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      1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """This module provides some tools to interact with LXC containers, for example:
      6   1. Download base container from given GS location, setup the base container.
      7   2. Create a snapshot as test container from base container.
      8   3. Mount a directory in drone to the test container.
      9   4. Run a command in the container and return the output.
     10   5. Cleanup, e.g., destroy the container.
     12 This tool can also be used to set up a base container for test. For example,
     13   python lxc.py -s -p /tmp/container
     14 This command will download and setup base container in directory /tmp/container.
     15 After that command finishes, you can run lxc command to work with the base
     16 container, e.g.,
     17   lxc-start -P /tmp/container -n base -d
     18   lxc-attach -P /tmp/container -n base
     19 """
     22 import argparse
     23 import logging
     24 import os
     25 import re
     26 import socket
     27 import sys
     28 import time
     30 import common
     31 from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
     32 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
     33 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
     34 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server
     35 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
     36 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.graphite import autotest_es
     37 from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils
     38 from autotest_lib.site_utils import lxc_config
     39 from autotest_lib.site_utils import lxc_utils
     41 try:
     42     from chromite.lib import metrics
     43 except ImportError:
     44     metrics = utils.metrics_mock
     47 config = global_config.global_config
     49 # Name of the base container.
     50 BASE = config.get_config_value('AUTOSERV', 'container_base_name')
     51 # Naming convention of test container, e.g., test_300_1422862512_2424, where:
     52 # 300:        The test job ID.
     53 # 1422862512: The tick when container is created.
     54 # 2424:       The PID of autoserv that starts the container.
     55 TEST_CONTAINER_NAME_FMT = 'test_%s_%d_%d'
     56 # Naming convention of the result directory in test container.
     57 RESULT_DIR_FMT = os.path.join(lxc_config.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR, 'results',
     58                               '%s')
     59 # Attributes to retrieve about containers.
     60 ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'state']
     62 # Format for mount entry to share a directory in host with container.
     63 # source is the directory in host, destination is the directory in container.
     64 # readonly is a binding flag for readonly mount, its value should be `,ro`.
     65 MOUNT_FMT = ('lxc.mount.entry = %(source)s %(destination)s none '
     66              'bind%(readonly)s 0 0')
     67 SSP_ENABLED = config.get_config_value('AUTOSERV', 'enable_ssp_container',
     68                                       type=bool, default=True)
     69 # url to the folder stores base container.
     70 CONTAINER_BASE_FOLDER_URL = config.get_config_value('AUTOSERV',
     71                                                     'container_base_folder_url')
     74 # Default directory used to store LXC containers.
     75 DEFAULT_CONTAINER_PATH = config.get_config_value('AUTOSERV', 'container_path')
     77 # Path to drone_temp folder in the container, which stores the control file for
     78 # test job to run.
     79 CONTROL_TEMP_PATH = os.path.join(lxc_config.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR, 'drone_tmp')
     81 # Bash command to return the file count in a directory. Test the existence first
     82 # so the command can return an error code if the directory doesn't exist.
     83 COUNT_FILE_CMD = '[ -d %(dir)s ] && ls %(dir)s | wc -l'
     85 # Command line to append content to a file
     86 APPEND_CMD_FMT = ('echo \'%(content)s\' | sudo tee --append %(file)s'
     87                   '> /dev/null')
     89 # Path to site-packates in Moblab
     90 MOBLAB_SITE_PACKAGES = '/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages'
     91 MOBLAB_SITE_PACKAGES_CONTAINER = '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/'
     93 # Flag to indicate it's running in a Moblab. Due to crbug.com/457496, lxc-ls has
     94 # different behavior in Moblab.
     95 IS_MOBLAB = utils.is_moblab()
     97 # TODO(dshi): If we are adding more logic in how lxc should interact with
     98 # different systems, we should consider code refactoring to use a setting-style
     99 # object to store following flags mapping to different systems.
    100 # TODO(crbug.com/464834): Snapshot clone is disabled until Moblab can
    101 # support overlayfs or aufs, which requires a newer kernel.
    104 # Number of seconds to wait for network to be up in a container.
    106 # Network bring up is slower in Moblab.
    109 # Type string for container related metadata.
    110 CONTAINER_CREATE_METADB_TYPE = 'container_create'
    111 CONTAINER_CREATE_RETRY_METADB_TYPE = 'container_create_retry'
    112 CONTAINER_RUN_TEST_METADB_TYPE = 'container_run_test'
    114 # The container's hostname MUST start with `test_`. DHCP server in MobLab uses
    115 # that prefix to determine the lease time.
    116 CONTAINER_UTSNAME_FORMAT = 'test_%s'
    118 STATS_KEY = 'chromeos/autotest/lxc'
    121 def _get_container_info_moblab(container_path, **filters):
    122     """Get a collection of container information in the given container path
    123     in a Moblab.
    125     TODO(crbug.com/457496): remove this method once python 3 can be installed
    126     in Moblab and lxc-ls command can use python 3 code.
    128     When running in Moblab, lxc-ls behaves differently from a server with python
    129     3 installed:
    130     1. lxc-ls returns a list of containers installed under /etc/lxc, the default
    131        lxc container directory.
    132     2. lxc-ls --active lists all active containers, regardless where the
    133        container is located.
    134     For such differences, we have to special case Moblab to make the behavior
    135     close to a server with python 3 installed. That is,
    136     1. List only containers in a given folder.
    137     2. Assume all active containers have state of RUNNING.
    139     @param container_path: Path to look for containers.
    140     @param filters: Key value to filter the containers, e.g., name='base'
    142     @return: A list of dictionaries that each dictionary has the information of
    143              a container. The keys are defined in ATTRIBUTES.
    144     """
    145     info_collection = []
    146     active_containers = utils.run('sudo lxc-ls --active').stdout.split()
    147     name_filter = filters.get('name', None)
    148     state_filter = filters.get('state', None)
    149     if filters and set(filters.keys()) - set(['name', 'state']):
    150         raise error.ContainerError('When running in Moblab, container list '
    151                                    'filter only supports name and state.')
    153     for name in os.listdir(container_path):
    154         # Skip all files and folders without rootfs subfolder.
    155         if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(container_path, name)) or
    156             not lxc_utils.path_exists(os.path.join(container_path, name,
    157                                                    'rootfs'))):
    158             continue
    159         info = {'name': name,
    160                 'state': 'RUNNING' if name in active_containers else 'STOPPED'
    161                }
    162         if ((name_filter and name_filter != info['name']) or
    163             (state_filter and state_filter != info['state'])):
    164             continue
    166         info_collection.append(info)
    167     return info_collection
    170 def get_container_info(container_path, **filters):
    171     """Get a collection of container information in the given container path.
    173     This method parse the output of lxc-ls to get a list of container
    174     information. The lxc-ls command output looks like:
    175     NAME      STATE    IPV4       IPV6  AUTOSTART  PID   MEMORY  RAM     SWAP
    176     --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    177     base      STOPPED  -          -     NO         -     -       -       -
    178     test_123  RUNNING  -     NO         8359  6.28MB  6.28MB  0.0MB
    180     @param container_path: Path to look for containers.
    181     @param filters: Key value to filter the containers, e.g., name='base'
    183     @return: A list of dictionaries that each dictionary has the information of
    184              a container. The keys are defined in ATTRIBUTES.
    185     """
    186     if IS_MOBLAB:
    187         return _get_container_info_moblab(container_path, **filters)
    189     cmd = 'sudo lxc-ls -P %s -f -F %s' % (os.path.realpath(container_path),
    190                                           ','.join(ATTRIBUTES))
    191     output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
    192     info_collection = []
    194     for line in output.splitlines()[1:]:
    195         # Only LXC 1.x has the second line of '-' as a separator.
    196         if line.startswith('------'):
    197             continue
    198         info_collection.append(dict(zip(ATTRIBUTES, line.split())))
    199     if filters:
    200         filtered_collection = []
    201         for key, value in filters.iteritems():
    202             for info in info_collection:
    203                 if key in info and info[key] == value:
    204                     filtered_collection.append(info)
    205         info_collection = filtered_collection
    206     return info_collection
    209 def cleanup_if_fail():
    210     """Decorator to do cleanup if container fails to be set up.
    211     """
    212     def deco_cleanup_if_fail(func):
    213         """Wrapper for the decorator.
    215         @param func: Function to be called.
    216         """
    217         def func_cleanup_if_fail(*args, **kwargs):
    218             """Decorator to do cleanup if container fails to be set up.
    220             The first argument must be a ContainerBucket object, which can be
    221             used to retrieve the container object by name.
    223             @param func: function to be called.
    224             @param args: arguments for function to be called.
    225             @param kwargs: keyword arguments for function to be called.
    226             """
    227             bucket = args[0]
    228             name = utils.get_function_arg_value(func, 'name', args, kwargs)
    229             try:
    230                 skip_cleanup = utils.get_function_arg_value(
    231                         func, 'skip_cleanup', args, kwargs)
    232             except (KeyError, ValueError):
    233                 skip_cleanup = False
    234             try:
    235                 return func(*args, **kwargs)
    236             except:
    237                 exc_info = sys.exc_info()
    238                 try:
    239                     container = bucket.get(name)
    240                     if container and not skip_cleanup:
    241                         container.destroy()
    242                 except error.CmdError as e:
    243                     logging.error(e)
    245                 try:
    246                     job_id = utils.get_function_arg_value(
    247                             func, 'job_id', args, kwargs)
    248                 except (KeyError, ValueError):
    249                     job_id = ''
    250                 metadata={'drone': socket.gethostname(),
    251                           'job_id': job_id,
    252                           'success': False}
    253                 # Record all args if job_id is not available.
    254                 if not job_id:
    255                     metadata['args'] = str(args)
    256                     if kwargs:
    257                         metadata.update(kwargs)
    258                 autotest_es.post(use_http=True,
    259                                  type_str=CONTAINER_CREATE_METADB_TYPE,
    260                                  metadata=metadata)
    262                 # Raise the cached exception with original backtrace.
    263                 raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
    264         return func_cleanup_if_fail
    265     return deco_cleanup_if_fail
    268 @retry.retry(error.CmdError, timeout_min=5)
    269 def download_extract(url, target, extract_dir):
    270     """Download the file from given url and save it to the target, then extract.
    272     @param url: Url to download the file.
    273     @param target: Path of the file to save to.
    274     @param extract_dir: Directory to extract the content of the file to.
    275     """
    276     remote_url = dev_server.DevServer.get_server_url(url)
    277     # TODO(xixuan): Better to only ssh to devservers in lab, and continue using
    278     # wget for ganeti devservers.
    279     if remote_url in dev_server.ImageServerBase.servers():
    280         tmp_file = '/tmp/%s' % os.path.basename(target)
    281         dev_server.ImageServerBase.download_file(url, tmp_file, timeout=300)
    282         utils.run('sudo mv %s %s' % (tmp_file, target))
    283     else:
    284         utils.run('sudo wget --timeout=300 -nv %s -O %s' % (url, target),
    285                   stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS)
    287     utils.run('sudo tar -xvf %s -C %s' % (target, extract_dir))
    290 def install_package_precheck(packages):
    291     """If SSP is not enabled or the test is running in chroot (using test_that),
    292     packages installation should be skipped.
    294     The check does not raise exception so tests started by test_that or running
    295     in an Autotest setup with SSP disabled can continue. That assume the running
    296     environment, chroot or a machine, has the desired packages installed
    297     already.
    299     @param packages: A list of names of the packages to install.
    301     @return: True if package installation can continue. False if it should be
    302              skipped.
    304     """
    305     if not SSP_ENABLED and not utils.is_in_container():
    306         logging.info('Server-side packaging is not enabled. Install package %s '
    307                      'is skipped.', packages)
    308         return False
    310     if server_utils.is_inside_chroot():
    311         logging.info('Test is running inside chroot. Install package %s is '
    312                      'skipped.', packages)
    313         return False
    315     if not utils.is_in_container():
    316         raise error.ContainerError('Package installation is only supported '
    317                                    'when test is running inside container.')
    319     return True
    322 @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator('%s/install_packages_duration' % STATS_KEY)
    323 @retry.retry(error.CmdError, timeout_min=30)
    324 def install_packages(packages=[], python_packages=[], force_latest=False):
    325     """Install the given package inside container.
    327     !!! WARNING !!!
    328     This call may introduce several minutes of delay in test run. The best way
    329     to avoid such delay is to update the base container used for the test run.
    330     File a bug for infra deputy to update the base container with the new
    331     package a test requires.
    333     @param packages: A list of names of the packages to install.
    334     @param python_packages: A list of names of the python packages to install
    335                             using pip.
    336     @param force_latest: True to force to install the latest version of the
    337                          package. Default to False, which means skip installing
    338                          the package if it's installed already, even with an old
    339                          version.
    341     @raise error.ContainerError: If package is attempted to be installed outside
    342                                  a container.
    343     @raise error.CmdError: If the package doesn't exist or failed to install.
    345     """
    346     if not install_package_precheck(packages or python_packages):
    347         return
    349     # If force_latest is False, only install packages that are not already
    350     # installed.
    351     if not force_latest:
    352         packages = [p for p in packages if not utils.is_package_installed(p)]
    353         python_packages = [p for p in python_packages
    354                            if not utils.is_python_package_installed(p)]
    355         if not packages and not python_packages:
    356             logging.debug('All packages are installed already, skip reinstall.')
    357             return
    359     # Always run apt-get update before installing any container. The base
    360     # container may have outdated cache.
    361     utils.run('sudo apt-get update')
    362     # Make sure the lists are not None for iteration.
    363     packages = [] if not packages else packages
    364     if python_packages:
    365         packages.extend(['python-pip', 'python-dev'])
    366     if packages:
    367         utils.run('sudo apt-get install %s -y --force-yes' % ' '.join(packages))
    368         logging.debug('Packages are installed: %s.', packages)
    370     target_setting = ''
    371     # For containers running in Moblab, /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
    372     # is a readonly mount from the host. Therefore, new python modules have to
    373     # be installed in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
    374     # Containers created in Moblab does not have autotest/site-packages folder.
    375     if not os.path.exists('/usr/local/autotest/site-packages'):
    376         target_setting = '--target="/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/"'
    377     if python_packages:
    378         utils.run('sudo pip install %s %s' % (target_setting,
    379                                               ' '.join(python_packages)))
    380         logging.debug('Python packages are installed: %s.', python_packages)
    383 @retry.retry(error.CmdError, timeout_min=20)
    384 def install_package(package):
    385     """Install the given package inside container.
    387     This function is kept for backwards compatibility reason. New code should
    388     use function install_packages for better performance.
    390     @param package: Name of the package to install.
    392     @raise error.ContainerError: If package is attempted to be installed outside
    393                                  a container.
    394     @raise error.CmdError: If the package doesn't exist or failed to install.
    396     """
    397     logging.warn('This function is obsoleted, please use install_packages '
    398                  'instead.')
    399     install_packages(packages=[package])
    402 @retry.retry(error.CmdError, timeout_min=20)
    403 def install_python_package(package):
    404     """Install the given python package inside container using pip.
    406     This function is kept for backwards compatibility reason. New code should
    407     use function install_packages for better performance.
    409     @param package: Name of the python package to install.
    411     @raise error.CmdError: If the package doesn't exist or failed to install.
    412     """
    413     logging.warn('This function is obsoleted, please use install_packages '
    414                  'instead.')
    415     install_packages(python_packages=[package])
    418 class Container(object):
    419     """A wrapper class of an LXC container.
    421     The wrapper class provides methods to interact with a container, e.g.,
    422     start, stop, destroy, run a command. It also has attributes of the
    423     container, including:
    424     name: Name of the container.
    425     state: State of the container, e.g., ABORTING, RUNNING, STARTING, STOPPED,
    426            or STOPPING.
    428     lxc-ls can also collect other attributes of a container including:
    429     ipv4: IP address for IPv4.
    430     ipv6: IP address for IPv6.
    431     autostart: If the container will autostart at system boot.
    432     pid: Process ID of the container.
    433     memory: Memory used by the container, as a string, e.g., "6.2MB"
    434     ram: Physical ram used by the container, as a string, e.g., "6.2MB"
    435     swap: swap used by the container, as a string, e.g., "1.0MB"
    437     For performance reason, such info is not collected for now.
    439     The attributes available are defined in ATTRIBUTES constant.
    440     """
    442     def __init__(self, container_path, attribute_values):
    443         """Initialize an object of LXC container with given attribute values.
    445         @param container_path: Directory that stores the container.
    446         @param attribute_values: A dictionary of attribute values for the
    447                                  container.
    448         """
    449         self.container_path = os.path.realpath(container_path)
    450         # Path to the rootfs of the container. This will be initialized when
    451         # property rootfs is retrieved.
    452         self._rootfs = None
    453         for attribute, value in attribute_values.iteritems():
    454             setattr(self, attribute, value)
    457     def refresh_status(self):
    458         """Refresh the status information of the container.
    459         """
    460         containers = get_container_info(self.container_path, name=self.name)
    461         if not containers:
    462             raise error.ContainerError(
    463                     'No container found in directory %s with name of %s.' %
    464                     self.container_path, self.name)
    465         attribute_values = containers[0]
    466         for attribute, value in attribute_values.iteritems():
    467             setattr(self, attribute, value)
    470     @property
    471     def rootfs(self):
    472         """Path to the rootfs of the container.
    474         This property returns the path to the rootfs of the container, that is,
    475         the folder where the container stores its local files. It reads the
    476         attribute lxc.rootfs from the config file of the container, e.g.,
    477             lxc.rootfs = /usr/local/autotest/containers/t4/rootfs
    478         If the container is created with snapshot, the rootfs is a chain of
    479         folders, separated by `:` and ordered by how the snapshot is created,
    480         e.g.,
    481             lxc.rootfs = overlayfs:/usr/local/autotest/containers/base/rootfs:
    482             /usr/local/autotest/containers/t4_s/delta0
    483         This function returns the last folder in the chain, in above example,
    484         that is `/usr/local/autotest/containers/t4_s/delta0`
    486         Files in the rootfs will be accessible directly within container. For
    487         example, a folder in host "[rootfs]/usr/local/file1", can be accessed
    488         inside container by path "/usr/local/file1". Note that symlink in the
    489         host can not across host/container boundary, instead, directory mount
    490         should be used, refer to function mount_dir.
    492         @return: Path to the rootfs of the container.
    493         """
    494         if not self._rootfs:
    495             cmd = ('sudo lxc-info -P %s -n %s -c lxc.rootfs' %
    496                    (self.container_path, self.name))
    497             lxc_rootfs_config = utils.run(cmd).stdout.strip()
    498             match = re.match('lxc.rootfs = (.*)', lxc_rootfs_config)
    499             if not match:
    500                 raise error.ContainerError(
    501                         'Failed to locate rootfs for container %s. lxc.rootfs '
    502                         'in the container config file is %s' %
    503                         (self.name, lxc_rootfs_config))
    504             lxc_rootfs = match.group(1)
    505             self.clone_from_snapshot = ':' in lxc_rootfs
    506             if self.clone_from_snapshot:
    507                 self._rootfs = lxc_rootfs.split(':')[-1]
    508             else:
    509                 self._rootfs = lxc_rootfs
    510         return self._rootfs
    513     def attach_run(self, command, bash=True):
    514         """Attach to a given container and run the given command.
    516         @param command: Command to run in the container.
    517         @param bash: Run the command through bash -c "command". This allows
    518                      pipes to be used in command. Default is set to True.
    520         @return: The output of the command.
    522         @raise error.CmdError: If container does not exist, or not running.
    523         """
    524         cmd = 'sudo lxc-attach -P %s -n %s' % (self.container_path, self.name)
    525         if bash and not command.startswith('bash -c'):
    526             command = 'bash -c "%s"' % utils.sh_escape(command)
    527         cmd += ' -- %s' % command
    528         # TODO(dshi): crbug.com/459344 Set sudo to default to False when test
    529         # container can be unprivileged container.
    530         return utils.run(cmd)
    533     def is_network_up(self):
    534         """Check if network is up in the container by curl base container url.
    536         @return: True if the network is up, otherwise False.
    537         """
    538         try:
    539             self.attach_run('curl --head %s' % CONTAINER_BASE_URL)
    540             return True
    541         except error.CmdError as e:
    542             logging.debug(e)
    543             return False
    546     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator('%s/container_start_duration' % STATS_KEY)
    547     def start(self, wait_for_network=True):
    548         """Start the container.
    550         @param wait_for_network: True to wait for network to be up. Default is
    551                                  set to True.
    553         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist, or fails to start.
    554         """
    555         cmd = 'sudo lxc-start -P %s -n %s -d' % (self.container_path, self.name)
    556         output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
    557         self.refresh_status()
    558         if self.state != 'RUNNING':
    559             raise error.ContainerError(
    560                     'Container %s failed to start. lxc command output:\n%s' %
    561                     (os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name),
    562                      output))
    564         if wait_for_network:
    565             logging.debug('Wait for network to be up.')
    566             start_time = time.time()
    567             utils.poll_for_condition(condition=self.is_network_up,
    568                                      timeout=NETWORK_INIT_TIMEOUT,
    569                                      sleep_interval=NETWORK_INIT_CHECK_INTERVAL)
    570             logging.debug('Network is up after %.2f seconds.',
    571                           time.time() - start_time)
    574     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator('%s/container_stop_duration' % STATS_KEY)
    575     def stop(self):
    576         """Stop the container.
    578         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist, or fails to start.
    579         """
    580         cmd = 'sudo lxc-stop -P %s -n %s' % (self.container_path, self.name)
    581         output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
    582         self.refresh_status()
    583         if self.state != 'STOPPED':
    584             raise error.ContainerError(
    585                     'Container %s failed to be stopped. lxc command output:\n'
    586                     '%s' % (os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name),
    587                             output))
    590     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator('%s/container_destroy_duration' % STATS_KEY)
    591     def destroy(self, force=True):
    592         """Destroy the container.
    594         @param force: Set to True to force to destroy the container even if it's
    595                       running. This is faster than stop a container first then
    596                       try to destroy it. Default is set to True.
    598         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist or failed to destroy
    599                                the container.
    600         """
    601         cmd = 'sudo lxc-destroy -P %s -n %s' % (self.container_path,
    602                                                 self.name)
    603         if force:
    604             cmd += ' -f'
    605         utils.run(cmd)
    608     def mount_dir(self, source, destination, readonly=False):
    609         """Mount a directory in host to a directory in the container.
    611         @param source: Directory in host to be mounted.
    612         @param destination: Directory in container to mount the source directory
    613         @param readonly: Set to True to make a readonly mount, default is False.
    614         """
    615         # Destination path in container must be relative.
    616         destination = destination.lstrip('/')
    617         # Create directory in container for mount.
    618         utils.run('sudo mkdir -p %s' % os.path.join(self.rootfs, destination))
    619         config_file = os.path.join(self.container_path, self.name, 'config')
    620         mount = MOUNT_FMT % {'source': source,
    621                              'destination': destination,
    622                              'readonly': ',ro' if readonly else ''}
    623         utils.run(APPEND_CMD_FMT % {'content': mount, 'file': config_file})
    626     def verify_autotest_setup(self, job_folder):
    627         """Verify autotest code is set up properly in the container.
    629         @param job_folder: Name of the job result folder.
    631         @raise ContainerError: If autotest code is not set up properly.
    632         """
    633         # Test autotest code is setup by verifying a list of
    634         # (directory, minimum file count)
    635         if IS_MOBLAB:
    636             site_packages_path = MOBLAB_SITE_PACKAGES_CONTAINER
    637         else:
    638             site_packages_path = os.path.join(lxc_config.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR,
    639                                               'site-packages')
    640         directories_to_check = [
    641                 (lxc_config.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR, 3),
    642                 (RESULT_DIR_FMT % job_folder, 0),
    643                 (site_packages_path, 3)]
    644         for directory, count in directories_to_check:
    645             result = self.attach_run(command=(COUNT_FILE_CMD %
    646                                               {'dir': directory})).stdout
    647             logging.debug('%s entries in %s.', int(result), directory)
    648             if int(result) < count:
    649                 raise error.ContainerError('%s is not properly set up.' %
    650                                            directory)
    651         # lxc-attach and run command does not run in shell, thus .bashrc is not
    652         # loaded. Following command creates a symlink in /usr/bin/ for gsutil
    653         # if it's installed.
    654         # TODO(dshi): Remove this code after lab container is updated with
    655         # gsutil installed in /usr/bin/
    656         self.attach_run('test -f /root/gsutil/gsutil && '
    657                         'ln -s /root/gsutil/gsutil /usr/bin/gsutil || true')
    660     def modify_import_order(self):
    661         """Swap the python import order of lib and local/lib.
    663         In Moblab, the host's python modules located in
    664         /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages is mounted to following folder inside
    665         container: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/. The modules include
    666         an old version of requests module, which is used in autotest
    667         site-packages. For test, the module is only used in
    668         dev_server/symbolicate_dump for requests.call and requests.codes.OK.
    669         When pip is installed inside the container, it installs requests module
    670         with version of 2.2.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/. The version
    671         is newer than the one used in autotest site-packages, but not the latest
    672         either.
    673         According to /usr/lib/python2.7/site.py, modules in /usr/local/lib are
    674         imported before the ones in /usr/lib. That leads to pip to use the older
    675         version of requests (0.11.2), and it will fail. On the other hand,
    676         requests module 2.2.1 can't be installed in CrOS (refer to CL:265759),
    677         and higher version of requests module can't work with pip.
    678         The only fix to resolve this is to switch the import order, so modules
    679         in /usr/lib can be imported before /usr/local/lib.
    680         """
    681         site_module = '/usr/lib/python2.7/site.py'
    682         self.attach_run("sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\"local\/lib\",\\n/"
    683                         "\"lib_placeholder\",\\n/g' %s" % site_module)
    684         self.attach_run("sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\"lib\",\\n/"
    685                         "\"local\/lib\",\\n/g' %s" % site_module)
    686         self.attach_run('sed -i "s/lib_placeholder/lib/g" %s' %
    687                         site_module)
    691 class ContainerBucket(object):
    692     """A wrapper class to interact with containers in a specific container path.
    693     """
    695     def __init__(self, container_path=DEFAULT_CONTAINER_PATH):
    696         """Initialize a ContainerBucket.
    698         @param container_path: Path to the directory used to store containers.
    699                                Default is set to AUTOSERV/container_path in
    700                                global config.
    701         """
    702         self.container_path = os.path.realpath(container_path)
    705     def get_all(self):
    706         """Get details of all containers.
    708         @return: A dictionary of all containers with detailed attributes,
    709                  indexed by container name.
    710         """
    711         info_collection = get_container_info(self.container_path)
    712         containers = {}
    713         for info in info_collection:
    714             container = Container(self.container_path, info)
    715             containers[container.name] = container
    716         return containers
    719     def get(self, name):
    720         """Get a container with matching name.
    722         @param name: Name of the container.
    724         @return: A container object with matching name. Returns None if no
    725                  container matches the given name.
    726         """
    727         return self.get_all().get(name, None)
    730     def exist(self, name):
    731         """Check if a container exists with the given name.
    733         @param name: Name of the container.
    735         @return: True if the container with the given name exists, otherwise
    736                  returns False.
    737         """
    738         return self.get(name) != None
    741     def destroy_all(self):
    742         """Destroy all containers, base must be destroyed at the last.
    743         """
    744         containers = self.get_all().values()
    745         for container in sorted(containers,
    746                                 key=lambda n: 1 if n.name == BASE else 0):
    747             logging.info('Destroy container %s.', container.name)
    748             container.destroy()
    751     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator('%s/create_from_base_duration' % STATS_KEY)
    752     def create_from_base(self, name, disable_snapshot_clone=False,
    753                          force_cleanup=False):
    754         """Create a container from the base container.
    756         @param name: Name of the container.
    757         @param disable_snapshot_clone: Set to True to force to clone without
    758                 using snapshot clone even if the host supports that.
    759         @param force_cleanup: Force to cleanup existing container.
    761         @return: A Container object for the created container.
    763         @raise ContainerError: If the container already exist.
    764         @raise error.CmdError: If lxc-clone call failed for any reason.
    765         """
    766         if self.exist(name) and not force_cleanup:
    767             raise error.ContainerError('Container %s already exists.' % name)
    769         # Cleanup existing container with the given name.
    770         container_folder = os.path.join(self.container_path, name)
    771         if lxc_utils.path_exists(container_folder) and force_cleanup:
    772             container = Container(self.container_path, {'name': name})
    773             try:
    774                 container.destroy()
    775             except error.CmdError as e:
    776                 # The container could be created in a incompleted state. Delete
    777                 # the container folder instead.
    778                 logging.warn('Failed to destroy container %s, error: %s',
    779                              name, e)
    780                 utils.run('sudo rm -rf "%s"' % container_folder)
    782         use_snapshot = SUPPORT_SNAPSHOT_CLONE and not disable_snapshot_clone
    783         snapshot = '-s' if  use_snapshot else ''
    784         # overlayfs is the default clone backend storage. However it is not
    785         # supported in Ganeti yet. Use aufs as the alternative.
    786         aufs = '-B aufs' if utils.is_vm() and use_snapshot else ''
    787         cmd = ('sudo lxc-clone -p %s -P %s %s' %
    788                (self.container_path, self.container_path,
    789                 ' '.join([BASE, name, snapshot, aufs])))
    790         try:
    791             utils.run(cmd)
    792             return self.get(name)
    793         except error.CmdError:
    794             if not use_snapshot:
    795                 raise
    796             else:
    797                 # Snapshot clone failed, retry clone without snapshot. The retry
    798                 # won't hit the code here and cause an infinite loop as
    799                 # disable_snapshot_clone is set to True.
    800                 container = self.create_from_base(
    801                         name, disable_snapshot_clone=True, force_cleanup=True)
    802                 # Report metadata about retry success.
    803                 autotest_es.post(use_http=True,
    804                                  type_str=CONTAINER_CREATE_RETRY_METADB_TYPE,
    805                                  metadata={'drone': socket.gethostname(),
    806                                            'name': name,
    807                                            'success': True})
    808                 return container
    811     @cleanup_if_fail()
    812     def setup_base(self, name=BASE, force_delete=False):
    813         """Setup base container.
    815         @param name: Name of the base container, default to base.
    816         @param force_delete: True to force to delete existing base container.
    817                              This action will destroy all running test
    818                              containers. Default is set to False.
    819         """
    820         if not self.container_path:
    821             raise error.ContainerError(
    822                     'You must set a valid directory to store containers in '
    823                     'global config "AUTOSERV/ container_path".')
    825         if not os.path.exists(self.container_path):
    826             os.makedirs(self.container_path)
    828         base_path = os.path.join(self.container_path, name)
    829         if self.exist(name) and not force_delete:
    830             logging.error(
    831                     'Base container already exists. Set force_delete to True '
    832                     'to force to re-stage base container. Note that this '
    833                     'action will destroy all running test containers')
    834             # Set proper file permission. base container in moblab may have
    835             # owner of not being root. Force to update the folder's owner.
    836             # TODO(dshi): Change root to current user when test container can be
    837             # unprivileged container.
    838             utils.run('sudo chown -R root "%s"' % base_path)
    839             utils.run('sudo chgrp -R root "%s"' % base_path)
    840             return
    842         # Destroy existing base container if exists.
    843         if self.exist(name):
    844             # TODO: We may need to destroy all snapshots created from this base
    845             # container, not all container.
    846             self.destroy_all()
    848         # Download and untar the base container.
    849         tar_path = os.path.join(self.container_path, '%s.tar.xz' % name)
    850         path_to_cleanup = [tar_path, base_path]
    851         for path in path_to_cleanup:
    852             if os.path.exists(path):
    853                 utils.run('sudo rm -rf "%s"' % path)
    854         container_url = CONTAINER_BASE_URL_FMT % name
    855         download_extract(container_url, tar_path, self.container_path)
    856         # Remove the downloaded container tar file.
    857         utils.run('sudo rm "%s"' % tar_path)
    858         # Set proper file permission.
    859         # TODO(dshi): Change root to current user when test container can be
    860         # unprivileged container.
    861         utils.run('sudo chown -R root "%s"' % base_path)
    862         utils.run('sudo chgrp -R root "%s"' % base_path)
    864         # Update container config with container_path from global config.
    865         config_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'config')
    866         utils.run('sudo sed -i "s|container_dir|%s|g" "%s"' %
    867                   (self.container_path, config_path))
    870     @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator('%s/setup_test_duration' % STATS_KEY)
    871     @cleanup_if_fail()
    872     def setup_test(self, name, job_id, server_package_url, result_path,
    873                    control=None, skip_cleanup=False, job_folder=None,
    874                    dut_name=None):
    875         """Setup test container for the test job to run.
    877         The setup includes:
    878         1. Install autotest_server package from given url.
    879         2. Copy over local shadow_config.ini.
    880         3. Mount local site-packages.
    881         4. Mount test result directory.
    883         TODO(dshi): Setup also needs to include test control file for autoserv
    884                     to run in container.
    886         @param name: Name of the container.
    887         @param job_id: Job id for the test job to run in the test container.
    888         @param server_package_url: Url to download autotest_server package.
    889         @param result_path: Directory to be mounted to container to store test
    890                             results.
    891         @param control: Path to the control file to run the test job. Default is
    892                         set to None.
    893         @param skip_cleanup: Set to True to skip cleanup, used to troubleshoot
    894                              container failures.
    895         @param job_folder: Folder name of the job, e.g., 123-debug_user.
    896         @param dut_name: Name of the dut to run test, used as the hostname of
    897                          the container. Default is None.
    898         @return: A Container object for the test container.
    900         @raise ContainerError: If container does not exist, or not running.
    901         """
    902         start_time = time.time()
    904         if not os.path.exists(result_path):
    905             raise error.ContainerError('Result directory does not exist: %s',
    906                                        result_path)
    907         result_path = os.path.abspath(result_path)
    909         # Save control file to result_path temporarily. The reason is that the
    910         # control file in drone_tmp folder can be deleted during scheduler
    911         # restart. For test not using SSP, the window between test starts and
    912         # control file being picked up by the test is very small (< 2 seconds).
    913         # However, for tests using SSP, it takes around 1 minute before the
    914         # container is setup. If scheduler is restarted during that period, the
    915         # control file will be deleted, and the test will fail.
    916         if control:
    917             control_file_name = os.path.basename(control)
    918             safe_control = os.path.join(result_path, control_file_name)
    919             utils.run('cp %s %s' % (control, safe_control))
    921         # Create test container from the base container.
    922         container = self.create_from_base(name)
    924         # Update the hostname of the test container to be `dut_name`.
    925         # Some TradeFed tests use hostname in test results, which is used to
    926         # group test results in dashboard. The default container name is set to
    927         # be the name of the folder, which is unique (as it is composed of job
    928         # id and timestamp. For better result view, the container's hostname is
    929         # set to be a string containing the dut hostname.
    930         if dut_name:
    931             config_file = os.path.join(container.container_path, name, 'config')
    932             lxc_utsname_setting = (
    933                     'lxc.utsname = ' +
    934                     CONTAINER_UTSNAME_FORMAT % dut_name.replace('.', '_'))
    935             utils.run(APPEND_CMD_FMT % {'content': lxc_utsname_setting,
    936                                         'file': config_file})
    938         # Deploy server side package
    939         usr_local_path = os.path.join(container.rootfs, 'usr', 'local')
    940         autotest_pkg_path = os.path.join(usr_local_path,
    941                                          'autotest_server_package.tar.bz2')
    942         autotest_path = os.path.join(usr_local_path, 'autotest')
    943         # sudo is required so os.makedirs may not work.
    944         utils.run('sudo mkdir -p %s'% usr_local_path)
    946         download_extract(server_package_url, autotest_pkg_path, usr_local_path)
    947         deploy_config_manager = lxc_config.DeployConfigManager(container)
    948         deploy_config_manager.deploy_pre_start()
    950         # Copy over control file to run the test job.
    951         if control:
    952             container_drone_temp = os.path.join(autotest_path, 'drone_tmp')
    953             utils.run('sudo mkdir -p %s'% container_drone_temp)
    954             container_control_file = os.path.join(
    955                     container_drone_temp, control_file_name)
    956             # Move the control file stored in the result folder to container.
    957             utils.run('sudo mv %s %s' % (safe_control, container_control_file))
    959         if IS_MOBLAB:
    960             site_packages_path = MOBLAB_SITE_PACKAGES
    961             site_packages_container_path = MOBLAB_SITE_PACKAGES_CONTAINER[1:]
    962         else:
    963             site_packages_path = os.path.join(common.autotest_dir,
    964                                               'site-packages')
    965             site_packages_container_path = os.path.join(
    966                     lxc_config.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR, 'site-packages')
    967         mount_entries = [(site_packages_path, site_packages_container_path,
    968                           True),
    969                          (os.path.join(common.autotest_dir, 'puppylab'),
    970                           os.path.join(lxc_config.CONTAINER_AUTOTEST_DIR,
    971                                        'puppylab'),
    972                           True),
    973                          (result_path,
    974                           os.path.join(RESULT_DIR_FMT % job_folder),
    975                           False),
    976                         ]
    977         for mount_config in deploy_config_manager.mount_configs:
    978             mount_entries.append((mount_config.source, mount_config.target,
    979                                   mount_config.readonly))
    980         # Update container config to mount directories.
    981         for source, destination, readonly in mount_entries:
    982             container.mount_dir(source, destination, readonly)
    984         # Update file permissions.
    985         # TODO(dshi): crbug.com/459344 Skip following action when test container
    986         # can be unprivileged container.
    987         utils.run('sudo chown -R root "%s"' % autotest_path)
    988         utils.run('sudo chgrp -R root "%s"' % autotest_path)
    990         container.start(name)
    991         deploy_config_manager.deploy_post_start()
    993         container.modify_import_order()
    995         container.verify_autotest_setup(job_folder)
    997         autotest_es.post(use_http=True,
    998                          type_str=CONTAINER_CREATE_METADB_TYPE,
    999                          metadata={'drone': socket.gethostname(),
   1000                                    'job_id': job_id,
   1001                                    'time_used': time.time() - start_time,
   1002                                    'success': True})
   1004         logging.debug('Test container %s is set up.', name)
   1005         return container
   1008 def parse_options():
   1009     """Parse command line inputs.
   1011     @raise argparse.ArgumentError: If command line arguments are invalid.
   1012     """
   1013     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
   1014     parser.add_argument('-s', '--setup', action='store_true',
   1015                         default=False,
   1016                         help='Set up base container.')
   1017     parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=str,
   1018                         help='Directory to store the container.',
   1019                         default=DEFAULT_CONTAINER_PATH)
   1020     parser.add_argument('-f', '--force_delete', action='store_true',
   1021                         default=False,
   1022                         help=('Force to delete existing containers and rebuild '
   1023                               'base containers.'))
   1024     parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str,
   1025                         help='Name of the base container.',
   1026                         default=BASE)
   1027     options = parser.parse_args()
   1028     if not options.setup and not options.force_delete:
   1029         raise argparse.ArgumentError(
   1030                 'Use --setup to setup a base container, or --force_delete to '
   1031                 'delete all containers in given path.')
   1032     return options
   1035 def main():
   1036     """main script."""
   1037     # Force to run the setup as superuser.
   1038     # TODO(dshi): crbug.com/459344 Set remove this enforcement when test
   1039     # container can be unprivileged container.
   1040     if utils.sudo_require_password():
   1041         logging.warn('SSP requires root privilege to run commands, please '
   1042                      'grant root access to this process.')
   1043         utils.run('sudo true')
   1045     options = parse_options()
   1046     bucket = ContainerBucket(container_path=options.path)
   1047     if options.setup:
   1048         bucket.setup_base(name=options.name, force_delete=options.force_delete)
   1049     elif options.force_delete:
   1050         bucket.destroy_all()
   1053 if __name__ == '__main__':
   1054     main()