1 $! BUILD_VMS.COM 2 $! 3 $! I've taken the original build_vms.com, supplied by Nico Baggus, if 4 $! memory serves me correctly, and made some modifications. 5 $! 6 $! SSL support is controlled by logical names. If SSL$INCLUDE is 7 $! defined, then it is assumed that HP's SSL product has been installed. 8 $! If OPENSSL is defined, but SSL$INCLUDE is not, then OpenSSL will be 9 $! used. If neither logical name is defined, then SSL support will not 10 $! be compiled/linked in. Command-line options NOHPSSL and NOSSL can be 11 $! specified to override the automatic SSL selection. 12 $! 13 $! Command-line Options: 14 $! 15 $! CLEAN Delete product files for this host architecture. (No 16 $! build done.) 17 $! CLEAN_ALL Delete product files for all host architectures. (No 18 $! build done.) 19 $! 20 $! 64 Compile with 64-bit pointers. 21 $! Note, you must match the pointer size that the OpenSSL 22 $! shared image expects. 23 $! Currently curl is not building properly with 64 bit pointers 24 $! on VMS because it is trying to cast pointers to 32 bit 25 $! integers and some OpenVMS library routines called by curl 26 $! do not yet support 64 bit pointers. 27 $! CCQUAL=x Add "x" to the C compiler qualifiers. 28 $! Default qualifiers are: 29 $! /standard=relaxed 30 $! /names=(as_is, shortened) 31 $! /repository=[.'arch'] 32 $! /nested_include_directory=none 33 $! /define=(_LARGEFILE=1,_USE_STD_STAT=1) (non-vax) 34 $! /float=ieee/ieee_mode=denorm_results (non-vax) 35 $! DEBUG Compile debug and nooptimize 36 $! Alpha/IA64 always compiles /debug. 37 $! Always link a debug image. 38 $! NOIEEE Do not use IEEE floating point. (Alpha/I64) 39 $! VAX must always use DFLOAT 40 $! NOLARGE Disable large-file support if large file support available. 41 $! (Non-VAX, VMS >= V7.2.) 42 $! NOLDAP Disable LDAP support if LDAP is available. 43 $! NOKERBEROS Disable Kerberos support if Kerberos is available. 44 $! LIST Create C compiler listings and linker maps. 45 $! /list/show=(expan,includ)/machine 46 $! FULLLIST Full detailed listing. 47 $! /list/show=(all, nomessages)/machine 48 $! NOHPSSL Don't use HP SSL, even if available. 49 $! Note, you must match the pointer size that the OpenSSL 50 $! shared image expects. This procedure will select the 51 $! correct HP OpenSSL image. 52 $! NOSSL Don't use any SSL, even if available. 53 $! OSSLOLB Use OpenSSL object libraries (.OLB), even if shared 54 $! images (.EXE) are available. 55 $! NOZLIB Don't use GNV$ZLIB shared image even if available. 56 $! REALCLEAN Delete product files for all host architectures. (No 57 $! build done.) Alias for CLEAN_ALL 58 $! 59 $! DCL Symbols: 60 $! 61 $! CURL_CCDEFS="c_macro_1=value1 [, c_macro_2=value2 [...]]" 62 $! Compile with these additional C macros defined. 63 $! 64 $! Revisions: 65 $! 66 $! 2-DEC-2003, MSK, the "original" version. 67 $! It works for me. Your mileage may vary. 68 $! 13-JAN-2004, MSK, moved this procedure to the [.packages.vms] directory 69 $! and updated it to do hardware dependent builds. 70 $! 29-JAN-2004, MSK, moved logical defines into defines.com 71 $! 6-FEB-2004, MSK, put in various SSL support bits 72 $! 9-MAR-2004, MSK, the config-vms.h* files are now copied to the lib and 73 $! src directories as curl_config.h. 74 $! 15-MAR-2004, MSK, All of the curlmsg*.* files have also been moved to 75 $! this build directory. They will be copied to the src 76 $! directory before build. The .msg file will be compiled 77 $! to get the .obj for messages, but the .h and .sdl files 78 $! are not automatically created since they partly rely on 79 $! the freeware SDL tool. 80 $! 8-FEB-2005, MSK, merged the two config-vms.h* files into one that uses 81 $! USE_SSLEAY to define if the target has SSL support built 82 $! in. Changed the cc/define parameter accordingly. 83 $! 11-FEB-2005, MSK, If [--.LIB]AMIGAOS.C and NWLIB.C are there, rename them 84 $! 23-MAR-2005, MSK, relocated cc_qual define so that DEBUG option would work 85 $! 25-APR-2007, STL, allow compilation in 64-bit mode. 86 $! 13-DEC-2009. SMS, Changed to skip unwanted source files without 87 $! renaming the original files. 88 $! Eliminated needless, persistent logical names. 89 $! Added CURL_CCDEFS DCL symbol for user-specified C 90 $! macro definitions. 91 $! Added CLEAN and CLEAN_ALL options. 92 $! Added CCQUAL option for user-specified C compiler 93 $! qualifiers. 94 $! Added IEEE option for IEEE floating point (Alpha). 95 $! Added LARGE option for large-file support. 96 $! Added OSSLOLB option, and support for OpenSSL 97 $! shared images. 98 $! Changed to put listing and map files into lisdir:. 99 $! Changed to avoid case confusion on ODS5 disks. 100 $! Added more default dev:[dir] save+restore. 101 $! Moved remaining "defines.com" code (back) into 102 $! here, eliminating the hard-coded OpenSSL nonsense. 103 $! Changed to use F$GETSYI("ARCH_NAME") (or 104 $! equivalent) to name architecture-specific product 105 $! file destination directory, and to create the 106 $! directory if needed (obviating inclusion of these 107 $! directories and dummy files in the distribution 108 $! kit). 109 $! Changed the "compile" subroutine to break the CC 110 $! command across multiple lines to avoid DCL 111 $! line-too-long problems. 112 $! Changed "vo_c" messages to show the CC qualifiers 113 $! once, not with every compile command. 114 $! 01-Jan-2013 J. Malmberg 115 $! VMS build procedures need to be able to work with 116 $! the default set to a search list, with created or 117 $! modified files only in the first member of the search 118 $! list. 119 $! Whitespace change to be more compatible with current 120 $! practices. 121 $! One pass option parsing instead of loop. 122 $! GNV ZLIB shared image support. 123 $! KERBEROS support where available. 124 $! LDAP default to on where available 125 $! LARGEFILE default to on where available 126 $! IEEE float default to on where available. 127 $! Generate the curl_config.h file from system inspection. 128 $! Linker finds ldap with out option file. 129 $! 13-Mar-2013, Tom Grace 130 $! Added missing slash in cc_full_list. 131 $! Removed unwanted extra quotes inside symbol tool_main 132 $! for non-VAX architectures that triggered link failure. 133 $! Replaced curl_sys_inc with sys_inc. 134 $! 19-Mar-2013, John Malmberg 135 $! symbol tool_main needs to be quoted when parse style is 136 $! set to exended in versions of VMS greater than 7.3-1. 137 $! Remove curlbuild.h generation as it should be pre-built 138 $! in the curl release or daily tarball. 139 $! 12-Jul-2013, John Malmberg 140 $! Adjust to find and use ZLIB from the Jean-Francois 141 $! Pieronne shared image and newer GNV ZLIB kit that 142 $! is upward compatible with Jean-Francois's kit. 143 $! Remove tabs from file. 144 $! Fixed DCL formatting as follows: 145 $! * Labels have no space after leading $. 146 $! * 1 space after $ for first level. 147 $! * 3 spaces after $ for second level. Line start + 4. 148 $! * 7 spaces after $ for third level. Line start + 8. 149 $! * Each level after that indents 4 characters. 150 $! * then/else/endif same indentation as if statement. 151 $! 17-Nov-2014, Michael Steve 152 $! Modified build to handle new location of the VTLS lib 153 $! source within zip archive. Not a pretty fix. 154 $! 155 $!=========================================================================== 156 $! 157 $! 158 $! Save the original default dev:[dir], and arrange for its restoration 159 $! at exit. 160 $!------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161 $ curl = "" 162 $ orig_def = f$environment("DEFAULT") 163 $ on error then goto Common_Exit 164 $ on control_y then goto Common_Exit 165 $! 166 $ ctrl_y = 1556 167 $ proc = f$environment("PROCEDURE") 168 $ proc_fid = f$file_attributes(proc, "FID") 169 $ proc_dev = f$parse(proc, , , "DEVICE") 170 $ proc_dir = f$parse(proc, , , "DIRECTORY") 171 $ proc_name = f$parse(proc, , , "NAME") 172 $ proc_type = f$parse(proc, , , "TYPE") 173 $ proc_dev_dir = proc_dev + proc_dir 174 $! 175 $! Have to manually parse the device for a search list. 176 $! Can not use the f$parse() as it will return the first name 177 $! in the search list. 178 $! 179 $ orig_def_dev = f$element(0, ":", orig_def) + ":" 180 $ if orig_def_dev .eqs. "::" then orig_def_dev = "sys$disk:" 181 $ test_proc = orig_def_dev + proc_dir + proc_name + proc_type 182 $! 183 $! If we can find this file using the default directory 184 $! then we know that we should use the original device from the 185 $! default directory which could be a search list. 186 $! 187 $ test_proc_fid = f$file_attributes(test_proc, "FID") 188 $! 189 $ if (test_proc_fid .eq. proc_fid) 190 $ then 191 $ proc_dev_dir = orig_def_dev + proc_dir 192 $ endif 193 $! 194 $! 195 $! Verbose output message stuff. Define symbol to "write sys$output" or "!". 196 $! vo_c - verbose output for compile 197 $! vo_l - link 198 $! vo_o - object check 199 $! 200 $ vo_c := "write sys$output" 201 $ vo_l := "write sys$output" 202 $ vo_o := "!" 203 $! 204 $! Determine the main distribution directory ("[--]") in an 205 $! ODS5-tolerant (case-insensitive) way. (We do assume that the only 206 $! "]" or ">" is the one at the end.) 207 $! 208 $! Some non-US VMS installations report ">" for the directory delimiter 209 $! so do not assume that it is "]". 210 $! 211 $ orig_def_len = f$length(orig_def) 212 $ delim = f$extract(orig_def_len - 1, 1, orig_def) 213 $! 214 $ set default 'proc_dev_dir' 215 $ set default [--] 216 $ base_dev_dir = f$environment("default") 217 $ top_dev_dir = base_dev_dir - delim 218 $! 219 $! 220 $! 221 $! Define the architecture-specific product file destination directory 222 $! name(s). 223 $! 224 $ parse_style = "TRADITIONAL" 225 $ if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .lt. 1024) 226 $ then 227 $ arch_name = "VAX" 228 $ else 229 $ arch_name = "" 230 $ arch_name = arch_name + f$edit(f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE") 231 $ if (arch_name .eqs. "") then arch_name = "UNK" 232 $! 233 $! Extended parsing option starts with VMS 7.3-1. 234 $! There is no 7.4, so that simplifies the parse a bit. 235 $! 236 $ node_swvers = f$getsyi("node_swvers") 237 $ version_patch = f$extract(1, f$length(node_swvers), node_swvers) 238 $ maj_ver = f$element(0, ".", version_patch) 239 $ min_ver_patch = f$element(1, ".", version_patch) 240 $ min_ver = f$element(0, "-", min_ver_patch) 241 $ patch = f$element(1, "-", min_ver_patch) 242 $ if patch .eqs. "-" then patch = "" 243 $ parse_x = 0 244 $ if maj_ver .ges. "8" 245 $ then 246 $ parse_x = 1 247 $ else 248 $ if maj_ver .eqs. "7" .and. min_ver .ges. "3" .and. patch .nes. "" 249 $ then 250 $ parse_x = 1 251 $ endif 252 $ endif 253 $ if parse_x 254 $ then 255 $ parse_style = f$getjpi("", "parse_style_perm") 256 $ endif 257 $ endif 258 $! 259 $ exedir = proc_dev_dir - delim + ".''arch_name'" + delim 260 $ lisdir = exedir 261 $ objdir = exedir 262 $! 263 $! When building on a search list, need to do a create to make sure that 264 $! the output directory exists, since the clean procedure tries to delete 265 $! it. 266 $ create/dir 'exedir'/prot=o:rwed 267 $! 268 $! Interpret command-line options. 269 $! 270 $ hpssl = 0 271 $ ldap = 1 272 $ list = 0 273 $ full_list = 0 274 $ nohpssl = 0 275 $ nossl = 0 276 $ openssl = 0 277 $ osslolb = 0 278 $ nozlib = 0 279 $ nokerberos = 0 280 $ cc_names = "/names=(shortened, as_is)/repository='exedir' 281 $ cc_defs = "HAVE_CONFIG_H=1" 282 $ cc_list = "/list='objdir'/show=(expan, includ)/machine 283 $ cc_full_list = "/list='objdir'/show=(all, nomessages)/machine 284 $ link_qual = "" 285 $ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX" 286 $ then 287 $ cc_debug = "/nodebug/optimize" 288 $ !cc_defs = cc_defs + "" 289 $ cc_float = "" 290 $ cc_large = "" 291 $ else 292 $ cc_debug = "/debug/optimize" 293 $ cc_defs = cc_defs + ",_USE_STD_STAT" 294 $ cc_float = "/float=ieee/ieee_mode=denorm_results" 295 $ cc_large = ",_LARGEFILE" 296 $ endif 297 $ cc_qual1 = "" 298 $ cc_qual2 = "" 299 $ if (f$type(CURL_CCDEFS) .nes. "") 300 $ then 301 $ CURL_CCDEFS = f$edit(CURL_CCDEFS, "TRIM") 302 $ cc_defs = cc_defs + ", " + CURL_CCDEFS 303 $ endif 304 $ msg_qual = "/object = ''objdir'" 305 $ ssl_opt = "" 306 $! 307 $! Allow arguments to be grouped together with comma or separated by spaces 308 $! Do no know if we will need more than 8. 309 $ args = "," + p1 + "," + p2 + "," + p3 + "," + p4 + "," 310 $ args = args + p5 + "," + p6 + "," + p7 + "," + p8 + "," 311 $! 312 $! Provide lower case version to simplify parsing. 313 $ args_lower = f$edit(args, "LOWERCASE,COLLAPSE") 314 $! 315 $ args_len = f$length(args) 316 $ args_lower_len = f$length(args_lower) 317 $! 318 $ clean = 0 319 $ if f$locate(",clean,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 320 $ then 321 $ clean = 1 322 $ endif 323 $ clean_all = 0 324 $ if f$locate(",clean_all,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 325 $ then 326 $ clean = 1 327 $ clean_all = 1 328 $ endif 329 $ if f$locate(",realclean,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 330 $ then 331 $ clean = 1 332 $ clean_all = 1 333 $ endif 334 $! 335 $ if clean .ne. 0 336 $ then 337 $ prods = "''exedir'*.*;*" 338 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 339 $ prods = proc_dev_dir + arch_name + ".DIR;1" 340 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then set prot=o:rwed 'prods' 341 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 342 $ file = "[]config_vms.h" 343 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 344 $ file = "[]config.h" 345 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 346 $ file = "[]curl-config." 347 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 348 $ file = "[]libcurl.pc" 349 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 350 $ file = "[.lib.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db." 351 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 352 $ file = "[.src.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db." 353 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 354 $ file = "[.lib]config_vms.h" 355 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 356 $ file = "[...]curl_crtl_init" 357 $ if f$search("''file'.lis") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.lis;* 358 $ if f$search("''file'.obj") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.obj;* 359 $ file = "[...]gnv$curlmsg" 360 $ if f$search("''file'.lis") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.lis;* 361 $ if f$search("''file'.obj") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.obj;* 362 $ if f$search("''file'.exe") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.exe;* 363 $ file = "[...]curlmsg" 364 $ if f$search("''file'.lis") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.lis;* 365 $ if f$search("''file'.obj") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.obj;* 366 $ if f$search("''file'.exe") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.exe;* 367 $ file = "[...]report_openssl_version" 368 $ if f$search("''file'.lis") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.lis;* 369 $ if f$search("''file'.obj") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.obj;* 370 $ if f$search("''file'.exe") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.exe;* 371 $ file = "[...]hp_ssl_release_info.txt" 372 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 373 $ file = "[...]gnv_libcurl_xfer.mar_exact" 374 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 375 $ file = "[...]gnv_libcurl_xfer" 376 $ if f$search("''file'.lis") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.lis;* 377 $ if f$search("''file'.obj") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.obj;* 378 $ if f$search("''file'.opt") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.opt;* 379 $ file = "[...]curl-*_original_src.bck" 380 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 381 $ file = "[...]curl_d-*_original_src.bck" 382 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 383 $ file = "[...]curl-*_vms_src.bck" 384 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 385 $ file = "[...]curl_d-*_vms_src.bck" 386 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 387 $ file = "[...]curl-*.release_notes" 388 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 389 $ file = "[...]curl_d-*.release_notes" 390 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 391 $ file = "[...]*curl*.pcsi$desc" 392 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 393 $ file = "[...]*curl_d*.pcsi$desc" 394 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 395 $ file = "[...]*curl*.pcsi$text" 396 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 397 $ file = "[...]*curl_d*.pcsi$text" 398 $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then delete/log 'file';* 399 $! 400 $ if clean_all .eq. 0 then goto Common_Exit 401 $ endif 402 $! 403 $! 404 $ if clean_all .ne. 0 405 $ then 406 $ file = "[...]gnv$libcurl" 407 $ if f$search("''file'.exe") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.exe;* 408 $ if f$search("''file'.map") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.map;* 409 $ if f$search("''file'.dsf") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.dsf;* 410 $ file = "[.src]curl" 411 $ if f$search("''file'.exe") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.exe;* 412 $ if f$search("''file'.map") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.map;* 413 $ if f$search("''file'.dsf") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.dsf;* 414 $ prods = proc_dev_dir - delim + ".ALPHA" + delim + "*.*;*" 415 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 416 $ prods = proc_dev_dir + "ALPHA" + ".DIR;1" 417 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then set prot=o:rwed 'prods' 418 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 419 $ prods = proc_dev_dir - delim + ".IA64" + delim + "*.*;*" 420 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 421 $ prods = proc_dev_dir + "IA64" + ".DIR;1" 422 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then set prot=o:rwed 'prods' 423 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 424 $ prods = proc_dev_dir - delim + ".VAX" + delim + "*.*;*" 425 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 426 $ prods = proc_dev_dir + "VAX"+ ".DIR;1" 427 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then set prot=o:rwed 'prods' 428 $ if (f$search(prods) .nes. "") then delete /log 'prods' 429 $ file = "[...]macro32_exactcase" 430 $ if f$search("''file'.exe") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.exe;* 431 $ if f$search("''file'.jnl") .nes. "" then delete/log 'file'.jnl;* 432 $ goto Common_Exit 433 $ endif 434 $! 435 $ build_64 = 0 436 $ if f$locate(",64,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 437 $ then 438 $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + " /POINTER = 64" 439 $ build_64 = 1 440 $ endif 441 $! 442 $ args_loc = f$locate(",ccqual=", args_lower) 443 $ if args_loc .lt. args_lower_len 444 $ then 445 $ arg = f$extract(args_loc + 1, args_lower_len, args_lower) 446 $ arg_val = f$element(0, ",", arg) 447 $ cc_qual2 = f$element(1, "=", arg_val); 448 $ endif 449 $! 450 $! On Alpha/IA64 no size penalty for compiling /debug/optimize 451 $! by default. 452 $ if f$locate(",debug,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 453 $ then 454 $ cc_debug = "/debug/nooptimize" 455 $ endif 456 $! 457 $! We normally want IEEE float if it is available. Programs that are 458 $! calling libcurl will typically prefer IEEE behavior, unless on the 459 $! VAX where we have no choice. 460 $! 461 $ if f$locate(",noieee,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 462 $ then 463 $ cc_float = "" 464 $ endif 465 $! 466 $! Normally we want large file if it is available. 467 $ if f$locate(",nolarge,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 468 $ then 469 $ write sys$output "Handling of large files disabled." 470 $ cc_large = "" 471 $ endif 472 $ if cc_large .nes. "" 473 $ then 474 $ cc_defs = cc_defs + cc_large 475 $ endif 476 $! 477 $ if f$locate(",noldap,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 478 $ then 479 $ ldap = 0 480 $ endif 481 $! 482 $ if f$locate(",list,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 483 $ then 484 $ list = 1 485 $ endif 486 $ if f$locate(",fulllist,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 487 $ then 488 $ list = 1 489 $ full_list = 1 490 $ endif 491 $! 492 $ if f$locate(",nohpssl,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 493 $ then 494 $ nohpssl = 1 495 $ endif 496 $! 497 $ if f$locate(",nossl,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 498 $ then 499 $ nossl = 1 500 $ endif 501 $! 502 $ if f$locate(",osslolb,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 503 $ then 504 $ osslolb = 1 505 $ endif 506 $! 507 $ if f$locate(",nozlib,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 508 $ then 509 $ nozlib = 1 510 $ endif 511 $! 512 $ if f$locate(",nokerberos,", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len 513 $ then 514 $ nokerberos = 1 515 $ endif 516 $! 517 $! 518 $! CC /LIST, LINK /MAP, and MESSAGE /LIST are defaults in batch mode, 519 $! so be explicit when they're not desired. 520 $! 521 $ 522 $ if list .eq. 0 523 $ then 524 $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + "/nolist" 525 $ msg_qual = msg_qual + "/nolist" 526 $ else 527 $ msg_qual = msg_qual + "/list='objdir'" 528 $ if (full_list .ne. 0) 529 $ then 530 $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + cc_full_list 531 $ else 532 $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + cc_list 533 $ endif 534 $ endif 535 $ cc_qual1 = cc_qual1 + cc_names + cc_float + cc_debug 536 $! 537 $! Create product directory, if needed. 538 $! 539 $ if (f$search(proc_dev_dir + arch_name + ".DIR;1") .eqs. "") 540 $ then 541 $ create /directory 'exedir' 542 $ endif 543 $! 544 $! Detect available (but not prohibited) SSL software. 545 $! 546 $ libsslshr_line = "" 547 $ libcryptoshr_line = "" 548 $ if (.not. nossl) 549 $ then 550 $ if (f$trnlnm("OPENSSL") .nes. "") 551 $ then 552 $! cc_defs = cc_defs + ", USE_OPENSSL=1" 553 $ if ((f$trnlnm("SSL$INCLUDE") .nes. "") .and. (.not. nohpssl)) 554 $ then 555 $! Use HP SSL. 556 $ hpssl = 1 557 $! 558 $! Older SSL only has lib*_shr32 images 559 $!----------------------------------------------- 560 $ libsslshr = "sys$share:ssl$libssl_shr" 561 $ if (f$search("''libsslshr'.exe") .eqs. "") .or. (.not. build_64) 562 $ then 563 $ libsslshr = libsslshr + "32" 564 $ endif 565 $ libcryptoshr = "sys$share:ssl$libcrypto_shr" 566 $ if (f$search("''libcryptoshr'.exe") .eqs. "") .or. (.not. build_64) 567 $ then 568 $ libcryptoshr = libcryptoshr + "32" 569 $ endif 570 $ libsslshr_line = "''libsslshr'.exe/share" 571 $ libcryptoshr_line = "''libcryptoshr'.exe/share" 572 $ else 573 $! Use OpenSSL. Assume object libraries, unless shared images 574 $! are found (and not prohibited). 575 $! TODO: We do not know how to automatically choose based on the 576 $! pointer size. 577 $! 578 $ openssl = 1 579 $ libsslshr_line = "ssllib:libssl.olb/lib" 580 $ libcryptoshr_line = "ssllib:libcrypto.olb/lib" 581 $ ssl_opt = ", ssllib:libssl.olb /library" + - 582 ", ssllib:libcrypto.olb /library" 583 $ if (osslolb .eq. 0) 584 $ then 585 if ((f$search("ssllib:ssl_libcrypto.exe") .nes. "") .and. - 586 (f$search("ssllib:ssl_libssl.exe") .nes. "")) 587 $ then 588 $! OpenSSL shared images with "SSL_xxx.EXE names. 589 $ openssl = 2 590 $ libsslshr_line = "ssllib:ssl_libssl_shr.exe/share" 591 $ libcryptoshr_line = "ssllib:ssl_libcrypto_shr.exe/share" 592 $ else 593 $ if ((f$search("ssllib:libcrypto.exe") .nes. "") .and. - 594 (f$search("ssllib:libssl.exe") .nes. "")) 595 $ then 596 $! OpenSSL shared images with "xxx.EXE names. 597 $ openssl = 3 598 $ libsslshr_line = "ssllib:libssl_shr.exe/share" 599 $ libcryptoshr_line = "ssllib:libcrypto_shr.exe/share" 600 $ endif 601 $ endif 602 $ endif 603 $ endif 604 $ endif 605 $ endif 606 $! 607 $! LDAP. 608 $! 609 $ if f$search("SYS$SHARE:LDAP$SHR.EXE") .eqs. "" 610 $ then 611 $ ldap = 0 612 $ endif 613 $ if (ldap .eq. 0) 614 $ then 615 $! cc_defs = cc_defs + ", CURL_DISABLE_LDAP=1" 616 $ else 617 $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDHPLDAP, building with HP LDAP support" 618 $ endif 619 $! 620 $! KERBEROS 621 $ gssrtlshr_line = "" 622 $ try_shr = "sys$share:gss$rtl" 623 $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .eqs. "" 624 $ then 625 $ nokerberos = 1 626 $ endif 627 $ curl_sys_krbinc = "" 628 $ if nokerberos .eq. 0 629 $ then 630 $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDHPKERBEROS, building with HP KERBEROS support" 631 $ curl_sys_krbinc = "sys$sysroot:[kerberos.include]" 632 $ gssrtlshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" 633 $ endif 634 $! 635 $! 636 $! LIBZ 637 $ libzshr_line = "" 638 $ try_shr = "gnv$libzshr" 639 $ if build_64 640 $ then 641 $! First look for 64 bit 642 $ if f$search("''try_shr'64") .eqs. "" 643 $ then 644 $! Second look for the J.F. Pieronne 64 bit shared image 645 $ try_shr = "LIBZ_SHR64" 646 $ if f$search(try_shr) .eqs. "" then nozlib = 1 647 $ endif 648 $ else 649 $! First look for 32 bit 650 $ if f$search("''try_shr'32") .eqs. "" 651 $ then 652 $! Second look for old 32 bit image 653 $ if f$search(try_shr) .eqs. "" 654 $ then 655 $! Third look for the J.F. Pieronne 32 bit shared image 656 $ try_shr = "LIBZ_SHR32" 657 $ if f$search(try_shr) .eqs. "" then nozlib = 1 658 $ endif 659 $ endif 660 $ endif 661 $ if f$search(try_shr) .eqs. "" 662 $ then 663 $ nozlib = 1 664 $ endif 665 $ curl_sys_zlibinc = "" 666 $ if nozlib .eq. 0 667 $ then 668 $ libzshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" 669 $ if f$locate("LIBZ", try_shr) .eq. 0 670 $ then 671 $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDJFPLIBZ, building with JFP LIBZ support" 672 $ curl_sys_zlibinc = "LIBZ:" 673 $ else 674 $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDGNVLIBZ, building with GNV LIBZ support" 675 $ curl_sys_zlibinc = "GNV$ZLIB_INCLUDE:" 676 $ endif 677 $ endif 678 $! 679 $! Form CC qualifiers. 680 $! 681 $ cc_defs = "/define = (''cc_defs')" 682 $ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2 + " /object = ''objdir'" 683 $ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2 + "/nested_include_directory=none" 684 $! 685 $ 'vo_c' "CC opts:", - 686 " ''cc_defs'", - 687 " ''cc_qual1'", - 688 " ''cc_qual2'" 689 $! 690 $! Inform the victim of our plans. 691 $! 692 $ if (hpssl) 693 $ then 694 $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDHPSSL, building with HP SSL support" 695 $ else 696 $ if (openssl .ne. 0) 697 $ then 698 $ if (openssl .eq. 1) 699 $ then 700 $ 'vo_c' - 701 "%CURL-I-BLDOSSL_OLB, building with OpenSSL (object library) support" 702 $ else 703 $ 'vo_c' - 704 "%CURL-I-BLDOSSL_EXE, building with OpenSSL (shared image) support" 705 $ endif 706 $ else 707 $ 'vo_c' "%CURL-I-BLDNOSSL, building with NO SSL support" 708 $ endif 709 $ endif 710 $! 711 $! Announce destination and SSL directories. 712 $! 713 $ 'vo_c' " OBJDIR = ''objdir'" 714 $ 'vo_c' " EXEDIR = ''exedir'" 715 $! 716 $ if (openssl .ne. 0) 717 $ then 718 $ ssllib = f$trnlnm("ssllib") 719 $ if (ssllib .eqs. "") 720 $ then 721 $ ssllib = "(undefined)" 722 $ endif 723 $ 'vo_c' " SSLLIB = ''ssllib'" 724 $! 725 $! TODO: Why are we translating the logical name? 726 $! The logical aname used to find the shared image should just be used 727 $! as translating it could result in the wrong location at run time. 728 $ if (openssl .eq. 1) 729 $ then 730 $ ossl_lib1 = f$trnlnm("ssllib")+ "LIBSSL.OLB" 731 $ ossl_lib2 = f$trnlnm("ssllib")+ "LIBCRYPTO.OLB" 732 $ msg = "object libraries" 733 $ else 734 $ if (openssl .eq. 2) 735 $ then 736 $ ossl_lib1 = f$trnlnm("ssllib")+ "SSL_LIBSSL.EXE" 737 $ ossl_lib2 = f$trnlnm("ssllib")+ "SSL_LIBCRYPTO.EXE" 738 $ else 739 $ ossl_lib1 = f$trnlnm("ssllib")+ "LIBSSL.EXE" 740 $ ossl_lib2 = f$trnlnm("ssllib")+ "LIBCRYPTO.EXE" 741 $ endif 742 $ msg = "shared images" 743 $ endif 744 $ if ((f$search(ossl_lib1) .eqs. "") .or. - 745 (f$search(ossl_lib2) .eqs. "")) 746 $ then 747 $ write sys$output "Can't find OpenSSL ''msg':" 748 $ write sys$output " ''ossl_lib1'" 749 $ write sys$output " ''ossl_lib2'" 750 $ goto Common_Exit 751 $ endif 752 $ endif 753 $! 754 $! Define the "curl" (process) logical name for "#include <curl/xxx.h>". 755 $! 756 $ curl = f$trnlnm("curl", "LNM$PROCESS") 757 $ if (curl .nes. "") 758 $ then 759 $ write sys$output "" 760 $ write sys$output - 761 "Process logical name ""curl"" is already defined, but this procedure" 762 $ write sys$output - 763 "would override that definition. Use a command like" 764 $ write sys$output - 765 " deassign /process curl" 766 $ write sys$output - 767 "to cancel that logical name definition, and then and re-run this procedure." 768 $ write sys$output "" 769 $ goto Common_Exit 770 $ endif 771 $ curl_logical = top_dev_dir + ".include.curl" + delim 772 $ curl_sys_inc2 = curl_logical 773 $ curl_sys_inc1 = top_dev_dir + ".include" + delim 774 $! define curl 'top_dev_dir'.include.curl'delim' 775 $! 776 $! Generate config file into the product directory. 777 $! 778 $! call MoveIfDiff [.lib]config-vms.h 'objdir'curl_config.h 779 $! 780 $ conf_params = "" 781 $ if nossl .ne. 0 then conf_params = conf_params + ",nossl" 782 $ if nohpssl .ne. 0 then conf_params = conf_params + ",nohpssl," 783 $ if ldap .eq. 0 then conf_params = conf_params + ",noldap," 784 $ if nozlib .ne. 0 then conf_params = conf_params + ",nozlib," 785 $ if nokerberos .ne. 0 then conf_params = conf_params + ",nokerberos" 786 $ conf_params = conf_params - "," 787 $! 788 $! 789 $ new_conf = f$search("''objdir'curl_config.h") 790 $ if new_conf .eqs. "" 791 $ then 792 $! set ver 793 $ write sys$output "Generating curl custom config_vms.h" 794 $ @'proc_dev_dir'generate_config_vms_h_curl.com ''conf_params' 795 $! 796 $ write sys$output "Generating curl_config.h" 797 $ conf_in = f$search("[.lib]curl_config*.*in") 798 $ if conf_in .eqs. "" 799 $ then 800 $ write sys$output "Can not find [.lib]curl_config*.*in file!" 801 $ goto common_exit 802 $ endif 803 $ @'proc_dev_dir'config_h.com 'conf_in' 804 $ copy config.h 'objdir'curl_config.h 805 $ delete config.h; 806 $! set nover 807 $ endif 808 $! 809 $! 810 $ on control_y then goto Common_Exit 811 $! 812 $ set default 'proc_dev_dir' 813 $ sys_inc = "''curl_sys_inc1', ''curl_sys_inc2', ''curl_logical'" 814 $ if curl_sys_krbinc .nes. "" 815 $ then 816 $ sys_inc = sys_inc + ",''curl_sys_krbinc'" 817 $ endif 818 $ if curl_sys_zlibinc .nes. "" 819 $ then 820 $ sys_inc = sys_inc + ",''curl_sys_zlibinc'" 821 $ endif 822 $! Build LIB 823 $ cc_include = "/include=([-.lib],[-.lib.vtls],[-.packages.vms]" 824 $ cc_include = cc_include + ",[-.packages.vms.''arch_name'])" 825 $ call build "[--.lib]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLLIB.OLB" "amigaos, nwlib, nwos" 826 $ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit 827 $! Build VTLS 828 $ cc_include = "/include=([--.lib.vtls],[--.lib],[--.src]" 829 $ cc_include = cc_include + ",[--.packages.vms],[--.packages.vms.''arch_name'])" 830 $ call build "[--.lib.vtls]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLLIB.OLB" "amigaos, nwlib, nwos" 831 $! Build SRC 832 $ cc_include = "/include=([-.src],[-.lib],[-.lib.vtls]" 833 $ cc_include = cc_include + ",[-.packages.vms],[-.packages.vms.''arch_name'])" 834 $ call build "[--.src]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLSRC.OLB" 835 $ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit 836 $! Build MSG 837 $ call build "[]" "*.msg" "''objdir'CURLSRC.OLB" 838 $ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit 839 $! 840 $! 841 $ if (openssl .ne. 0) 842 $ then 843 $ if (openssl .eq. 1) 844 $ then 845 $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_OSSL, linking with OpenSSL (object library)" 846 $ else 847 $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_HPSSL, linking with OpenSSL (shared image)" 848 $ endif 849 $ else 850 $ if (hpssl) 851 $ then 852 $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_HPSSL, linking with HP SSL" 853 $ else 854 $ 'vo_l' "%CURL-I-LINK_NOSSL, linking with NO SSL support" 855 $ endif 856 $ endif 857 $! 858 $! 859 $! GNV helper files for building the test curl binary. 860 $!----------------------------------------------- 861 $ create 'exedir'gnv$curl.opt 862 $ open/append opt 'exedir'gnv$curl.opt 863 $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line 864 $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line 865 $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line 866 $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line 867 $ close opt 868 $! 869 $! 870 $! Create the libcurl 871 $!------------------------------------------------------ 872 $ create 'exedir'gnv_libcurl_linker.opt 873 $ open/append opt 'exedir'gnv_libcurl_linker.opt 874 $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line 875 $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line 876 $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line 877 $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line 878 $ close opt 879 $! 880 $! 881 $! If we are not on VAX, then we want the debug symbol table in 882 $! a separate file. 883 $! VAX needs the tool_main unquoted in uppercase, 884 $! Alpha and IA64 need tool_main quoted in exact case when parse style is 885 $! extended. 886 $ link_dsf1 = "" 887 $ link_dsf2 = "" 888 $ tool_main = "tool_main" 889 $ if arch_name .nes. "VAX" 890 $ then 891 $ if parse_style .eqs. "EXTENDED" 892 $ then 893 $ tool_main = """tool_main""" 894 $ endif 895 $ link_dsf1 = "/dsf=" + exedir + "CURL.DSF" 896 $ link_dsf2 = "/dsf=" + exedir + "CURL_DEBUG.DSF" 897 $ endif 898 $ if (list .eq. 0) 899 $ then 900 $ link_map1 = "/nomap" 901 $ link_map2 = "/nomap" 902 $ else 903 $ link_map1 = "/map=" + exedir + "CURL.MAP" 904 $ link_map2 = "/map=" + exedir + "CURL_DEBUG.MAP" 905 $ endif 906 $! 907 $! 908 $! Make a normal image. 909 $ set ver 910 $ link 'link_map1' 'link_dsf1' /executable = 'exedir'CURL.EXE - 911 'objdir'curlsrc.olb /library /include = ('tool_main', curlmsg), - 912 'objdir'curllib.olb /library, - 913 'exedir'gnv$curl.opt/opt 914 $! 915 $! Also make a debug copy. 916 $ link/debug 'link_map2' 'link_dsf2' /executable = 'exedir'CURL_DEBUG.EXE - 917 'objdir'curlsrc.olb /library /include = ('tool_main', curlmsg), - 918 'objdir'curllib.olb /library, - 919 'exedir'gnv$curl.opt/opt 920 $ set nover 921 $! 922 $ goto Common_Exit 923 $! 924 $! Subroutine to build everything with a filetype passed in via P2 in 925 $! the directory passed in via P1 and put it in the object library named 926 $! via P3. Exclude items in P4. 927 $! 928 $build: subroutine 929 $ build_def = f$environment("default") 930 $ on control_y then goto EndLoop ! SS$_CONTROLY 931 $ sts = 1 ! SS$_NORMAL. 932 $! set noon 933 $ set default 'p1' 934 $ search = "sys$disk:" + p2 935 $ reset = f$search("reset") 936 $ if f$search( p3) .eqs. "" 937 $ then 938 $ librarian /create /object 'p3' 939 $ endif 940 $ reject_list__ = "," + f$edit(p4, "COLLAPSE, UPCASE") + "," 941 $ reject_list___len = f$length(reject_list__) 942 $ reset = f$search( "reset", 1) 943 $Loop: 944 $ file = f$search( search, 1) 945 $ if file .eqs. "" then goto EndLoop 946 $! Skip a name if it's in the P4 exclusion list. 947 $ if (p4 .nes. "") 948 $ then 949 $ name__ = "," + - 950 f$edit(f$parse(file, , , "NAME", "SYNTAX_ONLY"), "UPCASE") + - 951 "," 952 $ if (f$locate(name__, reject_list__) .lt. reject_list___len) 953 $ then 954 $ goto Loop 955 $ endif 956 $ endif 957 $ objfile = f$parse("''objdir'.OBJ;", file) 958 $ obj = f$search(objfile, 2) 959 $ if (obj .nes. "") 960 $ then 961 $ if (f$cvtime(f$file(file,"rdt")) .gts. f$cvtime(f$file(obj,"rdt"))) 962 $ then 963 $ call compile 'file' 964 $ sts = $status 965 $ if .not. sts 966 $ then 967 $ goto EndLoop 968 $ endif 969 $ librarian /object 'p3' 'objfile' 970 $ else 971 $ 'vo_o' "%CURL-I-OBJUTD, ", objfile, " is up to date" 972 $ endif 973 $ else 974 $ 'vo_o' "%CURL-I-OBJDNE, ", file, " does not exist" 975 $ call compile 'file' 976 $ sts = $status 977 $ if .not. sts 978 $ then 979 $ goto EndLoop 980 $ endif 981 $ librarian /object 'p3' 'objfile' 982 $ endif 983 $ goto Loop 984 $EndLoop: 985 $!!! purge 986 $ set default 'build_def' 987 $ exit 'sts' 988 $ endsubroutine ! Build 989 $! 990 $! Based on the file TYPE, do the right compile command. 991 $! Only C and MSG supported. 992 $! 993 $compile: subroutine 994 $ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY 995 $! set noon 996 $ file = p1 997 $ qual = p2+ p3+ p4+ p5+ p6+ p7+ p8 998 $ typ = f$edit(f$parse(file, , , "TYPE"), "UPCASE") - "." 999 $ if (typ .eqs. "C") 1000 $ then 1001 $ 'vo_c' "CC (opts) ", file 1002 $ define/user curl 'curl_logical' 1003 $ if curl_sys_krbinc .nes. "" then define/user gssapi 'curl_sys_krbinc' 1004 $ define/user decc$system_include 'sys_inc' 1005 $ CC 'cc_defs' - 1006 'cc_qual1' - 1007 'cc_qual2' - 1008 'cc_include' - 1009 'file' 1010 $ else 1011 $ cmd_msg = "MESSAGE " + msg_qual 1012 $ x = cmd_'typ' 1013 $ 'vo_c' x, " ", file 1014 $ 'x' 'file' 1015 $ endif 1016 $ ENDSUBROUTINE ! Compile 1017 $! 1018 $! Do a diff of the file specified in P1 with that in P2. If different 1019 $! copy P1 to P2. This also covers if P2 doesn't exist, but not if P2 1020 $! is an invalid filespec. 1021 $! 1022 $MoveIfDiff: subroutine 1023 $ set NoOn 1024 $ define /user_mode sys$error nl: 1025 $ define /user_mode sys$output nl: 1026 $ differences 'p1' 'p2' 1027 $ status = $status 1028 $ if (status .ne. %X006C8009) ! if status is not "no diff" 1029 $ then 1030 $ copy 'p1' 'p2' 1031 $ purge /nolog 'p2' 1032 $ endif 1033 $ on control_y then return ctrl_y ! SS$_CONTROLY 1034 $ ENDSUBROUTINE ! MoveIfDiff 1035 $! 1036 $Common_Exit: 1037 $ set default 'orig_def' 1038 $ exit 1039