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      1 //===- PassManagerBuilder.cpp - Build Standard Pass -----------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file defines the PassManagerBuilder class, which is used to set up a
     11 // "standard" optimization sequence suitable for languages like C and C++.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     16 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
     17 #include "llvm-c/Transforms/PassManagerBuilder.h"
     18 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
     19 #include "llvm/Analysis/Passes.h"
     20 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
     21 #include "llvm/IR/FunctionInfo.h"
     22 #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
     23 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
     26 #include "llvm/Analysis/BasicAliasAnalysis.h"
     27 #include "llvm/Analysis/CFLAliasAnalysis.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Analysis/GlobalsModRef.h"
     29 #include "llvm/Analysis/ScopedNoAliasAA.h"
     30 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
     31 #include "llvm/Analysis/TypeBasedAliasAnalysis.h"
     32 #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
     33 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
     34 #include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
     35 #include "llvm/Transforms/Vectorize.h"
     37 using namespace llvm;
     39 static cl::opt<bool>
     40 RunLoopVectorization("vectorize-loops", cl::Hidden,
     41                      cl::desc("Run the Loop vectorization passes"));
     43 static cl::opt<bool>
     44 RunSLPVectorization("vectorize-slp", cl::Hidden,
     45                     cl::desc("Run the SLP vectorization passes"));
     47 static cl::opt<bool>
     48 RunBBVectorization("vectorize-slp-aggressive", cl::Hidden,
     49                     cl::desc("Run the BB vectorization passes"));
     51 static cl::opt<bool>
     52 UseGVNAfterVectorization("use-gvn-after-vectorization",
     53   cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
     54   cl::desc("Run GVN instead of Early CSE after vectorization passes"));
     56 static cl::opt<bool> ExtraVectorizerPasses(
     57     "extra-vectorizer-passes", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
     58     cl::desc("Run cleanup optimization passes after vectorization."));
     60 static cl::opt<bool> UseNewSROA("use-new-sroa",
     61   cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
     62   cl::desc("Enable the new, experimental SROA pass"));
     64 static cl::opt<bool>
     65 RunLoopRerolling("reroll-loops", cl::Hidden,
     66                  cl::desc("Run the loop rerolling pass"));
     68 static cl::opt<bool>
     69 RunFloat2Int("float-to-int", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true),
     70              cl::desc("Run the float2int (float demotion) pass"));
     72 static cl::opt<bool> RunLoadCombine("combine-loads", cl::init(false),
     73                                     cl::Hidden,
     74                                     cl::desc("Run the load combining pass"));
     76 static cl::opt<bool>
     77 RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization("run-slp-after-loop-vectorization",
     78   cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
     79   cl::desc("Run the SLP vectorizer (and BB vectorizer) after the Loop "
     80            "vectorizer instead of before"));
     82 static cl::opt<bool> UseCFLAA("use-cfl-aa",
     83   cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
     84   cl::desc("Enable the new, experimental CFL alias analysis"));
     86 static cl::opt<bool>
     87 EnableMLSM("mlsm", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
     88            cl::desc("Enable motion of merged load and store"));
     90 static cl::opt<bool> EnableLoopInterchange(
     91     "enable-loopinterchange", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
     92     cl::desc("Enable the new, experimental LoopInterchange Pass"));
     94 static cl::opt<bool> EnableLoopDistribute(
     95     "enable-loop-distribute", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
     96     cl::desc("Enable the new, experimental LoopDistribution Pass"));
     98 static cl::opt<bool> EnableNonLTOGlobalsModRef(
     99     "enable-non-lto-gmr", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden,
    100     cl::desc(
    101         "Enable the GlobalsModRef AliasAnalysis outside of the LTO pipeline."));
    103 static cl::opt<bool> EnableLoopLoadElim(
    104     "enable-loop-load-elim", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
    105     cl::desc("Enable the new, experimental LoopLoadElimination Pass"));
    107 PassManagerBuilder::PassManagerBuilder() {
    108     OptLevel = 2;
    109     SizeLevel = 0;
    110     LibraryInfo = nullptr;
    111     Inliner = nullptr;
    112     FunctionIndex = nullptr;
    113     DisableUnitAtATime = false;
    114     DisableUnrollLoops = false;
    115     BBVectorize = RunBBVectorization;
    116     SLPVectorize = RunSLPVectorization;
    117     LoopVectorize = RunLoopVectorization;
    118     RerollLoops = RunLoopRerolling;
    119     LoadCombine = RunLoadCombine;
    120     DisableGVNLoadPRE = false;
    121     VerifyInput = false;
    122     VerifyOutput = false;
    123     MergeFunctions = false;
    124     PrepareForLTO = false;
    125 }
    127 PassManagerBuilder::~PassManagerBuilder() {
    128   delete LibraryInfo;
    129   delete Inliner;
    130 }
    132 /// Set of global extensions, automatically added as part of the standard set.
    133 static ManagedStatic<SmallVector<std::pair<PassManagerBuilder::ExtensionPointTy,
    134    PassManagerBuilder::ExtensionFn>, 8> > GlobalExtensions;
    136 void PassManagerBuilder::addGlobalExtension(
    137     PassManagerBuilder::ExtensionPointTy Ty,
    138     PassManagerBuilder::ExtensionFn Fn) {
    139   GlobalExtensions->push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, Fn));
    140 }
    142 void PassManagerBuilder::addExtension(ExtensionPointTy Ty, ExtensionFn Fn) {
    143   Extensions.push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, Fn));
    144 }
    146 void PassManagerBuilder::addExtensionsToPM(ExtensionPointTy ETy,
    147                                            legacy::PassManagerBase &PM) const {
    148   for (unsigned i = 0, e = GlobalExtensions->size(); i != e; ++i)
    149     if ((*GlobalExtensions)[i].first == ETy)
    150       (*GlobalExtensions)[i].second(*this, PM);
    151   for (unsigned i = 0, e = Extensions.size(); i != e; ++i)
    152     if (Extensions[i].first == ETy)
    153       Extensions[i].second(*this, PM);
    154 }
    156 void PassManagerBuilder::addInitialAliasAnalysisPasses(
    157     legacy::PassManagerBase &PM) const {
    158   // Add TypeBasedAliasAnalysis before BasicAliasAnalysis so that
    159   // BasicAliasAnalysis wins if they disagree. This is intended to help
    160   // support "obvious" type-punning idioms.
    161   if (UseCFLAA)
    162     PM.add(createCFLAAWrapperPass());
    163   PM.add(createTypeBasedAAWrapperPass());
    164   PM.add(createScopedNoAliasAAWrapperPass());
    165 }
    167 void PassManagerBuilder::populateFunctionPassManager(
    168     legacy::FunctionPassManager &FPM) {
    169   addExtensionsToPM(EP_EarlyAsPossible, FPM);
    171   // Add LibraryInfo if we have some.
    172   if (LibraryInfo)
    173     FPM.add(new TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(*LibraryInfo));
    175   if (OptLevel == 0) return;
    177   addInitialAliasAnalysisPasses(FPM);
    179   FPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
    180   if (UseNewSROA)
    181     FPM.add(createSROAPass());
    182   else
    183     FPM.add(createScalarReplAggregatesPass());
    184   FPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());
    185   FPM.add(createLowerExpectIntrinsicPass());
    186 }
    188 void PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager(
    189     legacy::PassManagerBase &MPM) {
    190   // If all optimizations are disabled, just run the always-inline pass and,
    191   // if enabled, the function merging pass.
    192   if (OptLevel == 0) {
    193     if (Inliner) {
    194       MPM.add(Inliner);
    195       Inliner = nullptr;
    196     }
    198     // FIXME: The BarrierNoopPass is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly
    199     // creates a CGSCC pass manager, but we don't want to add extensions into
    200     // that pass manager. To prevent this we insert a no-op module pass to reset
    201     // the pass manager to get the same behavior as EP_OptimizerLast in non-O0
    202     // builds. The function merging pass is
    203     if (MergeFunctions)
    204       MPM.add(createMergeFunctionsPass());
    205     else if (!GlobalExtensions->empty() || !Extensions.empty())
    206       MPM.add(createBarrierNoopPass());
    208     addExtensionsToPM(EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0, MPM);
    209     return;
    210   }
    212   // Add LibraryInfo if we have some.
    213   if (LibraryInfo)
    214     MPM.add(new TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(*LibraryInfo));
    216   addInitialAliasAnalysisPasses(MPM);
    218   if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    219     addExtensionsToPM(EP_ModuleOptimizerEarly, MPM);
    221     MPM.add(createIPSCCPPass());              // IP SCCP
    222     MPM.add(createGlobalOptimizerPass());     // Optimize out global vars
    223     // Promote any localized global vars
    224     MPM.add(createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass());
    226     MPM.add(createDeadArgEliminationPass());  // Dead argument elimination
    228     MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());// Clean up after IPCP & DAE
    229     addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    230     MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());   // Clean up after IPCP & DAE
    231   }
    233   if (EnableNonLTOGlobalsModRef)
    234     // We add a module alias analysis pass here. In part due to bugs in the
    235     // analysis infrastructure this "works" in that the analysis stays alive
    236     // for the entire SCC pass run below.
    237     MPM.add(createGlobalsAAWrapperPass());
    239   // Start of CallGraph SCC passes.
    240   if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    241     MPM.add(createPruneEHPass());             // Remove dead EH info
    242   if (Inliner) {
    243     MPM.add(Inliner);
    244     Inliner = nullptr;
    245   }
    246   if (!DisableUnitAtATime)
    247     MPM.add(createFunctionAttrsPass());       // Set readonly/readnone attrs
    248   if (OptLevel > 2)
    249     MPM.add(createArgumentPromotionPass());   // Scalarize uninlined fn args
    251   // Start of function pass.
    252   // Break up aggregate allocas, using SSAUpdater.
    253   if (UseNewSROA)
    254     MPM.add(createSROAPass());
    255   else
    256     MPM.add(createScalarReplAggregatesPass(-1, false));
    257   MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());              // Catch trivial redundancies
    258   MPM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());         // Thread jumps.
    259   MPM.add(createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass()); // Propagate conditionals
    260   MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
    261   MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());  // Combine silly seq's
    262   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    264   MPM.add(createTailCallEliminationPass()); // Eliminate tail calls
    265   MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());     // Merge & remove BBs
    266   MPM.add(createReassociatePass());           // Reassociate expressions
    267   // Rotate Loop - disable header duplication at -Oz
    268   MPM.add(createLoopRotatePass(SizeLevel == 2 ? 0 : -1));
    269   MPM.add(createLICMPass());                  // Hoist loop invariants
    270   MPM.add(createLoopUnswitchPass(SizeLevel || OptLevel < 3));
    271   MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
    272   MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    273   MPM.add(createIndVarSimplifyPass());        // Canonicalize indvars
    274   MPM.add(createLoopIdiomPass());             // Recognize idioms like memset.
    275   MPM.add(createLoopDeletionPass());          // Delete dead loops
    276   if (EnableLoopInterchange) {
    277     MPM.add(createLoopInterchangePass()); // Interchange loops
    278     MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
    279   }
    280   if (!DisableUnrollLoops)
    281     MPM.add(createSimpleLoopUnrollPass());    // Unroll small loops
    282   addExtensionsToPM(EP_LoopOptimizerEnd, MPM);
    284   if (OptLevel > 1) {
    285     if (EnableMLSM)
    286       MPM.add(createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass()); // Merge ld/st in diamonds
    287     MPM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE));  // Remove redundancies
    288   }
    289   MPM.add(createMemCpyOptPass());             // Remove memcpy / form memset
    290   MPM.add(createSCCPPass());                  // Constant prop with SCCP
    292   // Delete dead bit computations (instcombine runs after to fold away the dead
    293   // computations, and then ADCE will run later to exploit any new DCE
    294   // opportunities that creates).
    295   MPM.add(createBitTrackingDCEPass());        // Delete dead bit computations
    297   // Run instcombine after redundancy elimination to exploit opportunities
    298   // opened up by them.
    299   MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    300   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    301   MPM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());         // Thread jumps
    302   MPM.add(createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass());
    303   MPM.add(createDeadStoreEliminationPass());  // Delete dead stores
    304   MPM.add(createLICMPass());
    306   addExtensionsToPM(EP_ScalarOptimizerLate, MPM);
    308   if (RerollLoops)
    309     MPM.add(createLoopRerollPass());
    310   if (!RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization) {
    311     if (SLPVectorize)
    312       MPM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass());   // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.
    314     if (BBVectorize) {
    315       MPM.add(createBBVectorizePass());
    316       MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    317       addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    318       if (OptLevel > 1 && UseGVNAfterVectorization)
    319         MPM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE)); // Remove redundancies
    320       else
    321         MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());      // Catch trivial redundancies
    323       // BBVectorize may have significantly shortened a loop body; unroll again.
    324       if (!DisableUnrollLoops)
    325         MPM.add(createLoopUnrollPass());
    326     }
    327   }
    329   if (LoadCombine)
    330     MPM.add(createLoadCombinePass());
    332   MPM.add(createAggressiveDCEPass());         // Delete dead instructions
    333   MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass()); // Merge & remove BBs
    334   MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());  // Clean up after everything.
    335   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    337   // FIXME: This is a HACK! The inliner pass above implicitly creates a CGSCC
    338   // pass manager that we are specifically trying to avoid. To prevent this
    339   // we must insert a no-op module pass to reset the pass manager.
    340   MPM.add(createBarrierNoopPass());
    342   if (!DisableUnitAtATime && OptLevel > 1 && !PrepareForLTO) {
    343     // Remove avail extern fns and globals definitions if we aren't
    344     // compiling an object file for later LTO. For LTO we want to preserve
    345     // these so they are eligible for inlining at link-time. Note if they
    346     // are unreferenced they will be removed by GlobalDCE later, so
    347     // this only impacts referenced available externally globals.
    348     // Eventually they will be suppressed during codegen, but eliminating
    349     // here enables more opportunity for GlobalDCE as it may make
    350     // globals referenced by available external functions dead
    351     // and saves running remaining passes on the eliminated functions.
    352     MPM.add(createEliminateAvailableExternallyPass());
    353   }
    355   if (EnableNonLTOGlobalsModRef)
    356     // We add a fresh GlobalsModRef run at this point. This is particularly
    357     // useful as the above will have inlined, DCE'ed, and function-attr
    358     // propagated everything. We should at this point have a reasonably minimal
    359     // and richly annotated call graph. By computing aliasing and mod/ref
    360     // information for all local globals here, the late loop passes and notably
    361     // the vectorizer will be able to use them to help recognize vectorizable
    362     // memory operations.
    363     //
    364     // Note that this relies on a bug in the pass manager which preserves
    365     // a module analysis into a function pass pipeline (and throughout it) so
    366     // long as the first function pass doesn't invalidate the module analysis.
    367     // Thus both Float2Int and LoopRotate have to preserve AliasAnalysis for
    368     // this to work. Fortunately, it is trivial to preserve AliasAnalysis
    369     // (doing nothing preserves it as it is required to be conservatively
    370     // correct in the face of IR changes).
    371     MPM.add(createGlobalsAAWrapperPass());
    373   if (RunFloat2Int)
    374     MPM.add(createFloat2IntPass());
    376   addExtensionsToPM(EP_VectorizerStart, MPM);
    378   // Re-rotate loops in all our loop nests. These may have fallout out of
    379   // rotated form due to GVN or other transformations, and the vectorizer relies
    380   // on the rotated form. Disable header duplication at -Oz.
    381   MPM.add(createLoopRotatePass(SizeLevel == 2 ? 0 : -1));
    383   // Distribute loops to allow partial vectorization.  I.e. isolate dependences
    384   // into separate loop that would otherwise inhibit vectorization.
    385   if (EnableLoopDistribute)
    386     MPM.add(createLoopDistributePass());
    388   MPM.add(createLoopVectorizePass(DisableUnrollLoops, LoopVectorize));
    390   // Eliminate loads by forwarding stores from the previous iteration to loads
    391   // of the current iteration.
    392   if (EnableLoopLoadElim)
    393     MPM.add(createLoopLoadEliminationPass());
    395   // FIXME: Because of #pragma vectorize enable, the passes below are always
    396   // inserted in the pipeline, even when the vectorizer doesn't run (ex. when
    397   // on -O1 and no #pragma is found). Would be good to have these two passes
    398   // as function calls, so that we can only pass them when the vectorizer
    399   // changed the code.
    400   MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    401   if (OptLevel > 1 && ExtraVectorizerPasses) {
    402     // At higher optimization levels, try to clean up any runtime overlap and
    403     // alignment checks inserted by the vectorizer. We want to track correllated
    404     // runtime checks for two inner loops in the same outer loop, fold any
    405     // common computations, hoist loop-invariant aspects out of any outer loop,
    406     // and unswitch the runtime checks if possible. Once hoisted, we may have
    407     // dead (or speculatable) control flows or more combining opportunities.
    408     MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());
    409     MPM.add(createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass());
    410     MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    411     MPM.add(createLICMPass());
    412     MPM.add(createLoopUnswitchPass(SizeLevel || OptLevel < 3));
    413     MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
    414     MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    415   }
    417   if (RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization) {
    418     if (SLPVectorize) {
    419       MPM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass());   // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.
    420       if (OptLevel > 1 && ExtraVectorizerPasses) {
    421         MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());
    422       }
    423     }
    425     if (BBVectorize) {
    426       MPM.add(createBBVectorizePass());
    427       MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    428       addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    429       if (OptLevel > 1 && UseGVNAfterVectorization)
    430         MPM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE)); // Remove redundancies
    431       else
    432         MPM.add(createEarlyCSEPass());      // Catch trivial redundancies
    434       // BBVectorize may have significantly shortened a loop body; unroll again.
    435       if (!DisableUnrollLoops)
    436         MPM.add(createLoopUnrollPass());
    437     }
    438   }
    440   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, MPM);
    441   MPM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
    442   MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    444   if (!DisableUnrollLoops) {
    445     MPM.add(createLoopUnrollPass());    // Unroll small loops
    447     // LoopUnroll may generate some redundency to cleanup.
    448     MPM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    450     // Runtime unrolling will introduce runtime check in loop prologue. If the
    451     // unrolled loop is a inner loop, then the prologue will be inside the
    452     // outer loop. LICM pass can help to promote the runtime check out if the
    453     // checked value is loop invariant.
    454     MPM.add(createLICMPass());
    455   }
    457   // After vectorization and unrolling, assume intrinsics may tell us more
    458   // about pointer alignments.
    459   MPM.add(createAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass());
    461   if (!DisableUnitAtATime) {
    462     // FIXME: We shouldn't bother with this anymore.
    463     MPM.add(createStripDeadPrototypesPass()); // Get rid of dead prototypes
    465     // GlobalOpt already deletes dead functions and globals, at -O2 try a
    466     // late pass of GlobalDCE.  It is capable of deleting dead cycles.
    467     if (OptLevel > 1) {
    468       MPM.add(createGlobalDCEPass());         // Remove dead fns and globals.
    469       MPM.add(createConstantMergePass());     // Merge dup global constants
    470     }
    471   }
    473   if (MergeFunctions)
    474     MPM.add(createMergeFunctionsPass());
    476   addExtensionsToPM(EP_OptimizerLast, MPM);
    477 }
    479 void PassManagerBuilder::addLTOOptimizationPasses(legacy::PassManagerBase &PM) {
    480   // Provide AliasAnalysis services for optimizations.
    481   addInitialAliasAnalysisPasses(PM);
    483   if (FunctionIndex)
    484     PM.add(createFunctionImportPass(FunctionIndex));
    486   // Propagate constants at call sites into the functions they call.  This
    487   // opens opportunities for globalopt (and inlining) by substituting function
    488   // pointers passed as arguments to direct uses of functions.
    489   PM.add(createIPSCCPPass());
    491   // Now that we internalized some globals, see if we can hack on them!
    492   PM.add(createFunctionAttrsPass()); // Add norecurse if possible.
    493   PM.add(createGlobalOptimizerPass());
    494   // Promote any localized global vars.
    495   PM.add(createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass());
    497   // Linking modules together can lead to duplicated global constants, only
    498   // keep one copy of each constant.
    499   PM.add(createConstantMergePass());
    501   // Remove unused arguments from functions.
    502   PM.add(createDeadArgEliminationPass());
    504   // Reduce the code after globalopt and ipsccp.  Both can open up significant
    505   // simplification opportunities, and both can propagate functions through
    506   // function pointers.  When this happens, we often have to resolve varargs
    507   // calls, etc, so let instcombine do this.
    508   PM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    509   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, PM);
    511   // Inline small functions
    512   bool RunInliner = Inliner;
    513   if (RunInliner) {
    514     PM.add(Inliner);
    515     Inliner = nullptr;
    516   }
    518   PM.add(createPruneEHPass());   // Remove dead EH info.
    520   // Optimize globals again if we ran the inliner.
    521   if (RunInliner)
    522     PM.add(createGlobalOptimizerPass());
    523   PM.add(createGlobalDCEPass()); // Remove dead functions.
    525   // If we didn't decide to inline a function, check to see if we can
    526   // transform it to pass arguments by value instead of by reference.
    527   PM.add(createArgumentPromotionPass());
    529   // The IPO passes may leave cruft around.  Clean up after them.
    530   PM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    531   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, PM);
    532   PM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());
    534   // Break up allocas
    535   if (UseNewSROA)
    536     PM.add(createSROAPass());
    537   else
    538     PM.add(createScalarReplAggregatesPass());
    540   // Run a few AA driven optimizations here and now, to cleanup the code.
    541   PM.add(createFunctionAttrsPass()); // Add nocapture.
    542   PM.add(createGlobalsAAWrapperPass()); // IP alias analysis.
    544   PM.add(createLICMPass());                 // Hoist loop invariants.
    545   if (EnableMLSM)
    546     PM.add(createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass()); // Merge ld/st in diamonds.
    547   PM.add(createGVNPass(DisableGVNLoadPRE)); // Remove redundancies.
    548   PM.add(createMemCpyOptPass());            // Remove dead memcpys.
    550   // Nuke dead stores.
    551   PM.add(createDeadStoreEliminationPass());
    553   // More loops are countable; try to optimize them.
    554   PM.add(createIndVarSimplifyPass());
    555   PM.add(createLoopDeletionPass());
    556   if (EnableLoopInterchange)
    557     PM.add(createLoopInterchangePass());
    559   PM.add(createLoopVectorizePass(true, LoopVectorize));
    561   // Now that we've optimized loops (in particular loop induction variables),
    562   // we may have exposed more scalar opportunities. Run parts of the scalar
    563   // optimizer again at this point.
    564   PM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass()); // Initial cleanup
    565   PM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass()); // if-convert
    566   PM.add(createSCCPPass()); // Propagate exposed constants
    567   PM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass()); // Clean up again
    568   PM.add(createBitTrackingDCEPass());
    570   // More scalar chains could be vectorized due to more alias information
    571   if (RunSLPAfterLoopVectorization)
    572     if (SLPVectorize)
    573       PM.add(createSLPVectorizerPass()); // Vectorize parallel scalar chains.
    575   // After vectorization, assume intrinsics may tell us more about pointer
    576   // alignments.
    577   PM.add(createAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass());
    579   if (LoadCombine)
    580     PM.add(createLoadCombinePass());
    582   // Cleanup and simplify the code after the scalar optimizations.
    583   PM.add(createInstructionCombiningPass());
    584   addExtensionsToPM(EP_Peephole, PM);
    586   PM.add(createJumpThreadingPass());
    587 }
    589 void PassManagerBuilder::addLateLTOOptimizationPasses(
    590     legacy::PassManagerBase &PM) {
    591   // Delete basic blocks, which optimization passes may have killed.
    592   PM.add(createCFGSimplificationPass());
    594   // Drop bodies of available externally objects to improve GlobalDCE.
    595   PM.add(createEliminateAvailableExternallyPass());
    597   // Now that we have optimized the program, discard unreachable functions.
    598   PM.add(createGlobalDCEPass());
    600   // FIXME: this is profitable (for compiler time) to do at -O0 too, but
    601   // currently it damages debug info.
    602   if (MergeFunctions)
    603     PM.add(createMergeFunctionsPass());
    604 }
    606 void PassManagerBuilder::populateLTOPassManager(legacy::PassManagerBase &PM) {
    607   if (LibraryInfo)
    608     PM.add(new TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass(*LibraryInfo));
    610   if (VerifyInput)
    611     PM.add(createVerifierPass());
    613   if (OptLevel > 1)
    614     addLTOOptimizationPasses(PM);
    616   // Create a function that performs CFI checks for cross-DSO calls with targets
    617   // in the current module.
    618   PM.add(createCrossDSOCFIPass());
    620   // Lower bit sets to globals. This pass supports Clang's control flow
    621   // integrity mechanisms (-fsanitize=cfi*) and needs to run at link time if CFI
    622   // is enabled. The pass does nothing if CFI is disabled.
    623   PM.add(createLowerBitSetsPass());
    625   if (OptLevel != 0)
    626     addLateLTOOptimizationPasses(PM);
    628   if (VerifyOutput)
    629     PM.add(createVerifierPass());
    630 }
    632 inline PassManagerBuilder *unwrap(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef P) {
    633     return reinterpret_cast<PassManagerBuilder*>(P);
    634 }
    636 inline LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef wrap(PassManagerBuilder *P) {
    637   return reinterpret_cast<LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef>(P);
    638 }
    640 LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef LLVMPassManagerBuilderCreate() {
    641   PassManagerBuilder *PMB = new PassManagerBuilder();
    642   return wrap(PMB);
    643 }
    645 void LLVMPassManagerBuilderDispose(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB) {
    646   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    647   delete Builder;
    648 }
    650 void
    651 LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    652                                   unsigned OptLevel) {
    653   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    654   Builder->OptLevel = OptLevel;
    655 }
    657 void
    658 LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetSizeLevel(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    659                                    unsigned SizeLevel) {
    660   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    661   Builder->SizeLevel = SizeLevel;
    662 }
    664 void
    665 LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnitAtATime(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    666                                             LLVMBool Value) {
    667   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    668   Builder->DisableUnitAtATime = Value;
    669 }
    671 void
    672 LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnrollLoops(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    673                                             LLVMBool Value) {
    674   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    675   Builder->DisableUnrollLoops = Value;
    676 }
    678 void
    679 LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableSimplifyLibCalls(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    680                                                  LLVMBool Value) {
    681   // NOTE: The simplify-libcalls pass has been removed.
    682 }
    684 void
    685 LLVMPassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    686                                               unsigned Threshold) {
    687   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    688   Builder->Inliner = createFunctionInliningPass(Threshold);
    689 }
    691 void
    692 LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateFunctionPassManager(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    693                                                   LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
    694   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    695   legacy::FunctionPassManager *FPM = unwrap<legacy::FunctionPassManager>(PM);
    696   Builder->populateFunctionPassManager(*FPM);
    697 }
    699 void
    700 LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateModulePassManager(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    701                                                 LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
    702   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    703   legacy::PassManagerBase *MPM = unwrap(PM);
    704   Builder->populateModulePassManager(*MPM);
    705 }
    707 void LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateLTOPassManager(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
    708                                                   LLVMPassManagerRef PM,
    709                                                   LLVMBool Internalize,
    710                                                   LLVMBool RunInliner) {
    711   PassManagerBuilder *Builder = unwrap(PMB);
    712   legacy::PassManagerBase *LPM = unwrap(PM);
    714   // A small backwards compatibility hack. populateLTOPassManager used to take
    715   // an RunInliner option.
    716   if (RunInliner && !Builder->Inliner)
    717     Builder->Inliner = createFunctionInliningPass();
    719   Builder->populateLTOPassManager(*LPM);
    720 }