only applies in batch  mode
   3868                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   3869             } else {
   3870                 LOGV_IF(0, "STEP DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3871             }
   3872             mPedUpdate |= data_format;
   3873             mask |= DATA_FORMAT_STEP;
   3874             // cancels step bit
   3875             data_format &= (~DATA_FORMAT_STEP);
   3876         }
   3878         if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_MARKER) {
   3879             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "MARKER DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3880             readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3881             if (!mFlushSensorEnabledVector.isEmpty()) {
   3882                 mFlushBatchSet = 1;
   3883             }
   3884             mDataMarkerDetected = 1;
   3885             mSkipReadEvents = 1;
   3886         }
   3887         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_EMPTY_MARKER) {
   3888             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "EMPTY MARKER DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3889             readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3890             if (!mFlushSensorEnabledVector.isEmpty()) {
   3891                 mFlushBatchSet = 1;
   3892             }
   3893             mEmptyDataMarkerDetected = 1;
   3894             mSkipReadEvents = 1;
   3895         }
   3896         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_QUAT) {
   3897             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "QUAT DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3898             if (readCounter >= BYTES_QUAT_DATA) {
   3899                 mCachedQuaternionData[0] = *((int *) (rdata + 4));
   3900                 mCachedQuaternionData[1] = *((int *) (rdata + 8));
   3901                 mCachedQuaternionData[2] = *((int *) (rdata + 12));
   3902                 rdata += QUAT_ONLY_LAST_PACKET_OFFSET;
   3903                 mQuatSensorTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3904                 mask |= DATA_FORMAT_QUAT;
   3905                 readCounter -= BYTES_QUAT_DATA;
   3906             }
   3907             else {
   3908                 doneFlag = 1;
   3909             }
   3910         }
   3911         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_6_AXIS) {
   3912             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "6AXIS DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3913             if (readCounter >= BYTES_QUAT_DATA) {
   3914                 mCached6AxisQuaternionData[0] = *((int *) (rdata + 4));
   3915                 mCached6AxisQuaternionData[1] = *((int *) (rdata + 8));
   3916                 mCached6AxisQuaternionData[2] = *((int *) (rdata + 12));
   3917                 rdata += QUAT_ONLY_LAST_PACKET_OFFSET;
   3918                 mQuatSensorTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3919                 mask |= DATA_FORMAT_6_AXIS;
   3920                 readCounter -= BYTES_QUAT_DATA;
   3921             }
   3922             else {
   3923                 doneFlag = 1;
   3924             }
   3925         }
   3926         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_PED_QUAT) {
   3927             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "PED QUAT DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3928             if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET) {
   3929                 mCachedPedQuaternionData[0] = *((short *) (rdata + 2));
   3930                 mCachedPedQuaternionData[1] = *((short *) (rdata + 4));
   3931                 mCachedPedQuaternionData[2] = *((short *) (rdata + 6));
   3932                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3933                 mQuatSensorTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3934                 mask |= DATA_FORMAT_PED_QUAT;
   3935                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   3936             }
   3937             else {
   3938                 doneFlag = 1;
   3939             }
   3940         }
   3941         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_PED_STANDALONE) {
   3942             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "STANDALONE STEP DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3943             if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET) {
   3944                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3945                 mStepSensorTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3946                 mask |= DATA_FORMAT_PED_STANDALONE;
   3947                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   3948                 mPedUpdate |= data_format;
   3949             }
   3950             else {
   3951                 doneFlag = 1;
   3952             }
   3953         }
   3954         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_GYRO) {
   3955             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "GYRO DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3956             if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET) {
   3957                 mCachedGyroData[0] = *((short *) (rdata + 2));
   3958                 mCachedGyroData[1] = *((short *) (rdata + 4));
   3959                 mCachedGyroData[2] = *((short *) (rdata + 6));
   3960                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3961                 mGyroSensorTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3962                 mask |= DATA_FORMAT_GYRO;
   3963                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   3964             } else {
   3965                 doneFlag = 1;
   3966             }
   3967         }
   3968         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_ACCEL) {
   3969             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "ACCEL DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3970             if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET) {
   3971                 mCachedAccelData[0] = *((short *) (rdata + 2));
   3972                 mCachedAccelData[1] = *((short *) (rdata + 4));
   3973                 mCachedAccelData[2] = *((short *) (rdata + 6));
   3974                 rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3975                 mAccelSensorTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3976                 mask |= DATA_FORMAT_ACCEL;
   3977                 readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   3978             }
   3979             else {
   3980                 doneFlag = 1;
   3981             }
   3982         }
   3983         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS) {
   3984             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "COMPASS DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   3985             if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET) {
   3986                 if (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   3987                     mCachedCompassData[0] = *((short *) (rdata + 2));
   3988                     mCachedCompassData[1] = *((short *) (rdata + 4));
   3989                     mCachedCompassData[2] = *((short *) (rdata + 6));
   3990                     rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   3991                     mCompassTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   3992                     mask |= DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS;
   3993                     readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   3994                 }
   3995             }
   3996             else {
   3997                 doneFlag = 1;
   3998             }
   3999         }
   4000         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS_OF) {
   4001             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "COMPASS OF DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   4002             mask |= DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS_OF;
   4003             mCompassOverFlow = 1;
   4004 #ifdef INV_PLAYBACK_DBG
   4005             if (readCounter >= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET) {
   4006                 if (mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   4007                     mCachedCompassData[0] = *((short *) (rdata + 2));
   4008                     mCachedCompassData[1] = *((short *) (rdata + 4));
   4009                     mCachedCompassData[2] = *((short *) (rdata + 6));
   4010                     rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   4011                     mCompassTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   4012                     readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   4013                 }
   4014             }
   4015 #else
   4016             readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   4017 #endif
   4018         }
   4019 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   4020         else if (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_PRESSURE) {
   4021             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "PRESSURE DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   4022             if (readCounter >= BYTES_QUAT_DATA) {
   4023                 if (mPressureSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   4024                     mCachedPressureData =
   4025                         ((*((short *)(rdata + 4))) << 16) +
   4026                         (*((unsigned short *) (rdata + 6)));
   4027                     rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   4028                     mPressureTimestamp = *((long long*) (rdata));
   4029                     if (mCachedPressureData != 0) {
   4030                         mask |= DATA_FORMAT_PRESSURE;
   4031                     }
   4032                     readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR_PACKET;
   4033                 }
   4034             } else{
   4035                 doneFlag = 1;
   4036             }
   4037         }
   4038 #endif
   4040         if(doneFlag == 0) {
   4041             rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   4042             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL: input data doneFlag is zero, readCounter=%d", (int)readCounter);
   4043         }
   4044         else {
   4045             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL: input data doneFlag is set, readCounter=%d", (int)readCounter);
   4046         }
   4048         /* read ahead and store left over data if any */
   4049         if (readCounter != 0) {
   4050             int currentBufferCounter = 0;
   4051             LOGV_IF(0, "Not enough data readCounter=%d, expected nbyte=%d, rsize=%d", (int)readCounter, nbyte, (int)rsize);
   4052             memset(mLeftOverBuffer, 0, sizeof(mLeftOverBuffer));
   4053             /* check for end markers, don't save */
   4054             data_format = *((short *) (rdata));
   4055             if ((data_format == DATA_FORMAT_MARKER) || (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_EMPTY_MARKER)) {
   4056 				LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "s MARKER DETECTED:0x%x", data_format);
   4057 				rdata += BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   4058 				readCounter -= BYTES_PER_SENSOR;
   4059 				if (!mFlushSensorEnabledVector.isEmpty()) {
   4060 					mFlushBatchSet = 1;
   4061 				}
   4062 				mDataMarkerDetected = 1;
   4063 				mSkipReadEvents = 1;
   4064 				if (readCounter == 0) {
   4065 					mLeftOverBufferSize = 0;
   4066 					if(doneFlag != 0) {
   4067 						return;
   4068 					}
   4069 				}
   4070 			}
   4071 			memcpy(mLeftOverBuffer, rdata, readCounter);
   4072 			LOGV_IF(0,
   4073 					"HAL:input store rdata=:%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d,%d, "
   4074 					"%d, %d, %d,%d, %d, %d, %d\n",
   4075 					mLeftOverBuffer[0], mLeftOverBuffer[1], mLeftOverBuffer[2], mLeftOverBuffer[3],
   4076 					mLeftOverBuffer[4], mLeftOverBuffer[5], mLeftOverBuffer[6], mLeftOverBuffer[7],
   4077 					mLeftOverBuffer[8], mLeftOverBuffer[9], mLeftOverBuffer[10], mLeftOverBuffer[11],
   4078 					mLeftOverBuffer[12],mLeftOverBuffer[13],mLeftOverBuffer[14], mLeftOverBuffer[15]);
   4080             mLeftOverBufferSize = readCounter;
   4081             readCounter = 0;
   4082             LOGV_IF(0, "Stored number of bytes:%d", mLeftOverBufferSize);
   4083         } else {
   4084             /* reset count since this is the last packet for the data set */
   4085             readCounter = 0;
   4086             mLeftOverBufferSize = 0;
   4087         }
   4089         /* take the latest timestamp */
   4090         if (mask & DATA_FORMAT_STEP) {
   4091         /* work around driver output duplicate step detector bit */
   4092             if (latestTimestamp > mStepSensorTimestamp) {
   4093                 mStepSensorTimestamp = latestTimestamp;
   4094                 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4095                     "HAL:input build step: 1 - %lld", mStepSensorTimestamp);
   4096             } else {
   4097                 mPedUpdate = 0;
   4098             }
   4099             // cancels step bit
   4100             mask &= (~DATA_FORMAT_STEP);
   4101         }
   4103         /* handle data read */
   4104         if (mask == DATA_FORMAT_GYRO) {
   4105             /* batch mode does not batch temperature */
   4106             /* disable temperature read */
   4107             if (!(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE)) {
   4108                 // send down temperature every 0.5 seconds
   4109                 // with timestamp measured in "driver" layer
   4110                 if(mGyroSensorTimestamp - mTempCurrentTime >= 500000000LL) {
   4111                     mTempCurrentTime = mGyroSensorTimestamp;
   4112                     long long temperature[2];
   4113                     if(inv_read_temperature(temperature) == 0) {
   4114                         LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4115                         "HAL:input inv_read_temperature = %lld, timestamp= %lld",
   4116                         temperature[0], temperature[1]);
   4117                         inv_build_temp(temperature[0], temperature[1]);
   4118                      }
   4119 #ifdef TESTING
   4120                     long bias[3], temp, temp_slope[3];
   4121                     inv_get_mpl_gyro_bias(bias, &temp);
   4122                     inv_get_gyro_ts(temp_slope);
   4123                     LOGI("T: %.3f "
   4124                      "GB: %+13f %+13f %+13f "
   4125                      "TS: %+13f %+13f %+13f "
   4126                      "\n",
   4127                      (float)temperature[0] / 65536.f,
   4128                      (float)bias[0] / 65536.f / 16.384f,
   4129                      (float)bias[1] / 65536.f / 16.384f,
   4130                      (float)bias[2] / 65536.f / 16.384f,
   4131                      temp_slope[0] / 65536.f,
   4132                      temp_slope[1] / 65536.f,
   4133                      temp_slope[2] / 65536.f);
   4134 #endif
   4135                 }
   4136             }
   4137             mPendingMask |= 1 << Gyro;
   4138             mPendingMask |= 1 << RawGyro;
   4140             inv_build_gyro(mCachedGyroData, mGyroSensorTimestamp);
   4141             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4142                    "HAL:input inv_build_gyro: %+8d %+8d %+8d - %lld",
   4143                     mCachedGyroData[0], mCachedGyroData[1],
   4144                     mCachedGyroData[2], mGyroSensorTimestamp);
   4145             latestTimestamp = mGyroSensorTimestamp;
   4146         }
   4148         if (mask == DATA_FORMAT_ACCEL) {
   4149             mPendingMask |= 1 << Accelerometer;
   4150             inv_build_accel(mCachedAccelData, 0, mAccelSensorTimestamp);
   4151             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4152                "HAL:input inv_build_accel: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4153                 mCachedAccelData[0], mCachedAccelData[1],
   4154                 mCachedAccelData[2], mAccelSensorTimestamp);
   4155                 /* remember inital 6 axis quaternion */
   4156                 inv_time_t tempTimestamp;
   4157                 inv_get_6axis_quaternion(mInitial6QuatValue, &tempTimestamp);
   4158                 if (mInitial6QuatValue[0] != 0 && mInitial6QuatValue[1] != 0 &&
   4159                         mInitial6QuatValue[2] != 0 && mInitial6QuatValue[3] != 0) {
   4160                     mInitial6QuatValueAvailable = 1;
   4161                     LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE,
   4162                         "HAL:input build 6q init: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld",
   4163                         mInitial6QuatValue[0], mInitial6QuatValue[1],
   4164                         mInitial6QuatValue[2], mInitial6QuatValue[3]);
   4165                 }
   4166             latestTimestamp = mAccelSensorTimestamp;
   4167         }
   4169         if (mask  == DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS_OF) {
   4170             /* compass overflow detected */
   4171             /* reset compass algorithm */
   4172             int status = 0;
   4173             inv_build_compass(mCachedCompassData, status,
   4174                               mCompassTimestamp);
   4175             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4176                     "HAL:input inv_build_compass_of: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4177                     mCachedCompassData[0], mCachedCompassData[1],
   4178                     mCachedCompassData[2], mCompassTimestamp);
   4179             resetCompass();
   4180         }
   4182         if ((mask == DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS) && mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   4183             int status = 0;
   4184             if (mCompassSensor->providesCalibration()) {
   4185                 status = mCompassSensor->getAccuracy();
   4186                 status |= INV_CALIBRATED;
   4187             }
   4188             inv_build_compass(mCachedCompassData, status,
   4189                               mCompassTimestamp);
   4190             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4191                     "HAL:input inv_build_compass: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4192                     mCachedCompassData[0], mCachedCompassData[1],
   4193                     mCachedCompassData[2], mCompassTimestamp);
   4194             latestTimestamp = mCompassTimestamp;
   4195         }
   4197         if (mask == DATA_FORMAT_QUAT) {
   4198             /* if bias was applied to DMP bias,
   4199                set status bits to disable gyro bias cal */
   4200             int status = 0;
   4201             if (mGyroBiasApplied == true) {
   4202                 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:input dmp bias is used");
   4203                 status |= INV_BIAS_APPLIED;
   4204             }
   4205             status |= INV_CALIBRATED | INV_QUAT_3AXIS | INV_QUAT_3ELEMENT; /* default 32 (16/32bits) */
   4206             inv_build_quat(mCachedQuaternionData,
   4207                        status,
   4208                        mQuatSensorTimestamp);
   4209             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4210                     "HAL:input inv_build_quat-3x: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4211                     mCachedQuaternionData[0], mCachedQuaternionData[1],
   4212                     mCachedQuaternionData[2],
   4213                     mQuatSensorTimestamp);
   4214             latestTimestamp = mQuatSensorTimestamp;
   4215         }
   4217         if (mask == DATA_FORMAT_6_AXIS) {
   4218             /* if bias was applied to DMP bias,
   4219                set status bits to disable gyro bias cal */
   4220             int status = 0;
   4221             if (mGyroBiasApplied == true) {
   4222                 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:input dmp bias is used");
   4223                 status |= INV_QUAT_6AXIS;
   4224             }
   4225             status |= INV_CALIBRATED | INV_QUAT_6AXIS | INV_QUAT_3ELEMENT; /* default 32 (16/32bits) */
   4226             inv_build_quat(mCached6AxisQuaternionData,
   4227                        status,
   4228                        mQuatSensorTimestamp);
   4229             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4230                     "HAL:input inv_build_quat-6x: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4231                     mCached6AxisQuaternionData[0], mCached6AxisQuaternionData[1],
   4232                     mCached6AxisQuaternionData[2], mQuatSensorTimestamp);
   4233             latestTimestamp = mQuatSensorTimestamp;
   4234         }
   4236         if (mask == DATA_FORMAT_PED_QUAT) {
   4237             /* if bias was applied to DMP bias,
   4238                set status bits to disable gyro bias cal */
   4239             int status = 0;
   4240             if (mGyroBiasApplied == true) {
   4241                 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE,
   4242                         "HAL:input dmp bias is used");
   4243                 status |= INV_QUAT_6AXIS;
   4244             }
   4245             status |= INV_CALIBRATED | INV_QUAT_6AXIS | INV_QUAT_3ELEMENT; /* default 32 (16/32bits) */
   4246             mCachedPedQuaternionData[0] = mCachedPedQuaternionData[0] << 16;
   4247             mCachedPedQuaternionData[1] = mCachedPedQuaternionData[1] << 16;
   4248             mCachedPedQuaternionData[2] = mCachedPedQuaternionData[2] << 16;
   4249             inv_build_quat(mCachedPedQuaternionData,
   4250                        status,
   4251                        mQuatSensorTimestamp);
   4253             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4254                     "HAL:HAL:input inv_build_quat-ped_6x: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4255                     mCachedPedQuaternionData[0], mCachedPedQuaternionData[1],
   4256                     mCachedPedQuaternionData[2], mQuatSensorTimestamp);
   4257             latestTimestamp = mQuatSensorTimestamp;
   4258         }
   4260 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   4261         if ((mask ==DATA_FORMAT_PRESSURE) && mPressureSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   4262             int status = 0;
   4263             if (mLocalSensorMask & INV_ONE_AXIS_PRESSURE) {
   4264                 latestTimestamp = mPressureTimestamp;
   4265                 mPressureUpdate = 1;
   4266                 inv_build_pressure(mCachedPressureData,
   4267                             status,
   4268                             mPressureTimestamp);
   4269                 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4270                     "HAL:input inv_build_pressure: %+8ld - %lld",
   4271                     mCachedPressureData, mPressureTimestamp);
   4272             }
   4273         }
   4274 #endif
   4275    }    //while end
   4276 }
   4278 int MPLSensor::checkValidHeader(unsigned short data_format)
   4279 {
   4280     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "check data_format=%x", data_format);
   4282     if(data_format == DATA_FORMAT_STEP)
   4283         return 1;
   4285     if(data_format & DATA_FORMAT_STEP) {
   4286         data_format &= (~DATA_FORMAT_STEP);
   4287     }
   4289     if ((data_format == DATA_FORMAT_PED_STANDALONE) ||
   4290         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_PED_QUAT) ||
   4291         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_6_AXIS) ||
   4292         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_QUAT) ||
   4293         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS) ||
   4294         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_GYRO) ||
   4295         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_ACCEL) ||
   4296         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_PRESSURE) ||
   4297         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_EMPTY_MARKER) ||
   4298         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_MARKER) ||
   4299         (data_format == DATA_FORMAT_COMPASS_OF))
   4300             return 1;
   4301      else {
   4302         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "bad data_format = %x", data_format);
   4303         return 0;
   4304     }
   4305 }
   4307 /* use for both MPUxxxx and third party compass */
   4308 void MPLSensor::buildCompassEvent(void)
   4309 {
   4310     VHANDLER_LOG;
   4312     int done = 0;
   4314     // pthread_mutex_lock(&mMplMutex);
   4315     // pthread_mutex_lock(&mHALMutex);
   4317     done = mCompassSensor->readSample(mCachedCompassData, &mCompassTimestamp);
   4318     if(mCompassSensor->isYasCompass()) {
   4319         if (mCompassSensor->checkCoilsReset() == 1) {
   4320            //Reset relevant compass settings
   4321            resetCompass();
   4322         }
   4323     }
   4324     if (done > 0) {
   4325         int status = 0;
   4326         if (mCompassSensor->providesCalibration()) {
   4327             status = mCompassSensor->getAccuracy();
   4328             status |= INV_CALIBRATED;
   4329         }
   4330         if (mLocalSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_COMPASS) {
   4331             inv_build_compass(mCachedCompassData, status,
   4332                               mCompassTimestamp);
   4333             LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA,
   4334                     "HAL:input inv_build_compass: %+8ld %+8ld %+8ld - %lld",
   4335                     mCachedCompassData[0], mCachedCompassData[1],
   4336                     mCachedCompassData[2], mCompassTimestamp);
   4337             mSkipReadEvents = 0;
   4338         }
   4339     }
   4341     // pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMplMutex);
   4342     // pthread_mutex_unlock(&mHALMutex);
   4343 }
   4345 int MPLSensor::resetCompass(void)
   4346 {
   4347     VFUNC_LOG;
   4349     //Reset compass cal if enabled
   4350     if (mMplFeatureActiveMask & INV_COMPASS_CAL) {
   4351        LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Reset compass cal");
   4352        inv_init_vector_compass_cal();
   4353        inv_init_magnetic_disturbance();
   4354        inv_vector_compass_cal_sensitivity(3);
   4355     }
   4357     //Reset compass fit if enabled
   4358     if (mMplFeatureActiveMask & INV_COMPASS_FIT) {
   4359        LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Reset compass fit");
   4360        inv_init_compass_fit();
   4361     }
   4363     return 0;
   4364 }
   4366 int MPLSensor::getFd(void) const
   4367 {
   4368     VFUNC_LOG;
   4369     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "getFd returning %d", iio_fd);
   4370     return iio_fd;
   4371 }
   4373 int MPLSensor::getAccelFd(void) const
   4374 {
   4375     VFUNC_LOG;
   4376     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "getAccelFd returning %d", accel_fd);
   4377     return accel_fd;
   4378 }
   4380 int MPLSensor::getCompassFd(void) const
   4381 {
   4382     VFUNC_LOG;
   4383     int fd = mCompassSensor->getFd();
   4384     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "getCompassFd returning %d", fd);
   4385     return fd;
   4386 }
   4388 int MPLSensor::turnOffAccelFifo(void)
   4389 {
   4390     VFUNC_LOG;
   4391     int i, res = 0, tempFd;
   4392     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   4393                         0, mpu.accel_fifo_enable, getTimestamp());
   4394     res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.accel_fifo_enable, 0);
   4395     return res;
   4396 }
   4398 int MPLSensor::turnOffGyroFifo(void)
   4399 {
   4400     VFUNC_LOG;
   4401     int i, res = 0, tempFd;
   4402     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   4403                         0, mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, getTimestamp());
   4404     res += write_sysfs_int(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, 0);
   4405     return res;
   4406 }
   4408 int MPLSensor::enableDmpOrientation(int en)
   4409 {
   4410     VFUNC_LOG;
   4411     int res = 0;
   4412     int enabled_sensors = mEnabled;
   4414     if (isMpuNonDmp())
   4415         return res;
   4417     // reset master enable
   4418     res = masterEnable(0);
   4419     if (res < 0)
   4420         return res;
   4422     if (en == 1) {
   4423         // Enable DMP orientation
   4424         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   4425                 en, mpu.display_orientation_on, getTimestamp());
   4426         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.display_orientation_on, en) < 0) {
   4427             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable Android orientation");
   4428             res = -1;	// indicate an err
   4429             return res;
   4430         }
   4432         // enable accel engine
   4433         res = enableAccel(1);
   4434         if (res < 0)
   4435             return res;
   4437         // disable accel FIFO
   4438         if (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   4439             res = turnOffAccelFifo();
   4440             if (res < 0)
   4441                 return res;
   4442         }
   4444         if (!mEnabled){
   4445             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   4446                        1, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   4447             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, en) < 0) {
   4448                 res = -1;
   4449                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   4450             }
   4451         }
   4453         mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_DISPL_ORIENTATION;
   4454         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   4455     } else {
   4456         mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_DISPL_ORIENTATION;
   4458         if (mFeatureActiveMask == 0) {
   4459             // disable accel engine
   4460             if (!(mLocalSensorMask & mMasterSensorMask
   4461                     & INV_THREE_AXIS_ACCEL)) {
   4462                 res = enableAccel(0);
   4463                 if (res < 0)
   4464                     return res;
   4465             }
   4466         }
   4468         if (mEnabled){
   4469             LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   4470                        en, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   4471             if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, en) < 0) {
   4472                 res = -1;
   4473                 LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   4474             }
   4475         }
   4476         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "mFeatureActiveMask=%016llx", mFeatureActiveMask);
   4477     }
   4479     if ((res = computeAndSetDmpState()) < 0)
   4480         return res;
   4482     if (en || mEnabled || mFeatureActiveMask) {
   4483         res = masterEnable(1);
   4484     }
   4485     return res;
   4486 }
   4488 int MPLSensor::openDmpOrientFd(void)
   4489 {
   4490     VFUNC_LOG;
   4492     if (!isDmpDisplayOrientationOn() || dmp_orient_fd >= 0) {
   4493         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
   4494                 "HAL:DMP display orientation disabled or file desc opened");
   4495         return 0;
   4496     }
   4498     dmp_orient_fd = open(mpu.event_display_orientation, O_RDONLY| O_NONBLOCK);
   4499     if (dmp_orient_fd < 0) {
   4500         LOGE("HAL:ERR couldn't open dmpOrient node");
   4501         return -1;
   4502     } else {
   4503         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
   4504                 "HAL:dmp_orient_fd opened : %d", dmp_orient_fd);
   4505         return 0;
   4506     }
   4507 }
   4509 int MPLSensor::closeDmpOrientFd(void)
   4510 {
   4511     VFUNC_LOG;
   4512     if (dmp_orient_fd >= 0)
   4513         close(dmp_orient_fd);
   4514     return 0;
   4515 }
   4517 int MPLSensor::dmpOrientHandler(int orient)
   4518 {
   4519     VFUNC_LOG;
   4520     LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:orient %x", orient);
   4521     return 0;
   4522 }
   4524 int MPLSensor::readDmpOrientEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count)
   4525 {
   4526     VFUNC_LOG;
   4528     char dummy[4];
   4529     int screen_orientation = 0;
   4530     FILE *fp;
   4532     fp = fopen(mpu.event_display_orientation, "r");
   4533     if (fp == NULL) {
   4534         LOGE("HAL:cannot open event_display_orientation");
   4535         return 0;
   4536     } else {
   4537         if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &screen_orientation) < 0 || fclose(fp) < 0)
   4538         {
   4539             LOGE("HAL:cannot write event_display_orientation");
   4540         }
   4541     }
   4543     int numEventReceived = 0;
   4545     if (mDmpOrientationEnabled && count > 0) {
   4546         sensors_event_t temp;
   4548         temp.acceleration.x = 0;
   4549         temp.acceleration.y = 0;
   4550         temp.acceleration.z = 0;
   4551         temp.version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
   4552         temp.sensor = ID_SO;
   4553         temp.acceleration.status
   4554             = SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE;
   4556         temp.type = SENSOR_TYPE_SCREEN_ORIENTATION;
   4557         temp.screen_orientation = screen_orientation;
   4558 #endif
   4559         struct timespec ts;
   4560         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
   4561         temp.timestamp = (int64_t) ts.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts.tv_nsec;
   4563         *data++ = temp;
   4564         count--;
   4565         numEventReceived++;
   4566     }
   4568     // read dummy data per driver's request
   4569     dmpOrientHandler(screen_orientation);
   4570     read(dmp_orient_fd, dummy, 4);
   4572     return numEventReceived;
   4573 }
   4575 int MPLSensor::getDmpOrientFd(void)
   4576 {
   4577     VFUNC_LOG;
   4579     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "getDmpOrientFd returning %d", dmp_orient_fd);
   4580     return dmp_orient_fd;
   4582 }
   4584 int MPLSensor::checkDMPOrientation(void)
   4585 {
   4586     VFUNC_LOG;
   4587     return ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_DISPL_ORIENTATION) ? 1 : 0);
   4588 }
   4590 int MPLSensor::getDmpRate(int64_t *wanted)
   4591 {
   4592     VFUNC_LOG;
   4594       // set DMP output rate to FIFO
   4595       if(mDmpOn == 1) {
   4596         setQuaternionRate(*wanted);
   4597         if (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE) {
   4598             set6AxisQuaternionRate(*wanted);
   4599             setPedQuaternionRate(*wanted);
   4600         }
   4601         // DMP running rate must be @ 200Hz
   4602         *wanted= RATE_200HZ;
   4603         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
   4604                 "HAL:DMP rate= %.2f Hz", 1000000000.f / *wanted);
   4605     }
   4606     return 0;
   4607 }
   4609 int MPLSensor::getPollTime(void)
   4610 {
   4611     VFUNC_LOG;
   4612     return mPollTime;
   4613 }
   4615 int MPLSensor::getStepCountPollTime(void)
   4616 {
   4617     VFUNC_LOG;
   4618     /* clamped to 1ms? as spec, still rather large */
   4619     return 100;
   4620 }
   4622 bool MPLSensor::hasStepCountPendingEvents(void)
   4623 {
   4624     VFUNC_LOG;
   4625     if (mDmpStepCountEnabled) {
   4626         struct timespec t_now;
   4627         int64_t interval = 0;
   4629         clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t_now);
   4630         interval = ((int64_t(t_now.tv_sec) * 1000000000LL + t_now.tv_nsec) -
   4631                     (int64_t(mt_pre.tv_sec) * 1000000000LL + mt_pre.tv_nsec));
   4633         if (interval < mStepCountPollTime) {
   4634             LOGV_IF(0,
   4635                     "Step Count interval elapsed: %lld, triggered: %lld",
   4636                     interval, mStepCountPollTime);
   4637             return false;
   4638         } else {
   4639             clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &mt_pre);
   4640             LOGV_IF(0, "Step Count previous time: %ld ms",
   4641                     mt_pre.tv_nsec / 1000);
   4642             return true;
   4643         }
   4644     }
   4645     return false;
   4646 }
   4648 bool MPLSensor::hasPendingEvents(void) const
   4649 {
   4650     VFUNC_LOG;
   4651     // if we are using the polling workaround, force the main
   4652     // loop to check for data every time
   4653     return (mPollTime != -1);
   4654 }
   4656 int MPLSensor::inv_read_temperature(long long *data)
   4657 {
   4658     VHANDLER_LOG;
   4660     int count = 0;
   4661     char raw_buf[40];
   4662     long raw = 0;
   4664     long long timestamp = 0;
   4666     memset(raw_buf, 0, sizeof(raw_buf));
   4667     count = read_attribute_sensor(gyro_temperature_fd, raw_buf,
   4668                                   sizeof(raw_buf));
   4669     if(count < 1) {
   4670         LOGE("HAL:error reading gyro temperature");
   4671         return -1;
   4672     }
   4674     count = sscanf(raw_buf, "%ld%lld", &raw, &timestamp);
   4676     if(count < 0) {
   4677         return -1;
   4678     }
   4681             "HAL:temperature raw = %ld, timestamp = %lld, count = %d",
   4682             raw, timestamp, count);
   4683     data[0] = raw;
   4684     data[1] = timestamp;
   4686     return 0;
   4687 }
   4689 int MPLSensor::inv_read_dmp_state(int fd)
   4690 {
   4691     VFUNC_LOG;
   4693     if(fd < 0)
   4694         return -1;
   4696     int count = 0;
   4697     char raw_buf[10];
   4698     short raw = 0;
   4700     memset(raw_buf, 0, sizeof(raw_buf));
   4701     count = read_attribute_sensor(fd, raw_buf, sizeof(raw_buf));
   4702     if(count < 1) {
   4703         LOGE("HAL:error reading dmp state");
   4704         close(fd);
   4705         return -1;
   4706     }
   4707     count = sscanf(raw_buf, "%hd", &raw);
   4708     if(count < 0) {
   4709         LOGE("HAL:dmp state data is invalid");
   4710         close(fd);
   4711         return -1;
   4712     }
   4713     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:dmp state = %d, count = %d", raw, count);
   4714     close(fd);
   4715     return (int)raw;
   4716 }
   4718 int MPLSensor::inv_read_sensor_bias(int fd, long *data)
   4719 {
   4720     VFUNC_LOG;
   4722     if(fd == -1) {
   4723         return -1;
   4724     }
   4726     char buf[50];
   4727     char x[15], y[15], z[15];
   4729     memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
   4730     int count = read_attribute_sensor(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
   4731     if(count < 1) {
   4732         LOGE("HAL:Error reading gyro bias");
   4733         return -1;
   4734     }
   4735     count = sscanf(buf, "%[^','],%[^','],%[^',']", x, y, z);
   4736     if(count) {
   4737         /* scale appropriately for MPL */
   4738         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   4739                 "HAL:pre-scaled bias: X:Y:Z (%ld, %ld, %ld)",
   4740                 atol(x), atol(y), atol(z));
   4742         data[0] = (long)(atol(x) / 10000 * (1L << 16));
   4743         data[1] = (long)(atol(y) / 10000 * (1L << 16));
   4744         data[2] = (long)(atol(z) / 10000 * (1L << 16));
   4746         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   4747                 "HAL:scaled bias: X:Y:Z (%ld, %ld, %ld)",
   4748                 data[0], data[1], data[2]);
   4749     }
   4750     return 0;
   4751 }
   4753 /** fill in the sensor list based on which sensors are configured.
   4754  *  return the number of configured sensors.
   4755  *  parameter list must point to a memory region of at least 7*sizeof(sensor_t)
   4756  *  parameter len gives the length of the buffer pointed to by list
   4757  */
   4758 int MPLSensor::populateSensorList(struct sensor_t *list, int len)
   4759 {
   4760     VFUNC_LOG;
   4762     int numsensors;
   4764     if(len <
   4765         (int)((sizeof(sBaseSensorList) / sizeof(sensor_t)) * sizeof(sensor_t))) {
   4766         LOGE("HAL:sensor list too small, not populating.");
   4767         return -(sizeof(sBaseSensorList) / sizeof(sensor_t));
   4768     }
   4770     /* fill in the base values */
   4771     memcpy(list, sBaseSensorList,
   4772            sizeof (struct sensor_t) * (sizeof(sBaseSensorList) / sizeof(sensor_t)));
   4774     /* first add gyro, accel and compass to the list */
   4776     /* fill in gyro/accel values */
   4777     if(chip_ID == NULL) {
   4778         LOGE("HAL:Can not get gyro/accel id");
   4779     }
   4780     fillGyro(chip_ID, list);
   4781     fillAccel(chip_ID, list);
   4783     // TODO: need fixes for unified HAL and 3rd-party solution
   4784     mCompassSensor->fillList(&list[MagneticField]);
   4785     mCompassSensor->fillList(&list[RawMagneticField]);
   4786 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   4787     if (mPressureSensor != NULL) {
   4788         mPressureSensor->fillList(&list[Pressure]);
   4789     }
   4790 #endif
   4792     if(1) {
   4793         numsensors = (sizeof(sBaseSensorList) / sizeof(sensor_t));
   4794         /* all sensors will be added to the list
   4795            fill in orientation values */
   4796         fillOrientation(list);
   4797         /* fill in rotation vector values */
   4798         fillRV(list);
   4799         /* fill in game rotation vector values */
   4800         fillGRV(list);
   4801         /* fill in gravity values */
   4802         fillGravity(list);
   4803         /* fill in Linear accel values */
   4804         fillLinearAccel(list);
   4805         /* fill in Significant motion values */
   4806         fillSignificantMotion(list);
   4808         /* fill in screen orientation values */
   4809         fillScreenOrientation(list);
   4810 #endif
   4811     } else {
   4812         /* no 9-axis sensors, zero fill that part of the list */
   4813         numsensors = 3;
   4814         memset(list + 3, 0, 4 * sizeof(struct sensor_t));
   4815     }
   4817     return numsensors;
   4818 }
   4820 void MPLSensor::fillAccel(const char* accel, struct sensor_t *list)
   4821 {
   4822     VFUNC_LOG;
   4824     if (accel) {
   4825         if(accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "BMA250") == 0) {
   4826             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_BMA250_RANGE;
   4827             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_BMA250_RESOLUTION;
   4828             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_BMA250_POWER;
   4829             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_BMA250_MINDELAY;
   4830             return;
   4831         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU6050") == 0) {
   4832             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU6050_RANGE;
   4833             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU6050_RESOLUTION;
   4834             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU6050_POWER;
   4835             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU6050_MINDELAY;
   4836             return;
   4837         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU6500") == 0) {
   4838             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4839             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4840             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU6500_POWER;
   4841             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4842             return;
   4843          } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU6515") == 0) {
   4844             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4845             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4846             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU6500_POWER;
   4847             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4848             return;
   4849         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU6500") == 0) {
   4850             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4851             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4852             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU6500_POWER;
   4853             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4854             return;
   4855         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU6500") == 0) {
   4856             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4857             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4858             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU6500_POWER;
   4859             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4860             return;
   4861         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU9150") == 0) {
   4862             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU9150_RANGE;
   4863             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU9150_RESOLUTION;
   4864             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU9150_POWER;
   4865             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU9150_MINDELAY;
   4866             return;
   4867         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU9250") == 0) {
   4868             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU9250_RANGE;
   4869             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU9250_RESOLUTION;
   4870             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU9250_POWER;
   4871             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU9250_MINDELAY;
   4872             return;
   4873         } else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU9350") == 0) {
   4874             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU9350_RANGE;
   4875             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU9350_RESOLUTION;
   4876             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU9350_POWER;
   4877             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU9350_MINDELAY;
   4878             return;
   4879         }  else if (accel != NULL && strcmp(accel, "MPU3050") == 0) {
   4880             list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_BMA250_RANGE;
   4881             list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_BMA250_RESOLUTION;
   4882             list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_BMA250_POWER;
   4883             list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_BMA250_MINDELAY;
   4884             return;
   4885         }
   4886     }
   4888     LOGE("HAL:unknown accel id %s -- "
   4889          "params default to mpu6515 and might be wrong.",
   4890          accel);
   4891     list[Accelerometer].maxRange = ACCEL_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4892     list[Accelerometer].resolution = ACCEL_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4893     list[Accelerometer].power = ACCEL_MPU6500_POWER;
   4894     list[Accelerometer].minDelay = ACCEL_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4895 }
   4897 void MPLSensor::fillGyro(const char* gyro, struct sensor_t *list)
   4898 {
   4899     VFUNC_LOG;
   4901     if ( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU3050") == 0) {
   4902         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU3050_RANGE;
   4903         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU3050_RESOLUTION;
   4904         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU3050_POWER;
   4905         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU3050_MINDELAY;
   4906     } else if( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU6050") == 0) {
   4907         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU6050_RANGE;
   4908         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU6050_RESOLUTION;
   4909         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU6050_POWER;
   4910         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU6050_MINDELAY;
   4911     } else if( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU6500") == 0) {
   4912         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4913         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4914         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU6500_POWER;
   4915         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4916      } else if( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU6515") == 0) {
   4917         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4918         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4919         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU6500_POWER;
   4920         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4921     } else if( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU9150") == 0) {
   4922         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU9150_RANGE;
   4923         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU9150_RESOLUTION;
   4924         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU9150_POWER;
   4925         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU9150_MINDELAY;
   4926     } else if( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU9250") == 0) {
   4927         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU9250_RANGE;
   4928         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU9250_RESOLUTION;
   4929         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU9250_POWER;
   4930         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU9250_MINDELAY;
   4931     } else if( gyro != NULL && strcmp(gyro, "MPU9350") == 0) {
   4932         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU9350_RANGE;
   4933         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU9350_RESOLUTION;
   4934         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU9350_POWER;
   4935         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU9350_MINDELAY;
   4936     } else {
   4937         LOGE("HAL:unknown gyro id -- gyro params will be wrong.");
   4938         LOGE("HAL:default to use mpu6515 params");
   4939         list[Gyro].maxRange = GYRO_MPU6500_RANGE;
   4940         list[Gyro].resolution = GYRO_MPU6500_RESOLUTION;
   4941         list[Gyro].power = GYRO_MPU6500_POWER;
   4942         list[Gyro].minDelay = GYRO_MPU6500_MINDELAY;
   4943     }
   4945     list[RawGyro].maxRange = list[Gyro].maxRange;
   4946     list[RawGyro].resolution = list[Gyro].resolution;
   4947     list[RawGyro].power = list[Gyro].power;
   4948     list[RawGyro].minDelay = list[Gyro].minDelay;
   4950     return;
   4951 }
   4953 /* fillRV depends on values of gyro, accel and compass in the list */
   4954 void MPLSensor::fillRV(struct sensor_t *list)
   4955 {
   4956     VFUNC_LOG;
   4958     /* compute power on the fly */
   4959     list[RotationVector].power = list[Gyro].power +
   4960                                  list[Accelerometer].power +
   4961                                  list[MagneticField].power;
   4962     list[RotationVector].resolution = .00001;
   4963     list[RotationVector].maxRange = 1.0;
   4964     list[RotationVector].minDelay = 5000;
   4966     return;
   4967 }
   4969 /* fillGMRV depends on values of accel and mag in the list */
   4970 void MPLSensor::fillGMRV(struct sensor_t *list)
   4971 {
   4972     VFUNC_LOG;
   4974     /* compute power on the fly */
   4975     list[GeomagneticRotationVector].power = list[Accelerometer].power +
   4976                                  list[MagneticField].power;
   4977     list[GeomagneticRotationVector].resolution = .00001;
   4978     list[GeomagneticRotationVector].maxRange = 1.0;
   4979     list[GeomagneticRotationVector].minDelay = 5000;
   4981     return;
   4982 }
   4984 /* fillGRV depends on values of gyro and accel in the list */
   4985 void MPLSensor::fillGRV(struct sensor_t *list)
   4986 {
   4987     VFUNC_LOG;
   4989     /* compute power on the fly */
   4990     list[GameRotationVector].power = list[Gyro].power +
   4991                                  list[Accelerometer].power;
   4992     list[GameRotationVector].resolution = .00001;
   4993     list[GameRotationVector].maxRange = 1.0;
   4994     list[GameRotationVector].minDelay = 5000;
   4996     return;
   4997 }
   4999 void MPLSensor::fillOrientation(struct sensor_t *list)
   5000 {
   5001     VFUNC_LOG;
   5003     list[Orientation].power = list[Gyro].power +
   5004                               list[Accelerometer].power +
   5005                               list[MagneticField].power;
   5006     list[Orientation].resolution = .00001;
   5007     list[Orientation].maxRange = 360.0;
   5008     list[Orientation].minDelay = 5000;
   5010     return;
   5011 }
   5013 void MPLSensor::fillGravity( struct sensor_t *list)
   5014 {
   5015     VFUNC_LOG;
   5017     list[Gravity].power = list[Gyro].power +
   5018                           list[Accelerometer].power +
   5019                           list[MagneticField].power;
   5020     list[Gravity].resolution = .00001;
   5021     list[Gravity].maxRange = 9.81;
   5022     list[Gravity].minDelay = 5000;
   5024     return;
   5025 }
   5027 void MPLSensor::fillLinearAccel(struct sensor_t *list)
   5028 {
   5029     VFUNC_LOG;
   5031     list[LinearAccel].power = list[Gyro].power +
   5032                           list[Accelerometer].power +
   5033                           list[MagneticField].power;
   5034     list[LinearAccel].resolution = list[Accelerometer].resolution;
   5035     list[LinearAccel].maxRange = list[Accelerometer].maxRange;
   5036     list[LinearAccel].minDelay = 5000;
   5038     return;
   5039 }
   5041 void MPLSensor::fillSignificantMotion(struct sensor_t *list)
   5042 {
   5043     VFUNC_LOG;
   5045     list[SignificantMotion].power = list[Accelerometer].power;
   5046     list[SignificantMotion].resolution = 1;
   5047     list[SignificantMotion].maxRange = 1;
   5048     list[SignificantMotion].minDelay = -1;
   5049 }
   5052 void MPLSensor::fillScreenOrientation(struct sensor_t *list)
   5053 {
   5054     VFUNC_LOG;
   5056     list[NumSensors].power = list[Accelerometer].power;
   5057     list[NumSensors].resolution = 1;
   5058     list[NumSensors].maxRange = 3;
   5059     list[NumSensors].minDelay = 0;
   5060 }
   5061 #endif
   5063 int MPLSensor::inv_init_sysfs_attributes(void)
   5064 {
   5065     VFUNC_LOG;
   5067     unsigned char i = 0;
   5068     char sysfs_path[MAX_SYSFS_NAME_LEN];
   5069     char tbuf[2];
   5070     char *sptr;
   5071     char **dptr;
   5072     int num;
   5074     memset(sysfs_path, 0, sizeof(sysfs_path));
   5076     sysfs_names_ptr =
   5077             (char*)malloc(sizeof(char[MAX_SYSFS_ATTRB][MAX_SYSFS_NAME_LEN]));
   5078     sptr = sysfs_names_ptr;
   5079     if (sptr != NULL) {
   5080         dptr = (char**)&mpu;
   5081         do {
   5082             *dptr++ = sptr;
   5083             memset(sptr, 0, sizeof(sptr));
   5084             sptr += sizeof(char[MAX_SYSFS_NAME_LEN]);
   5085         } while (++i < MAX_SYSFS_ATTRB);
   5086     } else {
   5087         LOGE("HAL:couldn't alloc mem for sysfs paths");
   5088         return -1;
   5089     }
   5091     // get proper (in absolute) IIO path & build MPU's sysfs paths
   5092     inv_get_sysfs_path(sysfs_path);
   5094     memcpy(mSysfsPath, sysfs_path, sizeof(sysfs_path));
   5095     sprintf(mpu.key, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/key");
   5096     sprintf(mpu.chip_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/buffer/enable");
   5097     sprintf(mpu.buffer_length, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/buffer/length");
   5098     sprintf(mpu.master_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/master_enable");
   5099     sprintf(mpu.power_state, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/power_state");
   5101     sprintf(mpu.in_timestamp_en, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5102             "/scan_elements/in_timestamp_en");
   5103     sprintf(mpu.in_timestamp_index, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5104             "/scan_elements/in_timestamp_index");
   5105     sprintf(mpu.in_timestamp_type, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5106             "/scan_elements/in_timestamp_type");
   5108     sprintf(mpu.dmp_firmware, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/dmp_firmware");
   5109     sprintf(mpu.firmware_loaded, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/firmware_loaded");
   5110     sprintf(mpu.dmp_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/dmp_on");
   5111     sprintf(mpu.dmp_int_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/dmp_int_on");
   5112     sprintf(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/dmp_event_int_on");
   5113     sprintf(mpu.tap_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/tap_on");
   5115     sprintf(mpu.self_test, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/self_test");
   5117     sprintf(mpu.temperature, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/temperature");
   5118     sprintf(mpu.gyro_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/gyro_enable");
   5119     sprintf(mpu.gyro_fifo_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/sampling_frequency");
   5120     sprintf(mpu.gyro_orient, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/gyro_matrix");
   5121     sprintf(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/gyro_fifo_enable");
   5122     sprintf(mpu.gyro_fsr, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_scale");
   5123     sprintf(mpu.gyro_fifo_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/gyro_fifo_enable");
   5124     sprintf(mpu.gyro_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/gyro_rate");
   5126     sprintf(mpu.accel_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/accel_enable");
   5127     sprintf(mpu.accel_fifo_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/sampling_frequency");
   5128     sprintf(mpu.accel_orient, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/accel_matrix");
   5129     sprintf(mpu.accel_fifo_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/accel_fifo_enable");
   5130     sprintf(mpu.accel_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/accel_rate");
   5132 #ifndef THIRD_PARTY_ACCEL //MPU3050
   5133     sprintf(mpu.accel_fsr, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_scale");
   5135     // DMP uses these values
   5136     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_x_dmp_bias, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_x_dmp_bias");
   5137     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_y_dmp_bias, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_y_dmp_bias");
   5138     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_z_dmp_bias, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_z_dmp_bias");
   5140     // MPU uses these values
   5141     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_x_offset, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_x_offset");
   5142     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_y_offset, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_y_offset");
   5143     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_z_offset, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_z_offset");
   5144     sprintf(mpu.in_accel_self_test_scale, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_accel_self_test_scale");
   5145 #endif
   5147     // DMP uses these bias values
   5148     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_x_dmp_bias");
   5149     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_y_dmp_bias");
   5150     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_z_dmp_bias");
   5152     // MPU uses these bias values
   5153     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_x_offset, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_x_offset");
   5154     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_y_offset, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_y_offset");
   5155     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_z_offset, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_z_offset");
   5156     sprintf(mpu.in_gyro_self_test_scale, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/in_anglvel_self_test_scale");
   5158     sprintf(mpu.three_axis_q_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/three_axes_q_on"); //formerly quaternion_on
   5159     sprintf(mpu.three_axis_q_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/three_axes_q_rate");
   5161     sprintf(mpu.ped_q_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/ped_q_on");
   5162     sprintf(mpu.ped_q_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/ped_q_rate");
   5164     sprintf(mpu.six_axis_q_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/six_axes_q_on");
   5165     sprintf(mpu.six_axis_q_rate, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/six_axes_q_rate");
   5167     sprintf(mpu.six_axis_q_value, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/six_axes_q_value");
   5169     sprintf(mpu.step_detector_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/step_detector_on");
   5170     sprintf(mpu.step_indicator_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/step_indicator_on");
   5172     sprintf(mpu.display_orientation_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5173             "/display_orientation_on");
   5174     sprintf(mpu.event_display_orientation, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5175             "/event_display_orientation");
   5177     sprintf(mpu.event_smd, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5178             "/event_smd");
   5179     sprintf(mpu.smd_enable, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5180             "/smd_enable");
   5181     sprintf(mpu.smd_delay_threshold, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5182             "/smd_delay_threshold");
   5183     sprintf(mpu.smd_delay_threshold2, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5184             "/smd_delay_threshold2");
   5185     sprintf(mpu.smd_threshold, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5186             "/smd_threshold");
   5187     sprintf(mpu.batchmode_timeout, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5188             "/batchmode_timeout");
   5189     sprintf(mpu.batchmode_wake_fifo_full_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5190             "/batchmode_wake_fifo_full_on");
   5191     sprintf(mpu.flush_batch, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5192             "/flush_batch");
   5193     sprintf(mpu.pedometer_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5194             "/pedometer_on");
   5195     sprintf(mpu.pedometer_int_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5196             "/pedometer_int_on");
   5197     sprintf(mpu.event_pedometer, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5198             "/event_pedometer");
   5199     sprintf(mpu.pedometer_steps, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5200             "/pedometer_steps");
   5201     sprintf(mpu.pedometer_step_thresh, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5202             "/pedometer_step_thresh");
   5203     sprintf(mpu.pedometer_counter, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5204             "/pedometer_counter");
   5205     sprintf(mpu.motion_lpa_on, "%s%s", sysfs_path,
   5206             "/motion_lpa_on");
   5207     return 0;
   5208 }
   5210 //DMP support only for MPU6xxx/9xxx
   5211 bool MPLSensor::isMpuNonDmp(void)
   5212 {
   5213     VFUNC_LOG;
   5214     if (!strcmp(chip_ID, "mpu3050") || !strcmp(chip_ID, "MPU3050"))
   5215         return true;
   5216     else
   5217         return false;
   5218 }
   5220 int MPLSensor::isLowPowerQuatEnabled(void)
   5221 {
   5222     VFUNC_LOG;
   5223 #ifdef ENABLE_LP_QUAT_FEAT
   5224     return !isMpuNonDmp();
   5225 #else
   5226     return 0;
   5227 #endif
   5228 }
   5230 int MPLSensor::isDmpDisplayOrientationOn(void)
   5231 {
   5232     VFUNC_LOG;
   5234     if (isMpuNonDmp())
   5235         return 0;
   5236     return 1;
   5237 #else
   5238     return 0;
   5239 #endif
   5240 }
   5242 /* these functions can be consolidated
   5243 with inv_convert_to_body_with_scale */
   5244 void MPLSensor::getCompassBias()
   5245 {
   5246     VFUNC_LOG;
   5249     long bias[3];
   5250     long compassBias[3];
   5251     unsigned short orient;
   5252     signed char orientMtx[9];
   5253     mCompassSensor->getOrientationMatrix(orientMtx);
   5254     orient = inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(orientMtx);
   5256     /* Get Values from MPL */
   5257     inv_get_compass_bias(bias);
   5258     inv_convert_to_body(orient, bias, compassBias);
   5259     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "Mpl Compass Bias (HW unit) %ld %ld %ld", bias[0], bias[1], bias[2]);
   5260     LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "Mpl Compass Bias (HW unit) (body) %ld %ld %ld", compassBias[0], compassBias[1], compassBias[2]);
   5261     long compassSensitivity = inv_get_compass_sensitivity();
   5262     if (compassSensitivity == 0) {
   5263         compassSensitivity = mCompassScale;
   5264     }
   5265     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
   5266         /* convert to uT */
   5267         float temp = (float) compassSensitivity / (1L << 30);
   5268         mCompassBias[i] =(float) (compassBias[i] * temp / 65536.f);
   5269     }
   5271     return;
   5272 }
   5274 void MPLSensor::getFactoryGyroBias()
   5275 {
   5276     VFUNC_LOG;
   5278     /* Get Values from MPL */
   5279     inv_get_gyro_bias(mFactoryGyroBias);
   5280     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "Factory Gyro Bias %ld %ld %ld", mFactoryGyroBias[0], mFactoryGyroBias[1], mFactoryGyroBias[2]);
   5281     mFactoryGyroBiasAvailable = true;
   5283     return;
   5284 }
   5286 /* set bias from factory cal file to MPU offset (in chip frame)
   5287    x = values store in cal file --> (v/1000 * 2^16 / (2000/250))
   5288    offset = x/2^16 * (Gyro scale / self test scale used) * (-1) / offset scale
   5289    i.e. self test default scale = 250
   5290          gyro scale default to = 2000
   5291          offset scale = 4 //as spec by hardware
   5292          offset = x/2^16 * (8) * (-1) / (4)
   5293 */
   5294 void MPLSensor::setFactoryGyroBias()
   5295 {
   5296     VFUNC_LOG;
   5297     int scaleRatio = mGyroScale / mGyroSelfTestScale;
   5298     int offsetScale = 4;
   5299     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: scaleRatio used =%d", scaleRatio);
   5300     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: offsetScale used =%d", offsetScale);
   5302     /* Write to Driver */
   5303     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5304             (((int) (((float) mFactoryGyroBias[0]) / 65536.f * scaleRatio)) * -1 / offsetScale),
   5305             mpu.in_gyro_x_offset, getTimestamp());
   5306     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_x_offset_fd,
   5307         (((int) (((float) mFactoryGyroBias[0]) / 65536.f * scaleRatio)) * -1 / offsetScale)) < 0)
   5308     {
   5309         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_x_offset");
   5310         return;
   5311     }
   5312     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5313             (((int) (((float) mFactoryGyroBias[1]) / 65536.f * scaleRatio)) * -1 / offsetScale),
   5314             mpu.in_gyro_y_offset, getTimestamp());
   5315     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_y_offset_fd,
   5316         (((int) (((float) mFactoryGyroBias[1]) / 65536.f * scaleRatio)) * -1 / offsetScale)) < 0)
   5317     {
   5318         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_y_offset");
   5319         return;
   5320     }
   5321     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5322             (((int) (((float) mFactoryGyroBias[2]) / 65536.f * scaleRatio)) * -1 / offsetScale),
   5323             mpu.in_gyro_z_offset, getTimestamp());
   5324     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_z_offset_fd,
   5325         (((int) (((float) mFactoryGyroBias[2]) / 65536.f * scaleRatio)) * -1 / offsetScale)) < 0)
   5326     {
   5327         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_z_offset");
   5328         return;
   5329     }
   5330     mFactoryGyroBiasAvailable = false;
   5331     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Factory Gyro Calibrated Bias Applied");
   5333     return;
   5334 }
   5336 /* these functions can be consolidated
   5337 with inv_convert_to_body_with_scale */
   5338 void MPLSensor::getGyroBias()
   5339 {
   5340     VFUNC_LOG;
   5342     long *temp = NULL;
   5343     long chipBias[3];
   5344     long bias[3];
   5345     unsigned short orient;
   5347     /* Get Values from MPL */
   5348     inv_get_mpl_gyro_bias(mGyroChipBias, temp);
   5349     orient = inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar(mGyroOrientation);
   5350     inv_convert_to_body(orient, mGyroChipBias, bias);
   5351     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "Mpl Gyro Bias (HW unit) %ld %ld %ld", mGyroChipBias[0], mGyroChipBias[1], mGyroChipBias[2]);
   5352     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "Mpl Gyro Bias (HW unit) (body) %ld %ld %ld", bias[0], bias[1], bias[2]);
   5353     long gyroSensitivity = inv_get_gyro_sensitivity();
   5354     if(gyroSensitivity == 0) {
   5355         gyroSensitivity = mGyroScale;
   5356     }
   5358     /* scale and convert to rad */
   5359     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
   5360         float temp = (float) gyroSensitivity / (1L << 30);
   5361         mGyroBias[i] = (float) (bias[i] * temp / (1<<16) / 180 * M_PI);
   5362         if (mGyroBias[i] != 0)
   5363             mGyroBiasAvailable = true;
   5364     }
   5366     return;
   5367 }
   5369 void MPLSensor::setGyroZeroBias()
   5370 {
   5371     VFUNC_LOG;
   5373     /* Write to Driver */
   5374     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5375             0, mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5376     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   5377         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_x_dmp_bias");
   5378         return;
   5379     }
   5380     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5381             0, mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5382     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   5383         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_y_dmp_bias");
   5384         return;
   5385     }
   5386     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5387             0, mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5388     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   5389         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_z_dmp_bias");
   5390         return;
   5391     }
   5392     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Zero Gyro DMP Calibrated Bias Applied");
   5394     return;
   5395 }
   5397 void MPLSensor::setGyroBias()
   5398 {
   5399     VFUNC_LOG;
   5401     if(mGyroBiasAvailable == false)
   5402         return;
   5404     long bias[3];
   5405     long gyroSensitivity = inv_get_gyro_sensitivity();
   5407     if(gyroSensitivity == 0) {
   5408         gyroSensitivity = mGyroScale;
   5409     }
   5411     inv_get_gyro_bias_dmp_units(bias);
   5413     /* Write to Driver */
   5414     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5415             bias[0], mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5416     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd, bias[0]) < 0) {
   5417         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_x_dmp_bias");
   5418         return;
   5419     }
   5420     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5421             bias[1], mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5422     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd, bias[1]) < 0) {
   5423         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_y_dmp_bias");
   5424         return;
   5425     }
   5426     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5427             bias[2], mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5428     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd, bias[2]) < 0) {
   5429         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_z_dmp_bias");
   5430         return;
   5431     }
   5432     mGyroBiasApplied = true;
   5433     mGyroBiasAvailable = false;
   5434     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Gyro DMP Calibrated Bias Applied");
   5436     return;
   5437 }
   5439 void MPLSensor::getFactoryAccelBias()
   5440 {
   5441     VFUNC_LOG;
   5443     long temp;
   5445     /* Get Values from MPL */
   5446     inv_get_accel_bias(mFactoryAccelBias);
   5447     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "Factory Accel Bias (mg) %ld %ld %ld", mFactoryAccelBias[0], mFactoryAccelBias[1], mFactoryAccelBias[2]);
   5448     mFactoryAccelBiasAvailable = true;
   5450     return;
   5451 }
   5453 void MPLSensor::setFactoryAccelBias()
   5454 {
   5455     VFUNC_LOG;
   5457     if(mFactoryAccelBiasAvailable == false)
   5458         return;
   5460     /* add scaling here - depends on self test parameters */
   5461     int scaleRatio = mAccelScale / mAccelSelfTestScale;
   5462     int offsetScale = 16;
   5463     long tempBias;
   5465     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: scaleRatio used =%d", scaleRatio);
   5466     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: offsetScale used =%d", offsetScale);
   5468     /* Write to Driver */
   5469     tempBias = -mFactoryAccelBias[0] / 65536.f * scaleRatio / offsetScale;
   5470     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5471             tempBias, mpu.in_accel_x_offset, getTimestamp());
   5472     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_x_offset_fd, tempBias) < 0) {
   5473         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_x_offset");
   5474         return;
   5475     }
   5476     tempBias = -mFactoryAccelBias[1] / 65536.f * scaleRatio / offsetScale;
   5477     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5478             tempBias, mpu.in_accel_y_offset, getTimestamp());
   5479     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_y_offset_fd, tempBias) < 0) {
   5480         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_y_offset");
   5481         return;
   5482     }
   5483     tempBias = -mFactoryAccelBias[2] / 65536.f * scaleRatio / offsetScale;
   5484     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5485             tempBias, mpu.in_accel_z_offset, getTimestamp());
   5486     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_z_offset_fd, tempBias) < 0) {
   5487         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_z_offset");
   5488         return;
   5489     }
   5490     mFactoryAccelBiasAvailable = false;
   5491     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Factory Accel Calibrated Bias Applied");
   5493     return;
   5494 }
   5496 void MPLSensor::getAccelBias()
   5497 {
   5498     VFUNC_LOG;
   5499     long temp;
   5501     /* Get Values from MPL */
   5502     inv_get_mpl_accel_bias(mAccelBias, &temp);
   5503     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "Accel Bias (mg) %ld %ld %ld",
   5504             mAccelBias[0], mAccelBias[1], mAccelBias[2]);
   5505     mAccelBiasAvailable = true;
   5507     return;
   5508 }
   5510 /*    set accel bias obtained from MPL
   5511       bias is scaled by 65536 from MPL
   5512       DMP expects: bias * 536870912 / 2^30 = bias / 2 (in body frame)
   5513 */
   5514 void MPLSensor::setAccelBias()
   5515 {
   5516     VFUNC_LOG;
   5518     if(mAccelBiasAvailable == false) {
   5519         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: setAccelBias - accel bias not available");
   5520         return;
   5521     }
   5523     /* write to driver */
   5524     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5525             (long) (mAccelBias[0] / 65536.f / 2),
   5526             mpu.in_accel_x_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5527     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(
   5528             accel_x_dmp_bias_fd, (long)(mAccelBias[0] / 65536.f / 2)) < 0) {
   5529         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_x_dmp_bias");
   5530         return;
   5531     }
   5532     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5533             (long)(mAccelBias[1] / 65536.f / 2),
   5534             mpu.in_accel_y_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5535     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(
   5536             accel_y_dmp_bias_fd, (long)(mAccelBias[1] / 65536.f / 2)) < 0) {
   5537         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_y_dmp_bias");
   5538         return;
   5539     }
   5540     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "HAL:sysfs:echo %ld > %s (%lld)",
   5541             (long)(mAccelBias[2] / 65536 / 2),
   5542             mpu.in_accel_z_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
   5543     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(
   5544             accel_z_dmp_bias_fd, (long)(mAccelBias[2] / 65536 / 2)) < 0) {
   5545         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_z_dmp_bias");
   5546         return;
   5547     }
   5549     mAccelBiasAvailable = false;
   5550     mAccelBiasApplied = true;
   5551     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:Accel DMP Calibrated Bias Applied");
   5553     return;
   5554 }
   5556 int MPLSensor::isCompassDisabled(void)
   5557 {
   5558     VFUNC_LOG;
   5559     if(mCompassSensor->getFd() < 0 && !mCompassSensor->isIntegrated()) {
   5560     LOGI_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: Compass is disabled, Six-axis Sensor Fusion is used.");
   5561         return 1;
   5562     }
   5563     return 0;
   5564 }
   5566 int MPLSensor::checkBatchEnabled(void)
   5567 {
   5568     VFUNC_LOG;
   5569     return ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE)? 1:0);
   5570 }
   5572 /* precondition: framework disallows this case, ie enable continuous sensor, */
   5573 /* and enable batch sensor */
   5574 /* if one sensor is in continuous mode, HAL disallows enabling batch for this sensor */
   5575 /* or any other sensors */
   5576 int MPLSensor::batch(int handle, int flags, int64_t period_ns, int64_t timeout)
   5577 {
   5578     VFUNC_LOG;
   5580     int res = 0;
   5582     if (isMpuNonDmp())
   5583         return res;
   5585     /* Enables batch mode and sets timeout for the given sensor */
   5587     bool dryRun = false;
   5588     android::String8 sname;
   5589     int what = -1;
   5590     int enabled_sensors = mEnabled;
   5591     int batchMode = timeout > 0 ? 1 : 0;
   5594             "HAL:batch called - handle=%d, flags=%d, period=%lld, timeout=%lld",
   5595             handle, flags, period_ns, timeout);
   5597     if(flags & SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN) {
   5598         dryRun = true;
   5599         LOGI_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
   5600                 "HAL:batch - dry run mode is set (%d)", SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN);
   5601     }
   5603     /* check if we can support issuing interrupt before FIFO fills-up */
   5604     /* in a given timeout.                                          */
   5605     if (flags & SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL) {
   5606             LOGE("HAL: batch SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL is not supported");
   5607             return -EINVAL;
   5608     }
   5610     getHandle(handle, what, sname);
   5611     if(uint32_t(what) >= NumSensors) {
   5612         LOGE("HAL:batch sensors %d not found", what);
   5613         return -EINVAL;
   5614     }
   5617             "HAL:batch : %llu ns, (%.2f Hz)", period_ns, 1000000000.f / period_ns);
   5619     // limit all rates to reasonable ones */
   5620     if (period_ns < 5000000LL) {
   5621         period_ns = 5000000LL;
   5622     }
   5624     switch (what) {
   5625     case Gyro:
   5626     case RawGyro:
   5627     case Accelerometer:
   5628 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   5629     case Pressure:
   5630 #endif
   5631     case GameRotationVector:
   5632     case StepDetector:
   5633         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL: batch - select sensor (handle %d)", handle);
   5634         break;
   5635     case MagneticField:
   5636     case RawMagneticField:
   5637         if(timeout > 0 && !mCompassSensor->isIntegrated())
   5638             return -EINVAL;
   5639         else
   5640             LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL: batch - select sensor (handle %d)", handle);
   5641         break;
   5642     default:
   5643         if (timeout > 0) {
   5644             LOGE("sensor (handle %d) is not supported in batch mode", handle);
   5645             return -EINVAL;
   5646         }
   5647     }
   5649     if(dryRun == true) {
   5650         LOGI("HAL: batch Dry Run is complete");
   5651         return 0;
   5652     }
   5654     int tempBatch = 0;
   5655     if (timeout > 0) {
   5656         tempBatch = mBatchEnabled | (1 << what);
   5657     } else {
   5658         tempBatch = mBatchEnabled & ~(1 << what);
   5659     }
   5661     if (!computeBatchSensorMask(mEnabled, tempBatch)) {
   5662         batchMode = 0;
   5663     } else {
   5664         batchMode = 1;
   5665     }
   5667     /* get maximum possible bytes to batch per sample */
   5668     /* get minimum delay for each requested sensor    */
   5669     ssize_t nBytes = 0;
   5670     int64_t wanted = 1000000000LL, ns = 0;
   5671     int64_t timeoutInMs = 0;
   5672     for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   5673         if (batchMode == 1) {
   5674             ns = mBatchDelays[i];
   5676                     "HAL:batch - requested sensor=0x%01x, batch delay=%lld", mEnabled & (1 << i), ns);
   5677             // take the min delay ==> max rate
   5678             wanted = (ns < wanted) ? ns : wanted;
   5679             if (i <= RawMagneticField) {
   5680                 nBytes += 8;
   5681             }
   5682 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   5683             if (i == Pressure) {
   5684                 nBytes += 6;
   5685             }
   5686 #endif
   5687             if ((i == StepDetector) || (i == GameRotationVector)) {
   5688                 nBytes += 16;
   5689             }
   5690         }
   5691     }
   5693     /* starting from code below,  we will modify hardware */
   5694     /* first edit global batch mode mask */
   5696     if (!timeout) {
   5697         mBatchEnabled &= ~(1 << what);
   5698         mBatchDelays[what] = 1000000000L;
   5699         mDelays[what] = period_ns;
   5700         mBatchTimeouts[what] = 100000000000LL;
   5701     } else {
   5702         mBatchEnabled |= (1 << what);
   5703         mBatchDelays[what] = period_ns;
   5704         mDelays[what] = period_ns;
   5705         mBatchTimeouts[what] = timeout;
   5706     }
   5708     // reset master enable
   5709     res = masterEnable(0);
   5710     if (res < 0) {
   5711         return res;
   5712     }
   5714     if(((int)mOldBatchEnabledMask != batchMode) || batchMode) {
   5716     /* remember batch mode that is set  */
   5717     mOldBatchEnabledMask = batchMode;
   5719     /* For these sensors, switch to different data output */
   5720     int featureMask = computeBatchDataOutput();
   5722     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batchMode =%d, featureMask=0x%x, mEnabled=%d",
   5723                 batchMode, featureMask, mEnabled);
   5724     if (DEBUG_BATCHING && EXTRA_VERBOSE) {
   5725         LOGV("HAL:batch - sensor=0x%01x", mBatchEnabled);
   5726         for (int d = 0; d < NumSensors; d++) {
   5727             LOGV("HAL:batch - sensor status=0x%01x batch status=0x%01x timeout=%lld delay=%lld",
   5728                             mEnabled & (1 << d), (mBatchEnabled & (1 << d)), mBatchTimeouts[d],
   5729                             mBatchDelays[d]);
   5730         }
   5731     }
   5733     /* case for Ped standalone */
   5734     if ((batchMode == 1) && (featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE) &&
   5735            (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER)) {
   5736         LOGI_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batch - ID_P only = 0x%x", mBatchEnabled);
   5737         enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5738         enablePedStandalone(1);
   5739     } else {
   5740         enablePedStandalone(0);
   5741         if (featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION) {
   5742             enableLPQuaternion(0);
   5743             enablePedQuaternion(1);
   5744         }
   5745     }
   5747     /* case for Ped Quaternion */
   5748     if ((batchMode == 1) && (featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION) &&
   5749             (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) &&
   5750             (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER)) {
   5751         LOGI_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batch - ID_P and GRV or ALL = 0x%x", mBatchEnabled);
   5752         LOGI_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batch - ID_P is enabled for batching, PED quat will be automatically enabled");
   5753         enableLPQuaternion(0);
   5754         enablePedQuaternion(1);
   5756         /* set pedq rate */
   5757         wanted = mBatchDelays[GameRotationVector];
   5758         setPedQuaternionRate(wanted);
   5759     } else if (!(featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE)){
   5760         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batch - PedQ Toggle back to normal 6 axis");
   5761         if (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   5762             enableLPQuaternion(checkLPQRateSupported());
   5763         }
   5764         enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5765     } else {
   5766         enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5767     }
   5769      /* case for Ped indicator */
   5770     if ((batchMode == 1) && ((featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_INDICATOR))) {
   5771         enablePedIndicator(1);
   5772     } else {
   5773         enablePedIndicator(0);
   5774     }
   5776     /* case for Six Axis Quaternion */
   5777     if ((batchMode == 1) && (featureMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION) &&
   5778             (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector))) {
   5779         LOGI_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batch - GRV = 0x%x", mBatchEnabled);
   5780         enableLPQuaternion(0);
   5781         enable6AxisQuaternion(1);
   5782         if (what == GameRotationVector) {
   5783             setInitial6QuatValue();
   5784         }
   5786         /* set sixaxis rate */
   5787         wanted = mBatchDelays[GameRotationVector];
   5788         set6AxisQuaternionRate(wanted);
   5789     } else if (!(featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION)){
   5790         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "batch - 6Axis Toggle back to normal 6 axis");
   5791         if (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   5792             enableLPQuaternion(checkLPQRateSupported());
   5793         }
   5794         enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   5795     } else {
   5796         enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   5797     }
   5799     /* TODO: This may make a come back some day */
   5800     /* Not to overflow hardware FIFO if flag is set */
   5801     /*if (flags & (1 << SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL)) {
   5802         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5803                 0, mpu.batchmode_wake_fifo_full_on, getTimestamp());
   5804         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.batchmode_wake_fifo_full_on, 0) < 0) {
   5805             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write batchmode_wake_fifo_full_on");
   5806         }
   5807     }*/
   5809     writeBatchTimeout(batchMode);
   5811     if (computeAndSetDmpState() < 0) {
   5812         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't compute dmp state");
   5813     }
   5815 }//end of batch mode modify
   5817     if (batchMode == 1) {
   5818         /* set batch rates */
   5819         if (setBatchDataRates() < 0) {
   5820             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't set batch data rates");
   5821         }
   5822     } else {
   5823         /* reset sensor rate */
   5824         if (resetDataRates() < 0) {
   5825             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't reset output rate back to original setting");
   5826         }
   5827     }
   5829     // set sensor data interrupt
   5830     uint32_t dataInterrupt = (mEnabled || (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_BATCH_MODE));
   5831     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   5832                 !dataInterrupt, mpu.dmp_event_int_on, getTimestamp());
   5833     if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.dmp_event_int_on, !dataInterrupt) < 0) {
   5834         res = -1;
   5835         LOGE("HAL:ERR can't enable DMP event interrupt");
   5836     }
   5838     if (enabled_sensors || mFeatureActiveMask) {
   5839         masterEnable(1);
   5840     }
   5841     return res;
   5842 }
   5844 /* Send empty event when:        */
   5845 /* 1. batch mode is not enabled  */
   5846 /* 2. no data in HW FIFO         */
   5847 /* return status zero if (2)     */
   5848 int MPLSensor::flush(int handle)
   5849 {
   5850     VFUNC_LOG;
   5852     int res = 0;
   5853     int status = 0;
   5854     android::String8 sname;
   5855     int what = -1;
   5857     getHandle(handle, what, sname);
   5858     if (uint32_t(what) >= NumSensors) {
   5859         LOGE("HAL:flush - what=%d is invalid", what);
   5860         return -EINVAL;
   5861     }
   5863     LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL: flush - select sensor %s (handle %d)", sname.string(), handle);
   5865     if (((what != StepDetector) && (!(mEnabled & (1 << what)))) ||
   5866         ((what == StepDetector) && !(mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER))) {
   5867         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: flush - sensor %s not enabled", sname.string());
   5868          return -EINVAL;
   5869     }
   5871     if(!(mBatchEnabled & (1 << what))) {
   5872          LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE, "HAL:flush - batch mode not enabled for sensor %s (handle %d)", sname.string(), handle);
   5873     }
   5875     mFlushSensorEnabledVector.push_back(handle);
   5877     /*write sysfs */
   5878     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:cat %s (%lld)",
   5879             mpu.flush_batch, getTimestamp());
   5881     status = read_sysfs_int(mpu.flush_batch, &res);
   5883     if (status < 0)
   5884         LOGE("HAL: flush - error invoking flush_batch");
   5886     /* driver returns 0 if FIFO is empty */
   5887     if (res == 0) {
   5888         LOGI("HAL: flush - no data in FIFO");
   5889     }
   5891     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAl:flush - mFlushSensorEnabledVector=%d res=%d status=%d", handle, res, status);
   5893     mFlushBatchSet = 0;
   5894     return 0;
   5895 }
   5897 int MPLSensor::selectAndSetQuaternion(int batchMode, int mEnabled, long long featureMask)
   5898 {
   5899     VFUNC_LOG;
   5900     int res = 0;
   5902     int64_t wanted;
   5904     /* case for Ped Quaternion */
   5905     if (batchMode == 1) {
   5906         if ((featureMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION) &&
   5907             (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) &&
   5908             (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PEDOMETER)) {
   5909                 enableLPQuaternion(0);
   5910                 enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   5911                 setInitial6QuatValue();
   5912                 enablePedQuaternion(1);
   5914                 /* set pedq rate */
   5915                 wanted = mBatchDelays[GameRotationVector];
   5916                 setPedQuaternionRate(wanted);
   5917         } else if ((featureMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION) &&
   5918                    (mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector))) {
   5919                 enableLPQuaternion(0);
   5920                 enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5921                 setInitial6QuatValue();
   5922                 enable6AxisQuaternion(1);
   5924                 /* set sixaxis rate */
   5925                 wanted = mBatchDelays[GameRotationVector];
   5926                 set6AxisQuaternionRate(wanted);
   5927         } else {
   5928             enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5929             enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   5930         }
   5931     } else {
   5932         if(mEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   5933             enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5934             enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   5935             enableLPQuaternion(checkLPQRateSupported());
   5936         }
   5937         else {
   5938             enablePedQuaternion(0);
   5939             enable6AxisQuaternion(0);
   5940         }
   5941     }
   5943     return res;
   5944 }
   5946 /*
   5947 Select Quaternion and Options for Batching
   5949     ID_P    ID_GRV     HW Batch     Type
   5950 a   1       1          1            PedQ, Ped Indicator, HW
   5951 b   1       1          0            PedQ
   5952 c   1       0          1            Ped Indicator, HW
   5953 d   1       0          0            Ped Standalone, Ped Indicator
   5954 e   0       1          1            6Q, HW
   5955 f   0       1          0            6Q
   5956 g   0       0          1            HW
   5957 h   0       0          0            LPQ <defualt>
   5958 */
   5959 int MPLSensor::computeBatchDataOutput()
   5960 {
   5961     VFUNC_LOG;
   5963     int featureMask = 0;
   5964     if (mBatchEnabled == 0)
   5965         return 0;//h
   5967     uint32_t hardwareSensorMask = (1 << Gyro)
   5968                                 | (1 << RawGyro)
   5969                                 | (1 << Accelerometer)
   5970                                 | (1 << MagneticField)
   5971 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   5972                                 | (1 << Pressure)
   5973 #endif
   5974                                 | (1 << RawMagneticField);
   5976     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "hardwareSensorMask = 0x%0x, mBatchEnabled = 0x%0x",
   5977             hardwareSensorMask, mBatchEnabled);
   5979     if (mBatchEnabled & (1 << StepDetector)) {
   5980         if (mBatchEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   5981             if ((mBatchEnabled & hardwareSensorMask)) {
   5982                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION;//a
   5983                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_PED_INDICATOR;
   5984 //LOGE("batch output: a");
   5985             } else {
   5986                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION;  //b
   5987                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_PED_INDICATOR;   //always piggy back a bit
   5988 //LOGE("batch output: b");
   5989             }
   5990         } else {
   5991             if (mBatchEnabled & hardwareSensorMask) {
   5992                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_PED_INDICATOR;   //c
   5993 //LOGE("batch output: c");
   5994             } else {
   5995                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_PED_STANDALONE;  //d
   5996                 featureMask |= INV_DMP_PED_INDICATOR;   //required for standalone
   5997 //LOGE("batch output: d");
   5998             }
   5999         }
   6000     } else if (mBatchEnabled & (1 << GameRotationVector)) {
   6001         featureMask |= INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION;        //e,f
   6002 //LOGE("batch output: e,f");
   6003     } else {
   6004         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   6005                 "HAL:computeBatchDataOutput: featuerMask=0x%x", featureMask);
   6006 //LOGE("batch output: g");
   6007         return 0; //g
   6008     }
   6010     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE,
   6011             "HAL:computeBatchDataOutput: featuerMask=0x%x", featureMask);
   6012     return featureMask;
   6013 }
   6015 int MPLSensor::getDmpPedometerFd()
   6016 {
   6017     VFUNC_LOG;
   6018     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "getDmpPedometerFd returning %d", dmp_pedometer_fd);
   6019     return dmp_pedometer_fd;
   6020 }
   6022 /* @param [in] : outputType = 1 --event is from PED_Q        */
   6023 /*               outputType = 0 --event is from ID_SC, ID_P  */
   6024 int MPLSensor::readDmpPedometerEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count,
   6025                                       int32_t id, int outputType)
   6026 {
   6027     VFUNC_LOG;
   6029     int res = 0;
   6030     char dummy[4];
   6032     int numEventReceived = 0;
   6033     int update = 0;
   6035     LOGI_IF(0, "HAL: Read Pedometer Event ID=%d", id);
   6036     switch (id) {
   6037     case ID_P:
   6038         if (mDmpPedometerEnabled && count > 0) {
   6039             /* Handles return event */
   6040             LOGI("HAL: Step detected");
   6041             update = sdHandler(&mSdEvents);
   6042         }
   6044         if (update && count > 0) {
   6045             *data++ = mSdEvents;
   6046             count--;
   6047             numEventReceived++;
   6048         }
   6049         break;
   6050     case ID_SC:
   6051         FILE *fp;
   6052         uint64_t stepCount;
   6053         uint64_t stepCountTs;
   6055         if (mDmpStepCountEnabled && count > 0) {
   6056             fp = fopen(mpu.pedometer_steps, "r");
   6057             if (fp == NULL) {
   6058                 LOGE("HAL:cannot open pedometer_steps");
   6059             } else {
   6060                 if (fscanf(fp, "%lld\n", &stepCount) < 0) {
   6061                     LOGW("HAL:cannot read pedometer_steps");
   6062                     if (fclose(fp) < 0) {
   6063                        LOGW("HAL:cannot close pedometer_steps");
   6064                     }
   6065                     return 0;
   6066                 }
   6067                 if (fclose(fp) < 0) {
   6068                        LOGW("HAL:cannot close pedometer_steps");
   6069                 }
   6070             }
   6072             /* return event onChange only */
   6073             if (stepCount == mLastStepCount) {
   6074                 return 0;
   6075             }
   6077             mLastStepCount = stepCount;
   6079             /* Read step count timestamp */
   6080             fp = fopen(mpu.pedometer_counter, "r");
   6081             if (fp == NULL) {
   6082                 LOGE("HAL:cannot open pedometer_counter");
   6083             } else{
   6084                 if (fscanf(fp, "%lld\n", &stepCountTs) < 0) {
   6085                     LOGE("HAL:cannot read pedometer_counter");
   6086                     if (fclose(fp) < 0) {
   6087                         LOGE("HAL:cannot close pedometer_counter");
   6088                     }
   6089                     return 0;
   6090                 }
   6091                 if (fclose(fp) < 0) {
   6092                         LOGE("HAL:cannot close pedometer_counter");
   6093                         return 0;
   6094                 }
   6095             }
   6096             mScEvents.timestamp = stepCountTs;
   6098             /* Handles return event */
   6099             update = scHandler(&mScEvents);
   6100         }
   6102         if (update && count > 0) {
   6103             *data++ = mScEvents;
   6104             count--;
   6105             numEventReceived++;
   6106         }
   6107         break;
   6108     }
   6110     if (!outputType) {
   6111         // read dummy data per driver's request
   6112         // only required if actual irq is issued
   6113         read(dmp_pedometer_fd, dummy, 4);
   6114     } else {
   6115         return 1;
   6116     }
   6118     return numEventReceived;
   6119 }
   6121 int MPLSensor::getDmpSignificantMotionFd()
   6122 {
   6123     VFUNC_LOG;
   6125     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "getDmpSignificantMotionFd returning %d",
   6126             dmp_sign_motion_fd);
   6127     return dmp_sign_motion_fd;
   6128 }
   6130 int MPLSensor::readDmpSignificantMotionEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count)
   6131 {
   6132     VFUNC_LOG;
   6134     int res = 0;
   6135     char dummy[4];
   6136     int significantMotion;
   6137     FILE *fp;
   6138     int sensors = mEnabled;
   6139     int numEventReceived = 0;
   6140     int update = 0;
   6142     /* Technically this step is not necessary for now  */
   6143     /* In the future, we may have meaningful values */
   6144     fp = fopen(mpu.event_smd, "r");
   6145     if (fp == NULL) {
   6146         LOGE("HAL:cannot open event_smd");
   6147         return 0;
   6148     } else {
   6149         if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &significantMotion) < 0) {
   6150             LOGE("HAL:cannot read event_smd");
   6151         }
   6152         if (fclose(fp) < 0) {
   6153             LOGE("HAL:cannot close event_smd");
   6154         }
   6155     }
   6157     if(mDmpSignificantMotionEnabled && count > 0) {
   6158        /* By implementation, smd is disabled once an event is triggered */
   6159         sensors_event_t temp;
   6161         /* Handles return event */
   6162         LOGI("HAL: SMD detected");
   6163         int update = smHandler(&mSmEvents);
   6164         if (update && count > 0) {
   6165             *data++ = mSmEvents;
   6166             count--;
   6167             numEventReceived++;
   6169             /* reset smd state */
   6170             mDmpSignificantMotionEnabled = 0;
   6171             mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION;
   6173             /* auto disable this sensor */
   6174             enableDmpSignificantMotion(0);
   6175         }
   6176     }
   6178     // read dummy data per driver's request
   6179     read(dmp_sign_motion_fd, dummy, 4);
   6181     return numEventReceived;
   6182 }
   6184 int MPLSensor::enableDmpSignificantMotion(int en)
   6185 {
   6186     VFUNC_LOG;
   6188     int res = 0;
   6189     int enabled_sensors = mEnabled;
   6191     if (isMpuNonDmp())
   6192         return res;
   6194     // reset master enable
   6195     res = masterEnable(0);
   6196     if (res < 0)
   6197         return res;
   6199     //Toggle significant montion detection
   6200     if(en) {
   6201         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Enabling Significant Motion");
   6202         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   6203                 1, mpu.smd_enable, getTimestamp());
   6204         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.smd_enable, 1) < 0) {
   6205             LOGE("HAL:ERR can't write DMP smd_enable");
   6206             res = -1;   //Indicate an err
   6207         }
   6208         mFeatureActiveMask |= INV_DMP_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION;
   6209     }
   6210     else {
   6211         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:Disabling Significant Motion");
   6212         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   6213                 0, mpu.smd_enable, getTimestamp());
   6214         if (write_sysfs_int(mpu.smd_enable, 0) < 0) {
   6215             LOGE("HAL:ERR write DMP smd_enable");
   6216         }
   6217         mFeatureActiveMask &= ~INV_DMP_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION;
   6218     }
   6220     if ((res = setDmpFeature(en)) < 0)
   6221         return res;
   6223     if ((res = computeAndSetDmpState()) < 0)
   6224         return res;
   6226     if (!mBatchEnabled && (resetDataRates() < 0))
   6227         return res;
   6229     if(en || enabled_sensors || mFeatureActiveMask) {
   6230         res = masterEnable(1);
   6231     }
   6232     return res;
   6233 }
   6235 void MPLSensor::setInitial6QuatValue()
   6236 {
   6237     VFUNC_LOG;
   6239     if (!mInitial6QuatValueAvailable)
   6240         return;
   6242     /* convert to unsigned char array */
   6243     size_t length = 16;
   6244     unsigned char quat[16];
   6245     convert_long_to_hex_char(mInitial6QuatValue, quat, 4);
   6247     /* write to sysfs */
   6248     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo quat value > %s", mpu.six_axis_q_value);
   6249     LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE && ENG_VERBOSE, "quat=%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld", mInitial6QuatValue[0],
   6250 					            mInitial6QuatValue[1],
   6251                                                     mInitial6QuatValue[2],
   6252                                                     mInitial6QuatValue[3]);
   6253     FILE* fptr = fopen(mpu.six_axis_q_value, "w");
   6254     if(fptr == NULL) {
   6255         LOGE("HAL:could not open six_axis_q_value");
   6256     } else {
   6257         if (fwrite(quat, 1, length, fptr) != length) {
   6258            LOGE("HAL:write six axis q value failed");
   6259         } else {
   6260             mInitial6QuatValueAvailable = 0;
   6261         }
   6262         if (fclose(fptr) < 0) {
   6263             LOGE("HAL:could not close six_axis_q_value");
   6264         }
   6265     }
   6267     return;
   6268 }
   6269 int MPLSensor::writeSignificantMotionParams(bool toggleEnable,
   6270                                             uint32_t delayThreshold1,
   6271                                             uint32_t delayThreshold2,
   6272                                             uint32_t motionThreshold)
   6273 {
   6274     VFUNC_LOG;
   6276     int res = 0;
   6278     // Turn off enable
   6279     if (toggleEnable) {
   6280         masterEnable(0);
   6281     }
   6283     // Write supplied values
   6284     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   6285             delayThreshold1, mpu.smd_delay_threshold, getTimestamp());
   6286     res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.smd_delay_threshold, delayThreshold1);
   6287     if (res == 0) {
   6288         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   6289                 delayThreshold2, mpu.smd_delay_threshold2, getTimestamp());
   6290         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.smd_delay_threshold2, delayThreshold2);
   6291     }
   6292     if (res == 0) {
   6293         LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %d > %s (%lld)",
   6294                 motionThreshold, mpu.smd_threshold, getTimestamp());
   6295         res = write_sysfs_int(mpu.smd_threshold, motionThreshold);
   6296     }
   6298     // Turn on enable
   6299     if (toggleEnable) {
   6300         masterEnable(1);
   6301     }
   6302     return res;
   6303 }
   6305 /* set batch data rate */
   6306 /* this function should be optimized */
   6307 int MPLSensor::setBatchDataRates()
   6308 {
   6309     VFUNC_LOG;
   6311     int res = 0;
   6312     int tempFd = -1;
   6314     int64_t gyroRate;
   6315     int64_t accelRate;
   6316     int64_t compassRate;
   6317 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6318     int64_t pressureRate;
   6319 #endif
   6320     int64_t quatRate;
   6322     int mplGyroRate;
   6323     int mplAccelRate;
   6324     int mplCompassRate;
   6325     int mplQuatRate;
   6327 #ifdef ENABLE_MULTI_RATE
   6328     gyroRate = mBatchDelays[Gyro];
   6329     /* take care of case where only one type of gyro sensors or
   6330        compass sensors is turned on */
   6331     if (mBatchEnabled & (1 << Gyro) || mBatchEnabled & (1 << RawGyro)) {
   6332         gyroRate = (mBatchDelays[Gyro] <= mBatchDelays[RawGyro]) ?
   6333             (mBatchEnabled & (1 << Gyro) ? mBatchDelays[Gyro] : mBatchDelays[RawGyro]):
   6334             (mBatchEnabled & (1 << RawGyro) ? mBatchDelays[RawGyro] : mBatchDelays[Gyro]);
   6335     }
   6336     compassRate = mBatchDelays[MagneticField];
   6337     if (mBatchEnabled & (1 << MagneticField) || mBatchEnabled & (1 << RawMagneticField)) {
   6338         compassRate = (mBatchDelays[MagneticField] <= mBatchDelays[RawMagneticField]) ?
   6339                 (mBatchEnabled & (1 << MagneticField) ? mBatchDelays[MagneticField] :
   6340                     mBatchDelays[RawMagneticField]) :
   6341                 (mBatchEnabled & (1 << RawMagneticField) ? mBatchDelays[RawMagneticField] :
   6342                     mBatchDelays[MagneticField]);
   6343     }
   6344     accelRate = mBatchDelays[Accelerometer];
   6345 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6346     pressureRate = mBatchDelays[Pressure];
   6347 #endif //ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6349     if ((mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_PED_QUATERNION) ||
   6350             (mFeatureActiveMask & INV_DMP_6AXIS_QUATERNION)) {
   6351         quatRate = mBatchDelays[GameRotationVector];
   6352         mplQuatRate = (int) quatRate / 1000LL;
   6353         inv_set_quat_sample_rate(mplQuatRate);
   6354         inv_set_rotation_vector_6_axis_sample_rate(mplQuatRate);
   6355         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
   6356             "HAL:MPL rv 6 axis sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz", mplQuatRate,
   6357                 1000000000.f / quatRate );
   6358         LOGV_IF(PROCESS_VERBOSE,
   6359             "HAL:MPL quat sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz", mplQuatRate,
   6360                 1000000000.f / quatRate );
   6361         getDmpRate(&quatRate);
   6362     }
   6364     mplGyroRate = (int) gyroRate / 1000LL;
   6365     mplAccelRate = (int) accelRate / 1000LL;
   6366     mplCompassRate = (int) compassRate / 1000LL;
   6368      /* set rate in MPL */
   6369      /* compass can only do 100Hz max */
   6370     inv_set_gyro_sample_rate(mplGyroRate);
   6371     inv_set_accel_sample_rate(mplAccelRate);
   6372     inv_set_compass_sample_rate(mplCompassRate);
   6375             "HAL:MPL gyro sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz", mplGyroRate, 1000000000.f / gyroRate);
   6377             "HAL:MPL accel sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz", mplAccelRate, 1000000000.f / accelRate);
   6379             "HAL:MPL compass sample rate: (mpl)=%d us (mpu)=%.2f Hz", mplCompassRate, 1000000000.f / compassRate);
   6381 #else
   6382     /* search the minimum delay requested across all enabled sensors */
   6383     int64_t wanted = 1000000000LL;
   6384     for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   6385         if (mBatchEnabled & (1 << i)) {
   6386             int64_t ns = mBatchDelays[i];
   6387             wanted = wanted < ns ? wanted : ns;
   6388         }
   6389     }
   6390     gyroRate = wanted;
   6391     accelRate = wanted;
   6392     compassRate = wanted;
   6393 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6394     pressureRate = wanted;
   6395 #endif
   6396 #endif
   6398     /* takes care of gyro rate */
   6399     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   6400             1000000000.f / gyroRate, mpu.gyro_rate,
   6401             getTimestamp());
   6402     tempFd = open(mpu.gyro_rate, O_RDWR);
   6403     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / gyroRate);
   6404     if(res < 0) {
   6405         LOGE("HAL:GYRO update delay error");
   6406     }
   6408     /* takes care of accel rate */
   6409     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   6410             1000000000.f / accelRate, mpu.accel_rate,
   6411             getTimestamp());
   6412     tempFd = open(mpu.accel_rate, O_RDWR);
   6413     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / accelRate);
   6414     LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:ACCEL update delay error");
   6416     /* takes care of compass rate */
   6417     if (compassRate < mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL) {
   6418         compassRate = mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL;
   6419     }
   6420     mCompassSensor->setDelay(ID_M, compassRate);
   6422 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6423     /* takes care of pressure rate */
   6424     mPressureSensor->setDelay(ID_PS, pressureRate);
   6425 #endif
   6427     return res;
   6428 }
   6430 /* Set sensor rate */
   6431 /* this function should be optimized */
   6432 int MPLSensor::resetDataRates()
   6433 {
   6434     VFUNC_LOG;
   6436     int res = 0;
   6437     int tempFd = -1;
   6438     int64_t wanted = 1000000000LL;
   6440     int64_t resetRate;
   6441     int64_t gyroRate;
   6442     int64_t accelRate;
   6443     int64_t compassRate;
   6444 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6445     int64_t pressureRate;
   6446 #endif
   6448     if (!mEnabled) {
   6449         LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "skip resetDataRates");
   6450         return 0;
   6451     }
   6452     LOGI("HAL:resetDataRates mEnabled=%d", mEnabled);
   6453     /* search the minimum delay requested across all enabled sensors */
   6454     /* skip setting rates if it is not changed */
   6455     for (int i = 0; i < NumSensors; i++) {
   6456         if (mEnabled & (1 << i)) {
   6457             int64_t ns = mDelays[i];
   6458 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6459             if ((wanted == ns) && (i != Pressure)) {
   6460                 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "skip resetDataRates : same delay mDelays[%d]=%lld", i,mDelays[i]);
   6461                 //return 0;
   6462             }
   6463 #endif
   6464             LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "resetDataRates - mDelays[%d]=%lld", i, mDelays[i]);
   6465             wanted = wanted < ns ? wanted : ns;
   6466         }
   6467     }
   6469     resetRate = wanted;
   6470     gyroRate = wanted;
   6471     accelRate = wanted;
   6472     compassRate = wanted;
   6473 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6474     pressureRate = wanted;
   6475 #endif
   6477     /* set mpl data rate */
   6478    inv_set_gyro_sample_rate((int)gyroRate/1000LL);
   6479    inv_set_accel_sample_rate((int)accelRate/1000LL);
   6480    inv_set_compass_sample_rate((int)compassRate/1000LL);
   6481    inv_set_linear_acceleration_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6482    inv_set_orientation_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6483    inv_set_rotation_vector_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6484    inv_set_gravity_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6485    inv_set_orientation_geomagnetic_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6486    inv_set_rotation_vector_6_axis_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6487    inv_set_geomagnetic_rotation_vector_sample_rate((int)resetRate/1000LL);
   6490             "HAL:MPL gyro sample rate: (mpl)=%lld us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   6491             gyroRate/1000LL, 1000000000.f / gyroRate);
   6493             "HAL:MPL accel sample rate: (mpl)=%lld us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   6494             accelRate/1000LL, 1000000000.f / accelRate);
   6496             "HAL:MPL compass sample rate: (mpl)=%lld us (mpu)=%.2f Hz",
   6497             compassRate/1000LL, 1000000000.f / compassRate);
   6499     /* reset dmp rate */
   6500     getDmpRate (&wanted);
   6502     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   6503             1000000000.f / wanted, mpu.gyro_fifo_rate,
   6504             getTimestamp());
   6505     tempFd = open(mpu.gyro_fifo_rate, O_RDWR);
   6506     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / wanted);
   6507     LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:sampling frequency update delay error");
   6509     /* takes care of gyro rate */
   6510     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   6511             1000000000.f / gyroRate, mpu.gyro_rate,
   6512             getTimestamp());
   6513     tempFd = open(mpu.gyro_rate, O_RDWR);
   6514     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / gyroRate);
   6515     if(res < 0) {
   6516         LOGE("HAL:GYRO update delay error");
   6517     }
   6519     /* takes care of accel rate */
   6520     LOGV_IF(SYSFS_VERBOSE, "HAL:sysfs:echo %.0f > %s (%lld)",
   6521             1000000000.f / accelRate, mpu.accel_rate,
   6522             getTimestamp());
   6523     tempFd = open(mpu.accel_rate, O_RDWR);
   6524     res = write_attribute_sensor(tempFd, 1000000000.f / accelRate);
   6525     LOGE_IF(res < 0, "HAL:ACCEL update delay error");
   6527     /* takes care of compass rate */
   6528     if (compassRate < mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL) {
   6529         compassRate = mCompassSensor->getMinDelay() * 1000LL;
   6530     }
   6531     mCompassSensor->setDelay(ID_M, compassRate);
   6533 #ifdef ENABLE_PRESSURE
   6534     /* takes care of pressure rate */
   6535     mPressureSensor->setDelay(ID_PS, pressureRate);
   6536 #endif
   6538     /* takes care of lpq case for data rate at 200Hz */
   6539     if (checkLPQuaternion()) {
   6540         if (resetRate <= RATE_200HZ) {
   6541 #ifndef USE_LPQ_AT_FASTEST
   6542             enableLPQuaternion(0);
   6543 #endif
   6544         }
   6545     }
   6547     return res;
   6548 }
   6550 void MPLSensor::resetMplStates()
   6551 {
   6552     VFUNC_LOG;
   6553     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:resetMplStates()");
   6555     inv_gyro_was_turned_off();
   6556     inv_accel_was_turned_off();
   6557     inv_compass_was_turned_off();
   6558     inv_quaternion_sensor_was_turned_off();
   6560     return;
   6561 }
   6563 void MPLSensor::initBias()
   6564 {
   6565     VFUNC_LOG;
   6567     LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:inititalize dmp and device offsets to 0");
   6568     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_x_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6569         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_x_dmp_bias");
   6570     }
   6571     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_y_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6572         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_y_dmp_bias");
   6573     }
   6574     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_z_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6575         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_z_dmp_bias");
   6576     }
   6578     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_x_offset_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6579         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_x_offset");
   6580     }
   6581     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_y_offset_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6582         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_y_offset");
   6583     }
   6584     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(accel_z_offset_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6585         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to accel_z_offset");
   6586     }
   6588     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6589         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_x_dmp_bias");
   6590     }
   6591     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6592         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_y_dmp_bias");
   6593     }
   6594     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6595         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_z_dmp_bias");
   6596     }
   6598     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_x_offset_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6599         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_x_offset");
   6600     }
   6601     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_y_offset_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6602         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_y_offset");
   6603     }
   6604     if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_z_offset_fd, 0) < 0) {
   6605         LOGE("HAL:Error writing to gyro_z_offset");
   6606     }
   6607     return;
   6608 }
   6610 /*TODO: reg_dump in a separate file*/
   6611 void MPLSensor::sys_dump(bool fileMode)
   6612 {
   6613     VFUNC_LOG;
   6615     char sysfs_path[MAX_SYSFS_NAME_LEN];
   6616     char scan_element_path[MAX_SYSFS_NAME_LEN];
   6618     memset(sysfs_path, 0, sizeof(sysfs_path));
   6619     memset(scan_element_path, 0, sizeof(scan_element_path));
   6620     inv_get_sysfs_path(sysfs_path);
   6621     sprintf(scan_element_path, "%s%s", sysfs_path, "/scan_elements");
   6623     read_sysfs_dir(fileMode, sysfs_path);
   6624     read_sysfs_dir(fileMode, scan_element_path);
   6626     dump_dmp_img("/data/local/read_img.h");
   6627     return;
   6628 }