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      1 # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """Top-level presubmit script for Skia.
      8 See http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools/presubmit-scripts
      9 for more details about the presubmit API built into gcl.
     10 """
     12 import collections
     13 import csv
     14 import fnmatch
     15 import os
     16 import re
     17 import subprocess
     18 import sys
     19 import traceback
     22 REVERT_CL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = 'Revert '
     24 SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL = 'http://skia-tree-status.appspot.com'
     26 # Please add the complete email address here (and not just 'xyz@' or 'xyz').
     28     'reed (at] chromium.org',
     29     'reed (at] google.com',
     30     'bsalomon (at] chromium.org',
     31     'bsalomon (at] google.com',
     32     'djsollen (at] chromium.org',
     33     'djsollen (at] google.com',
     34 )
     38 DOCS_PREVIEW_URL = 'https://skia.org/?cl='
     39 GOLD_TRYBOT_URL = ('https://gold.skia.org/search2?unt=true'
     40                    '&query=source_type%3Dgm&master=false&issue=')
     42 # Path to CQ bots feature is described in https://bug.skia.org/4364
     44     # pylint: disable=line-too-long
     45     'cmake/': 'client.skia.compile:Build-Mac-Clang-x86_64-Release-CMake-Trybot,Build-Ubuntu-GCC-x86_64-Release-CMake-Trybot',
     46     # pylint: disable=line-too-long
     47     'src/opts/': 'client.skia:Test-Ubuntu-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-SKNX_NO_SIMD-Trybot',
     49     'include/private/SkAtomics.h': ('client.skia:'
     50       'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-GCE-CPU-AVX2-x86_64-Release-TSAN-Trybot,'
     51       'Test-Ubuntu-GCC-Golo-GPU-GT610-x86_64-Release-TSAN-Trybot'
     52     ),
     54     # Below are examples to show what is possible with this feature.
     55     # 'src/svg/': 'master1:abc;master2:def',
     56     # 'src/svg/parser/': 'master3:ghi,jkl;master4:mno',
     57     # 'src/image/SkImage_Base.h': 'master5:pqr,stu;master1:abc1;master2:def',
     58 }
     61 def _CheckChangeHasEol(input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None):
     62   """Checks that files end with atleast one \n (LF)."""
     63   eof_files = []
     64   for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
     65     contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
     66     # Check that the file ends in atleast one newline character.
     67     if len(contents) > 1 and contents[-1:] != '\n':
     68       eof_files.append(f.LocalPath())
     70   if eof_files:
     71     return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
     72       'These files should end in a newline character:',
     73       items=eof_files)]
     74   return []
     77 def _PythonChecks(input_api, output_api):
     78   """Run checks on any modified Python files."""
     79   pylint_disabled_warnings = (
     80       'F0401',  # Unable to import.
     81       'E0611',  # No name in module.
     82       'W0232',  # Class has no __init__ method.
     83       'E1002',  # Use of super on an old style class.
     84       'W0403',  # Relative import used.
     85       'R0201',  # Method could be a function.
     86       'E1003',  # Using class name in super.
     87       'W0613',  # Unused argument.
     88       'W0105',  # String statement has no effect.
     89   )
     90   # Run Pylint on only the modified python files. Unfortunately it still runs
     91   # Pylint on the whole file instead of just the modified lines.
     92   affected_python_files = []
     93   for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None):
     94     affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
     95     if affected_file_path.endswith('.py'):
     96       affected_python_files.append(affected_file_path)
     97   return input_api.canned_checks.RunPylint(
     98       input_api, output_api,
     99       disabled_warnings=pylint_disabled_warnings,
    100       white_list=affected_python_files)
    103 def _IfDefChecks(input_api, output_api):
    104   """Ensures if/ifdef are not before includes. See skbug/3362 for details."""
    105   comment_block_start_pattern = re.compile('^\s*\/\*.*$')
    106   comment_block_middle_pattern = re.compile('^\s+\*.*')
    107   comment_block_end_pattern = re.compile('^\s+\*\/.*$')
    108   single_line_comment_pattern = re.compile('^\s*//.*$')
    109   def is_comment(line):
    110     return (comment_block_start_pattern.match(line) or
    111             comment_block_middle_pattern.match(line) or
    112             comment_block_end_pattern.match(line) or
    113             single_line_comment_pattern.match(line))
    115   empty_line_pattern = re.compile('^\s*$')
    116   def is_empty_line(line):
    117     return empty_line_pattern.match(line)
    119   failing_files = []
    120   for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None):
    121     affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
    122     if affected_file_path.endswith('.cpp') or affected_file_path.endswith('.h'):
    123       f = open(affected_file_path)
    124       for line in f.xreadlines():
    125         if is_comment(line) or is_empty_line(line):
    126           continue
    127         # The below will be the first real line after comments and newlines.
    128         if line.startswith('#if 0 '):
    129           pass
    130         elif line.startswith('#if ') or line.startswith('#ifdef '):
    131           failing_files.append(affected_file_path)
    132         break
    134   results = []
    135   if failing_files:
    136     results.append(
    137         output_api.PresubmitError(
    138             'The following files have #if or #ifdef before includes:\n%s\n\n'
    139             'See https://bug.skia.org/3362 for why this should be fixed.' %
    140                 '\n'.join(failing_files)))
    141   return results
    144 def _CopyrightChecks(input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None):
    145   results = []
    146   year_pattern = r'\d{4}'
    147   year_range_pattern = r'%s(-%s)?' % (year_pattern, year_pattern)
    148   years_pattern = r'%s(,%s)*,?' % (year_range_pattern, year_range_pattern)
    149   copyright_pattern = (
    150       r'Copyright (\([cC]\) )?%s \w+' % years_pattern)
    152   for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
    153     if 'third_party' in affected_file.LocalPath():
    154       continue
    155     contents = input_api.ReadFile(affected_file, 'rb')
    156     if not re.search(copyright_pattern, contents):
    157       results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
    158           '%s is missing a correct copyright header.' % affected_file))
    159   return results
    162 def _ToolFlags(input_api, output_api):
    163   """Make sure `{dm,nanobench}_flags.py test` passes if modified."""
    164   results = []
    165   sources = lambda x: ('dm_flags.py'        in x.LocalPath() or
    166                        'nanobench_flags.py' in x.LocalPath())
    167   for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(sources):
    168     if 0 != subprocess.call(['python', f.LocalPath(), 'test']):
    169       results.append(output_api.PresubmitError('`python %s test` failed' % f))
    170   return results
    173 def _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api):
    174   """Presubmit checks common to upload and commit."""
    175   results = []
    176   sources = lambda x: (x.LocalPath().endswith('.h') or
    177                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.gypi') or
    178                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.gyp') or
    179                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.py') or
    180                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.sh') or
    181                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.m') or
    182                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.mm') or
    183                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.go') or
    184                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.c') or
    185                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.cc') or
    186                        x.LocalPath().endswith('.cpp'))
    187   results.extend(
    188       _CheckChangeHasEol(
    189           input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=sources))
    190   results.extend(_PythonChecks(input_api, output_api))
    191   results.extend(_IfDefChecks(input_api, output_api))
    192   results.extend(_CopyrightChecks(input_api, output_api,
    193                                   source_file_filter=sources))
    194   results.extend(_ToolFlags(input_api, output_api))
    195   return results
    198 def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
    199   """Presubmit checks for the change on upload.
    201   The following are the presubmit checks:
    202   * Check change has one and only one EOL.
    203   """
    204   results = []
    205   results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api))
    206   return results
    209 def _CheckTreeStatus(input_api, output_api, json_url):
    210   """Check whether to allow commit.
    212   Args:
    213     input_api: input related apis.
    214     output_api: output related apis.
    215     json_url: url to download json style status.
    216   """
    217   tree_status_results = input_api.canned_checks.CheckTreeIsOpen(
    218       input_api, output_api, json_url=json_url)
    219   if not tree_status_results:
    220     # Check for caution state only if tree is not closed.
    221     connection = input_api.urllib2.urlopen(json_url)
    222     status = input_api.json.loads(connection.read())
    223     connection.close()
    224     if ('caution' in status['message'].lower() and
    225         os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())):
    226       # Display a prompt only if we are in an interactive shell. Without this
    227       # check the commit queue behaves incorrectly because it considers
    228       # prompts to be failures.
    229       short_text = 'Tree state is: ' + status['general_state']
    230       long_text = status['message'] + '\n' + json_url
    231       tree_status_results.append(
    232           output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
    233               message=short_text, long_text=long_text))
    234   else:
    235     # Tree status is closed. Put in message about contacting sheriff.
    236     connection = input_api.urllib2.urlopen(
    237         SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL + '/current-sheriff')
    238     sheriff_details = input_api.json.loads(connection.read())
    239     if sheriff_details:
    240       tree_status_results[0]._message += (
    241           '\n\nPlease contact the current Skia sheriff (%s) if you are trying '
    242           'to submit a build fix\nand do not know how to submit because the '
    243           'tree is closed') % sheriff_details['username']
    244   return tree_status_results
    247 def _CheckOwnerIsInAuthorsFile(input_api, output_api):
    248   results = []
    249   issue = input_api.change.issue
    250   if issue and input_api.rietveld:
    251     issue_properties = input_api.rietveld.get_issue_properties(
    252         issue=int(issue), messages=False)
    253     owner_email = issue_properties['owner_email']
    255     try:
    256       authors_content = ''
    257       for line in open(AUTHORS_FILE_NAME):
    258         if not line.startswith('#'):
    259           authors_content += line
    260       email_fnmatches = re.findall('<(.*)>', authors_content)
    261       for email_fnmatch in email_fnmatches:
    262         if fnmatch.fnmatch(owner_email, email_fnmatch):
    263           # Found a match, the user is in the AUTHORS file break out of the loop
    264           break
    265       else:
    266         results.append(
    267           output_api.PresubmitError(
    268             'The email %s is not in Skia\'s AUTHORS file.\n'
    269             'Issue owner, this CL must include an addition to the Skia AUTHORS '
    270             'file.'
    271             % owner_email))
    272     except IOError:
    273       # Do not fail if authors file cannot be found.
    274       traceback.print_exc()
    275       input_api.logging.error('AUTHORS file not found!')
    277   return results
    280 def _CheckLGTMsForPublicAPI(input_api, output_api):
    281   """Check LGTMs for public API changes.
    283   For public API files make sure there is an LGTM from the list of owners in
    285   """
    286   results = []
    287   requires_owner_check = False
    288   for affected_file in input_api.AffectedFiles():
    289     affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
    290     file_path, file_ext = os.path.splitext(affected_file_path)
    291     # We only care about files that end in .h and are under the top-level
    292     # include dir, but not include/private.
    293     if (file_ext == '.h' and
    294         'include' == file_path.split(os.path.sep)[0] and
    295         'private' not in file_path):
    296       requires_owner_check = True
    298   if not requires_owner_check:
    299     return results
    301   lgtm_from_owner = False
    302   issue = input_api.change.issue
    303   if issue and input_api.rietveld:
    304     issue_properties = input_api.rietveld.get_issue_properties(
    305         issue=int(issue), messages=True)
    306     if re.match(REVERT_CL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, issue_properties['subject'], re.I):
    307       # It is a revert CL, ignore the public api owners check.
    308       return results
    310     if issue_properties['cq_dry_run']:
    311       # Ignore public api owners check for dry run CLs since they are not
    312       # going to be committed.
    313       return results
    315     match = re.search(r'^TBR=(.*)$', issue_properties['description'], re.M)
    316     if match:
    317       tbr_entries = match.group(1).strip().split(',')
    318       for owner in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
    319         if owner in tbr_entries or owner.split('@')[0] in tbr_entries:
    320           # If an owner is specified in the TBR= line then ignore the public
    321           # api owners check.
    322           return results
    324     if issue_properties['owner_email'] in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
    325       # An owner created the CL that is an automatic LGTM.
    326       lgtm_from_owner = True
    328     messages = issue_properties.get('messages')
    329     if messages:
    330       for message in messages:
    331         if (message['sender'] in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS and
    332             'lgtm' in message['text'].lower()):
    333           # Found an lgtm in a message from an owner.
    334           lgtm_from_owner = True
    335           break
    337   if not lgtm_from_owner:
    338     results.append(
    339         output_api.PresubmitError(
    340             "If this CL adds to or changes Skia's public API, you need an LGTM "
    341             "from any of %s.  If this CL only removes from or doesn't change "
    342             "Skia's public API, please add a short note to the CL saying so "
    343             "and add one of those reviewers on a TBR= line.  If you don't know "
    344             "if this CL affects Skia's public API, treat it like it does."
    345             % str(PUBLIC_API_OWNERS)))
    346   return results
    349 def PostUploadHook(cl, change, output_api):
    350   """git cl upload will call this hook after the issue is created/modified.
    352   This hook does the following:
    353   * Adds a link to the CL's Gold trybot results.
    354   * Adds a link to preview docs changes if there are any docs changes in the CL.
    355   * Adds 'NOTRY=true' if the CL contains only docs changes.
    356   * Adds 'NOTREECHECKS=true' for non master branch changes since they do not
    357     need to be gated on the master branch's tree.
    358   * Adds 'NOTRY=true' for non master branch changes since trybots do not yet
    359     work on them.
    360   * Adds 'NOPRESUBMIT=true' for non master branch changes since those don't
    361     run the presubmit checks.
    362   * Adds extra trybots for the paths defined in PATH_TO_EXTRA_TRYBOTS.
    363   """
    365   results = []
    366   atleast_one_docs_change = False
    367   all_docs_changes = True
    368   for affected_file in change.AffectedFiles():
    369     affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
    370     file_path, _ = os.path.splitext(affected_file_path)
    371     if 'site' == file_path.split(os.path.sep)[0]:
    372       atleast_one_docs_change = True
    373     else:
    374       all_docs_changes = False
    375     if atleast_one_docs_change and not all_docs_changes:
    376       break
    378   issue = cl.issue
    379   rietveld_obj = cl.RpcServer()
    380   if issue and rietveld_obj:
    381     original_description = rietveld_obj.get_description(issue)
    382     new_description = original_description
    384     # Add GOLD_TRYBOT_URL if it does not exist yet.
    385     if not re.search(r'^GOLD_TRYBOT_URL=', new_description, re.M | re.I):
    386       new_description += '\nGOLD_TRYBOT_URL= %s%s' % (GOLD_TRYBOT_URL, issue)
    387       results.append(
    388           output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    389               'Added link to Gold trybot runs to the CL\'s description.\n'
    390               'Note: Results may take sometime to be populated after trybots '
    391               'complete.'))
    393     # If the change includes only doc changes then add NOTRY=true in the
    394     # CL's description if it does not exist yet.
    395     if all_docs_changes and not re.search(
    396         r'^NOTRY=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
    397       new_description += '\nNOTRY=true'
    398       results.append(
    399           output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    400               'This change has only doc changes. Automatically added '
    401               '\'NOTRY=true\' to the CL\'s description'))
    403     # If there is atleast one docs change then add preview link in the CL's
    404     # description if it does not already exist there.
    405     if atleast_one_docs_change and not re.search(
    406         r'^DOCS_PREVIEW=.*', new_description, re.M | re.I):
    407       # Automatically add a link to where the docs can be previewed.
    408       new_description += '\nDOCS_PREVIEW= %s%s' % (DOCS_PREVIEW_URL, issue)
    409       results.append(
    410           output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    411               'Automatically added a link to preview the docs changes to the '
    412               'CL\'s description'))
    414     # If the target ref is not master then add NOTREECHECKS=true and NOTRY=true
    415     # to the CL's description if it does not already exist there.
    416     target_ref = rietveld_obj.get_issue_properties(issue, False).get(
    417         'target_ref', '')
    418     if target_ref != 'refs/heads/master':
    419       if not re.search(
    420           r'^NOTREECHECKS=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
    421         new_description += "\nNOTREECHECKS=true"
    422         results.append(
    423             output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    424                 'Branch changes do not need to rely on the master branch\'s '
    425                 'tree status. Automatically added \'NOTREECHECKS=true\' to the '
    426                 'CL\'s description'))
    427       if not re.search(
    428           r'^NOTRY=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
    429         new_description += "\nNOTRY=true"
    430         results.append(
    431             output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    432                 'Trybots do not yet work for non-master branches. '
    433                 'Automatically added \'NOTRY=true\' to the CL\'s description'))
    434       if not re.search(
    435           r'^NOPRESUBMIT=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
    436         new_description += "\nNOPRESUBMIT=true"
    437         results.append(
    438             output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    439                 'Branch changes do not run the presubmit checks.'))
    441     # Automatically set CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS if any of the changed files here begin
    442     # with the paths of interest.
    443     cq_master_to_trybots = collections.defaultdict(set)
    444     for affected_file in change.AffectedFiles():
    445       affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
    446       for path_prefix, extra_bots in PATH_PREFIX_TO_EXTRA_TRYBOTS.iteritems():
    447         if affected_file_path.startswith(path_prefix):
    448           results.append(
    449               output_api.PresubmitNotifyResult(
    450                   'Your CL modifies the path %s.\nAutomatically adding %s to '
    451                   'the CL description.' % (affected_file_path, extra_bots)))
    452           _MergeCQExtraTrybotsMaps(
    453               cq_master_to_trybots, _GetCQExtraTrybotsMap(extra_bots))
    454     if cq_master_to_trybots:
    455       new_description = _AddCQExtraTrybotsToDesc(
    456           cq_master_to_trybots, new_description)
    458     # If the description has changed update it.
    459     if new_description != original_description:
    460       rietveld_obj.update_description(issue, new_description)
    462     return results
    465 def _AddCQExtraTrybotsToDesc(cq_master_to_trybots, description):
    466   """Adds the specified master and trybots to the CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS keyword.
    468   If the keyword already exists in the description then it appends to it only
    469   if the specified values do not already exist.
    470   If the keyword does not exist then it creates a new section in the
    471   description.
    472   """
    473   match = re.search(r'^CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS=(.*)$', description, re.M | re.I)
    474   if match:
    475     original_trybots_map = _GetCQExtraTrybotsMap(match.group(1))
    476     _MergeCQExtraTrybotsMaps(cq_master_to_trybots, original_trybots_map)
    477     new_description = description.replace(
    478         match.group(0), _GetCQExtraTrybotsStr(cq_master_to_trybots))
    479   else:
    480     new_description = description + "\n%s" % (
    481         _GetCQExtraTrybotsStr(cq_master_to_trybots))
    482   return new_description
    485 def _MergeCQExtraTrybotsMaps(dest_map, map_to_be_consumed):
    486   """Merges two maps of masters to trybots into one."""
    487   for master, trybots in map_to_be_consumed.iteritems():
    488     dest_map[master].update(trybots)
    489   return dest_map
    492 def _GetCQExtraTrybotsMap(cq_extra_trybots_str):
    493   """Parses the CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS str and returns a map of masters to trybots."""
    494   cq_master_to_trybots = collections.defaultdict(set)
    495   for section in cq_extra_trybots_str.split(';'):
    496     if section:
    497       master, bots = section.split(':')
    498       cq_master_to_trybots[master].update(bots.split(','))
    499   return cq_master_to_trybots
    502 def _GetCQExtraTrybotsStr(cq_master_to_trybots):
    503   """Constructs the CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS str from a map of masters to trybots."""
    504   sections = []
    505   for master, trybots in cq_master_to_trybots.iteritems():
    506     sections.append('%s:%s' % (master, ','.join(trybots)))
    507   return 'CQ_EXTRA_TRYBOTS=%s' % ';'.join(sections)
    510 def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api):
    511   """Presubmit checks for the change on commit.
    513   The following are the presubmit checks:
    514   * Check change has one and only one EOL.
    515   * Ensures that the Skia tree is open in
    516     http://skia-tree-status.appspot.com/. Shows a warning if it is in 'Caution'
    517     state and an error if it is in 'Closed' state.
    518   """
    519   results = []
    520   results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api))
    521   results.extend(
    522       _CheckTreeStatus(input_api, output_api, json_url=(
    523           SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL + '/banner-status?format=json')))
    524   results.extend(_CheckLGTMsForPublicAPI(input_api, output_api))
    525   results.extend(_CheckOwnerIsInAuthorsFile(input_api, output_api))
    526   return results