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      1 /*===-- atomic.c - Implement support functions for atomic operations.------===
      2  *
      3  *                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4  *
      5  * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
      6  * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7  *
      8  *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
      9  *
     10  *  atomic.c defines a set of functions for performing atomic accesses on
     11  *  arbitrary-sized memory locations.  This design uses locks that should
     12  *  be fast in the uncontended case, for two reasons:
     13  *
     14  *  1) This code must work with C programs that do not link to anything
     15  *     (including pthreads) and so it should not depend on any pthread
     16  *     functions.
     17  *  2) Atomic operations, rather than explicit mutexes, are most commonly used
     18  *     on code where contended operations are rate.
     19  *
     20  *  To avoid needing a per-object lock, this code allocates an array of
     21  *  locks and hashes the object pointers to find the one that it should use.
     22  *  For operations that must be atomic on two locations, the lower lock is
     23  *  always acquired first, to avoid deadlock.
     24  *
     25  *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
     26  */
     28 #include <stdint.h>
     29 #include <string.h>
     31 #include "assembly.h"
     33 // Clang objects if you redefine a builtin.  This little hack allows us to
     34 // define a function with the same name as an intrinsic.
     35 #pragma redefine_extname __atomic_load_c SYMBOL_NAME(__atomic_load)
     36 #pragma redefine_extname __atomic_store_c SYMBOL_NAME(__atomic_store)
     37 #pragma redefine_extname __atomic_exchange_c SYMBOL_NAME(__atomic_exchange)
     38 #pragma redefine_extname __atomic_compare_exchange_c SYMBOL_NAME(__atomic_compare_exchange)
     40 /// Number of locks.  This allocates one page on 32-bit platforms, two on
     41 /// 64-bit.  This can be specified externally if a different trade between
     42 /// memory usage and contention probability is required for a given platform.
     43 #ifndef SPINLOCK_COUNT
     44 #define SPINLOCK_COUNT (1<<10)
     45 #endif
     46 static const long SPINLOCK_MASK = SPINLOCK_COUNT - 1;
     48 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     49 // Platform-specific lock implementation.  Falls back to spinlocks if none is
     50 // defined.  Each platform should define the Lock type, and corresponding
     51 // lock() and unlock() functions.
     52 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     53 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
     54 #include <errno.h>
     55 #include <sys/types.h>
     56 #include <machine/atomic.h>
     57 #include <sys/umtx.h>
     58 typedef struct _usem Lock;
     59 __inline static void unlock(Lock *l) {
     60   __c11_atomic_store((_Atomic(uint32_t)*)&l->_count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
     61   __c11_atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
     62   if (l->_has_waiters)
     63       _umtx_op(l, UMTX_OP_SEM_WAKE, 1, 0, 0);
     64 }
     65 __inline static void lock(Lock *l) {
     66   uint32_t old = 1;
     67   while (!__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak((_Atomic(uint32_t)*)&l->_count, &old,
     68         0, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
     69     _umtx_op(l, UMTX_OP_SEM_WAIT, 0, 0, 0);
     70     old = 1;
     71   }
     72 }
     73 /// locks for atomic operations
     74 static Lock locks[SPINLOCK_COUNT] = { [0 ...  SPINLOCK_COUNT-1] = {0,1,0} };
     76 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
     77 #include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
     78 typedef OSSpinLock Lock;
     79 __inline static void unlock(Lock *l) {
     80   OSSpinLockUnlock(l);
     81 }
     82 /// Locks a lock.  In the current implementation, this is potentially
     83 /// unbounded in the contended case.
     84 __inline static void lock(Lock *l) {
     85   OSSpinLockLock(l);
     86 }
     87 static Lock locks[SPINLOCK_COUNT]; // initialized to OS_SPINLOCK_INIT which is 0
     89 #else
     90 typedef _Atomic(uintptr_t) Lock;
     91 /// Unlock a lock.  This is a release operation.
     92 __inline static void unlock(Lock *l) {
     93   __c11_atomic_store(l, 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
     94 }
     95 /// Locks a lock.  In the current implementation, this is potentially
     96 /// unbounded in the contended case.
     97 __inline static void lock(Lock *l) {
     98   uintptr_t old = 0;
     99   while (!__c11_atomic_compare_exchange_weak(l, &old, 1, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE,
    100         __ATOMIC_RELAXED))
    101     old = 0;
    102 }
    103 /// locks for atomic operations
    104 static Lock locks[SPINLOCK_COUNT];
    105 #endif
    108 /// Returns a lock to use for a given pointer.
    109 static __inline Lock *lock_for_pointer(void *ptr) {
    110   intptr_t hash = (intptr_t)ptr;
    111   // Disregard the lowest 4 bits.  We want all values that may be part of the
    112   // same memory operation to hash to the same value and therefore use the same
    113   // lock.
    114   hash >>= 4;
    115   // Use the next bits as the basis for the hash
    116   intptr_t low = hash & SPINLOCK_MASK;
    117   // Now use the high(er) set of bits to perturb the hash, so that we don't
    118   // get collisions from atomic fields in a single object
    119   hash >>= 16;
    120   hash ^= low;
    121   // Return a pointer to the word to use
    122   return locks + (hash & SPINLOCK_MASK);
    123 }
    125 /// Macros for determining whether a size is lock free.  Clang can not yet
    126 /// codegen __atomic_is_lock_free(16), so for now we assume 16-byte values are
    127 /// not lock free.
    128 #define IS_LOCK_FREE_1 __c11_atomic_is_lock_free(1)
    129 #define IS_LOCK_FREE_2 __c11_atomic_is_lock_free(2)
    130 #define IS_LOCK_FREE_4 __c11_atomic_is_lock_free(4)
    131 #define IS_LOCK_FREE_8 __c11_atomic_is_lock_free(8)
    132 #define IS_LOCK_FREE_16 0
    134 /// Macro that calls the compiler-generated lock-free versions of functions
    135 /// when they exist.
    136 #define LOCK_FREE_CASES() \
    137   do {\
    138   switch (size) {\
    139     case 2:\
    140       if (IS_LOCK_FREE_2) {\
    141         LOCK_FREE_ACTION(uint16_t);\
    142       }\
    143     case 4:\
    144       if (IS_LOCK_FREE_4) {\
    145         LOCK_FREE_ACTION(uint32_t);\
    146       }\
    147     case 8:\
    148       if (IS_LOCK_FREE_8) {\
    149         LOCK_FREE_ACTION(uint64_t);\
    150       }\
    151     case 16:\
    152       if (IS_LOCK_FREE_16) {\
    153         /* FIXME: __uint128_t isn't available on 32 bit platforms.
    154         LOCK_FREE_ACTION(__uint128_t);*/\
    155       }\
    156   }\
    157   } while (0)
    160 /// An atomic load operation.  This is atomic with respect to the source
    161 /// pointer only.
    162 void __atomic_load_c(int size, void *src, void *dest, int model) {
    163 #define LOCK_FREE_ACTION(type) \
    164     *((type*)dest) = __c11_atomic_load((_Atomic(type)*)src, model);\
    165     return;
    166   LOCK_FREE_CASES();
    167 #undef LOCK_FREE_ACTION
    168   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(src);
    169   lock(l);
    170   memcpy(dest, src, size);
    171   unlock(l);
    172 }
    174 /// An atomic store operation.  This is atomic with respect to the destination
    175 /// pointer only.
    176 void __atomic_store_c(int size, void *dest, void *src, int model) {
    177 #define LOCK_FREE_ACTION(type) \
    178     __c11_atomic_store((_Atomic(type)*)dest, *(type*)dest, model);\
    179     return;
    180   LOCK_FREE_CASES();
    181 #undef LOCK_FREE_ACTION
    182   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(dest);
    183   lock(l);
    184   memcpy(dest, src, size);
    185   unlock(l);
    186 }
    188 /// Atomic compare and exchange operation.  If the value at *ptr is identical
    189 /// to the value at *expected, then this copies value at *desired to *ptr.  If
    190 /// they  are not, then this stores the current value from *ptr in *expected.
    191 ///
    192 /// This function returns 1 if the exchange takes place or 0 if it fails.
    193 int __atomic_compare_exchange_c(int size, void *ptr, void *expected,
    194     void *desired, int success, int failure) {
    195 #define LOCK_FREE_ACTION(type) \
    196   return __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong((_Atomic(type)*)ptr, (type*)expected,\
    197       *(type*)desired, success, failure)
    198   LOCK_FREE_CASES();
    199 #undef LOCK_FREE_ACTION
    200   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(ptr);
    201   lock(l);
    202   if (memcmp(ptr, expected, size) == 0) {
    203     memcpy(ptr, desired, size);
    204     unlock(l);
    205     return 1;
    206   }
    207   memcpy(expected, ptr, size);
    208   unlock(l);
    209   return 0;
    210 }
    212 /// Performs an atomic exchange operation between two pointers.  This is atomic
    213 /// with respect to the target address.
    214 void __atomic_exchange_c(int size, void *ptr, void *val, void *old, int model) {
    215 #define LOCK_FREE_ACTION(type) \
    216     *(type*)old = __c11_atomic_exchange((_Atomic(type)*)ptr, *(type*)val,\
    217         model);\
    218     return;
    219   LOCK_FREE_CASES();
    220 #undef LOCK_FREE_ACTION
    221   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(ptr);
    222   lock(l);
    223   memcpy(old, ptr, size);
    224   memcpy(ptr, val, size);
    225   unlock(l);
    226 }
    228 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    229 // Where the size is known at compile time, the compiler may emit calls to
    230 // specialised versions of the above functions.
    231 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    232 #define OPTIMISED_CASES\
    233   OPTIMISED_CASE(1, IS_LOCK_FREE_1, uint8_t)\
    234   OPTIMISED_CASE(2, IS_LOCK_FREE_2, uint16_t)\
    235   OPTIMISED_CASE(4, IS_LOCK_FREE_4, uint32_t)\
    236   OPTIMISED_CASE(8, IS_LOCK_FREE_8, uint64_t)\
    237   /* FIXME: __uint128_t isn't available on 32 bit platforms.
    238   OPTIMISED_CASE(16, IS_LOCK_FREE_16, __uint128_t)*/\
    240 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type)\
    241 type __atomic_load_##n(type *src, int model) {\
    242   if (lockfree)\
    243     return __c11_atomic_load((_Atomic(type)*)src, model);\
    244   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(src);\
    245   lock(l);\
    246   type val = *src;\
    247   unlock(l);\
    248   return val;\
    249 }
    251 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    253 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type)\
    254 void  __atomic_store_##n(type *dest, type val, int model) {\
    255   if (lockfree) {\
    256     __c11_atomic_store((_Atomic(type)*)dest, val, model);\
    257     return;\
    258   }\
    259   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(dest);\
    260   lock(l);\
    261   *dest = val;\
    262   unlock(l);\
    263   return;\
    264 }
    266 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    268 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type)\
    269 type __atomic_exchange_##n(type *dest, type val, int model) {\
    270   if (lockfree)\
    271     return __c11_atomic_exchange((_Atomic(type)*)dest, val, model);\
    272   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(dest);\
    273   lock(l);\
    274   type tmp = *dest;\
    275   *dest = val;\
    276   unlock(l);\
    277   return tmp;\
    278 }
    280 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    282 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type)\
    283 int __atomic_compare_exchange_##n(type *ptr, type *expected, type desired,\
    284     int success, int failure) {\
    285   if (lockfree)\
    286     return __c11_atomic_compare_exchange_strong((_Atomic(type)*)ptr, expected, desired,\
    287         success, failure);\
    288   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(ptr);\
    289   lock(l);\
    290   if (*ptr == *expected) {\
    291     *ptr = desired;\
    292     unlock(l);\
    293     return 1;\
    294   }\
    295   *expected = *ptr;\
    296   unlock(l);\
    297   return 0;\
    298 }
    300 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    302 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    303 // Atomic read-modify-write operations for integers of various sizes.
    304 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    305 #define ATOMIC_RMW(n, lockfree, type, opname, op) \
    306 type __atomic_fetch_##opname##_##n(type *ptr, type val, int model) {\
    307   if (lockfree) \
    308     return __c11_atomic_fetch_##opname((_Atomic(type)*)ptr, val, model);\
    309   Lock *l = lock_for_pointer(ptr);\
    310   lock(l);\
    311   type tmp = *ptr;\
    312   *ptr = tmp op val;\
    313   unlock(l);\
    314   return tmp;\
    315 }
    317 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type) ATOMIC_RMW(n, lockfree, type, add, +)
    319 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    320 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type) ATOMIC_RMW(n, lockfree, type, sub, -)
    322 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    323 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type) ATOMIC_RMW(n, lockfree, type, and, &)
    325 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    326 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type) ATOMIC_RMW(n, lockfree, type, or, |)
    328 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE
    329 #define OPTIMISED_CASE(n, lockfree, type) ATOMIC_RMW(n, lockfree, type, xor, ^)
    331 #undef OPTIMISED_CASE