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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include "read_barrier.h"
     22 #include "gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h"
     23 #include "gc/heap.h"
     24 #include "mirror/object_reference.h"
     25 #include "mirror/object-readbarrier-inl.h"
     26 #include "mirror/reference.h"
     27 #include "runtime.h"
     28 #include "utils.h"
     30 namespace art {
     32 // Disabled for performance reasons.
     33 static constexpr bool kCheckDebugDisallowReadBarrierCount = false;
     35 template <typename MirrorType, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption, bool kAlwaysUpdateField>
     36 inline MirrorType* ReadBarrier::Barrier(
     37     mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, mirror::HeapReference<MirrorType>* ref_addr) {
     38   constexpr bool with_read_barrier = kReadBarrierOption == kWithReadBarrier;
     39   if (kUseReadBarrier && with_read_barrier) {
     40     if (kCheckDebugDisallowReadBarrierCount) {
     41       Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
     42       if (self != nullptr) {
     43         CHECK_EQ(self->GetDebugDisallowReadBarrierCount(), 0u);
     44       }
     45     }
     46     if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
     47       // fake_address_dependency (must be zero) is used to create artificial data dependency from
     48       // the is_gray load to the ref field (ptr) load to avoid needing a load-load barrier between
     49       // the two.
     50       uintptr_t fake_address_dependency;
     51       bool is_gray = IsGray(obj, &fake_address_dependency);
     52       if (kEnableReadBarrierInvariantChecks) {
     53         CHECK_EQ(fake_address_dependency, 0U) << obj << " rb_state=" << obj->GetReadBarrierState();
     54       }
     55       ref_addr = reinterpret_cast<mirror::HeapReference<MirrorType>*>(
     56           fake_address_dependency | reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ref_addr));
     57       MirrorType* ref = ref_addr->AsMirrorPtr();
     58       MirrorType* old_ref = ref;
     59       if (is_gray) {
     60         // Slow-path.
     61         ref = reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(Mark(ref));
     62         // If kAlwaysUpdateField is true, update the field atomically. This may fail if mutator
     63         // updates before us, but it's OK.
     64         if (kAlwaysUpdateField && ref != old_ref) {
     65           obj->CasFieldStrongReleaseObjectWithoutWriteBarrier<false, false>(
     66               offset, old_ref, ref);
     67         }
     68       }
     69       AssertToSpaceInvariant(obj, offset, ref);
     70       return ref;
     71     } else if (kUseBrooksReadBarrier) {
     72       // To be implemented.
     73       return ref_addr->AsMirrorPtr();
     74     } else if (kUseTableLookupReadBarrier) {
     75       MirrorType* ref = ref_addr->AsMirrorPtr();
     76       MirrorType* old_ref = ref;
     77       // The heap or the collector can be null at startup. TODO: avoid the need for this null check.
     78       gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
     79       if (heap != nullptr && heap->GetReadBarrierTable()->IsSet(old_ref)) {
     80         ref = reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(Mark(old_ref));
     81         // Update the field atomically. This may fail if mutator updates before us, but it's ok.
     82         if (ref != old_ref) {
     83           obj->CasFieldStrongReleaseObjectWithoutWriteBarrier<false, false>(
     84               offset, old_ref, ref);
     85         }
     86       }
     87       AssertToSpaceInvariant(obj, offset, ref);
     88       return ref;
     89     } else {
     90       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected read barrier type";
     91       UNREACHABLE();
     92     }
     93   } else {
     94     // No read barrier.
     95     return ref_addr->AsMirrorPtr();
     96   }
     97 }
     99 template <typename MirrorType, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
    100 inline MirrorType* ReadBarrier::BarrierForRoot(MirrorType** root,
    101                                                GcRootSource* gc_root_source) {
    102   MirrorType* ref = *root;
    103   const bool with_read_barrier = kReadBarrierOption == kWithReadBarrier;
    104   if (kUseReadBarrier && with_read_barrier) {
    105     if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    106       Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
    107       if (self != nullptr) {
    108         CHECK_EQ(self->GetDebugDisallowReadBarrierCount(), 0u);
    109       }
    110     }
    111     if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
    112       // TODO: separate the read barrier code from the collector code more.
    113       Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    114       if (self != nullptr && self->GetIsGcMarking()) {
    115         ref = reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(Mark(ref));
    116       }
    117       AssertToSpaceInvariant(gc_root_source, ref);
    118       return ref;
    119     } else if (kUseBrooksReadBarrier) {
    120       // To be implemented.
    121       return ref;
    122     } else if (kUseTableLookupReadBarrier) {
    123       Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    124       if (self != nullptr &&
    125           self->GetIsGcMarking() &&
    126           Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetReadBarrierTable()->IsSet(ref)) {
    127         MirrorType* old_ref = ref;
    128         ref = reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(Mark(old_ref));
    129         // Update the field atomically. This may fail if mutator updates before us, but it's ok.
    130         if (ref != old_ref) {
    131           Atomic<mirror::Object*>* atomic_root = reinterpret_cast<Atomic<mirror::Object*>*>(root);
    132           atomic_root->CompareExchangeStrongRelaxed(old_ref, ref);
    133         }
    134       }
    135       AssertToSpaceInvariant(gc_root_source, ref);
    136       return ref;
    137     } else {
    138       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected read barrier type";
    139       UNREACHABLE();
    140     }
    141   } else {
    142     return ref;
    143   }
    144 }
    146 // TODO: Reduce copy paste
    147 template <typename MirrorType, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
    148 inline MirrorType* ReadBarrier::BarrierForRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root,
    149                                                GcRootSource* gc_root_source) {
    150   MirrorType* ref = root->AsMirrorPtr();
    151   const bool with_read_barrier = kReadBarrierOption == kWithReadBarrier;
    152   if (with_read_barrier && kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
    153     // TODO: separate the read barrier code from the collector code more.
    154     Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    155     if (self != nullptr && self->GetIsGcMarking()) {
    156       ref = reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(Mark(ref));
    157     }
    158     AssertToSpaceInvariant(gc_root_source, ref);
    159     return ref;
    160   } else if (with_read_barrier && kUseBrooksReadBarrier) {
    161     // To be implemented.
    162     return ref;
    163   } else if (with_read_barrier && kUseTableLookupReadBarrier) {
    164     Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    165     if (self != nullptr &&
    166         self->GetIsGcMarking() &&
    167         Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetReadBarrierTable()->IsSet(ref)) {
    168       auto old_ref = mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>::FromMirrorPtr(ref);
    169       ref = reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(Mark(ref));
    170       auto new_ref = mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>::FromMirrorPtr(ref);
    171       // Update the field atomically. This may fail if mutator updates before us, but it's ok.
    172       if (new_ref.AsMirrorPtr() != old_ref.AsMirrorPtr()) {
    173         auto* atomic_root =
    174             reinterpret_cast<Atomic<mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>>*>(root);
    175         atomic_root->CompareExchangeStrongRelaxed(old_ref, new_ref);
    176       }
    177     }
    178     AssertToSpaceInvariant(gc_root_source, ref);
    179     return ref;
    180   } else {
    181     return ref;
    182   }
    183 }
    185 template <typename MirrorType>
    186 inline MirrorType* ReadBarrier::IsMarked(MirrorType* ref) {
    187   // Only read-barrier configurations can have mutators run while
    188   // the GC is marking.
    189   if (!kUseReadBarrier) {
    190     return ref;
    191   }
    192   // IsMarked does not handle null, so handle it here.
    193   if (ref == nullptr) {
    194     return nullptr;
    195   }
    196   // IsMarked should only be called when the GC is marking.
    197   if (!Thread::Current()->GetIsGcMarking()) {
    198     return ref;
    199   }
    201   return reinterpret_cast<MirrorType*>(
    202       Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->ConcurrentCopyingCollector()->IsMarked(ref));
    203 }
    205 inline bool ReadBarrier::IsDuringStartup() {
    206   gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
    207   if (heap == nullptr) {
    208     // During startup, the heap can be null.
    209     return true;
    210   }
    211   if (heap->CurrentCollectorType() != gc::kCollectorTypeCC) {
    212     // CC isn't running.
    213     return true;
    214   }
    215   gc::collector::ConcurrentCopying* collector = heap->ConcurrentCopyingCollector();
    216   if (collector == nullptr) {
    217     // During startup, the collector can be null.
    218     return true;
    219   }
    220   return false;
    221 }
    223 inline void ReadBarrier::AssertToSpaceInvariant(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset,
    224                                                 mirror::Object* ref) {
    225   if (kEnableToSpaceInvariantChecks) {
    226     if (ref == nullptr || IsDuringStartup()) {
    227       return;
    228     }
    229     Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->ConcurrentCopyingCollector()->
    230         AssertToSpaceInvariant(obj, offset, ref);
    231   }
    232 }
    234 inline void ReadBarrier::AssertToSpaceInvariant(GcRootSource* gc_root_source,
    235                                                 mirror::Object* ref) {
    236   if (kEnableToSpaceInvariantChecks) {
    237     if (ref == nullptr || IsDuringStartup()) {
    238       return;
    239     }
    240     Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->ConcurrentCopyingCollector()->
    241         AssertToSpaceInvariant(gc_root_source, ref);
    242   }
    243 }
    245 inline mirror::Object* ReadBarrier::Mark(mirror::Object* obj) {
    246   return Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->ConcurrentCopyingCollector()->MarkFromReadBarrier(obj);
    247 }
    249 inline bool ReadBarrier::IsGray(mirror::Object* obj, uintptr_t* fake_address_dependency) {
    250   return obj->GetReadBarrierState(fake_address_dependency) == gray_state_;
    251 }
    253 inline bool ReadBarrier::IsGray(mirror::Object* obj) {
    254   // Use a load-acquire to load the read barrier bit to avoid reordering with the subsequent load.
    255   // GetReadBarrierStateAcquire() has load-acquire semantics.
    256   return obj->GetReadBarrierStateAcquire() == gray_state_;
    257 }
    259 }  // namespace art
    261 #endif  // ART_RUNTIME_READ_BARRIER_INL_H_