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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 """Archives or replays webpages and creates SKPs in a Google Storage location.
      8 To archive webpages and store SKP files (archives should be rarely updated):
     10 cd skia
     11 python tools/skp/webpages_playback.py --data_store=gs://rmistry --record \
     12 --page_sets=all --skia_tools=/home/default/trunk/out/Debug/ \
     13 --browser_executable=/tmp/chromium/out/Release/chrome
     15 The above command uses Google Storage bucket 'rmistry' to download needed files.
     17 To replay archived webpages and re-generate SKP files (should be run whenever
     18 SkPicture.PICTURE_VERSION changes):
     20 cd skia
     21 python tools/skp/webpages_playback.py --data_store=gs://rmistry \
     22 --page_sets=all --skia_tools=/home/default/trunk/out/Debug/ \
     23 --browser_executable=/tmp/chromium/out/Release/chrome
     26 Specify the --page_sets flag (default value is 'all') to pick a list of which
     27 webpages should be archived and/or replayed. Eg:
     29 --page_sets=tools/skp/page_sets/skia_yahooanswers_desktop.py,\
     30 tools/skp/page_sets/skia_googlecalendar_nexus10.py
     32 The --browser_executable flag should point to the browser binary you want to use
     33 to capture archives and/or capture SKP files. Majority of the time it should be
     34 a newly built chrome binary.
     36 The --data_store flag controls where the needed artifacts, such as
     37 credential files, are downloaded from. It also controls where the
     38 generated artifacts, such as recorded webpages and resulting skp renderings,
     39 are uploaded to. URLs with scheme 'gs://' use Google Storage. Otherwise
     40 use local filesystem.
     42 The --upload=True flag means generated artifacts will be
     43 uploaded or copied to the location specified by --data_store. (default value is
     44 False if not specified).
     46 The --non-interactive flag controls whether the script will prompt the user
     47 (default value is False if not specified).
     49 The --skia_tools flag if specified will allow this script to run
     50 debugger, render_pictures, and render_pdfs on the captured
     51 SKP(s). The tools are run after all SKPs are succesfully captured to make sure
     52 they can be added to the buildbots with no breakages.
     53 """
     55 import glob
     56 import optparse
     57 import os
     58 import posixpath
     59 import shutil
     60 import subprocess
     61 import sys
     62 import tempfile
     63 import time
     64 import traceback
     67 ROOT_PLAYBACK_DIR_NAME = 'playback'
     68 SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME = 'skps'
     70 GS_PREFIX = 'gs://'
     72 PARTNERS_GS_BUCKET = 'gs://chrome-partner-telemetry'
     74 # Local archive and SKP directories.
     76     os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'page_sets', 'data')
     77 TMP_SKP_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     79 # Location of the credentials.json file and the string that represents missing
     80 # passwords.
     81 CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(
     82     os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'page_sets', 'data',
     83     'credentials.json'
     84 )
     86 # Name of the SKP benchmark
     87 SKP_BENCHMARK = 'skpicture_printer'
     89 # The max base name length of Skp files.
     90 MAX_SKP_BASE_NAME_LEN = 31
     92 # Dictionary of device to platform prefixes for SKP files.
     94     'desktop': 'desk',
     95     'galaxynexus': 'mobi',
     96     'nexus10': 'tabl'
     97 }
     99 # How many times the record_wpr binary should be retried.
    101 # How many times the run_benchmark binary should be retried.
    104 # Location of the credentials.json file in Google Storage.
    105 CREDENTIALS_GS_PATH = 'playback/credentials/credentials.json'
    107 X11_DISPLAY = os.getenv('DISPLAY', ':0')
    109 # Path to Chromium's page sets.
    110 CHROMIUM_PAGE_SETS_PATH = os.path.join('tools', 'perf', 'page_sets')
    112 # Dictionary of supported Chromium page sets to their file prefixes.
    114     'key_mobile_sites_smooth.py': 'keymobi',
    115     'top_25_smooth.py': 'top25desk',
    116 }
    119 def remove_prefix(s, prefix):
    120   if s.startswith(prefix):
    121     return s[len(prefix):]
    122   return s
    125 class SkPicturePlayback(object):
    126   """Class that archives or replays webpages and creates SKPs."""
    128   def __init__(self, parse_options):
    129     """Constructs a SkPicturePlayback BuildStep instance."""
    130     assert parse_options.browser_executable, 'Must specify --browser_executable'
    131     self._browser_executable = parse_options.browser_executable
    132     self._browser_args = '--disable-setuid-sandbox'
    133     if parse_options.browser_extra_args:
    134       self._browser_args = '%s %s' % (
    135           self._browser_args, parse_options.browser_extra_args)
    137     self._chrome_page_sets_path = os.path.join(parse_options.chrome_src_path,
    138                                                CHROMIUM_PAGE_SETS_PATH)
    139     self._all_page_sets_specified = parse_options.page_sets == 'all'
    140     self._page_sets = self._ParsePageSets(parse_options.page_sets)
    142     self._record = parse_options.record
    143     self._skia_tools = parse_options.skia_tools
    144     self._non_interactive = parse_options.non_interactive
    145     self._upload = parse_options.upload
    146     self._skp_prefix = parse_options.skp_prefix
    147     data_store_location = parse_options.data_store
    148     if data_store_location.startswith(GS_PREFIX):
    149       self.gs = GoogleStorageDataStore(data_store_location)
    150     else:
    151       self.gs = LocalFileSystemDataStore(data_store_location)
    152     self._upload_to_partner_bucket = parse_options.upload_to_partner_bucket
    153     self._alternate_upload_dir = parse_options.alternate_upload_dir
    154     self._telemetry_binaries_dir = os.path.join(parse_options.chrome_src_path,
    155                                                 'tools', 'perf')
    156     self._catapult_dir = os.path.join(parse_options.chrome_src_path,
    157                                       'third_party', 'catapult')
    159     self._local_skp_dir = os.path.join(
    160         parse_options.output_dir, ROOT_PLAYBACK_DIR_NAME, SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME)
    161     self._local_record_webpages_archive_dir = os.path.join(
    162         parse_options.output_dir, ROOT_PLAYBACK_DIR_NAME, 'webpages_archive')
    164     # List of SKP files generated by this script.
    165     self._skp_files = []
    167   def _ParsePageSets(self, page_sets):
    168     if not page_sets:
    169       raise ValueError('Must specify at least one page_set!')
    170     elif self._all_page_sets_specified:
    171       # Get everything from the page_sets directory.
    172       page_sets_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
    173                                    'page_sets')
    174       ps = [os.path.join(page_sets_dir, page_set)
    175             for page_set in os.listdir(page_sets_dir)
    176             if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(page_sets_dir, page_set)) and
    177                page_set.endswith('.py')]
    178       chromium_ps = [
    179           os.path.join(self._chrome_page_sets_path, cr_page_set)
    180           for cr_page_set in CHROMIUM_PAGE_SETS_TO_PREFIX]
    181       ps.extend(chromium_ps)
    182     elif '*' in page_sets:
    183       # Explode and return the glob.
    184       ps = glob.glob(page_sets)
    185     else:
    186       ps = page_sets.split(',')
    187     ps.sort()
    188     return ps
    190   def _IsChromiumPageSet(self, page_set):
    191     """Returns true if the specified page set is a Chromium page set."""
    192     return page_set.startswith(self._chrome_page_sets_path)
    194   def Run(self):
    195     """Run the SkPicturePlayback BuildStep."""
    197     # Download the credentials file if it was not previously downloaded.
    198     if not os.path.isfile(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH):
    199       # Download the credentials.json file from Google Storage.
    200       self.gs.download_file(CREDENTIALS_GS_PATH, CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH)
    202     if not os.path.isfile(CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH):
    203       print """\n\nCould not locate credentials file in the storage.
    204       Please create a %s file that contains:
    205       {
    206         "google": {
    207           "username": "google_testing_account_username",
    208           "password": "google_testing_account_password"
    209         },
    210         "facebook": {
    211           "username": "facebook_testing_account_username",
    212           "password": "facebook_testing_account_password"
    213         }
    214       }\n\n""" % CREDENTIALS_FILE_PATH
    215       raw_input("Please press a key when you are ready to proceed...")
    217     # Delete any left over data files in the data directory.
    218     for archive_file in glob.glob(
    219         os.path.join(LOCAL_REPLAY_WEBPAGES_ARCHIVE_DIR, 'skia_*')):
    220       os.remove(archive_file)
    222     # Create the required local storage directories.
    223     self._CreateLocalStorageDirs()
    225     # Start the timer.
    226     start_time = time.time()
    228     # Loop through all page_sets.
    229     for page_set in self._page_sets:
    231       page_set_basename = os.path.basename(page_set).split('.')[0]
    232       page_set_json_name = page_set_basename + '.json'
    233       wpr_data_file = page_set.split(os.path.sep)[-1].split('.')[0] + '_000.wpr'
    234       page_set_dir = os.path.dirname(page_set)
    236       if self._IsChromiumPageSet(page_set):
    237         print 'Using Chromium\'s captured archives for Chromium\'s page sets.'
    238       elif self._record:
    239         # Create an archive of the specified webpages if '--record=True' is
    240         # specified.
    241         record_wpr_cmd = (
    242           'PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH' % (page_set_dir, self._catapult_dir),
    243           'DISPLAY=%s' % X11_DISPLAY,
    244           os.path.join(self._telemetry_binaries_dir, 'record_wpr'),
    245           '--extra-browser-args="%s"' % self._browser_args,
    246           '--browser=exact',
    247           '--browser-executable=%s' % self._browser_executable,
    248           '%s_page_set' % page_set_basename,
    249           '--page-set-base-dir=%s' % page_set_dir
    250         )
    251         for _ in range(RETRY_RECORD_WPR_COUNT):
    252           try:
    253             subprocess.check_call(' '.join(record_wpr_cmd), shell=True)
    255             # Move over the created archive into the local webpages archive
    256             # directory.
    257             shutil.move(
    258               os.path.join(LOCAL_REPLAY_WEBPAGES_ARCHIVE_DIR, wpr_data_file),
    259               self._local_record_webpages_archive_dir)
    260             shutil.move(
    261               os.path.join(LOCAL_REPLAY_WEBPAGES_ARCHIVE_DIR,
    262                            page_set_json_name),
    263               self._local_record_webpages_archive_dir)
    265             # Break out of the retry loop since there were no errors.
    266             break
    267           except Exception:
    268             # There was a failure continue with the loop.
    269             traceback.print_exc()
    270         else:
    271           # If we get here then record_wpr did not succeed and thus did not
    272           # break out of the loop.
    273           raise Exception('record_wpr failed for page_set: %s' % page_set)
    275       else:
    276         # Get the webpages archive so that it can be replayed.
    277         self._DownloadWebpagesArchive(wpr_data_file, page_set_json_name)
    279       run_benchmark_cmd = (
    280           'PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH' % (page_set_dir, self._catapult_dir),
    281           'DISPLAY=%s' % X11_DISPLAY,
    282           'timeout', '1800',
    283           os.path.join(self._telemetry_binaries_dir, 'run_benchmark'),
    284           '--extra-browser-args="%s"' % self._browser_args,
    285           '--browser=exact',
    286           '--browser-executable=%s' % self._browser_executable,
    287           SKP_BENCHMARK,
    288           '--page-set-name=%s' % page_set_basename,
    289           '--page-set-base-dir=%s' % page_set_dir,
    290           '--skp-outdir=%s' % TMP_SKP_DIR,
    291           '--also-run-disabled-tests'
    292       )
    294       for _ in range(RETRY_RUN_MEASUREMENT_COUNT):
    295         try:
    296           print '\n\n=======Capturing SKP of %s=======\n\n' % page_set
    297           subprocess.check_call(' '.join(run_benchmark_cmd), shell=True)
    298         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    299           # skpicture_printer sometimes fails with AssertionError but the
    300           # captured SKP is still valid. This is a known issue.
    301           pass
    303         # Rename generated SKP files into more descriptive names.
    304         try:
    305           self._RenameSkpFiles(page_set)
    306           # Break out of the retry loop since there were no errors.
    307           break
    308         except Exception:
    309           # There was a failure continue with the loop.
    310           traceback.print_exc()
    311           print '\n\n=======Retrying %s=======\n\n' % page_set
    312           time.sleep(10)
    313       else:
    314         # If we get here then run_benchmark did not succeed and thus did not
    315         # break out of the loop.
    316         raise Exception('run_benchmark failed for page_set: %s' % page_set)
    318     print '\n\n=======Capturing SKP files took %s seconds=======\n\n' % (
    319         time.time() - start_time)
    321     if self._skia_tools:
    322       render_pictures_cmd = [
    323           os.path.join(self._skia_tools, 'render_pictures'),
    324           '-r', self._local_skp_dir
    325       ]
    326       render_pdfs_cmd = [
    327           os.path.join(self._skia_tools, 'render_pdfs'),
    328           '-r', self._local_skp_dir
    329       ]
    331       for tools_cmd in (render_pictures_cmd, render_pdfs_cmd):
    332         print '\n\n=======Running %s=======' % ' '.join(tools_cmd)
    333         subprocess.check_call(tools_cmd)
    335       if not self._non_interactive:
    336         print '\n\n=======Running debugger======='
    337         os.system('%s %s' % (os.path.join(self._skia_tools, 'debugger'),
    338                              self._local_skp_dir))
    340     print '\n\n'
    342     if self._upload:
    343       print '\n\n=======Uploading to %s=======\n\n' % self.gs.target_type()
    344       # Copy the directory structure in the root directory into Google Storage.
    345       dest_dir_name = ROOT_PLAYBACK_DIR_NAME
    346       if self._alternate_upload_dir:
    347         dest_dir_name = self._alternate_upload_dir
    349       self.gs.upload_dir_contents(
    350           self._local_skp_dir, dest_dir=dest_dir_name)
    352       print '\n\n=======New SKPs have been uploaded to %s =======\n\n' % (
    353           posixpath.join(self.gs.target_name(), dest_dir_name,
    354                          SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME))
    356     else:
    357       print '\n\n=======Not Uploading to %s=======\n\n' % self.gs.target_type()
    358       print 'Generated resources are available in %s\n\n' % (
    359           self._local_skp_dir)
    361     if self._upload_to_partner_bucket:
    362       print '\n\n=======Uploading to Partner bucket %s =======\n\n' % (
    363           PARTNERS_GS_BUCKET)
    364       partner_gs = GoogleStorageDataStore(PARTNERS_GS_BUCKET)
    365       partner_gs.delete_path(SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME)
    366       print 'Uploading %s to %s' % (self._local_skp_dir, SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME)
    367       partner_gs.upload_dir_contents(self._local_skp_dir, SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME)
    368       print '\n\n=======New SKPs have been uploaded to %s =======\n\n' % (
    369           posixpath.join(partner_gs.target_name(), SKPICTURES_DIR_NAME))
    371     return 0
    373   def _GetSkiaSkpFileName(self, page_set):
    374     """Returns the SKP file name for Skia page sets."""
    375     # /path/to/skia_yahooanswers_desktop.py -> skia_yahooanswers_desktop.py
    376     ps_filename = os.path.basename(page_set)
    377     # skia_yahooanswers_desktop.py -> skia_yahooanswers_desktop
    378     ps_basename, _ = os.path.splitext(ps_filename)
    379     # skia_yahooanswers_desktop -> skia, yahooanswers, desktop
    380     _, page_name, device = ps_basename.split('_')
    381     basename = '%s_%s' % (DEVICE_TO_PLATFORM_PREFIX[device], page_name)
    382     return basename[:MAX_SKP_BASE_NAME_LEN] + '.skp'
    384   def _GetChromiumSkpFileName(self, page_set, site):
    385     """Returns the SKP file name for Chromium page sets."""
    386     # /path/to/http___mobile_news_sandbox_pt0 -> http___mobile_news_sandbox_pt0
    387     _, webpage = os.path.split(site)
    388     # http___mobile_news_sandbox_pt0 -> mobile_news_sandbox_pt0
    389     for prefix in ('http___', 'https___', 'www_'):
    390       if webpage.startswith(prefix):
    391         webpage = webpage[len(prefix):]
    392     # /path/to/skia_yahooanswers_desktop.py -> skia_yahooanswers_desktop.py
    393     ps_filename = os.path.basename(page_set)
    394     # http___mobile_news_sandbox -> pagesetprefix_http___mobile_news_sandbox
    395     basename = '%s_%s' % (CHROMIUM_PAGE_SETS_TO_PREFIX[ps_filename], webpage)
    396     return basename[:MAX_SKP_BASE_NAME_LEN] + '.skp'
    398   def _RenameSkpFiles(self, page_set):
    399     """Rename generated SKP files into more descriptive names.
    401     Look into the subdirectory of TMP_SKP_DIR and find the most interesting
    402     .skp in there to be this page_set's representative .skp.
    403     """
    404     subdirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(TMP_SKP_DIR, '*'))
    405     for site in subdirs:
    406       if self._IsChromiumPageSet(page_set):
    407         filename = self._GetChromiumSkpFileName(page_set, site)
    408       else:
    409         filename = self._GetSkiaSkpFileName(page_set)
    410       filename = filename.lower()
    412       if self._skp_prefix:
    413         filename = '%s%s' % (self._skp_prefix, filename)
    415       # We choose the largest .skp as the most likely to be interesting.
    416       largest_skp = max(glob.glob(os.path.join(site, '*.skp')),
    417                         key=lambda path: os.stat(path).st_size)
    418       dest = os.path.join(self._local_skp_dir, filename)
    419       print 'Moving', largest_skp, 'to', dest
    420       shutil.move(largest_skp, dest)
    421       self._skp_files.append(filename)
    422       shutil.rmtree(site)
    424   def _CreateLocalStorageDirs(self):
    425     """Creates required local storage directories for this script."""
    426     for d in (self._local_record_webpages_archive_dir,
    427               self._local_skp_dir):
    428       if os.path.exists(d):
    429         shutil.rmtree(d)
    430       os.makedirs(d)
    432   def _DownloadWebpagesArchive(self, wpr_data_file, page_set_json_name):
    433     """Downloads the webpages archive and its required page set from GS."""
    434     wpr_source = posixpath.join(ROOT_PLAYBACK_DIR_NAME, 'webpages_archive',
    435                                 wpr_data_file)
    436     page_set_source = posixpath.join(ROOT_PLAYBACK_DIR_NAME,
    437                                      'webpages_archive',
    438                                      page_set_json_name)
    439     gs = self.gs
    440     if (gs.does_storage_object_exist(wpr_source) and
    441         gs.does_storage_object_exist(page_set_source)):
    442       gs.download_file(wpr_source,
    443                        os.path.join(LOCAL_REPLAY_WEBPAGES_ARCHIVE_DIR,
    444                                     wpr_data_file))
    445       gs.download_file(page_set_source,
    446                        os.path.join(LOCAL_REPLAY_WEBPAGES_ARCHIVE_DIR,
    447                                     page_set_json_name))
    448     else:
    449       raise Exception('%s and %s do not exist in %s!' % (gs.target_type(),
    450         wpr_source, page_set_source))
    452 class DataStore:
    453   """An abstract base class for uploading recordings to a data storage.
    454   The interface emulates the google storage api."""
    455   def target_name(self):
    456     raise NotImplementedError()
    457   def target_type(self):
    458     raise NotImplementedError()
    459   def does_storage_object_exist(self, name):
    460     raise NotImplementedError()
    461   def download_file(self, name, local_path):
    462     raise NotImplementedError()
    463   def upload_dir_contents(self, source_dir, dest_dir):
    464     raise NotImplementedError()
    467 class GoogleStorageDataStore(DataStore):
    468   def __init__(self, data_store_url):
    469     self._url = data_store_url.rstrip('/')
    471   def target_name(self):
    472     return self._url
    474   def target_type(self):
    475     return 'Google Storage'
    477   def does_storage_object_exist(self, name):
    478     try:
    479       output = subprocess.check_output([
    480           'gsutil', 'ls', '/'.join((self._url, name))])
    481     except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    482       return False
    483     if len(output.splitlines()) != 1:
    484       return False
    485     return True
    487   def delete_path(self, path):
    488     subprocess.check_call(['gsutil', 'rm', '-r', '/'.join((self._url, path))])
    490   def download_file(self, name, local_path):
    491     subprocess.check_call([
    492         'gsutil', 'cp', '/'.join((self._url, name)), local_path])
    494   def upload_dir_contents(self, source_dir, dest_dir):
    495     subprocess.check_call([
    496         'gsutil', 'cp', '-r', source_dir, '/'.join((self._url, dest_dir))])
    499 class LocalFileSystemDataStore(DataStore):
    500   def __init__(self, data_store_location):
    501     self._base_dir = data_store_location
    502   def target_name(self):
    503     return self._base_dir
    504   def target_type(self):
    505     return self._base_dir
    506   def does_storage_object_exist(self, name):
    507     return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._base_dir, name))
    508   def delete_path(self, path):
    509     shutil.rmtree(path)
    510   def download_file(self, name, local_path):
    511     shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self._base_dir, name), local_path)
    512   def upload_dir_contents(self, source_dir, dest_dir):
    513     def copytree(source_dir, dest_dir):
    514       if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
    515         os.makedirs(dest_dir)
    516       for item in os.listdir(source_dir):
    517         source = os.path.join(source_dir, item)
    518         dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, item)
    519         if os.path.isdir(source):
    520           copytree(source, dest)
    521         else:
    522           shutil.copy2(source, dest)
    523     copytree(source_dir, os.path.join(self._base_dir, dest_dir))
    525 if '__main__' == __name__:
    526   option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    527   option_parser.add_option(
    528       '', '--page_sets',
    529       help='Specifies the page sets to use to archive. Supports globs.',
    530       default='all')
    531   option_parser.add_option(
    532       '', '--record', action='store_true',
    533       help='Specifies whether a new website archive should be created.',
    534       default=False)
    535   option_parser.add_option(
    536       '', '--skia_tools',
    537       help=('Path to compiled Skia executable tools. '
    538             'render_pictures/render_pdfs is run on the set '
    539             'after all SKPs are captured. If the script is run without '
    540             '--non-interactive then the debugger is also run at the end. Debug '
    541             'builds are recommended because they seem to catch more failures '
    542             'than Release builds.'),
    543       default=None)
    544   option_parser.add_option(
    545       '', '--upload', action='store_true',
    546       help=('Uploads to Google Storage or copies to local filesystem storage '
    547             ' if this is True.'),
    548       default=False)
    549   option_parser.add_option(
    550       '', '--upload_to_partner_bucket', action='store_true',
    551       help=('Uploads SKPs to the chrome-partner-telemetry Google Storage '
    552             'bucket if true.'),
    553       default=False)
    554   option_parser.add_option(
    555       '', '--data_store',
    556     help=('The location of the file storage to use to download and upload '
    557           'files. Can be \'gs://<bucket>\' for Google Storage, or '
    558           'a directory for local filesystem storage'),
    559       default='gs://skia-skps')
    560   option_parser.add_option(
    561       '', '--alternate_upload_dir',
    562       help= ('Uploads to a different directory in Google Storage or local '
    563              'storage if this flag is specified'),
    564       default=None)
    565   option_parser.add_option(
    566       '', '--output_dir',
    567       help=('Temporary directory where SKPs and webpage archives will be '
    568             'outputted to.'),
    569       default=tempfile.gettempdir())
    570   option_parser.add_option(
    571       '', '--browser_executable',
    572       help='The exact browser executable to run.',
    573       default=None)
    574   option_parser.add_option(
    575       '', '--browser_extra_args',
    576       help='Additional arguments to pass to the browser.',
    577       default=None)
    578   option_parser.add_option(
    579       '', '--chrome_src_path',
    580       help='Path to the chromium src directory.',
    581       default=None)
    582   option_parser.add_option(
    583       '', '--non-interactive', action='store_true',
    584       help='Runs the script without any prompts. If this flag is specified and '
    585            '--skia_tools is specified then the debugger is not run.',
    586       default=False)
    587   option_parser.add_option(
    588       '', '--skp_prefix',
    589       help='Prefix to add to the names of generated SKPs.',
    590       default=None)
    591   options, unused_args = option_parser.parse_args()
    593   playback = SkPicturePlayback(options)
    594   sys.exit(playback.Run())