/external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/io/ |
coded_stream.h | 404 // WARNING: It is very easy to misuse this. Carefully read the requirements [all...] |
/external/v8/src/compiler/ |
bytecode-graph-builder.cc | [all...] |
verifier.cc | [all...] |
/external/valgrind/coregrind/m_syswrap/ |
syswrap-tilegx-linux.c | 589 /* This isn't really a syscall at all - it's a misuse of the [all...] |
/external/valgrind/drd/ |
drd_pthread_intercepts.c | 67 * Such approach is required to correctly report misuse of the POSIX threads [all...] |
/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86/src/encoding/json/ |
decode_test.go | 704 // If people misuse the ,string modifier, the error message should be [all...] |
/prebuilts/go/linux-x86/src/encoding/json/ |
decode_test.go | 704 // If people misuse the ,string modifier, the error message should be [all...] |
/prebuilts/misc/darwin-x86_64/protobuf2.5/include/google/protobuf/io/ |
coded_stream.h | 389 // WARNING: It is very easy to misuse this. Carefully read the requirements [all...] |
/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86_64/protobuf2.5/include/google/protobuf/io/ |
coded_stream.h | 389 // WARNING: It is very easy to misuse this. Carefully read the requirements [all...] |
/prebuilts/misc/windows/protobuf2.5/include/google/protobuf/io/ |
coded_stream.h | 389 // WARNING: It is very easy to misuse this. Carefully read the requirements [all...] |
/prebuilts/tools/linux-x86_64/protoc/include/google/protobuf/io/ |
coded_stream.h | 389 // WARNING: It is very easy to misuse this. Carefully read the requirements [all...] |
/frameworks/base/docs/html/reference/android/support/test/uiautomator/ |
UiDevice.html | 766 UiDevice's dependency on having an Instrumentation reference and is prone to misuse.</em> [all...] |
UiObject.html | 496 UiObject's dependency on UiDevice and is prone to misuse.</em> [all...] |
/external/libcxx/www/ |
cxx1y_status.html | 217 <tr><td><a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#2240">2240</a></td><td>Probable misuse of term "function scope" in [thread.condition]</td><td>Issaquah</td><td>Complete</td></tr> [all...] |
/external/valgrind/drd/docs/ |
drd-manual.xml | 861 <title>Detected Errors: Misuse of the POSIX threads API</title> [all...] |
/external/vulkan-validation-layers/layers/ |
vk_validation_layer_details.md | 67 | RenderPass misuse | Tests for the following: that vkCmdDispatch, vkCmdDispatchIndirect, vkCmdCopyBuffer, vkCmdCopyImage, vkCmdBlitImage, vkCmdCopyBufferToImage, vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer, vkCmdUpdateBuffer, vkCmdFillBuffer, vkCmdClearColorImage, vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage, vkCmdResolveImage, vkCmdSetEvent, vkCmdResetEvent, vkCmdResetQueryPool, vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults, vkCmdBeginRenderPass are not called during an active Renderpass, and that binding compute descriptor sets or pipelines does not take place during an active Renderpass | INVALID_RENDERPASS_CMD | vkCmdBindPipeline vkCmdBindDescriptorSets vkCmdDispatch vkCmdDispatchIndirect vkCmdCopyBuffer vkCmdCopyImage vkCmdBlitImage vkCmdCopyBufferToImage vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer vkCmdUpdateBuffer vkCmdFillBuffer vkCmdClearColorImage vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage vkCmdResolveImage vkCmdSetEvent vkCmdResetEvent vkCmdResetQueryPool vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults vkCmdBeginRenderPass | RenderPassWithinRenderPass UpdateBufferWithinRenderPass ClearColorImageWithinRenderPass ClearDepthStencilImageWithinRenderPass FillBufferWithinRenderPass | NA | [all...] |
/ndk/docs/Additional_library_docs/opensles/ |
index.html | [all...] |
/prebuilts/tools/darwin-x86_64/protoc/include/google/protobuf/io/ |
coded_stream.h | 443 // WARNING: It is very easy to misuse this. Carefully read the requirements [all...] |
/toolchain/binutils/binutils-2.25/gas/doc/ |
c-s390.texi | 84 but evaluates to zero. This can indicate the misuse of general purpose [all...] |
/external/clang/test/Analysis/ |
unix-fns.c | 558 // CHECK-NEXT: <key>category</key><string>API Misuse (Apple)</string> [all...] |
/docs/source.android.com/src/security/keystore/ |
implementer-ref.jd | 577 <h4 id=api_misuse>API misuse</h4> [all...] |
/external/clang/test/Analysis/inlining/ |
path-notes.m | [all...] |
/external/libxml2/ |
uri.c | [all...] |
/external/llvm/lib/IR/ |
ConstantFold.cpp | [all...] |
/external/llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/ |
Reassociate.cpp | 738 /// due it being removed as an operand of one of its uses. Ensure that misuse [all...] |