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      1 #
      2 # Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     15 import io
     16 import logging
     17 import os
     18 import shutil
     19 import time
     20 import zipfile
     22 from google.protobuf.internal.containers import RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer
     24 from vts.runners.host import keys
     25 from vts.utils.python.archive import archive_parser
     26 from vts.utils.python.build.api import artifact_fetcher
     27 from vts.utils.python.coverage import coverage_report
     28 from vts.utils.python.coverage import gcda_parser
     29 from vts.utils.python.coverage import gcno_parser
     30 from vts.utils.python.coverage.parser import FileFormatError
     31 from vts.utils.python.web import feature_utils
     33 TARGET_COVERAGE_PATH = "/data/misc/gcov/"
     34 LOCAL_COVERAGE_PATH = "/tmp/vts-test-coverage"
     36 GCNO_SUFFIX = ".gcno"
     37 GCDA_SUFFIX = ".gcda"
     38 COVERAGE_SUFFIX = ".gcnodir"
     39 GIT_PROJECT = "git_project"
     40 MODULE_NAME = "module_name"
     41 NAME = "name"
     42 PATH = "path"
     44 _BRANCH = "master"  # TODO: make this a runtime parameter
     45 _CHECKSUM_GCNO_DICT = "checksum_gcno_dict"
     46 _COVERAGE_ZIP = "coverage_zip"
     47 _REVISION_DICT = "revision_dict"
     50 class CoverageFeature(feature_utils.Feature):
     51     """Feature object for coverage functionality.
     53     Attributes:
     54         enabled: boolean, True if coverage is enabled, False otherwise
     55         web: (optional) WebFeature, object storing web feature util for test run
     56     """
     58     _TOGGLE_PARAM = keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ENABLE_COVERAGE
     59     _REQUIRED_PARAMS = [
     60             keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ANDROID_DEVICE,
     61             keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_SERVICE_JSON_PATH,
     62             keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ANDROID_DEVICE
     63         ]
     64     _OPTIONAL_PARAMS = [keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_MODULES]
     66     def __init__(self, user_params, web=None):
     67         """Initializes the coverage feature.
     69         Args:
     70             user_params: A dictionary from parameter name (String) to parameter value.
     71             web: (optional) WebFeature, object storing web feature util for test run
     72         """
     73         self.ParseParameters(self._TOGGLE_PARAM, self._REQUIRED_PARAMS, self._OPTIONAL_PARAMS,
     74                              user_params)
     75         self.web = web
     76         logging.info("Coverage enabled: %s", self.enabled)
     78     def _ExtractSourceName(self, gcno_summary, file_name):
     79         """Gets the source name from the GCNO summary object.
     81         Gets the original source file name from the FileSummary object describing
     82         a gcno file using the base filename of the gcno/gcda file.
     84         Args:
     85             gcno_summary: a FileSummary object describing a gcno file
     86             file_name: the base filename (without extensions) of the gcno or gcda file
     88         Returns:
     89             The relative path to the original source file corresponding to the
     90             provided gcno summary. The path is relative to the root of the build.
     91         """
     92         src_file_path = None
     93         for key in gcno_summary.functions:
     94             src_file_path = gcno_summary.functions[key].src_file_name
     95             src_parts = src_file_path.rsplit(".", 1)
     96             src_file_name = src_parts[0]
     97             src_extension = src_parts[1] if len(src_parts) > 1 else None
     98             if src_extension not in ["c", "cpp", "cc"]:
     99                 logging.warn("Found unsupported file type: %s", src_file_path)
    100                 continue
    101             if src_file_name.endswith(file_name):
    102                 logging.info("Coverage source file: %s", src_file_path)
    103                 break
    104         return src_file_path
    106     def _GetChecksumGcnoDict(self, cov_zip):
    107         """Generates a dictionary from gcno checksum to GCNOParser object.
    109         Processes the gcnodir files in the zip file to produce a mapping from gcno
    110         checksum to the GCNOParser object wrapping the gcno content.
    112         Args:
    113             cov_zip: the zip file containing gcnodir files from the device build
    115         Returns:
    116             the dictionary of gcno checksums to GCNOParser objects
    117         """
    118         checksum_gcno_dict = dict()
    119         fnames = cov_zip.namelist()
    120         instrumented_modules = [f for f in fnames if f.endswith(COVERAGE_SUFFIX)]
    121         for instrumented_module in instrumented_modules:
    122             # Read the gcnodir file
    123             archive = archive_parser.Archive(cov_zip.open(instrumented_module).read())
    124             try:
    125                 archive.Parse()
    126             except ValueError:
    127                 logging.error("Archive could not be parsed: %s", name)
    128                 continue
    130             for gcno_file_path in archive.files:
    131                 file_name_path = gcno_file_path.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    132                 file_name = os.path.basename(file_name_path)
    133                 gcno_stream = io.BytesIO(archive.files[gcno_file_path])
    134                 gcno_file_parser = gcno_parser.GCNOParser(gcno_stream)
    135                 checksum_gcno_dict[gcno_file_parser.checksum] = gcno_file_parser
    136         return checksum_gcno_dict
    138     def InitializeDeviceCoverage(self, dut):
    139         """Initializes the device for coverage before tests run.
    141         Finds and removes all gcda files under TARGET_COVERAGE_PATH before tests
    142         run.
    144         Args:
    145             dut: the device under test.
    146         """
    147         logging.info("Removing existing gcda files.")
    148         gcda_files = dut.adb.shell("find %s -name \"*.gcda\" -type f -delete" %
    149                                    TARGET_COVERAGE_PATH)
    151     def GetGcdaDict(self, dut, local_coverage_path=None):
    152         """Retrieves GCDA files from device and creates a dictionary of files.
    154         Find all GCDA files on the target device, copy them to the host using
    155         adb, then return a dictionary mapping from the gcda basename to the
    156         temp location on the host.
    158         Args:
    159             dut: the device under test.
    160             local_coverage_path: the host path (string) in which to copy gcda files
    162         Returns:
    163             A dictionary with gcda basenames as keys and contents as the values.
    164         """
    165         logging.info("Creating gcda dictionary")
    166         gcda_dict = {}
    167         if not local_coverage_path:
    168             timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000000))
    169             local_coverage_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_COVERAGE_PATH, timestamp)
    170         if os.path.exists(local_coverage_path):
    171             shutil.rmtree(local_coverage_path)
    172         os.makedirs(local_coverage_path)
    173         logging.info("Storing gcda tmp files to: %s", local_coverage_path)
    174         gcda_files = dut.adb.shell("find %s -name \"*.gcda\"" %
    175                                    TARGET_COVERAGE_PATH).split("\n")
    176         for gcda in gcda_files:
    177             if gcda:
    178                 basename = os.path.basename(gcda.strip())
    179                 file_name = os.path.join(local_coverage_path,
    180                                          basename)
    181                 dut.adb.pull("%s %s" % (gcda, file_name))
    182                 gcda_content = open(file_name, "rb").read()
    183                 gcda_dict[basename] = gcda_content
    184         return gcda_dict
    186     def _AutoProcess(self, gcda_dict, isGlobal):
    187         """Process coverage data and appends coverage reports to the report message.
    189         Matches gcno files with gcda files and processes them into a coverage report
    190         with references to the original source code used to build the system image.
    191         Coverage information is appended as a CoverageReportMessage to the provided
    192         report message.
    194         Git project information is automatically extracted from the build info and
    195         the source file name enclosed in each gcno file. Git project names must
    196         resemble paths and may differ from the paths to their project root by at
    197         most one. If no match is found, then coverage information will not be
    198         be processed.
    200         e.g. if the project path is test/vts, then its project name may be
    201              test/vts or <some folder>/test/vts in order to be recognized.
    203         Args:
    204             gcda_dict: the dictionary of gcda basenames to gcda content (binary string)
    205             isGlobal: boolean, True if the coverage data is for the entire test, False if only for
    206                       the current test case.
    207         """
    208         revision_dict = getattr(self, _REVISION_DICT, None)
    209         checksum_gcno_dict = getattr(self, _CHECKSUM_GCNO_DICT, None)
    210         for gcda_name in gcda_dict:
    211             gcda_stream = io.BytesIO(gcda_dict[gcda_name])
    212             gcda_file_parser = gcda_parser.GCDAParser(gcda_stream)
    214             if not gcda_file_parser.checksum in checksum_gcno_dict:
    215                 logging.info("No matching gcno file for gcda: %s", gcda_name)
    216                 continue
    217             gcno_file_parser = checksum_gcno_dict[gcda_file_parser.checksum]
    219             try:
    220                 gcno_summary = gcno_file_parser.Parse()
    221             except FileFormatError:
    222                 logging.error("Error parsing gcno for gcda %s", gcda_name)
    223                 continue
    225             file_name = gcda_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    226             src_file_path = self._ExtractSourceName(gcno_summary, file_name)
    228             if not src_file_path:
    229                 logging.error("No source file found for gcda %s.", gcda_name)
    230                 continue
    232             # Process and merge gcno/gcda data
    233             try:
    234                 gcda_file_parser.Parse(gcno_summary)
    235             except FileFormatError:
    236                 logging.error("Error parsing gcda file %s", gcda_name)
    237                 continue
    239             # Get the git project information
    240             # Assumes that the project name and path to the project root are similar
    241             revision = None
    242             for project_name in revision_dict:
    243                 # Matches cases when source file root and project name are the same
    244                 if src_file_path.startswith(str(project_name)):
    245                     git_project_name = str(project_name)
    246                     git_project_path = str(project_name)
    247                     revision = str(revision_dict[project_name])
    248                     logging.info("Source file '%s' matched with project '%s'",
    249                                  src_file_path, git_project_name)
    250                     break
    252                 parts = os.path.normpath(str(project_name)).split(os.sep, 1)
    253                 # Matches when project name has an additional prefix before the
    254                 # project path root.
    255                 if len(parts) > 1 and src_file_path.startswith(parts[-1]):
    256                     git_project_name = str(project_name)
    257                     git_project_path = parts[-1]
    258                     revision = str(revision_dict[project_name])
    259                     logging.info("Source file '%s' matched with project '%s'",
    260                                  src_file_path, git_project_name)
    262             if not revision:
    263                 logging.info("Could not find git info for %s", src_file_path)
    264                 continue
    266             if self.web and self.web.enabled:
    267                 coverage_vec = coverage_report.GenerateLineCoverageVector(
    268                     src_file_path, gcno_summary)
    269                 total_count, covered_count = coverage_report.GetCoverageStats(coverage_vec)
    270                 self.web.AddCoverageReport(
    271                     coverage_vec, src_file_path, git_project_name, git_project_path,
    272                     revision, covered_count, total_count, isGlobal)
    274     def _ManualProcess(self, gcda_dict, isGlobal):
    275         """Process coverage data and appends coverage reports to the report message.
    277         Opens the gcno files in the cov_zip for the specified modules and matches
    278         gcno/gcda files. Then, coverage vectors are generated for each set of matching
    279         gcno/gcda files and appended as a CoverageReportMessage to the provided
    280         report message. Unlike AutoProcess, coverage information is only processed
    281         for the modules explicitly defined in 'modules'.
    283         Args:
    284             gcda_dict: the dictionary of gcda basenames to gcda content (binary string)
    285             isGlobal: boolean, True if the coverage data is for the entire test, False if only for
    286                       the current test case.
    287         """
    288         cov_zip = getattr(self, _COVERAGE_ZIP, None)
    289         revision_dict = getattr(self, _REVISION_DICT, None)
    290         modules = getattr(self, keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_MODULES, None)
    291         covered_modules = set(cov_zip.namelist())
    292         for module in modules:
    293             if MODULE_NAME not in module or GIT_PROJECT not in module:
    294                 logging.error("Coverage module must specify name and git project: %s",
    295                               module)
    296                 continue
    297             project = module[GIT_PROJECT]
    298             if PATH not in project or NAME not in project:
    299                 logging.error("Project name and path not specified: %s", project)
    300                 continue
    302             name = str(module[MODULE_NAME]) + COVERAGE_SUFFIX
    303             git_project = str(project[NAME])
    304             git_project_path = str(project[PATH])
    306             if name not in covered_modules:
    307                 logging.error("No coverage information for module %s", name)
    308                 continue
    309             if git_project not in revision_dict:
    310                 logging.error("Git project not present in device revision dict: %s",
    311                               git_project)
    312                 continue
    314             revision = str(revision_dict[git_project])
    315             archive = archive_parser.Archive(cov_zip.open(name).read())
    316             try:
    317                 archive.Parse()
    318             except ValueError:
    319                 logging.error("Archive could not be parsed: %s", name)
    320                 continue
    322             for gcno_file_path in archive.files:
    323                 file_name_path = gcno_file_path.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    324                 file_name = os.path.basename(file_name_path)
    325                 gcno_content = archive.files[gcno_file_path]
    326                 gcno_stream = io.BytesIO(gcno_content)
    327                 try:
    328                     gcno_summary = gcno_parser.GCNOParser(gcno_stream).Parse()
    329                 except FileFormatError:
    330                     logging.error("Error parsing gcno file %s", gcno_file_path)
    331                     continue
    332                 src_file_path = None
    334                 # Match gcno file with gcda file
    335                 gcda_name = file_name + GCDA_SUFFIX
    336                 if gcda_name not in gcda_dict:
    337                     logging.error("No gcda file found %s.", gcda_name)
    338                     continue
    340                 src_file_path = self._ExtractSourceName(gcno_summary, file_name)
    342                 if not src_file_path:
    343                     logging.error("No source file found for %s.", gcno_file_path)
    344                     continue
    346                 # Process and merge gcno/gcda data
    347                 gcda_content = gcda_dict[gcda_name]
    348                 gcda_stream = io.BytesIO(gcda_content)
    349                 try:
    350                     gcda_parser.GCDAParser(gcda_stream).Parse(gcno_summary)
    351                 except FileFormatError:
    352                     logging.error("Error parsing gcda file %s", gcda_content)
    353                     continue
    355                 if self.web and self.web.enabled:
    356                     coverage_vec = coverage_report.GenerateLineCoverageVector(
    357                         src_file_path, gcno_summary)
    358                     total_count, covered_count = coverage_report.GetCoverageStats(coverage_vec)
    359                     self.web.AddCoverageReport(
    360                         coverage_vec, src_file_path, git_project, git_project_path,
    361                         revision, covered_count, total_count, isGlobal)
    363     def LoadArtifacts(self):
    364         """Initializes the test for coverage instrumentation.
    366         Downloads build artifacts from the build server
    367         (gcno zip file and git revision dictionary) and prepares for coverage
    368         measurement.
    370         Requires coverage feature enabled; no-op otherwise.
    371         """
    372         if not self.enabled:
    373             return
    375         self.enabled = False
    377         # Use first device info to get product, flavor, and ID
    378         # TODO: support multi-device builds
    379         android_devices = getattr(self, keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_ANDROID_DEVICE)
    380         if not isinstance(android_devices, list):
    381             logging.warn("android device information not available")
    382             return
    384         device_spec = android_devices[0]
    385         build_flavor = device_spec.get(keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_BUILD_FLAVOR)
    386         device_build_id = device_spec.get(keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_BUILD_ID)
    388         if not build_flavor or not device_build_id:
    389             logging.error("Could not read device information.")
    390             return
    392         build_flavor = str(build_flavor)
    393         if not "coverage" in build_flavor:
    394             build_flavor = "{0}_coverage".format(build_flavor)
    395         product = build_flavor.split("-", 1)[0]
    396         build_id = str(device_build_id)
    398         # Get service json path
    399         service_json_path = getattr(self, keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_SERVICE_JSON_PATH)
    401         # Instantiate build client
    402         try:
    403             build_client = artifact_fetcher.AndroidBuildClient(service_json_path)
    404         except Exception as e:
    405             logging.exception('Failed to instantiate build client: %s', e)
    406             return
    408         # Fetch repo dictionary
    409         try:
    410             revision_dict = build_client.GetRepoDictionary(_BRANCH, build_flavor, device_build_id)
    411             setattr(self, _REVISION_DICT, revision_dict)
    412         except Exception as e:
    413             logging.exception('Failed to fetch repo dictionary: %s', e)
    414             logging.info('Coverage disabled')
    415             return
    417         # Fetch coverage zip
    418         try:
    419             cov_zip = io.BytesIO(
    420                 build_client.GetCoverage(_BRANCH, build_flavor, device_build_id, product))
    421             cov_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(cov_zip)
    422             setattr(self, _COVERAGE_ZIP, cov_zip)
    423         except Exception as e:
    424             logging.exception('Failed to fetch coverage zip: %s', e)
    425             logging.info('Coverage disabled')
    426             return
    428         if not hasattr(self, keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_MODULES):
    429             checksum_gcno_dict = self._GetChecksumGcnoDict(cov_zip)
    430             setattr(self, _CHECKSUM_GCNO_DICT, checksum_gcno_dict)
    432         self.enabled = True
    434     def SetCoverageData(self, coverage_data=None, isGlobal=False, dut=None):
    435         """Sets and processes coverage data.
    437         Organizes coverage data and processes it into a coverage report in the
    438         current test case
    440         Requires feature to be enabled; no-op otherwise.
    442         Args:
    443             coverage_data may be either:
    444                           (1) a dict where gcda name is the key and binary
    445                               content is the value, or
    446                           (2) a list of NativeCodeCoverageRawDataMessage objects
    447                           (3) None if the data will be pulled from dut
    448             isGlobal: True if the coverage data is for the entire test, False if
    449                       if the coverage data is just for the current test case.
    450             dut: (optional) the device object for which to pull coverage data
    451         """
    452         if not self.enabled:
    453             return
    455         if not coverage_data and dut:
    456             coverage_data = self.GetGcdaDict(dut)
    458         if not coverage_data:
    459             logging.info("SetCoverageData: empty coverage data")
    460             return
    462         if isinstance(coverage_data, RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer):
    463             gcda_dict = {}
    464             for coverage_msg in coverage_data:
    465                 gcda_dict[coverage_msg.file_path] = coverage_msg.gcda
    466         elif isinstance(coverage_data, dict):
    467             gcda_dict = coverage_data
    468         else:
    469             logging.error("SetCoverageData: unexpected coverage_data type: %s",
    470                           str(type(coverage_data)))
    471             return
    472         logging.info("coverage file paths %s", str([fp for fp in gcda_dict]))
    474         if not hasattr(self, keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_MODULES):
    475             # auto-process coverage data
    476             self._AutoProcess(gcda_dict, isGlobal)
    477         else:
    478             # explicitly process coverage data for the specified modules
    479             self._ManualProcess(gcda_dict, isGlobal)