Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in catapult_build
      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 import argparse
      7 import json
      8 import logging
      9 import os
     10 import re
     11 import shutil
     12 import stat
     13 import subprocess
     14 import sys
     15 import tempfile
     16 import time
     17 import urllib2
     18 import zipfile
     20 from hooks import install
     22 from catapult_base import xvfb
     24 # URL on omahaproxy.appspot.com which lists the current version for the os
     25 # and channel.
     26 VERSION_LOOKUP_URL = 'https://omahaproxy.appspot.com/all?os=%s&channel=%s'
     28 # URL on omahaproxy.appspot.com which looks up base positions from versions.
     29 BASE_POS_LOOKUP_URL = 'http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/revision.json?version=%s'
     31 # URL on cloud storage which looks up the chromium download url from base pos.
     32 CLOUD_STORAGE_LOOKUP_URL = ('https://www.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/'
     33                             'chromium-browser-snapshots/o?delimiter=/&prefix='
     34                             '%s/%s&fields=items(kind,mediaLink,metadata,name,'
     35                             'size,updated),kind,prefixes,nextPageToken')
     37 # URL on cloud storage to download chromium at a base pos from.
     38 CLOUD_STORAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL = ('https://www.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b'
     39                               '/chromium-browser-snapshots/o/%s%%2F%s%%2F'
     40                               'chrome-%s.zip?alt=media')
     42 # URL in cloud storage to download Chrome zip from.
     43 CLOUDSTORAGE_URL = ('https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-unsigned'
     44                     '/desktop-W15K3Y/%s/%s/chrome-%s.zip')
     46 # Default port to run on if not auto-assigning from OS
     47 DEFAULT_PORT = '8111'
     49 # Mapping of sys.platform -> platform-specific names and paths.
     51     'linux2': {
     52         'omaha': 'linux',
     53         'prefix': 'Linux_x64',
     54         'zip_prefix': 'linux',
     55         'chromepath': 'chrome-linux/chrome'
     56     },
     57     'win32': {
     58         'omaha': 'win',
     59         'prefix': 'Win',
     60         'zip_prefix': 'win32',
     61         'chromepath': 'chrome-win32\\chrome.exe',
     62     },
     63     'darwin': {
     64         'omaha': 'mac',
     65         'prefix': 'Mac',
     66         'zip_prefix': 'mac',
     67         'chromepath': ('chrome-mac/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium'),
     68         'version_path': 'chrome-mac/Chromium.app/Contents/Versions/',
     69         'additional_paths': [
     70             ('chrome-mac/Chromium.app/Contents/Versions/%VERSION%/'
     71              'Chromium Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium Helper'),
     72         ],
     73     },
     74 }
     77 def IsDepotToolsPath(path):
     78   return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'gclient'))
     81 def FindDepotTools():
     82   # Check if depot_tools is already in PYTHONPATH
     83   for path in sys.path:
     84     if path.rstrip(os.sep).endswith('depot_tools') and IsDepotToolsPath(path):
     85       return path
     87   # Check if depot_tools is in the path
     88   for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
     89     if IsDepotToolsPath(path):
     90       return path.rstrip(os.sep)
     92   return None
     95 def DownloadChromium(channel):
     96   """
     97   Gets the version of Chrome current for the given channel from omahaproxy, then
     98   follows instructions for downloading a prebuilt version of chromium from the
     99   commit at the branch cut for that version. This downloads a chromium binary
    100   which does not have any commits merged onto the branch. It is close to the
    101   released Chrome, but not exact. Downloading the released Chrome is not
    102   supported.
    103   https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium
    104   """
    105   # Get the version for the current channel from omahaproxy
    106   platform_data = PLATFORM_MAPPING[sys.platform]
    107   omaha_platform = platform_data['omaha']
    108   version_lookup_url = VERSION_LOOKUP_URL % (omaha_platform, channel)
    109   print 'Getting version from %s' % version_lookup_url
    110   response = urllib2.urlopen(version_lookup_url, timeout=120)
    111   version = response.readlines()[1].split(',')[2]
    113   # Get the base position for that version from omahaproxy
    114   base_pos_lookup_url = BASE_POS_LOOKUP_URL % version
    115   print 'Getting base_pos from %s' % base_pos_lookup_url
    116   response = urllib2.urlopen(base_pos_lookup_url, timeout=120)
    117   base_pos = json.load(response)['chromium_base_position']
    119   # Find the build from that base position in cloud storage. If it's not found,
    120   # decrement base position until one is found.
    121   cloud_storage_lookup_url = CLOUD_STORAGE_LOOKUP_URL % (
    122       platform_data['prefix'], base_pos)
    123   download_url = None
    124   while not download_url:
    125     print 'Getting download url from %s' % cloud_storage_lookup_url
    126     response = urllib2.urlopen(cloud_storage_lookup_url, timeout=120)
    127     prefixes = json.load(response).get('prefixes')
    128     if prefixes:
    129       download_url = CLOUD_STORAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL % (
    130           platform_data['prefix'], base_pos, platform_data['zip_prefix'])
    131       break
    132     base_pos = int(base_pos) - 1
    133     cloud_storage_lookup_url = CLOUD_STORAGE_LOOKUP_URL % (
    134         platform_data['prefix'], base_pos)
    136   print 'Approximating Chrome %s with chromium from base position %s.' % (
    137       version, base_pos)
    138   print 'Downloading from %s' % download_url
    140   tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    141   zip_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'chrome.zip')
    142   with open(zip_path, 'wb') as local_file:
    143     local_file.write(urllib2.urlopen(download_url, timeout=600).read())
    144   zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path)
    145   zf.extractall(path=tmpdir)
    146   return tmpdir, version, download_url
    149 def GetLocalChromePath(path_from_command_line):
    150   if path_from_command_line:
    151     return path_from_command_line
    153   if sys.platform == 'darwin':  # Mac
    154     chrome_path = (
    155         '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome')
    156     if os.path.isfile(chrome_path):
    157       return chrome_path
    158   elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    159     found = False
    160     try:
    161       with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
    162         found = subprocess.call(['google-chrome', '--version'],
    163                                 stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) == 0
    164     except OSError:
    165       pass
    166     if found:
    167       return 'google-chrome'
    168   elif sys.platform == 'win32':
    169     search_paths = [os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES(X86)'),
    170                     os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'),
    171                     os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA')]
    172     chrome_path = os.path.join('Google', 'Chrome', 'Application', 'chrome.exe')
    173     for search_path in search_paths:
    174       test_path = os.path.join(search_path, chrome_path)
    175       if os.path.isfile(test_path):
    176         return test_path
    177   return None
    180 def Main(argv):
    181   try:
    182     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    183         description='Run dev_server tests for a project.')
    184     parser.add_argument('--chrome_path', type=str,
    185                         help='Path to Chrome browser binary.')
    186     parser.add_argument('--no-use-local-chrome',
    187                         dest='use_local_chrome', action='store_false')
    188     parser.add_argument(
    189         '--no-install-hooks', dest='install_hooks', action='store_false')
    190     parser.add_argument('--tests', type=str,
    191                         help='Set of tests to run (tracing or perf_insights)')
    192     parser.add_argument('--channel', type=str, default='stable',
    193                         help='Chrome channel to run (stable or canary)')
    194     parser.add_argument('--presentation-json', type=str,
    195                         help='Recipe presentation-json output file path')
    196     parser.set_defaults(install_hooks=True)
    197     parser.set_defaults(use_local_chrome=True)
    198     args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
    200     if args.install_hooks:
    201       install.InstallHooks()
    203     platform_data = PLATFORM_MAPPING[sys.platform]
    204     user_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    205     tmpdir = None
    206     xvfb_process = None
    208     server_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
    209         os.path.abspath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'bin', 'run_dev_server')
    210     # TODO(anniesullie): Make OS selection of port work on Windows. See #1235.
    211     if sys.platform == 'win32':
    212       port = DEFAULT_PORT
    213     else:
    214       port = '0'
    215     server_command = [server_path, '--no-install-hooks', '--port', port]
    216     if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    217       server_command = ['python.exe'] + server_command
    218     print "Starting dev_server..."
    219     server_process = subprocess.Popen(
    220         server_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    221         bufsize=1)
    222     time.sleep(1)
    223     if sys.platform != 'win32':
    224       output = server_process.stderr.readline()
    225       port = re.search(
    226           r'Now running on[\d]+)', output).group(1)
    228     chrome_info = None
    229     if args.use_local_chrome:
    230       chrome_path = GetLocalChromePath(args.chrome_path)
    231       if not chrome_path:
    232         logging.error('Could not find path to chrome.')
    233         sys.exit(1)
    234       chrome_info = 'with command `%s`' % chrome_path
    235     else:
    236       channel = args.channel
    237       if sys.platform == 'linux2' and channel == 'canary':
    238         channel = 'dev'
    239       assert channel in ['stable', 'beta', 'dev', 'canary']
    242       tmpdir, version, download_url = DownloadChromium(channel)
    243       if xvfb.ShouldStartXvfb():
    244         xvfb_process = xvfb.StartXvfb()
    245       chrome_path = os.path.join(
    246           tmpdir, platform_data['chromepath'])
    247       os.chmod(chrome_path, os.stat(chrome_path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
    248       # On Mac, we need to update a file with the version in the path, and
    249       # the version we downloaded could be slightly different than what we
    250       # requested. Update it.
    251       if platform_data.get('version_path'):
    252         contents = os.listdir(
    253             os.path.join(tmpdir, platform_data['version_path']))
    254         for path in contents:
    255           if re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', path):
    256             version = path
    257       if platform_data.get('additional_paths'):
    258         for path in platform_data.get('additional_paths'):
    259           path = path.replace('%VERSION%', version)
    260           path = os.path.join(tmpdir, path)
    261           if os.path.exists(path):
    262             os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
    263       chrome_info = version
    264     chrome_command = [
    265         chrome_path,
    266         '--user-data-dir=%s' % user_data_dir,
    267         '--no-sandbox',
    268         '--no-experiments',
    269         '--no-first-run',
    270         '--noerrdialogs',
    271         '--window-size=1280,1024',
    272         ('http://localhost:%s/%s/tests.html?' % (port, args.tests)) +
    273         'headless=true&testTypeToRun=all',
    274     ]
    275     print "Starting Chrome %s..." % chrome_info
    276     chrome_process = subprocess.Popen(
    277         chrome_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    278     print "Waiting for tests to finish..."
    279     server_out, server_err = server_process.communicate()
    280     print "Killing Chrome..."
    281     if sys.platform == 'win32':
    282       # Use taskkill on Windows to make sure Chrome and all subprocesses are
    283       # killed.
    284       subprocess.call(['taskkill', '/F', '/T', '/PID', str(chrome_process.pid)])
    285     else:
    286       chrome_process.kill()
    287     if server_process.returncode != 0:
    288       logging.error('Tests failed!')
    289       logging.error('Server stderr:')
    290       logging.error(server_err)
    291       logging.error('Server stdout:')
    292       logging.error(server_out)
    293     else:
    294       print server_out
    295     if args.presentation_json:
    296       with open(args.presentation_json, 'w') as recipe_out:
    297         # Add a link to the buildbot status for the step saying which version
    298         # of Chrome the test ran on. The actual linking feature is not used,
    299         # but there isn't a way to just add text.
    300         link_name = 'Chrome Version %s' % version
    301         presentation_info = {'links': {link_name: download_url}}
    302         json.dump(presentation_info, recipe_out)
    303   finally:
    304     # Wait for Chrome to be killed before deleting temp Chrome dir. Only have
    305     # this timing issue on Windows.
    306     if sys.platform == 'win32':
    307       time.sleep(5)
    308     if tmpdir:
    309       try:
    310         shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
    311         shutil.rmtree(user_data_dir)
    312       except OSError as e:
    313         logging.error('Error cleaning up temp dirs %s and %s: %s',
    314                       tmpdir, user_data_dir, e)
    315     if xvfb_process:
    316       xvfb_process.kill()
    318   sys.exit(server_process.returncode)