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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "SkBuffer.h"
      9 #include "SkLazyPtr.h"
     10 #include "SkPath.h"
     11 #include "SkPathRef.h"
     13 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     14 SkPathRef::Editor::Editor(SkAutoTUnref<SkPathRef>* pathRef,
     15                           int incReserveVerbs,
     16                           int incReservePoints)
     17 {
     18     if ((*pathRef)->unique()) {
     19         (*pathRef)->incReserve(incReserveVerbs, incReservePoints);
     20     } else {
     21         SkPathRef* copy = SkNEW(SkPathRef);
     22         copy->copy(**pathRef, incReserveVerbs, incReservePoints);
     23         pathRef->reset(copy);
     24     }
     25     fPathRef = *pathRef;
     26     fPathRef->fGenerationID = 0;
     27     SkDEBUGCODE(sk_atomic_inc(&fPathRef->fEditorsAttached);)
     28 }
     30 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     32 // As a template argument, this must have external linkage.
     33 SkPathRef* sk_create_empty_pathref() {
     34     SkPathRef* empty = SkNEW(SkPathRef);
     35     empty->computeBounds();   // Avoids races later to be the first to do this.
     36     return empty;
     37 }
     39 SK_DECLARE_STATIC_LAZY_PTR(SkPathRef, empty, sk_create_empty_pathref);
     41 SkPathRef* SkPathRef::CreateEmpty() {
     42     return SkRef(empty.get());
     43 }
     45 void SkPathRef::CreateTransformedCopy(SkAutoTUnref<SkPathRef>* dst,
     46                                       const SkPathRef& src,
     47                                       const SkMatrix& matrix) {
     48     SkDEBUGCODE(src.validate();)
     49     if (matrix.isIdentity()) {
     50         if (*dst != &src) {
     51             src.ref();
     52             dst->reset(const_cast<SkPathRef*>(&src));
     53             SkDEBUGCODE((*dst)->validate();)
     54         }
     55         return;
     56     }
     58     if (!(*dst)->unique()) {
     59         dst->reset(SkNEW(SkPathRef));
     60     }
     62     if (*dst != &src) {
     63         (*dst)->resetToSize(src.fVerbCnt, src.fPointCnt, src.fConicWeights.count());
     64         memcpy((*dst)->verbsMemWritable(), src.verbsMemBegin(), src.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
     65         (*dst)->fConicWeights = src.fConicWeights;
     66     }
     68     SkASSERT((*dst)->countPoints() == src.countPoints());
     69     SkASSERT((*dst)->countVerbs() == src.countVerbs());
     70     SkASSERT((*dst)->fConicWeights.count() == src.fConicWeights.count());
     72     // Need to check this here in case (&src == dst)
     73     bool canXformBounds = !src.fBoundsIsDirty && matrix.rectStaysRect() && src.countPoints() > 1;
     75     matrix.mapPoints((*dst)->fPoints, src.points(), src.fPointCnt);
     77     /*
     78         *  Here we optimize the bounds computation, by noting if the bounds are
     79         *  already known, and if so, we just transform those as well and mark
     80         *  them as "known", rather than force the transformed path to have to
     81         *  recompute them.
     82         *
     83         *  Special gotchas if the path is effectively empty (<= 1 point) or
     84         *  if it is non-finite. In those cases bounds need to stay empty,
     85         *  regardless of the matrix.
     86         */
     87     if (canXformBounds) {
     88         (*dst)->fBoundsIsDirty = false;
     89         if (src.fIsFinite) {
     90             matrix.mapRect(&(*dst)->fBounds, src.fBounds);
     91             if (!((*dst)->fIsFinite = (*dst)->fBounds.isFinite())) {
     92                 (*dst)->fBounds.setEmpty();
     93             }
     94         } else {
     95             (*dst)->fIsFinite = false;
     96             (*dst)->fBounds.setEmpty();
     97         }
     98     } else {
     99         (*dst)->fBoundsIsDirty = true;
    100     }
    102     (*dst)->fSegmentMask = src.fSegmentMask;
    104     // It's an oval only if it stays a rect.
    105     (*dst)->fIsOval = src.fIsOval && matrix.rectStaysRect();
    107     SkDEBUGCODE((*dst)->validate();)
    108 }
    110 SkPathRef* SkPathRef::CreateFromBuffer(SkRBuffer* buffer) {
    111     SkPathRef* ref = SkNEW(SkPathRef);
    112     bool isOval;
    113     uint8_t segmentMask;
    115     int32_t packed;
    116     if (!buffer->readS32(&packed)) {
    117         SkDELETE(ref);
    118         return NULL;
    119     }
    121     ref->fIsFinite = (packed >> kIsFinite_SerializationShift) & 1;
    122     segmentMask = (packed >> kSegmentMask_SerializationShift) & 0xF;
    123     isOval  = (packed >> kIsOval_SerializationShift) & 1;
    125     int32_t verbCount, pointCount, conicCount;
    126     if (!buffer->readU32(&(ref->fGenerationID)) ||
    127         !buffer->readS32(&verbCount) ||
    128         !buffer->readS32(&pointCount) ||
    129         !buffer->readS32(&conicCount)) {
    130         SkDELETE(ref);
    131         return NULL;
    132     }
    134     ref->resetToSize(verbCount, pointCount, conicCount);
    135     SkASSERT(verbCount == ref->countVerbs());
    136     SkASSERT(pointCount == ref->countPoints());
    137     SkASSERT(conicCount == ref->fConicWeights.count());
    139     if (!buffer->read(ref->verbsMemWritable(), verbCount * sizeof(uint8_t)) ||
    140         !buffer->read(ref->fPoints, pointCount * sizeof(SkPoint)) ||
    141         !buffer->read(ref->fConicWeights.begin(), conicCount * sizeof(SkScalar)) ||
    142         !buffer->read(&ref->fBounds, sizeof(SkRect))) {
    143         SkDELETE(ref);
    144         return NULL;
    145     }
    146     ref->fBoundsIsDirty = false;
    148     // resetToSize clears fSegmentMask and fIsOval
    149     ref->fSegmentMask = segmentMask;
    150     ref->fIsOval = isOval;
    151     return ref;
    152 }
    154 void SkPathRef::Rewind(SkAutoTUnref<SkPathRef>* pathRef) {
    155     if ((*pathRef)->unique()) {
    156         SkDEBUGCODE((*pathRef)->validate();)
    157         (*pathRef)->fBoundsIsDirty = true;  // this also invalidates fIsFinite
    158         (*pathRef)->fVerbCnt = 0;
    159         (*pathRef)->fPointCnt = 0;
    160         (*pathRef)->fFreeSpace = (*pathRef)->currSize();
    161         (*pathRef)->fGenerationID = 0;
    162         (*pathRef)->fConicWeights.rewind();
    163         (*pathRef)->fSegmentMask = 0;
    164         (*pathRef)->fIsOval = false;
    165         SkDEBUGCODE((*pathRef)->validate();)
    166     } else {
    167         int oldVCnt = (*pathRef)->countVerbs();
    168         int oldPCnt = (*pathRef)->countPoints();
    169         pathRef->reset(SkNEW(SkPathRef));
    170         (*pathRef)->resetToSize(0, 0, 0, oldVCnt, oldPCnt);
    171     }
    172 }
    174 bool SkPathRef::operator== (const SkPathRef& ref) const {
    175     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    176     SkDEBUGCODE(ref.validate();)
    178     // We explicitly check fSegmentMask as a quick-reject. We could skip it,
    179     // since it is only a cache of info in the fVerbs, but its a fast way to
    180     // notice a difference
    181     if (fSegmentMask != ref.fSegmentMask) {
    182         return false;
    183     }
    185     bool genIDMatch = fGenerationID && fGenerationID == ref.fGenerationID;
    186 #ifdef SK_RELEASE
    187     if (genIDMatch) {
    188         return true;
    189     }
    190 #endif
    191     if (fPointCnt != ref.fPointCnt ||
    192         fVerbCnt != ref.fVerbCnt) {
    193         SkASSERT(!genIDMatch);
    194         return false;
    195     }
    196     if (0 == ref.fVerbCnt) {
    197         SkASSERT(0 == ref.fPointCnt);
    198         return true;
    199     }
    200     SkASSERT(this->verbsMemBegin() && ref.verbsMemBegin());
    201     if (0 != memcmp(this->verbsMemBegin(),
    202                     ref.verbsMemBegin(),
    203                     ref.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t))) {
    204         SkASSERT(!genIDMatch);
    205         return false;
    206     }
    207     SkASSERT(this->points() && ref.points());
    208     if (0 != memcmp(this->points(),
    209                     ref.points(),
    210                     ref.fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint))) {
    211         SkASSERT(!genIDMatch);
    212         return false;
    213     }
    214     if (fConicWeights != ref.fConicWeights) {
    215         SkASSERT(!genIDMatch);
    216         return false;
    217     }
    218     // We've done the work to determine that these are equal. If either has a zero genID, copy
    219     // the other's. If both are 0 then genID() will compute the next ID.
    220     if (0 == fGenerationID) {
    221         fGenerationID = ref.genID();
    222     } else if (0 == ref.fGenerationID) {
    223         ref.fGenerationID = this->genID();
    224     }
    225     return true;
    226 }
    228 void SkPathRef::writeToBuffer(SkWBuffer* buffer) const {
    229     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    230     SkDEBUGCODE(size_t beforePos = buffer->pos();)
    232     // Call getBounds() to ensure (as a side-effect) that fBounds
    233     // and fIsFinite are computed.
    234     const SkRect& bounds = this->getBounds();
    236     int32_t packed = ((fIsFinite & 1) << kIsFinite_SerializationShift) |
    237                      ((fIsOval & 1) << kIsOval_SerializationShift) |
    238                      (fSegmentMask << kSegmentMask_SerializationShift);
    239     buffer->write32(packed);
    241     // TODO: write gen ID here. Problem: We don't know if we're cross process or not from
    242     // SkWBuffer. Until this is fixed we write 0.
    243     buffer->write32(0);
    244     buffer->write32(fVerbCnt);
    245     buffer->write32(fPointCnt);
    246     buffer->write32(fConicWeights.count());
    247     buffer->write(verbsMemBegin(), fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
    248     buffer->write(fPoints, fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint));
    249     buffer->write(fConicWeights.begin(), fConicWeights.bytes());
    250     buffer->write(&bounds, sizeof(bounds));
    252     SkASSERT(buffer->pos() - beforePos == (size_t) this->writeSize());
    253 }
    255 uint32_t SkPathRef::writeSize() const {
    256     return uint32_t(5 * sizeof(uint32_t) +
    257                     fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t) +
    258                     fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint) +
    259                     fConicWeights.bytes() +
    260                     sizeof(SkRect));
    261 }
    263 void SkPathRef::copy(const SkPathRef& ref,
    264                      int additionalReserveVerbs,
    265                      int additionalReservePoints) {
    266     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    267     this->resetToSize(ref.fVerbCnt, ref.fPointCnt, ref.fConicWeights.count(),
    268                         additionalReserveVerbs, additionalReservePoints);
    269     memcpy(this->verbsMemWritable(), ref.verbsMemBegin(), ref.fVerbCnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
    270     memcpy(this->fPoints, ref.fPoints, ref.fPointCnt * sizeof(SkPoint));
    271     fConicWeights = ref.fConicWeights;
    272     // We could call genID() here to force a real ID (instead of 0). However, if we're making
    273     // a copy then presumably we intend to make a modification immediately afterwards.
    274     fGenerationID = ref.fGenerationID;
    275     fBoundsIsDirty = ref.fBoundsIsDirty;
    276     if (!fBoundsIsDirty) {
    277         fBounds = ref.fBounds;
    278         fIsFinite = ref.fIsFinite;
    279     }
    280     fSegmentMask = ref.fSegmentMask;
    281     fIsOval = ref.fIsOval;
    282     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    283 }
    285 SkPoint* SkPathRef::growForRepeatedVerb(int /*SkPath::Verb*/ verb,
    286                                         int numVbs,
    287                                         SkScalar** weights) {
    288     // This value is just made-up for now. When count is 4, calling memset was much
    289     // slower than just writing the loop. This seems odd, and hopefully in the
    290     // future this will appear to have been a fluke...
    291     static const unsigned int kMIN_COUNT_FOR_MEMSET_TO_BE_FAST = 16;
    293     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    294     int pCnt;
    295     bool dirtyAfterEdit = true;
    296     switch (verb) {
    297         case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
    298             pCnt = numVbs;
    299             dirtyAfterEdit = false;
    300             break;
    301         case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
    302             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kLine_SegmentMask;
    303             pCnt = numVbs;
    304             break;
    305         case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
    306             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kQuad_SegmentMask;
    307             pCnt = 2 * numVbs;
    308             break;
    309         case SkPath::kConic_Verb:
    310             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kConic_SegmentMask;
    311             pCnt = 2 * numVbs;
    312             break;
    313         case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
    314             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kCubic_SegmentMask;
    315             pCnt = 3 * numVbs;
    316             break;
    317         case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
    318             SkDEBUGFAIL("growForRepeatedVerb called for kClose_Verb");
    319             pCnt = 0;
    320             dirtyAfterEdit = false;
    321             break;
    322         case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
    323             SkDEBUGFAIL("growForRepeatedVerb called for kDone");
    324             // fall through
    325         default:
    326             SkDEBUGFAIL("default should not be reached");
    327             pCnt = 0;
    328             dirtyAfterEdit = false;
    329     }
    331     size_t space = numVbs * sizeof(uint8_t) + pCnt * sizeof (SkPoint);
    332     this->makeSpace(space);
    334     SkPoint* ret = fPoints + fPointCnt;
    335     uint8_t* vb = fVerbs - fVerbCnt;
    337     // cast to unsigned, so if kMIN_COUNT_FOR_MEMSET_TO_BE_FAST is defined to
    338     // be 0, the compiler will remove the test/branch entirely.
    339     if ((unsigned)numVbs >= kMIN_COUNT_FOR_MEMSET_TO_BE_FAST) {
    340         memset(vb - numVbs, verb, numVbs);
    341     } else {
    342         for (int i = 0; i < numVbs; ++i) {
    343             vb[~i] = verb;
    344         }
    345     }
    347     fVerbCnt += numVbs;
    348     fPointCnt += pCnt;
    349     fFreeSpace -= space;
    350     fBoundsIsDirty = true;  // this also invalidates fIsFinite
    351     if (dirtyAfterEdit) {
    352         fIsOval = false;
    353     }
    355     if (SkPath::kConic_Verb == verb) {
    356         SkASSERT(weights);
    357         *weights = fConicWeights.append(numVbs);
    358     }
    360     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    361     return ret;
    362 }
    364 SkPoint* SkPathRef::growForVerb(int /* SkPath::Verb*/ verb, SkScalar weight) {
    365     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    366     int pCnt;
    367     bool dirtyAfterEdit = true;
    368     switch (verb) {
    369         case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
    370             pCnt = 1;
    371             dirtyAfterEdit = false;
    372             break;
    373         case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
    374             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kLine_SegmentMask;
    375             pCnt = 1;
    376             break;
    377         case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
    378             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kQuad_SegmentMask;
    379             pCnt = 2;
    380             break;
    381         case SkPath::kConic_Verb:
    382             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kConic_SegmentMask;
    383             pCnt = 2;
    384             break;
    385         case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
    386             fSegmentMask |= SkPath::kCubic_SegmentMask;
    387             pCnt = 3;
    388             break;
    389         case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
    390             pCnt = 0;
    391             dirtyAfterEdit = false;
    392             break;
    393         case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
    394             SkDEBUGFAIL("growForVerb called for kDone");
    395             // fall through
    396         default:
    397             SkDEBUGFAIL("default is not reached");
    398             dirtyAfterEdit = false;
    399             pCnt = 0;
    400     }
    401     size_t space = sizeof(uint8_t) + pCnt * sizeof (SkPoint);
    402     this->makeSpace(space);
    403     this->fVerbs[~fVerbCnt] = verb;
    404     SkPoint* ret = fPoints + fPointCnt;
    405     fVerbCnt += 1;
    406     fPointCnt += pCnt;
    407     fFreeSpace -= space;
    408     fBoundsIsDirty = true;  // this also invalidates fIsFinite
    409     if (dirtyAfterEdit) {
    410         fIsOval = false;
    411     }
    413     if (SkPath::kConic_Verb == verb) {
    414         *fConicWeights.append() = weight;
    415     }
    417     SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)
    418     return ret;
    419 }
    421 uint32_t SkPathRef::genID() const {
    422     SkASSERT(!fEditorsAttached);
    423     static const uint32_t kMask = (static_cast<int64_t>(1) << SkPath::kPathRefGenIDBitCnt) - 1;
    424     if (!fGenerationID) {
    425         if (0 == fPointCnt && 0 == fVerbCnt) {
    426             fGenerationID = kEmptyGenID;
    427         } else {
    428             static int32_t  gPathRefGenerationID;
    429             // do a loop in case our global wraps around, as we never want to return a 0 or the
    430             // empty ID
    431             do {
    432                 fGenerationID = (sk_atomic_inc(&gPathRefGenerationID) + 1) & kMask;
    433             } while (fGenerationID <= kEmptyGenID);
    434         }
    435     }
    436     return fGenerationID;
    437 }
    439 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
    440 void SkPathRef::validate() const {
    441     this->INHERITED::validate();
    442     SkASSERT(static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(fFreeSpace) >= 0);
    443     SkASSERT(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fVerbs) - reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(fPoints) >= 0);
    444     SkASSERT((NULL == fPoints) == (NULL == fVerbs));
    445     SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && 0 != fFreeSpace));
    446     SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && 0 != fFreeSpace));
    447     SkASSERT(!(NULL == fPoints && fPointCnt));
    448     SkASSERT(!(NULL == fVerbs && fVerbCnt));
    449     SkASSERT(this->currSize() ==
    450                 fFreeSpace + sizeof(SkPoint) * fPointCnt + sizeof(uint8_t) * fVerbCnt);
    452     if (!fBoundsIsDirty && !fBounds.isEmpty()) {
    453         bool isFinite = true;
    454         for (int i = 0; i < fPointCnt; ++i) {
    455 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
    456             if (fPoints[i].isFinite() &&
    457                 (fPoints[i].fX < fBounds.fLeft || fPoints[i].fX > fBounds.fRight ||
    458                  fPoints[i].fY < fBounds.fTop || fPoints[i].fY > fBounds.fBottom)) {
    459                 SkDebugf("bounds: %f %f %f %f\n",
    460                          fBounds.fLeft, fBounds.fTop, fBounds.fRight, fBounds.fBottom);
    461                 for (int j = 0; j < fPointCnt; ++j) {
    462                     if (i == j) {
    463                         SkDebugf("*");
    464                     }
    465                     SkDebugf("%f %f\n", fPoints[j].fX, fPoints[j].fY);
    466                 }
    467             }
    468 #endif
    470             SkASSERT(!fPoints[i].isFinite() ||
    471 		     (fPoints[i].fX >= fBounds.fLeft && fPoints[i].fX <= fBounds.fRight &&
    472 		      fPoints[i].fY >= fBounds.fTop && fPoints[i].fY <= fBounds.fBottom));
    473             if (!fPoints[i].isFinite()) {
    474                 isFinite = false;
    475             }
    476         }
    477         SkASSERT(SkToBool(fIsFinite) == isFinite);
    478     }
    480 #ifdef SK_DEBUG_PATH
    481     uint32_t mask = 0;
    482     for (int i = 0; i < fVerbCnt; ++i) {
    483         switch (fVerbs[~i]) {
    484             case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
    485                 break;
    486             case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
    487                 mask |= SkPath::kLine_SegmentMask;
    488                 break;
    489             case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
    490                 mask |= SkPath::kQuad_SegmentMask;
    491                 break;
    492             case SkPath::kConic_Verb:
    493                 mask |= SkPath::kConic_SegmentMask;
    494                 break;
    495             case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
    496                 mask |= SkPath::kCubic_SegmentMask;
    497                 break;
    498             case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
    499                 break;
    500             case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
    501                 SkDEBUGFAIL("Done verb shouldn't be recorded.");
    502                 break;
    503             default:
    504                 SkDEBUGFAIL("Unknown Verb");
    505                 break;
    506         }
    507     }
    508     SkASSERT(mask == fSegmentMask);
    509 #endif // SK_DEBUG_PATH
    510 }
    511 #endif